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5240804 No.5240804[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When is it okay to walk out of a restaurant or fast food chain? A lot of people get apologetic and up in arms about the food service industry, but when have you personally walked out

bad service general

>> No.5240817

Whenever you don't like anything they do.
There's plenty of competition to go to that's how free markets work.

>> No.5240849

For me, its when they start lying and bullshitting and all of a sudden the server seems to be avoiding my table

>It'll be 5 minutes, the chef is just putting on the finishing touches
>You're food will be out next

If I see people who came into the restaurant after me still getting their food, I'll leave enough cash on the table to cover my drinks and appetizer if I got it, and leave.

One time I went to Grimaldi's pizza and our pie seemed to be taking too long. Without me even saying anything the manager came over and apologized for wait, saying they overcooked the pizza and it did not meet their standards to serve it us. They remade our pizza again, and comped it, leaving me to only pay for drinks and appetizer, again without me even saying anything. That was good service and I continue to go there.

>> No.5240861


>Those loops

So much wasted ink - or ketchup. Where did that person learn to write?

>> No.5240862

I've only once walked out of a restaurant, which was a Friendly's of course.

Back in college one of my friends was adamant that we should go to Friendly's before seeing a movie. All of us protested because we all knew it was shit, but he insisted so we went along.

It took us over an hour to get our food despite being the only table in the entire restaurant. Also despite all of the waiters sitting at booths visibly bored with nothing to do, we never got refills etc.

When our food finally came out, it was cold, so we all stood up and left without paying.

How an entire restaurant can be so clinically incompetent is mind boggling.

>> No.5240866

My mother said she walked out at longhorn steakhouse recently. She said the steaks were not cooked right, they took it back and didn't cook it right again. They also never brought out their salads. She walked out, the manager offered to get her a to-go plate but she left

>> No.5240873

They work for you, do what ever the fuck you want to do

>> No.5240886

It's ok to walk out when the food is so bad that it's not worth paying for. If the service itself is bad, don't tip them. Or better yet, give them a penny so they know they're shit and you're not just one of those people that doesn't tip.

>> No.5240913

I think the only time I've had bad service was when my family went to LA to Disneyland around fifteen years ago, and we had to wait around 45 minutes for our food in a restaurant.

Granted, the place was packed but eh.

I haven't actually gone to a restaurant that was so bad that I felt the need to leave. I imagine if the people are insulting me or something.

>> No.5240924

I've never had to walk out. The worst service I've had so far is the forgetful waiters/waitresses
>they forget to bring appetizer like 3 times
>get it free and discount from manager

>> No.5240937

Whenever you decide something is bullshit.
I went to Chili's last month with my fiance.
>we were told the wait was 15-20 minutes
>2 couples come in after us
>are immediately seated because they had toddlers
>hostess heard me say i was going to go off on her sorry ass
>she never came back to the front
>had people waiting for 10 minutes because she didn't wanna face us
Fucking cunt.

>> No.5240940

I've walked out of a theatre because the movie was so fucking terrible (Hunger Games) but i've never walked out of a restaurant

I probably would if I ever ate somewhere that made me wait forever for some service, but thankfully i'm a poor pleb who only dines at 'greasy spoon' establishments who tend to be more courteous and prompt in their service.
I guess it has something to do with that 'southern hospitality' thing.
The further north and toward the coasts you go, the shittier the people tend to get.

>> No.5240941


Grimaldi's pizza always takes a long time because they cannot go any faster.

>> No.5240947

That sounds resonable.
I'd still be expecting full drink/breadstick service from the waitress though as i'm sitting there.

>> No.5240953

i don't think i've ever had service bad enough to walk out. though my standards for food service are not that high. as long as they bring me my food and it's still hot, and keep my water filled, i'm good to go.

one time i went out to eat with my parents and we all ordered prime rib, which apparently wasn't done cooking, so our wait was going to be extra long. we sat patiently and the manager eventually came out and offered us a free appetizer for the wait. everything went better than expected.

i haven't had too many instances of very long waits, but when it has happened, we usually just use the time to socialize. i can see getting annoyed if i was on a tight schedule, but i don't go out to eat when i'm on a tight schedule if i can avoid it.

>> No.5240975

Denny's once with my parents.
I was a kid, remember he maybe getting us our drinks and disappearing. Almost empty too, we just left, I don't even think anyone noticed.

>> No.5240983
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I walked out once from a chilli's when we over-heard one of the waitresses ask her partner to attend a black couple's table because they are "bad tippers."

It had nothing to do with me, but I'll be damned if I get served by unprofessional staff like that.

She asked us if anything was wrong when she saw us walking out. We told her that we over-heard her conversation - to which she didn't reply. She just stood there stoned faced.

Fuck that shit. She should be grateful we didn't ask to talk to her manager. Otherwise, she'd be out of a job. I just like how people from the food industry cry bloody murder when they get done wrong, but immediately retract when they fall out of place.

>> No.5240986

but black people are shitty tippers,

>> No.5240995


I agree, but that doesn't mean you should act like a fool. It doesn't matter if you're scrubbing toilets, or running a fortune 500 company for a living. You should always be professional at all times - especially in the food business where costumer satisfaction is paramount to running a successful restaurant.

Your turn.

>> No.5241006 [DELETED] 

nigger detected

>> No.5241004
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walk out whenever you like, what's stopping you? There's no excuse for bad service, it's a fucking easy job. I know because I've done it. If you can't handle being a waitress you got fuckin issues

>on a date, the girl suggests indian
>we are pretty hungry
>sit, order food and a G+T for myself
>no food
>drink comes
>no food
>"hey buddy hows the food going"
>"oh yes sir welly sorry i will checking it now"
>ask 3 more times, still no food
>"just bring some bread or something jeez!"
>doesn't bring bread
>we leave without saying a word, didn't pay for the drink either
fucking useless cunt

another time
>go a shitty lookin chinese joint
>only one empty table, dirty
>waitress seats us and walks away
>I have to call her back to tell her to clean the table
>she picks up the used chicken bones and throws them in the bin (under the table), then walks off again
>didn't wipe the table which was filthy
>noped it the fuck out of there

seriously. waiting tables is not a brain intensive job, i can't understand why so many people suck at it

>> No.5241008

Some friends and I recently walked out of a restaurant after waiting a little over an hour for our food. Food never came and staff was not attentive. I'm sure they were pissed because we had probably rung up a decent bill already on drinks. Oh well.

>> No.5241013

Are you familiar with global rule #3?

>> No.5241014

/pol/ detected

>> No.5241017


Black people definitely tip less on average.

You're a shithead if you act on that knowledge though, not only because you're alienating someone you haven't even met because you think they won't give you 2 dollars, but because if you just give them some good service, surprise, you might actually make money.

But actually tbh I bet they were just shitty regulars. Fuck shitty regulars.

>> No.5241021
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I am a very patient person, I honestly don't mind waiting on my food. Hunger is the best spice afterall. But there is a limit.

>Live in small city
>New eat-in burger place opens up down town
>Called "The Works"
>Kind of a build your own burger experience
>Go there with 2 friends
>Place is new so there is a bit of a wait to be seated
>~20 minutes
>not a problem
>Get seated and are given out menu's and asked what we'd like to drink
>Waitress leaves to get drinks (we assume)
>20 minutes later we get drinks
>She rushes off again with the promise to be "right back" to take out order
>15 minutes later she is back and takes out order
>At this point we have been in the restaurant for about an hour with no food in sight.
>Kind of annoyed at the service but w/e
>Like I said, I'm a patient dude
>Finally manage to flag down a waitress, have not seen ours since she left with our order
>ask about status of our order
>"No problem, let me go check the kitchen and be right back"
>Never saw the waiter again
>got up and left after he was gone for more than 10 minutes.
>When we left there was a crowd in the 'waiting room' waiting to be seated.
>See a friend there and tell them about service, rest of crowd overhears us.
>Like 12 people leave the restaurant right there and then.

Probably the worst service I've ever had the misfortune of having (or not having as the case may be)

>> No.5241028 [DELETED] 

are you aware that you're a nigger?

>> No.5241036

If they are not doing their jobs, then you shouldn't feel bad about walking out. But keep your head and be reasonable. Don't eat a bunch of food without complaining and then storm out because they messed up your desert order afterword.

Here's an experience my family had at the Kettle, probably 20 years ago. We've never gone to another Kettle since then.

> My family arrives, 2 parents and 3 kids.
> No other customers in the place. In hindsight, this should have been our first warning.
> Takes too long for them to take our orders.
> Takes too long for them to bring the drinks.
> Done with our drinks, but no refills offered yet.
> We are disappoint. But give them a chance. Maybe they'll get in gear.
> Takes too long for them to get food out.
> Only two plates come out at first.
> One of the plates is missing some items, so we send it back.
> Have to ask for silverware.
> Waffles are burnt and stale.
> First wrong plate comes back out, still wrong.
> Still no silverware. WTF.
> That's the last straw. We get up and leave without paying or even saying a damn thing. Should have gone sooner.

>> No.5241037

>Go to steak house with friend and friend of a friend
>get there about 7
>get put at what his gf called the "forgotten child" table
>salads don't come until 7:30
>appetizers don't come until 9:30
>steaks come don't come until fucking 10
>steak itself was only ok
At least it was complimentary. And the handicap stall had no protective wall around it. Imagine shitting while everyone is able to watch you do it.

>> No.5241040

Oh shit I'm black. Wat do?

>> No.5241049

fucking good on ya for convincing a bunch of other customers to leave too haha

>> No.5241054

>And the handicap stall had no protective wall around it. Imagine shitting while everyone is able to watch you do it.

