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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5272635 No.5272635 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my dinner. Today is my carbs day.

I'm on a low carb diet but have read somewhere that eating a limited amount of carbs once or twice a week could actually be better for a low carb diet. So here it is.

>> No.5273228

Why are you eating avocados then?

>> No.5273230


healthy source of fats

>> No.5273232


>eating a limited amount of carbs once or twice a week could actually be better for a low carb diet

You know what's even better than that? Not eating a low carb diet

>> No.5273239

no beans

no grains

no good

at least at first glance

>> No.5273242
File: 77 KB, 225x225, 1255034880189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you've gonna have the occasional carb, i'd go with a grain.

you know you're missing bread. have a slice or two of a good whole wheat bread.

>> No.5273278

>fucking with carbs
enjoy your unnecessary cravings, food obsession and no energy.
I honestly can't see the point of fucking up your life this hard just for lower bf%. Lesser quality of life hugely outweighs it, and it's not like it's the only effective method of quickish weight loss.

Just eat less, move more and eat what you consider to be healthy. The desire of dietary extremism tends to die out when you realize there's more to life than dietary selection and (for the want of a less overused word)vanity.

>> No.5273291

now this nigger here is based

fuck you stupid fags this guy has got it right

>> No.5273295


There's also the issue of nobody wanting to eat nothing but low carb food for the rest of their lives. Just eat less like you said.

> People

>> No.5273301

why can't you see I just enjoy eating nothing but bacon.

>> No.5273308

Post a pic of your gut.

>> No.5273313


have you been in deep ketosis?

it keeps your appetite. you have to remind yourself to eat.

keto is incredibly useful for people with ravenous appetites.

>> No.5273336

Why avoid the healthiest foods on the planet?

>> No.5273348

No, have Porridge.
I could not ever into keto without hating life lmao. Not that losing weight is even in my interests because not unhappy fatty.

>> No.5273359

Oddly enough it looks appetizing to me. Is that greek yogurt sauce on baked carrots? Wut is dat?

>> No.5273361

i'm like 8-9% BF and don't even work out very heavily. not going to post a pic of muh precious body because I don't give a shite and it would be mad arrogant. calories are a thing you overly speculative twat.

>> No.5273368

>I don't give a shite
If I wanted to I could probably get you to defend your unwillingness to post a pic for like 45 minutes.

>> No.5273369


Looks like sweet potato rather than carrot

>> No.5273399

can you really not empathize with this feeling of reluctance?
i'm not a /fit/izen, just a guy. I honestly don't care that much. being fit is more important to me than being /fit/.

you're probably right though. i'm entirely willing to exaggerate my passion in current topic if it means having a bit of fun in my relaxed state.

>> No.5273405
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>> No.5273421

OP here, no one actually rated my dinner. I don't understand what even happened in this thread.

Baked potato with greek yogurt. It was actually very good.

Hmm the first week was hard, breaking the carb addition that most unhealthy diets place on us. The second week was a lot easier, afterwards it no longer matters. I'm not doing this for shits and giggles to drop a pant size, I've been steadily losing weight for the past 9 months, I ride a bike 5 days a week for an hour and I walk a ton.

I'll probably eat some bread on Sunday.

>> No.5273427

Honestly I rate this a 10. Simple, delicious, and healthy. Nothing better.

>> No.5273435

I meant 'sweer' potato...

>> No.5273504


> breaking the carb addition that most unhealthy diets place on us

I don't know what you think a healthy diet is, but there's no such thing as a "healthy, low-carb diet" if you're a human being

>> No.5273514

Looks good, but a very small meal.

>> No.5273873

Tell me who you know personally that follows a healthy carb filled diet. These days the average person overindulges in unhealthy processed carbs which are covered in processed fats to make them edible and they usually make up 75% of their diets.

You're brainwashed by the food pyramid into thinking most of what you should eat is carbs.

>> No.5274048

The two best carbs sources are sweet potatos and good rice, any grain is shit.
And your supposed to eat starch once per week or two, not any carbs. It's needed for eyes and stomach lining

>> No.5274054

that wouldn't keep me full for long and I don't even eat very much

>> No.5274076

You don't need a super high carb diet, but it's something like 120 g a day for proper brain function (~480 kcal). There are other means of producing glucose for your brain, but carbs are the easiest. Do whatever doe.

>> No.5274118

I didn't eat anything for 4 hours afterwards and wasn't hungry at all for 3. Ate some papaya in the evening. It's more filling than you think.

I'll eat more carbs when I lose more weight. I exercise 60 minutes a day but I think in the near future I'll increase that to 90 and will be able to accommodate more carbs in my diet.

>> No.5274265

Planning to start a low carb diet myself, I just cannot find anywhere what forms the "bulk" of your foods, i.e. the substitution for a bun, potatoes, rice. I came up only with using zuchhini (however you spell that in english language) but the idea of eating zuchini more than 4 times a week makes me cringe.

>> No.5274272

>i can only think of one vegetable

>> No.5274279

I can only think of one vegetable which tastes good steamed, boiled, fried and is not carrot.

>> No.5274291

That depends on what kind of low carb diet you want to be on. Some people like me just eat a lot more vegetables, you can pretty much eat all of them except potatoes. Root vegetables and beans are high carb, practically anything else is low carb. Then there are some people who eat everything except cabs, so they eat a lot of meat and fat but next to no carbs.

Whatever works for you. I'm not doing this as some miracle diet, I just want to eat more veg/fruit and feel generally healthier. I eat one shitty meal a week on Saturday or Sunday, delicious shitty meal...

>> No.5274301

Are you a woman op?

>> No.5274305

>low carbs

>> No.5274356
File: 483 KB, 729x812, Okinawa Diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Tell me who you know personally that follows a healthy carb filled diet.

Me, and people I know impersonally are every athlete in the world and every major civilization of humans, including and especially the longest living people on the planet, the Okinawans of Japan, who have an especially high carbohydrate diet

>You're brainwashed by the food pyramid into thinking most of what you should eat is carbs.

No, I'm educated to know that whole grains, legumes, and fruits are some of the most consistently beneficial foods in existence whenever studied, and that meat, eggs, and dairy are the opposite. Why you think we evolved from lions instead of fruit-eating apes, I have no idea, but carbohydrate are what we're designed for.

>> No.5274378
File: 1.58 MB, 2560x1920, Bacalao a la Vizcaína (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made Salted Codfish in Biscay sauce. It was yummy.