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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 285x177, friedchicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5302043 No.5302043[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we post what black people eat.

>> No.5302064

You've already finished the task, OP.

>> No.5302077


>> No.5302083
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>> No.5302088

collard greens
half the fucking blunt

>> No.5302240

You forgot watermelon and Newports.

>> No.5302248
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O, you mean these?

>> No.5302251

>half the fucking blunt
a bogarting nigga is a dead nigga

>> No.5302284
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>> No.5302328

isnt it remarkable how similar white trash and niggers eat?

>> No.5302337
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blacks are the true master race. think about it: whites work, planting and harvesting the grain, while blacks just laze around and wait for whites to feed them.

oh, how the roles have reversed.

>> No.5302345 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5302346

>be black
>hate fried chicken
I mean the fried skin is ok but fuck the meat is a slimy mess.

>> No.5302349 [DELETED] 
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Yum yum

>> No.5302359

White trash are white niggers

>> No.5302368

>whites work, planting and harvesting the grain
nah, that's what mexicans are for

>> No.5302425 [DELETED] 

Why did the thread end so abruptly? :(

>> No.5302445
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>> No.5302454

I hate this. its not nigger food or soul food , its southern food/country food. they just stole it like everything else

>> No.5302467
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>> No.5302473
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black folks make can make some good barbecue too

>> No.5302481
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>> No.5302482

because they dont have anything better to do than sit and tend to it for 18-36 hours

>> No.5302490
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>> No.5302517
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>> No.5302534
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>> No.5302537
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If you want the opinion of an actual black person, Steak is one of my favorite foods. Fried chicken is good but it's not even close to my favorite.

>> No.5302546
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>> No.5302547

how do you like your steak?

>> No.5302553
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>> No.5302548
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>> No.5302554

Rare or medium rare. That along with some roasted potatoes are the best thing on earth.

>> No.5302557
File: 104 KB, 650x814, 1.21 niggwatts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god watermelon.
The other night after a long walk I went full negro on a quarter of a huge juicy one, took me about 15 minutes to munch the whole thing.
It was glorious and I would recommend it.

>> No.5302566

Anon: dark edition here, Is it bad that I can't fucking stand watermelon.

>> No.5302568


Who the fuck asked you?

And >>5302554 are you even black? How much do you tip?

>> No.5302569
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>> No.5302574
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Why is there a watermelon there?

>> No.5302575

Well it is just slightly sugary fruit water. There are definitely better melons but for refreshment it's the best.

>> No.5302577

Depends on the service. But generally 10% of the meal. If service was complete shit i'll leave something like 2 pennies (my two cents hurr durr)

>> No.5302581

I've never seen a black guy eat skittles

>> No.5302582
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>> No.5302586

Trayvon martin

>> No.5302587


>> No.5302589

Watermelon science? Who knows.

>> No.5302597


It's not easy to smile while chewing candies.

>> No.5302617

Can you hit an American negro in the head to subdue them?
I hear that you can't with Aboriginals, so what about your dark one's?

>> No.5302621
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No purple drank?


>> No.5302622
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>> No.5302630


>> No.5302638
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>they said I could be anything
>so I became a seal

>> No.5302643

get your shit together man, he's referring to the wet lips

>> No.5302644
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>> No.5302645


>gets fucking slapped like a wet fish

>> No.5302665
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>> No.5302666
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Does ass count?

>> No.5302669

Other darkie here. I'm also not very fond of it or grapes. Then again I just kind of have shit taste in food in general so whatever I guess.

>> No.5302679


>> No.5302683

black people are weird though, they like my ass too

>> No.5302689


>> No.5302708

Snacks, nigga?

>> No.5302740

photoshop lol

>> No.5302752
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>> No.5302775
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malt liquor
or after they stole enough

>> No.5302777
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Replace Jolly Ranchers with Skittles.

>> No.5302788
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>> No.5302791
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>breakfast g

>> No.5302795

Maoris are bro tier compared to the average American negro.

>> No.5302799

There was a time when Mexicans worked. Now they just apply for government aid in murrka. No more work necessary.

>> No.5302801

Some are total bros but the main congregation up north are all cunts.

>> No.5302802

>half the fucking blunt

my sides

>> No.5302804
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>> No.5302812
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As far as I'm concerned, the stereotype of the black man has some good ass food. All dem southern comforts.

>> No.5302827

Popeyes is having the same deal this Wednesday that made many, many negroes sad back in 2009 because Popeyes sold out before their fat, lazy butts could get the Popeyes to get delicious chicken.

>> No.5302830

As the black grandmas die off, the food is just going to turn into typical American poor people food.

Pre-prepared frozen shit, chips, cokes, etc.

Modern black women can't cook for shit, just like modern white women.

>> No.5302847

Nah I've seen black mothers in their 30's keeping up the southern food tradition.

>> No.5302858

Maybe in the south? I live in a racially mixed area of the American northeast and the only ones of my neighbours who know how to cook worth a damn are all either FoBs or this one old black woman with chest hair. She looks like Bill Cosby.

>> No.5302863

he's full of shit

i'm from the south and any time you see black people shopping, their carts are full of the same shit as poor white people

frozen shit and snacks

>> No.5302890

Honestly, that's all I see up here in the Northeast, too.
I've visited the south and gone shopping for groceries there and it's barely any different. The brands might change, but the general quality of food being purchased doesn't.
One of my neighbours up here is an old black woman from South Carolina who was surprised that I, as a foreigner to the US, cook better collard greens than she does. We exchanged recipes: mine is chopped streaky bacon cooked to render its fat in which onions are caremlised before adding chilies and wet collards, then the whole thing is stewed low and slow, stirring about a bit. Her recipe? Opening several tins of Sylvia's, dumping them into a pot with a smoked ham hock or turkey leg and a bottle of tabasco sauce.
I was very disappointed in her recipe.

