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5279004 No.5279004 [Reply] [Original]

Is it really that bad to start smoking? I'm 25 and want to start. All the french writers smoke. Anyone here smoke? Any advice? Semi-Food related

>> No.5279008
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Is it really that bad to inhale poison? I'm 25 and want to start. All the french writers inhale poison. Anyone here inhale poison? Any advice? Semi-Food related

>> No.5279009

going for the smoke youself thin diet? Or do you have ibs? Otherwise try heroin.

>> No.5279010

No, and no. Hail no, I'll stick with psilocybins.

>> No.5279019

The only reason why you want to smoke, because you think it will make you look cool and edgy - which is exactly the image the cigarette companies tried to create (smoking in Hollywood movies, etc).

Well enjoy paying cash for your own death, long problems, decreased health and lung capacity, addiction, decaying teeth and cigarette smell for that 'cool and edgy' look.

>> No.5279025

Thanks a mil guys. I think I just needed a reality check.

>> No.5279030

What are you, 12?

>> No.5279032


So much this OP. You have a 'gap' or something you miss in your life. It isn't smoking, you just want to fill the 'gap' you have with cigarettes.

Find out what the real thing you're missing in your life is - it isn't a cigarette

>> No.5279035

>All the french writers smoke
>mon nigger
Christ, it's not that bad. Buy a pack, give it a week. Didn't like it? then quit.

Go to bed Americans.

>> No.5279037

Well, it wont help your cooking at all


source in article

>> No.5279040

If you haven't started by now, don't. Once you start, it's extremely fucking difficult to stop.

>> No.5279041

FUCK no. Do you know how much money I've wasted on hastening my own death? To me and other smokers smoking is enjoyable, but thats addiction for ya.

If you are 25 why even bother picking up a habit. I started in college because I lived in a mixed gender dorm and didn't know anyone when I moved there. I'd get lonely and go smoke on the deck with people for something to do. It was great. I don't know why you'd want to start so late though.

>> No.5279042

god everytime you post I just hate you a little more

>> No.5279044

Yes. Stay away from it.
Its expensive, makes you smell like complete shit, and dulls your tastebuds.
Not to mention you'll start wheezing and hacking like you're an 80 year old fatass in an electric cart in walmart.
Also if you've got a GF, or ever want one, smoking makes your cum taste awful.

I quit a few years ago, (switched to coffee) and within days food tasted and smelled better, I could fucking breathe, and you can start to smell people who do smoke around you.
Heavy smokers tend to smell like a stale ashtray.
Also you can finally walk down the street without 50 people stopping you "HEY MAN CAN I BUM A SMOKE"

>> No.5279045

It's probably pie.

>> No.5279050
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>smoking makes your cum taste awful
>switched to coffee
get a load of this guy

>> No.5279051

Is it really that bad to start sucking cock? I'm 25 and want to start. All the fabulous Hollywood faggots suck cock. Anyone here suck cock? Any advice? Semi-Food related

>> No.5279066

You can if you want but more people die from obesity and pollution than cigarette smoking. But you have to remember that cigarettes are not cheap

>> No.5279171

please drop your trip. you dont need one unless it is specifically relevant to the thread. and even if it were you shouldnt use it outside the thread it was made for. perhaps if usernames are your thing, reddit would be a better match for you.

>> No.5279202

I'm about to. I've been here a long time, lurking and posting. The reason I decided to start posting under a trip is that I fell into a really bad habit of overt and meaningless shitposting. And I apologize to everybody for it, I really am sorry. Using a trip has encouraged me to make my posts on topic and relevant to the thread, the whole anonymous thing just makes it too easy to show up and call everybody a faggot with no repercussion. I got into a really bad routine of shitposting on here.

I promise I'll be anon again soon, a better anon than I was. I love you /ck/.

>> No.5279206

ITT: high horse health fags trying to protect our youth

FFS, we all have to die eventually. If OP wants to start smoking, let him do it.