>> No.5241064

You eat off the table and not a plate?

>> No.5241067

kill yourself

>> No.5241074

because it's mostly done by women, entitled and dumb

>> No.5241076

Any time you want.

No seriously. I used to be a waitress, and if you're at the point when you're considering walking out, then you weren't going to tip anyway & I was going to feel awful and hate walking up to your table for the rest of the meal.

Obviously owners and chefs are gonna disagree here, but in terms of waitstaff we would LOVE you to just walk out.

Either the waitress couldn't handle another table and is happy you're gone, the hostess fucked up the seating and you're not actually in anyone's section, the kitchen is fucking up, whatever.

Especially if you already ordered food. In which case the kitchen gets told off because it's obviously their fuckup being so slow, PLUS front of house gets to eat your food.

Yum yum.

In fact, I've known people who (once in a while) would ask a friend to come in during the rush, sit down and hold a table (to lighten the workload), order food & then walk after 15 minutes. You get a quick break, the kitchen gets put in their place, and everyone gets a quick bite to eat. Win win win.

>> No.5241078

You did the right thing. It might be a new restaurant but that just had to be fucking incompetence on their part.

>> No.5241085

>the kitchen gets put in their place

>> No.5241118

during a rush, at my old place anyway, the kitchen got so fucking ridiculous. It was like trying to deal with a girl on her period. Anything that could get a manager (besides the goddamn kitchen manager) into the kitchen would be a saving grace.
>table 12 says this isn't cooked through
>look I don't know, they just sent it back
>you know I can't do that jim
or a paranoid schizophrenic
>table 12 didn't get their apps
>whatever man, just make them please. here's the ticket and the time it went in.
I swear to god. The front managers constantly have to save us because the kitchen would just rather bring down the whole restaurant over this shit. They control the food, so they are gods of the restaurant until you can get a higher-up in to shut them down.

>> No.5241133

Yeah I've seen some of the more dickheaded chefs act like that. It's very unprofessional.
On the other hand you seem to lack perspective, just as those bad chefs did/do.
It's truly fucked in there. If you're having a bad time on the floor you can be sure the kitchen is getting absolutely fucking railed.

>> No.5241141
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this is like asking "when do you draw the line on your woman dancing with other men" or "do you beat your children"

its all about the person... the situation. the combination...

Consider the situation mutiple times from an objective angle... you know... look at how many people they have in the restraunt, look at what time of day and day of week you came in... look at how you're dressed...(humans are psychology)

I've walked out of the same Norm's diner 5 times. Dine and ditched and they KNEW they FUCKING KNEW they deserved it so they never called the cops and never said anything. Fuck norms.

But... everywhere else im usually a generous tipper. You gotta... you gotta realize that everyone has "their place" in life. You have your girl... your mother... your doctor... your butcher.. and you have your food chain.

That's why it's good manners to just pay and leave and never come back, because... you know... everyone has their own place. I'm sure a bunch of retarded fatasses go to the same place and over-order every time and they over-tip and the waitress is nice and they get their food on time. Becaue its THEIR place. It's not your place, so walk away...

if they really offended you, dont pay.. but.. its good manners to just pay.

>> No.5241147


to add to this, every experience is very subjective and i am notorious for having a terrible first impression of a place and then always give second chance to a place so come back and its amazing.

every day is a different adventure.

>> No.5241153

Beautiful post with a great understanding of greyness.

>> No.5241156


thanks. Greyness is my expertise. I live in the fringe.

>> No.5241166

As Ex BoH, I ran a line, I washed dishes, I did prep. I knew servers like you. You're a cunt. Don't even pretend you're not. We can see through your bullshit. When I was in Dish, I loved having entitled, piece of shit servers. I would turn off their bells, and they'd have to bus their own dishes back.

>> No.5241174

ah yes, literally the type I'm talking about. The paranoid schizophrenic
>we can see through your bullshit
yeah the servers are just out to get you, so anything you do is "justified retaliation"
newsflash, until you start pulling this shit, we don't even think about you.

>> No.5241180


yeah this guy is right, man. my stepdad was like that. he had the mentality that if he didn't "teach them a lesson" noone will...

its not a lesson...its an opinion or a belief... shutup and do your job and stop fucking with people.

>> No.5241187

Chip on shoulder detected

>> No.5241198

OP here, good to see some reasonable responses and not people just being mega entitled shitheads.

I have had a lot of bad experiences in Brisbane. some are as follows (first isn't my experience, but my partner's)

>Q1 building in Surfer's Paradise, QLD
>45 mins for steak, tough as boot
>wait 45 mins
>tough as boot steak again
>flip meal and table, leave

tells me they had to pay up front before even entering so (I feel the table flip was unnecessary but whatever)

>Be in Garden City, QLD
>Have pancakes at an awesome place called Pancake Manor
>next door is a really nice looking Japanese place called Kin Sei
>decide to go there one day with partner for a late lunch
>fully staffed, only one other couple there
>given menus
>never ask for drink order
>give our order to waitress and drinks since she never asked
>30 mins pass, no drink
>45 mins pass, no drink or food still
>hour approaches, nothing
>they are watching iron chef
>leave the restaurant and waitress chases after us
>flags us down and asks what the fuck we're doing and that the food is almost ready
>this is after an hour of her seeing us once and never bringing any sort of drink or even a notice that food may take a bit
>tell her to fuck off
>still wants to be paid for food we didn't receive
>eat shitty cheap rolls of sushi at another place instead

>go to friend's bday dinner at Cactus Jack's, Logan, QLD
>party of 8 so expect delays on food, etc
>no one was picky and didn't order anything extravagant, mostly just steaks
>had to go to the bar to get a drink
>drink orders never taken
>sole bartender dealing with over 100 people
>get my drink, it's subpar but he can't really help it
>hour passes, no food
>another hour, no food
>people who sit down way after us get theirs first
>ask what the fuck
>say because there's a lot of steak
>call bullshit because most of them are rare
>3 hours pass, get steak finally
>it's okay
>pay and leave

>> No.5241202

No as a waitress it is your fucking fault. If someone walks out it's because you weren't doing your job right. A simple explanation or even just confirmation of the customer's existence is usually enough.

How fucking hard is your job anyways? You just write down orders and bring things to tables. If you're a professional and not just doing it to pay for school then good luck ma'am I hope you enjoy being a parasite.

>> No.5241211

>I know what happened better than the person that was actually there
make that chip a huge fucking block on the shoulder

>> No.5241225
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>logan, surfers
>expects good service

>> No.5241238

I'm not the same person you were talking to moron I just think you're a lazy fuck that doesn't deserve better.

Feel free to spend the next week spitting in everybody's food dealing with your impotent rage.


>> No.5241251

>getting this mad about food

i've never walked out or even considered it, i'm sure i have had bad service.. maybe i'll try it one time if it gets really bad

>> No.5241269


Sounds like a woman.

>> No.5241275

Aw, chefs. Can't live without them, can't reason with them like civilized human beings. Gotta love em.
I have too much sympathy though, working in a hot environment get's your blood pumping and all angry and shit, I used to work in a bakery with an oven the size of a one car garage and no ventilation.

Also Waiting
>Welcoe to thunderdome, Bitch

>> No.5241276

Well, I'm not the same person you were talking to either, moron. What position are you in to say that it was the waitresses fault?
>If someone walks out it's because you weren't doing your job right.
Or maybe the cook didn't even make the fucking food, like the person who was actually there said happened. Clearly the cook is a fucking psycho if the cook actually believes the waitress was stealing the food instead of putting it out, so why is it so hard for you to believe that it was the maniac cook that was at fault and not the server? I think it may be that perhaps, oh I dunno, that you have a chip on your shoulder.
>I knew servers like you. You're a cunt.
Bad experiences in the past clouding your judgement today.


>> No.5241281

Yeah it only happened to me once but I was a kid and had no choice in the matter.

>dad, his co-worker and I go to British pub themed restaurant
>they seat us and nothing happens for at least 20 minutes
>get up and walk out
>bartender comes hauling ass out behind the bar out into the parking lot asking what's wrong
>dad waves him off and says never mind

Fucking hell what did he think was wrong? Obviously he'd been keeping an eye on us since he took instant notice the second we left. He could've sent someone to take our order.

>> No.5241291


>> No.5241298

The mindset at a lot of places like this is "do the bare minimum that the manager will allow." Which is a big problem for people we hire at my restaurant who come from the fast food industry.

>> No.5241300

Was it a Black Angus? I had a similar thing when I went to one with my dad. We waited over 50 minutes just to be seated and the food took ages, but it was good, so that's okay. But for arriving to get dinner at 8 pm we didn't get out of there until 11.

Some guy in the waiting room got fed up with waiting and told the hostess it was "the worst service he's ever had" and left. We probably should've followed him.

>> No.5241311

>Or maybe the cook didn't even make the fucking food

Since we're keeping track, different anon here, but if the cook is fucking up then the waitress, if she's a good one, will be nice about it when explaining to the customer there is a problem and there will be a delay. Like the other guy said, just acknowledging the customer's existence will often keep them from leaving. But if you just ignore them or whatever, yeah you're bad at your job.

>> No.5241321

Of course
But unless I missed something I don't see anything in the story where the customer was ignored or that they walked out. That guy >>5241202 was claiming "it's you're fault" for somehow screwing up the food or the order, despite no evidence for that. It would be the waitresses's fault if the customer walked out, but as far as we can tell that never happened.

