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5229866 No.5229866[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Taco Bell's Waffle Taco

Your thoughts /ck/ocks?

>> No.5229873

This isn't food. Fucking Americans.

>> No.5229876

Looks like something McDonalds would put out.

What the fuck were you thinking Taco Bell?

>> No.5229878

Waffles are food
Sausage is food
Eggs are food
>Yuropean education

>> No.5229883

>Mc Donald's
>Serving Waffles

>> No.5229897

This is correct. I've had it, it's not something you want. It'll ruin your day

>> No.5229909

I want to know if they cook the sausage in that taco shape or if it is soft enough to bend to that shape? The same with the waffles.

I feel like if it doesn't conform to that shape without aid then it's just eggs on sausage on a waffle, which is not something that is new by any means.

>> No.5229915

Is it gluten free?

>> No.5229916

Looks bad, but the rest of the breakfast menu seems promising.

>ordering every breakfast item with chili added

>> No.5229919

It's eggs and sausage on a taco regardless of whatever shape it is. Doesn't need to be new to be tasty.

>> No.5229932

Why wouldn't Taco Bell just make a breakfast burrito?

>> No.5229934

Pretty sure one of those is on the breakfast menu.

>> No.5229936

I was dumbfounded when I first saw it. It doesn't look like anything special, just kind of stupid and seemingly bland tasting.

>> No.5229939



Looks like you're right. All of these look disgusting.

>> No.5229958

I don't trust it
Taco Bell has no experience making any of the ingredients in this thing. Not that it's hard to microwave some frozen shit and fold it into a "taco", but who knows what they're doing to cut costs. I don't see how stocking a bunch of ingredients they never had before just so they can make a couple of breakfast menu items is cost effective. All their other food is just different variations on the same 5 ingredients they already have.

>> No.5229964

All these new breakfast items and not a single one comes standard with chili in it.

For shame, taco Bell.

>> No.5229967

From what I can tell this new menu only seems to be adding three or four ingredients.

>> No.5229973
File: 17 KB, 500x378, 1390791828812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this new breakfast menu almost makes up for them forcing out my family's business to build a Taco Bell

looks delicious.

Live Mas!™, you guys

>> No.5230433

if its crispy ?
7/10 probably pretty good
if its soft?
eat a fucking dick
if its both
we all lose

>> No.5230479

Taco bell coffe and breakfast food, I didnt know they got into the laxative market

>> No.5230490

the free market will fix it

>> No.5230912

it's just a standard waffle sandwich but half as big

>> No.5230932

Seems like a nice alternative to the ordinary fast food breakfasts

>> No.5230950

Tempted to try it

>> No.5230951

It's a fucking bent ncgriddle come on

>> No.5231010

Fast food breakfast in general really is the worst food you could possibly purchase.

This looks to be the worst of the worst.

>> No.5231203

Nice reflecting brah.

>> No.5231385

Im more interested in the morning crunch wrap

>> No.5231409

Bacon bits not embedded in waffle. Total fail.

>> No.5231432

the crunchwrap thing looks ok, as do the breakfast burrito and a.m. taco thing.

it all looks so plain though. might be better if they even tried to sneak in some tomato here and there. something.

>> No.5231464


>God tier

Breakfast buritos
McDonalds pancakes + sausage

>> No.5231470

Fuck off Taco Bell

>> No.5231503
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>adding chili to breakfast

I like you anon.

>> No.5231517

They are tapping into a whole new market. Fast food places make a ton of money at breakfast if they are popular. If people start going to Taco Bell for breakfast they are pretty much extending their profit making hours by like five hours a day. Not sure if its gonna suck ass or not but I'd eat it if I were out that early and wanted quick breakfast.

Also: I don't know what to expect but there is no possible way it will be worse than Subway breakfast. That pile of shit breakfast sandwich made me want to commit a homicide.

>> No.5232182
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>tfw you live in a city with a historic fast food joint that serves breakfast with chili

>> No.5232193
File: 49 KB, 535x400, breakfast burrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jealous. I've always liked chili as a meat for breakfast instead of bacon or sausage. Chili egg breakfast taco, chili cheese onion and pepper omelet, breakfast hash browns smothered in chili, cheese, jalapeno, onion, and mushroom.

Pic related, breakfast burrito covered in chili.

>> No.5232324

They can't afford food...or education.

>> No.5232699

AM Crunchwrap and Breakfast Burrito look tolerable but the Waffle Taco is just retarded

>> No.5232711

Yeah, the waffle taco looks like a yeasty vagina.
They ought to dye it blue.

>> No.5232716

Wonder how many people are going to try ordering an AM Crunchwrap with a waffle inside?

I'm strangely tempted.

>> No.5232726

Looks like someone shat diarrhea all over a bar of cheese.

>> No.5232800

Dude from kotaku did a review back in August, when they were still in testing

>Waffle Taco a shit
>Breakfast crunchwrap is delicious

>> No.5233705


>hurr chili looks like poop

9 year old vegan liberal detected

>> No.5233720

Don't they stuff crepes with sausage and shit?

>> No.5235081
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At least give them a chance with a proper promotional shot!

>> No.5235332


>> No.5235405
File: 916 KB, 2589x1677, 1393566148975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their scrambled eggs are disgusting.

Who makes the best fast food scrambled eggs?

>> No.5235411

Del Taco

They pretty much do the best fast food breakfast in general.

>> No.5235412


Looks like something I would do as a kid.

>> No.5235428

The only thing Del Taco is good for is their fish tacos. That's pretty much the only fast food I'll willingly eat.

>> No.5235442

I guess I could see myself eating an AM Crunchwrap if every taco truck/store in 10 miles randomly closed down. And every bakery. And all of the real restaurants that offer takeout breakfast options.

>> No.5235449

You eat the fish there?

Anon, you're a far braver man than I.