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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5231143 No.5231143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's your favorite flavor /ck/?

red and green are mine
purple is good too

>> No.5231167

>people pay money for frozen cordial in a tube when you can make it for 1/10 of the price

fucking retards

>> No.5231165

That is my childhood wet dream during hot summers.

As for flavors, Orange is the undefeated champion, with Red and Purple running neck and neck for second.

>> No.5231170

green = pink > blue = red > purple = orange

>> No.5231169


>> No.5231173

white is my favourite, with blue a close second.

>> No.5231175

Pink is best

>> No.5231177


they are very inexpensive, especially if you buy them in bulk

I don't mind saving time if I'm buying something inexpensive, although I'd probably still make them myself because I'm so cheap if I had a freezer that could fit the containers required to make them

>> No.5231179

>all these excuses you are making for being a dumb cunt

fucking retard confirmed

>> No.5231180

green > blue > orange > red > everything else

>> No.5231181

how u gonna put it in a tube, smart guy?

>> No.5231182

>too poor to buy fucking otter pops


>> No.5231187

200 cost 8$.

I'll go ahead and pay for the convenience.

>> No.5231191

are you that fucking stupid you cant even work it out? its fucking common sense, dumbass


lold out loud (for real)

$8 for 1000

you go ahead and be a dumb lazy fuck

>> No.5231194


>> No.5231196

>call you out
>you think im a troll

go on fuck head, tell me how im trolling

calling it now, you wont because you cant

>> No.5231208


>> No.5231217

>call you out
>you think im a troll

go on fuck head, tell me how im trolling

calling it now, you wont because you cant

>> No.5231225


As someone else who works a lot and lives in a small apartment with a tiny freezer all their excuses seemed pretty legit to be honest.

>> No.5231236

confirmed for lazy and incompetent

if you have room for plastic tubes filled with frozen cordial, you have room to make your own

>> No.5231245

You disagree with me.

That's what trolling is, isn't it?

>> No.5231244


Why make my own when they are so cheap? I try to cut costs when relevant but in this case I wouldn't be saving very much, and I spend enough time cooking as is.

>> No.5231247

>why do ANYTHING if you can pay for it?

thats how retarded you sound, kid

no, i prove you wrong and you wont admit your fucking lazy little cunt

>> No.5231248


I don't though, my freezer is extremely tiny and it's full of frozen meat or other frozen things such as chili or stock, twice-baked potatoes, ice cubes, pulled pork, frozen spinach and corn. I am already a freezer-tetris master or I wouldn't even be able to fit as much in there as I have now.

>> No.5231251

>ohh, but i cant make my own despite them taking up the same space! XD

fucking retard

>> No.5231252


not really, there's a difference between putting in effort to save $1 and putting in effort to save $100

>> No.5231253


>not juicing your own fruit
>not harvesting your own sugar cane
>not melting down old plastic and reforming it into tubes
>not synthesizing your own fruit coloring from naturally occurring enzymes


>> No.5231255
File: 32 KB, 323x323, 1363552416151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>red and green are mine
Thinks colors are flavors.

>> No.5231257


>Suggesting they throw out things that have more value than otter pops

I really hope you're trolling

>> No.5231259

yes really, there is a huge difference, just goes to show how retarded you are

what do you expect, they are american

never said that, dont put words in my mouth, i said EXACTLY what i said and i meant EXACTLY what i meant, not what your implying, kid

if you have to stoop to that level it just goes to show how pathetic you are, kid

>> No.5231260

>melting down old plastic
>not finding your own ethylene and propylene and carrying out polymerization actions to form polymer resins.

>> No.5231263

I bet yellow is your favorite flavor of gatorade you chav.

>> No.5231265

>finding your own ethylene and propylene
>not directly drilling into the earth's crust yourself

>> No.5231266

blue red and pink

>> No.5231270


what else would be implying if not that? how else would they make room?

>> No.5231283

These things give me a disgusting form of nostalgia.
I must be the only person who despises these things.