>> No.5302903

But lean doesn't work that way you straight edge faggot.

>> No.5303100

You do realize that African American smokers primarily enjoy the intense experience that are Newports? There the new Kools.

>> No.5303142
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>> No.5303150

>he man in the video who was "knocked the f*ck out" by the >Arizona Trucker was later rushed to the nearest hospital >where he was being treated for the last few days. The man >has been identified as a DJ from New York named 'DJ >Freekie London'. Freekie London was suffering severe head >injuries and was pronounced dead this morning. Arizona >Nurses and Doctors did the best they can to save the man's >life, but the head injuries were too great. According to >Doctor Earl Cunningman, "The young man was suffering >neuronal injuries and was actually in a coma for almost a >whole day before slipping away. I've actually seen the video >of the fight myself and I will have to admit I have never seen >anyone knocked out so bad they turned into a seal".

>Like many other viral videos like the Sharkeisha fight earlier >this year, Internet users have proceeded to create memes >out of Freekie London. The Arizona Trucker has been >charged with manslaughter and will not be expected to >serve time in prison because he simply defending himself. >DJ Freekie London's funeral will be held next week. Check >out a couple of memes of the fight below!

I mean he got what he deserved, but he fucking died.

>> No.5303158

wait nevermind apparently he's not dead after reading the comments. either way there goes his dj career LOL.

>> No.5303176

Reminds me of this Aussie ad for KFC.


>> No.5303178 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5303198

It's not really racist, just poor circumstance.
ALso West Indians/Jamaicans LOVE chicken.

>> No.5303227

This video is fucking hilarious.

You know why I'm polite to people? Because I know I am neither bulletproof nor the biggest, baddest motherfucker in the world.

I hope the trucker doesn't get any jail time.

>> No.5303326
File: 67 KB, 323x315, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o i am laffin

>> No.5303331

This is why all black people need to be killed. It just proves those fucking monkeys are only tough when they have their little pussy "gangsta" boyfriends with them.

>> No.5303339

haha no kidding, black people are such pussies

>> No.5303353

That's why you mainly hear about them committing violence in/for gangs.

>> No.5303363

I like you. You can stay

>> No.5303742

american here, why do they think they're black? Aren't they Polynesians?

>> No.5303748
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>> No.5303765
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>Furss o' da munth, I gots dat EBT nigga we be eatin' guuuuuud TANK YEW OBAMA

>> No.5303780


>black guy is laying on the floor
>white trucker keeps punching him over and over

that is fucked up and violence for the sake of entertainment, inhuman

>> No.5303781
File: 542 KB, 1508x690, niggersBeDreamin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5303787

youve obviously never been in a fight. somebody swings at you like that and your adrenaline kicks in its takes a minute to regain your composure.

all you focused on is makein sure you get him before he gets you. plus you pissed of cause he just hit you

>> No.5303792

Why is /b/ here?

>> No.5303797


I'd avoid a fight at all costs, even if I was a bearmode and 6ft4

>> No.5303804

>isnt it remarkable how similar white trash and niggers eat?
>All southerners are trash

Guess where you're headed?

>> No.5303806

somebody comes at you swinging how are you going to avoid that? drop you pants and start jackin off?

>> No.5303813

>leaving percentages
>not just a percent of min wage, or a flat 5

>> No.5303816


>> No.5303820


Well obviously when somebody is coming at you, you already failed at avoiding the fight, so there are only two options; fight or run.

I've never had somebody try to fight me or want to fight me

>> No.5303827

This is canadian tier trolling

ever been carjacked or robbed?

>> No.5303830

not that poster, but if i want to carjack or rob someone, i'll just put a gun to their head, rendering their fighting ability useless.

what kinda shitty criminals have you been dealing with?

>> No.5303839

>can sneak up on anyone like a ninja
Haha no.

Try avoiding a fight that you can't avoid.

>> No.5303842


>ever been carjacked or robbed?


>> No.5303843

>can sneak up on anyone like a ninja
that's... that's kind of the point of committing crimes of that nature.

what, you think these people are just gonna walk up to you, tap you on the shoulder, and ask if they'd like to fight for their car/wallet?

>> No.5303846

I find that the ultimate black food in my area is a substance called head cheese that or souse loaf

>> No.5303852

Then you have no idea what you're talking about
>I'll just avoid a fight hurr durr.
Not everyone wants to play ball like that anon.

Are you seriously implying that you can sneak up on someone completely undetected and put a gun to their head?

I've been a 'victim' of a mugging and carjacking. They were niggers of course, but yeah they did walk up and demand my stuff. They didn't sneak, because you can't really sneak around in a parking lot when your target is looking for approaching people.

You've got no idea what you're talking about m8

>> No.5303858

>I'll just avoid a fight hurr durr.

You're really not understanding what I said.

If somebody is trying to fight me, I'm trying to avoid being hit.

I am talking about avoiding a fight by not aggrevating somebody to the point of violence.

