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5260623 No.5260623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you have to murder others and feast on their flesh?

Yet you treat cats and dogs like family. How do you justify this mental gymnastics?

>> No.5260626

Cats and dogs don't taste good or we would be eating them too.

>> No.5260629


Cats and dogs are infact delicious.

Chinese pay huge amount for them.

>> No.5260630

Dogs don't taste that bad. I've had it in Korea. It's just a bit stringier than most meat.

>> No.5260631

My family had two pet chickens at one point. Unlike two of their cats; they never learned how to pull open a door, operate a faucet, or interact with the other pets without being violent. Rabbits also fall below the smart pets line.

>> No.5260632

Can they self identify?

>> No.5260633

A friend told me about prison recipies, and jail != prison. It doesn't sound good.

>> No.5260635

Dogs are family. I bought one for the sole purpose of making it like family.

I also bought a chicken. I intend to eat that chicken.

I don't buy a toothbrush to watch YouTube videos. Everything I buy has a specific purpose. And that chicken served its purpose. Its delicious purpose. You see how that works?

>> No.5260637

Actually they taste good, they just need to be raised as cattle and not as pets.
>Not understanding difference between companion animals and livestock

>> No.5260639

Fuck yeah, what kind of dog did you buy?

>> No.5260642


pigs are smarter than dogs

>> No.5260643

I would never eat my own or someone else's pet. Well unless I was starving and had to for w/e reason.
I understand human to non-human attachment and that meat farmers don't feel it towards their stock. If a cow, sheep, chicken or goat was special to someone then i'd feel just as bad about eating it as my own cat.

>> No.5260644

Black lab. He's was a beautiful pup. Full of charm and charisma.

>> No.5260645


>muh mental gymnastics for muh murder

>> No.5260650

If I eat the cat then who eats the rat that used to be caught by the cat? As to dog they call it a shepherd for a reason . Dog helps herd the livestock. Maybe if the livestock could perform some other useful task besides being delicious I would consider not eating them

>> No.5260651

Answer the fucking question faggot.
Can chickens self identify?

>> No.5260652

I never mentioned pigs.

And I think you mean to say they have more skills than dogs. Dogs are more social with humans however. A pig raised in a cage so small it can't turn around will never try to turn around even when freed. It's evolution baby.

>> No.5260654


Downies can't self-identify. Does that mean you can eat them?

>> No.5260657

>Down plays mental gymnastics
>Uses them to avoid a yes or no question

>> No.5260659

>If I eat the cat then who eats the rat that used to be caught by the cat?
What if you caught the flies to attract spiders to feed to the bird and then asked for another cat?

>> No.5260660


>getting rekt

Can you eat a downie or not?

>> No.5260663

I like eating chickens and I don't care about them. We're top of the food chain, get over it and eat your hippie tofurky.

>> No.5260667

Instead of that epic mehmay bullshit, you could try explaining your thoughts here. But you wont because you don't have any. Or is trolling in co/ck/s a thing?
Livestock =/= Companion animals. Not mental gymnastics, they are different and serve different purpose.

>> No.5260669

Still awaiting that yes or no answer.

I can cut through all of your bullshit though, I know the answer and so do you. You just wont say it..
>buttblasted faggot buttblasted
I posted that so even you can understand where we are at in this conversation.

>> No.5260672

My cat murders others yet she treats me like family.

>> No.5260674


ok let's say i say no and you use that to say that justifies eating chicken.

Can you eat a downie because he can't self-identify?

answer the question

or don't because u know u got rekt

>> No.5260676

Not that guy, but I wouldn't eat a heavily defective creature, but mostly for the impact it would have on his/her/it's human family.

Can a chicken self-identify. That was his question. It is simple and you should not be trying to dodge it.

>> No.5260677


>making a separation for "livestock" and "companion animals"

As the banana man says, you're a ridiculous hypocrite

>> No.5260678


no she doesn't

>> No.5260679
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>> No.5260681

>Yet you treat cats and dogs like family.

I'd still eat them if it were legal. Dog meat apparently used to be a thing here until dumbasses made it illegal.

>> No.5260682

I've always wanted to try long pork. So yes, however I don't want to eat something defective like a downie.

