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File: 883 KB, 2048x1536, IMOS..-Stl-Style-Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5255509 No.5255509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the best kind of pizza and why is it St. Louis-style?

>> No.5255515

Why do they do such a bad job at imitating chicago thin crust though?

>> No.5255525

new jersey pizza fuck you

>> No.5255554

>square cut Totino's is a style
No, it's retardation.

>> No.5256005


Chicago thin crust is still like a centimeter thick. This cracker crust gas station pizza horse shit is in no way Chicagoan.

>> No.5256012
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deep dish as presented as such, not that casserole shit.

>> No.5256015
File: 159 KB, 897x350, detroit-style-pizza-slide-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Detroit style

>> No.5256027

>gas station pizza
we all know that gas station pizza, whether it's hunts bros or some pizza hut subsidiary, is thick and awful

Saint Louis style, topped with delicious, creamy provel that has been browned to some sort of crispy zenith of flavor, is unlike anything I have ever tasted

>chicago style thin crust
are chicagoans so mad about deep dish not being an actual style of pizza that they have to go and claim that their thin crust is some how completely different from literally any other thin crust pizza served in a "party style" cut?

>> No.5256036

>criss-cross cut pizza

>> No.5256043

anything that's not Chicago Deep Dish or Cracker style

everyone knows it's the sauce and cheese that makes the pizza and crust and toppings are secondary

>> No.5256071
File: 30 KB, 300x400, provel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>processed cheese pizza

just stop it st. louis

you are embarrassing all of us

>> No.5256074


That's Detroit thick crust, not deep dish.

>> No.5256078

We have that in Italy. It's called "schiacciata." It's generally something done in the home and not often sold as street food. The only exception to this otherwise steadfast rule that I know of would be in Sicily where schiacciata is pretty common at take-aways. I forgot what Sicilians call schiacciata. They have a different word for it.

>> No.5256081
File: 1.45 MB, 288x198, oh wait you're serious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>delicious, creamy provel

>> No.5256115

The best kind is cp

>> No.5256118

>ITT: americans thinking they have their own styles of pizza other than shit NY pizza and not pizza at all Chicago pizza

>> No.5256123

>implying anyone outside america gives a rats ass about what americans think pizza should be

>> No.5256132

true. but it's funny americans think making crust 1cm thinnier makes a new "pizza style"

>> No.5256165
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Best pizza is made north of Rome. Deep dish makes Italy burst out in laughinggirls.jpg. Pic related

>> No.5256174

that's the worst looking pizza crust Ive ever seen

I didnt even know that existed

It looks like flower and water with nothing else

>> No.5256180

what else would you add, fag? apart from yeast

>> No.5256181

... pizza di pasqua isn't pizza, though. And I don't think anyone eats it outside of Umbria anyway.

>> No.5256282

They should ditch the tomato sauce in favor of some sausage gravy. Seems like that yeast-less crust would be better that way.

>> No.5256289

i remember seeing a knicks game when i was a kid, about 12-14 years ago. i remember eating a cracker-like celeste-tier pizza at this game. it looked a lot like this pizza, especially the crust

>> No.5256294

>Chicago thin crust is still like a centimeter thick.

This may sound magical to you out in Schaumburg, but several places in Chicago vary on the thickness of their thin crust.

>> No.5256334


Almost made me hungry, until I noticed the mushrooms.

>> No.5256358

Can't stand Chicago deep dish but these two look OK.

>> No.5256387
File: 36 KB, 600x400, pan pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this?

>> No.5256400

At least they can legally call it cheese.

>> No.5256574

All pizza is good

>> No.5256606
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>> No.5257847

I'm with this guy, basically

But best I've ever had? Small village on the coast of France near Villefranche sur de mer, cracker- thin crust with a cracked egg in the middle and served with spicy oil. Shit was pretty life-changing

>> No.5257852

I ate egg pizza, but especially for that one they replaced tomato souce for the base with some white souce. it was phenomenal

inb4 semen

>> No.5257859

Who the fuck cares? The problem is that we clasify and call various different types of food with the term 'pizza'. Not every fucking dish that has bread and toppings, is a fucking 'pizza'.

