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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5257030 No.5257030[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

searched the catalog, found nothing.

what are you drinking this fine friday night, /ck/?

drinking a wonderful combination of natty daddy and yuengling, myself, since finances prevent me from buying anything nicer currently.

pic related. also watching how to train your dragon on fx to occupy my time

>> No.5257043

>combination of natty daddy and yuengling, myself, since finances prevent me from buying anything nicer currently.
Nasty. Why, is she making you save up for the wedding or what?

My girlfriend went away for the week and ended up buying me two growlers of a nice local beer and 8 tall cans of Guinness. I dropped her off at the airport and she told me to check the fridge for a surprise.

I'm having a Guinness right now. The Corona of stouts.

>> No.5257052

>searched the catalog

there are there already 4 threads about alcohol

>> No.5257060

>Why, is she making you save up for the wedding or what?
>implications that there's a she
no, no, my check just doesn't deposit to my bank account until monday, and so i'm drinking party leftovers and yuengling (which i actually drink on a regular basis since it's cheap and not so bad)

believe me, once i have some cash to my name, i shall certainly upgrade.

guinness is awesome to me for the same reason as corona. unassuming, not that great, but completely worthwhile for the price (for my standards, anyway)

>> No.5257063

some cheap Italian white wine.

>> No.5257070
File: 66 KB, 1344x289, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry to burst your bubble, but upon searching the term "alcohol" in the catalog, only 2 results come up- and the other is specifically asking for whiskey recommendations. please feel free to hide this thread and ignore it, if it doesn't suit you.

>> No.5257073

I like Guinness and Corona when I want a watery beer. Sometimes it is what I crave.

>> No.5257080

ah, my mistake, i just noticed the "liqeur recommendation" thread

in any case, completely separate topic from this one.

>> No.5257094

this has nothing to do with the liqueur thread

most alcohol threads lately have been "wut beer is good" or similar. we haven't had a drinks general in a while

>> No.5257100

I'm drinking some Yuengling black and tan, and some Popov.

>> No.5257111

>this has nothing to do with the liqueur thread
oh i agree, i made this thread to be separate from the recommendation threads as not to derail those.

somehow i completely forgot about black and tan when i bought this yeungling. it's pretty damn tasty, but i don't think i could drink it regularly as i do with normal yeungling

oh man, that and crystal palace bring back some memories. price can't be beat though.

>> No.5257123
File: 48 KB, 326x326, Olde English 800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently drinking olde english from a 12 pack (wtf it has a tiger on the pack for no reason).

Interspersed with High Life (my go-to beer) and linenkeugel's creamy dark (had a special of buy a 12 pack of liney's and get a wedge of cheese).

Man, I miss the special of buy any miller product over 12 cans and get a klement's summer sausage. I probably ate 12 of those over the last 7 months just because of the times I stopped in there to buy high life. They go good on parmesan water crackers with habanero-mango tabasco.

>> No.5257129

>currently drinking olde english from a 12 pack (wtf it has a tiger on the pack for no reason)
you mean to tell me olde E comes in anything other than 40's? i guess you really DO learn something new every day

>buy any miller product over 12 cans and get a klement's summer sausage
holy shit where do you live with all these crazy alcohol related deals?

>> No.5257132

The beer capitol of the U.S.


>> No.5257149
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>> No.5257158

positively revolting

>> No.5257165

the place with the cheese, or am i forgetting some place?

never tried either of these, but i've always been a fan of new belgium. how's that particular?

>> No.5257166

I'm glad you enjoy natty and high life.

>> No.5257168

Decent. Similar to Great Divide Titan. On tap everywhere.

>> No.5257169

been drinking a couple bourbons lately with a decent amount of rye in the mash (Four Roses, Old Grand-dad). i think would rather just drink a rye if that's the taste i'm going for since i wasn't much of a fan of either though they weren't bad.

what are some bourbons that are mostly corn or have a large wheat/other grain component? please try to keep it under $30 USD

>> No.5257171

I'd take high life over having to down more than two cans of either of those in a night. You're in the category between drinkability and savor-the-flavor. i.e. full retard.

>> No.5257176
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Do yourself a favor

>> No.5257178

yep, the cheese, beer, and sausage.

Come up sometime and try a few non-exports. Maybe a few nice delis/pubs/beer halls/supper clubs as well.

