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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5266210 No.5266210[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A few days ago, I went over to my bf's place after taking a walk because the door was open. (This was the first and only time I've come over to his place without calling/knocking.)
I strolled right in, he's in the kitchen and looks really surprised.
I give him a hug and wrinkle my nose because it smells like pizza and he has sauce on the side of his mouth.
He admits that he just ate one of those small party pizzas right before I came over.
I believe that dairy is more harmful than other types of foods, I do not eat it and told my S/O that I wasn't going to date anyone who ate it. It wasn't an ultimatum, but he decided to give it up for awhile to try and please me and see if he even noticed.
He said that he hadn't eaten one in months, he was hungry, it was 98 cents, I hadn't cooked for him in ages and it felt like a lie.

I felt betrayed and instantly lost all attraction for him in one fell swoop. I'm not vegan, not a raw foodie, just a person who has beliefs and it feels shitty to know that he's probably been lying about it the whole time.
Was it silly of me to expect him to really want to change for me? Has anyone else ever felt like this?
We aren't together anymore, I just can't get past this.

>> No.5266213

3/10 got me to reply. Please try harder next time

>> No.5266215

pls be pasta

>> No.5266217

Not trolling.
I was diagnosed with Aspergers as child.
(This information is probably relevant)

>> No.5266220



Take your bullshit there.

>> No.5266222

Fuck off

>> No.5266225

Hide tread.
Life gets easier

>> No.5266228


ttis or gtfo

>> No.5266229

I wish I didn't actually know people like this.

>> No.5266230

Ask to get back with him and suck him off since that's all you're good for bitch.

>> No.5266231

Seek the advice of a qualified mental health professional.

>> No.5266232

Work safe board Anon.
hehehe no thanks but you go right on ahead

>> No.5266233


you can show your tits on tinychat

tits or gtfo

>> No.5266236

>useless person like you
>having any other hope
Seriously, he was the best you could do.

>> No.5266243

So a vagina?

>> No.5266242


Replying as if this isn't a troll, which it probably is.

You're an idiot. Get used to being alone.

>> No.5266240
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You sound like a dumb cunt, and I mean cunt in the American sense.

>> No.5266249

You should go on that diet where people don't eat anything except air.

>> No.5266246

It's ok to break up with him if you are no longer attracted to him for whatsoever reason. Plenty of people on this board would readily break up with the SO should they suddenly decide to take up an unexpected diet.

At any rate, this thread is offtopic and should belong in >>>/adv/.

polite sage

>> No.5266253

The worst kind of person tries to force their belief systems onto others.

>> No.5266255

It's not a troll and I'd been alone and happy for years before I met him.
I just wanted to have a harmonious time with someone who ate similarly to me so I wouldn't have to constantly be concerned for their health. He's very good looking but that's not enough.
Thanks for the stone cold advice, /ck/.
There may still be someone out there for me, yet.

>> No.5266257

I don't know why it matters to you if he eats dairy, except maybe if he wants to make or eat certain meals that you don't. If he's willing to eat dairy-free in your company that should be enough for you. Anything beyond that is bordering on conceited/overbearing.

The other issue though is trust and I guess if he was still eating these foods behind your back he should have given you enough respect to be direct and honest with you about not being willing to change his diet.

So basically you're both at fault and this is a dumb thing to break up over

>> No.5266259


tits or gtfo

>> No.5266260

A very disagreeable female.

>> No.5266263

Fact: At this very moment there could very well be a dairy product inside your tits.
spooky amirite?

>> No.5266266

>He said that he hadn't eaten one in months, he was hungry, it was 98 cents, I hadn't cooked for him in ages and it felt like a lie.

get in the fucking kitchen

>couldn't make him one meal equivalent to a 98 cent Totino's Party Pizza

>> No.5266267
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No, it's quite hot.
I have a lactation fetish that he was not even a tiny bit excited about.

>> No.5266270


tits or gtfo

>> No.5266271

Are you white OP, because if you are then dairy is fine.

>> No.5266273


Just don't shove your expectations down somebody else's throat. He likes pizza, let him eat pizza.
>implying there's actual cheese made of anything milk-related on those anyway

>> No.5266275


This makes so very little sense

>> No.5266276

My other half is a vegetarian, I'm not, it's never been a problem for us and we've been together 11 years, get over yourself you nutbag relationships always have some elements of compromise.

>> No.5266292

not sure if troll/10

>Hide tread.
>Life gets easier
Don't post this kind of fucking self-indulgent crap here: even easier.

What the hell were you expecting, sympathy?? For you trying to impose your arbitrary these foods OK/these foods not OK standards on someone else?

