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5251375 No.5251375 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me what's wrong with these tacos GO ON TELL ME

>> No.5251378

>salsa verde

>> No.5251384

If it's not lengua, there's something wrong.

>> No.5251386

no avocado slice?

>> No.5251389

THIS. Lengua tacos are god tier.
But, those still look mighty tasty, would nom.

>> No.5251402
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Red shit is junk, green shit is 10/10

>> No.5251404

what's so great about lengua? i've never had it, i always go al pastor

is al lengua created equal? should i go get langua tacos right now

>> No.5251421

Go cabeza; it's even better.

>> No.5251423

nothing at all my friend.
That looks fucking delicious, verde is the best.

>> No.5251433

It's just exotic and different in texture from a regular steak cut. Cooked right, it's very tender and almost melts in your mouth.

>> No.5251506


>> No.5251553
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Looks awesome OP but I would have laid back on the sauce a bit. Might you be from Texas?

>> No.5251728

the only thing I can detect "wrong" is dat giant cilantro stem

>> No.5251733

I like my onion and cilantro a little more finely chpped but other than that they're good.

>> No.5251737

Verde is for cooks incapable of making good salsa

>> No.5251739

you forgot to squeeze the lime

>> No.5251933

what is wrong it the missing 2nd tortilla

ahh and if that thing closes then we all know its not a taco

>> No.5251937

this is wrong salsa verde is a fine even perfect salsa to go with pork like carnitas even pollo asado then again pollo asado goes alright with salsa de molcajete

>> No.5251968


What's with this love for tongue? Go eat buche, you fucking twats.

They forgot to give you radish, grilled green onions, and cacti.

>> No.5252275
File: 2.49 MB, 2560x1920, stand up for tacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what no mention of grilled jalapeno

when you head to flush stand you get lots of great stuff to chose from as a sort of snack

popular ones are as follows
grilled jalapeno
pickled carrots and jalapeno
various salsas 3+
aguamole (watered down "guacamole")
grilled green onions
raw serranos or jalapenos to just bite into
onion (sometimes cooked maybe even both)
honestly some carts will only offer one salsa and a chilies or onions and the cook well say and mean his tacos do not need anything else

you wont find lettuce, cheddar or tomatoes (its already in the salsa) tomatoes are sometimes pricey so they are often scarce since they are put to better use same with crema's and cheeses

what else do you need to know follow your nose and watch with your eyes ... if the smell is irresistible is going to be a winner / one more thing look to see a crowd should you see a family there with kids you may have just hit a goldmine

>> No.5252282

This, tacos need two tortillas. Other than that nothing, looks bretty gud.

>> No.5252298
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I've always wanted to eat the radish and picked carrot, but have no idea how to eat them.
Am I supposed to put them on the taco? or do I just eat it as like a side thing.
I've avoided them to not look like a pleb in front of Mexibros

>> No.5252316

The shells are soggy, they're missing tomatoes, cheese and iceberg lettuce, the sauce is already on them instead of still in the packets, and they weren't individually wrapped. You wouldn't last one day as a taco artist at Taco Bell.

>> No.5252397

just have at them like a snack

after a taco have a few bites of a whole radish they have a horseradish sort of bite i guess or very mild wasabi certainly something

the carrots are a lot more flavorful and not usually as spicy even if they are mixed with pickled jalapenos you might be surprised

pickled jalapenos are nothing like a salsa, roasted, or raw jalapenos. in fact pickled jalapenos are very mild flavor at least for me so try them you may enjoy them more than pico de gallo in terms of heat

they do not go in the taco

>> No.5252866

tacos only need two tortillas in two cases, first is a wet filling like birria or barbacoa, seconed if the place over fills them you can break it up into two tacos. My favorite fish taco place does this.

>> No.5252871

That fucking branch of cilantro.

>> No.5252906

>uncovered containers

What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.5252948

I love salsa verde on tacos. Yum.

>> No.5252960

Too much cilantro for my taste. Cut it back some and we're good to go

>> No.5253060

>mfw I put parsley on my tacos

>> No.5253063

I'm 100% sure the tacos were cooked on a griddle and with carbon

0/10 that's not asada

>> No.5253083

GOAT : Pulpo
so good when its cooked well and not chewy

6)al pastor

worst for me are sesos any version of chicken and that god damn shit tier chorizo u get in the states

>> No.5253088

Fuck I take it back I forgot about gobenadores with some crema or sweet cream sauce I tried in a truck.

>> No.5253120

1. They have salsa on them.
2. Pork (shredded or chorizo) is the best meat for tacos.
3. The onions are both diced and raw. They should be sliced and grilled.

>> No.5253122

>onions are both diced and raw. They should be sliced and grilled.

nope raw / dice onions are better for pork tacos braaaah

>> No.5253127

better be spanish chorizo

>> No.5253135

Remove ALL of the cilantro and ease back on the salsa and they would be perfect.
Who wants tacos that taste like nothing but metal and soap?

>> No.5253552

>You wouldn't last one day as a taco artist at Taco Bell.

so that means cancer has no shot at kicking his ass i guess

>> No.5253620

It looks like Shrek blew a load on your tacos.

>> No.5253626

never mind that what does that taste like

will I get those in Texas

>> No.5254367

That cilantro twig.
Only one tortilla per taco, shits gonna get soggy and break.
Kinda too white the tortilla but thats ok in most cases.

>> No.5254373

ITT: North Americans talking about tacos

>> No.5254402

you should try browning those onions a little,
shit ain't a hoagie

>> No.5254428

Too much green, not enough red

>> No.5254455

>icky germs my food needs to be sterile

>> No.5254511

The only thing wrong with these tacos is that they're not entering my mouth at this particular moment.

>> No.5255183

>Kinda too white the tortilla
Tortillas should be and are made from nixtamalized white corn.
Any yellowish factory tortilla is catering whitey who identifies with taco bell or tostitos

>> No.5255186

Sorry, I don't like eating soapy nickels.

>> No.5255239

lengua is not for me i'm a al pastor guy through and through

the lengua is not at all bad ... what is bad and what really sucks is the damned chorizo slathering on pork motherfuckers and calling it al pastor that shit is not right

that is the reason I have a hard time finding good al pastor tacos that is also the same reason I only order 2 tacos when I stop a new taco place one asada and one al pastor then proceed with what is good if anything

>> No.5256153

Only thin wrong there is the raw onions, but that a personal preference.