>> No.5257179

>small batch
>artisan bottle
lol no

>> No.5257180

Did you hate Ranger also? It's one of the few beers i've had recently that I just thought was bad, it had a shitty aftertaste. But I figure I might have also just gotten some skunky beer.

>> No.5257183

So, you're a babby? Thanks for letting me know.

>> No.5257184

You've never even tried it.

>> No.5257186

If not buying your shitty beer in macropacks makes me a babby, then ga ga goo goo motherfucker.

>> No.5257189

>poor alcoholics making threads in a desperate attempt to gain attention again

Top kek.

Maybe if you morons weren't alcoholics you could actually afford to drink real alcohol and not live in a shithole.

>> No.5257192

>alcoholism thread #902384

Fuck off.

>> No.5257193

I don't like buying pseudo-small timey products made by huge multi-national corporations. Just make a good product and don't pretend it is from some artisan distiller just down the road.

>> No.5257197
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>the category between drinkability and savor-the-flavor
Would that not be the prime category to be in?

>> No.5257198

hell, i've wanted to visit that particular area for the cheese since i was young and told that the area was a cheese mecca.

unfortunately, i live in florida, and the trip for those few things specifically is kinda tough. i have no doubts you guys have excellent microbrews, though. never heard anything different from people who have been there.

if i ever take that cross country road trip i've been wanting since high school, you bet i'll be going along the canadian border. lots of awesome shit there that everyone seems to ignore.

>> No.5257201

So, you haven't tried it.

>> No.5257207

No. It's the category of shit beer trying to seem craft or craft brews with shitty tasting obscure varieties. (with exception, of course)

>> No.5257210

I'm drinking some Franzia tonight. The burgundy, specifically. Cash is a leetle tight right now, but still gotta get my drink on. Can't wait for the ensuing hangover.

>> No.5257212

just trying to foster discussion about alcohol. regardless of my personal finances, i can appreciate good alcohol, and i've been actively participating in the thread in an attempt to facilitate discussion about quality drinks.

if you don't like these threads for whatever reason, i encourage you to hide the thread and ignore it. no reason to participate in a thread you have no interest in, right?

depends on your perspective. some are willing to pay a serious premium to get "savor the flavor" tier alcohol, while some aren't willing to pay more than a pittance for stuff that's just "drinkable"

however i do agree that a good balance between the two is something more alcohol should strive to be

>> No.5257214

Yeah, great stuff. I have a bottle, but it's down to about a fifth of a fifth.

Been trying to get into bourbon, though. Also tried cheap Evan Williams, which I thought was superior to both Four Roses and Old Grand-dad, and seemed really distinctive from ryes which is what I'm looking for. Also liked it better than Maker's Mark, a heavy wheat bourbon from what I understand, which was distinctive but too sweet.

tl;dr what are some bourbons that don't taste too similar to rye whiskey?

>> No.5257217

I just spent the last 8 hours bottling 2 batches of home brew and did up 2 more brews to fill up the empty fermentors.
Enjoying some hard ginger beer I made about a month ago to reward my hard work.

>> No.5257222

>cash is leetle right now, but still gotta get my drink on
OP here, i agree man.

>Can't wait for the ensuing hangover
people are gonna think i'm fucking crazy, but there are times when i sincerely think like this. i feel useless and lazy when i lay in bed all day while feeling perfectly fine. but on days when i have nothing to do (like ,say, tomorrow), i fucking love being hungover for the simple fact that lying in bed all day long, sleeping on and off, feels fucking nice.
...i need to find a new fucking job already.

>> No.5257226


>creating a thread about alcoholism and then lie about it to feign mental wellbeing

>> No.5257228

I feel like absolute shit when I am hungover. It isn't fun at all.

When I used to smoke weed I liked feeling burnt out. My friends couldn't understand it, but it was similar to what you described (feeling lazy, foggy, just enjoying some down time)

>> No.5257230

Born in north Denver. Oskar Blues and New Belgium have been brewing the same beer since they were dinky little places. They went big because they were smart and had a good product. This isn't a Blue Moon/Coors kind of deal.

>> No.5257232

i know absolutely nothing about homebrew, but i can see how that's very satisfying

what precisely did you brew?

>> No.5257234

No one cares. Don't try to project your negativity on everyone else because you are bored tonight.