>> No.5266298

It's about food. I asked for help and the people of /ck/ have derivared.
I was expecting replies, which I received.
Thank you based 4chan
Herr Moot

>> No.5266306

a-are you even a grill ;_;

>> No.5266309


tits or gtfo

>> No.5266311

Lucky he got away from a crazy bitch like you before it was two late.

Go marry a smelly hippy somewhere else

>> No.5266327

>believe that dairy is more harmful than other types of foods
What? This shit is more tinfoiler than all of /g/ and /pol/ combined into one huge tinfoil ball.
Well good news for you, the cheese in those party pizzas is plastic, so he never even ate dairy.

>> No.5266353

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.5266355

>I believe that dairy is more harmful than other types of foods,
You may be right.
>I wasn't going to date anyone who ate it.
That's where you went off the rails.
>Was it silly of me to expect him to really want to change for me?
Not just silly. Also presumptuous, self-righteous, immature, unrealistic and controlling.
>I felt betrayed and instantly lost all attraction for him in one fell swoop.
Because he failed to obey your mandate based upon your own capricious beliefs.
>Has anyone else ever felt like this?
I don't think I've ever been near that level of self-righteousness. I could understand giving your SO a little bit of shit for eating trash. Mandating what they can and cannot eat is going way too far. Losing all attraction to them because they failed to follow your rules is absurd. The expectation that you can have this level of control over someone in a relationship (other than a dom-sub kind of thing) is insane.

You're a nutjob, OP.

>> No.5266358


Anon where is your pride

>> No.5266366
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He agreed to it, because I told him before we got serious that I don't want to be with someone who eats dairy.
He could have just told me it was too hard, we could have remained friends.
It's not self righteousness it's a primal scary feeling about it that I can't explain.

>> No.5266376


tits or gtfo

>> No.5266382
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>> No.5266384
File: 1.73 MB, 295x211, 1385321841086.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, you are an insane, controlling bitch

I don't even want to see your tits, just GTFO

>> No.5266388

Tits or gtfo, you crazy milk hating bitch

>> No.5266389

>implying this isn't b8
>implying I won't reply anyway

OP, you need to seek therapy. There is something inherently wrong with your thought process. It's not normal to have that type of extreme expectations of other people. What you do or do not eat is a matter of personal choice. You are not allowed to dictate what other adults around you eat. I don't eat dairy myself, but my spouse and my child do, and that's fine with me. You have a mental issue, which you need to sort out before you date anyone else. That poor guy just wanted a fucking pizza, you twat.

>> No.5266391

care to give us your rationale for hating dairy and those who eat it?

The way it sounds now you seem irrational but if you have a basis thats different...

The only thing I can think of is squalid factory dairy farms and the suffering of animals but they are no less squalid than factory poultry, pork, and beef cattle farms.

>> No.5266395


>> No.5266399

Why the fuck are you retards responding?

>> No.5266414

>it's a primal scary feeling about it that I can't explain.
It's called crazy. Over time most guys learn not to put their dick in crazy. Sounds like your ex just learned that lesson.

>> No.5266422

I was hoping to find someone who already lived this way by choice.
I was grateful for him trying a different way of eating but would have appreciated a heads up that he was not cool with it anymore.
I would have been fine with being his friend but why am I so awful for wanting a person that does not eat dairy? When he could just as easily be with someone who eats like he does, to let me keep looking?
He knew it was very important to me.
I don't hate it or those who eat it. I think it is dangerous and would like to not be around it or date someone who eats it.
What's the difference between this and saying I don't want to date a smoker or alcoholic?

>> No.5266424

You are a terrible, terrible person.

>> No.5266432

>What's the difference between this and saying I don't want to date a smoker or alcoholic?

What part of "you're not allowed to dictate what another adult eats" do you not understand? You are overstepping your boundaries. It's not in any way, shape, or form like smoking or alcoholism, you're just nuts.

>> No.5266442

>I think it is dangerous
Not the anon you're responding to, but you're probably right. I have severe doubts about the "safety" on any animal product in an industrialized food system. This is a legitimate thing.

Where you go too far is making that doubt into a dogma - almost like a religious thing - saying you can't be around it, or date anyone who consumes it. That's the level of immaturity that makes you sound as nuts as a college feminist, a proselytizing vegan, a PETA activist or a missionary. Such people are resoundingly mocked because they seek to convert others to their way of thinking on the premise that they're morally superior. And people are right not to tolerate that shit. It's insufferable.

Here's hoping you grow out of it soon, so you cease to be a hazard to the poor bastards who find you attractive.

>> No.5266443

He agreed to this, he could have said nope, you're crazy, see ya later.
Instead, he kept it up and didn't say a word.
In fact, I was very accustomed to this response from guys when I mentioned it to them and was happily surprised when he agreed to give it a shot and not just pass me by.