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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5293183 No.5293183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is your gender /ck/ and are you overweight? What is your weakness?

Female here. 5'1" 120 lbs need to lose at least 15 lbs :< used to have a weakness to sweets but now lately i hate sweet anything and just want to eat pho all the time.

>> No.5293192

male, 5'11" and need to gain around 10 kilos

my gf felt bad about my anorexia and decided to eat with me, i've gained nothing and now she has delicious thighs

everythings coming up milhouse right now; i guess i have a huge weakness to brownies though

>> No.5293200

Male, 6' 0", 220 pounds, down from 270 about two years ago and 240 since the beginning of the year. With a combination of diet and exercise I need to get down to 190 minimum before I start thinking about trying to build muscle.

I had morbidly obese parents that taught me to eat whatever I want, whenever I wanted to, until I felt full. I ate when I was bored, I ate when I was emotional, I ate whenever, and I ate way too much. I just turned 25 and I'm only starting to break those habits, mostly by cooking all my meals well in advance and packing them individually in to-go containers.

>> No.5293201


sorry to hear that anon, glad you have a supportive girlfriend. i have a boyfriend that weighs practically nothing at 5'9 and 105 lbs. he has always been athletic and ate plenty but his metabolism is scary fast i guess. asshole. so jealous. if i make him a tres leches cake he can eat the whole thing in one sitting.

>> No.5293208
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Don't have one mentally. I exercise regularly and eat whatever I decide to eat. I suppose the only exception is when i'm with people and it's bitchy to not eat the (by my standards)unhealthy food that they want to, but i'm happy to providing they aren't stuffing it down my throat. Doesn't matter at all occasionally when you have a half decent TDEE anyway, I just prefer to eat heartily and healthily so it doesn't feel like i'm eating junk.

I have junk that I like the taste of just like anyone else though. These beauties for one..

>> No.5293209


good for you anon, it's a hard habit to break. my parents were not morbidly obese, but always slightly overweight and growing up i had access to so much junk food. for a while i got really skinny, but recently had an accident where i was disabled and gained weight, it's awful.

in any case keep up the good work.

>> No.5293213

I'm a guy btw

>> No.5293216

Male, 185lbs, up from 150lbs a few years ago. I need to get bulking again, but I look far better than I did for most of my life.

>tfw a girl says you have a body like a classical sculpture

If you aren't lifting already, start.

>> No.5293294


I need to lose some weight, or turn my weight into more muscle.

>> No.5293297


>> No.5293299

Female, 5 ft 7. Used to be >230 pounds, but I'm at 180 now. I don't eat unhealthy, I'm just lazy. I have a bad habit of making bachelor food at night though

>> No.5293302

I'm a guy btw.
Maybe overweight, probably so.
Weakness is cheese and alcohol.
5'11, 175 pounds, down from 240. Would like to get down to 165 or so. Lifting is another option I've been considering.

>> No.5293303

Could definitely use higher protein diet. The years are showing on me, losing that extra 10 I put on at the holidays is taking longer than it ever has.
I miss having a gym at my work that I could just lounge at after I clocked out

>> No.5293307


Calisthenics ftw

>> No.5293309

Female. 165cm & 63kg.. So I guess a lil too much pudge yes. I'm not a regular to ck tho

>> No.5293312

5'7" Male, 180lb. I really need to lose 30lb.
Not sure if I should start cardio first to reach my ideal weight then lift or do both..

Weakness is Mcdonalds & Pizza, mmm love those.

>> No.5293315

bretty even male female count so far hmmm

>> No.5293317

Male, 6'3", 330 lbs

I eat chocolate (usually dark) very often and I always drink copious amounts of milk to go with it. My usual breakfast is a grilled, buttered Asiago, Tomato and Parmesan bagel from Tim Hortons with garlic cream cheese and 9 slices of bacon. Back in high school I would sometimes use my lunch money to buy a box of cookies and a litre of milk and eat that.

AMA I guess, since I'm like twice the size of people who somehow consider themselves fat.

>> No.5293324

dude nobody needs a litre of milk a day
i know good food is good food but consider your addictions a concern like smoking

>> No.5293325

There's fat, then there's obese and morbidly obese eh. How do you feel about your weight?

>> No.5293330


Well, I'm going to die one way or another. Might as well take a fuckton of chocolate into the grave with me.


I don't drink a litre of milk a day. I'd say the average is 1 glass of about a cup and a half. The rest of the time I drink orange juice, iced tea and Sanpellegrino Limonata.

>> No.5293334

Male and yes.

My weakness is boredom. If I get bored I eat. Also lack of control. A bag of chips can be gone very quickly. That's why I keep nothing in my house snack foods.

>> No.5293336


Stop making fun of his medical condition, bastard.

also, all you food sucks in the /ck/ challenge god only knows how your pathetic dog shit on a plate won last year's no taste popularity contest.

>> No.5293338

Hey anon, u still here? Can you give me your diet and exercise routines?

>> No.5293348

lel. piss off ya wanka, she didn't even win last year. And her submissions are solid and she's kawaii.

>> No.5293351


STFU asshat...you're never going to even get a whiff of her stinky snot slot white knighting like a beta fag.

also, I could make better food by defecating on a plate than that stupid tripfag hack.

>> No.5293354

5'2, 130 lbs. Weakness is pizza.

I want a flat stomach again

>> No.5293355

A little
5'7" 155 lbs

My weakness is that I really fuckin' like food

>> No.5293361

M, 6'3", 280lbs.
Weakness: cigarettes and booze.

>> No.5293363

138 lbs
It's all fat, no muscle at all. I don't have the will power or self confidence to go to a gym.

>> No.5293367

I don't understand
If I was 138lbs as 5'7" I'd be a stick, I can't imagine 5'9"

>> No.5293368

Do pushups
Every day
In just two months I had visible arm muscle and enough confidence to go to an actual gym

>> No.5293371


Slightly overweight, but not by much. Lot of muscle hiding underneath. Cutting about 20-30 lbs over the next handful of months. Should be in great shape for summer.

>> No.5293374

5' 2". Male. 100lbs. I have a disability which shortened my body. Definitely not a midget or anything, just short. Not too big of a deal because I'm in a wheelchair though.

Weakness is potato chips. Also stairs.

>> No.5293376

>Also stairs.

>> No.5293380

I can't even do one push up now.

>> No.5293382
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Forgot to mention weakness. Alcohol. Hence me being slightly overweight. Cut it out of my diet until I'm back in beach body shape though.

>Also stairs.

>> No.5293383

Then do them from your knees until you can

>> No.5293384

Neither could I, to begin with. Do pushups with your knees on the floor. You'll be doing real pushups in maybe two weeks.

>> No.5293386


how could you be this pathetic...I'm going to come find you and rape you in the butt with steroids until you grow a pair.

>> No.5293388

>I can't even do one push up now.

Not even "girl" pushups? Drop your knees to the floor and see if you can do it then. No? Do negatives. Get in a pushup position and slowly lower yourself to the ground (as slow as possible). Repeat. Eventually you'll work your way up to knee pushups, then regular ones.

