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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5272436 No.5272436[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm heading your way from Montana week after next for vacation. Any must eats that I should hit up?

Budget is somewhat limited, but I'm willing to splurge at least once while I'm there.

Please leave out any vegan/hippie type places.

Thanks in advance!

>> No.5272438


>> No.5272441

Yessir. Should have specified.

>> No.5272450

Brunch Box, its a food cart on alder

>> No.5272461


The more important question is why would you ever vacation in Portland?

Also, get a (preferably seasonal) milkshake at Burgerville, our local fast food chain. Their milkshakes are fucking good and they make them with real icecream.

>> No.5272469

Try something from the food carts. Rogue was my favorite beer when I was out there. Never tried Voodoo donuts

>> No.5272471

kenny and zuke's pastrami (near powell's book shop). best pastrami ever.

>> No.5272513

It's relatively close by and my buddy's brother lives there, so we have a free place to crash. Been a couple times before and always had a good time.

>> No.5272758

W-why not?

I'm going to Portland, Seattle and Alaska this summer and I must say it's the first time I see someone saying he dislikes Portland.

>> No.5272774

Big. Ass. Sandwhich. it's a must. seriously.

>> No.5272777

>Rogue was my favorite beer when I was out there.
Don't do this. Rogue beers are actually worse than BMC beers.

>> No.5272815

My, she looks ... used.

Typical Portland.

>> No.5272835

The Ringside Steakhouse

This should be your splurge. It's phenomenal - service, food, atmosphere, everything is impeccable.

>> No.5272840

Seconded. Steaks Fifth Avenue is pretty great also, right next door. That whole corridor of food carts is generally pretty good. Avoid the Cambodian.
Rogue brews is great, I recommend giving it a try.>>5272777 trips doesn't know what he's talking about, he probably prefers Rolling Rock.

>> No.5273024

The Youcanhas is one of the best burgers I've ever had in my life. I spent 6 days there a couple years ago and ate mostly at the food carts. They're super good and fairly cheap.

>> No.5273045

I would prefer Rolling Rock over Rogue's garbage. They pump out shitty "experimental" brews by adding weird ingredients/twists to mediocre beers and then selling them in bottles with shitty communist imagery on them. They're like Dogfish Head except at least DFH has a really good flagship beer.

>> No.5273070

Rogue has one good beer and it's their double chocolate. Go to dechutes and enjoy their heavenly black butte like a champion.

>> No.5273122

It's been awhile since I lived there, but last time I visited I went to the Whisky Soda Lounge.

It's basically a small plate/bar/waiting area for Pok Pok across the street (which was still a fucking hut in a parking lot when I moved away).

Saburo's sushi was always good, but is probably so popular now that you'll wait all night for a table.

I was also taken out to Andina last time I visited. It's an upscale Peruvian place. Not exactly the most representative of PDX, but pretty great anyways.


>i must say it's the first time I see someone saying he dislikes portland

It happens every time a Portland thread is started on /ck/, because hipsters/liberals.

>> No.5273140

Portland has a lot of good shit, but can you really blame the haters? The hipsters and left-wing nutjobs would drive most sane people away. I like visiting Portland. I would hate living there.

>> No.5273156

>It happens every time a Portland thread is started on /ck/, because hipsters/liberals.
And those hipsters usually keep to themselves over in the Hawthorne district, so the animosity isn't even really deserved.

OP, a really good breakfast place you should check out is Besaw's; it might be slightly spendy I guess, but they have things like salmon scrambles and whatnot.

You should also check out Bailey's Taproom since is has a really good selection and reasonable prices.

>> No.5273164


>tfw you went to reed and spent almost all of your time in se pdx

>> No.5273245

I work in the Pearl District, actually.
Unless you were implying that was your trip, in which case I'm sorry you only got to see SE Portland.

>> No.5273264


Not OP.

I was implying that I went to Reed, and spent my 4 years in Portland primarily in that area.

>> No.5273268

My bad, I learned to read in Oregon.

>> No.5273305

Portland is getting less liberal, by the way. The older demo is really liberal, but the younger is living with their failed policies (blacks, extra laws, shit like that). The younger generation is going for that traditionalist, agrarian thing. What with making their own sausages and doing woodworking and shit. No one that works a random orbital sander can be a liberal. No one that tills the soil wants to live in a town with the Knockout Game.

Also, visit Pok Pok, Aviary, Kennedy School, Cocette, Cascade Brewpub, The Station, and splurge at Beast.

>> No.5273315

As a vegas native, Ringside looks 4/10 at best.

