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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 665 KB, 1658x2211, hipster trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5223400 No.5223400[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did the Gin and Tonic become a hipster drink?

>> No.5223410

It's not.

>> No.5223415

>tfw the bar owner looked at me funny and said "Really?" when I ordered a G&T because it's a "girly drink"

>> No.5223422

>girly drink


>> No.5223463


It's not, you are just a nerd.
Nerds think everything remotely cool is "hipster" because nerds cannot into social terms.

>> No.5223465
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You're both fucked.

>> No.5223468

hipshits pls

don't you have a fat chick to ironically fuck?

>> No.5223472

when did gin stop being a drink for men?

i still love my gin fuck what anyone thinks

>> No.5223485

Calling anyone who isn't a hipster a hipster is a grave fucking insult.

>> No.5223491

good thing I didn't do that then

>> No.5223502

I wish. All the fat chicks I've been with were kinky as fuck.
That being said, gin and tonics aren't hipster drink. If you know it's "hipster" then it's not "hipster" now is it?

>> No.5223505


Fuck yeah, bro! Beefeater! EAT THE BEEF! Manliest fuckin' concoction ever, fuckin' watered down, bubbly, beef eatin' fuckin' clear liquor.

But shit's good, I dig.

>> No.5223506

Honestly, they're like Miatas.

Insecure men will constantly claim for they're for 'queerosexuals' and women but you never actually see women who drive them/drink gin.

>> No.5223507
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Hipsters are now a mainstream group.

>> No.5223509

because it's a floral clear liquor ("real men" only drink beer and dark liquor), and American heterosexual men are the most insecure on the planet

>> No.5223513

so being hipster now means dressing like you live in the sticks with your wife and eight kids

>> No.5223515

How does beefeater compare to Hendricks?

I use 8oz of hansens with an ounce of gin and i think it makes a pretty good drink
>i'm drinking one now

i dont think beefeater is available around here, but if it is worth it i will go find some

>> No.5223516

No. The group of folk that want to be hipsters is a mainstream group. The actual hipsters are now off the grid.

>> No.5223518

I've had gin and tonic a few times now and it's awful every time. I pretty much gave up on it ever tasting good.

It fucking smells and tastes like old man's cologne. It's like an awful aftershave, how can people enjoy that flavour?

>> No.5223519

>and American heterosexual men are the most insecure on the planet
I think you meant to say, and American men with suppressed homosexual notions are the most insecure on the planet. *flails wrist effeminately*

>> No.5223521

buy good gin

>> No.5223522

My 57 year old mom drinks those when she's depressed....does that make her a hipster?

>> No.5223523

Children are still too mainstream and can you imagine one of those fluffy headed, glasses and scarf wearing faggots actually raising a good child?

>> No.5223526


>> No.5223527

I've tried it Bombay Saphire and Beefeater and there's really not much else available in stores here. It's not a shitty gin issue, it's a shitty drink issue.

>> No.5223529

>being this behind the times
Holy shit. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.5223532

Try Hendrick's

>> No.5223533


I went to missouri in 2008 and they still had haircuts from the mid 90s, so I'm assuming wherever in flyoverland he lives, it's like the early 00s.

>> No.5223535

I drink hendricks

>> No.5223538


Heh, no, Beefeater's just my go-to because I'm an alcohol, it's a lot like tanqueray but different. I keep a bottle of Hendricks around for special occasions, that shit's top-notch. And make some tonic syrup, brah, because a) tonic water sucks and b) ain't cain't nobody afford hipster tonic syrup. And double up on the gin, pussy.

>> No.5223540

It's not available here

>> No.5223543

>implying american
Almost as bad as being called a hipster.

>> No.5223544

>And make some tonic syrup, brah, because a) tonic water sucks and b) ain't cain't nobody afford hipster tonic syrup.

No thanks- the tonic i buy tastes better than syrup, homemade or not

>> No.5223547

Yeah being number one in the world is awful

>> No.5223551

Cool superiority complex mate.