>> No.5257235

The best part is finally getting up and shoving some greasy food down your gullet to get rid of the last traces. I remember my first and most awful hangover fondly...sausage patties and eggs cooked in the leftover grease with lots of ice water and black coffee and Netflix.

>> No.5257238

I've been drinking an assortment of beers. St. Ambroise oatmeal, Granville winter, original Coors. Now margarita.

Currently watching Pokemon on Netflix, will play some NHL soon

>> No.5257241


pokemon and nhl

>> No.5257242

>lie about it
not exactly, but i suppose you're entitled to your opinion

>I feel like absolute shit when I am hungover
i'm occasionally like this, and in those cases, i'd love nothing more than to just sleep all the way through (and i do if i have the opportunity), but on those occasions when i just feel more tired than usual, i'll just sit around like a slug all day long, keep the room dark, and just watch some TV/movies for the whole day. nothing better, especially while smoking weed because that just takes away all the negative aspects (save the tiredness) while amplifying the good aspects (i'm at my most outgoing when i'm high and hungover). i've cut down on my smoking a lot, but i definitely think it's one of the best hangover curest around along with hydration.

>> No.5257251

One of them was a recipe called Hairy Eyeball IPA, I'm not sure if that is a commercially available beer or not and the other was just a quick kit beer Aussie Pale that I chucked some cascade hops in.

I bottled up an apple cider and some other recipe that said it was an American blond ale.

>> No.5257254

>The best part is finally getting up and shoving some greasy food down your gullet to get rid of the last traces
agreed! whether homemade or from any sort of low brow establishment, heavy, greasy, delicious food will almost always be my favorite part about the day after a night of heavy drinking.

i;ve always had that "problem" (as if) where i wake up early as shit the night after drinking and still feel drunk (at least that's how i describe it), and so still feel great from ~9AM until roughly noon. so during that time, i like to go out, get food, make it back home, and then prepare myself for the serious tiredness that will inevitably set in later in the day

>> No.5257259

>Hairy Eyeball IPA
interesting name, but i will say that there have been very few IPA's that i've disliked. many might disagree with me, but i fucking love the robust flavor they tend to have.

homebrewing sounds like such an interesting hobby, and i keep telling myself i should give it a shot. but somehow it just never seems to happen. but good on those of you that make it a reality. good beer for a fraction of the cost sounds like a win-win to me

>> No.5257268
File: 142 KB, 900x1009, fireball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna pick up some of this tomorrow.

good choice? How "whiskey" is it? Is it enough to base my taste for whiskey on?

I like spicy things, and "Fire Water" Cinnamon Schnapps was too sugary for me.

>> No.5257279
File: 129 KB, 480x360, 1387737902403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good choice? How "whiskey" is it? Is it enough to base my taste for whiskey on?
Possibly, NONE, and NO.

It's slightly less sweet cinnamon schnapps.

>> No.5257284

the majority of /ck/ alcohol connoisseurs will probably tell you to avoid if you're looking for real whiskey. i'd agree with them.


this shit is fucking delicious, tastes like big red gum, easy to take shots of, you will especially enjoy if you like cinnamon flavored things.

but don't think that this is any sort of introduction to whiskey. any normal, "pure" whiskey will taste different from this. most whiskey is a lot less "drinkable" than fireball is to the novice drinker.

i'm not the person to ask about good introductions to whiskey, but i will say that fireball is not a good intro to this particular type of alcohol. delicious, though.,

>> No.5257295


Shots for people tired of suffering through them, and good way to add cinnamon flavor. That's it. I wouldn't really call it whiskey.

>> No.5257299

i had a 12 pack of coors this morning and another 12 pack of coors the day before.

>> No.5257300

Hell no. Just get some Jim Beam black label, and enjoy your cheap drinkable bourbon.

>> No.5257311


Just epic anon, epic blog.

>> No.5257321


is something wrong here?

>> No.5257323

out of curiosity, why coors?

relevant to the thread, fuck off

>> No.5257333


Because he spends all his money on alcohol and that is all he can afford.

>> No.5257334

cheap ass cherry vodka with cheap ass cherry juice with cheap ass cherry seltzer water

pretty good
i like cherries

>> No.5257335

what the actual fuck

i just googled it, and got no results outside of this forum post:

>Be frugal.