>> No.5303859

>I've been a 'victim' of a mugging and carjacking
like i said before, you were dealing with retards. and you must have been pretty retarded yourself to let it happen in the first place.

criminals who know what the fuck they're doing don't walk up to people in fucking parking lots, they hang out in alleys, on side streets, generally places where they won't be seen. then they wait for someone with car troubles or someone stupid enough to get lost and ask for directions.

then you're on your ass on the side of the road because some niggers just took your car.

>> No.5303868

You are so stupid it hurts.
>you must have been pretty retarded yourself to let it happen in the first place.
Sorry, didn't know being on crutches made victim blaming okay.
What's next, rape being okay because a woman didn't wear her hijab?

>I am talking about avoiding a fight by not aggrevating somebody to the point of violence.
And if your mere presence aggravates them to the point of violence?

Both of you are very naive.

>> No.5303872

>And if your mere presence aggravates them to the point of violence?

If I have a feeling that being near somebody is going to make them violent, I'll stay the fuck away from them.

Otherwise, I can't say I can think of a situation where that would happen unless the person in question was mentally unstable and thought I was some kind of demon.

>> No.5303874

>victim blaming
i'm not blaming the victim for being a victim, i'm blaming the victim for getting into the situation in the first place.

>very naive
yes, I'M the one who is naive because i think all criminals are stupid enough to just stroll up to their victims and demand shit.

>> No.5303875

What if they come to you?
What if you don't know, or are to naive to know?

>Otherwise, I can't say I can think of a situation where that would happen unless the person in question was mentally unstable and thought I was some kind of demon

Or, you're just a racist. Nevermind. Opinion discarded.

>> No.5303876

aren't stupid enough, not are

>> No.5303877


>a situation where that would happen

Without being aware I'd be making them violent* I should add.

>> No.5303879

>i'm not blaming the victim for being a victim, i'm blaming the victim for getting into the situation in the first place.

That's victim blaming m8.

>i think all criminals are stupid enough to just stroll up to their victims and demand shit.

But that's what happens.
In >>5303859, all you're example feature a criminal strolling up to thier victims and making their demands. Unless you think these guys have segways or something?

>> No.5303881
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>you're just a racist.


>> No.5303882

>But that's what happens.
to people who are stupid enough to put themselves in that vulnerable of a position, sure.

call it victim blaming all you want, i just don't give people the benefit of the doubt when they make obviously stupid choices that negatively affect them. this is a big reason i've never been the victim of one of these crimes, and you have.

>> No.5303886

>this is a big reason i've never been the victim of one of these crimes, and you have.

So you've never been alone, or gone outside at night, or been grocery shopping?

>implying I was a victim.
Learn what quotation marks mean.

You just called huge swathes of blacks mentally ill.

>> No.5303889

Lilywhite detected.

>> No.5303890

>You just called huge swathes of blacks mentally ill.

I haven't mentioned blacks, or any age group, race or gender, are you sure you aren't mentally ill yourself?

>> No.5303892

>So you've never been alone, or gone outside at night, or been grocery shopping?
not while immobile and without a weapon if flight isn't an option, no. i generally go places where other people are at as well, so there's that.

a little common sense goes a long way.

>> No.5303893

>You just called huge swathes of blacks mentally ill.
That would imply they have human qualities.
They are mentally ill as much as a dog is for eating it's own poop.

>> No.5303897
File: 39 KB, 420x294, MjAxMy0yMDdiNGU0OTIxN2I5MmE0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bigger reason is that you probably are very sheltered and live somewhere with few blacks in it.
Ask anyone who works service industry or security if you want to know the truth of how black people are on a day to day basis. Those jobs will turn you "racist"

>> No.5303899

>So you've never been alone, or gone outside at night, or been grocery shopping?

Sometimes I go grocery shopping past 9 PM and people will shout things out of their car windows or from a park bench at me.

So I plan my route to follow public roads, and I just ignore people who would become violent when provoked.

>> No.5303901

>this is a big reason i've never been the victim of one of these crimes

I was just scrolling by but I have to say this may be one of the dumbest things I've seen on 4chan in a while.

>> No.5303903

>Otherwise, I can't say I can think of a situation where that would happen unless the person in question was mentally unstable and thought I was some kind of demon.

There are several cities in the US where, as a white, you would be attacked on sight by blacks.

Now you've just contradicted yourself.
You've admitted to making the same stupid choices as other victims of crime.

Come on m8 this is /b/ tier trolling

>> No.5303904

>A bigger reason is that you probably are very sheltered and live somewhere with few blacks in it.
nope, tons of them around here. they're no worse than white trash.

>> No.5303907

>and you have.
But I haven't.

Thus the 'victim' part.
They both got shot in the stomach.

>> No.5303947

>they're no worse than white trash.
I hear this often.
Tell you what, go walk through a white trash trailer park for a bit and then do the same through a black ghetto.
I've done both and if you do and still say they're the same then you're nothing but another liar/black apologist.

>> No.5303964
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>no worse than white trash

If all blacks left America
(keep in mind blacks only make 13% of the US population)
>The prison population would go down by 37%
>There would be almost 50% less gang members
>Rape would go down significantly
>Overweight and obesity percentage would go down by 10%
>Average IQ would go up 7 points, putting the USA tied for third with Japan
>SAT scores would go up by about 100 points
>ACT scores would go up by 5.5 points
>AIDS and HIV would go down by over 67%
>Chlamydia cases would go down by 50%
>Gonorrhea would go down by 69%
>Syphilis would go would go down by 58%
>The average income would be over 20k more per year
>The amount of people in poverty would go down by over 30%
>Homelessness would go down by 57%
>And the number of welfare recipients would go down by about 40%

















>> No.5303978
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>they're no worse than white trash.