>> No.5223558

Sorry about being able to destroy your entire country with the flick of a switch

>> No.5223561

>i dont think beefeater is available around here
really? it's one of the most common gins, and only $20-25. compared to hendrick's, the juniper is way more assertive but the gin isn't as smooth or complex. i still like it though, and it's my go-to if i want that typical juniper-heavy london dry gin taste

>> No.5223563


Hansen's? Fuck that stuff. Suit yourself, but double up on the gin. I'm a 1:2 man, but most faggots like a 1:4. 1:8 is just some nigger shit.

>> No.5223569

I have a mil base so I buy from there
hendricks is only 30 a bottle

can't beat that lack of HFCS

>> No.5223574


You mean the switch on your mobility scooter?

>> No.5223577
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Whatever, that's not even the issue here. The issue is that not only are you not drunk, but you can't even taste the liquor in your fucking drink.

>> No.5223582

I dont drink to get drunk, and I can indeed taste the gin
if i couldn't why would I put it in?

>> No.5223596

I mean the switch on your butthole, faggot.

>> No.5223620


Is not a switch, is an alternate entry for gin.

>> No.5223640

I'm sure you could Mr.President.
What's it like being a half Indonesian nigger?

>> No.5223644



>> No.5223651

but...you'll die
pretty great. I rule the most powerful country in the world. How does it feel being you?

>> No.5223663

the real tfw is that you still tipped him.

>> No.5223674

I really hope they did. That would make this whole thread shine.

>> No.5223676

SHit, but then I don't have all that responsibility and I don't have to take the blame for ruining America further.

>> No.5223677

It was a her. And we played bar dice all night, so she basically bought me three drinks. But yeah, she was a fun gal.

>> No.5223802

they arent even worth drinking. Every bar now just carries bottom shelf off brand gin and squirts "tonic" from their soda gun

>> No.5223817

Y'know, you can specify which gin you want, right?

Can't argue the soda gun, though. Vile contraptions.

>> No.5223820


I hear you on the soda gun issue, but if you're going to a bar that doesn't stock at least a few types of gin, that's probably not a bar you want to be going to anyway. Unless it's like the only remotely decent one in your area or something.

>> No.5223844

>soda gun
what exactly is wrong with that sort of dispenser?

>> No.5223849

Nothing, but you can't get tonic water from it.

>> No.5223853

They're never cleaned.

>> No.5223856
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I've only had Gin & Tonics or Vodka & Tonics at bars. Not exactly dives, but not the nicest, upscale places either. Is there a more than decent chance I've never had a real tonic cocktail?

>> No.5223858

Debatable. I cleaned those fuckers at least once a week at my old job.

>> No.5223859

proof66 has beefeater as the top.

>> No.5223870

Hard to tell, just buy the ingredients yourself and try it at home and see if the taste is familiar

>> No.5223875

>top 10 go-to mixed drink for decades, even outside of britbongistan
>all of a sudden a hipster drink

What now?

>> No.5223876

haven't had that Spanish gin, but that top 10 is actually pretty solid, except for putting New Amsterdam at #7

>> No.5223889


Beefeater is a lower-mid range go-to gin (I'd most likely go back to a bar that had beefeater on well), whereas Hendricks is basically top-shelf most places I've ever lived.

>> No.5223893
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>check out the top rated whiskeys
>3 out of the top 5 are Taiwainese and one is Japanese

>> No.5223895

But hendricks is so inexpensive

>> No.5223897


>implying hipsters exist outside of 'murrica

>> No.5223902


Read the thread. There are anons that don't even have access to Hendrick's, and for those that do, it's basically considered top-shelf.

>> No.5223912

maybe some anon should find some smuggler freinds

>> No.5223949

yeah, but gin isn't really aged, is easier and less time-consuming to produce, and lacks the same culture around it then, say, whisky where a good scotch will likely run you about $60-100 if not more. even most small-batch bourbons start out around prices comparable to hendrick's.

come to think of it, i can't think i've seen many gins that are more expensive than Hendrick's tbh

>> No.5223963


Nolet's Dry Reserve gin. Don't look it up, you can't afford it.