It'll be difficult, but the reward is worth it.

>> No.5293391

- 22 year old male
- 180cm / 6'0
- 102 pounds / 45.2kg

Underweight as fuck.

My weakness? Everything ans nothing. I literally crave all food - even plain bread would taste like a culinary masterpiece. But I just can't get myself to eat anything more than fruit and homemade vegetable soup (no stocking , so it's basically boiled vegetable served with the water).

>> No.5293392

fuck off he has more balls than you admitting it

>> No.5293400

Haven't heard of negatives before. Thanks, I'll try it.

>> No.5293403

male, 165lb @ 6'0". im ok with the weight, but too much chub and not enough muscle.

my weakness is booze

>> No.5293405

It also works for other body weight exercises. Try it with pull-ups. Use a chair/jump to get at the top of the pull up, and as slow as you can lower yourself. Repeat

Someone as light as you will be busting out pullups in no time, and all the ladies will want that D

>> No.5293406

Lift more

>> No.5293411

yeah i know. i lucked out when i was younger and had a job doing hard labor, which kept me in good shape. now i don't and i'm weak as fuck.

>> No.5293417

I know that feel. I used to run around a 2 mile square electronics factory as a parts-parcel (aka moving bitch) I'd get 10miles there nightly.
Shit kept me so fucking lean and now I don't get the freedom to eat pizza every night without putting on pudge

>> No.5293420

Easy way to start if you don't want to join a gym is body weight exercises. Set aside 3 days a week, do 3 sets of:
>Pushups until failure
>Pullups until failure
>Squats x however many you are comfy with

Those three workouts alone 3x a week will build you massive strength in the first couple of months. Best part is you can do it right in your bedroom and it takes maybe 30 minutes.

>> No.5293421

F/5'5"/135 lbs

I probably qualify as overweight but not by much. I'm losing weight anyway due to a delicious soup diet. I was 145 about a month ago.

>> No.5293426

high end 'normal' bmi
you could probably do with 3 times weekly cardio and 2 intensive classes a week. It's what I'd suggest

>> No.5293430


>> No.5293433

male, 6'4 happy overall with weight at 165 lbs. Toning pretty well. Just trying to eat less meat so I feel less, bloated I guess you could say.

>> No.5293457

Male, 6'0", 265 pounds, down from 360lb peak weight last year. I have problems with yo-yo dieting and binge eating whenever my temptations get the best of me. I'm addicted to food in all seriousness. I think about it all the time. I plan out meals a day in advance. I get enjoyment from feeling bloated after gorging myself. I don't know if I'll ever reach a healthy weight. Addicts relapse all the time. That is just reality.

>> No.5293460

A day? I plan out my meals a week in advance
Y'know, when I go shopping

A tip to those losing weight;
Low calorie hot chocolate and ice lollies are both ~40 calories each and really hit that sweet sweetness spot.

>> No.5293466

m, 6'6, 170lbs

weight down from 180lb. no food weaknesses per say... i quite enjoy junk food like chips, oh henrys, ice cream, arizona ice tea or pepsi.

also im addicted to caffeine and i want to eat more meat.

>> No.5293533

female 5'9 145, I'm extremely athletic though so I don't look fat

trying to lose like 10lbs though

weakness is anything crunchy and salty, peanut butter, nutella, frozen yogurt

>> No.5293563

So you're an asian who surprise surprise has body image issues. Are you also studying to be a nurse?

>> No.5293575

Female, 5'10", 143 lbs and trying to lose 15. Or, the weight doesn't matter, but I'd like to lose enough inches to fit back into my wedding gown. Major weaknesses are smoked cheese and coffee flavored frozen yogurt.

>> No.5293578

are you also studying to be a JERK

>> No.5293596
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>> No.5293620

6'4", 260
weakness: burritos, craft beer

>> No.5293624

male and not really, i'm heaviest i've ever been but i used to be pretty seriously underweight
138lbs at 5'10

my weakness is chip and dip, but i'm pretty good at holding back

>> No.5293642

5'10, 105lb

my weakness is strawberry shortcake (japanese)

>> No.5293651

female, 5'6, 123lbs

Desserts are my weakness, apple pie, cookies, cakes, ice cream. Also corn bread and pasta dishes.

I allow my self a treat once or twice a week and on special occasions I'll eat whatever I want, which usually ends up with me consuming everything in site. I run and lift a lot though, so it balances out.

>> No.5293659

4'9', 105lbs

I'm in pretty good shape, I bike and do body weight exercises. I do eat when I'm bored all the time, but I eat healthy foods most of the time.
I stay active so I can eat whatever I want. And for me, it really works.
Cardio = freedom

I would say my biggest weakness is probably tall shelves or anything high off the ground.

>> No.5293661

female, 5'5", 220

weakness is salty things and cheese
yes i'm going to kill myself, you don't need to tell me

>> No.5293663

my god you're tiny. are you azn?

>> No.5293664

What is that?

>> No.5293668

Nope. White.
Well mostly white. There's some other stuff in there.

>> No.5293671

All of the Cisscum in here. Disgusting, I'm back off to:

>> No.5293674

So that's a yes. Fuckin walking cliche god damn.

>> No.5293679

you must look so adorable and cute :3

>> No.5293682

well youre funny, never change, never reach

>> No.5293686

Male, sitting in at 6' and 186 lbs. I'd be satisfied with this weight if I didn't have loose belly remnants (at one point I clocked in at about 290 lbs). I need to quit just relying on diet to lose weight and actually start doing some kind of exercise outside of work.

Also, if I'm not careful I when I smoke pot munchie mode will kick in and I will ingest god knows how many calories. That is my weakness.

>> No.5293689

and while i am at it
male 21
6'1" 160lbs
>dont drink
I bike a few miles everyday(my transportation) and lift a few times a week
finally have definition again

My weakness, dark chocolate. Like any kind of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate pearls are my thing right now but theyre so expensive, so my resort is the sea salt bar. Otherwise, I still have some of those dark chocolate faux-reeses trader joes cups that are very good.

>> No.5293695


My weakness is pizza, pie and anything sweet.

>> No.5293700
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Not Male
My weakness is fish,bread and sugar. I lost 80lbs but I still go crazy for a piece of warm french bread slathered in butter and a caramel latte. I wish burqas were more fashionable, I have about 20 lbs to go and it just isn't budging.