>> No.5260684


If the point is that being unable to self-identify justifies killing a chicken and eating it, it would be the same with a downie.

i already #rekt this line of argument before you could even finish.

>> No.5260688

>anon is legend in anons own mind
>Speaking from opinion as fact

>> No.5260689

Why are you a cunt? I don't have to justify my love of eating chickens to you. Piss the fuck off.

Why don't you justify yourself being a homosexual.

>> No.5260694

It was you dodging the question. And a heavily mentally defective person usually has no chance of healing, and pretty much fails sapience tests. As I said, I have empathy for the family and loss of potential, not them.

So unless your dumbass wants to invest money in money prescription medication and training facilities to make lesser animals like chickens self-aware, you really don't have an argument. Something that isn't even aware it exists gains nothing by living longer.

>> No.5260697

No the fact that a chicken serves no other useful purpose once it's egg laying days are over justifies my killing it

>> No.5260700

>So yes, however I don't want to eat something defective like a downie.

Would you eat a perfecty health guy who was shot in an accident then?

>> No.5260701

Well I suppose you could keep it near by and try to attribute human traits, mostly mental, to it (aka anthropomorphize). But SURELY he isn't doing that.

>> No.5260702
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>> No.5260703


how do you test for self-awareness?

>> No.5260706

So you're saying we should eat retards too?

>> No.5260709

The not that guy again here. I would if he and everyone else gave me honest permission and I was sure I wouldn't get prions or something.

Rather than wasting resources embalming him with toxic chemicals and burying, consumption of everything down the marrow seems very logical. Sure, I might suffer nightmares, but from a rational point of view this is very humane.

>> No.5260705
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Clearly you haven't found the road to flavortown.

>> No.5260710
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>I have no use for it, so it shouldn't exist

>> No.5260714

Shut up, downies are delicious. That undeveloped muscle makes for tender tacos.

>> No.5260721

Do you guys just completely fail in reading comprehension or are you pretending to be dumb to dodge certain points?

Recognition of one's self in the mirror is one of the ways many scientists use to help determine levels of intelligence. There is no definitive test, but it's hard to be self-aware and have no awareness of yourself.

Yes, I might eat a retard. I might eat a normal person. It depends on circumstance.

>> No.5260725


>> No.5260726


pigs are smarter than dogs.


>> No.5260730


>> No.5260734

You remind me of the shit argument that "cows aren't meant to be milked" like some celestial being came down to tell them just why he created cows.

>> No.5260731

But by killing it it gained a purpose , a delicious delicious purpose . They're also not a native species ANYWHERE so it's either maintain populations in a controlled environment or kill them all for good

>> No.5260735

Moral and ethical quandary that effects billions, many trillions if you idiots are correct. LOL TLDR.

Yes yes, parroting the same fallacy over and over again makes the winner. I'm going to bed. And vegetarians are going on my list of things dumb enough to eat.

>> No.5260737
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>let's design a test for humans and see if animals can pass it!
>if other things aren't like me, I can't understand them, so they're dumb and they should die!

>> No.5260741


That worked for blacks too before the liberals ruined it.

guess which subgroup is most likely to be vegan?

>> No.5260749

holy shit I just realized I've never met a nigger vegan

anon you just blew my mind

>> No.5260758

chickens basically think they're t-rexes and have evolved from them. they ate our ancestors so that is karma.
cows are herbivores and well herbivores are always prey species in nature, just bad luck for them

>> No.5260763

>and well herbivores are always prey species in nature, just bad luck for them

tell that to the african elephants who have many times killed other animals for getting too close to their babbies

>> No.5260770


And hippos, rhinos, and gorillas. They dine on grass and shit, but they've still evolved to be able to fend off any predator

>> No.5260771

What mammal doesn't try to defend its baby?

>> No.5260777


There's a difference between "try" and "does

>> No.5260781

You can be predator and prey. You don't always just fit into one category.

>> No.5260782

not always successfully, that why they prey on the weak. and thus we breed cows and chickens to be weak and plump

>> No.5260784

Obviously, but that isn't the question I had asked you.