>> No.5223969
File: 35 KB, 392x500, 1357618458139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i went to a hookah bar that had a real bar and got a sex with an ex and a jolly rancher and the lady gave me a weird look
shit was so fucking good

>> No.5223976
File: 108 KB, 1023x909, Trash_bin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using penn for anything

>> No.5223979

Wow, that lady is super ugly.

I drink g&t because it's cheap and not overly sweet, don't know about other disgusting fucks

>> No.5224006

It's not sweet whatsoever

>> No.5224047
File: 152 KB, 1199x1325, Gin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I had gin I got rip fucking drunk and at one point tripped onto a bed and literally couldn't get back up so I just slept.

I made them myself.

literally a few (4 or so) grains of salt/sugar

ground up the mint, lemon, lime, sugar and salt together in a pestle and then added it to my gin/tonic and stirred it a bit.

They were fucking delicious, and I was slamming them back like no tomorrow, I could barely taste the gin; even though I enough drinking gin straight.

>> No.5224139

>Hipsters are now a mainstream group.

This is true.

My dad was watching some reality cooking show involving kids as the cooks, and this black kid was wearing hipster thick black glasses with no lenses, and I'm pretty sure, though not 100%, he wore a fedora too. 100% certain on the lens-less glasses though.

>> No.5224141

my neighbor (woman) drives a miata.

>> No.5224154

When adult women.
Despite really disliking plain tonic, I quite like gin and tonic though. Not something I have more than like once a year with family.
There's better drinks for sure, but if not for the stigma I might say it's kinda good.

>> No.5224158

when did you start worrying about such dumb shit? G&T is a tasty tasty beverage and that's the end of the story.

>> No.5224241

My grandmother drinks tons of gin.

>> No.5224263

s that parsely you nigger?
If you put that shit in my drink we have a problem.

>> No.5224267

Gin's pretty big right now. My restaurant has shifted it's specialty cocktail to include more gin drinks to meet the needs of a changing market. Gin has passed hipster at this point, and is pretty... ... ... Mainstream.

>> No.5224727


Implying vodka chugging Russians aren't real men

>> No.5224782

No you dumb shit, it's mint.

I didn't really grind the mint up as well as I had thought for the first drink (which is pictured). All drinks after were just fine.

I definitely should have strained the drink, but I didn't have a boston shaker with me or anything to strain it with (I was at a friends house).

>> No.5224784

What kind of mint is that?

>> No.5224786

fun fact : all the juice + alcohol mix drink were introduced and advertised in Europe in the 70's because the alcohol industry didn't like most european kids only drank beer and wine and local stuff.
They were also extra sweet to aim at a younger demographic trying to be "edgy". It took so well nowadays kids would kill themself instead of drinking "adult" drinks like their boring dad and moms... Until they age themself, of course.

>> No.5224795

Screwdriver dates back to at least 1949.

>> No.5224798

That's some weird mint.
I always take a few leaves in a summer tonic.

>> No.5224803

I don't think I've had mint in a gin and tonic, but sounds like a nice summer option. Do you do mint and lime or just mint?

>> No.5224817

I just bruise a couple of leaves then take the top or bottom of a lemon, less than a quarter of an inch, and squeeze the tiny bit of juice in, then dump the skin in to release all those good oils and such.
Other times I just have one small piece of cucumber and a bit of mint.

>> No.5224824

>still talking about hipsters

what's next, a rant about dubstep

>> No.5224828


reddit and tumblr SJWs are the new dubstep

>> No.5224885

Actually, did you know you can make your own Gin?

you just take some shit vodka/rum/everclear, add some juniper berries and other spices, wait for a couple of weeks and tadaaa Gin!

Ithink that's why "Hipsters" may be drawn to it, the whole lazy/DIY ethos of gin, since you don't need to distill the liquor.

I don't think hipsters would be drinking the commercial products, though.

>> No.5224904
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Ummm..........no. that's not gin, that's flavored vodka.

That's like saying stirring chocolate chips into vanilla pudding makes chocolate pudding

>> No.5224916

But that /is/ how chocolate pudding is made.