>> No.5279207

man, i've been smoking since i was 18 (22 now) off and on, a pack will last me like 3 weeks and i've gone months without smoking

idk how people are getting addicted to this stuff, a cigarette is nice from time to time but start to make me queasy as fuck if i smoke too much

>> No.5279220


>I fell into a really bad habit of overt and meaningless shitposting. And I apologize to everybody for it, I really am sorry

Quit being a faggot, overt and meaningless shitposting is the whole point of this site. If you want some pretentious, "serious discussion" go to some other faggot site

>> No.5279223

>I've been smoking since i was 15 (42 now) and blah blah blah. STFU you tiny faggot. Your adolescent naivety is palpable.


>> No.5279230

>tfw just ate a nice sandwich for lunch
>tfw going to sit outside in the sun and smoke a cig
>tfw you moralfags will never know these glorious feels


>> No.5279233

i bought a pack shortly after i turned 18. i slowly went through it over the course of the month. i didn't like the high. it gave me a weird brain freeze type sensation. does everyone experience that or is it just me?

>> No.5279238

>brain freeze type sensation

No, I think that's just you. When I started smoking it would just make my legs go numb for a few min. and now I just get that sensation for the first cig of the day.

>> No.5279239

>still believing smoking is bad for you

That whole "don't smoke cigarettes" thing is outdated science from the 80s. Cigarette smoke is beneficial and borderline necessary for a healthy life. You're more likely to die of a heart attack from exercising than you are from smoking.

>> No.5279241

i feel like smoking

that is nice

>> No.5279251
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>> No.5279254

>*tips tinfoil hat*
>*lights Marlboro Red*

>> No.5279270


sorry, what? bitter cause you couldn't stop if you wanted to?

>> No.5279277

it's not bitter at all, kind of sweet really. try it

>> No.5279281

I mean DO NOT TTRY IT!!!

>> No.5279285
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>> No.5279287

Americans will make up as much shit as possible to find a way to think bacon, coffee and cigarettes are good for you.

>> No.5279290

Y-You mean it's n-not?

>> No.5279292

At least we'll taste that nice sandwich a lot better than you will, faggot

>> No.5279296

>implying the whole "it ruinz ur tast budz" thing isn't health propaganda from the government

>> No.5279297

what has morality got to do with cigarettes?

also yeah the cigarette after meal / sex / with coffee is fantastic, but probably doesn't make up for the cost, health benefits etc etc

>> No.5279341


>encouraging someone to shitpost

Please stop.

>> No.5279353

>americans will...
yes. of course. they will. Go on,

>> No.5279374


if you think "serious discussion"--a.k.a. discussion not involving essentially chucking shit at one another--is pretentious, you're pretty much plain stupid.

>> No.5279429

>shitposting is the whole point of this site
You're worse than the tripfag, and the reason every board has gone to shit.

>> No.5279444

Why not start vaping instead?

>> No.5279573

>tfw also 25 and I've been smoking for 11 years

>> No.5279593

>Not to mention you'll start wheezing and hacking like you're an 80 year old fatass in an electric cart in walmart.
who the fuck wheezes and hacks after starting to smoke? I have a lot of smokers in my family who smoke for over 40 years and none of them wheezes and coughs. The only smokers who wheeze like 80 year olds are, well, 80 year old smokers.

>> No.5279601

>i've been smoking since i was 18 (22 now)
>a pack will last me like 3 weeks
>calling one cigarette a day smoking

>> No.5279604

I've been smoking for 10 years, I'm 27.

I also run 50 miles a week on average and am the healthiest I have ever been.

Balance is key.

>> No.5279607

>"it ruinz ur tast budz"
as a former smoker i can tell you that this is true

>> No.5279623

Smoked since I was 17, smokes were cheap then but that changed. 41 now, quit 2 years ago.

I have a real no bullshit savings account for the first time in muh life. Car breaks down, heaven forbid you need a tow truck or get your car out of impound because you got in a wreck.

All from that measley $180 or so would have spent on stupid fuckin cigarettes.

>> No.5279626

>implying the dna in your lungs hasn't been damaged.