>> No.5241322

Are you seriously dumb? In the middle of service, tickets aren't served in chronological order, they're served when they're ready.

If a table of two orders three simple things after you ordered for your family of four, odds are their food is going to come out a lot quicker than yours does.

If bumping one ticket from 10 minutes to 15 minutes means that I can pull three other tickets from the window at 3, 5, and 7 minutes respectively then I'll do that every time, barring special circumstances.

>> No.5241323

probably because you were being openly beligerent and aggressive?

>> No.5241325

Then she shouldn't have given him a reason to be
Passive aggression gets you no where

>> No.5241333

You know, she may have meant that that specific couple tipped poorly, just saying

>> No.5241338

>I'm at a low-quality side-of-the-highway chain restaurant and I believe this service worker is giving me sub-par service
>I will proceed to make indirect verbal threats, because I am a cretin and a pussy

Also, if the hostess overheard him making whatever empty threats he was, then he wasn't being direct or communicative. That's what we call 'passive aggression'.

So, I guess you're right. Passive aggression did get him nowhere.

>> No.5241348

Please explain how you can be direct and communicative if she wasn't there to receive them
She overheard him, that means he didn't intend for her to hear it. We don't know what he would have done if she came up to him like nothing happened, unaware that he knew what she did. If he had just smiled and didn't say anything, that would be passive aggression, but we'll never know because the pussy bitch never came back to get directly communicated to.

>> No.5241357

You're free to walk out whenever you want, but if you pour ketchup and mustard all over their counter because nobody's making you food, that's when you're an asshole. You're not entitled to someone else feeding you.

If they don't earn your money, that's their loss. You don't take it further than that and vandalise their restaurant over it.

>> No.5241359

This, basically.

>> No.5241361


Uhh no I don't beat my children because I'm not a fucking psycho...?

>> No.5241365

Maybe if you flex really hard you can get your testicles to descend. Signalling waitstaff is super simple and can be accomplished by:

-Making eye contact.
-Raising a hand/waving.
-Catching another server and asking them to direct your server/hostess to you.

If none of the above works because your server/hostess is purposely avoiding or blowing you off, you can use your voice! Because you're an adult who is capable of speech!

And guess what! We know your hostess was within earshot, seeing as she heard you making idle threats to your incredibly patient girlfriend!

If, after inquiring about the discrepancies in your service, your hostess/server continues to be of little help, you are entitled to ask after a manager. Who knows, you might even get the meal comped. But if the manager doesn't help you?

Well shit, son. Maybe stop expecting so much from a goddamned Chili's.

>> No.5241366

>mfw it was a bar/counter-service establishment

>> No.5241369


>Q1 building in Surfer's Paradise, QLD
>45 mins for steak, tough as boot
>wait 45 mins
>tough as boot steak again
>flip meal and table, leave

cunt. You flipped a fucking table over tough meat.

>> No.5241371
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1390087703890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting around that long like a retard

Either go find someone and tell them you are waiting or just leave after 5-10 minutes. Huuur lets continue to waste our fucking time then act like children and squirt condiments all over the table. There was obviously a problem in the restaurant, but of course everyone in this fucking country feels entitled to throw a temper tantrum when ANYTHING doesn't go their way.

>> No.5241372

less than one minute of clean-up is not asshole-ish behavior.

>> No.5241380

>If he had just smiled and didn't say anything, that would be passive aggression
no, if he smiled and didn't say anything, that would be passive ~nothing~.
passive aggression still requires aggression.

>> No.5241386

tumblr detected

>> No.5241393

Once walked out of a restaurant where all of us had already finished their food except one guy who hasn't yet got his. We paid for ours though.

Here's a situation I believe many of you would've walked out of: My family was on vacation in the US in '97 (Germans btw) and we went to a restaurant in LA once. Looked good from the outside, we went in and apparently managed to go into an all-black restaurant. We were the only white people in the whole place. Table was good (place was packed), food was great, servers actually understood what leaving fork&knife on a plate meant, best food we had on that whole location.

>> No.5241399

Ha ha, I know the manager at cactus jacks in Logan, do you want her number?

>> No.5241400


If I spit in your face, is it going to take you longer than a minute to clean it off?

>> No.5241404

I've only ever walked out of a restaurant once. I'd been seated, ordered drinks, and then been ignored by my server for ~30 minutes.

I left enough money on the table to cover the drinks and walked out.

>> No.5241411

Group of my friends head to this popular chain in our city

>order food
>30 minutes later no service
>decide to just walk out and go eat somewhere else
>while we leave we can see the waiter with all our food, he spots us outside and has the most devastated look on his face
>enjoy a fine meal at another restaurant
>suddenly notice I left my glasses at the first place


>> No.5241416


If we met tomorrow I would spit in your face and possibly physically assault you and completely wreck you in front of your hideous jewish girlfriend. Faggott.

>> No.5241417

What he didn't do doesn't excuse what she did do, which was ignore him and thus cause an issue with the line instead of manning up and tending to the issue, despite the unpleasantness of the customer, that she caused in the first place.

And just because he didn't actively seek out the waitress or the manager doesn't mean that he was being passive aggressive. True, he's being MORE passive, but there's a difference between taking no action despite being presented with the opportunity for it, and taking no action when opportunity doesn't present itself.
The guy wasn't even seated yet; how far does a guy have to go out of his way? Why even bother going so far as to complain to the manager (at Chili's, as you point out) that the waitress he's had almost no interaction with isn't doing her job?

But that's beside the point. He didn't go out of his way to give it to her, but she's still shitty waitress. She was unwilling to be communicated to directly, despite it being her job.

You don't have to secretly slash the tires on the car of someone you don't like to be passive aggressive. If he was being passive aggressive, he would have said "great, thanks" while seething with rage and aggression when the waitress asked if everything was good, despite there obviously being a problem.

>> No.5241451

>30 minutes
Niggah what? 25 minutes is an acceptable amount of time to wait (Depending on what you are going to eat, you never specified that), 30 minutes is when you should start asking for your food.

You and your friends acted like fucking children.

>> No.5241459

If he was being passive aggressive, he'd give her a big stinky face.
Passive aggression still requires aggression. Mean thoughts are not aggression, or are you a feminist?

>> No.5241462

you equate squirting ketchup on the counter with spitting in your face? you must have some pretty high blood pressure if every little thing in life hits you that personally.

>> No.5241463


Why do you consider one worse than the other?

>> No.5241470

There can be passive aggression through action or inaction
A waitress giving you the opportunity to resolve any issues you may have with the service and you taking no action to do so would be passive aggressive through inaction. Likewise, you could have stuck a "kick me" post it note on her back as she turned around; passive aggression through action. Hell, go google "passive aggressive" and look at some of the links, not that whatever they are any authority on the subject but at least someone else confirms what I'm saying.

>> No.5241476

>come into work, start shift
>shitty Italian joint
>standing behind the bar, talking to a regular and a coworker
>two old heefers walk in from the back room
>I dont even get a chance to respond, they were storming out the door

I guess they just sat themselves back there and/or the other dumbass servers didnt notice. If they are all alone there in the back, youd think they would wonder
>hmmm does the wait staff know im back here? Is this a place where you just sit anywhere? Even in the back room thats normally reserved for parties and the lights are only partialy on back here?

Just get someones attention or walk to the front and say something like a rational person. It would take 10 seconds to do that and you wouldnt have to sit there forever like an idiot.

No, but of course not. Its like most people walk around with this sense of entitlement, wanting to be wronged by someone so they can RIGHTFULLY BE OFFENDED AND FEEL IMPORTANT, DAMMIT

>> No.5241483

I only walk out if I think eating something will get me ill. If bad service, I'll just leave a smaller tip like 10%. If the food is bad, I'll tell them exactly what's wrong and it's usually fixed easily, and that's not often because I'm really not picky.

The one time that stands out for me was at an Indian joint. Small flies everywhere. Like just emerged from maggot form, so there and concentrated around the kitchen. There had to be something rotting in there. The waiter practically brought a cloud of them with him from the kitchen when he brought the food. Told my girlfriend because she was oblivious and we promptly left.

I like Indian food a lot, but it's not worth getting sick because of a dodgy owner that doesn't want to throw out old food.

>> No.5241485

Please tell me you had a "please wait to be seated" sign.

>> No.5241486

Ah, I even stated it wasn't me. I think it was a bit unnecessary, but $60 upfront for a shit steak is a bit silly

ahh no it was over a month ago. I moved to Brisbane recently and probably won't be in that area much.

>> No.5241489
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Oh lawd, here we go with the cooks vs. the waitstaff shit again.

Cooks: Ignore the bitches. Ignore them. Put the food out accurately and in a timely fashion. Let the Expo sort the cunts out. Just ignore them. They have entitlement issues and think smiling and unbuttoning the top button of their shirt is hard work. LOLKDSSYSTEMODERINGISHARD

Waitstaff: Fuck the cooks. Just nag the damn Expo and get your food. Don't listen to those whiny shits; they are mad you get tips for a customer experience that they are 50% a part of, but have the good fortune to not have to deal with the sorry sacks of shit and their snot-nosed kids. Get back in the trench, communicate with your fellow waitstaff and customers, and keep smiling. You'll have a fat stack at the end of the night when the cooks have burns and sore bodies.

tl;dr - kitchens are organized chaos. deal with it. if you can't handle high pressure high emotion workplaces stop being a faggot and get the fuck out. you're holding the rest of us back.

>> No.5241496

This is why I love being a baker. Come in, leave lights off. Blast music. Front staff comes in and I only have 3 hours left. Nobody bugs me and the only interaction I have to have with anyone is "hot pan/rack, fuck outta my way."