>> No.5224924

>posting in a gin related thread
>not knowing how gin is distilled

please tell us again about the magical gin plant from where gin is distilled!

>> No.5224926
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>> No.5224933

but most gins are distilled a second time after all the botanicals have been added. those that aren't are considered worse for it

>> No.5224937
File: 36 KB, 400x276, to_stupid_cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YAY, You said the magic word.......DISTILLED!!!!

It's not just vodka with juniper berries soaking in it ya tard

>> No.5224952
File: 440 KB, 3000x3000, tanqueray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best gin reporting in

>implying anything else is better
>implying 3000x3000 doesn't prove it's the best

>> No.5224958


I never knew retardedness level can be this high and seems to be so coherent.

>> No.5224960

are you fucking kidding me? are you? are you so ignorant so as to claim all the volatile compounds that make the taste of gin are not lost when they are distilled a second time?


>> No.5224969

>Legal Definition
>Distilled gin is produced exclusively by redistilling ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin with an initial strength of 96% ABV (the azeotrope of water and ethanol) in stills traditionally used for gin, in the presence of juniper berries and other natural botanicals, provided that the juniper taste is predominant. Gin obtained simply by adding essences or flavourings to ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin is not distilled gin
>London gin is obtained exclusively from ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin with a maximum methanol content of 5 grams per hectolitre of 100% ABV equivalent, whose flavour is introduced exclusively through the re-distillation in traditional stills of ethyl alcohol in the presence of all the natural plant materials used, the resultant distillate of which is at least 70% ABV.

>> No.5224977
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>> No.5225042


>> No.5225147

mmh not too sure about that.

I heard that mixed drinks started during the prohibition period, when all the alcohol was so shit that they couldn't drink it straight, so they mixed it.

Honestly I prefer my version, and it makes more sense.

>> No.5226046

This is the best gin.

>> No.5226337

are you sure they're not just amish?

>> No.5226360

That, and the amount of Americans traveling down to the Caribbean for a drink and bringing those fruity island cocktails back home.

>> No.5226377

I prefer about 60% gin and 40% tonic. Because tonic tastes horrible, you need a lotta gin to cover it up. But I'm a finnish student so I'm by definition an alcoholic.

>> No.5226656


You think tonic tastes horrible now? Imagine drinking the stuff in the 19th century, when there was actually an appreciable amount of quinine in tonic water.

>> No.5226717

Most of them REALLY wish they were.

>> No.5228696

Plymouth Gin is better.

>> No.5228767
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oh man, i love gin. i feel bad for the anon's who don't have access to hendricks. it's the best gin.

restaurant i work at makes their own tonic water. it's like bright fucking orange and isn't carbonated. it's good but too sweet, imo. for at home, i tried out fever tree's tonic water. that's some good shit. i bought canada dry tonic water and it's total shit compared to fever tree.

i am going to try and make my own cold-pressed tonic syrup soon.

>> No.5228877
File: 148 KB, 600x224, scary_jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tried a Tanqueray GEE 'N' TEE for the first time a few weeks ago
>tasted like something between alcoholic Sprite and flowery tequila
>new favorite drink

Not underage. Just not a big drinker. I'm well into my twenties and I'm still constantly surprised at how good alcoholic drinks can be. Next up on my list: martinis.

>> No.5228921

>tfw I love gin and I love tonic, but gin and tonic makes me wanna puke

>> No.5228928


prepare for disappointment.

gin and tonics are godtier, though.

>> No.5228947

sauce on the pic pls

>> No.5228959


it's as if you don't really like gin

>> No.5229021


actually its not, its pretty mainstream i would say and on its march to become bigger than vodka.

if its hipster spirits we're talking bout mezcal

>> No.5229031

Why every mixed drink I tasted was so god damn disgusting, especially vodka based? It's so much worse than drinking hard liquor straight. Why even the cheapest wine or beer doesn't have this disgusting after taste that e.g. some fruit juice mixed with vodka has

>> No.5230261
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If your drink has vodka or fruit juice in it, your odds of getting a shit drink are pretty high.