>> No.5279634

>Is it really that bad to start smoking? I'm 25 and want to start. All the french writers smoke. Anyone here smoke? Any advice? Semi-Food related
All the coal miners smoked too. There's no counting for good sense when it comes to smoking. To romanticize it or suggests it might aid creativity in your writing removes it from the fact it's an addiction and people in all walks of life smoked in the past, all to their detriment. Addiction of any type is counterproductive to any pursuit you wish to make, mentally and physically.

Inhaling carbon monoxide, nicotine or anything else that isn't fresh clean air is dumb as shit, let alone any particulate matter. If you haven't met someone who suffered the last years of their life, or if you haven't ever had a lung infection that exhausted you for 3 months straight, you won't get it. Having pain and exertion with every breath is unforgettable. You should be living mold-free at home, a face mask while cleaning, and moving out of modern polluted cities to the country, anything you can do to protect your lifelong lung health. Seriously. What about e-cigarettes? Of course no one is going to do a study, but they've already been done if you pay attention. Theatre, arts and nightclub workers have worked near fog and smoke machines for years. That so-called "safe" glycerin/glycol vapor lines the inside of lungs and workers have suffered permanent effects. Just wait about 5 years. In the meantime, every head shop and business entrepreneur will have sucked up a new generation of addicts that must have the nicotine, and made their crazy bank.

>> No.5279643
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>tfw no camels without a filter in my country

>> No.5279672

$180 month after month by the way. Month after month.

Its one thing to have an addictive personality, but to go start an addiction on purpose, you really need to be careful in life. Ever met a heroin junkie older than 40? Addiction is a plight. Its foolish to think everyone one else is a pussy but you'll just step over it.

>> No.5279684

>Ever met a heroin junkie older than 40

I know one, but he's fairly well off and can afford the best of everything

>> No.5279711

Yes I have. She turned her life around and got clean for a year but she's back in prison atm for robbery and fraud. She has hepititis.

>> No.5279718
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They r not bad 4 u . I see no harm in starting.

>> No.5279798

a $300/month addictive habit? ya go for it OP.

>> No.5279804

>Smoking dulls your taste-buds

Only temporarily, after about 3 days break everything tastes the same again

>> No.5279815

I don't understand how people can get addicted to cigarettes.

I've been smoking for about 8 years now, and I'm still not addicted.

I guess they must be weak minded or something.

>> No.5279820

If you want everyone to instantly judge you as being retarded the minute they smell you enter a room, go ahead and smoke

>> No.5279821
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laugh you made me did

>> No.5279823

>after about 3 days break
good luck with that

>> No.5279855

>If you want everyone to instantly judge you as being retarded the minute they smell you enter a room, go ahead and smoke
I usually judge the mental health. People wear their past or present insecurity by being a smoker. You can literally picture that chip right on their shoulder. You can imagine them trying to fit in during high school, being that awkward person lacking in confidence, so willing to do something stupid (everyone knows it's stupid), that they'd risk addiction and try that cigarette for the first time. Smoking is an outward public display of being weak and mental.

>> No.5279858

and it makes you smell terrible

>> No.5279909

I've been smoking 11 years now and I'd strongly advise you don't start.
Your sense of taste and smell goes to shit and it is terrible for your fitness.

>> No.5280198
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>Semi-Food related

>> No.5280447


even less actually, since i will go months without.

i call it smoking because that's what it is. you ADDICTS just don't want to call yourself ADDICTS so you call yourself smokers.

>> No.5280495

I can't decide what makes you seem dumber, smoking or having a southern accent

>> No.5280504

but we know we're addicts. a smoker is just a cigarettes addict

>> No.5280520

I have IBS, which is some bullshit anomalous, umbrella term for a series of unknown or indeterminate illnesses.

Why would smoking help IBS?

Googling now.

>> No.5280523


"smoker" softens the reality, is a more palpable identifier, is socially acceptable, and lets you forget that there's an urgent problem.

>> No.5280526


lol, mfw i misused "palpable." i was certain it meant easy to swallow. well, you catch my drift.

>> No.5280538

a .gov site? really?

Vaping is for Filipinos and women.

