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File: 45 KB, 610x458, 20110802wildirishrose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5262855 No.5262855 [Reply] [Original]

hi guys, long time lurker on this board.

i am sad because i've stooped so low as to what alcohol goes through my liver.


375ml bottle for $1.50 at the Big Lots

what's next? mouthwash? vanilla extract?

post the lowest quality drink you have ever ingested.

>> No.5262867

where do you live where big lots carries alcohol

>> No.5262873
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>> No.5262886
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but it's soo cheap

>> No.5262894


indio, california, usa

i bought it at a new location of big lots, the old one did not carry alcohol

they have beer and miscellaneous wines. very cheap.

>> No.5262899

I don't really like hard liqour, but lately ive been drinking a lot of malt liqours. (steele reserve,hurricane,OE), its still beer though right /:

>> No.5262905

yeah, malt liquor is technically anything >5%. So Microbrews are malt liquor too!

>> No.5262908


>> No.5262910


malt liquor is good... especially hurricane 40oz

>> No.5262950


Yeah well its cheap.. But I prefer steele reserve. Best bang for my buck.

>> No.5262962
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we have a christmas tradition of drinking bottles of MD 20/20. i wish we didn't

>> No.5262975

Vassers Vodka

>> No.5262981

The dishwasher at the pizza place I worked at used to finish the drinks that came his way. I think is as low as it gets.
>that martini with the lipstick stain

>> No.5263011

Should have gotten the sour apple, it's the best of the rose. Add cheap vodka for for extra kick.

>> No.5263014


anon, you obviously know how to drink.


>> No.5263034
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I usually drink 40s but it looks like I may have to boycott them now
>plastic bottles

>> No.5263038

>not distilling your bum wine.


>> No.5263066
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>mfw bum brandy

>> No.5263071

bandit, nothing is lower than white whisky out of a carton

>> No.5263073

The fuck is this bullshit?

>> No.5263075

Vanilla extract

>> No.5263080

I always drink bottom shelf, and proudly so.

The American ATF bureau ensures it's relatively safe, right? There'll be no blindness-causing methanol or anything else too nasty.

People who insist on getting drunk off more costly liquor are suckers.

I'm being the smart consumer by drinking taaka. Is it really all that different from grey goose? I don't think so.

>> No.5263121

No, because Grey Goose is bottom shelf

>> No.5263134

sounds like a response to too many 40oz induced stabbings/assaults with glass objects. Least that's what happens a lot around my area.

>> No.5263165

Blacked out on Ron Rigo once. I vomited eight times that day, and that's just when something came up.

Never again.

>> No.5264435
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It tastes absolutely disgusting but it will get you fucked up...

>> No.5264447
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The absolute bottom.

>> No.5264458

probably that and litter. a 40 bottle to the head can do some serious damage, and when smashed, they leave a shitton of glass all over the place.

>> No.5264463
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Recovering alcoholic reporting

Dark times

>> No.5264472
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>mfw I have evrey medium and low range spirit + mouthwash to experience before I hit rock bottom.

>> No.5264475

Anyone else watch that episode of Intervention where that suburban housewife drank giant bottles of mouth wash? Passing out on the lawn in front of her kids, throwing up in the kitchen while everyone is watching tv.

>> No.5264498

My rock bottom came far after all of that

I used to binge-watch that show while I was drinking and taking Ambien. That episode is pretty intense. I can't remember if she ever got sober

>> No.5264511
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Back in my early college days when I'd drink anything that had the possibility of getting me drunk, even this shit was too foul.

>> No.5264515

vanilla extract?

>> No.5264521

ooops didnt even see the OP mention that.

>> No.5264539

Niggers and homeless ruin everything

>> No.5264540


I guess I meant my rock bottom of what got me to change came long after I drank mouthwash, vanilla extract, lectric shave etc


>> No.5264576


at least get kamchatka. in my opinion it's the best cheap vodka. still so cheap that it comes in plastic bottles, but it doesn't have that distinctive shitty vodka taste like Mr Boston, Fleschmann's, etc.

>> No.5265028
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I think this is only available in the northeast but if you went to college in NH like I did, you know the absolute horror that is Zhenka. It was around $8 for a handle when I was in school a few years ago.