So, ounce for ounce, what is the best bang for your buck? Here are the tops in each category, in ascending order of price:

Milwaukee's Best Ice (beer) , keg, $0.34 per ounce of alcohol
Fairnoff (vodka), fifth, $0.38
Icebox Really Hard Ice Tea (pre-mixed drink), 1/2 gal, $0.47
Arrow Light (rum), 1L, $0.48
Taaken (gin), 1/2 gal, $0.49
Franzia (wine), 5L, $0.52
Carstairs White Seal (whisky), 1/2 gal, $0.53
Pancho Villa Rojo (liqeur), 1/2 gal, $0.59
McCormick Old Style (bourbon), 1L, $0.62
Gaetano Blackberry (brandy), 1L, $0.63
Everclear (grain alcohol), fifth, $0.64
Old Mr. Boston's Egg Nog (other), 1/2 gal, $0.67
Barristers (scotch), 1L, $0.69
Tribuno Sweet (vermouth), 1.5L, $0.74
Tortilla Silver (tequila), 1L, $0.74
Croizet (cognac), 200 mL, $1.31

if you can honestly buy the bottle for 3 bucks, i'd hop on that shit regardless of quality. holy shit.

>> No.5257337

never heard of it but at that price it's gotta be some nasty stuff.

Buy it though, what have you got to loose? $3.99?

>> No.5257341

Homebrewing is more for the fun and the ability to make exactly the beers that you want than cost-savings. You certainly can save money on good beer when homebrewing, but it takes a while for those savings to offset the equipment cost.

>> No.5257342



whats the difference? which is a good starter? and any particular brands to try?

>> No.5257344

your post would make a lot of sense if coors was the cheapest beer around, but it's not anywhere close to that.

>> No.5257351
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Tastes like a mix of Taaka vodka, Dewer's white label, gas station pizza, shitty cocaine, stripper lipstick, menthols, and the carpet of a '93 Escort wagon.

>> No.5257353

i'm not so sure you should differentiate by country, but instead differentiate by the type of whiskey

as an american, the only canadian whiskey i've had was cheap (and by default, pretty gross). had some pretty good american whiskey since i live in the US, only ever really had jameson and bushmills for irish whiskey, and i'm no expert in bourbon.

if you're really interested in getting into whiskey, someone more experienced than me will likely help you out, but i'm of the mind that you might as well just try what you have available in your particular area. so what's your area, anon?

>> No.5257361




>> No.5257365


It's not expensive, nor is it the cheapest.

>> No.5257366

where in my post did i imply that it was expensive?

oh that's right, i didn't.

>> No.5257368

old chub is a solid 8

>> No.5257373

if you really want this
>get Sinfire instead

cheaper, slightly higher ABV, less sugar, better flavor

If you buy fireball, you're a rube.

>> No.5257384

its a special order item in my area apparently. Ill keep it in mind though.

>> No.5257388

another to bear in mind for cinnamon flavored booze is goldschlager. not a whiskey, but still 40+% abv and delicious cinnamon flavor

>> No.5257389

>people in this thread drink alcohol by what is the cheapest
>people in this thread think pisswater coors is expensive

Top kok m8s

>> No.5257393

i already politely requested that those who dislike the thread should hide and/or ignore. any particular reason to continue your shitposting?

>> No.5257394


Because alcoholism makes my health insurance go up in cost.

>> No.5257397

He should go back to the other threads on page 1 that he is obviously shitposting in.

He's lonely, bored, and having a bad Friday night. He thinks being a prick on a food and cooking board will be entertaining and make him feel better.

Don't let the kid get to you. Just pity him and hope he will get by.

>> No.5257398

it does absolutely nothing in comparison to other unhealthy habits you could be complaining about

>> No.5257399


>destroys your liver and other internal organs
>nothing compared to mysterious "unhealthy habits"

Pls go and stay go, preferably in another country.

>> No.5257400

>work at 9 tomm out of nowhere
>tfw pretty drunk on Old Crow bourbon and sippin still

Hey, at least I'm functional. 100% sure I'll be on time and reving to go in the morning.

>> No.5257401

ok, let's pretend that shitty diets and smoking tobacco are somehow comparable in overall impact to alcoholism (which affects a small portion of the population)

>> No.5257405


People that do that shit are scum too m8.

>g-guys b-but those baddies who eat lard for a living are worse than I am, I swear

>> No.5257408

>old crow
mah fucking nigga

i never thought much of you, being a tripfag and all. but old crow holds a special spot in my heart, as it was my bourbon of choice for many years of my life. and it's so god damn cheap, it is quite amazing.

