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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5266817 No.5266817[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"Don't eat these animals that turn garbage and grass into food humans can eat"
>somehow will increase the food pool for humans

Why isn't Veganism considered a mental illness?

>> No.5266824

Daily dose.

>> No.5266840

Who cares? The thinking is flawed but on the other hand 60 percent of Americans simultaneously believe both that animals have a right to live and eat them. That's at least as weird an idea to hold.

Mainly, they aren't every going to prevent you from eating what you want, just zone them out. They'll stop it eventually anyway, there are more ex vegans in existence than there are current vegans.

>> No.5266843
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>> No.5266856
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I wonder what religious vegans sacrifice. Maybe avocados. Or virgins. Whichever.

>> No.5266866

I think i'm inadvertantly becoming vegan.
>cut down on dairy for some weight loss
>realize it's cheaper to go without
>no longer crave at all
>somehow developed a high interest in porridge and vegetable curries
>dat health dat raw, wild feel dat grocery bill
some days i'll have a couple of eggs or some chicken/tuna but often it's purely veges, fruit and whole grains. shit is cash.
I really like lamb though. Would eat more of if not so expensive.

>> No.5267049

>grow a bunch of vegetables
>feed to animal
>keep feeding animal all the vegetables
>eat animal once


>eat vegetables
>eat vegetables
>eat vegetables

OP you need to rethink some things and talk to a bunch of farmers and nutritionists and your doctor.

>> No.5267051

citation needed

>> No.5267062

I read this post three times and I still can't figure out what this fucker's trying to say

>> No.5267070

>food pool
why is op so retarded?

>> No.5267071

Sounds like YOU need to rethink some things. There's nothing wrong with eating meat. At all. We don't need to eat it as much as most Americans do, but that's about cutting back, not stopping all together. And nutritionists and farmers and doctors would say the same thing, unless they are pushy vegans themselves. Veganism is a mental health problem.

>> No.5267123

ya belw it

>> No.5267138

>I have nothing smart to say in reply to this comment so I'll just call him a troll


>> No.5267176

you make yourself too obvious silly troll ;) you can relax.

>> No.5267189

I'm not vegan and I hate how snobby a lot of them are but that's not why anyone I've encountered is vegan

if anything should be considered a mental illness it's extreme religion, most vegans are just snobby or ignorant but that neither of those suggest mental illness


>> No.5267215
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>thinking cows, chickens and other farmed meats "turn garbage and grass into food"
>not knowing we grow fields of grain, corn and other staple foods just to turn around and feed a lot of it to said meat sources.
>still thinks the small amount of meat produced compared to the amount of feed being used is somehow increasing the food pool.

>> No.5267288

>implying all vegans are snobby

some people just like veg, chill out.

its like all the meatheads have become the new attention whores whining about vegans being bad

>> No.5267343
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Why does the life of a cow, fish or bee have more authenticity than that of the millions of yeast cells that are used to produce a bottle of wine?

>> No.5267363

can humans eat grass?
are humans supposed to peck and scratch bugs from the ground like chickens?
should we eat filthy scraps like pigs do?

end your life

>> No.5267474
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>can humans eat grass?
>are humans supposed to peck and scratch bugs from the ground like chickens?
>should we eat filthy scraps like pigs do?

>thinking any of these are what regular farmed meat eats.

>> No.5267497

Reality is

>Grow a bunch of vegetables
>Feed the animals the ugly ones and the remains so not much goes to waste
>Eat the good vegetables with the animals

Fucking vegans don't know shit

>> No.5267503

I think you mean
>factory farmed meat
Because yes, in fact farmed meat DOES eat grass, bugs, and scraps (aka slop). Many, many farms are free range, in particularly stock farms (farms/ranches that sell their livestock at auction). I'm so sick of these threads where stupid vegans (and some omnis) act like they know anything about raising livestock.

>> No.5267507

And a select four or five companies provide something like 80% of meat. guess which method they use, faggot

>> No.5267515


>can humans eat grass?