>> No.5293702

op didn't ask for biological sex

i replied to this thread and didnt specify being trans because its not relevant

>> No.5293704

5'9, 125 lbs

>> No.5293706

congrats on the 80lbs
but never joy divison, not even once

>> No.5293714

106lbs, would like to gain a bit
weakness at the moment are croissants and pretzels, Ive been craving them for a while now. And the obvious pizza because
>orgasm in mouth

>> No.5293715

6'2", 205 pounds/190cm, 90kg

i'd like to lose 20 or 30 pounds

weakness is beer and pizza

>> No.5293718

Teddy bear model 4 lyfe

>> No.5293722

i never realized how many women there are on /ck/

>> No.5293723

and don't come back, faggot

>> No.5293724

there haven't always been but 4chan is basically redditumblr now

>> No.5293726


Maybe you should fuck off to reddit

>> No.5293727

>Givning up and letting them invade our sekrit club

>> No.5293731

don't worry, there are plenty of other chans free from neurotypical/female oppression

>> No.5293732

male, 6'1, (185CM), around 220 lbs(100kg)

i got broad shoulder and i work out so i got some underlaying muscles

i wouldn't say im fat, just cubby, starting to develop those mantitties

u din't eat all that much sweets or stuff but i do eat A LOT of food in a bad way (skip breakfast & lunch, eat a huge dinner)

>> No.5293734

i don't*

>> No.5293742

There are women all over 4chan, they just get swept under the rug on every board.

>> No.5293744

Nah, you're just fat.

>> No.5293745

5'6 and 126 lbs i have noo muscle tho and a lot of chub around thighs and butt area
weakness: lots of sugar. i eat chocolate everyday and a whole cake or a few doughnuts at weekends but im a student and neeed it to get me through the day (dont drink caffine or smoke) im gonna get the diabeetus

>> No.5293747

there seems to be a higher concentration here
or at least more willing to post with their gender

>> No.5293748

5"4, 120lbs. According to /ck/ I'm fat. I'm okay with that.

>> No.5293752

naw babe, youre beautiful

>> No.5293753


>> No.5293754


>> No.5293755


not really. op here, i'm 5'1 and weigh the same as you. you probably could lose 5 lbs and be perfect.

>> No.5293757

I could. The idea of dieting is terrible though. I really like pizza and cake...
I'll be happy as long as my BMI is normal.

>> No.5293758
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/fit/ here, lift and eat whatever you want as long as it fits your macros.


Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Pendlay Row 3x5
Legs Curls 3x8
Lunges 3x8


Squat 3x5
OHP 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
Lat Pulldown or Pull Ups 3x5
Barbell Glute Bridge 3x8 (can sub for weighted donkey kicks on a machine)

Week 1: AxBxAxx
Week 2: BxAxBxx

Add 5 lbs to each lift every workout
Do cardio after workouts or on rest days.

>> No.5293762

I like to think of it as substitutions
Like i dont each french frys anymore bc it means I can eat more cheeseburgers

>> No.5293763


>eat whatever you want as long as it fits your macros.

Yeah, that's great advice for long-term weight loss.

No wonder bodybuilders always end up fat.

>> No.5293766

I'm just under 6 feet, don't know how much I weigh but I'm definitely overweight.

My weakness is pizza.

And soda actually, I drink way too much soda.

>> No.5293767
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I have a PhD in chemistry and am worth more than your entire family, kid. If you are on a cut, eat below maintenance, but odds are once the average person starts lifting their maintenance level will go up past the amount that is currently too high for them.

>> No.5293768

see, I skip out of the fries and the buns so I can cram more patties on my burger that's wrapped in good lettuce...
But it's admittedly more fag

>> No.5293771


You don't know shit you fucking faggot. Good job getting filtered cocksmoker

>> No.5293772

w/e as long as I can eat what I want without seriously risking weight gain

>> No.5293785
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gained 10 lbs in college, cant seem to get it off cuz damn i love to bake

>> No.5293788

whatd you do besides just stick oreos on it

>> No.5293792

you're still a fatty PhD man.

>> No.5293793


I know that feel. I've gotten to the point in my life where i'm thinking 'ok so i'm a little chubby but i can eat whatever i want and still only be a little chubby so idgaf' enjoy your godly metabolism anon.

>> No.5293796


>> No.5293807
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grill, 5'8'' 150 lb, slightly overweight, pretty seditary, but not as much as most amerifats. I tend to walk bike and bus when i want to go somewhere, and I'm not afraid of excersize, I just wish I had a sparing partner to get me motivated,

being tall is suffering.

my weaknesses are savory buttery foods and an unnessiary third meal.

>> No.5293809

willing to bet you weigh more than 150 based on spelling and grammer

>> No.5293812

>spelling and grammer
Grammar, fatso.

>> No.5293817
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you'd lose it, I got weighed less than 2 months ago at a doctors scale. my bathroom scale still says 150 lbs as well.

>> No.5293822

>more willing to post with their gender

That's pretty sad that women are so shitted upon in some boards [I'm looking at you, /fit/] that they are afraid to admit they're women.

I guess given the demographic that frequents this place it makes sense.

/ck/ is better, I guess it's a little harder to make food a gender issue.

>> No.5293823



5"8 really isn't tall. The only people who will mind are manlets but thats a given.

>> No.5293827
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its tall enough that its hard to find the clothes I want that will fit me, (thrift store) so either tall people never donate their stuff or I'm fairly tall. my shoulder width makes me want to curl up and hide. basically I just want to be shorter for its own sake, not to hook up with a guy or anything.

>> No.5293830


I need to lose a bit of poundage, my poochy belly is a eye sore.

>> No.5293844

Female, not exactly fat but I want to get fit and lean ;; weaknesses are probably sweets and spaghetti for some reason

>> No.5293845

Everyone has a weakness for spaghetti

>> No.5293847

White Knight harder faggot she still won't sleep with you

>> No.5293848


At least 90% of the time they mention it on here it's completely irrelevant and just used to seek attention. The resulting hostility is justified.

>> No.5293849

Maybe if they weren't just trolling attention whores people wouldn't rip on them

>> No.5293851
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I don't really give a fuck about my weight because I don't have a fat stomach and I have a nice ass.

It helps me become a more convincing trap.

>> No.5293852 [DELETED] 


>> No.5293854

>tfw also love to bake but if I ate everything I made i'd get fat as fuck
I just wait until the family eats it so I can bake new things..

>> No.5293857

Dem bolognese sauce..hnngh

>> No.5293867

This. If you're a female who's 'afraid' to admit your gender you can blame attention whores and the people who feed them for ruining it for you.

>> No.5293873

5'1" 120 lbs need to lose at least 15 lbs . you can't be serious. I'm,male,54, 6'1", 240 lbs. jezze, if 5'1" 120 you do not need to lose any weight. I'd like to be 18 again, but even then I was 180 lbs. don't think i've been 120 lbs since, age 9 maybe? we are what we are. It's a constant battle for me to keep the weight down. I do it for myself, not to look good (lost That fight long ago -never was likely to win anyways) I have been up to 368 lbs that way too much. a whole 'nother person. but it's possible to go the other way like Karen Carpenter. anorexia. or bulimemic quite a fine line we all walk. my weaknesses are beer, tobaccco, and a tendency to talk too much. also ground beef and fresh fruit. aqnd buttermilk.

>> No.5293878

Finally, a profile of the legend.

>> No.5293880

And you write like a retard.

>> No.5293884
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>> No.5293889
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>>complain that its irrelevant and just used to seek attention
>>insist that the negative reaction is completely justified despite the fact that you're just an idiot exaberating the situation by giving them just what they want
>>implying its not a bullshit distinction anyway since men constantly give references to their own existance as males on 4chan,
you are literally just ass mad because every time you do it its considered normal and you don't get attention for saying you'd fap to this, or your penis is diamonds.