>> No.5241507

>tipping when you've had shit service

Shit man how can one man be so fucking beta? I don't tip at all even if the waitress ends up giving me a BJ in the parking lot. I can understand people tipping waiters who deserve it, but still giving them money when they've done a shit job is absolutely retarded/

>> No.5241508

Fuck off back to reddit.

>> No.5241562

Or I've just never had service that bad. The only time I've ever had service bad enough to warrant no tip, it's also been bad enough to walk out.

>> No.5241565

>work ins ome shitty teriyaki house that gets tons of bussiness for some unknown reason
>some asshole comes in and orders 6 chicken specials
>10 large beefs
>8 sides of steamed veggies
>some girl comes up and asks for 2 fucking tacos
>some other guy comes in and asks for 1 taco to go
> make their tacos first
>the dude gets pissed as fuck and throws a hissy fit saying he was there first.


>> No.5241577

If you think the front of the house is packed.
Imagine what he back must look like.
I know you guys think you are the most important mother fuckers ever in a restuarant.
you entitled fucks dont know the hell of working the line in a understaffed Tuesday night dinner rush.

>> No.5241582

three times:

1) waited an hour for the waitstaff at a diner to bring the check, even though we asked for it twice, so we left without paying. the place was not busy, there were only two other booths and a handful of people at the diner counter itself. there were three members of waitstaff total.

2) waited 30 minutes for service at an empty algerian restaurant while the disgusting husband of the cook sat in a corner, glared at us and smoked. we were seated and given two bottles of coca cola we asked for quite immediately, then the wife disappeared into the kitchen never to be seen again. we had yet to order an actual meal. we asked the husband both in english (this was in america) and french (because they're algerian and therefore speak french) for service, but he just continued smoking and ignored us.
we got up and left, leaving two dollars for the drinks.

3) went into a restaurant and the husband-and-wife-team who owned it got into a physical altercation in the middle of our meal; he slapped her, so she stabbed him with a carving fork. we were just about finished our meal, so we quickly ran outside and called the police. they were italoamericans, so of course they were the lowest quality trash people on the face of the planet.

>> No.5241594

Most of the waitresses Ive worked with are cunts.

>some family walks in, party of 6
>its like 20 min after we opened and they are the only ones here for now.
>they get seated.
>the waitress doesnt go to their table, she is like on her phone or something and leaning on the monitor table thing.
>20 min later I am just fucking around in the kitchin, cleaning and prepping shit since No ticket coming
>15 Min later, get one ticket.
> its a entree for one.
>make it and send it out.
>ask if thats what the order for the family is
>its not
>the waitess is still on her phone
>the family hasnt even been served drinks
>the last ticket was some dude who showed up later and got seated in a different section
>get pissed and go up to the family and apologize saying our waitress is a cunt and were prbably gonna fire her
>take their orders and bring them their drinks
>the waitress has this look of absolute disgust for me
>make their food and bring it out myself
>the waitress throws a hissy fit to the manager
>Im the one who gets in trouble.

>> No.5241607

Naw, My wife is a baker and her bakery is always fucking running on crazy.
>tons of bitches running left and right screaming at each other
>tons of fucking dough, cake batter, fondant fuckign everywhere.
>asks me to come in and help
>h-honey you do know i dont know shit about baking right

Id take the organized hell of my kitchen than step foot in the bakery of a convention/catering baker.

>> No.5241609

She bakes both bread and sweets? That's not to common where I'm from. Usually, the two are separate businesses. Unless it's like a supermarket or something.

>> No.5241626

Guy she was responding to here. It's not at all uncommon. I make bagels, but also a few sweets and breads. More common in privately owned places, or as you said supermarkets.

One benefit of privately owned: I get to make dick bagels or other fun stuff. Made bagel pistols for a kid once too. I can make flavor of the day/week. Non-corporate creative freedom is great. Also pays better.

I hate catering. Starting at 11pm sucks. Especially on short notice so I'm on like 2 hours of sleep.

>> No.5241631

liberal white knight detected

>> No.5241640

I hated when a bus rolled in.on the other hand that's what keep-s you employed.a close balancing, always I will say this on pbs a guy did a "deconsucted"shrimp cocktail . from erie,no less.4 shimp and he trimmed so theid (the would)sit up.along with a dot or two's something on a ginormous plate art impresses. exactly the kinda shit(shite) I despise. cause that."Artful"x 4pllatee cost 120 bucks"and I am now supposed pay for your entree x 4 wine no chance of a beer with that? Pardon moi.If iwant art, I will go many other places.louvre,rome,not on a p-late.spare me that,please.if enough to feed several,twoodbe ok like"amuse bouche" a pre appetiser"I apologize. shrimp,prawns,whatever. but 4?Come on. I might not say much but would not be back. of course the Irish (and Welsh) are known for their great restraint like me.schemming bastards -no wait that's Scotts

>> No.5241642

You forgot your trip Old Rambling Guy.

>> No.5241643


Crazy or not is definitely going to depend on the place. I worked (not baking) in one of the consistently busiest restaurants in town, HUGE place, and the situation for the baker was still basically >>5241496

>> No.5241700

I honestly very rarely see a privately owned bakery that does both. In my city (1,5 million people), I know of only two that do both and neither does either very well.
Not that I know New York as well as someone who currently lives, but when I lived there a few years back, I didn't know any bakeries at all that did both: always either bread or cake/pastry. Always. And this is independent bakeries. I have no idea what a non-independent bakery could possibly be other than a supermarket.

>> No.5241705

Not that old,honest(sometimes well most thymes)Iwill say this:be careful.laugh and love while you can.Question=Authority(strange since i am an ex officer-and..no not usmc..thanks.not service relateddo the best you can. protect what you love and protect the rights of others..rmblin ceases, if you ain't got that,you aint got sh..much look out for the least;you might be one some day don't know whatto say except i am Christian. but not hate full ugly,mean spirited kind.Once in while,i learn I wish you and all ck welhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhat-xUQ6dwl

>> No.5241710


Maison Kayser does a reasonable job of both, not sure if that counts as independent in your mind.

>> No.5241712
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>I went to Chili's last month with my fiance.


>> No.5241723

I'm for people being more open with their feelings and emotions. Happy, sad, angry, aggressive, the lot of it.
As long as there's a degree of discipline, there is absolutely nothing wrong with aggression.
Discipline isn't ignoring your feelings, and accepting emotions isn't just the happy go lucky ones either.

>> No.5241726

>tried to order a pitcher of mojito during happy hours (10PM) with friends
>25 minutes left
>waiter avoids us
>10 min left, "yeah I'm here in one minute"
>"sorry happy hours are done"

We said "ok then we're done here". He finally gave us a pitcher for free.

>> No.5241733

>Get order for well done lamb rack
>Customer complains after 15 minutes that she is the only one in the restaurant (ordered before we were even fucking open), where is her food. If she doesn't get it soon shes walking out etc. etc.

>Put table up
>Waiter takes it to table
>About 10 minutes later a different waiter (one that took order) comes up all bitchy, "how long on table 12". Bitch, it was sent 10 minutes ago. Open your eyes and fuck off.

About 90% of customers are cool, just there is that small portion that are fucking retarded. Waiters on the other hand, are more like 50%. Entitled lazy fuckers.

>> No.5241742

I used to work full-time in a kitchen for 2 years, got put in when I was 16 because I was sick of washing dishes and was desperate to learn. I was always calm, polite to the waitresses, after the first couple months I was the best person in the kitchen, the servers would enjoy working shifts when I was in there. Don't generalise everyone that works in a kitchen.

>> No.5241764

Actually I was never mad about not getting tips, because in the place I worked the waitstaff had to give 20% of their tips to be shared with the kitchen staff. This is in the UK though, so I guess tipping is a little different here.

>> No.5241824

>Have coupon for a free meal at this weird restaurant
>Me and my brother go
>We're the only people in the restaurant of course
>Order "garlic bread" and wings
>Wings are ok, not very good though
>"Garlic bread" is literally fucking hamburger buns with chives and butter on them, wrapped in tin foil and burnt
>Tin foil is stuck in the bread
>Somehow tasted so salty I almost gagged and couldn't eat it at all
At least it was free?

>> No.5241835

I never understood people; on weekends those are worst times to ever eat out and you are going to run into a lot of problems. It's better to avoid these places during that time or plan accordingly. Knowing what you want to order since a lot of these places have online menus

>> No.5241845

I ate some sushi which made me immediately and severely sick as a child. Me and my mother just left without paying.

>> No.5241852

Reminder that if you're in a foreign joint with poor service and unclean shit they probably don't care about repeat business from you because it's a money laundering front

>> No.5241882

I don't like to, but I have no problem with walking out if we had plans right after the meal and was expecting normal service.

>> No.5241899

Oh no, are you going to tell on him?

>> No.5241905

I once had a server who forgot my eating utensils, dipping sauce, and drink.


>> No.5241907

that aint right man, you shoulda left a penny on the table

>> No.5241913

Some of us work all week.

>> No.5241933

But if you work all week then you can avoid the weekend adventure? You can visit a place when it's at the right time around 12-3 or 9-11. But anything in between those numbers and you are going to have 1 hr wait times or very bad service

>> No.5241942
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>If bad service, I'll just leave a smaller tip like 10%.

>> No.5241948

really bad service gets a one cent tip, so they know they fucked up instead of just assuming I'm an asshole who doesn't tip

>> No.5241954


Bakerbro here, I know all these great feels. Best part: everyone in our place gets tip split, so I make an extra $4-$5 per hour despite never having to interact with a customer.

