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File: 242 KB, 550x448, green-onions[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5279272 No.5279272 [Reply] [Original]

Do you associate this more with Mexican or Asian food? It's often used in both.

>> No.5279279

That depends on which cuisine you're more exposed to. It would be Asian for me though

>> No.5279286

I associate it with german cuisine because I put this shit on bread together with quark and some other greens. Also staple for soups. What do the Mexicans do with it? I know of its use in Asian cooking, but no clue about Mexican cuisine.

>> No.5279305

Taco Bell puts them all over their mexican pizzas. I see them in burritos a lot too.

>> No.5279309

Neither, I'm from Eastern Yurop and it's used in a buch of dishes that aren't Mexican or Asian.
Actually just used them in an omelette.

>> No.5279314

I just think of soups.

>> No.5279343

I don't really associate them with any region in particular. I love them though, especially when they are fresh.

>> No.5279411
File: 50 KB, 656x554, mexican_onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I associate those with all foods.. never seen any without em. American, Russian, german.. all use em.

But I like the actual mexican onions better - they are the both of both worlds

>> No.5279420

I just associate them with food in general

>> No.5279430

Have... have you ever just bit right into one?

>> No.5279433

I've shoved one bulb end first up my ass, does that count?

>> No.5279452

Green onion + salt = win

>> No.5279484
File: 982 KB, 1500x1000, taco``time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say both green onions go well over enchiladas raw and perfectly will grilled meats


>> No.5279523

Mostly asian food
I use them in just about every asian dish I make...
Also cajun food
and as a garnish...
fucking green onions go with just about everything.
Am eating some with a keto egg drop soup as we speak

>> No.5279540

spring onion
green onion

what the fuck is the correct term

>> No.5279546

onion stick

>> No.5279548
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No, I associate this with Asian food.

>> No.5279577

>Do you associate this more with Mexican or Asian food? It's often used in both.
Both. In fact, I buy it almost always with cilantro, and do two separate distinct dinners, asian and mexican, that week, so that my herbs aren't going to waste.

I also in my recipe rotation, might use half to make salads with it, chicken salad or pasta salad, sometimes potato salad. A little bit leftover from any recipe can enhance a morning omelette.

I also use this in spinach dip (knorr or lipton recipes). I'm not sure it's even on the box to do so, but I use two bunches as well as the water chestnuts. What else? Hmm, it's delicious on a baked potato. You can also make a liptauer cheese like spread with cottage cheese and green onion in the food processor, good for the baked potato or dipping vegetables.

>> No.5279583

>what the fuck is the correct term
All correct.

I'd say there can be nuances with spring onions to include those bulb ended young onions. And if someone says scallions , they might be envisioning just the green ends of an entire spring/green onion, kind of like a big chive idea.

>> No.5279614

it's used wherever it grows... which is just about everywhere.

>> No.5279648

I use them in salads and Asian food. Never used them in Mexican.

>> No.5279657

You can also add it to your ramen.

I mean if your a student like me. Some eggs and spring onion go a long long way.

>> No.5279742

Considering you Americunts mean "Hispanic" when you say "Mexican", I can tell you we in Spain use leek to prepare chicken stock, and also in some vegatables soups like porrusalda (I believe this dish didn't get to any Latin American country).

>> No.5279743

>Considering you Americunts mean "Hispanic" when you say "Mexican"

No, Americunts say "Spanish" when they mean "Hispanic" and "Latino" when they mean "Mexican.

>> No.5279753

most of them are grilled in Mexico with carne asadas. They have a larger bulb, and the green only serves to hold it.
I use the greens a lot but have trouble finding nice, clean young ones, because that is simply the "cola" and people don't give a fuck about it.

>> No.5279756

I just call them Jorges.

>> No.5279759

>thinking OP's pic is leek

Those are spring onions.

>> No.5279764

Babby onion.

>> No.5279774

Hispanic is what we use to describe cubans, dominicans and central americans spanish speakers who aren't mexican. It most correctly refers to Hispaniola, the island which contains Haiti and the Dominican Republic. This has been expanded to mean spanish speakers in a generic sense. People from Cuba, for instance, love to correct identification of their descent as "Spanish" and not wherever their family has lived the past 350 years, and might even have paid for a passport from Spain. Why? Because of racial mixing. To be part native or part slave is disgraceful compared to the lineage of second sons from Spain who moved to the New World. European is class, not heathens, lest you judge them.

>> No.5279778

Spain is a 3rd world country pretending to be first world. I don't see why they get so fired up over being associated with South American since they are in worse condition and their culture is just as backwards.

A culture where throwing cats at one another is seen as normal.

>> No.5279782
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1040, uh-huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5279783

I don't associate them with any specific nationality, they seem pretty ubiquitous

>> No.5279787

It's racial. Nothing more. It is simply to distinguish oneself from being mixed race, especially not to be descended from indigenous retards or former enslaved, both of whom have a lower class reputation. Classes are alive and well in South America, and determine everything from education to employment, let alone social acceptance.

>> No.5279802

The term "Hispanic" refers to Spanish origin. It comes from "Hispania", the name given by the Roman Empire to current Spain, and is used broadly to describe all those people coming from Spanish colonisation, sharing a Spanish cultural or ethnic background, be it pure or mixed. I believe your statement about the island La Española giving name to Caribbean people is held by weak logic.

>> No.5279828

Truth is, Spain is neither a rich, nor a 3rd world contry. Actually, *all* Latin American countries are currently in much worse economic situation than Spain, so you seem to have no clue what you are talking about. Spanish heritage in America is not limited to Spanish speaking countries or recent Latin immigrants. Those areas of Lousiana, Florida and some others were actual Spanish territories until recently, and their peoples were not expelled when they were annexed to the USA. So... can you state what is your actual ethnicity?