If you want an accepting board try /u/ or /d/, guaranteed no one will flip their shit because you have a bean to flick.

The ultimate irony is whenever I see
>>btw i'm a girl
as a response I just laugh. you see it even when gender is relevant, showing our denziens aren't distinguishing based on situation, but are infact just trolling.

>> No.5293894

no. I'm 5'2 and 100lbs
Used to be around 170lbs but stopped eating everything I saw and started working out.

My weakness is salt and vinegar potato chips and cake

>> No.5293898


My lowest weight was 95 lbs and honestly I liked my body best at that size. I'm carrying a lot of excess weight in my stomach now. I must admit my boobs look better but that's about it.

>> No.5293899
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>implying i need to do anything else

here's another once since i feel the doubt. i'm not great, but its so damn fun to decorate.

>> No.5293907

>>implying its not a bullshit distinction anyway since men constantly give references to their own existance as males on 4chan,
Women don't give men attention for their references to being male on here. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of the concept "tits or gtfo".

>> No.5293910

5'9 150 17%bf
alcohol is my downfall

>> No.5293911

There's nothing better than eating the first chip in a freshly opened S&V bag

>> No.5293920

Male, 5'7'' about 140 down from 210 about a year ago.

>> No.5293921
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You don't shit talk the great nstgar new you fuckwad.

>> No.5293926

>implying its not a bullshit distinction anyway since men constantly give references to their own existance as males on 4chan,
>you are literally just ass mad because every time you do it its considered normal and you don't get attention for saying you'd fap to this, or your penis is diamonds.

Cool strawmen, want to come up with a proper response?

>> No.5293929

Male, 6'2", 255 lbs. Thankfully its mostly muscle mass, but I could do with about 35 lbs off. I have a huge weakness for any Korean or Vietnamese dish. And motherfucking snickers..

>> No.5293932

Looks cute, would eat

>> No.5293946

Yes, 5'7" and 170
Anything freshly baked

Currently down 12 lbs at least.

>> No.5293952
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Male, 5'11", 108 lbs (49 kg 'cause I live in Canada).
I have a weakness to peanut butter. Also I basically succumb to any foods when I am mildly hungry.

I make this thing like french toast with banana and peanut butter in between and I load the peanut butter like crazy, and it gets everywhere.

Also I have almost a good 2cm of peanut butter on a toast or two for a snack.

>> No.5293954

tarde I might be and sometimes retread, but I try to be honest. I mean shit, why lie on an aynon image board. I don't. bad enough in real life. if i wanted to lie, I'd say I was 22, 180 lbs, a millionare and ate only diver scallops, prime rib, rare scotts whiskey, dom and caviar. fact is, I'm older, really f''ed up several times, eat fish sticks,ground chuck, medium, drink old crow, reliska and bud hurricane. and to be honest never liked caviar, moet or dom, abstract art, or pretentious people I'm just me, that's pretty tough to love. or hate, for that matter.just me. I really try not to be an a'hole, but some tmes it shows through.

>> No.5293958


How did a skeleton get access to the internet?

>> No.5293959

5'11 108 lbs.

Are you anorexic?

>> No.5293962
File: 108 KB, 472x629, jimmies-99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>implying you aren't an illiterate retard
I already went over both that fact and how little relevance it has to anyone who's not from /r9k/
No one cares that you're not being given attention.
try reality.
this isn't even intended to be a proper response by the way, rather, I'm using two idiots to make a point to the general public. only a retard tries to convince the opposition, because it never matters how solidly you beat them, they either want to understand and change their minds, or they want to wallow in their own conceits like you. either way, it doesn't much bother me, I just thought it was hilarious people are trying to justify offensive actions they take that completely undermine their own damn goals.

>> No.5293967


>> No.5293970
File: 99 KB, 537x759, 1394095606936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats adorable, please make me your apprentice kitchen wizard.

>> No.5293975

Alright, it took me several tries reading through your last post trying to understand what the fuck is going on, I'm not going to bother trying to comprehend what you're going on about now. Learn to type like a normal person.

>> No.5293978

On a scale of 1-potato just how high are you?

>> No.5293981

It's not /that/ bad is it? No one has honestly ever told me that I am anorexic, even underweight--but I guess that doesn't say much.

What does that mean?

>> No.5293984

M8, go weigh yourself now. 108 for a 5'11 grown man is pretty bad. I have a friend who is 140 5'10 and he's skeleton mode

>> No.5293985
File: 78 KB, 481x297, 1383859539367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're my favourite person on this board

>> No.5293987
File: 53 KB, 600x400, 1394049297737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I cant read
we've established this already
>>Learn to type like a normal person
my post isn't hard to understand unless you have some crazy OCD on grammar and punctuation. Those are the only two things missing from it. Should I type better? probably. Will it do anything but make you search for some other inane reason to dismiss it? not fucking likely.

>> No.5293990

are you that 50ish year old who posted seemingly drunk yesterday?

>> No.5293991

Male. 5'11", 117lbs. Gained about 30lbs a while back and I've been trying to lose it for most of the past 6 months.

Pringles and Vanilla coke are my weaknesses.

I could eat pringles forever. I've had days before where I've seriously eaten nothing but pringles.

I'll drink Vanilla coke instead of water when I can get my hands on it. (un)Fortunately most of the shops around where I live don't stock it, so I don't have it often.

I drink tea quite a lot, too, but I don't really see it as a weakness.

>> No.5293992


>> No.5293995
File: 138 KB, 534x484, 1350161070390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female, 5'2" 110lbs, I don't need to lose any more weight but I'm working on my BF to get that sixpack out finally. Almost there. Five years ago I was 165lbs.

My biggest weakness is ice cream, but anything sweet, really. I also have an endless appetite and even after years of training my brain I feel like I'm a fat as fatass inside and could snap at any moment if I don't police myself. I have a complicated and messed up relationship with food.

>> No.5293996

dude at your height about 80lbs of your weight will be skeleton
a healthy liver should weigh 12-8lbs

i'm desperately hoping you've just fucked up your conversions

>> No.5293998
File: 2.17 MB, 905x2047, armz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I used my landlord's scale and got 112lbs.
Not much of an improvement but have my arm.

>> No.5294001

well obviously, there's one one guy who types like that on here

>> No.5294003

so youre trying to get your bf to work to get a six pack?

>> No.5294005

female, 5'2.75" and i am idontknowhowmnany lbs because i stopped weighing myself a couple years ago, it became an obsession, but i am not overweight and i gauge loss and gain by how my clothes fit me. if i had to guess (i think my weight has fluctuated enough to validate my estimate based on how i remember myself, i remember around how much i weighed each month over the past 6-7 years until i stopped using a scale).... i would say around 120.

weakness? bulimic. of course that's oversimplifying things. my true weakness lies in my refusal to seek change.

