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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5275227 No.5275227[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT shit only you like

>> No.5275239

>my mom is a classy lady with only one partner

Thanks, Mtn Dew

>> No.5275237

you mom's dribbly snatch

>> No.5275266
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These. Although I'm sure they are slowly killing me...


>> No.5275287

Sides in orbit.

>> No.5275293

Bread 'crusts'
Wholegrain oats, apple and water. Nearly every day. Sounds way more like poverty or dietary extrimism than it is to me. I just fucking love oats and water.
Black tea
Raw onions
Plain roast pumpkin
Broccoli stalks
Canned Tuna. Plain is best..

>> No.5275358
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>> No.5275366

Your mothers ass

>> No.5275374


I would imagine something as low as you would like that.

>> No.5275380

I fucking love these things too OP

>> No.5275381


>> No.5275422
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Iced coffee, no cream, sugar or flavoring.

>> No.5275441

Yes considering how low your mothers ass is.

>> No.5275448

That actually sounds pretty good.

>> No.5275460

I drink a huge black iced coffee every morning nogga.

And my breath kills people all day.

>> No.5275468

I do the same.

Occasionally I'll dump cream/sugar/flavoring in but I won't consider it coffee.

>> No.5275474

Potted meat
Those candy raspberries
Pickled herring
Red dog beer

>> No.5275491

Amazing, especially in hot weather. Who wants hot coffee and milk when its 98 degrees 100% humidity? And iced tea is for the weak. Iced black coffee.

Mah nigga. I don't always drink my coffee over ice but I do like it to be at least room temp. I'll either make it extra strong and pour over ice or I'll make it normal and stick it in the deep freeze until its good.

I didn't think anyone else did this. Everyone I work with comes in with these nasty caramel sprinkle frapacappacinos blaster drinks and I'll stroll in with a 32 oz NFL souvenir cup full of cold black coffee, it gets reactions from people that don't know me well yet when they figure out that I'm not drinking water.

>> No.5275503

Peanut Butter, Mayonnaise, and Onion sandwiches.

>> No.5275510
File: 31 KB, 640x480, BksVzOv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot weather
>Iced Black Coffee

Enjoy your dehydration and heat stroke.

>NFL cup

Oh well, you get points for that at least. What team, bro?

>> No.5275524

Hot Fries + Clam Chowder = holy shit

>> No.5275543
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No worries, I drink a gallon of water at least every day. Still need the caffeine.

>> No.5275670


>pickled herring

My nigga. My mom, grandpa, and I are the only people I know who'll even touch it, but goddamn is it good.

>> No.5275737

Dude, Hot Fries are the shit.

Coltsbro here. Sorry about your playoff chances, brah.

>> No.5275759
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I ate the whole bag and I regret nothing.

>> No.5275781

But I love those, anon.

>> No.5275808

No worries. I'm more excited about this season than any season before and I've been on board from the beginning, big changes happening in Texas. We will be coming. It might take a season or three but get ready for Texans. I'm happy to see the coach and qb gone. They got us to playoffs but that isn't enough. Total rebuild mode now, and I'm excited, but still humble. Good luck next year Coltsbro, I like your team slightly more than average.

>> No.5275817

Pickled herring and red dog is a Minnesota dinner

>> No.5275834


My nigger... Be my valentine?

>> No.5275871

Anyone who doesn't love this is hasn't been to Vietnam, or has child taste buds.
It's good with normal coffee even

>> No.5275881

Anything in particular we share?
Sure thing anon. Currently feeling when no gf, of course.

>> No.5276026

>playoff champs

I was a Packfag eliminated in an most shameful matter, by the same fucking team, and same fucking QB.

I am not prould of my team.

But I am no Clotsfag.

>> No.5276029
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Gonna be Johnny Foosball tossing to Johnson, and/...fuck who else? Trade up for Evans god damn it! You already let Daniels go/

Who was second string on Texans roster? It wasn't Kevin Walter, was it? I thought he was gone for 2 years.

Fuck, I'm drunk.

I literally just want to see Johnnt Foosball and Mike Evans reuinte, but I realize it won't ever happen.

>> No.5278292
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Pasta and Clam sauce and pic related.

>> No.5278510

WTF? Everyone likes sour cream & onion chips.

>> No.5278525
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andy capp's red headed brother

>and then I pour a can of cheap chili over it

>> No.5278539
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>> No.5278547

I do this all the time. I want STRONG coffee in the mornings. I am in a hurry and I can't be assed to wait for it to cool.

>> No.5278549

Did you not read his post? The combination of those chips and the sauce he described is what he is talkinga bout.

>> No.5278562
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These instead of crakers for tuna salad

>> No.5278603

>Trade up for Evans god damn it!