>> No.5241966
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ORG never trips.

>> No.5241969

Are you THE bakerbro or A bakerbro?

>> No.5241973


I don't know anything bout THE Bakerbro, I am just a baker.

>> No.5241986

There's a poster on here that people call bakerbro. He's never referred to himself as bakerbro, though.

>> No.5242003


Oh, no, not me. The only prolific baker on here I know is FF.

>> No.5242016

I did exactly OPs pic one time, after we went to a Chuy's and were told to seat ourselves and someone would be right along. 30 minutes later I spray my ketchup message on the table and we walk out.

>> No.5242025

Him too. There're two. I think FF is better, though.

>> No.5242036
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I've only left a restaurant once, and I wasn't even seated, so I don't think it counts. But here goes:
>here of a good steakhouse out in the country
>go there with my dad
>small place, looks really cozy
>huge line going out the door
>manage to get into the door into the small waiting room/hall
>winter out, so said hall is freezing
>wait 40 minutes
>see people skipping ahead in line and seating themselves
>decide not to because we've never been there before and just wait in line with everybody else
>a little over an hour later
>get to the front of the line
>oh boy, here we go
>a lady at the front of the line asks if we've "signed"
>she's holding a small notebook, tells us we have to sign to be put on the waiting list
>look at the notebook, it's full of names
>she tells us that after signing our wait will be about 40 minutes
>mfw we nope the fuck out of there

>> No.5242040

>We were the only white people in the whole place
They treated you nicely because you were the only people likely to leave a tip.

>> No.5242056

keep stroking that e peen, son.

>> No.5242059

never because i'm not a pride-ridden baby and i want my food.

>> No.5242105

Only time I was truly tempted, I couldn't. I went into a restaurant owned by the same people that own the hotel where I work.

I went in there with no way they knew I was a hotel employee (too new) and I didn't tell them I was on a gift card. Drinks, fine. Dinner, fine. Empty restaurant, waiter comes up and offers us dessert. We say no, we're already getting take away for our leftovers. He tries long enough to bring it to harassment level until I have to put my foot down and say just "NO! We're done! Thank you!".

Waiter gets butthurt face on and walks off. We wait for check, wait some more, I make eye contact with another waiter and he scurries off. I get up and find the manager, and pay. I couldn't bail, I had just started the job at the hotel, but FUCK I wanted to. Wasting an extra half hour of my time because some fruit failed to sell some cake.

I couldn't even report it because I was so new.

>> No.5242134


Good god, I want to fuck FuckFlour!

>> No.5242148

We all want his ginger manhood, Anon. We all do.

>> No.5242165

Because in todays world if it's not spelled out for you youre fucked

>> No.5242173

I've only done it at a restaurant once. I went out with my mom to this place we'd had problems with before, because we had a gift card. No one was there at the door to greet us, so we had to flag someone down to take us to a table. After that, we ordered drinks and said we'd need a few more minutes to decide what food to order. So we waited a few more minutes. And a few more minutes after that. Twenty whole minutes we waited. I should probably mention that the restaurant was dead. There were two other tables occupied in the whole place, which could seat around three hundred. My mom and I got up, told the woman at the front desk we were sick of waiting, and left. We then went across the street to a Chinese place, where an adorable ten-year-old boy greeted us right away and took us to a table. We literally got better service from a little boy than from the whole adult staff of the other place.

>> No.5242174



>> No.5242208

walked out two separate occaisions at the same Johnny Rockets in Providence.

come, bring us our food, wait 35-45+ minutes for the check, get up and ask for the check so we can leave, still no check for 10 minutes after that. walk out in plain view of our waitress looking directly at her. thanks for the free food.

also when i was in high school, was at a friendly's with 8+ people, we all order meals, fire alarm goes off right after we ask for the check. entire restaurant clears out. we get in our cars and leave. i mean, yeah let me go back in, sit down, wait for the waitress to come back in, etc. or i can get in my car because it's freezing out here. see ya.

>> No.5242242


>> No.5242337

>walk into local Tim Hortons at 12am
>girl who is cleaning window display audibly sighs as I enter the building
>Wait at counter for 2 min as she continues to clean and then comes to serve me (no problem)
>when I order a sandwich she sighs gain and rolls her eyes
>turn around and walk out saying she doesnt need my business as she chases after me yelling "No wait I'll make the sandwich please don't"
>went to the other store in town and left complaint about incident.

Srsly, I work in food to and sometimes dont want to work, but don't let the customer know you despise them.

>> No.5242751

You must not live in America. Here you basically HAVE to tip otherwise next time you come back they will spit in your food.

>> No.5242755


this is bait but here you go:

>> No.5242761

>30 minutes
>no service
>visible basket of food on table

>> No.5242768

no they won't, and if they do you're going to the wrong places. chances are they won't even remember you.

>> No.5242770

It's not a table, it's a counter. That's someone else's food.

>> No.5242771

Walk in to Joe's Crab Shack in Oceanside, CA on a Sunday afternoon with the wife and two kids. The place was empty. Get seated, wait 20 minutes for water, another 10 minutes for drink orders. Kids are getting cranky, and so was I . Decided to leave and get Fish and Chips at the dive bar next door. Best I've ever had...

>> No.5242782

good on you sticking to your principals.
Love how the people replying to you are like
>blackpeople XD FAGGOT
Sure are people with substantial thought processes.

>> No.5242792

Looking at this thread made me realize why every single eatery I've worked at want me to stay there as a full time worker rather than a part time.

>> No.5242794

I don't see your point.
Some restaurants have you seat yourself and others have you wait to be seated.

>> No.5242803

Its because wait staff has no reason to care. They aren't happy with their jobs, so why strive to be good at it? Only do enough to avoid being fired.

>> No.5242813

That is some terrible work ethics right there.

>> No.5242820

Damn, fuck that place, you did right, and if the boss can't appreciate you just earned him more business he doesn't deserve to have you as an employee.

>> No.5242845

So you wait an hour just to sign up for the privilege of waiting another hour to sit down, and probably another hour after that to eat? Fuck that place, it sounds horribly managed.

>> No.5242855

Pretty much, and the place was small as fuck for the "waiting area." The breezeway where we had been waiting was so narrow I could touch both sides with my arms bent, and the ceiling must have only been about 5'8". I wouldn't have been so incredibly pisses if other people, who were clearly regulars, weren't just sitting themselves where ever and whenever they pleased.

>> No.5242859

Usually it's just fast food where you seat yourself. Even at a low class place like Denny's you have to wait and be shown to a booth. If you just walk in and sit down you can't expect every waiter to know what's going on when start making your own rules.

>> No.5242884

I agree with what you did, but you need to know that in most places when you complain to a manager about an employee they just tell you "Well discipline them." but they rarely actually do anything unless its a brand new shitty employee. A complaint isn't going to get rid of a long term employee unless they did something HELLA bad.

>> No.5242911

The restaurant I work with seems to be quite stereotypical when it comes to the employees. The cooks are typically always angry (only at work), the dishwasher is cool/patient, the waitresses are all seemingly nice but they do shit talk customers and employees at the waitress stand which I assume most waitresses just do. As a busser I get to see a bit of everything. On the bright side theres pretty much never any mishaps or upset customers since I started working there. Everyone seems very efficient in what they do.

>> No.5242918

Yes? Pouring ketchup all over a place intentionally is low tier vandalism just like spitting on someone is low tier assault. Police has arrested people on assault charges for it before.

>> No.5242952

Not that it's relevant but it's true, blacks are among the worst to deal with customer service wise. The only people that compare are Indians (dot not feather) and Asians (Canadian only).

>> No.5242961

Do feather Indians even still exist? I can go years without ever seeing one. I guess in New Mexico and Arizona they'd be common, but I'm not sure where else.

>> No.5242968

vandalism is the intentional destruction or damage to property. nothing was damaged nor destroyed by the ketchup and mustard. what is wrong with you? spitting in someones face isn't vandalism either. It IS assault if done maliciously. you need to calm down.

>> No.5242969

A lot of Mexicans claim to be feather indians.

>> No.5242982

I guaranfuckingtee that if some kids drove by your house and threw eggs or cake at your house they could be tried for vandalism, regardless of if the stuff just wipes off like nothing happened. This applies to restaurants if you make a huge mess with intent.

>> No.5242998

Yes, these two situations are precisely identical in magnitude. I got arrested when I spilled the salt shaker at a restaurant.

>> No.5243005

What a fucking LOSER DUMBASS. Learn to read.

If you started unscrewing shakers and pouring them everywhere, yes you could be fined for vandalism.

>> No.5243008

Find me an example of this happening.

>> No.5243018

One time I started to unscrew a shaker at a restaurant and they told me to stop.

>> No.5243021

after a few mins,eggs don't just "wipe off"they destroy paint and surfaces unless you clean them up immediately.

>> No.5243025


>> No.5243026

Maybe disgusting artificial American eggs.