>> No.5294006

the similarities are overwhelming. enough to warrant the question at least

>> No.5294007

Body Fat

>> No.5294009

to gain body fat? why

>> No.5294011

I dunno, your arm seems a little undersized but you look better than I imagined

Still, like>>5293996 said, you should weigh a good 30-40 pounds more but I guess you're doing fine so w/e

>> No.5294012

bulimic is horrible, like the worst thing ever in terms of eating dysfunction, I remember a thread on it.

>> No.5294018

>t I'm working on my BF

>t I'm working on my BF

you don't.... work on your boyfriend... or another human being for that matter. i would change that in-control mindset fast or you will be sorely disappointed when your realize that only an individual can steer themselves

>> No.5294019

80lbs is far too much for skeleton. Try 30lbs at that height. 20% of ideal body weight.

>> No.5294022

bingo bango

>> No.5294027


i mean, i am not as sickly as an anorectic. that's a fact. i'm destroying my body and mind but at least i'm not on the verge of needing hospitalization or a feeding tube stuck up in me. i'm a healthy weight but i'm not healthy... part of me thinks that counts for something (it helps me hide it, for sure, "conveniently" for me), but really i'm just blinding myself to the reality that i will never be happy if i don't recover.

>> No.5294031

We're the exact same height/weight/age. I'm also 21, female, 4'9'', and weigh roughly 105.

>> No.5294039

bulemia doesn't help you hide anything, thats the whole point of how horrible it is, it fucks up your teeth, fucks up your nutritional intake, and ruins your metabolism. Only bulimic people think that is a solution to "maintaining beauty and weight" the reality is it just makes everything worse. Theres no giant unfair cost to a small yet desirable gain in another area, it's just straight down.

For your own sake, get out while you still have teeth.

>> No.5294043

Skeletons unite! 5'11 115 (fuck yeah palindromes) pounds here. I've always been a stick.

>> No.5294049

*fist pump.*

>> No.5294048

Working on it != gain

>> No.5294051 [DELETED] 


>> No.5294055

It's not that bad, atleast youll never get as fat as quickly as short people and height can help you pull it off.

i'm 5'9 160 exactly

but i got the most perfect breast, longest legs and nicest hips.

beer. mainly beer.

>> No.5294061
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LOL,closer to sixty and maybe. "sweemingly drunk" possible, but unlikely. just my natural disposition. don't sweat small things we all have more important things to deal with. (was gonna say on our plates, but that would be pushing it, even for ck.

>> No.5294062


ah, i mean, my "healthy" weight allows me to hide my disorder from others, because the majority of people associate eating disorders with the picture of a skeletal anorectic.

by the way, i want to appreciate the lecture but you're not telling me anything that doesn't run through my head every day as i lay down after a binge and purge session struggling to find an inkling of meaning in my life anymore. i know that i am destroying myself, but i turn down the volume on that reality and i use the euphoria of food and my reflection in the mirror to do it. i am tired of the binges, the purges, the mirror checks, the emptiness of it all. i'm tired of the dizziness whenever i stand up. i'm tired of day after day, month after month flushed down the toilet and wasted. i know that i have a choice to seek help, but right now, i am not. i have been through more therapists than i have fingers...

i need... like a reason, or something. i'm so disconnected from myself and everyone around me, so devoid of life and love that living just doesn't seem worth it.

>> No.5294066


>> No.5294077

>i know that i am destroying myself, but i turn down the volume...
No you don't know you are destroying yourself.
You aren't convinced and you don't care.

>> No.5294081

A cake.
The filling is caramel.

Fucking delicious :(

>> No.5294083


ok sure, because you can read my mind. fuck off.

>> No.5294092


Enjoy your diabetes

>> No.5294098

Male 5'11"

Weakness: Marijuana addiction, makes me starve myself at times

>> No.5294162

Male, 5'8", 145lbs

Weakness: desserts and always being hungry

>> No.5294176

5'6 or 5'7
about 130

Just ate a box of those jelly filled powder donuts. I'm surprised i'm not 245lbs with all the shit I eat.

>> No.5294223

6'0 ft (183 cm)
160 lbs (72.5 kg)

Weakness is tuna helper. I make it with 4-5 tablespoons of irish butter.

>> No.5294284

Lol. Didn't work for me because i'm not a tiny and weak with fatty eating habits.
Skinny 6'3 male. Usually did ~3x20 3-4 times/day.

>> No.5294293

>what is the words of my post
>oh yes he must eat this for breakfast every day
i'm healthy as fuck lol.

>> No.5294297

dont believe you unless youre only looking at your biceps. push ups are very good for triceps/chest

>> No.5294393

heteronormative genderqueer pan-walrus

slightly underweight for a walrus, a bit overweight for an oppressive cis-human

I love gorging on fish before the cold season, and ice cream

>> No.5294540

F. Not overweight 5'4'' and ~126lbs. Would like to lose some, though.

But I have a fucking weakness for nuts. When combined with dried fruit, they're so irresistible. Also cream, I really hate sweet stuff so I usually cover any desert (if I have it) in cream. (unsweetened, of course) Sometimes I can just eat cream on its own.. fuck it..

>> No.5294553

You've got to be kidding yourself if you think you're "not as sickly as an anorexic" You may not look as skinny, but the stress the whole binge/purge cycle puts on your internal organs, you're probably pretty fucked up inside.

I struggled with anorexia for a while- mainly restrictive, but did have b/p episodes. Those were the worst days. During recovery, I met other girls who'd had bulimia and their stories just were awful.

Please get help. Once you begin recovery, you should be able to shed that numbness and stop distancing yourself from reality. Then you'll realise how sick you really were.

>> No.5294558


>> No.5294580

98 lbs, up from 94 a few weeks back. Starting to try to recover from a bout of anorexia and depression as a result of stress.
weaknesses are seafood and really amazing cakes/puddings/pastries; but i've developed pickiness as a result of the disorder and while I'm trying to stop it, most of my meals are primarily salad.
Want to gain weight and get my old, happy self back. Eating disorders are a bitch, for those of you that are trying to lose weight, do it the healthy way and continue to live life. There is an important balance between health and happiness; saying no to that cupcake with your friends will mean those calories don't go into your body, but it's not worth the loss of fun and enjoyment.

>> No.5294619
File: 44 KB, 522x576, 1330189249452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Male, 19, 5'11", 175

My weakness is a food addiction. I never let it manifest (thank god). I gained 30lbs in a 3 month block at 15 years old by non stop eating. I can eat and eat and eat; not gonna blame my parents, but it was my parents. My weight is mostly muscle now, but every day it's a struggle not to eat that fuckin' cupcake. I could eat 23 of those things.

>> No.5294655


>155 lbs
>bottom shelf vodka

I drink a fifth a day which is like 2300 calories right there so I try not to eat much anymore, I just have one really nice meal every day at lunch and that's it

I think I can make it another 3 or 4 years like this, which is fine because fuck turning 30

>> No.5294661

Male, 5'9", 190 lbs, gut and fat thighs. My weakness is carbs in general but bread specifically. I fucking love bread. I went to a sandwich shop the other day and walked out with a sandwich, a soda and 2 10" loaves of fresh Dutch Crunch bread. And i ate all of it in less than 24 hours. Why do I do this to myself?