>> No.5280552

Sure, as do the words "junkie", "alkie", "pothead", etc. There is zero conspiracy in the United States to convince people that smoking is harmless or good, which is why every box of cigarettes (if you're dumb enough to buy pre-rolled cigs) has "smoking kills/causes cancer/etc" on the side of it.

>> No.5280556


i never said anything about a conspiracy. the addicts are the ones masking the reality for themselves.

>> No.5280557

>tfw I had to buy faggy e-cig, because I couldn't affford cigarettes anymore and I like it more than normal cigarettes now

>> No.5280565

Smoked a cigar once when I was 16

It tasted like shit and didn't make me feel good

Don't do it op if you must get those E cigarettes instead I think its slightly better for you

>> No.5280571

Why not smoke weed?

Seriously, smoke weak high-quality bud that you hand-roll into joints, so you can romanticize the smoking experience and get a small, slight buzz that can help with your creativity and appetite.

>> No.5280575

Don't start smoking, you retard.


This coming from a smoker.

>> No.5280581


>> No.5280578

Why not get a vape pen with a zero-nicotine cartridge? That way you can puff all you want and it's just flavor juice.

>> No.5280579


weed gives me panic attacks and at best makes me worry about everything and hate myself

>> No.5280583


also takes away my appetite

>> No.5280586

Try indica?

>> No.5280591


yeah, i smoked weed for about 4 years and on my last year was still going mental after one hit. anything past sober made me feel bad. i just had to stop.

>> No.5280596

Think I saw that on thankyou for smoking and/or house. So it must be true.

>> No.5280597


i've smoked both indica and sativa and various strains of each. also, i really don't like the body high, i think it plays a huge part in the anxiety i experience because i have issues with feeling body sensations. i remember my pants always used to feel tighter and oftentimes it was hard not to focus on it, exacerbate it and feel like shit.

>> No.5280601

Well, you know yourself better than I do, no weed it is.

>> No.5280602

I read somewhere that smoking only causes cancer if you're exposed to asbestos.

>> No.5280608

I feel you. I don't understand people smoking weed or taking stimulants. they just make you feel awful. benzos, opiates and alcohol all the way

>> No.5280610

That's completely true, actually.

>> No.5280613
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>> No.5280614


>taking uppers make feel awful
>I love downers doe

>> No.5280617

Only mainstream science says smoking is bad because non-smokers have an agenda and bias against the tobacco industry.

>> No.5280619


thanks, all too often people will try to drill their weed-is-the-ultimate-cure ideology into my head no matter how many ways i explain to them that i, and many others with underlying psychological issues, cannot get high and have the same pleasurable experience as them. i guess i find it pretty invalidating.


alcohol... now that's something i have to make sure i don't kill myself with.

>> No.5280620

Forgive me for not knowing the whole scientific bullshit behind it, but the gist is that chemicals breathed in during your youth, the kind only found in abestos, cling on and stay for when you take in cigarette smoke. The two compounds mingle and worse health effects arise.

Of course, being that we don't use it anymore, children who start smoking are at far less risk, but we keep up the general anti-smoking campaign because of the moderate and manageable health impacts that cigarettes give regardless of asbestos.

>> No.5280635

thanks. that kinda makes sense looking at lung cancer statistics. few decades ago people were getting lung cancer at much younger age, now it's mostly people in their 70s and 80s

>> No.5280647

Yeah, it gets especially tricky because tobacco companies can't refute any complains because of the ban on advertising. It gets pretty annoying when you remember that and see those extremely vague anti-drug commercials. "It CAN cause cancer!" Why not provide some fucking facts DARE. I'm going off on a bit of a tangent, but my god anti-drug ads annoy me, simply because of how their arguments are almost all strawmen.

>> No.5280673

in EU it get even more ridiculous. they banned slim and menthol cigarettes in most countries, because someone decided they're more harmful than regulars. They're also doing everything to ban e-cigs, because they're getting less tax income because of them. Some scientists prepared a report about health risks associated with a e-cigs where they list them as number one reason why teenagers are starting to smoke in the last 20 years

>> No.5280720

>tfw anti-smoking commercials not cigarettes may cause cancer
checkmate atheists

>> No.5280725



>> No.5280768

Not the smartest decision I ever made.