>> No.5303980
File: 148 KB, 402x350, 133781214657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops looks like /pol/ has arrived with linkbombs in hand.

>> No.5303981

>information is bad

>> No.5303982

>they're no worse than white trash
Honestly I'd rather be with white trash.

>> No.5303983

Succinct and well thought out counterpoint, m8.

>> No.5303984

a facts a fact jack

>> No.5303993

>muh racist statistics

>> No.5304019

To a famine victim, a handful of wheat is like a steak dinner, with all the trimmings.

>> No.5304023

>famine victim
oy vey

the goy is strong in this one

>> No.5304043
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>> No.5304049

Fuck ZZ Top got old.

>> No.5304051
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I like Southern Louisiana American foods (its the best north american food there is), i like Jamaican and Carribean foods, and i like some South African foods.

But Ethiopian tastes like trash imo.

>> No.5304053


explain that image

>> No.5304058
File: 26 KB, 398x384, 1307228287013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Facts oppose my world view
>Dismiss it as /pol/

Stay classy nigger

>> No.5304073
File: 2.48 MB, 4000x2667, 1394592348871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fundraising for a group that try to convert ppl to judasim

>> No.5304083
File: 904 KB, 636x868, mcdonaldsdinnertimin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negroes love McDonald's because they don't have to tip.

Source: Pic related.

>> No.5304089

Ever notice how they never clean up after themselves after eating like decent people do?

>> No.5304101

W was probably signing a "Muh 6 Billion" Repayment Bill for the jews who suffered in America during WWII.

jokes aside, many photo ops are taken whenever there is an opportunity for a special interest group. Was probably for some orthodox jew reason...let's see..*google image search*

It was a bill for the "Honor of Education and Sharing Day"

"Education and Sharing Day is a day made by the United States Congress in honor of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994). It honors his efforts for education and sharing for Jews and non-Jews alike. During his lifetime the Rabbi opened scores of centers of education called "Chabad Houses". The day was inaugurated April 18, 1978, by President Jimmy Carter and has since been proclaimed, by the presiding President, annually on the Jewish birthday of Menachem Mendel Schneerson (11 Nissan), which generally falls out in April."

Apparently all the presidents do this every year (shocker). Obama did it in 2009:

""Few have better understood or more successfully promoted these ideas than Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who emphasized the importance of education and good character. Through the establishment of educational and social service institutions across the country and the world, Rabbi Schneerson sought to empower young people and inspire individuals of all ages. On this day, we raise his call anew.""

Good Goy Obammy!

>> No.5304102

Where I worked there were only white people. Some people were okay, most were filthy pigs.

>> No.5304105

>None Jew
>none Jew
>none jew

jesus at least get it right

Blacks and Fat White Women are the two biggest culprits of not cleaning up after themselves

>> No.5304111

Nigger, you're alright in my book.

BTW: Everett & Jones in Oakland makes same damned tasty Q. I'm generally the only whitey there, but they put up with me.

>> No.5304115
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In Aussistan and Kiwistan, Africans are in short supply so the term 'black' instead mostly refers to Melanesians, Polynesians and Abbos.
In my country, because Africans were in short supply until about 20 years ago, our equivalent phrases for 'black,' 'coloured' and 'of colour' used to refer to southerners. When I was a kid, these terms referred mostly to southerners but grew to include black American servicepeople and the few African refugees seeking asylum as their numbers increased.
Long before I was born, my mother's family was mildly opposed to her marrying my father because he was 'of colour,' though they're from the same European country (his background is southern and my mother's background is more northern).
"Black person" means a lot of different things around the world. This person is considered black in the country where this photo was taken, for example. In the US, people of this ethnic background would be considered "Asian" or "East Asian" or "Pacific Islander."

>> No.5304120

Yeah. By NZ standards they're 'black' though.
Their skin is pretty much the same shade as the average Cambodian.

>> No.5304122


Why is that black guy wearing a dress?

>> No.5304125

This. Once you're around blacks for long enough, you'll find yourself hollering nigger, and/or observing that the well-mannered nignogs are by far the exception to the rule. Hell, even the lefties will call Obama "articulate" because he doesn't jabber like Lil Wayne.

>> No.5304127

US racial typology is based more off of features and color than it is greographic locale. eg. libyans or egyptians are arab/middle eastern and not black even though they are from africa. Your melanesian would be considered black. He has negroid features and coloring. So would an abbo.

Asian to americans are short squinty eyed fucks with straight black hair. We would consider most polyesians asian... they look like flips to us.

>> No.5304128

It's self defense, the nigger swung first. Whitey will get off clean.

>> No.5304183

It's a sarong. Sarongs are unisex. They are traditional wear by "tree people" in Indonesia/Malaysia.

No. This person would be considered "Asian/Pacific Islander" in the US. How do I know? Because they are. This photo, IIRC, was taken in Indonesia.
I've got a bit to say about race and blackness, if your interested, from a non-American POV, but I'll otherwise keep it to myself beyond saying that the term "black" is so ambiguous culture to culture that the terms are near pointless. Better to say "negroid" or "African" to refer to blacks as Americans know them.

>> No.5304335

hurrr durrr lets post a person from irian jaya (or a hill tribe negrito) and pretend they are like every other indonesia.

go an retake the anthropology of southeast asia.

