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File: 195 KB, 1803x1075, 2006_sardines_can_open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5283895 No.5283895[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some simple things to do with Sardines?

I got 9 cans of the fuckers (dont ask) and need something to do with them besides eat them straight out of the can

>> No.5283905

I like to toss them with whole wheat pasta, cherry tomatoes, oil cured olives, capers, lemon, chopped parsley, chili flakes, onions (softened on low heat), and olive oil.

>> No.5283907

Stack the cans on a shelf.

>> No.5283913

Use them in a daikon kimchi. Serve over bean sprouts with a spicy pork and tofu stew.

>> No.5283911

I put them in eggs when I camp. I know people who make meatballs out of them.

>> No.5283934

Put them on toast

>> No.5283969

Put them on crackers and bake in the oven for a bit. Garnish with whatever you have kicking around. Olives, mustard, cheese. Pita bread and cream cheese is good too.

>> No.5284271

Sardines on triscuits. Maybe a dash of tabasco.
I'll eat the whole tin.

>> No.5284279

Put them on your next pizza. Specially if you're squeamish about anchovies.
Next best thing.

>> No.5284391
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Aw shit. I love sardines. Put them on some dark bread with butter, or with herb cream cheese and cucumber. On Ritz crackers with hot sauce. Under eggs. On pizza or pasta. As meatballs.

>> No.5284400

What this guy said, their much better IMO than anchovies, their a lot less saltier and more tasty.

If you get a one can of smoked sardines in oil for instance, that's good for at least three to four pizza slices.

IMO, anchovies have no taste, it's just salt. Sardines on the other hand have taste and the right amount of salt.

>> No.5284403

Saltines too

>> No.5284410
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When I buy tinned sardines I
>put them on a cutting board
>carefully slice along the belly
>remove the guts and spine
and then I eat what's left.

Do you really eat the whole thing anon? Spine, guts and all? You disgust me.

>> No.5284418

This guy has a blog with 300 something canned sardine reviews

mouth-full-of-sardines blogspot

>> No.5284424

>deboning a sardine

have you got OCD or something?
the spine turns to mush instantly, you don't even taste it.

>> No.5284436

bones are like half the appeal in tiny fish. I've never seen any guts though.

>> No.5284452
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No, don't have OCD. I just really hate the grittiness of the spine and the chalkiness of the guts.

>> No.5284458

If you're hard up for money, they go well with stir fries. Rice is cheap, vegtables if you know where to get them, or just frozen, are pretty cheap. Make sure to add enough season to cut some of that taste out, but the fishiness is actually quite nice with some soy

>> No.5284465

I like fish a lot, even canned fish but canned sardines have always been a letdown. The meat is flaky and bony and tastes like poop. Canned sprat for example beats the shit out of sardines.

>> No.5284467

Born sinner, the opposite of a winner
Remember when I used to eat sardines for dinner

>> No.5284470

That's funny as fuck, some cuntwad deboning a sardine, someone should youtube a video of a retard doing that.

>> No.5284474
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you gotta get some good ones. They dont even have to be expensive. I can get mexican and italian ones for under a dollar that are amazing. Way better than bumblebee shit.

>> No.5284475

you could make fishermen's eggs

this sounds really good, if you're still around could you suggest how much of the sardines I should use? doesn't have to be exact measurements as I rarely measure things, if anything just compare the amount of sardines to the amount of tomatoes or something and I can figure it out

>> No.5284480

I crush them up with a fork, then either add them directly to saltines or some crusty bread, sometimes add them to pasta, sometimes add them on top of pizza. It's all good to me!

I think it's an acquired taste though. My mom used to eat those and when I was a kid I thought that was nasty ass shit. But as I got older and after started eating out some hot chicks, sardines found their place. HA HA HA!

>> No.5284494

If we took the bones out it wouldn't be crunchy then, would it?

>> No.5284501

what hes describing is pretty much pasta putanesca theres lots of recipes online.

>> No.5284548

It's not crunchy with the bones you homo!
They're not big bones in the first place... certainly nothing that would yield a crunch.

Saltine bones are perfectly safe to crunch on, they'll give you calcium too! Like salmon spines!


>> No.5284557
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>Saltine bones

>> No.5284576

I'd crunch your bone.

And by crunch I mean suck. And by bone I mean penis.

I'd suck your penis.

>> No.5284582
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>> No.5284592


Take the can, put it in your breast pocket. As you hunt your body temperature will prevent the oil from becoming solid so you can dip your crusty bread in it after you eat the sardines and wash it all down with a gulp of wine.

This is actually how the Quebecois live.

>> No.5284596

I'm straight, but I'll take that as a compliment as something that I can use against a GF to say, "HEY I R AN APPEALING GUY!" HAHAHHAA!

>> No.5284617

I can deal with that.

>> No.5284624

I usually spread some sun-dried tomato spread on a slice of bread, then put a slice of a nice cheese like monster, then add the sardines on top. Just the oiled ones. I usually buy King Oscar for this because they're small like gravy.