>> No.5280771

>tfw quit cigarettes after 10 years 6 months ago and my lung capacity and endurance actually deteriorated

>> No.5280773

Smoked since I was 14, 21 now. Recently quit and switched over to a vape. OP, I have no idea why you want to pick up smoking at 25, but any benefit you think it's going to have, it's not going to have. Virtually no one who's addicted wants to be.

>> No.5280774

Religion of old always trumps those new age science religions like atheism and veganism.

>> No.5282330


>> No.5282335

Don't bother. I tried it, enjoyed it, and was better off not knowing I did.

>> No.5282717

Been smoking regularly for 4 years. Started at 16, 20 now. Stole packs from my mom who got 10 cartons in the mail every 2 months. I was super edgy and wanted to be cool, but I made the decision and went into it knowing the risks even though I had a "We're all gonna die somehow" philosophy back then.

It's expensive and addictive and if your friends dont smoke you become an annoying idiot who has to stand outside by themselves every 3 hours.

It does fuck with your taste buds and kills your appetite.

If you smoke "socially" (i.e only at parties) you're in for a bad time because when you're not used to smoking cigarettes will make you nauseous and light headed.

That being said I still like it, I like it tastes good and my mom smokes so the smell is nostalgic for me. It's great after a meal/sex/stressful moments and i enjoy taking my smoke breaks at work and chilling outside for a few minutes to clear my head.

As for how you'll smell (I'm going off what my grandma who doesn't smoke says) if you have good hygiene and smoke outside instead of sitting in your old smoke for hours it's not /that/ bad. My mom is a dirty hippie who doesn't wear deodorant and smokes 3 packs a day and she reeks. Me and my cousin keep ourselves fresh and smoke outside and my grandma says that the smell is noticeable but faint.

I going to tell you not to but it's your choice. Just don't be THAT dickhead who lights up around people who arent cool with it. Ask first, "Hey are you cool with me smoking around you?" if they say no go somewhere else to get your fix or deal with it. Don't smoke in your friends houses and cars unless they smoke or say their okay with it, even if they do open a window or something.

I get pretty frustrated with people who say that smokers have mental issues, they remind me of XxStr8 EdgexX kids.

Buy a pack, try it out, see what's up if you're just DYING to try it out but it's about 6/10

>> No.5282745

I don't get this. I'm what you call a social smoker, I've had maybe 4 cigarettes since February of 2012. Don't get this whole addiction thing.

>> No.5282895
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>switching to coffee for better tasting cum
Why not asparagus

>> No.5283237


off topic, but damn OP, those unfiltered Camels are good. smoked 'em for years til i started growing my own (which i strongly recommend)

>> No.5283265

I miss tobacco threads on /ck/. OP, there was a time when nearly everyone smoked, all the time. In many circles, it's still a socially accepted practice. It's not a major life choice, you won't be labeled a smoker or non-smoker, cigarettes are just another consumable for us to enjoy if we choose to. I like to think of cigarettes as creamer for coffee. Some people enjoy it, some people shy away, but nobody in their right minds will fuck off because you use creamer. Enjoy or don't, whatever suits you. That said, if you choose to indulge, set some limits and be sure you exercise often to keep those lungs/heart in shape.

>> No.5283305

>tfw exam week
>tfw diet is 75% coffee and cigarettes

Having this diet for 3 weeks, how many years am I taking off of my life?

>> No.5283313

>friends make you stand outside when you smoke
Full beta

>> No.5283317

Bad Breath
Bad Teeth
Bad Smell

>> No.5283342


not that guy, but I ask strangers "Do you mind if I smoke?" before lighting up during a conversation. it's not that i go smoke elsewhere, it's just polite to ask before.

>> No.5283397

Sure, if you like not being able to taste you food, being unable to do cardio, getting physically uncomfortable when you need it but don't have it, spending hundreds a month on them, and dying an early death of a painful disease. Have fun with that. Say hello to my dad on the afterlife; in sure you'll have a lot to talk about.

