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5269291 No.5269291 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best brand of pickles?

>> No.5269301


>> No.5269302
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>> No.5269313

This is a Swedish brand right?

>> No.5269322

Finnish brand but owned by a Norwegian conglomerate

>> No.5269323



>> No.5269361

Brand isnt as important as Kosher... I promise you try a kosher pickle and you will never... NEVER look at pickles the same way again

>> No.5269365

Bubbie's Dill, they taste great, are made with salt brine instead of vinegar, and when I was having a problem with one of their vendors they sent me a free jar of pickles and an opener.

>> No.5269382

No jew pickles.

>> No.5269395

Bubbies. No contest.

>> No.5269441
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>> No.5269459

Bullshit, kosher doesn't matter for shit. You're trying to justify paying off some rabbi because you think it'll get you closer to god. Fuck kosher regulations and bullshit designed thousands of years ago before we had refridgeration.

I don't care about the religious bullshit.

>> No.5269632

Claussen Kosher Dills

>> No.5269702
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>> No.5269757
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I thought they were just some hipster hype bullshit, but it's deserved This is a great pickle.

>> No.5270913

>full of nasty additives

no thanks, used to be my favorite, now no.

wholefoods sells awesome organic pickles.

>> No.5270925
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You don't really "get" this whole food thing, do you.

>> No.5270946
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has anyone ever tried half sour pickles?

I tried them once but the recipe they used was all messed up, so they had great texture but tasted awful because these people couldn't just use a normal pickle recipe.

>> No.5270957
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ok OP how about this,

>go to store
>go to many different stores
>read 99% of all pickle brands ingredient label
>yellow 5
>yellow 5
>go to wholefoods
>organic kosher pickles with no yellow 5

>> No.5270959
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You'll cowards don't even know pickles

>> No.5270961

Psssst, thats not what kosher means for pickles.

>> No.5271033
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>> No.5271125

If you want the best pickles, go to your local Eastern European deli and find something imported. The pickles from Poland or former-Yugo countries are going to be the best ones you'll ever eat. Not sure which brands will be available in your area, Krakus is the one you'll most likely find in Polish delis.

>> No.5271151

You do realize, you brainwashed idiot, that you can find organic, natural ingredient pickles at many stores besides Whole Shitbox. I bet you eat at Chipotle, too.

>> No.5271163

>your local Eastern European deli
My what now?

>> No.5271167

This, this, a million times this. I was JUST at a Eastern Euro market this afternoon. I should have taken a picture, an entire isle (about 60 feet long or more) of nothing but pickles. I was in heaven.

>> No.5271199
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>your local Eastern European deli

>> No.5271430

>says you can find organic pickles in other places
>doesn't say where

I don't eat at chipotle and I don't listen to shills

>> No.5271461

Anywhere, genius.
Trader Joe's
Grocery Outlet
the farmer's market
any number of local health food stores

And that's just stores that are within a 5 mile radius of me.

>> No.5271468

Fuck off vegan scum

>> No.5271484

>go to buy pickles
>read ingredients
>every single brand uses Yellow Number 3

Is there good pickles I can order online that don't put toxic waste in their brine, or do I have to staart making my own?

>> No.5271485
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Wasn't the laughing monster Gabera?

>> No.5271777

>criticizing whole foods
>defending trader joe's


>> No.5272063
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>> No.5272091

Every large city in North America has a Polish or Serbian or Ukrainian deli. If yours doesn't look for a German one that might import Eastern European food.

Unless you live in bumfuck nowhere they're not hard to find.

>> No.5272103

Seconded. So fucking good.

That suttle garlic flavor

>> No.5272105


What if I don't want garlic in my dills?

>> No.5272150
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>> No.5272424

anything bread and butter

>> No.5272785
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>> No.5272818

those places are much more common the closer to the Atlantic you are

>> No.5272834

I don't have a favored brand, but I prefer Central and Eastern European style pickles, which are somewhat sweeter than American/Jewish style. The ones that are nicely salty/dill flavor on the outside but sweet and cucumber-y in the middle. They make the best tartar sauce, too. American style tartar sauce is awful.

>> No.5272841

eyy when's mahvel

>> No.5272844

Or close to the Pacific. I live in NorCal, and there's a HUGE Eastern Euro, Ukranian, and Russian population here.

>> No.5272852

I didn't "defend" Trader Joe's, douchnozzle, I just simply added it to the list of the many places to get organic, natural ingredient pickles around here. That's a far cry from advocating it. But, I'd still rather shop there than Whole Shitbag. Lrn2reading comprehension.

>> No.5272851
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>> No.5273014

They're all over the northern and western states as well.

>> No.5273063

I live on the fucking coast in a moderately sized city and there's not a single one here.

>> No.5273145

Which means you live in a redneck part of the country

>> No.5273174
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>> No.5273243

Best Maid Pickles

>> No.5273253
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my sides

>> No.5273545


>> No.5273577
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Get on my level, niggers.

>> No.5273579

>confirmed pleb

>> No.5273611

>implying the garlic pickle isn't the best kind of pickle

>> No.5273617

>implying that brand doesn't suck
>implying that sweet pickled don't suck
>defending pleb status

>> No.5273638

I love pickled garlic, but I don't like the sweet kind. I either get the spicy pickled garlic or the habanero pickled garlic.

>> No.5274045
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wt wtf wtf SANIC PICKLES

>> No.5276041
