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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5257097 No.5257097[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/
It appears I accidentally left raw ground Italian sausage out all night on my counter. I just discovered it about 17 hours later. My house has a temperature of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. When I picked up the sausage it was a bit warm, but not super warm and it didn't look discolored or anything

Is it safe to cook and eat or should I just throw it away? Pic related, but not the sausage in question

>> No.5257109

I personally wouldn't. Around 8 hours is my limit, but if you cook the shit out of it for a long time with antimicrobial things like chili peppers or vinegar, then you should be golden.

>> No.5257116

eat it OP

/ck/ would never lead you astray

>> No.5257120

was it inside of a package like the one shown or at least sealed? Honestly, I've done this tons of times (with all sorts of meats) and it's always been fine. The key is to make sure you cook the hell out of it if you're really worried. I probably wouldn't touch it if it were raw on the counter on a plate, but if it's wrapped or packaged it's most likely fine.

>> No.5257126

It was sealed. I think I'll give it a try.

Should I throw it back in the freezer or would that be a disaster?

>> No.5257131

It wouldn't really make a difference. Freezing germs doesnt kill them, just makes them dormant and stops them from reproducing till they warm up again.

>> No.5257133

You're kidding? People actually think something can go mouldy and kill you after a single night? I have eaten fish left out for three days before and been perfectly fine.

It's called using common sense. Does it smell, look and taste fine fine? Then it is fine.

>> No.5257137

Freezing actually can kill some of them, but it won't remove the toxins they may have already released

>> No.5257142

i agree with this poster. left defrosting meat out too long more than a few times, and never had any issues. as long as it was sealed, give it a sniff and use your judgment. generally things will be fine to eat well outside of what people will have you believe. however, this is in no way an absolute, so as this poster said, cook the shit out of it at the least in order to minimize the risk.

>> No.5257145

>Does it smell, look and taste fine fine? Then it is fine.
Yes, because our senses are so keen we can determine the exact threshold when food becomes unsafe.

lol retard

>> No.5257190

You are either a fucking moron or have the stomach of an aids ridden baby.

>> No.5257196

It'll be fine, then. Freezing won't do anything at this point other than make it take a bit longer to cook.

it's not even that, it's just common sense. You smell milk to see if it's gone off, even if it's before its date. The same applies to meat or anything of this nature. If it's off color, smells like anything other than raw meat, don't eat it. It's not hard.

>> No.5257206

You sound very uneducated.

>> No.5257213

And you seem to be a very sheltered little snowflake with an extremely poor immune system.

>> No.5257220

>And you seem to be a very sheltered little snowflake with an extremely poor immune system.
Because I don't believe our senses can detect when exactly when food has become spoiled?

Are you an undergraduate student that is really bored on a Friday night or something? There is lots of action going on in your dorm tonight, check it out bro.

>> No.5257223

How much is $4 worth of meat worth to you OP? Worth a day of suffering and possibly missed wages? Worth the cost of a trip to the emergency room and a stomach pump + antibiotics? Enjoy your russian roulette meat.

>> No.5257229

Not him, but are you retarded?

You can SMELL if it's rotten/starting to turn and can SEE if it's moldy.

This isn't anything to do with education, just basic fucking observation.

>> No.5257240

You notice these things when the microbes have hit a certain concentration. By the time you notice mold, it is already colonized through a good portion of your food and is only now beginning to sporulate.

If people could easily detect toxins in food then food safety surveillance would be unnecessary.

>> No.5257244

Are you the result of a union between siblings? I bet you carry around a hand sanitizer too for every time you touch a door handle.

>> No.5257246

That is technically true, but if you don't have a frail immune system you can still eat it. Examples of washing meat that has started to turn of eating slices of a loaf away from the mold.

Basically, you want to sound smart but are talking out your ass when it comes to real world application.

>> No.5257248

Just because I understand more than you about this subject does not mean I am afraid.

The fact that you associate knowledge with fear is not surprising at all.

>> No.5257250

and yet the knowledge of practical food safety escapes you.

>> No.5257252

Are you serious? You can't fucking wash toxins off a piece of meat because it's FUCKING INSIDE. They're the fucking byproducts of bacterial growth inside meat that has been allowed to reach room temperature. How fuck fucking stupid can you be?

>> No.5257255

>eating slices of a loaf away from the mold.
You mean eating away from the most visible component of the mold.

There is a reason animals that haven't adapted to eating spoiled foods typically avoid them unless subjected to periods of hunger.

Eating foods contaminated with immunomodulating toxins is not going to make you stronger.