>> No.5294663

>You've got to be kidding yourself if you think you're "not as sickly as an anorexic

everything i said in my post. do you read? kidding myself is part of the whole disorder. i KNOW i'm not connected to the reality that i am sick. but i am aware of it.

i've already been through intensive OP and other therapies, with no success. it seems the more i am involved in recovery the less i want to recover. i know i have no excuse, i KNOW it is my choice, but you're not going to make it for me so back off.

>> No.5294665

21 year old 5'9'' male here, I weigh about 165 pounds and I have an addiction to binging out on soda and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon.

When I was younger I lived with a very poor, large, and conservative family and we never got to have many luxuries like candy or bacon or soda, and now that I live alone I can't stop myself from being a disgusting pig. And I don't really see myself changing anytime soon.

>> No.5294670

Skeleton mode is just as unattractive as obesity.

>> No.5294691


I eat when I'm bored, when I'm studying, and pretty much whenever else. I need to lose weight for my health (heart problems and diabeetus in the family).

>> No.5294696

>146 lb

My weakness? I suppose alcohol, particularly wine. I've cut back drastically though.

>> No.5294731

My license says 5'10, but that may be wrong.
120-145 pounds
I thirst for chocolate. At least it's somewhat nutritious since I never eat anything lighter than semisweet.

>> No.5294902

>276 pounds

I've lost 20 pounds this year from working, but i'm wondering what types of food that are affordable and filling there are for a person in a family of 4 that lives off of 400 dollars a month.

>> No.5294903

Oh, I'm 19 btw.

>> No.5294908

Male. 5'8", 165 lbs, roughly 5-10 lbs overweight. Lost a lot of muscle this past year when I stopped working out.

I really love sweet things, especially the chocolate feuillete at Paris Baguette Cafe.

>> No.5294911

>complains about being poor
>meanwhile he's fat as fuck

lay of the soda and potato chips fatty

>> No.5294921

Dude, What'ya think i've been trying to do? Don't help when the cheapest shit to drink at stores is soda though, i'll give you that one, so i'm remedying it with orange juice I get from my work.

>> No.5294931


About 8 months ago I was 197. Goal is 145 but if I reach it and still need to keep dropping I might look into 135. It's been very very slow so far and it seems like it's just slowing even further.

>> No.5294945

Don't listen to him man, he's just jelly of your Ginatism

>> No.5294947

Uhh...Shit, Giantism.

>> No.5294953

Male, 27. I've gained about 25 pounds in the 10 months I've been out of the military. Still lift but don't do much in the way of cardio anymore.

Weaknesses are a combination of:
1) Carb intake has increased quite a bit. I still don't touch potatoes, white rice, or bread, but now that I'm back in my hometown I eat pho or Chinese ramen around three times a week where I used to order 8-piece chicken at Popeye's/Church's without any sides, just the meat.

2) Portion control. I hate the idea of not finishing my meals, but my eyes are bigger than my stomach when it comes to ordering. So at some point it becomes just stuffing myself.

>> No.5294955

Drink some fucking water. If you don't like the taste of tap water, even an expensive reverse osmosis system would end up costing less than soda after a year, and carbon systems that just remove the chlorine/chloramine and usually make it taste alright are much cheaper.

>> No.5294959


Just learn how to eat leftovers. That way you don't force yourself to eat past the point of being full.

>> No.5294971

140 ibs
should lose ten or fifteen pounds as well.

>> No.5294977

I went through that as well. I recovered and you will too. Just stay strong and gradually go back to a healthy diet.

>> No.5295306

Nigger, that's just sugar. Drink some goddamn water. Not everything has to be a taste explosion that kicks your tastebuds in the dickhole.

>> No.5295313

>What is your gender /ck/

>and are you overweight?
150 lbs. @ 5'9"

>What is your weakness?

>> No.5295314

Male, 20. 5'10" 115 pounds. Wish I could gain a little, but it's really hard on adderall.

>> No.5295351

Female, 23, 5'3", 214lbs. I've lost about 10 pounds recently but still got about 100 to go.

Weakness is Dr Pepper and popcorn. I'm also pretty sure I have binge eating disorder but no one I bring it up to ever takes me seriously and all they'll tell me is "well, just stop doing it". There's a lot more to it than that.

>> No.5295360
File: 10 KB, 241x258, knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, girl. You need to get your shit together. Bet you're one of them hogs who is hot as fuck once they return to normal size.

Keep going, please, for the sake of humanity. >There's a lot more to it than that.
>just stop doing it

>> No.5295361

Male, 5'5", 125lbs. Can't gain weight if I try

>> No.5295368
File: 882 KB, 960x1300, 1389475931762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see a shrink or get hypnotherapy or do both, you don't want to let this go on too long. diabetes and joint issues are going to make you hate your life when you reach 40, and by 50 you'll be lusting over mobility scooters.

>my mother is fat and it's so sad
>chubby=/= obese fat

just get to even 140lbs and you'll live much longer healthier and happier.

>> No.5295424

5,10 (I think its been awhile since I mesured myself) and around 240 pounds (once again a wild guess, I got a scale But its kinda obvious im a fat cow) or so.

At this point its everything, I want everything but thing is allwayse straped on cash, and we have the same thing over and over and over and oh fuck me I want a banana, apples, oranges, tangerines peaches plums, carrots, brocoli. I dont give a shit any more.

Even when I had money I bought these things because they where wonderful to munch on, fatty things, healthy things, weird shit. I dont want to see rice, noodles, frozen burg patty or frozen chicken breast any more.

How am I still fat you might ask? Im a lay usless cunt that needs to exersise more and stop using my pocket change for some fucking taste from the gas station. whats taiste? FUCKING ANYTHING! this is hell, im in hell.

>> No.5295426

I'm female, 5'7", and I'm at a solid 150. Trying to lose 15-20 lbs, just trying to figure out what to eat.

>> No.5295434

Female, 5'8" 190. so yes I am pretty fat.

>> No.5295436

I tried doing diets, but they didn't work, I always caved. I mean, I'm a vegan, I don't eat any animal products at all because I'm an ethical vegan, so it isn't the type of food I have trouble with. I just need to eat in large quantities, the food doesn't matter so long as it isn't something like broccoli. I mean, I like broccoli, but it isn't something I get up and want

>> No.5295443

oh what I forgot my weakness
Carbohydrate loaded stuff.
Donuts, pastries, pasta, breads, sugary drinks

And whipped cream

>> No.5295447

Male, 5"8, 120lbs. (In my defence, I'm adorable and Asian)

My weakness is probably seafood. However, I kind of have a long list of things I really, really want, most of which are rather expensive:
>Foie Gras
>Sea Urchin

>> No.5295449

female, 5'4 and 93 pounds lol
not anorexic btw just small frame and ridiculously fast metabolism, as well as bad habits

>> No.5295451

oh, and my weakness is fucking breakfast food and pasta. i wouldn't even really call it a weakness, i need all the fat and carbs i can get

>> No.5295464

eat more, god damn

go out for a massive fucking breakfast tomorrow, for the sake of anon who is worried about you.