Besides the fact that that's a stupid argument because even for grass-fed meat we're wasting land that would bring higher food yields if they were used to grow crops, but yes, we can eat grass, and it's considered very healthy. I'm sure you've atleast heard of wheatgrass and wild rice


>> No.5267519
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>yeast is an animal

Check your kingdroms, bro

>> No.5267521

Lrn2shop, dipshit. You don't have to buy meat from the largest of corporations. There are tons of small meat producers. Either you're stupid, ignorant, or retarded.

>> No.5267525

Never said there weren't you strawmanning fucktard.

>> No.5267532


When people have nothing of value to say... You are a fucking idiot. So, you are contradicting your own post. What a huge knobslobber.

>> No.5267538

>doesn't understand the difference between grass seeds and grass leaves
>doesn't understand that the grasses that yield edible seed don't grow just anywhere we want them to

Veganism MUST be some kind of brain damage.

>> No.5267539

You seem to have missed some steps, let me help!
>>grow a bunch of vegetables
You forgot the harvesting and processing step here.
Lets say you grow an acre of wheat. 40% of the weight of that wheat is useless chaff and grass to you. To a couple of sheep, that's a month of perfectly good feed. This applies to, really, any food that you grow where the inedible parts aren't outright poison (ie potatoes and tomatoes). Lets continue.
>>feed he scraps to animal
>>eat the food parts of the vegetables yourself
>>keep feeding animal all the useless scrap, or stuff that can't be preserved, canned, or dried before it turns
You missed a few steps here. Let me help.
>>Breed animal until you have adequate replacements
>>harvest wool, fur, milk, and other useful materials from the living animal
>>when the animal outlives its usefulness, and can no longer breed or provide useful goods, slaughter it for meat
>>eat some of the animal, smoke, dry, or otherwise preserve the 40+ pounds of meat that will last you a month. Save this stuff for the lean winter months when you can't grow shit.

>> No.5267544


>40% of the weight of that wheat is useless chaff and grass to you.

Or used in thousands of ways from compost to textiles.

>> No.5267548

Said it better than I could.

>> No.5267552
File: 1.45 MB, 2048x1536, wheatgrass[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not sure how your post is attempting to respond to the fact that you can eat grass. Not just grass seeds, but actual grass

>> No.5267554
File: 17 KB, 586x406, How Agriculture Works.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please save to blow vegans the fuck out

>> No.5267559

You can eat it, but it's just fiber. We lack the bacteria and enzymes needed to digest it.

>> No.5267565

>implying compost is the most useful way of using wheat chaff
>implying also that it would create useful compost compared with animal feces

And I don't know where you get the bit about textiles. Grasses are only useful for making ropes. Even then, those ropes aren't to hold up against something like polyester.

But self-righteous vegans have never been very good with facts. It's probably just an issue of poor nourishment.

>> No.5267567


I'm not saying "those are the two things you can do," I'm saying it's obviously not useless as you want to imply it is because your whole argument rests on the idea that we can't do anything else with it so let's let animals take up a bunch of land and water and feed it to them while they emit enough methane gas to plunge the planet into the second ice age

>> No.5267589

Piss off moron, the planet is four billion years old and people eating tasty animals isn't going to change the cycles within cycles within cycles within cycles that's it's been going through for that length of time.

You scam is full of shit and a way to tax people and send money to afreeka so you can "FEEL" better about yourselves.

If you really want to be honest and help out the planet, kill yourselves. You wont be missed and you can go into the loving arms of Gaia or whatever you worship.

>> No.5267591
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Are you saying that factory farmed meat is not the majority?

Veggie myself with no qualms about people eating meat. I abstain because of the extra crap that makes it into most factory farmed meats. But the majority of meats are the same factory farmed meats you mentioned.

Anyways, this whole thread it turning into a fucking day/ck/are board. It's like school gets out and every aspie kid rushes home to start another of these threads. Why care what other people decide to/not to eat?