>> No.5257918


>implying anyone outside america and italy makes pizza that is at all relevant

>> No.5257920


provel legally counts as cheese? that is a highly questionable claim. It's hardly different from Kraft Processed Cheese Product™.

Maybe just under Missouri law, they're not exactly known for their strictness with consumer regulations.

>> No.5257923
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>> No.5258113

you can actually buy pizza with fake cheese outside supermarkets in USA?

geez, what a shithole

>> No.5258116

So now people who show strong emotions are autistic?

The definition widens.

>> No.5258130

Actual Italian pizza with good quality bread, fresh herbs and tomatoes, buzzalo mozzarella. New York pizza as a second choice. But otherwise most U.S. pizza is processed shit with plastic cheese.

>> No.5258325
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>> No.5258469


Italian pizza is truly master race

The bread is top tier, and you can find tons of different local restaurants since multinational pizzas are forbidden, so no Papa Johns, Pizza hut and whatever

Well, most food in Italy is top tier, you could have a sandwich in a gas station and it would still taste like heavens

>> No.5258471

I disagree on the sandwich bit. I much prefer foreign sandwiches. I think ours are generally shit.

>> No.5258507
File: 443 KB, 1000x1020, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have someone ever tried having chocolate on their pizza?
Like dripping hot chocolate on a pizza and then let it harden.
If you have I would like to know if it was good :D

>> No.5258511

I've not, but Nutella pizza with white chocolate "cheese" and strawberry and banana slices as toppings is pretty common.

>> No.5258523

sounds delicious! :D

>> No.5258530

cookie pizzas are a thing anon
you use sugar cookie as a base, a ganache for the sauce and shove things like marshmallows/peanuts/whatever the fuck candy you want on the top

it was a popular thing for kids parties when I was a lad

>> No.5258531

It's too much for me, to be honest. A standard sized one (30cm d) should never be ordered unless you're with a group.

>> No.5258626

>Implying anyone outside of the Yankee freedom hating north gives a shit about how pizza is made

>> No.5258641

Can anyone tell me what people mean when they say NY style pizza. I've been living next to NY for 8 months now and have had every kind of pizza here. The best ones are the ones closest to the napolietana but with a thinner crust. Then there's the $1 slices which are basically plastic on a bread.

>> No.5258645

fake plastic joke vomit

>> No.5258651

I should add some of those humongous $2.5 slices are pretty good. But the normal dollar slice isn't anything to write home about. The best thing about them is that they're oven fresh which compared to delivery pizza makes them 10 times better.

>> No.5258701

Is it a panettone? It is a Christmas dessert, silly anon.

>> No.5260253

It doesn't become fake cheese just because they took real cheeses and blended them together. There are different degrees of processed cheese and Kraft is shit tier.

>> No.5260556

change of questions

they use processed / mixed cheese on pizzas outside supermarkets in USA?

geez, what a shithole

>> No.5260559

>Missoura Roundsquare best pizza
>>No its Cali flipflap, retard

>> No.5260562

What kind of flower? Roses, lilacs, maybe peonies? Or did you mean flour you fucking retard?

>> No.5261327


So what you're saying is that there's no characteristic that distinguishes "Chicago" thin crust. You fags just order normal pizza like anyone else and stick the word "Chicago" on the front of it.

>> No.5261333


No, I was referring to your unhealthy obsession with minutiae like the various classifications of pizza. The strong emotional response towards it just happens to be a strong indicator of your autism.

>> No.5261359


>implying there's a difference between Kraft and Provel

They have the exact same semen-like texture and are made in the same way, only difference is that Kraft actually has a cheese flavor and color to it while Provel just tastes like medicine.

If it were just a blend of cheeses it might actually taste or look like cheese. I order plenty of pizzas with mixed cheese on top that didn't turn out like the world's shittiest open-faced grilled cheese sandwich.