>> No.5257409
File: 62 KB, 425x282, 1383009368879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people with serious opinions about cinnamon flavored liquor really use the word rube?

>> No.5257411


>drinking to get drunk

You fucked up.

>> No.5257412

i never said they were any better or worse than i am. but they have a much bigger impact upon your health insurance costs than people like me. although i don't know why i'm even including myself in that demographic when my alcoholic self costs you exactly 0 dollars per year in health insurance.

>> No.5257413

Post a pic of your gut, lonely guy.

>> No.5257414

>Guinness, the corona of stouts

I like that. I don't find either to be particularly offensive, its just easy to drink beer if its there. But yea, no flavor and over represented. I wouldn't call either "bad" beer, its just that the quality isn't there.

>> No.5257416

Do you drink alcohol so you do not get a buzz?

>> No.5257417 [DELETED] 

cmon now guys, can we not just be civil? it's perfectly fine to abhor people who drink to get drunk, but is it really necessary to post as such in a thread intended for people who drink heavily?

>> No.5257418


>implying those $40,000 livers don't fuck up our collective health insurance
>implying that colon / stomach cancer doesn't fuck up our health insurance


>implying I don't treat my body well

You only have one m8, and I don't plan on being in a bodybag at age 40.


>buzz and drunk are the same thing

>> No.5257419

I have to go to work tomorrow afternoon for a few hours.

Pretty bummed out, because I'm drinking beer and listening to music right now and had to cancel some plans to enjoy the last remaining bit of winter tomorrow.

>> No.5257421

>You only have one m8, and I don't plan on being in a bodybag at age 40.
Post a pic of your gut then

>> No.5257425

You should seek socialization bro.

>> No.5257422

"cmon now guys, can we not just be civil? it's perfectly fine to abhor people who drink to get drunk, but is it really necessary to post as such in a thread intended for people who drink heavily?"

So the truth comes out, these ARE threads for people who should be seeking professional help.

>> No.5257427


>getting butthurt over the truth

>> No.5257429

>>implying those $40,000 livers don't fuck up our collective health insurance
in comparison to all those fucked up lungs and jaws from tobacco? not even close

>implying that colon / stomach cancer doesn't fuck up our health insurance

implying that the only way this cancer occurs is through alcohol consumption?

i don't even have a problem with your mindset, but is it really necessary in a thread full of people who clearly aren't going to change their ways due to your posts?

>> No.5257430

Old Crow is my favorite whiskey. If price were no object I'd pick others, but that price man. Old Crow is still a decent whiskey and is by far the best in that price category. You can get far worse bourbons for twice the price. And you can drink complete shit on the other hand. For the same price. Old Crow is my niche. Not poor, but I spent my drinking money on good beer. I just drink whiskey to get drunk.

>> No.5257435

You are throwing around a lot of troll-y judgements in this thread. Care to tell us about your life and why you are having so much fun on a food and cooking board tonight?

>> No.5257437

i deleted that post because it contained an obvious typo. although i suppose there's nothing wrong with abhorring people who don't take care of their bodies.

that said, people are going to make bad decisions, and your posts on an anonymous image board are highly unlikely to change those. as i've stated multiple times in this thread, please feel free to hide the thread and ignore us, as you clearly disagree with our lifestyle choices.

>> No.5257438
File: 31 KB, 620x370, bearwaving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads last too long for me to be comfortable and honest in.

>> No.5257442


>STILL casting alcoholism in a "positive light compared to smoking et al."


Your lifestyle choices effect others, and it is pretty selfish to act in such a way which is a direct detriment to those around you.

>> No.5257444

I definitely like the finer things in life, but I can really enjoy a Guinness or Corona when the time is right. Getting some sun with a book and an ice cold Corona with lime is an awesome summer experience for me.

Guinness is my winter Corona. If I get home from a good ski or snowshoe and want a beer I'll have a Guinness.

I like Corona because it is so unoffensive and watery. I can barely stomach a Bud, Coors, Molson, whatever if offered one in a social situation, but Corona is nice to me.