These people were from a previous migratory wave to that which came to dominate malaysia, the philippines, indonesia, micronesia, and polynesia.

These same little black dudes went on populate melanisia australia, and the new guinea area... though some pockets remain all over island southeast asia.

They are regarded as primative headhunters... and in the us they would be considered black because AGAIN they have negroid features.

Spain thought so too and called them negritos.

Also I am not talking about census forms I am talking about how people would categorize them.

>> No.5304360

europeon detected.

>> No.5304364

"blah blah blah i'm right you're wrong."
Did you really need such a long post to make such a succinct "point?"

>> No.5304379

Did you even read it?

You posted a picture from an ethnic minority closely related to Melanesian and Aborigines and claimed that because they were from Indonesia that in the US they would be considered asian/pacific islander.

Since European contact they have been grouped with blacks...

I am sure you thought you could school me on pacific people because you are kiwi or australian or something... think again


>> No.5304416

Heem sleepy

>> No.5304462

Im pretty sure chitlins were slave food, and black folks still eat it. Probably because it's inexpensive

>> No.5304469

White people eat chitlins too.

>> No.5304478

I was thinking this as I was reading the thread too.

Like not even in a "oh thats mildly offensive, GB2/b/!" but I swear this entire thread wouldn't be out of place in like 2009 /b/.

>> No.5304479
File: 177 KB, 674x648, 1344992706124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw dis tred

>> No.5304529

Look out! Cambodians are suddenly blacks! Cuz he said!
>dark featured?
>wide nose?
>tight, afro-like hair?
>full lips

Yup! Guess Cambos can be black, too! Cuz he said!
The only thing rekt here is your faggot anus, you goddamned knownothing queer.

>> No.5304532
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>> No.5304552
File: 44 KB, 600x513, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's play a game! African or Cambodian! Which is it?

>> No.5304564
File: 56 KB, 600x520, thai negritos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cambodians do not have wooly hair

thier darkness is nothing like a black and thier noses and lips look like any other asian groups

more importantly (from an anthropological perspective) their zygomatic angle is within the mongoloid error bars instead of the negroid error bars.

pic related. negritos. see why they are grouped with abos and blacks?

>> No.5304577


I can tell by the heavy dose of squint in dat niggz eyes he's a azn.

>> No.5304582
File: 79 KB, 640x480, flookypooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb white chicks

>> No.5304592
File: 417 KB, 1024x768, គុយទាវ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cambodians do not have wooly hair
The ones mixed with Han Chinese do not. The ones of the highlands, who are purely Mon-Khmer and have no foreign heritage at all, do. In fact, the ones you posted? Those are Loeu (it means 'mountain' in Khmer) people. They are what unmixed Mon-Khmer people look like.
The more ethnically Chinese a Khmer person is, the more beautiful s/he is considered to be because natives and their dark skin have been maligned for quite a long time now. It's not uncommon to meet a Khmer person who speaks Khmer and only Khmer who has a wide nose and wooly hair to claim to be ethnically Chinese because they're 1/64th Han somewhere along the line. It's like America's one drop rule, but in reverse.
To keep it food related, one such woman I know makes the best damn pic related ever. She speaks no Chinese and it's cute that she claims to be, but everyone just kind of pities her for having such self-shame for something beyond her control.

>> No.5304600

SHE is African, actually.
You couldn't even tell the person's sex let alone ethnicity.

>> No.5304632


first of all you need to check your privilege, second that's a dude for sure lastly and most importantly no one can really tell the difference between the browns.

>> No.5304644

Whoa whoa whoa

You don't know that person's pronouns even if you know that person's sex.

Fucking cis scum.

>> No.5304651


I hate when people fucking say that

>You eat the ass? How could you eat the ass, that's disgusting. That's where the POOP comes out!

nigga shut the fuck up. I'll eat YOUR ass, out of SPITE.

>> No.5304662

>assuming I'm cis
Scum scum.

>> No.5304674


>assuming I'm not a system

>assuming that wasn't typed by one of my several headmates

holy shit you neurotypicals

>> No.5304693

>assuming I'm NT
You high functioning types disgust me. I just shake in the dark and the shakes are read by software as text for 4chan. I won't bother telling you from which PDD I suffer since you've probably never heard of it.

>> No.5304695

Nope. These are cambodian hill tribe people. The ones I posted are Thai negritos. The only thing they have in common is that they are insular groups. The Negritos are the remnant of the original human migration to the sunda shelf islands and PNG/Aus. The "indonesian" >>5304115 is in all liklihood one generation from wearing a penis gourd and eating people.

>> No.5304700
File: 109 KB, 500x332, actual cambodians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5304705


I would fuck several of them. I wonder if their snatches smell terrible.

>> No.5304772
File: 2.40 MB, 3072x2048, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those girls in that pic are Han-mixed. You can tell because they're wearing sampot.
These guys here are also mixed with Han, but to a far lesser degree. Note the wooly hair. It's a huge disappointed if your kids aren't born with "good hair" in typical Khmer culture but Loeu people don't care that much about it.

>> No.5304776

If they're Loeu or even part Loeu, likely not. I don't know how true it is, but I've been told stories that Loeu women but lemon-halves in there as a contraceptive. Lemons smell delicious.

>> No.5304785

Dude with the shirt looks like Obama.

>> No.5304801


He looks more like Sukarno to me

>> No.5304823

I don't see it.
Sukarno kind of looked like Thach Reng did when Reng was young, before he got all fat and old.