You sound like a Luddite.

>> No.5257256
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>mfw eating toast and it tasted a bit funny
I finish and find that the bag is full of mould. I never got sick because I don't have the health of a little girl.

>> No.5257257

>and yet the knowledge of practical food safety escapes you.
I can afford to throw out spoiled food and buy new food.

>> No.5257258

Because I have washed 'starting-to-turn' meat with a vinegar solution, cooked it for a long time, and have consumed/served it without anyone ever getting sickness or irritable bowels numerous times.

You seem like a fucking idiot who thinks he knows more than he does.

>> No.5257260

>Isn't a fucking moron
>Yu jus poor
Grow up kid.

>> No.5257263

This dumb fuck probably doesn't know that spices like in Mexican and Indian food were originally used to cover the taste of rotten meat, which was still edible.

>> No.5257266

>discards dead microbial slice and ones near it
>eats others without consequence

"lol u dumbass, don't you know they were all infected!"

Well no shit, but not enough that my immune system can't handle, which is something you utterly seem to be unable to grasp.

>> No.5257269

You can't cook toxins off you dumb fuck.

>> No.5257270

Grow up? Because I understand about food spoilage and value my long-term health over eating spoiled food to save a couple dollars?

Acute GI troubles are the smallest concern when it comes to food safety in the developing country.

>> No.5257273

Where the hell are you getting your implications from? The strawman up in the sky?

>> No.5257274

>This dumb fuck probably doesn't know that spices like in Mexican and Indian food were originally used to cover the taste of rotten meat, which was still edible.
Spouting misinformation as proof isn't helping your cause.

>> No.5257276

But you can kill the microbes before they create an unsafe level of toxins you dumbfuck.

>> No.5257280

Then you would know the benefit of a healthy immune system. The things that can't be fought off can't be cooked out (other than certain things like tapeworms).

>> No.5257283 [DELETED] 

>Well no shit, but not enough that my immune system can't handle, which is something you utterly seem to be unable to grasp.
Explain how your immune system deals with aflatoxin.

Perhaps you could detail this information and send it to the FDA and USDA, because they spend lots of money and time developing and executing methods to ensure a minimum amount of mycotoxins enters the food chain (both human and livestock).

They do this because there is a mountain of literature showing the cost of such chronic and acute exposure to society.

Maybe they could higher you to either smell any incoming grain and deem it safe because you are healthy and not a pussy.

>> No.5257282

No shit sherlock cooking will kill microbes, but you don't worry about that AFTER you eat it you moron. You worry about toxins BEFORE you eat it and if the meat has been sitting out producing toxins for 17 hours then you obviously do not want to eat that shit, cooked or otherwise.

>> No.5257287

>Well no shit, but not enough that my immune system can't handle, which is something you utterly seem to be unable to grasp.
Explain how your immune system deals with aflatoxin.

Perhaps you could detail this information and send it to the FDA and USDA, because they spend lots of money and time developing and executing methods to ensure a minimum amount of mycotoxins enters the food chain (both human and livestock).

They do this because there is a mountain of literature showing the cost of such chronic and acute exposure to society.

Maybe they could hire you to either smell any incoming grain and deem it safe because you are healthy and not a pussy.

>> No.5257292

>Explain how your immune system deals with aflatoxin

because I can't remember a time I've eaten undercooked grains?

nigga this hasn't been about the OP since forever. do you even 4chan?

>> No.5257293

my appeal to authority is more relevant than your un-sourced statement

>> No.5257301

>because I can't remember a time I've eaten undercooked grains?
You've just lost this argument. Better luck next time.

>> No.5257306

What specifically do you require a source for?

>> No.5257310

the entire argument was about meat you strawmanning fucktard, but congratulations on your self proclaimed victory there

>> No.5257316

i meant to use implication arrows

>like these

in other words, i was saying that the post i was responding to was doing nothing but appealing to authority, while the post THEY were responding to was doing nothing but spouting arguments with no source to back them

tl;dr both posters don't understand how to properly back their own assertions

>> No.5257318

>my long-term health
You are one big baby.

>spoiled food
Yes, food that has been left out for a few hours is now spoiled. Good god.

Do you aspire to live in one big bubble?

>> No.5257322

>You are one big baby.
No, I am an adult who enjoys life and is not so sheltered that I don't understand mortality and illness.

>> No.5257324

I bet you throw away food the split second it reaches the expiry date too. Jesus, it's like dealing with a hysterical woman.