>> No.5273320

Hit up the food carts in downtown. Most are pretty affordable. I love my bean rice and cheese burritos for 3.75

>> No.5273327

We're very segregated in portland. works out pretty well for the most part and don't have any real racial animosity.

>> No.5273343

>Nature boy hipsters are right-wing and racist
lol okay

>> No.5273346

>the Knockout Game.
Turn off the entertainment-news channel.

>> No.5273349

Bald white dudes with giant beards and anvils and huge muscles and butchering pigs aren't exactly championing the benefits of "diversity". And they aren't really right wing either. They are traditonalist, reactionary, nationalist, or "third position".

>> No.5273351

>b-but they have beards and butcher animals
Sure bro.

>> No.5273355

Fine. Have a simplistic caricatured view on people. How about those new yorkers, right? FUGHETABOUTIT, amirite??? Haha, that New Yorker guy, what a card.

>> No.5273796

>Ringside looks 4/10 at best.
>looks 4/10
You must be joking nigger, you're seriously going to refute that anon's experience there because it LOOKS a certain way?

you need to into logic. don't give advice on restaurants that you haven't been to.

>> No.5274020
File: 694 KB, 2500x1667, voodoo-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

voodoo donuts

if you heat up one of their oreo ones in the microwave its essentially like God cuming in your mouth.

>> No.5274028

these places are such fucking JOKES!!!!!!!!!

they are not worth going out of your way they are just gimmicks

enjoy if you bump into one then and only then

>> No.5274029

I guess you haven't spent much time in New York.

>> No.5274049

>As a vegas native
>because it LOOKS a certain way?

There's your answer.
Vegas is all flash and no substance, so of course that anon is going to judge solely based on appearance.

>> No.5274120

>Please leave out any vegan/hippie type places.
Are you going to Portland or not?

>> No.5274185

their fresh apple fritters are awesome but I can hardly find any fresh items there

>> No.5274264

brah needs to use some facial moisturizer regularly and get some sleep

>> No.5274285


Potato Champion (food cart, get the poutine)
Double Dragon (banh mi)
Little Big Burger (fast casual and tasty)
Jam on Hawthorne (Go for breakfast on any day BUT Sat/Sun unless you want to wait forever; portland is ALL about brunch)
Shut Up and Eat Sandwich Shop
Whiskey Soda Lounge (the bar adjoined to Pok Pok, which is famous and crowded. it still serves some good food and drink)
Los Gorditos (get the garbage burrito)
HUB Brewery and Restaurant (nice, good beer, separate open seating for 21+ from the "family" section)
Belmont Station (best beer store in city)
BeerMongers (arguably better than Belmont station, smaller selection, right next to Double Dragon)
Red Star Tavern (pricey steakhouse-type place, good cocktails)
Andina ($$$ south american food, very good, I take dates I want to impress here)
There is no really good and affordable pizza or Indian food in this city, though I am kind of biased (lived in Philly and SF).

Also, this is a "dive" bar kind of town. It will not be hard to find one, and it will not be hard to find a good one. C-Bar, the Lutz, Reel-'m-In, Triple Nickel, they are near endless. This town is young and this town likes alcohol; good food is normally closeby.

>> No.5274288


LOL isn't this a strip club?

>> No.5274293


OH SHIT A REEDIE ON /CK/. When did you graduate and what major?

I'm here now. Kroger is killing this place.

>> No.5274319

native here OP, try Lang's express that place is awesome, best chinese ive ever had

>> No.5274327

Also get bellagio's pizza

shit is delicious

>> No.5274407

Wife and I are both Reedies.

>> No.5274414

Rogue is great, except that their master brewer is a filthy piece of shit. I have 3 friends who worked at the brewery, and he was notorious for getting loaded, pissing in the kettles, and cutting corners on cleaning between brews. Foul.

>> No.5274422

do all women in Portland look like OP because I really want to fuck her

>> No.5274658



>> No.5275136

I bet I know you. Wife and I were (in theory) 2008, though I dropped out and she wound up finishing in 09.

>> No.5275166

Urban Farmer was a lot better than Ringside tbh

>> No.5275181



>> No.5275238

I was anthro then switched to bio. She was bio from the get. You?

>> No.5275276

not him

i did biochemistry at portland state. did okay, dunno if i'll do a graduate degree or what

>> No.5275345

That's cool. I did some organic chemistry coursework at PSU after I quit cooking at Clyde Common and decided to go back to school. I miss the hell out of the farmer's market on the park blocks.

>> No.5275466


I was on the far end of the liberal arts side, and would prefer not to name the specific department.

We probably don't know each other (well, it's possible). I kept a small group of friends, and aside from dorm friends, I never really knew too many science majors outside my own cohort. (So what's your excuse, being a Reedie on 4chan in your late 20's?)