>> No.5243031

Not that guy but I was curious enough to google

>> No.5243036

i've only had a handful of bad experiences, and i go out to eat quite a bit.

the only time i've walked out was because like 20 mins passed and no waitress came up to our table. it was a 24h greek diner kinda place. the place wasn't busy and waitresses were just standing around, even making eye contact with us, but nobody came up to our table. i thought maybe because i was with my pakistani friend at the time and we were in a very ethnically white neighborhood where they don't take kindly to colored folk. luckily there is another 24h greek diner a block away where they are a lot friendlier and consistent in their service.

i've only ever refused to leave a tip at a chinese restaurant. lao sze chuan in chicago's chinatown. service in chinese restaurants is always the worst, but this was really bad. in the first place, I actually had to ASK for a glass of tap water. any respectable place will just bring one out to you first thing. then, i literally had to BEG to get a refill of water halfway through my dinner. our waiter was just standing over by the kitchen door talking with his co-workers. sometimes he would walk by and i'd try to get his attention, but he would just keep walking pretending he didn't see or hear me. i actually had to get out of my seat and walk up to him when he was standing around doing nothing and ask for someone to come to our table with a pitcher of water. after we ate i had to do the same thing and ask him for the check. fuck if i'm giving this guy a tip. fuck the chinese, they have no sense of customer service. everytime i order from a chinese take out they always fuck up my order.

>> No.5243038

>Hello police? Someone squirted ketchup on the counter at my restaurant. Please send at least 2 squad cars, a detective, and CSI Miami.

>> No.5243045

>About the same time, police said teens were involved in an attempted robbery and assault in downtown Greenville
Probably this was a little more important.

>> No.5243048

no, all poultry or reptile eggs

>> No.5243052

You EASILY could.

>> No.5243054

In a place in Spain on holiday & they didn't bring us the bill (Couldn't go and get it) for nearly an hour, we'd asked maybe 6-7 times, once every 10 minutes, just left in the end.

Just having a table not be turned over for no reason.

>> No.5243055

raw ones

>> No.5243056


>> No.5243060

They were charged for what they did at the restaurant. They were not confirmed for being the teens that did the other offenses.

>> No.5243090

Because they don't have anyone managing them.

>> No.5243102

yeah because they did that shit on the floor and that's a safety issue

>> No.5243119

Guess what,

waiters, black or white or purple, do not like dealing with black customers

managers do not like dealing with black customers

owners do not like dealing with black cusomers

>> No.5243128

>"cool" cafe in my city called The Raven
>dark, books lining the walls, simple sandwiches/smoothies/coffees named after Edgar Allen Poe works
>bring a date there as something casual, first date
>waitress is practically nonexistant
>takes 20 minutes to bring our drinks
>takes nearly a half hour for a couple of fucking sandwiches
>wait 20 minutes after the meal, waitress nowhere in sight
>slam down the money for the food and drinks and leave

Ridiculous. Never been there since.

>> No.5243134

Don't be racist anon. Theres plenty of people who see past your close minded barbaric ways.

>> No.5243153

I own a couple businesses, ones a restaurant... you can give them the best service possible, cook everything perfectly but no mater what there's always a problem.

I thought it was a stereotype and couldn't possibly be real, but it is black people are a problem in restaurants.

that's why there's the saying "I wasn't racist until I worked in a restaurant."

>> No.5243173

that's what people don't understand about racism, it's not born of ignorance it's born of experience

>> No.5243218

at a lot of british pubs you order at the bar, menus are on the table. no waiters. that way you get your food faster and your drinks immediately. idk if an american themed place would do that though. i just had dinner at a place like that and it was great.

>> No.5243223

>idk if an american themed place would do that though

Nope, just think of all the walking around that people would be required to do.

>> No.5243225

i do that in asian places, if a chinese restaurant is full exclusively of chinese people then that's a very good sign. i go with my malaysian friend and i'm pretty used to chinese culture though so i guess i dont get scared off by foreign people.

>> No.5243254

>if a chinese restaurant is full exclusively of chinese people then that's a very good sign

that's not true at all. if a chinese restaurant is full of foodie-type, cool, young white people then that's a very good sign.

>> No.5243259

i've never walked on an order, but i have walked after ordering non-alcoholic drinks. the restaurant was about 75% full, but they weren't short on wait staff. i saw our waiter flirting with other waitresses more than he was waiting tables, so i got up, asked the host to seat us with a different waiter because ours clearly had his priorities elsewhere. the manager came out, explained that he had a word with our waiter and that it would be better from there on out. i told him i still wanted a different waiter, then he let it slip that our waiter was his son and he was just trying to give him a job opportunity. at that point, it was apparent the waiter son was basically getting away with harassment on all of the female waitresses bc none of them would report the owners son for obvious reasons, so i asked my group of 8 people to leave, and we did.

lowest tip i ever left was $1 in quarters on a $30 ticket because the waitress was a bitch for no reason and called us picky when our orders came out bearing no resemblance to what we actually ordered. we're not talking "its medium instead of medium rare" here, more like it was fajitas when i ordered a burger.

>> No.5243264

that's true.
i think as well americans have this need to feel waited upon when they go into a restaurant, like they're so used to that horribly over-sweet "customer service" that they can't bear to actually order something themselves.

i guess a few people in the uk are like that too but i see much less of it.

>> No.5243282

no, then the food won't be authentic, it'll be over-hipstered "fusion cuisine" or some shit.

i like this place in my city called Little Asia, it's small and decorated like some nice old chines elady bought a bunch of things and asked her family to put them up. There's always loads of chinese people there and it's run exclusively by a chinese family. every time their food is delicious and properly authentic, and the service is polite and efficient and you never have to wait too long to catch the waitress's eye for the check or something. and it's really cheap.

in comparison there's a buffet where it's much more anglicised (uk fag here) and that's where most of the white people eat. the waitstaff are all british and the cooks are chinese, and the food is a bit bland and feels like "standard" takeaway chinese food (kung po chicken, beef in black bean sauce, dry tasteless crispy peking duck).

i know it's cherrypicking but still, authentic chinese places with actual chinese locals who visit are way better.

>> No.5243283

Every time I've been in a trendy-white-people Chinese restaurant I've been let down horribly. Well, every time except two, so like... 2/13-or-so-times-total. That's only about 15% of these trendy-white-people Chinese restaurants that were worth anything.

>> No.5243286

yes, it's a very good sign that they make watered down bullshit food and sell it to gullible white people at exorbitant prices.

>> No.5243296

I've never seen any place like that. If that's the way they do things then they need a sign to explain it.

>> No.5243305


>hurr durr muh authentic chinese food

china is a 3rd world peasant country. there's no food culture over there, just shitty garbage food designed to give u enough calories to work another day in the communist labor camp (or iphone factory)

>> No.5243308

not necessarily. and every wetherspoons pub is like that. same with a lot of other franchise groups (taylor walker, crown). if menus are on the tables already it's implied that's how it works, if they're not then you expect someone to show you to a table and give you menus, which obviously implies you'll be served at the table.

pubs grew from just being drinking establishments into proper restaurants so people are used to ordering at the bar for drinks and snacks, makes sense to just order food there and have orders relayed to the kitchen.

>> No.5243312
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>> No.5243314

confirmed for not being able to use chopsticks

>> No.5243341

I grabbed the soy sauce from the table and wrote "I got my food NO FORK" and stormed out

>> No.5243641

>Some sub par wing shop sports bar for no reason
>gets wings
>has youngest pull fire alarm
>walk out with wings in arm
>never paied

>> No.5243654
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>tfw I read that

>> No.5243732

All the independent bakeries I know of here in the UK do bread, pastries, meat pies and cakes/buns/cream cakes, etc.

Is there such a baking divide in the US? Weird.

>> No.5243754

you are a shitbag

>> No.5243761

I am from Italy. We separate the two. In Switzerland, too. The US generally splits it, as well. I live in the US now. Within a short walk from mine are at least seven different independent bakeries. There might be more, but there are definitely seven I know of.
The nearest one is pastries only.
The next is bread only.
A third is mostly bread but also pizza.
A fourth is pastries only.
A fifth is mostly bread but also croissants.
A sixth is bread only.
The last is pastry only.

I always assumed this was the natural order of things as both my home nation and my mother's do it this way as well as the US, too.

>> No.5243764

There are more indeed! I just remembered another two: one is cupcakes only and the other bakes only Mexican sweets.

>> No.5243766

Hey, Italio-Americo Bro, what state are you in? Just curious. Most of our bakeries are Asian strangely enough.

>> No.5243770


>> No.5243777

The bakery nearest mine, by the way, is an Indonesian-owned-and-operated pastry shop. I live in a heavily Indonesian neighbourhood. All the other bakeries I mentioned are owned by greasy wop degos except one which is owned by a Khmer couple and the Mexican shop. The Khmer couple're the ones that do bread and croissants.
There are many Chinese and Viet bakeries just outside of what I'd consider comfortable walking range (about 1 mile). The Chinese bakeries only do sweets and the Viet only do bread. It's very, very fucking bizarre.

>> No.5243886

>The food is taking forever
>It shows up cooked wrong or something to the like
>gets sent back
>Comes out still wrong
>still the waitress's fault

>> No.5243912

My favorite place to get burgers in my shitty college town is a bar, they're set up like that. First time confused me.

>> No.5243915

Depends, if they don't even give you drinks, maybe leave. But still, 30 minutes is nothing.