If it has vodka AND fruit juice? Your odds of a shit drink are at more than 99%.

Look at the wikipedia IBA drinks. Try at least half of them.

>> No.5230278

You're really trying to be edgy aren't you

>> No.5230571

Dont know, dont care. Been in love with gin since I first tried it. Half my bar, is gin. Recently picked up a bottle of It's 5 o'clock Somewhere as well as Dryfly. Fentimens and Fever tree are the best tonics imo.

>> No.5230661

Please don't tell me that it's this easy to offend you.

>> No.5230689

If the tonic came out of a gun, you've had shit tier.

>> No.5230692

And she's probably manlier than the majority of /ck/

>> No.5230699

Here in Spain since 2009

>> No.5230736
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Since these guys

ruined it. Pic related.


"In an age of eroding manliness, we grill artichokes."

>> No.5230739

>caring about this bullshit
the gin tonic is a good, refreshing mixed drink and thats all there is to it

>> No.5230946

you realize they dress like this...because its an "obscure" and "ironic" way to dress when they go out to get coffee.

>> No.5230960

>cilantro and lemon
>not mint and lime
its like you want to be a faggot.

>> No.5230981
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>first 15 seconds
>I already hate these faggots
>"Its almost like the wilderness was designed as a proving ground"
>it fucking was
>sleeping in tents
>driving motorcycles
>wearing incredibly expensive riding gear and cloths

>> No.5230992
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Ah Gin and Tonic, my of my favourite drinks. There is nothing like having one with a dash of Lime after a hard days work.

I also some made some sloe gin as well, shit was delicious. Brought some bottom shelf tier gin, put it in a jar with loadsa sloes and left it. A few months later, total perfection.
Also G&T fluoresces under blacklight, which is pretty rad

>> No.5231001

>Wilderness Collective is a company that exists to lead men on legendary adventures.

At least they didn't call them "epic adventures"

>> No.5231002

Why is /ck/ still referring to things as "hipster" long after the word has lost all meaning?

>> No.5231032

>maybe if I say it enough, people will like me
not today, hipster trash

>> No.5231048

Aldi own brand would like a word with you.

>> No.5231074


I don't like tonic water so I drink it either with regular water+lemon juice or Sprite. It's rad

>> No.5231101

spoken like a true hipster

>> No.5231145


>> No.5231156


They're not using the laptop nor drinking the coffee. That's how fucking hipster those Amish are.

>> No.5231160


It is sweet whatsoever, just not overly.

>> No.5231306

bitch Tanqueray Ten is way better and not a lot more expensive.

>> No.5232080

Amish shave their mustaches.

>> No.5232097

Like your mum.

>> No.5234391


Because nerds cannot into social terms.

>> No.5234407

All the Amish around here have full on Abe Lincoln beards and they dress like him too.

>> No.5234427

You sound like a fucking hipster
Funny how hipsters are always the first people to freak out about being labelled. They even try to pretend the word is "outdated", probably the most hipster thing they can do.

>> No.5234429

Correct. Abe Lincoln also shaved his moustache.

>> No.5234445

Ultimate neckbeards.

>> No.5235545
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>mfw the girl on the left looks like a fat white version of my gf

>> No.5235705

Hello fellow American. I would like to point out America is indeed number 1 in two aspects:

>Nuclear detonations in warfare
>Incarceration rate

That being said please stop posting.

>> No.5235714

>Nuclear detonations in warfare

You say that like it's a bad thing!

>> No.5235721
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I say it as unbiased fact.

>> No.5235758

gin tastes like a sock, women love fabric, ergo sock booze is girly

>> No.5235782

Face is kind of mannish, but that ink implies kink.

8/10 would fuck while her obaachan watched

Oh, and the person that told you that a G&T is a hipster drink is a pants-shitting retard.

>> No.5237698


They can use laptops, if it's for work (it's acceptable to have a normal job if it's for saving up to buy a farm). Using it at home or in the spare time is of course unacceptable. But if they were Amish they should probably use something more plain than a MacBook.