>> No.5295466

Male 5'6". I am in "normal" BMI but slight tummy (apple shape). Need to lose 10~12 pounds.

>> No.5295467

what's your age OP?

>> No.5295470

I was told at /fit/ that first to lose and then to gain. I have already lost 16 kg and need to drop 10 kg more.

Cardio is not necessary. It's good for your heart and overall health. But it's always calories in and calories out. Eat less calories than your TDEE and you'll start losing weight. Don't kill yourself by overdoing cardio.

>> No.5295472

please don't worry! :c i'm quite healthy other than my low weight. but i will eat a whole bunch tomorrow just for you hahah

>> No.5295473

you fat fuck.
stop fucking complaining you attention seeking cow

>> No.5295479

fuck off kiddo

>> No.5295491

enjoy your insecurities, bitch.

>> No.5295492

I'm a super skinny 6'3 guy but I exercise and know I eat way too little some days calorically. Pretty sure my old ways combined with being a normal weight/body type back then indicates a high metabolism too. You still weigh nearly only half of me though holy fuck. I don't own scales because I don't want to make myself give a shit/pay for them, but last time I weighed myself was early Dec. and I was ~170lb. I'd guess i've lost around 20lbs since then going by realistic cal deficit to weight loss ratio(3500-2lb) and the fact that I know I look shit tons skinnier now.
actually trying to force myself to eat beyond comfort now because I want to get fitter from running, which despite online belief doesn't go hand in hand with salad picking, especially if you're my fucking size. I know this second hand from long distance running friends/family. No appetite/No eating a bit of junk>Not enough energy & no muscle gain>No significant improvement unless you were high bf% to start with. I'm around 8%. Could probably be associated with starvation/anorexia just from visual diagnosis which I really hate because i'm so against it.
sorry for going on.

My weaknesses are (does it have to be unhealthy to count?) vegetable Pastas, Naan bread, Onion Bhaji, Nearly all raw Salads, Roast Vegetables (specifically Carrots, Zucchini, Onion and Pumpkin), Sweet and Sour Stir-fries, Grapefruit, Dry Muesli and Scroggin/Trail Mix. I too could also probably benefit from a few months of unrestrained consumption of them..
Despite being crazy into fresh fruit there aren't really any sweet foods I crave. If it's not hearty or vegetabley I generally don't enjoy the thought of eating it.
Not vegan/vegetarian btw I just love my veges.

>> No.5295495

Cardio gives fucking awesome mental gains, whereas sedentary starvation makes you feel like shit and care about nothing but your appearance.
first hand advice - do your cardio. nothing beats the post-workout satisfaction.

>> No.5295502

Cardio makes you hungry and you end up eating more. There was a year long study on women doing regular cardio every day of week except weekend. They gained weight after a year.

It's the calories you eat matters most. Eat less calories and you'll lose weight.

Cardio is good for heart and overall health but not necessary for weight lose.

>> No.5295507

You have no unhealthy weakness like cake or something?

>> No.5295513

It also makes you deserve to eat more. Maybe if you find eating at a calorie deficit difficult, you should try getting down to a healthy body fat percentage through diet before prioritizing fitness.
After that though I absolutely, unconditionally recommend it. If it's healthy, you should make weight/appearance/statistical goals secondary priorities to just getting out there and feeling awesome.

Anyway, if weight is all you think people should care about then you and I should part now.

>> No.5295521


I used to be a powelifter, so i have a higher muscle to fat ratio than most people. i still want to lose about 30 lbs though, i feel more comfortable in my own skin at that way.

>> No.5295542
File: 85 KB, 538x720, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male, 6'4 at 133kgs/293lbs

I'm a walking mountain, my weakness is eating like my life depends on it nearly every meal and 90% of the time it's fast food.

>> No.5295549

Male 6'2" 86kg

Weakness - sweets

>> No.5295564

Male 5'8 173cm, 116lbs or 53kg
i used to be overweight as a kid but that was only because i ate more than i ran.
i still dont run but i eat like 1 meal per day, not because i was overweight but because i lost my appetite.
i am a chubby chaser though, gotta love those sweet soft girls

>> No.5295565
File: 905 KB, 1600x1200, 4-POUCHES-olives[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5' 11", 170lbs. My weakness is these bastards. I loathe most snacking olives but these are spot on. It's too bad the chilli ones are difficult to obtain.

>> No.5295569

260 pounds.

i'm so hungry. all the time. i never feel full.

>> No.5295571

Try smoking/e cigarettes. Nicotine can kill a hunger pang like codeine kills a bowel movement.

>> No.5295574

Less junk food, less empty carbs, more vegetables and lots of protein. More fiber to help keep you fuller. Try oatmeal for breakfast.
Try cooking lunches/dinners in advance and boxing them. Stick to a fairly laid-out schedule to keep you honest. If you get hungry, eat celery and drink water.

>> No.5295575

Not 'weaknesses' really. I can always resist them entirely without feeling like i'm missing out.
There's things I like the temporary pleasure of devouring though, sure..

>> No.5295577

That's BECAUSE it's fast food. That shit is made to be incredibly unfilling and unsatisfying.

>> No.5295580

pls be in london

6'1 masterrace reporting in 170 lbs, half in my cut

>> No.5295581

what gym u go 2?

>> No.5295615


I'm 26.


rude :<

>> No.5295651

250 (obese)
Need to lose about 60 pounds
Weakness is anything salty, and sweet drinks

>> No.5295655

C-can I be your sparring partner?

>> No.5295659

My appetite is massive, I have a bad habit of forgetting to eat throughout the whole day then getting a lot of fast food.

>> No.5295669

in a similar boat except my slightly-softer-than-desirable SO won't join me at the gym so it's getting harder and harder to WANT to since we're on identical hours at work.
I like being around the guy but he just doesn't want to work out so I'm forced to pick.

135lb, 5'8", bad habit is quick azn frozen food. Fucking potsticks, steamed buns and rice.

>> No.5295683

Last time I was weighed ~110lbs and I'm 6ft.
I eat a LOT of Brussels pate on toast because cheap, I still barely get 1500 calories a day, might be up or down from that number when I was on 800 for a couple of months.

>> No.5295691

Male 5'11 123 lbs (lost some weight due to depression and I'm still trying to gain it back)

Desserts with black coffee/black coffee with desserts. Can't have one without the other. Usually have a few shortbreads (or maybe a pastry if I can find any) with my coffee in the morning. I can't stomach desserts in the evening, though, for some reason. My palate likes sweet things in the mornings but trends towards savory as the day goes on.

>> No.5295701

You gonna die brah. Seriously.

Are you an oly bar with 2pl8?

>> No.5295704

Are you me but a grill?

>> No.5295716

I know what an ED can do to your brain. Calm down.