>> No.5267593
File: 167 KB, 340x333, stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>11 minutes of thinking later
>f-fuck you, f-fucking vegan. muh hamburgers!

I guess this thread is over then

>> No.5267598

You can eat paper, too. Ice chips. Soil. Doesn't make them food.

>> No.5267614

>Why care what other people decide to/not to eat?
To improve and expand our repertoire of culinary expertise.

Foreigners to /ck/ come to these threads to strut their combat amongst other foreigners.

The only escape is to kill yourself.

>> No.5267631

Well, for the same reason meat consumption is not considered one either: it sells.

And the market is growing so get used to it.

>> No.5267636

>it's obviously not useless
>posts two things that either can't be done or is extremely inefficient to do

You are seriously fucking retarded. You need those aminos from meat, your brain is dying.

>> No.5267643

How dare you use Noel to emphasize your fucking ass-backwards faggotry.

>> No.5267658

nice logic you have there, no need to be upset if you disagree.

>> No.5267662

citation needed

>> No.5267665

this about sums it up

>> No.5267667

why would someone eat non-food items like paper? I do love making wheat grass smoothies though.

>> No.5267685

>Indigestible neutral detergent fibre in predictions of grass and red clover silage digestibility

>> No.5267687

I fucking love meat. I still eat it rarely though, because I disagree with the meat industry and their practices.
I save up a little, go to my favorite farmer/butcher and buy the meat of the cow I've seen happy on the grass a couple of weeks ago and I enjoy it.
I can't eat mass industry meat anymore after seeing one of these "factories" myself.
If my local butcher wasn't available I'd go full vegetarian too.
TLDR, Meat is awesome. The industry behind it sucks. OP can eat a bag of dicks

>> No.5267692

>found the closet vegan

>> No.5267705

So... you're okay with murder, but not torture?

>> No.5267711


I don't think that article is about what you think it's about. Wheatgrass specifically is also sold in every health food store in the west, and lemongrass is used as an herb in Thai cooking. You may have to juice/blend grass to get the full benefit of it, but that doesn't mean it's inedible

>> No.5267724

Here comes the hollering vegans.
I swear, every time a vegan posts, I just get this mental image of a sweaty, neurotic, sallow complexioned person frantically typing away and talking out loud to themselves. They even manage to TYPE hysterically. It's tiresome.

>> No.5267728

Now you are ridiculing yourself mate.

Basically yes. It's all about the conditions and how it is done. If the animal experiences no suffer in dying and had a decent life I eat it. Nothing wrong with that. That's nature, with a pinch of humanity.
I would slaughter a cow myself if I knew how to do it. The distance between slaughter and buying chicken breast in the supermarket is fucking perverted.

>> No.5267729

do you digest absolutely every single piece of corn that you swallow? you know what I mean don't you? the human digestive system is not completely perfect, you don't digest 100% of all of every food that you eat.

I wouldn't be surprised if there are some indigestible fibers in your generalized "GRASS" which exist several varieties all very different.

I'm going to keep drinking my wheatgrass and barley grass smoothies, you can't trick me.

>> No.5267736

its sad how alot of animals die horrible deaths to make a burger for some fat kid somewhere in the usa, is it not too much to ask for that the cow or chicken has a quick and painless, stress-free death, and not a horrific one?

>> No.5267741

nice projections, you make that all up in your head did ya?

>a person with different opinions then me must be some sweaty gross sad ugly person or something! they probably don't even floss!! ihhh behhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

these "vegan haters" are the new attention whores....

hey anon, sorry. if I am wrong I am wrong. maybe you met a whole bunch of dumbasses who just happen to be vegan. no hard feelings.

>> No.5267744

>says the closet vegan

You wouldn't have been so asspained at OP if you weren't really a vegan in disguise.
Because veganism is a mental illness.

>> No.5267755

>implying there's no such thing as first impressions

Yeah, you're a hysterical vegan.