>> No.5231284

this is what he is saying. he has room for frozen cordial in a tube

>ohh, but i cant make my own despite them taking up the same space! XD
this is what im saying. he has room for frozen tubes of cordial, but if he made his own, and if your competent, they are the same size, yet for some reason he cant fit in the same amount of the stuff you can make yourself. not both at the same time, like you think, despite not even a single word that i said implies that

you are putting words in my mouth because you cant understand simple english words

confirmed 100% you are american and are 100% retarded, kid

>> No.5231289


but they aren't the same size when you're making them as when you are storing them because you have to freeze them upright, not just pack a bunch of horizontal tubes which you can shove inbetween other stuff

>> No.5231290
File: 120 KB, 800x800, 1385307037107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5231301

how stupid are you that you cannot even comprehend how to make them yourself, kid?

really, you seem to think you can only freeze them upright

confirmed for utter fucking retard

>> No.5231307

you know they aren't frozen when you buy them. he could put one or 2 in the freezer and keep the rest in the box. making them would be too much work for just one or two

also, you're the type of person that's so cheap and/or poor that you probably HATE people with more money than you and people like that are funny

>> No.5231305

green > pink = orange > red > blue > purple

>> No.5231309

> making them would be too much work for just one or two

HAHAHAHHAHA holy shit, you dont even know HOW to make them and you make that claim?

wow kid, you are pathetic

also, you're the type of person that's so cheap and/or poor that you probably HATE people with more money than you and people like that are funny

your projections make you look even more pathetic, kid

>> No.5231314

lol, so angry over sugar water. this is good.

>> No.5231312

this reminds me of that dumbass who thought cooking sausages some other way than boiling would give you food poisoning.

are you that dumbass?

>> No.5231315

Your mom bought the off brand

>> No.5231318

this reminds me of every single american ever born who posts on 4chan

all complete retards

project more, kid

>> No.5231557

>being this much of a jew

>> No.5231567

Why would anyone waste that much effort on frozen sugar? Clearly your time is worthless to you. You sound like a poor low wage peasant with poor time-management skills.

>> No.5231576

Do you think before you post or does the sadness just leak out of you?

>> No.5231597
File: 87 KB, 500x300, freezhalf01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking a troll seriously and not posting pics of the GOAT

>> No.5231599

Oh mighty wise one, teach me how to make them, because clearly you are an omnipotent frozen sweets being and know all that must be known.

>> No.5231604

>endlessly calls people kid
>complains about people "projecting"

>> No.5231606

Jesus Christ what the fuck

>> No.5231608

I really hate it when that guy comes around.

>> No.5231612
File: 403 KB, 1400x933, pops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5231620
File: 6 KB, 183x275, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That last sip of juice at the bottom of the tube.

Also, gotta go with pink.

>> No.5231763

I like crushing them to make them like slushies in a tube. Also pink is the best followed by blue then purple and green, red and orange suck.

>> No.5231788

Oh man, don't remind me. I would get those after elementary school when it was warm and would always get home with cut sides of my mouth. I think the blood flavour actually made it better.

>> No.5231824
File: 55 KB, 451x304, freeze-pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue is the best obviously.

>> No.5231877

how are you people getting so upset over freezer pops?? some of you guys need to get a shrink. for real though.

>> No.5231906

Orange and Purple are my favorites. Pink is really good too. Goddamn, I haven't had a fucking otter pop in forever.

>> No.5233051


Blue is a flavor, you know.

>> No.5233063

power ranking:


>> No.5233070

red, like most artificially flavored candies, usually red is best, followed by orange and then purple blue and yellow are going to taste more artificial.

>> No.5233105

>are you that fucking stupid you cant even work it out? its fucking common sense, dumbass
i cant figure it out, tell me how you do it
do you use condoms?

>> No.5233107

green = blue > purple = pink > orange > red

>> No.5233227

The only one people ever fought over was pink.

>> No.5233233

Pink is the best flavor, the others may as well not even exist. Red is too strong, green tastes weird, purple is for niggers, orange is alright, yellow is nasty, blue is alright, white is good.

>> No.5233312

You must be poor as fuck if your time is worth nothing.

>> No.5233320


>> No.5233324

the edges of my fucking mouth hurt looking at this image, jesus christ. I imagine this is the Joker's fridge.

>> No.5233328


>> No.5233363


Give me some vodka to freeze in there and we have a party

>> No.5233834

Looks like a frozen stick of poo

>> No.5233887
File: 203 KB, 500x289, based shotgun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink over everything.

>> No.5235042

Please tell me where you can get bubblegum or sorbet flavored cordial and i would be happy to.

>> No.5235052

Red white blue rocket pops> all Popsicles