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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5304536 No.5304536[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that if you don't eat pizza with a fork and knife, like literally any other pie on earth, you are a plebeian slob.

>> No.5304541
File: 76 KB, 500x333, 1395786222299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that if you eat pizza with a fork and knife, you weigh less than 100 lbs and let men plow your asshole.

>> No.5304544

Actually I weigh 195 and I plow mens' assholes after they buy me stuff. With a strapon.

>> No.5304543
File: 95 KB, 416x276, popcorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is shit.

Let's talk about Jelly Belly instead. What's your guy's favorite?

>> No.5304549
File: 10 KB, 265x190, 1286037686219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you make this post daily?even a child know you eat pizza with your hands. fucking idoit..

>> No.5304550
File: 151 KB, 500x375, 1351404402003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even a child knows you eat quiche with your hands
>even a child knows you eat apple pie with your hands
You only eat pizza with your hands because you're copying every other plebeian slob in sight.

>> No.5304554

>plebian slob

>> No.5304561



pick one faggot.

>eating pizza with a fork and knife
>eating a fucking pie (like an actual pie not whatever the fuck you think is a pie) with a fork and knife

>> No.5304565
File: 199 KB, 500x500, 1285468186870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you misquoted me. i said even a child knows you eat pizza with your hands. nothing about apple pie or whatever the fuck a quinche is, you need to learn how to read, i see you got the basic grasp of the english language, but you still dont have the intellectual power to come back up with a legitimate argument. Thats why your complaining about the way people eat.

>> No.5304568

Pizza is a savory pie you moron.

>> No.5304569

Apple pie and quiche are literally just as eatable if not MORE eatable by hand than pizza. Nobody eats them with their hands because that's fucking slob behavior.

You have tools faggot, use them instead of dripping grease on your hands and stuffing it down your face.

>> No.5304572

>then dont eat pizza
>or how about dont watch people eat?
>op is a uneducated, fat cunt

>> No.5304576

I can eat pizza. With a fucking fork.

I don't have to watch people eat to know that 90% of plebs on this board don't use tools to eat greasy food.

And apparently I'm more educated than you considering I know how to use utensils.

>> No.5304581

>your education brought you to complain about people eating pizza with their hands over a public image board.
>thinks grease is considered "filthy/slob"
>cant handle people eating with their hands... your never make it in this world.

>> No.5304585

wow, epic shit-trolling OP

>> No.5304589
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I'm not complaining, I'm instructing.

>> No.5304599


Pick one americunt

>> No.5304604

It's an open pie. Nice attempt at countertrolling.

>> No.5304607
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I eat pizza with these.

>> No.5304614
File: 66 KB, 500x350, chicago deep dish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an open pie. But it's not a pizza.

>> No.5304621

>implying I eat pie with a fork and knife.
Nigger, it's in a crust for a reason, I pick that shit up and eat it. Pumpkin, pecan, whatever.

>> No.5304624

They're both unrelated pies. There's no definition of pie that says "hurr durr it has to look like a bowl". Nice attempt.

>> No.5304628
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>> No.5304640

The bowl shape is why you're not supposed to eat it with your hands. Pizza is just cheese on bread, do you use a fork and knife to eat a bagel?

>> No.5304747

Bagel's aren't greasy. Pizza is.

>> No.5304756
File: 435 KB, 1024x732, 4250026098_32e5b94675_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck needs a knife with any kind of pie?

>> No.5304768

popcorn is greasy too, do you eat that with a fork?

>> No.5304792

Pizza actually comes from trench bread. In europe most people didn't have actual plates, they used bread instead. Instead of eating the cheese, vegetables and meat separately from the bread, some fucking Italian guy said "Fuck it, I'm going to just bake everything together"

It also isn't eaten with forks and knives because forks were a rare commodity.

>> No.5304806

And that's why we love it. It's food that gives us permission to be slobs, and after knowing the reasons why, it goes a step further and actually empowers us to be slobs.

Go Italy 2014!

>> No.5304832

Oven pizza I'll eat with a knife and fork. Delivery I'll eat with my hands

>> No.5304843

But that's not true. Trenchers have been eaten in Naples since before even Roman times.

Virgil, perhaps the most famous Neapolitan ever, references trenchers directly in the Aeneid.

>> No.5304848

Reminder that if you eat sandwiches with your hand you're a pleb.

It isn't an excuse that you were away from home.

>> No.5304880

It isn't practical to eat popcorn with a utensil.

>> No.5304888

Popcorn is best with chopsticks. Spoon works too, but it's so comfortable.

>> No.5304892


>> No.5304893

it isn't practical to eat chicken wings with a utensil either, yet they're messier than pizza.

>> No.5304911

Only inferior Jew York pizza is too greasy to eat with hands.

>> No.5304922

Actually chicken wings can be eaten with a wide tooth fork and I do it all the time because I like to eat them while they're hot enough to burn the fuck out of my hands.

>> No.5304926

I simply do not eat the wings. They're great for stocks so there's no need really.

>> No.5304931

So basically you look for men who aren't really men

I hope that works out for you

>> No.5305015

Where did I say that trenchers were a European invention? That's right, fucking nowhere.

>> No.5305054

Oh please, take your threatened masculinity elsewhere.
And no, I usually go for women.

>> No.5305144

The only pizza it is acceptable to eat with a fork and knife is Rocky Rococcos

>> No.5305198

I eat pizza with my hands like every other pie on earth. You nerd.

>> No.5305293

Pizza isn't a pie, it's defined in my old cookbook as a "large italian sandwich"
I don't eat sandwiches with a knife and fork.

>> No.5305319

If you don't eat greasy sandwiches with a knife and fork you're a fucking slob. Period.

>> No.5305335

If you eat greasy sandwiches you probably are a slob.

>> No.5305337

What does it say about you that you cannot manage to eat a greasy sandwich cleanly without resorting to a for and knife?
It would appear the shoe is quite on the other foot!

>> No.5305342

Lol at americans thinking they are fancy because they eat pizza with a fork and a knife, I even doubt you can call what you eat a pizza

>> No.5305343

Just because you don't wash your hands doesn't mean everyone else doesn't you dirty grub.

>> No.5305351

>ITT people using civilization as a way to stroke their fragile egos

PAHAHAHA stay blind morons

>> No.5305386

If you trolo troll trololol troll troll troll.