>> No.5257330

that because u had cooked mould is basicaly just penicilin and help u fight off the diseas

>> No.5257331

Obviously you don't, because you keep bubblewrapping yourself and screaming "LALAALLALALLALALA" whenever any other person tries to tell you about your overreactions.

>> No.5257336

>I am an adult who enjoys life and is not so sheltered that I don't understand mortality and illness
>Eating food that has been out for a few hours is now killing yourself
Why is it that I was able to eat fish that has been out for three days, explain how I have eaten mouldy bread, explain how I have eaten rice several days old, one of the supposed worst things to leave out.

Face it, you have been sheltered all of your life and as a result you have an awful immune system.

>> No.5257339

lol nice try

I fish and hunt. I clean animals in the field and enjoy eating game meat. I am not sure why you think understanding about food spoilage means I am afraid. I am merely refuting your ignorance. I am not discussing my own personal habits.

People can talk about things and it doesn't mean they are emotional entrenched in the topic. For example, i can talk about the health effects of urban air pollution, but that doesn't mean I live in a house with HEPA filters on all the windows and dozens of air purifiers running all around me.

>> No.5257343

>explain how I have eaten mouldy bread,
Do you understand what chronic exposure means?

>> No.5257362
File: 188 KB, 650x650, 1364930754456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this rekt'd

>> No.5257371

Well, you tried.

>> No.5257380
File: 1.94 MB, 640x360, 19dzw4i2w3nhegif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad, champ.

>> No.5257575

I don't know what's with people's horrible aversions to food left out for a little longer than expected. When I lived back in the states, I let shit sit out in the fridge or outside the fridge all the time and ate it fine. I came here and lived with two people that flipped absolute shit if chicken was in the fridge for over one day. The amount of meat they wasted because of that was unreal, yet a loaf of bread practically liquified on the counter and that was no big deal.

It's simple. Just look at it. Smell it. If both are okay and it looks like the day you got it, it's fine. If you have a horrible immune system or are afraid of hospital bills, just can it. I don't really understand why this is a fight.

>> No.5259045

Sausage is spiced to preserve it.

Just cook it thoroughly. Your grandparents ate stuff like that all the time when they could afford it.

>> No.5259071

Taste can only detect rancidity, not bacteria. And meat can't go rancid in a vacuum-sealed container.

>> No.5259097

lol, just gettin in. But while i'm usually pretty risky with my foods when it comes to spoilage. I'm keenly aware of my senses lack of ability to detect when something will or will not make me sick. I factor in time, temperature, substance, among other things to make an educated guess. Assuming I could 100% tell when something is safe to eat based on my relatively weak senses arrogant and ill advised.

>> No.5259100


Sausage has preservatives in it. Many sausage is smoked at low heat or cold smoked... it should be fine.

unless it smells rank or is too slimy. Then toss it.

give it the smell test.

freezing kills 99% of germs and parasites you're wrong. All fish has parasites. all fish is frozen.

>> No.5259113


uhuh, maybe you're the one that needs to "can it'.

nah im just kidding, i agree with you. very well said.

>> No.5259444

Italian sausage is basically raw ground pork you dumbfuck. OP specifically said raw italian sausage, not cured, RAW.

>> No.5259452

Unwrap it fir a few hours so the bacteria can fly away, then eat it.

>> No.5259467


To elaborate, freezing at a really really low temperature can kill some, but it's not what your normal freezer is capable of doing.

>> No.5259490

Actually a lot of bread mold is penicillin - some molds are safe, or no-one would ever eat blue cheese. The only problem is you can't be sure what kind it is when it's some random mold that came from spores in your house or the factory.

>> No.5259538

I would think it ok. I've left burger out overnight. cook it in a chille or bskettie sause, broun and use as 'za topping. Nice try,op. 8/10 . Seriously, look at the date. um, 4 years old is getting long in the tooth.The bigger problem is,might not have been frozen,when passed from person to person,or food pantry to church group,to well meaning person. I once was given some sausage that said natural lamb skin casing during particularly hard times.(No one 'round here likes lamb,why I don't know). I used it to make a modified "casoulet". be careful. giving and getting.

>> No.5259581

>Actually a lot of bread mold is penicillin - some molds are safe, or no-one would ever eat blue cheese.
Penicillium is the genus, penicillin is one of the antibiotics produced by some species of Penicillium. They can also produce really nasty toxins.

Penicillium roqueforti, of blue cheese fame, produces PR toxin when it grows on various non-dairy substrates. Edible in cheese form, toxic when colonizing animal feed.

>> No.5259739

>Unwrap it fir a few hours so the bacteria can fly away, then eat it.
ok i lol'd