>> No.5304841
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I'm still going with the Sukarno comparison.

The guy who thinks he looks like Sasha is crazy.

>> No.5304862

No, just regular ol' Barry Obama. From the bridge of the nose downward, the resemblance to Obama is uncanny.

>> No.5304910

so what are you going to do to address this inequality? you fucked their people up for generations and now you just want to stand back and play the blame game?

you caused this mess, you fix it.

>> No.5304930

Reminder that plate of food is far healthier than any fast food on the street, because it is inhumane to feed such disease prone meals to inmates without choices.

>> No.5304971

I met this guy in a music video he was a part of he is really funny.


>> No.5305001
File: 320 KB, 486x648, Nig_CD01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5305017

lol'd at cosby.

But seriously, southern negro cuisine, is my primary reason to visit the united states. If northern recreations taste as good as they do, I want to try it made by a couple old greasy ultra friendly and foul mouthed southern negros that love what they do.
I hear nothing but good things from people who visit the southern states and hit up the greasy spoon joints that cater to people who have dirt under theirs fingernails, and stains on their coveralls.

As a caucasian from irish english descent, fifth generation Canadian, I am the absolute polar (pun) opposite of negros. If you put me on a tall tower, and shone a light on my naked form, I could save millions of lives along a coast line. But I can't soul food for shit compared to those guys. Would give up life saving lighthouse powers, just to creole.

>> No.5306307

ITT: White Americans and Europeans think that all black people are from their country

>> No.5306317

How has this thread not been removed? I've been banned for saying poorfag.

I hadn't been on /ck/ for the last week or so, but it seems like the quality has been pretty shitty lately.

>> No.5306343

All it is now is fast food, troll threads, and xenophobia.

>> No.5306352

/ck/ was always a lot of shit threads with some gems, but it seems like the ratio is getting worse.

>> No.5306363
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>> No.5306365

>ITT: Americans hating other Americans.

At least you guys band together when the hate is directed at non-Americans.

>> No.5306369

The truth. The only people who aren't "racist" have never had a job where they dealt with minorities. trust fund babies most likely

>> No.5306374

>racism is the natural state for people who aren't living in ivory towers
lol okay

>> No.5306376
File: 49 KB, 500x738, jesus cross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I personally enslaved and held down the black man since the 1600's

I alone hold all the blame, not the chinese slave traders from the tang dynasty in the 11th century, or the africans that sold other blacks to the dutch. But me personally, never mind the fact that no living black was around during slavery or that most living blacks didn't even have to deal with Jim Crow.

It's not as if other minorities were ever oppressed in america, no others were shunned or denied employment or food or housing and over came it instead of wallowing in filth and blaming others for their worthlessness

I will bear that heavy cross of being the sole perpetrator of that vast human indignity and let the blackman whip me, it's the least I could do.

>> No.5306383

What other minorities were slaves in America? I don't mean indentured servitude, I mean full-out slavery lasting generations.

I guess the Natives had it bad too. Look how well they've rebounded.

>> No.5306386

deportation would be the easiest choice. you would see quality of life improve significantly

>> No.5306387
File: 58 KB, 476x594, 1369074598378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking sides

>> No.5306392

The thing I hate about these edgy /ck/ racists is how they bring this nonsense to a Food & Cooking board.

What a great sounding board for your contrived opinions.

And you just *know* these people would never say anything remotely similar to what they post here IRL. They would never say it in public or even write a blog expounding their beliefs with their real name attached.

How can you claim to strongly believe in something and that it is the truth when you can't repeat it aloud in public or back it up with your identity?

It's like kids going through a swearing phase. lol

>> No.5306403

>this whole thread

Welcome to /ck/

>> No.5306404

Clandestine racists are easily the most dangerous.

>> No.5306421


>> No.5306422
File: 52 KB, 348x500, improvement-in-irish-affairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you weren't a slave you never knew suffering!
Most Europeans had to deal with at least a thousand years of serfdom, many of them were actual slaves.

I fully expect you to shift the goalpost and tell me how it wasn't TRUE slavery or somesuch nonsense

>> No.5306437

>shift the goalpost
I asked what other minorities were slaves in America. That was my first post. Are you okay?

Serfdom is not the same as African slavery in America. They had large, well-established, old cultural and social ties and were familiar with their society.

If you can't understand why most natives have not fared well globally and think comparing serfdom is relevant, you should just keep listening to your father.

>> No.5306449

well are they slaves now? NO. so why the fuck do they act like niggers?

>> No.5306457

Well, you resisted showing your true face and inability to reason for at least one post.


>> No.5306484


Calling bullhit.

>> No.5306488

Even if it was real so what?
At one point both parties walked away until 'Mr Suck Mah Dick' went back to 'get some'.

I contend that Arizona Trucker Man was not merely defending himself but also could not be reasonably expected to show restraint since he was pushed to limits that no normal human would be expected to tolerate within reason.

>> No.5306489


We are all slaves to capital and have been since the early modern period. Remember the only politics are class politics forget about race.

>> No.5306505

>but also could not be reasonably expected to show restraint since he was pushed to limits that no normal human would be expected to tolerate within reason
Yeah man. When people yell suck my dick to me I go blind with fury because it's so insulting. I just can't handle that grade school insult so I shouldn't be held accountable for my actions.
Same thing happens when someone calls me a poop face.