>> No.5265065
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Natty ice trumps all low quality shit, 6 tall boys for 3.99 or 4.99

Walgreens has this beer though that's 2.99 for a six pack it's called big flats it's pretty nasty but no ones ever heard of it so I get away with telling people it's some obscure expensive beer. Pic is unrelated but not bad at all for around $18

>> No.5265066

When I was in high school, there was this shady little liquor store near my house that was notorious for selling to underage kids. So of course, my friends and I used to always go there to buy alcohol.

I think the worst shit I've ever had was Night Train. We used to get a bunch of bottles of that and drink them from a beer bong. I remember being so fucked up after drinking a bunch of beers and a couple bottles of Night Train, that I was laying face down in a hammock, swinging back and forth, watching as I puked across the ground below me, then I passed out.

I also bought this handle of absolutely disgusting cheap vodka from the same store, this shit literally smelled like rubbing alcohol. A bunch of us took turns passing it around until it was gone, chasing it with beer. I don't remember much from that night, I vaguely remember coming home and puking several times in the toilet before I passed out. Had a fucking terrible hangover for two days after that incident.

The next day, my mom confronted me about it. Apparently she had decided to wake up to "bust" me when I got home. She said she was sitting on the front porch in the dark, watched me get dropped off by my friends on the street, stumble up the driveway, walked into a tree and a couple of bushes and slurred some kind of profanity at them, fell down in the lawn a couple of times, slumped against the door for like 5 minutes trying to figure out how to get my key into the lock (which was unlocked already) before finally getting into the house.

She told me she hadn't laughed that hard in a while. I only got grounded for a week too, since she felt bad about how hung over I was.

>> No.5265173

Back when I was in college at Eastern Connecticut State University, bottle of Dubra every.fucking.night. Would drink until 6 AM with a shit load of people and make it to class for 9 AM, all while keeping my grades up.

>> No.5265189


haha yeah i've had big flats at walgreens...

cheapest beer i've ever seen

>> No.5265196

around here we get natty daddy (twice the abv of natty ice) for ~$7 for 8. better deal than ice, but it tastes the part.

>> No.5267056

my night train nigga
I went to a shady liquor store like that when I was in high school. I had an id though, I bought it from a guy for $20. it was a real id, someone just left it in his car. barely looked anything like me. before that we would pick up this Guatemalan guy who would buy for us if we got him a camo.

I'm so nostalgic right now

>> No.5267073

fucking Windsor is the best cheap whiskey. you know your dad drank it and that's because it's the goat.

>> No.5267076

Op I drank a bottle of this on prom night. got in a fender bender driving to McDonald's at like 5am but luckily the dude just kept driving. it was like a ups truck

>> No.5267078

im from indio :D

>> No.5267086

guys guys guys guys guys...

mad dog

>> No.5267106
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Real rotgut.

>> No.5267108

i used to work in a college town liquor store. shout outs to andré pink champagne & warm expired flats of beast ice

man, i love booze

>> No.5267114
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I tried one of those alcoholic energy drinks. It was so vile that I poured it out.

However, I like steel reserve. What's wrong with me?

>> No.5267159

A 0.5 litre bottle of beer for 27 cents. Germany.

>> No.5267182

Reminds me of when I was a kid... We used to do shit like 40oz beer bongs, and once time I had the bright idea to do an everclear beer bong... Actually worked out okay. Started off with about an inch of margarita mix in the tube, then fuck tons of everclear, then margarita mix again. All I tasted was margarita. Got absolutely blank out drunk though lol.

>> No.5267188

Was it a fourloko? That shit's nasty lol, but it get's you a special kind of fucked up, or at least it did before the ban on caffeinated booze.

>> No.5267191

>alcoholic energy drinks
>do you want some sugar with your sugar
I try to avoid

>> No.5267198
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live in central florida, only thing we can outside the liquor store is beer, wine, and alco-beverages

it tastes gross to tolerable, but its $2.50 and only need one to get a buzz going on. basically is a 40 for the young people here

>> No.5267202


i have to drink at least 2 of those before i'm even buzzed

>> No.5267206

Enjoy your diabetes

>> No.5267221

they're coming out with a diet one

>> No.5267224

I used to buy Potter's 100 proof and and mix it with the bottom 1/3 of a liter of Pepsi. I worked night shift so I felt kinda lame getting hammered at 9 in the morning but at least it helped me sleep.