>> No.5267756


>shows signs of acute paranoia
>claims others have a mental illness

>> No.5267758

>mistaking deduction for paranoia

Back to school with you....

>> No.5267763


I'd say it's more like selective hatred. You only look for people that you hate, and who also aren't similar to you. It's the same way racists will say shit like "all niggers are dumb" because they ignore all the black people that don't justifiably cause them anger and then lump all black people into the same group, while ignoring all the white people that piss them off

>> No.5267765

The vegan fucks are infected with the prions, the thing is that since it fucks up their brains, they don't know that their fucked up in the head so they keep spouting their bullshit without knowing that it's bullshit.

>> No.5267768

>mistaking paranoia for deduction

Back to the asylum with you..

>> No.5267783

It's well obvious by your childishness that you have issues. Why not take care of yourself instead of focusing that mental break on others?

>> No.5267790

Nice try at armchair psychology, but unfortunately, everything you said is wildly inaccurate. And rather stupid.

>> No.5267809

We're running in circles, mate.
Happy cooking.

>> No.5267834

Tofu contains all of the amino acids we need.

look at protein quality.

>> No.5267842


Viewing sentient organisms as something to kill for your momentary enjoyment is selfish when you do not have to do it.

>> No.5267845

Speak for yourself fagget and eat some protein provided by semen.

>> No.5267849


thats fucking stupid holy shit thats like saying raping women is bad how the fuck am i supposed to ejaculate then dumbfuck vegan feminist

>> No.5267850

>I have nothing to say so I'll just call him a faggot.

>> No.5267855

>implying food isn't one of life's greatest pleasures
>implying it's just enjoyment and not also sustenance
>implying being selfish is always a bad thing
>implying livestock hasn't been selectively bred for thousands of years to use as food

Go eat some more grass and sticks and STFU.

>> No.5267858

Sally Struthers loves you too.

>> No.5267859


You basically just justified slavery here

>> No.5267864

>implying you can't enjoy good vegan food
>implying you can't sustain yourself on fruits and vegetables and tofu
>implying murdering for enjoyment isn't always a bad thing
>implying that because that's how it's been, that's how it has to be

>> No.5267865

The point being?

>> No.5267869

>implying that you're a fagget that needs a label to justify yourself.

Food is food, I don't care about some fucking label or the politics.

>> No.5267870
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>mfw this is what vegans actually believe

>> No.5267877

>implying you will ever be able to stop one person from eating meat if they so desire.
>implying you are not living in your own little fantasy world.

>> No.5267882

If people get educated, then maybe they'll change. I changed when I heard about veganism. What makes you think all other people I talk to about veganism will be completely different?

>> No.5267884


That the dumb arguments you use to justify immorality have already been used for hundreds of years, and it's already fallen flat many times

>> No.5267893

>and it's already fallen flat many times
Yet we continue to enjoy our steaks and bacon.
Because it's fucking delicious food.

>> No.5267897


And where's your negro slave? History repeats itself

>> No.5267901


>> No.5267907

My negro slave?
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5267920

Shellfish are delicious, I do agree with you there.

>> No.5267921


Like I said, the things you just used to argue in favor of meat production are the same things people used to justify owning slaves

>it makes MY life better
>why should I care about anyone but ME?

Well now slavery is abolished after many years of it being engrained into society to the point where nobody thought it would go away, much the way traditional views on meat farming and meat consumption are now being challenged

>> No.5267931

Actually, the arguments for slavery had more to do with economical rather than ethical quandaries.

>> No.5267939
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Do economics and ethics not go together? The basis is the same; it's people arguing that obviously immoral things should be considered fine

>> No.5267954
File: 28 KB, 265x265, 23456342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I notice this, I can vouch that this is a legitimate real thing.
how is it inaccurate? I have noticed this before. I suppose you don't agree, or simply have been blessed to not come into contact with many racist people.

you mean like amino acids from hemp, rice, beans, organic soy, and countless other plant sources of amino acids?