>> No.5306511

I'm pretty sure there was also the attempted sucker punch and the subsequent wrestling match

>> No.5306520

You mean after both parties got in each other's face? There was no sucker punch. If you get in someone's face, you better be prepared to fight. There's a point in a fight where everyone knows when to stop. If they choose not to then they should be prepared to face the consequences. And this isn't self defense at all. The dumbass trucker egged the dude on just as much as the guy from New York did. You're all just too retarded and filled with muh white pride to see that.

>> No.5306544
File: 316 KB, 1600x1200, foodddddddd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>south louisiana food the best
>ethiopian tastes like trash

are... are you serious?

>> No.5306556

Ethiopian is delicious, but if we're talking great African cuisines Moroccan has got to be near the top of the heap.

>> No.5306579

>be white
>love fried chicken
oh well

>> No.5306584

I have a black friend who puts cereal, chips, and cheetos in the freezer, and he puts jelly on his pizza. Are these black things or is his family just weird?

>> No.5306642
File: 99 KB, 804x517, 1390585753679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>act like niggers
Different anon, but I don't think you quite get it. EVERYONE hates "niggers"; Especially decent black people. Being black myself, I absolutely detest the stereotypical people in my race because it makes me and everyone else look bad.

The thing is though, how do you fix that? I want a legitimate answer. How do you fix ANY stereotype? People don't realize that every race has these stereotypical assholes that no one wants. Niggers just stand out more.

>> No.5306684

>truckers walked away
>nigger chases after them and keeps trashtalking
>trucker tells him to fuck off
>nigger punches trucker

The trucker could have shot the nigger at this point and wouldn't have even gone to court.

>> No.5306694

>The thing is though, how do you fix that?

Public shame, beatings, and treating those who are different as outcasts, denying them access to community.

Basically, band together as decent people and treat those with niggardly behavior as pariahs.

Once they realize that their attitude is making them not welcome, they'll either change or leave.

You have to enforce a cultural change, and stand by it.

>> No.5306696

How edgy could you possibly be?

>> No.5306697

Ladies and gentleman a tumblr-fag

>Siding with the white guy in the video obviously makes me white

Well fuck me, why didn't anyone tell me it was that easy? Is there a form I also need to fill out for some white privilege too?

Look out white bitches, here I come.

>> No.5306699

Why do people of any race act like fucking shitheads? Don't just come out with that nigger nigger nigger shit when you and I both know that people in general can either be really nice or huge fuckheads.

>> No.5306714

Men are such apes

>> No.5306715

Reasonable solutions, I meant. You think beatings are going to be acceptable in this day and age? People get offended by dresses having fucking flower patterns on them because they think it's racist to Asians.

>> No.5306740

Beat me to it.

>> No.5306771
File: 204 KB, 404x416, 1392700105516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gold buddy, gold!

>> No.5306831

The Irish actually.

>> No.5306836

d'awww, is baby still upset that he got banned for acting like a /b/yard?

Your tears are delicious

>> No.5306849

\Well here's how black people could fix themselves:
>Adopt a work ethic
>cultivate personal responsibility
>stop glorifying criminality and criminal culture
>learn to speak English properly and show basic manners
>raise yo goddamn kids

>> No.5306914

This is why I'm actually okay with the declining birthrate of whites.

>> No.5306917


butthurt shitskin detected

>> No.5306919

I understand you're trying to get points with whites, but don't bother. Respectability politics really don't count for shit, and no matter how well a black is behaved they'll always be despised for being black alone.

Besides, whites don't get held to those type of standards.

>> No.5306927
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>> No.5306930
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>> No.5306961

I don't like Moroccan food. It's too sweet and seldom uses anything beyond warming spices (I don't know an English phrase for this class of spices... you know: anything that goes well in an American-style apple pie such as mace or nutmeg or allspice or cardamom or cinnamon or clove etc etc etc).
It's the best of the North African cuisines, at the very least. Algerian food is too bland and Tunisians just eat Italian and French food. No one cares what Libyans eat.

>> No.5306979
File: 50 KB, 600x400, crunchyblack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to university in Toronto
>forced into their meal plan because I live in a dorm
>first week of February the cafeteria decided to celebrate black history month
>giant trough of fried chicken
>collard greens
>corn on the cob
>corn bread
>kool-aid jammers
>slices of watermelon

It felt like a dream. I don't know what's racist and what isn't anymore.

>> No.5306993

it's only racist if someone complains


>> No.5307005
File: 846 KB, 3264x1840, watermelon helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5307069

>knocked out so bad they turned into a seal


>> No.5307099

Torontonian here... why on earth would they serve food associated with blacks from the US south? None of those people live here. Why not serve brazilian, jamaican, or ethiopian food? People from these countries actually live in Ontario...

>> No.5307207

>None of those people live here.
What about all the ones that escaped there from the Underground Railroad?

>> No.5307261
File: 21 KB, 487x525, 1394230421314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Er.. Wrong reply I'm guessing?

>> No.5307499



>> No.5307508


>> No.5307604

reminder that we don't all live in a 3rd world country without health standards

>> No.5307968
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>> No.5307999


actually, the white dude STOPPED, like a human being. if the races were reversed, his buddies would have joined in, they wouldn't have stopped, they would have been throwing racial epithets, and then stolen all his stuff at the end.

>> No.5308003


>> No.5308006
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>> No.5308009


>waaaah I don't like statistics that don't support my limited worldview

tough shit.

>> No.5308024

dont think a whole lot of people will get that but fuck, that shit is insane

>> No.5308035

A country is defined by all its people, not the top tiers.