>> No.5267255


That putrid bilge water should be banned. My flatmates started mixing it with fruit juice because the taste is so foul.

>> No.5267299

Fucking Thunderbird. I don't understand how they can even charge the change it costs as it basically tastes like vodka and window cleaner. I will drink vanilla extract before I will touch this putrid shit ever again.

>> No.5267323

One time I was drunk but not quite there yet so I drank my moms cooking sherry

>> No.5267339

The worst I've ever drank was mad dog and Karkov.
But my shitty roommates would steal my alcohol, so I hid it all in a safe under my bed, and filled my old liquor stash with cisco, thunderbird, and WIR.
They stopped raiding my stash after a couple weeks.

>> No.5267341

I heard in Columbia they deliver alcohol to your house at any hour. Why can't we have this in USA

>> No.5267342

Roommates can suck sometimes

>> No.5267344

>no everclear
it is the cheapest way to get alcohol
can't beat 59 cents an ounce

>> No.5267368
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Currently drinking Mr Boston.

I've had

As well as Fleischman's, Barton's etc. I don't really notice one or the either being better or worse. I just go for whatever is currently on sale. A week ago Taaka was on sale for ~9 dollars a handle, now it went back up to ~11.

This week Mr Boston was the one on sale for ~9 bucks, so I went with that.

>> No.5267374
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I've always been tempted to try this around the Holidays.

>> No.5267379

In Australia, goon (cheap wine) is worth about $2.50/L. We found a brand of wine called grape expectations that came in 2L bottles for $2, and had a "buy two get the third free" deal.

Never again.

>> No.5267383

Roommates always suck, not personally or anything like that, but just because I prefer my own privacy and roommates disturb that.

I prefer living in my own place without other people around, especially with a shared kitchen and refrigerator. Finding food missing is highly annoying.

So the way out of that is living on my own.
Simple and clear.

>> No.5267385

Ever? This shitty sherry.

Costed $7.50 for a 750 mL bottle of 20% alcohol, which for Canadian prices, is practically unheard of. (even further I worked for the store that sold it, so I ended up paying under $6)

>> No.5267387

Everclear's not available everywhere though. It only just became available in upstate New York. Plus there are different proofs of it for different jurisdictions.

>> No.5267392
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Yeah, I would say mad dog is as low as I've gone. There have been other little versions of it but it's basically all MD 20/20.
I always get the Bling Bling edition. Taste like rotten bananas and "blue" flavored melted popsicle or something.

>> No.5267399
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runner up would be this

>> No.5267405

What does a 40 oz taste like /ck/?

>> No.5267407

"With soothing green tea complex"

Any other flavours you'd recommend?

>> No.5267435


>> No.5267438

They are also coming out with a non-alcoholic one too.

>> No.5267450
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get on my level

>> No.5267454

ooh blue!
blue's been my favorite flavor since i was a boy

>> No.5267456

failure, bitterness, lost chances

kinda like wheaty malt

>> No.5267726

I laughed pretty good at this

>> No.5267819

In college my favorite drink was gin and tonic. Wasn't too picky about the gin, but tanqueray rangpur was my favorite. At the time I was too young to buy alcohol, so anything would do really. One night my roommate wanted me to show him what G&T was all about, and I was happy to show him. So we got our older roommate to buy us

>1/2 gallon of Gilbey's gin for $13

Well we damn near polished the whole thing off. I was kicked out of a party and woke up on our couch fully clothed, with the cushions on the floor. I think my parents were visiting that day too. Pretty sure I was hungover/still drunk every time they came to see their darling son at school (5 years of this). Anyway, that was my last time really drinking gin. I just can't do it anymore. I know it's my fault and I deserved it. I think I was hungover for like 2 days after that one.