>> No.5257445

A therapist is $100/hr. Shit, even court ordered ones are $30

>> No.5257447

>If price were no object I'd pick others, but that price man
pretty much the entire reason i was ever drawn to old crow. i was underage and sent an older friend into a liquor store to find, and i quote, "the cheapest whiskey you can find bro"

when i drank it at the time, i thought it wasn't that good, and burned quite a bit more than most whiskey.

but over the years, i grew to thoroughly enjoy that shit in the same way i learned to enjoy beer.

nowadays, i won't buy it if i can buy something nicer, but if i'm looking for a solid budget whiskey, old crow is the firs thing that pops into my mind!

>> No.5257448

People are being honest and open in this thread. You are just being an idiot.

What do you do? Are you in school? Do you have a good social scene? A girlfriend? What is your typical weekend like?

>> No.5257450

Yeah, and maybe when I grow up I want to be a therapist you drunk asshole.

>> No.5257452


>resorting to ad hominem attacks on an anonymous poster because he continues to out maneuver your arguments on why alcoholism isn't destructive


>> No.5257453

i'm sorry if i sound like an autist, but it's "affect", not "effect"

that said, every single action i take affects others. my alcoholism likely affects most people much less than my other lifestyle choices. i (and likely the rest of the participants in this thread) don't plan on changing my particular lifestyle choices simply because they indirectly affect some people in a way that is not even close to noticeable by the vast majority.

and for the record, my alcoholism doesn't *directly* affect ANYBODY around me. feel free to try and dispute that, but it'll just make you look even more retarded than you've already done.

>> No.5257458

Um, ok? Go for it. Just saying that you can usually get the same "therapy" by getting whatever the fuck you need to say out.

>> No.5257461

OP here, what precisely do you mean by that?

i make threads such as this such that people shouldn't ever feel the need to restrict themselves. we're all anonymous here, and i hope that we don't judge people here (outside of this one particular anon who's currently busting our balls).

don't feel obligated, but i do hope that you can be honest do somebody, even if not us wonderful anons here at /ck/

>> No.5257462

If you have it, grab a Sol next time you're in the hot weather and need hydration but want to get drunk. Sol is IMO a good thirst quencher and a good representation of your regular cheap Mexican lager. It quenches, is light, tastes alright, and won't kill you with alcohol content. Its probably shit but they sell them in 32 oz bottles everywhere, and shit when you want a beer its damn good.

>> No.5257466

I am not discussing alcoholism in this thread. There are other people on /ck/ right now.

I did not in anyway resort to "ad hominem attacks". I am genuinely curious about your life and why you think this sort of behavior is positive on /ck/ on a Friday night (assuming your time zone here).

Why can't you describe your life? Others are being open in this thread. Why did you think my questions were an attack? I am trying to understand you more.

>> No.5257470

I can't remember if I've had Sol or not, I'll try it this summer.

I like high ABV stouts and ales, but sometimes I want to drink more volume and not get so intoxicated.

>> No.5257474
File: 1.41 MB, 2326x3101, IMG_0079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no alcohol left


>> No.5257477

I'm an alcoholic and I drink booze a lot. If I posted that every week since I started browsing /ck/ I'd have posted 400 threads.

>> No.5257479

Put on pants and start walking. Or, y'know, go to bed.

>> No.5257484

Also, take out your trash. This isn't some frat shithole.

>> No.5257487

i like your zealousness and anger

>> No.5257492

that's the beauty of these threads! nobody will ever know how often you post, and by extension how much you drink. for all we know, you're a total alcohol noob or a seasoned veteran. all we really care about is discussion of alcohol itself (and sometimes, discussion of heavy drinking effects, if posters are feeling it)

this is what i love about alcohol threads on /ck/. nobody has to know how much i drink or what i drink, but i can still discuss alcohol to whatever extent i please.

you got some quality shit in that pic man.

gonna agree with this post, although even with pants it might be cold as fuck out wherever you're at.

>> No.5257495

Or I've been here since the beginning.

>> No.5257498

I haven't decided whether or not I have a lot of time or not. So, no time for bullshit, unless it's of my own accord. Your bullshit is of not my accord.

>> No.5257501

and so have friends, that's the weird part. I usually just post food but the thought otherwise is fucking paranoia inciting as fuck`

>> No.5257507

I just did you mung dumpling

also, don't really like cinnamon liquor, but if you are going to buy some, one brand is demonstrably better than the other

>> No.5257509

that's the beauty of it! (that statement made me really want to watch bruce almighty. goddamn morgan freeman is awesome). judgments are generally left at the door here, and those that try to judge people don't make a whole lot of progress here. we all just love alcohol, and that's what i love about being anonymous.