>> No.5284643


The Quebecois found out what life was about a while back.

Hunting, smoking, wine, fucking, and poutine.

>> No.5284644

you sound like some kind of asshole.

>> No.5284661

>still eat sardines and crusty bread

What the fuck are you hunting that you cant eat?

>> No.5284664


You've clearly never been hunting before.

You think I've going to field clean and cook an entire ten pointer just so I can eat it on the spot?

>> No.5284666

And endlessly bitching and moaning about anyone using English.

>> No.5284676
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I like you.

>> No.5284735
File: 2.21 MB, 1288x966, Fishermans Eggs 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Here's mine...

>> No.5284809

OP, get rye crackers (I like Finn Crisp, comes in a red box), apply whole grain mustard, a vegetable liked sliced cucumber or tomato or something and sardines. Good snack/lunch.

>> No.5284826

fisherman's eggs is one of my favourite breakfasts. So much lean protein.

>> No.5284833

hahaha, ok ok saltine bones, that's a funny one.

It might as well be for this fagget yammering about sardine bones.

>> No.5284877

Pretty sure i've seen this pic before.
Looks great.

Could i get directions on how to precisely make this dish?

>> No.5284887

The best thing about them is that the fuckers are so small they have very little bioaccumulation of mercury and other heavy metals compared to larger fish.

>> No.5284889

Well, you've got to have something meaningful in your life.

>> No.5284895

I like them with crackers and a bit of cream cheese.

Sardines are pretty god tier when you're broke.

>> No.5284899

La ferme, sale anglo de merde.

>> No.5284901

>buy a thing of sardines
>open it expecting it to be full of tiny fish
>nothing but hunks of fish that easily falls apart
>bones make it taste gritty as fuck

What am I doing wrong

>> No.5284902

you don't have to like it

just try tuna or a bigger kind of fish if you like the taste but not the texture

>> No.5284907
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>> No.5284908

hell yeah, the Alton special

>> No.5284922

I would use them for bait and catch some eel and eat those hideous bastards instead.

>> No.5285951
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>> No.5285957

OCD faggets or trolls?

It's fucking sardines you morons!

>> No.5285960

Hell yeah, eels are good eatin'.

>> No.5286002

fry up with onions. Then add lemon and eat with toast or crackers.
Optionals: olives, fennel

>> No.5286013

Hell yeah, I've had them fried but also fresh in salads, they're all good.

>> No.5286061

>yfw sardines are extinct

>> No.5286100

I just use a standard size tin per serving

>> No.5286190

>half an onion, diced, sauteed
>two cloves of garlic, minced, put in the pan a few minutes after the onions
>can of sardines, broken up with a fork, cooked in the pan with the onions and garlic
>four eggs, scrambled or otherwise, cooked with all the bullshit in the pan
>parsley, chopped, mixed in
>some hot sauce if you want to

>> No.5287228

How are those so well intact? I can't get them to stay together for the life of me

>> No.5287354
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Well I don't. I don't want crunchy fish.

>> No.5287355

If it weren't for Quebec, the price of everything across Canada would drop at least 30% to what it's really worth without having to shop across the border, efficiencies and GDP would skyrocket. Hell, whenever we do you the favour of translating everything into French, all you do is complain and fight among yourselves (and your past self who made a different decision) about which translation to use. The more bs French laws you add, the shittier your province's economy and job market become, because businesses will increasingly pull out of your province, fed up with your shit. Why must the vast majority of Canadians cater to a province that makes no contribution to the country and bring nothing but trouble?

I like my sardines simple. Just broil or fry the fish to make it a bit crispy and serve with its own oil on a starch, salt and pepper.

>> No.5287363


Because they invented Poutine. I, as a western Canadian, will gladly subsidize Quebec for centuries for their singular creation of Poutine.

And Montreal women are tied for the best fuck in Canada with Victoria women.

>> No.5287372

You alone can subsidize their bums. Hold another referendum, gtfo of everyone else's pockets. The province doesn't have what it takes to support itself as its own country, so the women will immigrate to Canada to serve your dick poutine.

>> No.5287382
File: 88 KB, 400x400, marois sti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with Victoria women
I thought Victoria was retirement capital? Unless you're into geriatrics.

Anywho, Quebecers also make awesome meat pies. I make sure to grab some when I go.

>> No.5287392


No way pal. Number one selfie taking city in all of Canada.

>> No.5287437
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I stand corrected.

>> No.5287458 [DELETED] 

Montreal has the best baggles I've ever had
I'd go back there just to buy some

>> No.5287485

Put them in spaghetti

>> No.5287501

I live in Victoria. Please be my friend.

>> No.5287574

Joke's on you I don't even speak English and now I can't read all this mad

>> No.5287683

dice some spanish onion
roughly press with a fork into the onion


light and tasty