>> No.5260786

if you're an herbivore by definition, you can't be a predator(omni/carnivore)

>> No.5260789

>and thus we breed cows and chickens to be weak and plump

a modern bulls will wreck you in a 1v1

>> No.5260794

maybe one that wasn't raised in a factory farm

>> No.5260798


one that is raised in a factory farm will wreck your shit too.

what do you think meat is?

>> No.5260817

>Why do you have to murder others and feast on their flesh?
That's the selected for behaviour in carnivororous animals.

>Yet you treat cats and dogs like family.

>How do you justify this mental gymnastics?

Please remake this thread without the idiocy. I'm sure we can have an actual bait-free conversation.

>> No.5260822


>asking a person to explain their position is personal incredulity.

just because you discover that shite yesterday doesn't mean you need to fit every thing you see on the net in

>> No.5260824


>implying it's question and not the tone

stay retarded

>> No.5260825

i'm going to eat 3 times the meat i normally would for a week because of your thread op :)

>> No.5260827 [DELETED] 

Life for maximum gainz bro.

>> No.5260829

Lift for maximum gainz bro

>> No.5260832


>> No.5260835


Ad hominem, the most misused "logical fallacy" of them all

>> No.5260836

You're a spiteful little git, aren't you?

>> No.5260837


>> No.5260838


https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/ad-hominem (I'm actually gay, and very hurt)

>> No.5260840

So are all gays vegans? Or are all vegans gay?

>> No.5260841

Neither is true. But all faggots are gay. And all gays are not faggots.

>> No.5260844

I think I understand you.

>> No.5260845



>> No.5260853

oh, no! you misunderstand! but thats my fault really, because that was a typo. i actually meant to put a :( instead of a :). you see, this thread has made me extremely remorseful and now i feel like shit. unfortunately, when i get stressed out like this, i tend to eat a lot more, tee hee. and also unfortunately, beef chicken and pork are my comfort foods.

>> No.5260859
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>I'm going to die 3x faster because of your thread

That'll show him

>> No.5260871



>> No.5260874


I just ate a duck the other day, it was delicious.

>> No.5260881

I just get hungry enough, then I don't need to justify it.

>> No.5260888


Words have definitions. It's only called murder when you kill a human being. You cannot by definition murder an animal.

Inb4 edgy comments: I care very little about my common man, much less some base animal that plays around in its own filth all day.

>> No.5260892

those are geese, retard

>> No.5260918
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Why do you destroy habitats, permanently wreck the ground with fertilizer, pesticides and monocultures, poison groundwater and murder hundreds of animals per acre, leaving them to die agonizing pointless deaths, then pollute the air by transporting and processing the harvest only so you can eat an unhealthy block of tofu and feel superior?

>> No.5260924


My claim was that previous claims had been poorly argued, not that they were false. Therefore I have not committed the fallacy fallacy. You however, tried to make it about me, instead of the previous false claims. You still haven't addressed my points at the OP.

>> No.5260926

Then, I'm sorry. Go eat meat and be happy, if what you said is true.

>> No.5260928

Actually murder is a legal term defined by the codes in one or more jurisdictions. It could be manslaughter for instance.

>> No.5260932

Do you fart rainbows and lay unicorn eggs?

>> No.5260953

No, I fart mostly H, CO, and CH4.

My gamete is a Homo Sapiens sperm.

>> No.5260959

Because animals die all the time. The entirety of nature is a constant cycle of animal pain, suffering and death. If you could press a button and remove all farms from the world, what would happen to the bare ground in its place? It would grow wild, and animals would move in, and kill and outcompete and eat each other, as they always do.

Faced with this fact - that farms are simply replacing one lot of animal suffering for another - I simply stopped caring.

>> No.5260960
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Chill out, huff some Jenkem!

>> No.5260961


>> No.5260964

No, thank you. I don't do decade old meme drugs.

>> No.5261037

>meme drugs.
Are you stupid?
People still huff.

>> No.5261044

Because ruminants aren't as friendly, cute or smart as animals kept as pets. Sometimes, cuter or smarter animals typically kept for food, like swine or rabbit are kept as pets.

>> No.5261048
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We're not exactly starving for food anymore.
The same surplus that allows you to eat vegan allows us to pick and choose the meat we eat.