>> No.5243924

Best non-walk-out:

>Was at Outback with a bro celebrating his first real job.
>Waiter is obviously new but a good guy
>Brings out wrong drinks, no fucks given since it was something we liked anyway
>Forgets salads twice, no fucks given since we had a Bloomin to work on
>Whole time he is apologizing profusely
>We both ordered steaks, brings out fish and ribs
>"We didn't order this", he freaks out again apologizing. Still no shits given.
>Food gets here, very well made
>Manager comes over says the whole thing is on the house + dessert

MFW I didn't complain once and honestly wasn't bothered
MFW I have no face
MFW I actually do have a face I just didn't post a picture

Worst experience:

>At Denny's with GF
>Staff there knows me, they are all cool, I tip 25% regularly cuz free drinks and idgaf
>New waitress, black chick
>We are sitting for 10 minutes before we get drinks ordered
>Takes another 5 to get drinks to us
>Only one other table in the whole place, about 8 people
>10 minutes later we get orders
>Comes back to re-order since she forgot
>Meanwhile we see her sitting at the other table drinking and talking to people (her friends most likely)
>Food comes out 30 minutes later (burgers)
>Cold. Not just room-temp, but cold like it had been near a freezer
>Takes 5 minutes to flag down waitress
>"Oh sorry let me reheat that"
>Uhh no, remake it. I know you use the microwave and I don't want limp lettuce.
>Comes out 10 minutes later, all new
>Food is great, burgers had extra patties, waitress still talking
>Manager comes over, asks how things are
>"Well, the food was excellent once we got it..."
>Fires her on the spot
>I give $50 to the cook for being a bro

Fuck her.

>> No.5243931

bakerbro helped me out some, super friendly

>> No.5243940

So wait, you didn't go up to the host/hostess?
That's basic shit. Find out wait times and put a name in. It's like you've never even been out to eat.

>> No.5243941

They are bad tippers, don't be surprised if people actually believe a stereotype that covers the majority of your group.

>> No.5243950
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Today is the first time I have ever walked out of any eatery. Seriously have a look at what I was presented with for the $15 that I paid. There were supposed to be tomatoes, none - just a heap of lettuce and two small grilled pieces of chicken. Half of the bread was just plain, they hadn't even bothered to wrap it up properly. just folded on both ends, hardly any sauce. Cashier tried to convince me that this was the norm...

Got a refund. Could have gotten a better meal at McDonalds for far less.

>> No.5243960

I've never walked out of a place, but some cunt waitress in a french restaurant was rude to my girlfriend at the time so I left a penny as a tip and we just walked away. No french cunt is going to be rude to my girlfriend and expect a tip other than something perfectly annoying to it's arrogant ass, a penny serves that purpose.

>> No.5243977

i bet she was eyeing your fiance too

>> No.5243980

-> I can't just walk out of a place if I have an unpaid bill. So... I pay the bill but I most certainly will not tip for rudeness. Therefore a bottoms up red cent was appropriate as a tip.

Only the french would be so arrogant as to expect a tip for being rude. If it was just to me, I might pass it off and ignore it, but to a girlfriend, no chance of me passing that off.

>> No.5244035

I told the waitress we were leaving because the service was terrible and they got my meal wrong after waiting nearly an hour. She proceeded to tell me that was illegal and that she would have to call the authorities if I were to do so. I left and the manager gave me a to-go box, though the meal was still wrong once I got home. I did not eat it.

>> No.5244183

> Get seated
> Waitress asks for sodas
> Request a Diet Coke
> "Is Diet Pepsi okay?"
> "Is Monopoly money okay?"

>> No.5244185

she makes artisan breads and cakes aswell.
Most of her bread she delivers to some delis and restaurants around the area every single day.
Plus all the catering orders she gets for all the hyped up sweet.
she told me this one family wanted over 2 thousand cake pops for their kids sweet 16.
whats hyped up now is french macarons.
and she gets orders upon orders upon orders for them.

>> No.5244202

I work retail and the only person I've ever had tip me for helping load something heavy into their car was a black dude.

>tfw they don't let us take tips

>> No.5244218

In other words they dont have coke and are trained to suggest pepsi in order to diffuse situations. Grow up.

>> No.5244230

Pepsifag detected

>> No.5244232

>everyone should perform perfectly at all times and in every situation

>> No.5244239

>soda at a restaurant
are you ordering from the kids menu too?

>> No.5244243


>> No.5244251

I've had the opposite.

The worst customers I've dealt with were mostly whites, redskins, and South Asians.

The next worst were Hispanics.

The next were Asians, particularly Chinese.

I found that black customers are only bad if they're women. I'll admit I've dealt with several awful black women, but never have I had a problem with black men.

>> No.5244254

Well, yes, she did say she used to be a waitress.

I don't know any male waitresses. Only waiters.

>> No.5244269

>Well, yes, she did say she used to be a waitress.
Yeah and she also said she was 18, officer

>> No.5244273

you act like you dont see the types of miniscule things people are arrested in the states for nowadays

>> No.5244299

>Reading all these stories about the hell of working at a restaurant

Why the fuck do you do this? It's not a career, you aren't making good money, and it's not easy/fun. Why do a job that doesn't fit one of these three requirements. I work for $8.50 at a damn bowling alley. It has no future, but I like bowling, and the bowling business in general. I get to do mechanic work, work on the computer system, I have to serve customers and cook. But they're mostly pretty chill, and my boss gives me leeway to handle things how I see fit anyway. The job itself is nice, especially for someone into bowling. My point is, why subject yourself to the hell of working at a restaurant when you're making peanuts anyway? Go work at a Home Depot or a movie theater, or just something.

>> No.5244303

Flamboyant trolly dolly males count as waitresses.

>> No.5244309

>I actually had to ASK for a glass of tap water. any respectable place will just bring one out to you first thing.
I don't get this part, where in the hell do they get your drink without taking your order?

>> No.5244308


Joke's on you, servers make a living wage in Frogistan so she could give a fuck less. If you get bad service in France you're better off going to the manager or Maitre d' and filing a complaint. And being extremely indignant about it. Get in that faggot's face. You'll get free food and they'll just take their rage out on the next American that stumbles in.

>> No.5244324


Availability, mostly. There are a hell of a lot more restaurant jobs available than most other industries, and there is no danger or education required.

>> No.5244557

Worse than all of these is the after church crowd of any color.

>> No.5245371

Apart from Texas Roadhouse, there are literally no places like that around here.

>> No.5245389

one time we were like 20 loud people at a burger joint and we were eating and drinking and having a good time.

Then we were asked to leave

We did not want to leave, we wanted to stay cause we were having a good time

Then they gave us the bill and demanded we leave.

We got up and left.

we didn't pay.

at first I felt righteous about our actions.

Then the joint went broke...and I've been doubting myself since then.

30 patrons doing the dine and dash... although we had drunk more than we ate.

I'm still offended we were asked to leave, since we weren't doing anything wrong.

What does /ck/ think?

>> No.5245406

literally everywhere in america

at nice places a short mexican in a white button-up and black pants brings it to you immediately after you are seated

in yurop i guess not since they can't afford to serve complimentary tap water to their customers since they get taxed out of their ass

>> No.5245415

How long did you stay? Were there a lot of people waiting to be seated? Were you unreasonably loud, aggressive, or destructive?

>> No.5245424
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>I'm still offended
Said every drunk belligerent bitch ever. I feel vindicated every time I see a drunk woman get her ass kissed.

>> No.5245449
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>> No.5245453

My family is full of plebs because we absolutely adore Chilis. And it was the only restaurant we almost walked out of in our second or third visit. They took almost 40 minutes to even acknowledge us so we started leaving and they offered us free drinks, etc.

That was almost 10 years ago, and we still visit them almost monthly.

>> No.5245457

How old are you

>> No.5245462


he sounds like ngstar new, i wonder if he forgot to use his name

>> No.5245468 [DELETED] 

You talk like a retard. Are all government employees this insane?

>> No.5245492

if you didnt sound so american id ask if we used to work for the same kitchen, hah

i got hired as foh by a place that was under new management, and their kitchen manager quit so they had no fucking idea how to manage their time

>> No.5245502
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>> No.5245535
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>> No.5245549

>Concerned about wasting ink and/or ketchup
What are you, Ethiopian?

>> No.5245576
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>all of these newfags not knowing ORG

>> No.5245707

>20 people
>30 patrons


>I've been doubting myself since then.


>> No.5245709

I think we can all agree that when a restaurant claiming to be Chinese food is owned and operated by a bunch of doughy white guys with fros, you're getting Jewed somewhere...

>> No.5245921

Way to be a dick to the busboys because the servers didn't show up pic guy.

>> No.5245946

I wish he would. He'd be the first tripfag I'd bother to filter.

It's not the rambling that bothers me, honestly, it's the near-impossible-to-read formatting.

>> No.5245948

Having worked in the food industry there are shitty regulars that happen to be black and there have a been a few where they go off at any thing for any reason and cry das racis to get free stuff.. you dont know the other side...

>> No.5245953

I'm pretty sure ngstarnew = ORG.

>> No.5245972

If a whole bunch of rowdy drunks came into a restaurant and wouldn't calm down when asked, I would have definitely done the same thing.

Would I willingly sit down and eat with my family in a restaurant filled with obnoxiously loud patrons? No. There was nothing unreasonable about being asked to leave. An establishment definitely wouldn't turn away 20 people unless they felt like it would be harming their business.

You should still feel bad about what you've done.

>> No.5245985
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>and CSI Miami


>> No.5245991

>go to ihop at 2am after a friday night metal show, probably 15 of us altogether
>we walk in and wait at the podium to be seated
>ten minutes, no service, a group of 10 walks in, tries to walk to the front to the podium, tell them we're waiting in line first
>waitress sees us finally, says she'll seat us in a minute
>20 minutes later she waves us over
>we walk past another two groups of 10
>she takes our drink orders, and then goes and takes food orders for other two groups, seats group waiting to be seated behind us, and another group of 8 over the course of 45 minutes
>group of 8 complains they haventbeen helped yet
>tells them to please be patient because she's the only waitress working
>and they only have one person in the kitchen
>holy shit
>apparently the other waitperson scheduled called out
>table of 8 shuts the fuck up
>sit for an hour without having had order taken, feel bad
>walk out, haven't ordered anything, rest of my group of 15 still waiting, slip waitress a 20 on way out for her trouble, she seemed so stressed out

>> No.5245996

Anon, that wasn't an action of racism I assure you coming from a family of waitresses that some regulars are indeed bad tippers, along with poor people. And will sometimes leave bad tips.