>> No.5279829


The term has evolved and expanded because of census collecting and other bureaucracy, but it continues to be used too expansively and broadly. It has always meant the Caribbean and central American only. It's called Hispaniola in every language in the world but yours, obviously. It's what Haitians and Dominicans both call it, and how it's spelled in English too.

Though, nice wikipeding!

>> No.5279834

>Spain is a 3rd world country pretending to be first world.
This isn't true by the literal definition of the original third world. Nor does it fit any descriptions of current Spain. Is there no clean water? Are there no roads? Are the masses without education and understandings of hygiene? Who's culture in S. America/Spain backwards? Are you some kind of atheist? Please explain your assertions of hate.

>> No.5279852

To be precise, it's not about race, but about families. About 20 different families hold all political and economical power in Colombia, as an example. That's the main difference between the English model which originated the USA, and the Spanish one. Being an American, you can't call Spanish people racist, considering the percentage of native American population in Spanish speaking countries vs. English colonies like the USA was.

>> No.5279856

green onions for tex mex, spring onions for assian

>> No.5279859

>what is Brazil
>what is Argentina
calm down man

>> No.5279862

How's that over 50% youth unemployment going for you? You'd be hard pressed to find that high of a level anywhere in Latin America.

>> No.5279866

Neither. We use green onions a lot in cajun and creole cooking. I haven't really associated it as specifically a mexican or asian ingredient. If you bruise the green ends and dip them in sauce it makes a great bbq brush.

>> No.5279867
File: 70 KB, 491x715, troll fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont feed the trolls

>> No.5279871

Double nope.

If you honor wikipeding, check out:

> Hispanic is an ethnonym that denotes a relationship to Spain or, in some definitions, to ancient Roman Hispania, which roughly comprised the Iberian Peninsula
> Today, organizations in the United States use the term as a broad catchall to refer to persons with a historical and cultural relationship either with Spain and Portugal or only with Spain, regardless of race.
> The U.S. Census Bureau defines the ethnonym Hispanic or Latino to refer to "a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race.", and states that Hispanics or Latinos can be of any race, any ancestry, any ethnicity.
> Generically, this limits the definition of Hispanic or Latino to people from the Caribbean, Central and South America, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race, distinctly excluding all persons of Portuguese origin.

Is this enough to refute your statement that "Hispanic refers to Caribbean or Central American people only"?

>> No.5279874

Oh no. It's completely different. Don't try to compare the US colonial model to anything overseas. The US is as close to a classless noninsular society as it comes, with a different historical reason for racism.

If you are S. American, or let's say Mexican, and you facially resemble any indigenous peoples or simply have darker skin where you don't pass as white, you are immediately judged on many fronts. It's this judgement that further reinforces how someone who is not of those descents might dress, act or identify. Dressing in labels to do simple things like going to the bank or a department store ensures service and respect, and continues to be how an immigrant behaves in the US, a country where billionaires drive trucks and wear blue jeans without any need to prove themselves worthy of equality. It's a holdover. In some places of the Caribbean, such as Cuba or Grand Cayman, the racial mixing is so complete (and the white flight) has made a more equal society where everyone more relys on your family's last name for status, but never ever discount the hope and desire for a child to come out a little more white skinned each generation. In central and S. America, this has not happened, but rather, the classes become more disparate in income and opportunity, and the indigenous more poor, leading to the locals more postured and posing as upper class. Hence the blanket desire to indicate where your people are from. The white flight, for example early Cuban immigrants, are very different ethnically from latter immigrants. Where are you from? Spain.

>> No.5279875

>If you honor wikipeding, check out:
I don't. You shouldn't either. It's great for a quick lookup, but it's user edited with little oversight or correction.

>> No.5279877


wiki is shit

>> No.5279893


The unemployment rate in Spain is the highest among all European contries since it started dropping in 2008. Still, I can tell you you won't find wealthier *average* living standards in any Latin American country as those in Spain. Youth unemployment rate is one meassure which frankly needs to be lowered, but there are many others. Talking about universal sanity access, it is still granted in a poor country like Spain, while you can't say so for a rich 1st world power like the USA.

>> No.5279900


And yet, none of them can admit it and are obsessed with dragging the rest of Europe down with them.

>> No.5279927

Yep, Spain. By reading your message, it seems like you are talking about a non-racist utopic country instead of the USA. From native American near extermination, to slavery and (past and current) segregation, the USA is the land of racial issues... also the land of racial mixing, due to later immigration, so we shall see what the American ethnicity end up being.

>> No.5280041

You have so much overexplanation here that it's clear to me you need to go back to the books and understand what 1st world and 3rd world actually mean, historically and currently. You are grasping at explaining your impressions and arguments without the firm background that you desire. I would suggest you should drop these words from your vernacular altogether, and use something properly descriptive for each unique situation.

To be clear, economic disaster and unemployment doesn't equate to anything remotely resembling third world conditions until you get to a situation like Syria, where the damage is on the level of environmental disaster as well, and refugee encampments is the new way of life among rubble and import/export has ceased, and even that is debatable when the basic modernity was in question in the first place outside of the major cities. Arabic countries have always lacked infrastructure equivalent to anything much newer than Roman time aquaducts *boggle*

>> No.5280820

No one in America gives a shit about Spain. I live near the Mexcian border so when I say Mexican I mean Mexican. Every time I get an enchilada it's got these onions either on it or inside it.

>> No.5280842

Maybe you should learn what a green onion looks like before attempting to tell people off on the internet you stupid can't keep your country afloat without help from daddy EU bastard