>> No.5295719

yeeeeah we gettin some /fit/brahs up in here

>> No.5295721
File: 93 KB, 468x738, stopfat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We stomp out this illness in our lifetime. Everyone must be vigilant.

>> No.5295723

then stop attention seeking on an anonymous image board, if you don't want help and you don't want to change then fuck off because nobody gives a shit.

>> No.5295724

SS + 500 calories deficit + 20 minutes of HIT cardio at the end of your weight workout

>> No.5295725

Male, 6'1", 200lb.

>> No.5295743

>500 calories deficit

Let me guess you're always getting sick?

250 calories deficit is easily sustained without damaging your health and doesn't require 11 hours of sleep every night.

>> No.5295752

>250 cal deficit

Wow you can lose 1 lbs every 2 weeks!

>> No.5295759


Yeah. When you're not 350 pounds overweight, cutting a pound is actually a pretty big deal.

>> No.5296042

>was overweight, at worst: 120kg/265lbs
>am now: 75kg/175lbs
>still want to lose more because I am still a bit chubby around certain parts

weaknesses is nothing special, but I used to overeat. because who the fucks eats the specified serving size when opening a bag of crisps?
got over it with lots of self-control, and when I eat unhealthy stuff remember myself to portion it appropriately.

>> No.5296078

Boy you gon die.

>> No.5296089


dude, i responded to the thread and then anonymous jumped in and started lecturing me so i defended myself. i'll post what i want where i want. just be glad i'm not that person who blows up your facebook news feed with sympathy-seeking status updates or heckles you in real life with personal problems. eat muh dick.

>> No.5296223

5'10", 135lbs
I feel like I could stand to lose a bit of weight in my thighs and hips, and get a bit more toned up. I feel a little overweight, but not to the point that I starve myself. I mainly just don't try to compound the problem while passively working to try to fix it.
My biggest weakness at the moment is Doritos. I don't know what it is, but I'll just eat an entire bag in a sitting if I'm not careful. They aren't even that great, but I can't stop once I get started.
In general, though, anything strawberry related gets demolished by me.

>> No.5296249

Female, 5'7", 165 pounds. Used to be 275 and trying to get to 125.

I used to eat a lot of macaroni & cheese and at least a liter of Coke a day. Nowadays I just want to eat watermelon, honeydew and apples all the time.

>> No.5296272

I'm trans, 6'0, 190lbs and my weakness is munching on junk food when I'm stoned. I hate the food craving I get when I smoke weed.

>> No.5296278

female 5'2" 119lb I wanna loose about another 5-10 then try and get some of dat muscle
weakness ,probably cakes, I'm a big baker so it's hard to not eat my own stuff,so I just give it all away before I get a chance haha
also I have a weird thing for cereal, not shitty american over sugar as hell cereal but standard shit like cheerios

>> No.5296282

cigs and beer

>> No.5296289

Male. 21 years young. 6ft 0". ~ 80kg. Looking to gain some muscle weight and maybe lose some body fat. Overall looking to get to around 14 stone (92kg).

My weakness is an overwhelming ID and with no superego to deny myself.

>> No.5296551



Mentally ill freak

>> No.5296553


says the guy insecure enough to go out of his way to target and attack someone for being themselves.

>> No.5296563

Female, 5'9.5

Ideally I'd like to be 105lbs, I'm aiming for 110lbs though.

>> No.5296567


Have you ever done anal?

>> No.5296572


anorectic? if you're gonna post bullshit like that at least admit that you're fucked up.

>> No.5296575

Why do you ask?

>> No.5296576

Being trans is not being yourself

>> No.5296578


Just wondering.

>> No.5296581

6'3 287 here. Also, I'm a linebacker, so it's almost pure muscle, malice, and testosterone.

>> No.5296582

Why would I be on a cooking board if I was anorexic?
I just want a set of abs for this summer.
And yes, do work out.

>> No.5296583


I'm a girl btw

>> No.5296586

How about you?

>> No.5296588


Nope. Have you?

>> No.5296590


>fat stoner

w-we're not mentally ill!

>> No.5296591

Also, my weakness is little caesar's carry out pizza.

>> No.5296593

I started watching porn young...

>> No.5296597


Damn, that's hot. Do you suggest it to the guy? How does it happen? What's the biggest you've had?

>> No.5296602

Long-term relationship/only one guy
He suggested finger, I suggested anal.
I'm pretty sure most guys would be down though.
I know three other girls who've done it too, so it's not exactly rare.

>> No.5296604


Interesting. I've always thought it was more rare. What's the kinkiest thing you've done?

>> No.5296606


>> No.5296609

>all these chubby girls
>they probably have fat butts
>nobody posting pictures

Why? You know you want the attention.
I'm not asking for porn, jesus. Just show us a little bit of the backstairs.

>> No.5296613


>replying to a man

>> No.5296619


Oh, that's kinda boring. How big is his dick. And you said he's the only guy you've ever banged?

>> No.5296620


because people with eating disorders are obsessed with food. a lot of anorectics cook/bake frequently for their friends and family and abstain from eating what they make.

you're still underweight. abs are MUSCLE, you won't be 105 with abs.

>> No.5296625



>> No.5296628


firstly, what i meant by "just being themselves" was more along the lines of just sitting at their computer, posting in accordance to the thread, not provoking anybody.

but your interpretation applies too, and yes, it is. the human ego can be molded into whatever the individual feels suits them. ego needn't be confined by anything physical, especially if there is cognitive dissonance and halfheartedly adhering to something with which one isn't comfortable... THAT isn't being one's self.

>> No.5296637


All of this ranting can be summed up in two words: mental illness

>> No.5296655

5' 3" 108lbs

I had been going to the gym but because of all the I exercise I get really hungry all the time. I've been trying to avoid unhealthier food by shopping for myself but it's hard when it comes to eating my parent's cooking. They love all those classic American meals. And there's always ice cream in the freezer.

>> No.5296658


Have you done anal?

>> No.5296702
File: 10 KB, 235x251, 1329615149601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5296714


Is that a yes or a no?

>> No.5296735

Why don't you make a strawpoll for everyone?

>> No.5296739


Good idea. Maybe I will. I'm always interested in doing surveys like this.

Why haven't you done it? Would you ever?

>> No.5296838

Male 4'7, 300 pounds of fat. I'm at the point where I have to type with a broom. I also pass out every 3 and a half hours.

>> No.5296894


My weight is fine

I have a weakness for scotch whiskey

>> No.5296914

5'2" and 97lbs

Cooking is fun, but I don't really like eating. Biggest weakness is having a boyfriend, makes me want to go out for meals all the time. And soda.

>> No.5297069

Protip - Change all liquids in your diet to just water. No part of a healthy diet REQUIRES anything but water. Get your base nutrients from solids.

>> No.5297075

190 lbs

Salt is my only weakness

>> No.5297536

M, 5'10, 160. I thought I was at a good weight but y'all are making me feel fat now. Weakness I would say chips, and anything which I can eat mindlessly while doing something else.

>> No.5299003

200 lbs
not super fat. but fat enough to be called fat.
>mfw my only weakness is tobacco