>> No.5257511
File: 45 KB, 640x412, 1390092057257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you were only supposed to feed that to barflies. I didn't know you queers had a thing about it.

>> No.5257513

judgements are left at the door until you meet people. you live in a city for a week and if you try you can find 30 people with the same issue that you have with anything.

>> No.5257515
File: 291 KB, 679x1024, Bowmore Laimrig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking some pic related tonight. Fuck yeah cask-strength sherried Bowmore. The fact that there's no chill filtration doesn't hurt either.

>> No.5257520
File: 12 KB, 227x222, 1393732817366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he knows what to feed insects

>> No.5257521

>until you meet people
well that's kinda the point of this entire website. you never have you actually reveal yourself on 4chan if you don't want. if you DO actually want to open yourself up and meet people, you can obviously do so in real life or online, but you're never forced into doing so as you would be by, say, going to a bar to get drunk.

it's really very useful to those of us who find it difficult to open up to people face to face. the anonymity of this website makes it easier to express oneself.

>> No.5257530
File: 25 KB, 440x270, beavis-and-butt-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know what a bar fly is? Look for glossy eyes and worn heels. Most likely smells like Chanel #5

>> No.5257543
File: 20 KB, 650x372, 1378096090049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you mean figuratively
Now I see

yeah, I imagine drunken skanky barflys would like fireball

my friend's girlfriend does, and she sure fucking ticks those boxes

>> No.5257544

I'm open as fuck and I get along well with everyone, this was my first board after /b/ several years ago. I think that maybe this board's purpose is open to more scrutiny than necessary because 9/10 times you have someone like me browsing it for the first time and that's how we wind up with deductive threads like that long ass chinese one that's filled with 2 people who don't like chinese people, 4 people who don't like chinese food because of bad experiences with it and 50 people that don't give enough of a fuck to tell those 6 people to fuck off.

Maybe I'm misreading those threads but I'd like to think I've been around enough to decipher bullshit when presented with bullshit. Booze on the other hand is sacred to me because I've seen you dicksuckers act up on other boards and cry about how America is only IPAs and Canada is filled with a bunch of Belgian wannabes. So I tend to not post here on the off chance I can utterly destroy some 19 year old American who just bought a Honey Brown Keg's knowledge of beer.

>> No.5257558

Check out the beak on that lemon spread!

>> No.5257559

>I've seen you dicksuckers act up on other boards and cry about how America is only IPAs and Canada is filled with a bunch of Belgian wannabes
as the OP of this thread, i would never intend for a thread to devolve into this. obviously there will be alcohol snobs as there will be any food/drink snobs, but i'd prefer my threads to avoid that. we all enjoy alcohol, and nobody should feel ashamed of their own personal choices, in my opinion. then again, i wouldn't berate people who eat their steak over medium rare, or those who eat ramen noodles. unfortunately, people who hate these things definitely exist (we've seen some people who abhor alcohol in this paricular thread already). but i'd like to believe that there is a solid core group af alcohol lovers who can discuss the subject civilly and without conflict to the best of their abilities.

that said, in about 7 hours, euro time will happen, and we'll likely see an influx of people who seriously dislike america.

>> No.5257565

It's Saturday afternoon. I drank myself retarded on sake, tequila and G+T's and now I am paying for it

>> No.5257569

Started the night off with home made pizza and a bottle of white wine. Now I'm drinking cheap blended scotch and sipping on $2 tallboys (about as cheap as they come in Canada) while watching True Detective.

I'm really loving these numbers in my captchas, impossible to fuck up, even after a bunch of drinks.

>> No.5257570

What's sake taste like?

>> No.5257578

hey nigga i'm drunk too

this conversation started because of how long i've kept off of these threads despite being an alcoholic. if I can't offer advice or a new point in a thread I generally fuck off and don't comment. I'm on my fourth 40 of King Cobra but I'm not going to shit on a style of food because it's different from what I'm used to.

I recently started browsing reddit's food board because I got told to go to reddit for disagreeing with people so often to the point where I said "fuck it" and tried to see what the fuss was all about

So I went to my most contentious point to argue with people who disagreed with me;

Chicago pizza is pizza, not on its own accord but because dipshits have hated it for so long that there is obviously a quality to it that makes problematic and territorial people this defensive.