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

not sure if full hue or just trolling. Anon, don't prions occur most commonly in MEAT EATERS? especially since mad cow disease supposedly happened because they fed cows to the cows and they got sick with prions, Heard it happens too when people are cannibals... anyways, someone drinks the milk or eats the meat of a cow that ate cow... there you have it..

you just proved a point against yourself and for vegans, since you must be so crazy that you think other people have prions... you better get checked anon...

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5267957

Ah, I see, you are a spread the wealth, occupy, 99% vegan. Not in the context of what was being argued. They didn't fight for slavery so they could continue sitting on the veranda, mojito in one hand and a whip in the other. For proof look at the use of sharecroppers after slavery was ended. Their concern was losing an almost free source f labor, to sustain their growing financial gains.

>why should I care about anyone but ME?

This was not what they were thinking, but rather think of the economical system we built. They didn't think they could survive economically without slavery, and on that point they were wrong. However to equate eating a tasty animal to slavery is a poor argument at best because I make no money off my food that I consume.

You have made a logical fallacy, but it's okay, I hear veganism shrinks your brain.

>> No.5267959

>traditional views on meat farming and meat consumption
Yeah those 'traditions' are actually a modern sickness.
I don't support the poor or cruel practices but I love some meats and products too much to give them up. So I try to buy from trusted farmers and butchers, I know the woman who handles the chickens that lay eggs for my plate. Same for my milk.

You need to understand that morals aren't really objective facts, they vary from person to person- you may have several different sets of morals within one family.

>> No.5267966

everyone is different, the best someone who supports being vegan can do is provide knowledge and allow everyone else to make their decisions off of that. in this world its a good thing to try to do what you think is good in a peaceful, nonviolent, nonharassing way; even if you don't think it will work. at least you are trying to do good.

>> No.5267973

by the way, that whole 99% and occupy movement was severely disrepresented by all the mainstream news to blur and confuse the message, and make everyone participating look as much like a junky low life hippie as possible. not trying to /pol/ and no offense to hippies.

why would veganism shrink a brain? is this hinting at some implication of malnourishment? there are however many vegans that simply do not do veganism correctly and end up malnourished as a result, because they don't understand nutrition.

>> No.5267984

>I can vouch for this
Sure....hysterical vegans notice all kinds of things that aren't necessarily real. You have a mental disorder, much like anorexics and bulemics. As if we take anything vegans say as vouchers....Oh you!

>> No.5267985


> there are however many vegans that simply do not do veganism correctly and end up malnourished as a result,

Which is the same for non-vegans. It's not like everyone who eats meat happens to have the perfect intake of macro and micro nutrients as well. Statistically though, vegans are more likely to be in better health than meat-eaters

>> No.5267989

thank you, I appreciate that. People these days seem to be only for themselves, which is irritating and will only leave the world in terrible conditions, both emotionally and physically. I just want people to understand that the "well if it benefits me then I DON'T GIVE A FUCK" mentality is poisonous and will do nothing good, in fact it will have adverse effects.

>> No.5267990


>morals aren't really objective facts


>> No.5267991

Your argument is stupid, OP, and you suck for making this thread.
No, I'm not a vegetarian/vegan.

>> No.5267999

>killing animals for food is bad
>no, killing animals for food is bad in your eyes
>no, I say that it's bad so it is, stop doing it, stop eating meat
>but I like meat
>eating meat is bad, you are bad
>I don't feel bad though, and I enjoy eating meat, why are you trying to make me feel bad?

>> No.5268000

eating meat is bad for your health, though.

>> No.5268005

also, it's bad for that animal's well-being. so, yes, it can be objectively immoral.

>> No.5268010

So you would be happier if I and every other human stopped eating meat and animal products?

>> No.5268011


as living beings they have that right, yes. but whether or not they are able to exercise that right... well, that's just natural selection.

>> No.5268013

bad if you eat bad meat, or just too much of meat, like any other food.