This. I want this so bad.

>Who was second string on Texans roster? It wasn't Kevin Walter, was it? I thought he was gone for 2 years.

Kevin Walter was one of my favorite players. He had been released prior to the 2013 year, and spent the whole year with the Titans on PUP list.

Second string was DeAndre Hopkins.

>I literally just want to see Johnnt Foosball and Mike Evans reuinte, but I realize it won't ever happen.

This so much. And also sad to see it won't happen, unless way long down the line.

It's kinda cool that Andrew Luck has two of his guys with him. Granted Griff Whalen ain't much of shit, but Coby Fleener is good when healthy.

Maybe a few years down the line, if there's some shuffling around, Manziel and Evans reunite. Stranger things have happened.

Stafford and Kris Durham were college roomies, and reunited a few years into the league.

>> No.5278642

Holy fuck, my nigger.

>> No.5278670

My brother from other mother

>> No.5280221

Nig from another pig
Slut from another butt
Dick from another chick

>> No.5281111
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>> No.5281147

goes great with fried semen right?

>> No.5281153

go back to /b/

>> No.5281177

Polack here

Is it any good? ive seen some and it was tempting...

>> No.5281184

I accidentally ordered that in a Starbucks. I was in a rush to leave and forgot to ask for sugar and cream in my iced coffee. I was bummed out until i tasted it. Really refreshing.

>> No.5281204

so do they brew it hot and just add ice?

>> No.5281302
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its 1 of 3 great foods i remember from my childhood, be forwarded its highly addictive

be sure to get caviar flavor and not tuna or salmon

>> No.5281306


fuck you autocorrect

>> No.5281756

>thinking you're the only that likes Hot Fires

Have you ever met a black person?

>> No.5281802
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They brew it hot (presumedly) pour it into a pitcher and put it in the fridge. When you order an iced coffee they put ice in the cup and pour the pre made cold coffee over it. Its actually really refreshing if the weather is hot, you guys oughta try it out.

Now, when I make it at home I do brew it hot and add the ice to be melted. I just make the coffee really fucking strong so that the melted ice can water it down at room temp to a normal potency.

>> No.5281861

literately bought a bag today

>> No.5281897
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The Mexican version of this. So fucking good, like jerky fucked the sea.

>> No.5281914
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't you should try this stuff... I too drink iced black coffee, and I've tried a lot of different methods, cold brews, hot brewing and rapid cooling etc... So far this stuff is the best for iced coffee that I've found, you can adjust the strength, it mixes well and it's like 6 bucks a jar which lasts me about 2-3 weeks with 1-2 16 oz cups a day. Check it out maybe.

>> No.5281925


>> No.5281928

I know, inviting coffee snobs to butcher me, but if we're drinking iced coffee, we're not too concerned about super high quality beans.

I have an aeropress, moka pot, etc etc etc but this is the way I like to drink coffee most often. Easy, fast, and cheap.

>> No.5281934

Despite tripcode and the fact you dropped it, confirmed latin american. Visiting chile and all these plebs drink is that bile.

>> No.5281936
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>> No.5281941

Cold chicken and cold pizza. I eat it right out of the fridge the next day without heating it up.

>> No.5281942

Sorry, I only use the tripcode for the cooking challenge thread and 4chan autofills it in every other thread...

I grew up in Southern California and have worked with Hispanic people pretty much my whole adult life, so that could have influenced my bile drinking habit, lol

>> No.5281958

I'd probably have to say... the smell of my own farts.

Being poor I eat a lot of beans, onions, and cabbage. In public I'm fine but as soon as I get home my ass is constantly releasing stink bombs. Pretty satisfying to be honest.

>> No.5282391

>I just make the coffee really fucking strong so that the melted ice can water it down at room temp to a normal potency.
Why not just put coffee in an ice tray and make coffee ice cubes?

>> No.5282548


>and then I pour a can of cheap chili over it

Dear God...I never thought of that! And I LOVE those things! Gonna try it.

>> No.5282617

>Implying you know how to make coffee

>> No.5282881

I've noticed working at Starbucks that most employee's go-to is iced coffee, black. It's damn refreshing after running around sweating up a storm and reeking of coffee and cigarettes.

>tfw brewing iced coffee and getting it more fresh before anyone else does while it still is a little lukewarm

>> No.5282886

Those are ok but kinda weird.

>> No.5282892

holy shit i like these a lot. but i can not find them in Cambodia. sucks bro.

>> No.5282965


I do this, or I'll add milk to it to mellow it out, if I want a sweet treat I'll put some vanilla ice cream in a tall glass, pour the just-brewed espresso over it then add some milk

>> No.5283428

>gallon of water every day
Are you retarded?