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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5300337 No.5300337 [Reply] [Original]

The biggest food scams. What are they /ck/?

Pic related. Fuck places that try to make me pay $2 extra for a slab of processed avocado on my sandwich.

>> No.5300385

Paying extra wheatgrass in yer smoothie. You don't get any nutrition from it. Hippies eat that shit up though.

>> No.5300389

*paying for

>> No.5300392

that milk is bad for you

eat shit and die to those people. If it really doesn't give extra calcium who cares it still taste good and there could be worse things I could be drinking

>> No.5300404

>gluten free
>gmo free
>all natural

>> No.5300407

>all natural

>> No.5300432


They cost like 10 dollars for a carrot or an eggplant, and most of the time they're not even good for you. Eskimos never ate vegetables and they're the healthiest people in the world. Everyone I know who eats vegetables unironically is like 90 pounds and has no energy.

>> No.5300439

>cost like 10 dollars for a carrot
wtf are you talking about? i can buy an entire bag of whole carrots for under $2

>> No.5300450


Yeah, if you want GMO pesticide carrots with no nutrients

>> No.5300452



don't care

>no nutrients

proof please

>> No.5300456


>proof please

I don't need "proof," just eat more meat. Carbohydrates are bad for you anyway, saturated fat and cholesterol are necessary for the body

>> No.5300458

Have you considered that due to survival selection all the eskimos who couldn't survive on a diet of only meat and fish simply died out, leaving a tiny population of meat and fish eaters behind?

>> No.5300460


>Carbohydrates are bad for you anyway

no they aren't, unless you eat them excessively.

i eat as much meat as i want. i think you have the impression that i'm a vegetarian/vegan?

>> No.5300459

>processed avocado
you mean, guacamole?

>> No.5300462


That makes absolutely no sense. If that were true, then

>> No.5300463


>processed avocado = guacamole

>> No.5300464

>people sucking down this hard on obvious bait
Are you people retarded? No wonder half of the post here are shitposts. You guys are suckers.

>> No.5300468

Make your own..?

>> No.5300469


You think the fucking Okinawans are healthy living to 100+ years old with their old-ass wrinkly ass bodies on their high carb diet? The Masaai live to age 47 on their all meat diet and they do it in the best health of any group of people on the planet

Like I said, don't bother with stupid vegetables, you'll just "live longer" as a tiny scrawny bitch-boy with la-dee-dah "clean arteries" that do nothing but pump faggot blood around your tiny body

>> No.5300475


I'd be totally on board with everything you said if you didn't play the OMG GMOS card

>> No.5300481


Do you know what GMOs actually stands for?


That's the official name for it (to people in-the-know) because GMO crops are known to fuck with your semen and make your child way more likely to be gay, which is why there's so many more gay people around these days

>> No.5300506


>high carb

you idiot, i said that carbohydrates are bad in excess. did you read my post? no, apparently not.

i eat vegetables because i like them. i eat meat because i like it. stop assuming things about me.

>> No.5300511


> more likely to be gay

good, more hot boy porn and less human beings overall. i'm down.

>> No.5300521


>stop assuming things about me.

I don't assume anything, I just throw out truths that you may not realize are true yet. I advise you to keep watching the news. FOX news, specifically.

>> No.5300525


don't watch the news, don't care how long i live or how healthy i am. so there.

>> No.5300536


Thanks for wasting my time then, asshole. I'm fucking out of here. Later, loser

>> No.5300540


you wasted your own time

smell ya later

>> No.5300544

well this sure was a shit thread

>> No.5300546

>It still taste good

It don't tho

>> No.5300551

>saying milk isn't bad for you
>admitting milk is bad for you
Milk makes you fat and isn't good for you at all.
Inb4 vegan. I'm not vegan

>> No.5300553

Vegetables are delicious and cheap

>> No.5300580

Chocolate milk is great, but fuck you if your gonna try get me drink white.

>> No.5300651

Eskimos (ahem Inuits, you stupid cunt) are almost an entire population of autists only partially due to mercury levels
We feel so sorry for them we let then have whales for free

>> No.5300654

"low fat,"

>> No.5301206

>Milk makes you fat
Looks like someone doesn't know the laws of thermodynamics

>> No.5301210
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Yogurt. Do I look like a woman? Do I look like a fag? Then why are you offering me yogurt you dumb liberal.

The worst is the kind that has foreign words all over it. Am I supposed to pay more for it because it's "imported"? Suck my dick, marketers.

>> No.5301214

gluten free

I know of the actual condition and shit but a vast majority of people buying that shit (at least here) buy it for some fad diet or because they fear gluten now.

>> No.5301217

Inuit does not refer to all Eskimo–Aleut peoples, retard.

>> No.5301226
File: 54 KB, 145x189, RT5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Avocados cost 1 dollar for a whole one
>2 bucks for 2 slices on my sandwich

>> No.5301230

>Fuck places that try to make me pay $2 extra for a slab of processed avocado on my sandwich.
Agreed. But blame shitty sandwich shops, not avocados.