It's still somewhat absurd running into a Reedie on /ck/, that was there at the same time I was.

H-how about we reify the dialectic on this Friday night?

>> No.5275685
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Yeah, if you weren't involved with pounding every chemical you could find into your face, we probably didn't run in the same circles. In retrospect, it was a waste of an amazing education at Reed, but that's part of the reason I dropped out and shifted gears. No doubt we know some of the same people, though.

After leaving Reed, I went to culinary school and moved back to PDX to cook in the pearl (spent time in kitchens at Clyde Common and Pok Pok, and did a couple stages at places like Le Pigeon and Park Kitchen). Wound up getting back into academia for a degree in food chemistry, which lead me into doing R&D work for medium and large format bakeries. I've since done a total left turn into medicine, but bread is still my heart.

I drop by /ck/ from time to time to see if there are any bread threads around, to help where I can.

>> No.5275725

I've lived in Portland 2 years and never go out to eat. The only places I ever go are a couple chain restaurants and Bugatti's. I like Bugatti's because they have an interesting French goat cheese pizza I like. I mean technically it's in Beaverton, but whatever.

>> No.5275845


Believe me, I was taking a new designer drug every other week, and knew a couple anons that were going into chem simply to learn how to cook shit. Did you ever catch a drug pinata at Renn Fayre?

I somehow made it through in 4 years, and later went on to get my Masters...

Around that time my Reediefu broke up with me. It was 4 years after graduating, and 4 years of her asking me when we could get married, and when we could have kids... I wasn't ready, and she eventually moved on

I seriously envy you, anon. At this point I'll never meet another person like I could while at Reed. I basically went full alcohol after that happened, have been working as a line cook, most likely have much less experience than you, and really want to find something in the food industry like you have apparently found (i.e., put my education to use).

Seriously, good job on getting married to your Reedfu. Biggest mistake I made in my entire life.

In any case, I had connections, but wasn't the most social. I'm sure we knew a number of the same people - but who the fuck want's to find out they're talking to someone on 4chan they know/knew irl anyways?

>> No.5275904

Wow, you sound like a jackass. God I hate Portland.

>> No.5275923

>hate an entire city based on one anon's post

>> No.5276076

If you like fries, Potato Champion is good. Other than that, I would really recommend looking around food cart areas in general. You can find some pretty good stuff for fairly cheap, and the diversity of options is great.

>> No.5276085

I live in Washington and meet people from Portland every so often, and every single one of them is a sanctimonious and hipper-than-thou narcissist. That anon's post was right on pitch with every idiot from Portland I've ever talked to, and I thank the fucking lord I don't have to talk to them every day.

>> No.5276094

>this is a "dive" bar kind of town.
No one who says that even knows what they're talking about. I live in a real industrial/post-industrial city where neighborhood bars have existed for ages and aren't tailored by hipsters. They're often pretty frightening places. Don't go to one on the wrong side of town. But usually you can find some real kinship there (and some very real desperation) if you're not a prick and don't look down your nose at the regulars like this asshole would.

>> No.5276095


>names a dozen places to eat/drink in his hometown in a pdx recommendation thread
>call him a sanctimonious and hipper-than-thou narcissist

>> No.5276123

Uhh... Jake's Cafe in Harrisburg has great chicken fried steak?

I live in middle of nowhere Oregon. So sue me if I eat like the blue collar worker I am.

>> No.5276125

Funny the only difference I can find between portland and Seattle is portland lacks sales tax and has slightly fresher hobos

>> No.5276156

I would not call the younger generation in portland traditionalist or nationalists at all. I worked 2 canvassing jobs when i lived there. One for a weed legalization non profit and the other for OSPIRG on cutting healthcare waste. Most of the 80 or so ppl (most under 25) i met that worked at those 2 places are either self described anarchist or suuuper socialist.

Even while canvassing, for the weed one I went on the MAX and i got a ton of sigs from ppl of all ages, but mostly transiet teens. The OSPIRG one was all old neighborhoods off of hawthorne and most of the older ppl who i talked to argued with me or signed if they didnt get screwed over by medicaid. if they did it was an automatic donation lol.

Id describe the center/southeast city of Portland as extremely liberal and it gets less liberal as you go out of town (except into washington).

And as for OP get the Short Ribs at NOHO's in the SE

>> No.5276169

>dem lineups

>> No.5276181


Haha, "Feel it all around" (by Washed Out, Portlandia's theme song) started playing as soon as I scrolled down to this thread.

>> No.5276190

atomic pizza is good

>> No.5276205

>tfw when I moved to Portland not knowing everyone looked down on it

Well shit, can't leave now.