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File: 34 KB, 600x600, BR6001-l-258676014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5254979 No.5254979 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: God-tier bread.

>> No.5254983
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Mah nigga!!

>> No.5254986


>> No.5254995
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>> No.5254998

I prefer inorganic bread.

>> No.5255200

The best bread.

>> No.5255205

Like robot bread or synthetic organism bread?

>> No.5255243


Ew, that has mold on it already

>> No.5255244

Non GMO, and gives me plenty of energy.

>> No.5255273

Okay, I would buy that solely because of the packaging.

I fail.

>> No.5255276

So does your mum.

>> No.5255295
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>> No.5255387
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Damn this shit is delicious. I'm a fan of the spelt too.

>> No.5255782
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I just had to make this thread at 2am, where the only "people" lurking are the unfortunate yuropoors who will never taste the perfection of Dave's Killer Bread.

>> No.5255798
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Just think; if he hadn't turned to crime we may never have tasted his delicious grainy loaves.

>> No.5255819 [DELETED] 

His parents were bread bakers, who knows? Maybe the business would have started earlier if it weren't for his rough patch. However, I don't think it'd be as successful; I have a hypothesis: his substance abuse increased his standards for satisfaction. The only reason this bread is so goddamn delicious is because he only had heroin to compare it to. So he got out of prison, changed his ways, and began producing the only fucking bread I'll ever eat anymore.

>> No.5255837

>tfw yuropoor
>tfw no dave's killer bread

>> No.5255843 [DELETED] 

His parents were bread bakers, who knows? Maybe the business would have started earlier if it weren't for his rough patch. However, I don't think it'd be as successful; I have a hypothesis: his substance abuse increased his standards for satisfaction. The only reason this bread is so goddamn delicious is because he only had heroin to compare it to. So he got out of prison, changed his ways, and began producing the only fucking bread I'll ever eat anymore.

For those of you interested, here's Dave's story:

>> No.5255858

For those of you interested, here's a short history of Dave's Killer Bread:

>> No.5255864


Dave's bread makes me want to never leave the Northwest.

Seriously legit, I like that it's made by rehabbed inmates too (Is it still?)

I do Trader Joe's organic raspberry jam with it or maybe Tillamook butter

>> No.5255879

I think at least 1/4th of its employees are inmates, but you can't always go out of your way to search for inmates to employ, it'll probably be replaced by common people just looking for work in a few years, however it is one of the only places that will gladly hire someone with a criminal record, so who knows?

>> No.5255884

>implying yuropoor bread isn't better in general

>> No.5255886
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>> No.5256537

Rofl what is this fucking hipster shit bread? Most ridiculous thing I've seen.

>> No.5256548

this bread is pretty fucking good, but its also pretty fucking pretentious, and far from the only bread that tastes good, but damn, if you want wheat you wont go wrong with one of these.

>> No.5256558

I haven't bought bread in a very, very long time. Cuz I bake it.

>> No.5256563


How can a food item be pretentious or hipster? I get fashion. I get hipster music and art. But food? Really? You guys are really trying to make food sound more dramatic than it really is.

>> No.5256581
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So... it's got GOD on the label it must be the best.

Drink what's in the pic... that's got EXTRA GOD!

>> No.5256587

Can't beat decent Ciabatta.
I normally just get the cheapest wheatmeal(brown) option for every-day salad sandwich use. I've found it to be the most filling.

Considering learning to bake my own, but cheap storebought bread here is less than $1USD equivalent for a big loaf so the only reasons to would be taste and an insignificant factor of health.
Would be cool though for sure.

>> No.5256588

Hipster music
Hipster art
??? What
Is that like scratching shit on other's property?

Wait until you own stuff yourself bubby.

>> No.5256596

oh so you have a problem with the packaging? Is that why you're rambling on like a spastic autistic kid?

>> No.5256602

packaging is that what you call defacing other's property now? If some one come and splits your skateboard or rips up or hoody, ok that's packaging. Enjoy.

>> No.5256861


>tfw lived in Seattle for a year and consumed Dave's pretty much daily

I don't care if Dave is a rapist lunatic, all his breads are tasty.

>> No.5257044
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also the Three Seed & Honey

>> No.5257516

Blues Bread is the SHIT
anyone who thinks it doesn't taste like hope feels is wrong.

>> No.5257538

Best bread comnig in.

>> No.5258708

... what is best bread, anon?

>> No.5258734

That soap is pretty good. The unfamiliar may think it's overpriced, but it's concentrated. It doesn't look concentrated because it has no thickeners so it's still runny.

>> No.5258742
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Sometimes when I'm feeling frugal I'll get this

>> No.5258780

>Dave's Killer Bread = Good Seed

>Franz = Great Seed
No competition.

>> No.5258790

I usually make my own bread. Since switching to whole foods so I won't need to go back to the hospital for a while, it's usually been just whole wheat and oats. It does not have enough gluten to form a boule, so it's baked in a loaf pan.

>> No.5258795

i live in Oregon. Confirming God Tier. Also the bread is made by some ex con.

>> No.5258800
File: 159 KB, 640x478, 182374234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever tried the SinDawg by Dave's Killer Bread? So much fucking filling.

>> No.5258805

Franz is crap. Used to live near the bakery... now live near an outlet...
its poor people tier

>> No.5258809

It's better than Wonderbread, it's organic at least. But yeah it's not as great as Dave's.

>> No.5258818

You didn't sense the sarcasm. I forgive you though, it's not always easy picking up on sarcasm through text.

>> No.5258825

wow that looks delicious, where can you get it?
I hate cinnamon rolls from Cinnabun because their to sugary and gross.

>> No.5258834

Anywhere that sells Dave's stuff I think, but for some reason my Albertson's doesn't have it but my Safeway does. If that helps. You can toast it, it's super yummy either way.

Thank ya massa.

>> No.5259636

That stuff is just awesome. Before I moved out of the northwest the local church got the stuff for free to sell at a discount. I'd buy like 4 loaves for like $3 each.

>> No.5259653

>God-tier bread
fresh bread
you all stop posting now

>> No.5259666

What kind of bread did people eat during the bronze age? Was it whole wheat sourdough? Is that what my Presbyterian church should be using for communion if they want to be historically accurate?

>> No.5259677
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>people actually bother trying to say some bread is better than others

>> No.5259688

>bread is bread
How old are you?

>> No.5259692


Old enough to not be a woman about fucking bread

>> No.5260099

>fucking bread
Careful, you'll get a yeast infection.

>> No.5260134

It's a different species of yeast. You won't get an infection from bread dough.

>> No.5260144

is it true our wheat and gluten is fucked now?

>> No.5260159

Through selective breeding, wheat has way more gluten than it did in the past.

>> No.5260791
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They don't sell this where I live...

>> No.5260799

I just mash raw bread flour into what I want to make a sandwich from.

>> No.5260806

That isn't white bread

>> No.5260834

Dave's "Good Seed" is my favorite. I've tried several of the others and they're good, but not AS good. I always go back to the yellow label.

I see those at the local produce market and they just tempt me endlessly. I haven't given in yet. I remember picking one up once and being surprised at how dense and heavy they are.

>> No.5262634
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I normally hate mass produced bread, but Holsum bread is literally some of the best tasting and textured bread I have ever had. It doesn't taste or smell like other breads. They must use some different variety of wheat or something.

I wish I could buy it where I live (Florida), but I've only ever found it being sold in north eastern Louisiana.

>> No.5262662

>Being this dense

Clearly your taste buds haven't fully developed. Try again when you grow up some more.