>> No.5268015
File: 69 KB, 1078x1182, 1394236794253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes good goyim! Veganism is stupid! Eat your meat and slaughter animals! You're a macho man right! Don't forgot to also drink your milk to get calcium for your bones! Good goy!

>> No.5268018

So... what is too much meat?

>> No.5268023

More than three servings of red meat a week.

>> No.5268028

>I don't agree with someone so I will call them insane!

I can see you made up your mind about vegans long ago because you got butthurt over losing a match of twister to one or something.

>> No.5268030


A serving being 3 ounces, not a pound of steak like most people eat.

>> No.5268031


what is the evidence confirms the objective morality of preserving the well-being of another species?

oh, wait... there is none. because morality isn't objective.

>> No.5268032

>tfw 2 poor for red meat
I get to eat about 1lb of chicken a week

>> No.5268033

Yeah, I eat very little meat and I still go over that line.
So three quarter pounders would contain one week's red meat?

>> No.5268034

fair enough. optimal is no meat, though. the high levels of protein that meat contains weakens our bones.

>> No.5268035

okay. I can agree with that.

yea anon, every day people treat me like the meat they eat, and then they find ways to call me selfish. somehow it all works out in the end thank G. just gotta keep chugging on and eating my beans and broccoli

>> No.5268036


derp, how does i english

what evidence confirms*

>> No.5268037

if it deters the longevity of that species then yes, it is objectively wrong because our purpose is to survive.

>> No.5268042

just wait till aliens come and treat us like we treat cows bro... you won't think its fair then will ya? I personally hope the nice aliens visit.

its so sad. lets just all get along?

oh cmon, I mean, interesting example but the friendly merchant could easily be replaced with any random government thing, its not the Jews, cmon.

>> No.5268045

Humans can all die at 30 and still survive to continue the species.
There's a reason that females can bear children from 12 onwards.

>> No.5268069


so, two perspectives:

a.) it is OUR purpose to survive, not theirs... unless abstaining from meat thwarts the survival of the human race, the well-being of another species is irrelevant to the perpetuation of humanity

b.) the idea that it is humanity's purpose to survive is simply one of a myriad ideas, rationalizations of existence. yes, we have been surviving for a long time. we eat, sleep, and fuck every day to survive. (most of) humanity has decided that what our bodies seem to be geared to do--survive, perpetuate--is a MORAL obligation to which we are bound, and equate living with righteousness. a sort of destiny, if you will. it is entirely possible. now, morality is a concept exclusive to humans; other animals are puppets of instinct and nothing more. actually, the mere fact that we have both a conscious mind with the ability to will ourselves, AND a body with animal impulses, is reason enough to question the possible discrepancy of what is "objectively right" and Eros, the drive to live. there is enough self-destruction and conscious destruction of others to validate this possibility further: the existence Thanatos, the death drive, the seemingly contradictory drive toward death, is reason enough to question the idea that survival is truly our "purpose"--if such a thing as purpose even exists.

>> No.5268072

>til the aliens come

Nearly nothing that vegans say makes me facepalm more than when they try and use science fiction as an argument. That is not reality, and you look foolish and incompetent when you do that. I do believe there's life elsewhere in the universe, but I don't think anyone is coming anytime soon, and when they do, I doubt they'll be remotely concerned about whether we eat cows and chickens.

>> No.5268074

Don't try to figure it out op just ignore vegan.

>> No.5268082


ah, not abstaining from, but consuming. same idea, just fucked up the sentence.

>> No.5268125

why do people always say

". I do believe there's life elsewhere in the universe, but I don't think anyone is coming anytime soon, and when they do, I doubt they'll care about X or X or X"


>> No.5269017

A lot of poorfag students are vegan without thinking about it but where's or Nobel prize?

>> No.5269038

Because it's ignorant to think that our planet is the only life-sustaining planet in the universe, but just because there's other life out there, it doesn't mean they all have warp drive space ships. How hard is that to understand?

>> No.5269054


i think >5268125 is referring to the fact that some people appear to base their decisions and morality around "alien approval." because god is too mainstream.