>> No.5301237

>get veggie burrito from chiptole
>know I get free guac on my burrito
>fuckers always try to charge me for it

Fucking assholes I swear

>> No.5301248

That is so fucking weird because that is not yet a fad here. But there are quite alot of celiacs here (2% of population with 1/3 of these diagnosed)
So i have to assume soon enough people here are going to do that makebelieve celiac shit.

>> No.5301287

Most drinks.

Soda? $1.50 - $3 that costs them $.01-.25

Alcohol? 100% markup or more.

>> No.5301290
File: 202 KB, 600x496, NoSuchThingAsAVegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't exist. Pink pigs, orange carrots and red tomatoes are not natural just because you used inferior pesticides on it. Norman Borlaug saved OVER A BILLION FUCKING LIVES FROM STARVATION by developing GM crops. And hippies want them banned because muh elitism. Yes, I am fucking enraged.

No you're not. Barely exists. There are ~140 ants in a jar of peanut butter. There are several flies in a jar of jam. The wheat thresher takes up field voles, mice and rabbits into the hopper and they're shredded to death alongside the wheat. Eat breakfast cereal? You're not a vegetarian. Wheat is murder! :^)

Haha, nope. Doesn't exist. Also, if you're vegan, don't breed. You'll murder your baby due to a lack of vitamin A and B12. There isn't a vegan source of B12. You can eat your own shit if you'd like, but it's still an animal product.

>> No.5301311

>selective breeding is the same as starlink corn
>all pesticides are the same
>water is a chemical

Retard detected.

>> No.5301313

Charging an extra $1 for a shitty piece of sliced process cheese on your burger

>> No.5301344

>water is a chemical
This is a true statement. Are you denying that?

>> No.5301349

i do this too; fucking arseholes is what they are

>> No.5301362


>> No.5301367
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winner winner

>> No.5301370


Are you autistic?

>> No.5301375


Pesticides are generally nerve toxins and in some regions with especially heavy use the links to mental retardation in humans are undeniable at this point ...

Wide spectrum pesticides/herbicides/antibiotics/etc are also spreading resistance faster than new ones are being invented. Wide spectrum pest control is doomed.

>> No.5301381

>lack of vitamin A
>what are carrots
>lack of vitamin B12
>what are your intestines
B12 is produced in the intestinal bacteria.

>Wheat is murder
If plants are so important, why don't you just avoid eating them and instead eat animals? Why don't you save the wheat crops instead of kids in Africa? Do you see how illogical this stance is? Plants are not sentient, and that is the issue. They do not have to brain to tell them that I'm being hurt. If they do not know, then it would be like trying to avoid punching walls because you might cause them pain.

>> No.5301391
File: 83 KB, 620x585, wheat-is-murder.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5301395

>to him, it's hell

Not true. They do not have a brain to acknowledge this.

>> No.5301398




>> No.5301402

Not autistic. Please address the argument.

>> No.5301405
File: 7 KB, 156x171, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5301419


I have celiac and I'm glad it's a fad for retards because now there are a lot more products readily available, and they were expensive even before it became a fad just like any other specialty item

>> No.5301421

It's funny that you didn't read his post. Wheat farming kills animals, that's the point.

>> No.5301423


>lack of vitamin A


I get about 3000% of the daily value for vitamin A every day. The only animal food that comes close to the vitamin A content of plants is liver, and even then you're getting the retinol form which is toxic in large amounts

>> No.5301425

And you have to eat liver, which is a bummer anyway.

>> No.5301427


What kills more animals: wheat farming, or animal farming (that also includes wheat farming to feed the animals)?

It's like comparing a guy who accidentally hit a kid who was playing in the middle of the road to a guy who purposely drove around a public park to run over all the kids he could find in a truck he modified specifically for killing children

>> No.5301433

I did read it, just not thoroughly enough.

Anyways, those deaths are unavoidable. By not eating meat, you can make sure that you're not the cause of an animal's death.

>> No.5301448

Those deaths are equally unavoidable. Meat consumption increases no matter how much beef you -don't- eat.

>> No.5301453


>Meat consumption increases no matter how much beef you -don't- eat.

How does that work?

>> No.5301467

They're not. You need to eat something. What, are you supposed to just eat meat and not plants? That's stupid and unhealthy.

>> No.5301468

>Eskimos (ahem Inuits, you stupid cunt)
Go call an Eskimo an Inuit.
I dare you.

>> No.5301480

citation needed

>> No.5301489


cows produce it naturally so no way to verify. producers can pretty much double milk output by supplementing

>> No.5301512


>> No.5301521
File: 38 KB, 497x550, 1305645256109822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le edgy atheist ominvore

I tip my fedora to you good sir

>> No.5301550
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typical hysterical vegan response

>> No.5301557


But I'm not a vegan. I'm not even a vegetarian. And I was tipping my fedora to you good sir, do I detect a wee bit of hostility? I daresay, you are in the wrong, good sir

>> No.5301589

It's true tho

when consumed, milk forms long tendrils that tap into your nervous system and force you to eat 2 sandwiches for lunch and tricks you into having seconds on dessert.
the milk victim is only vaguely conscious while this is happening and can only muster a faint protest as the white devil asks for an extra large combo meal with a chocolate shake