>> No.5267885
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I reckon around 80% of britfags will have this or frosty's as their answer to your question


>> No.5267899

and that's a wild night from your college days? falling asleep with your clothes on doesn't really cut it.

wait until you've shit yourself on a train packed full of commuters because you've been on a four day bender and your guts can't take it any more

>> No.5267949

like as an adult or as a kid? As kid? probably extract. As an adult? either winn-dixie rum/vodka or a bottle of vermouth.

>> No.5267982

White lightning is too expensive. White Hammer is where it's at.

>> No.5267986

cheap cider sold in soda bottles is possibly the only British thing I envy

>> No.5267998


This is on my list of things to buy if I ever make it to Britbongland.

Question: if there is a drunk American at a pub how easy it is for them to get chummy with the patrons? I would want to make friends. Would I just have to drink more than them to earn their respect?

>> No.5268111


I went through (am still in) a hardcore alcoholic phase and drank 3 of these a day every day for a year and a half

Shits nasty and now that I have more money I'm drinking better but holy fuck did it get you drunk.

>> No.5268197

Worst drunk I ever had was downing a bottle of 151 rum if I had the ability too I would have called for the waaaa-mbulance but I lived, regretfully

>> No.5268204

Beat up some hooligans, really it's best to have friends before you go in the first place.

Make sure to call them stupid britcunts and remind them about how a bunch of upstart yanks beat them in two wars and made their empire look stupid.

>> No.5268819

in a village pub pretty easy. they prefer you to get drunk at the pub though rather than arrive drunk

>> No.5268824

I remember that brand from my pre-rehab days.

>> No.5268842

>vanilla extract
HAHAHAHA no when I was in high school I tried lemon extra act because it was 80 something percent alcohol. Tasted like ass but it worked

>> No.5269231

For gods sake I hope you relapsed

>> No.5269340

I relapse everyday. Each morning I wake up and say I'm not going to drink again. Then I do.

>> No.5269368

I used to drink those alky energy drinks and drive. A lot. They fueled me through graduate school (yes I got my master's with straight A's). I've since become a full blown alcoholic. Yay. It sucks, kids. Don't be like me.

>> No.5269399
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I still remember how much it burned. And at 10 dollars a handle too.

It went down better with Mountain Dew Code Red.

>> No.5269411
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Don't do it.

>> No.5269442
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Never again. Also every vodka.

>> No.5269444
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This, mixed with lucozade. My mate called his 'cheap jagerbomb'.

>> No.5269486

Done it when I had a bit more money. Now I'm a cheap white cider guy.

>> No.5269491

i've been here before

that is some nasty wino shit

still alright with lemonade koolaid

>> No.5269518

>brand of wine called grape expectations
With a name like that, you just know it's going to be good.

>> No.5270090

Jim Beam is worse.

>> No.5270109

My flatmate was an alcoholic until last year, recovering pretty well. I watched him drink a bottle of Tesco Value Gin in an hour. It was repulsive.

>> No.5270123
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>> No.5270159
File: 27 KB, 165x500, Devil's_Springs-Vodka-S0525-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dankness for the win, made in New Jersey...

>> No.5270166

no tank u

>> No.5270191

have u even kentucky gentleman

>> No.5270261

"Best served chilled"

>> No.5270268
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was a teenager. most foul shit i have had

>> No.5270276

i've been drinking 40 oz's of malt liqour recently. It's really satisfying to only have to drink one and feel good for the rest of the night. No regrets.

>> No.5270289


Its distilled FOUR TIMES for extra smoothness you pussy.

Quit whining.

>> No.5271523

Mad Dog is delicious for how cheap it is. Although i'm a frat boy and 20/20 is pretty much all sorority hoes would drink, along with Franzia and Vladimir

>> No.5271556

red banana MD 20/20 - chugged two of those in ten minutes, don't remember anything else but apparently I had to get turtled and pissed all over myself...
white wolf red bulls + white wolf and sodas - had way too many of these after one of my really good friends came back from France, pissed in my friend's room and had the taste of white wolf for the next day
pissing is a common theme here...

>> No.5271558

No, OP. Most bums even stop at WIR.

>> No.5271559

also all of y'all looking down on franzia are haters. sunset blush is the shit.

>> No.5271601
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There is shit and then there is Skol.

>> No.5271609

Went to UNH, I saw plenty of Zhenka handles.