>> No.5283399

Enjoy feeling like shit constantly except during the first 10 seconds of every cigarette you smoke.

>> No.5283402

>in sure you'll have a lot to talk about

Did he like sports?

>> No.5283405

this is me everyday
lost about 90lbs though in the last couple years

>> No.5283409

I started smoking ecigs a few months ago. I guess I should probably call it vaping but that just sounds retarded to me. Tastes really good. I went a week without it about a month ago when I forgot it at home and didn't really think about it so I'm probably not too addicted yet, but it's not like I didn't get into this knowing that I'd become addicted to it. Boy oh boy do they taste good.

>> No.5283412



>> No.5283414

Well, if weight loss was your goal, nice job, Anon.

I can't really afford that though. I'm only 6'0" and 165 lbs.

I've only eaten 2 sandwiches (lunch meat and cheese) so far today (10:40 now).

At least it's only for a couple more weeks!

>> No.5283416

He sorta liked football, but he was more an artistic type. Blues musician.
No, I figured you could talk about how lung cancer took him 25 years before he was due, which will probably happen to you.

>> No.5283421

>He sorta liked football, but he was more an artistic type. Blues musician.

I'm not too artsy, but I can dig it.

>> No.5283422

>i am incredibly retarded and don't know what it means to be a slave to an addiction

i smoked for 10 years, stopped 2.5 years ago. the best thing about it is that i'm not dependent on it anymore. i had been a slave to nicotine.

>> No.5283432

Let me rephrase this: you're a fucking moron if you're going to smoke with all the information there is about it being dangerous.,

>> No.5283442

Morphine will kill you faster.and with less pain. It's also cheaper in the long run.

>> No.5283446

>not realizing I'm doing this on purpose

Anon, I applaud your efforts in trying to stop people from smoking. But, for most of us, it's not about looking cool or not just knowing the facts. We've also realized that there is no Fountain of Youth. We all have to die somehow. We've come to terms with this and don't really give 2 fucks if we die when we're 60 instead of 85. You could get hit by a car tomorrow. I could smoke 10 packs of cigarettes tomorrow. I think I will live longer than you (depending on how bad you were hit, but I'm using a fatal hit as an example).

My point is, yes, we all know it's bad and we're all >morons for still smoking, but give it up.

>> No.5283451

Don't smoke.

I've smoked for half my life at this point. I started because I enjoyed the way it made me feel at first, now I'm a mean, neurotic mess if I go more than a few hours without nicotine. I don't enjoy smoking at all, but it's the only way to feel 'normal', ie the way non-smokers feel all the time.

The list of negatives is long:

You stink.
Your house, car and possessions stink.
Smoking is in many spaces is prohibited by law.
It costs an enormous amount of money.
Then there are the many awful health concerns.

Smoking is dumb. If you haven't started, don't. If you have started, quit.

>> No.5283454

I guess there's a fatalism to the mindset these days. Cigarettes aren't even that good! I'll never understand.

>> No.5283459

The difference between getting hit by a car or dying in some other disaster or accident and smoking is that you are consciously ruining your own health in smoking. You can predict the harm that cigarettes will cause you. I cannot predict whether or not I will get hit by a car tomorrow. At least I can prevent a cigarette-related death.

>> No.5283462

>Cigarettes aren't even that good! I'll never understand.

And I'm not going to sit here and try to change your mind on them.

I'll just say, that for most of us, they do taste good and they are also a coping mechanism/mental aid.

I'll leave it at that.

Again, thanks for caring. But most of us can't be changed and we're ok with this.

>> No.5283463

Just cut the filters off.

>> No.5283467


not even the same at all

>> No.5283470


>not just rolling your own

>> No.5283501
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we NY state nah b

>> No.5283504

Here's the deal, I smoke every so often, once a week or less, I only really do it when I'm drinking or high. Any more often than that and I'd start to miss out on the nicotine rush, which is the only reason I smoke in the first place.