>> No.5246004

>I don't know any male waitresses. Only waiters.

Don't let Tumblr hear you say that.

>> No.5246197

My dad told me a story of when he took our family to some small restaurant for breakfast when I was four years old.

There was only one other group there, the waitress was talking loudly with the kitchen staff, walked out a few times, then went back in. Waited at the table for 30 minutes before the waitress finally took our orders. 30 minutes later, no food yet, and I have to use the washroom. My dad asked if I could use their washroom (which was located in the back for some reason), and they said it's for staff only. The manager was being a dick basically said its not his problem/doesn't care.

At this point my dad had enough and told us we were leaving. He took me out onto their front step and let me piss on the wall. We went to McDonalds and got Egg McMuffins instead.

>> No.5246232

The average workload for a waitress is 30 people or 4 to five tables. She was just being shitty.

>> No.5246385

You guys want to hear a real fucking horror story?

I took an ex to the local shit hole diner in our small town. We were going to go somewhere else but it had snowed almost 4 feet and all 24hr businesses were closed except for Wal-Mart and the diner. I work nights so I'm up at all hours, and I had just went a couple of cities over to get her.

So we get to the diner, there's one waitress and the cook. We go to sit in the back add on where it's a little bit better than the hardwood benches and fluorescent lighting.

Waitress: "Could you sit in the front please?"
Me: "Why?"
Waitress: "I don't want to walk that far."

So we sit in the front to be polite. She brings us our menus after a few minutes.

The cook is an old black guy sitting at the counter. He's on his cell screaming into it every few minutes about something.

>> No.5246387

The ex orders chicken.

Waitress: "We're out of that."

The ex orders a steak.

Waitress: "We're out of that."

We finally get the menu narrowed down to hamburgers and/or soup.

Breaded mushrooms were also available.

I ordered the hamburger. The ex had soup.

It takes the cook an hour to fix the food. In that time the waitress is telling us a sob story about her five kids and other job, blah blah. She finally refills our drinks after trying to panhandle more tips.

The food finally gets to the table.

My hamburger was undercooked. The french fries were still half frozen.

The ranch dressing my ex ordered for the mushrooms was watered down.

The soup was ice cold.

We didn't eat any of it. Just went to leave.

The waitress stands in front of the door and proceeds to yell at us about dining and dashing.

I went to the register to pay, and their debit machine was fucking ancient. It wouldn't even accept cards.

I told her I had no money besides debit. So she tells me to go to an ATM next door. The ex and I got in the car and drove off.

I went in and talked to the owner the next day. She walked out of the kitchen and he told her to get the fuck out. He then went into the back and fired the lazy fucking cook.

Best feeling ever.

>> No.5246395

GG man.

>> No.5246415

>owner fires 2 staff members because of one customer being unhappy
Sure bro.

>> No.5246426

>owner fires 2 staff members because of one customer being unhappy

Want to read the yelp reviews? It was a continuous thing. I don't live in that city anymore so idk if they're still in business.


>> No.5246431

End sounds like bullshit, and some fever dream of an episode of cowboy bebop and Dexter's lab.

>> No.5246433

They could have had multiple complaints about them in the past.

>> No.5246440

>End sounds like bullshit, and some fever dream of an episode of cowboy bebop and Dexter's lab.



>> No.5246455

What posting the yelp without your story there is suddenly proof?

>> No.5246467

>proving the story happened by posting a yelp review

Would you like me to create an account just to write a review for a restaurant I visited two years ago right now?

>> No.5246474

No one believes you, get over it.

>> No.5246475

Just saying it isn't proof your story is true man, not like that matters if you had proof, this is 4chan.

>> No.5246483

>No one believes you, get over it
I shared a story. I don't really care if an anonymous poster on /ck/ believes me or not.

Wait, one person did: >>5246395

Even if I had evidence, what are the odds somebody from 4chan is going to eat at that place anyways? It's a good horror story for a thread about shitty service.

>> No.5246515

I've only ever walked out once, and it was because the food was literally half frozen. Like, I bit into the center of a ravioli and there was ice.

Called the waitress over, showed her, and told her we were leaving and that was pretty much it. Haven't gone back since.

>> No.5246549

>I don't really care if an anonymous poster on /ck/ believes me or not.
Evidently you do, based on your numerous replies regarding this matter.

> It's a good horror story

>> No.5246610

Worst service ever was when I went to the Cheesecake Factory in SF. We waited an hour just for our food, and it was cold.

>> No.5246666

>"hurr if you didn't care you wouldn't respond"

Ok. I forgot discussions weren't allowed on 4chan.


Thanks for the rating. I'll be sure to put it to use in the future. I'm glad you added to the thread, kiddo.

>> No.5246690

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.5246724

How could you be mad about number three? You got dinner and a show of some guido fucks assaulting eachother?

>> No.5246758

who the fuck throws cake at a house?

>> No.5246766

no, scrambled

>> No.5246775

I can only recall two bad experiances with chinese food places with second being mostly my falt.

> First time trying sushi.
> it taisted kinda weird but I was ok at first.
> go home and in the middle of the fuck night throw up like no tomorrow.

Didnt try sushi for a long time till recently to feel confident with it again.

> second time going out with mom, her friend and her daughter.
> shes around my age, into cosplaying some victorean shit she was cool.
> Go to some LA korean or viet restraunt I dont remember the name too.
> be so fucking amazed at the food and it was so fucking good.
> having a bad stomach day *was sick for awhile and didnt find out I had gaulblatter problems*
> 'oh god damnit not now, not today, I didnt have a big dinner last night nor did I have a big breakfast dont pull this shit on me'. I tell myself franticly.
> Try my best to eat more of delitious food and have taisty warm and cold corn tea that made the situation alittle better.
> waiter sees me acting sick and looked rather ashamed of herself. (probibly first time seeing dissapointment, seemed new and the place had a good rep)
> keep telling her it was all me and not her place.

I felt like a jerk for making her feel that way because of my stupid bullshit, there are other storys of my mom walking out due to shit restraunt junk but not realy story worthy since I dont remember alot of them.

>> No.5246779

>implying the iPhone factory isn't a communist labor camp

>> No.5246795

Its because Europoean restaurants cant afford to import authentic short mexican ladies in white button ups and black pants

>> No.5246816


I liked the story, anon.

>> No.5246818
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>I can only recall two bad experiances with chinese food places with second being mostly my falt.

>chinese food places
>proceeds to tell stories about sushi and korean restaurants

>> No.5246861

I've been there and can confirm it is shite. Got bad food/service a few times. Not bad enough to warrant walking out, but that place has some problems. The only good thing about that place is that when I went there with some friends (they had gift cards) all I wanted was soda, leave room. The waiter understood we had a bottle of whiskey and gave no fucks. The cooks there suck ass but at least the wait staff is bro-tier.

>> No.5246866

He didn't imply he was mad, but what sounds like a bar fight between the the person with your check and the other owner with the police involved seems like a good reason to not stick around to get your check.

>> No.5246879
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>freshman year high school
>go on school trip to Indianapolis
>mom is chaperone lel
>me, mum, friend, and friend's mum are hungry
>walking around downtown trying to find an ok restaurant
>nothing but restaurants that we could easily visit in our hometown
>want to try something new
>The Captial Grille
>think it's gonna be a little pricey, ok
>waiter gets us seated
>everyone is in suits and fancy dresses
>we just got off a charter bus after riding for 8 hours, sweatpants
>I'm video recording the whole trip, so I recorded our whole experience (I still have the video of us somewhere)
>waiter hands us menus and asks where we're from, why we're here, tries to be friendly
>"we're on a school trip!"
>waiter hands us menus and walks off
>looks at prices
>$20 for soup
>we have to escape
>waiter comes back
>"so what would you like as an appetizer?"
>friend's mom asks the waiter for the time
>"Almost 8, mam"
>"Oh no! We're going to be late, the bus leaves at 8!"
>tips waiter for probably the sweetest waiter I'll ever experience

We later headed towards Steak and Shake, because there was no other close and affordable place we could go. It was the most disgusting place we've ever been to, but we didn't care because we were still laughing about the last restaurant. My mom went to the bathroom at Steak and Shake and saw a bloody tampon wrapped in lettuce on the floor. We still joke about it to this day, and I still have the video somewhere on one of my old computers.

>> No.5247611

>be in Taiwan
>locals are incompetent at service to begin with
>locals are incompetent with English
>locals are verry shamefurr that they cannot into Engrish
>go into restaurants regularly where servers refuse to interact because of shamefurr Engrish skirrs

Specific example
>get seated
>get menu
>sit and wait
>waiter waits on table to my left
>waiter takes order from table to my right
>waiter walks off to front
>waiter delivers order to table to my right
>waiter pointedly ignores me
>get up
>walk to front
>waiter is cashing out a customer
>yell at waiter for being such a shithead
>walk out
>never go back again

It was one of my favorite restaurants, too.
Too bad they hired such shitty staff.

>> No.5247881

So let me get this straight. You went into a place in a country that isn't america expecting american service then got pissed that it wasn't america?

You bring shame to our nation.

>> No.5248598

>You went into a place in a country that isn't america expecting any service at all then got pissed that you weren't served at all? #AMERICAN #EXCEPTIONALIM #YOLO #AMERISUX