Imagine if New York style pizza was created in Tampa and pizza rolls were invented in New York, We'd be shittingh on New York style Pizza and the midwest would probably invent a calzone, which is assuredly not a pizza roll.

>> No.5257579

Like rice? It's sweet, nutty wine I guess, it's rice wine, drunk warm

>> No.5257586

True Detective is so goddamn weird, that I'm having a time getting in the right mindset to watch it after E02. Weird stories just fuck with me for a while, but I totally need to watch this.

>> No.5257589

Meant for

>> No.5257592

If you're interested in Nawlins food then you should have watched this season of Top Chef.

>> No.5257593

>I recently started browsing reddit's food board because I got told to go to reddit for disagreeing with people so often to the point where I said "fuck it" and tried to see what the fuss was all about
we're venturing into dangerous territory here, but i've been down that road

...some of the best content i've seen here blows what i've seen on /ck/ recently out of the water. that's not to say i havent' found better food knowledge on /ck/, but it's much easier to find quality content over there.

i agree with your pizza opinions. contrary to the average poster, i fucking love both NY style AND chicago style. dough, sauce, and cheese is gonna be delicious regardless. but if the majority of the board agrees with this, then what would there be to argue about? every board on 4chan stays active based upon the premise that there is a serious argument to participate in.

>> No.5257595

My grandfather was born and raised in nawlins. That front is covered. The issue is with the creepy show.

>> No.5257609
File: 123 KB, 962x349, the difference between.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is there to argue about

you'd be surprised

some of the best crusts have had no yeast and that'
s a no-no because of "i heard it from __________"

I'd say that brazil has the best pizza in the world because they don't give a shit about whether some shitty actor rubbed his nuts on it,

they do new york style except they aren't afraid of anyone being too jew for ham or too vegan for fish or too european for outlandish and incorrect claims, they ask you what you want on a pizza, and put it on a pizza, and then that person relays that message to some dumb fuck in new york that declares it not pizza, thus everyone in the world will now declare it not pizza because they cannot think for themselves,

pic related: not a cheeseburger: too thick and uses meat and cheese. real burgers should be greasy cheap, cooked on a griddle and topped with raw onion, mustard and pickles.

Clearly the monstrosity on the left is not a cheeseburger.

>> No.5257616

eh, they use a buncsh of bland chefs who are talented, some of which are more qualified than the hosts of the show, excepting some of them to thrive in an odd comunity such of yours is a great test but also kinda frivolous because you have a bunch of hollywood people deciding what your cuisine should taste like in the first place. I guarantee that the mexican dude would wreck everyone pretty easily if he was just allowed to actually make food instead of catering to a bunch of bitch ass niggas that whine a lot.

>> No.5257633
File: 130 KB, 630x420, Stuffed-French-Toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, thanks. I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.5257638

you're going to make a bad meal just because I'm american and that's on you, not me.

>> No.5257646

Ok, drunk friend. I'll hit you up when I need an update on Top Chef

>> No.5257649

damn rigt you will

>> No.5257650

>Clearly the monstrosity on the left is not a cheeseburger.

that's because it has no cheese you autist... sigh

>> No.5257652

New Belgium's Ranger and the cheapest scotch I could find.

>> No.5257656

I ain't finna post some eye tests but u failed that shit you stupid fuck.

clearly seas produce no good food.

>> No.5257661

Clearly you were at Broadlands Liquor today

>> No.5257664

proving the point, there's clearly cheese located in a melted and obvious position. you stupid fucking fuck. embarassment to everyone that agrees with you. never post again. How can you be so fucking dumb? fucking idiot.

>> No.5257668

No, Merwin. You didn't even get the state correct lol.

>> No.5257674

so if I made a deep dish pizza with the cheese on top it would be fine? What kind of dumbass rule is that?

>> No.5257681

I would only go there if Slug asked me

>> No.5257740
File: 72 KB, 1000x1000, mount_gay_rum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this stuff any good?
I don't know anything about rums.

>> No.5257774

Goes great with some tonic water and a squeeze of lime.

>> No.5260509
File: 699 KB, 500x1621, redds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I into hard ciders?

I tried some of this today and I reminded me how fond I am of apple juice. I figured I might as well combine that passion with my desire to enjoy a good buzz.

>> No.5260513

woodchuck and angry orchard are both popular and widely available. i won't pretend to be an expert on cider, but i like both of them.