Every country has an underclass. Only Americans talk about changing statistics to make themselves look better.

>> No.5308132

Yeah they feel so much pressure to tip at a good restaurant

>> No.5308137

I giggled

>> No.5308141

Why do niggers love seafood so much? They literally inhabit the red lobsters around here, but all the other 'resturants' like the olive garden, and local steak places, are all white/European and of course the expensive restaurants are almost all white and asian. But damn the few times I go to red lobster it's 80% colored people.

>> No.5309048

I'm an adult so I don't get in fist fights.

>> No.5309051

So, do mods just not come to /ck/ or…?

>> No.5309058
File: 195 KB, 816x492, Fatmods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


New here? On /ck/, saying "obesity is a problem in Mexico" is inane and irrelevant trolling garbage, but saying "we must kill all the coons, spics, gooks, dagos, sand niggers, and kikes" is totally ok and we should have these threads all the time.

>> No.5309324

I know this is a troll thread but still
shame on you idiots, this is some /b/ grade bullshit

"black people", yes they all eat the same things

>> No.5309327

Cry more, redditfag

>> No.5309332

The truckers walk back up to him like 3 times dude. And one of them calls him a nigger. Yeah that sounds like a solid court case.
Oh instead of walking back to your truck you decided to antagonize the black guy more? Must be self defense!
I really don't know what video you watched but both parties were fucking retarded.

>> No.5309351

>And one of them calls him a nigger.
muh hurt feelings
You are more of the problem than the niggers themselves.

>> No.5309354
File: 33 KB, 226x340, 1622462-xs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In west Africa, rice and various stews rich in meat and vegetables.

But I'm sure none of you fat pathetic American kids know about that.

>> No.5309357

>But I'm sure none of you fat pathetic American kids know about that.
I wish that were true so we'd quit wasting billions of dollars in that living, breathing cesspool.

>> No.5309359
File: 145 KB, 800x521, aaafal_rhodesia2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know your home board has reached a new low when /k/ is starting to look appealing for its genteel and classy denizens

>> No.5309365

Sure keep believing everything the media feeds you.
Pathetic Caucasian kid

>> No.5309378

>always be despised for being black alone.
Ridiculous, do you actually think its the skin color and not the crime, aids and general shittiness that black people bring with them everywhere that makes people hate you?

>> No.5309380

The continent is beautiful. The people are animals.

>> No.5309393
File: 115 KB, 256x252, Heart_of_Darkness_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone remember that game...

>> No.5309404
File: 2.00 MB, 194x293, Dansingdinorider.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever been there,
have you ever been in contact with a family in an urban region?
Just because you are American do you think you know enough to make such claims?
What do you truly know about Senegal, Ghana, Benin, Ivory coast?
Why do you Americans love generalizing so much, basing your assumptions on your huge ignorance of anything beyond your borders

>> No.5309428

They don't know because they don't care.
They don't care for various reasons but for the sake of being succinct, they do not care because no one gives a fuck about west Africa let alone the entirety of Africa which is why no one bats an eye when China gives money and material support to sometimes brutal regimes in exchange for cooperation and Africa's natural resources.

>> No.5309433

You're right. Africa is a shining beacon of civilization and prosperity that the rest of the world should model itself.

>> No.5309451


I never said that.
I wonder what you're reading with your special eyes.

>> No.5309455

Rather have special eyes than be blind.
Or ignorant.

>> No.5309461

But it's one thing not to care and another to spout out stupid facts based on generalization, the media or the little experience you had with american niggers.

>> No.5309660

If you want anyone to know or care about your shitty culture, you should first become civilized.

>> No.5309681
File: 90 KB, 750x586, long-nose-monkey2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa the amount of "stupid" in that sentense genuinly made me laugh
Thanks, anon keep on being an idiot.

>> No.5309767

Yes, yes, now go back to devouring that Big Mac and starbucks coffee, please.

>> No.5309774

It's good to be king.

>> No.5309788
File: 15 KB, 246x300, question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to the Asian food thread? I was learning so much from both of these. Don't tell me the mod has thin skin.

>> No.5309853


>> No.5309896

nope more jobs for other people the US is incredibly over populated. There would be virtually no crime either.

>> No.5309904

>virtually no crime either.
That isn't a racial issue. Crime has always existed on all countries regardless of the race of the inhabitants. You'd only have white shitbags instead of black shitbags.

>> No.5309905

hmm I wonder why all these "black" countries are shitty? I really wonder why?

>> No.5309911

statistics and science don't lie.

>> No.5309912

>TFW most murders, gun crimes, and rapes are committed by blacks in America and their only 13% of the pop.

>> No.5309914

Did I say anything about your statistics? If there were less black criminals, there'd be more white criminals. Simple as that.

>> No.5309920


can you back that up with anything?

>> No.5309923

History. Find a single European country that was even nearly as peaceful as you seem to imply countries with a majority of white people are. Scum is scum

>> No.5309933

because crime is the same as war?

also are you saying that mostly white countries are as violent as mostly black countries these days?

>> No.5309942

That is another thing; by peaceful I was talking about crime. There ya go.

>also are you saying that mostly white countries are as violent as mostly black countries these days?

Perphaps if SOME PEOPLE quit invading them for resources and all the fuckwad dictators died they'd be much better.

>> No.5310050
File: 137 KB, 500x330, Angry Black Men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5310442
File: 17 KB, 500x336, christucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one white guy in the very back

>> No.5311656

>americans generalize so much!
>only a sith deals in absolutes
