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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5222298 No.5222298[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Grocery run in a little bit guys what nutritious foods can i get for cheap?
>i already have rice and beans

>> No.5222302


CK hates small talk and "general noob questions". Please think of something more engaging to ask us.

>> No.5222301


>> No.5222304

Frozen veg
Apples (ultimate snack)
Own brand greek yoghurt (put apples in it, amazing)

>> No.5222312


Hey, this isn't OP, but how do I successfully purchase frozen veggies? I went to the frozen isle of my supermarket, and it was literally like $4 bucks for each package... and they were small packages. They were about twice as expensive as fresh veggies. (im talking carrots/peas/shit like this)

>> No.5222314

Right now im gaining muscle for wrestling and my coach need me up a weight class so im trying to work something around that. I'm on a college student budget though.

>> No.5222318

For meat, always get chicken thighs, and then skin them. They are a great way to get good meat into your diet without spending an arm and a leg. And they fit into just about any recipe.

>> No.5222323

>speaking for the masses
>calling it CK

Fuck you. Seriously, take your shit elsewhere.

Eggs, frozen veggies, dried grains. Those 3 ingredients can keep you from dying on a budget.

Where on earth are you shopping? I get like 2 pound bags for <$5, and the best part is there's 0 trim waste. Your grocery store sucks.

>> No.5222328
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>>i already have rice and beans
Eggs and vegetables. A lot of them. Also, the clearance meat bin

>> No.5222332


Oh, really? Well you're on the wrong board then! You should definitely go to >>>/fit/ They'll teach you how to gain the bulk.

This is hardly about cooking. If you're on a budget, you're still going to be eating a shitload of rice and beans for carb and protein intake, and you can afford a dozen eggs a day, so there's that. Most important part about gaining weight insn't the calorie intake, but the calorie output. You have to lift, bro. You have to lift very regularly. In-between lifting days you have to run. You have to run for at least an hour. All of these things will kick your metabolism into athelete mode and you'll see yourself that you'll feel like eating the whole dozen eggs and still have room for more.

by the way, when people try to gain musle weight, they don't worry about how they're cooking, all they care about is raw protein.. they drink raw eggs or eat a dozen hard boiled ones, they'll eat like 2 full cans of beans, or like a whole pound of dry turkey or dry tuna.

They don't care about taste, at all. Better get used to it.

>> No.5222339

fuck off dipshit, you didn't even answer my question. just a bunch of peacocking and no cock.

>> No.5222349

Ok ill go there, thanks. I'm just a bit worried because my family has some health issues and i wanna keep a balanced diet and i dont want what all the meat monkeys on my team eat.

>> No.5222344


In fact, if you click on the /fit/ link you can see "how to gain weight" right there in the sticky.

>> No.5222350

Which question? How to buy something from a grocery store? What kind of retarded question is that? If your store doesn't have it, then you have to go to the super secret underground frozen isle. Find the tile that looks out of place by the ice cream, and tap the secret code. It goes like Tap... tap tap tap.... tap tap.... tap....tap tap. A staircase will lower, and the cheap veggies will be next to the frozen magic beans and unicorn meat.

>> No.5222354

> I get like 2 pound bags for <$5

> and it was literally like $4 bucks for each package...

Are you retarded or just can't read? I pay a dollar less than you - 5 bucks for a fucking 2 pound bag of veggies, are you fucking a millionaire? Veggies are like .25- .75 cents a pound! 2 pounds of carrots is 50 cents! why the fuck would i pay 5 bucks for a pound of frozen veggies where most of it is carrots anyway.

Apparently, YOUR grocery sucks and you can't count, read, or into logic.

>> No.5222357


when did this turn into a code for "suddenly I'm intimidated by you but I can't admit it to myself"

>> No.5222358


we've already established that you're a moron and you think 5 dollars is less than 4 dollars, so its okay. thanks for your insight.

I was wondering why you sounded like a retard before, it's all clear now.

>> No.5222362


dude.. nobody cares. shut the hell up.

>> No.5222369

>small packages
>doesn't specify

$4 for a 1 lb bag would be a lot more expensive than $5 for a 2 lb bag. Don't get your jimmies russled because you don't give details.

Veggies you buy for dirt cheap typically have a fair amount of trim waste. Edible portion ends up being $3-4 a pound most the time. Unless you're eating corn husks and shit, it does end up being cheaper most the time.

>> No.5222370

apparently you care a lot. seems you lost, better luck next time.

>> No.5222382


> doesn't specify

that's why you don't assume shit, you dumb cocksucker. You went off on a whole rant about 5 dollars being less than 4 dollars when - EXACTLY - I DID NOT SPECIFY

5 dollars for 2 pounds of VEGGIES!!! have you ever seen carrots for $2.50/lb? How about cucumbers? squash? NOTHING!

Literally NO veggies are worth $2.50/lb you fucking braindead moron.

Then you come here to /ck/ with this fucking fatherless attitude... dude... ITS NOT MY FAULT HE LEFT YOUR MOTHER! OK! STOP TAKING YOUR FUCKING CHILDHOOD ANGST OUT ON ME!

and keep paying 2.50/lb for veggies you disposable douche rag

>> No.5222388

Hahahahahah, wow, you are so butthurt right now it's fucking hilarious. Keep on freaking out about arguments on the internet loser.

>> No.5222394


>> No.5222407


lol. thasss right. I win.

You can keep playing the troll card, but we can all read the conversation. We can all see how you were not trying to troll, but you were trying to argue.

And you lost. Cause you're a massive faggot.

>> No.5222408

Here's a tip: I get my groceries in downtown Chicago, where $2.50 is a pretty damn good deal. Everything here costs like 2x as much. Before you take your small minded internet rage to a full-blown heart attack, I'd probably calm down and think before you post. All that nerd rage has to be terrible for your heart.

>I win

Seriously? You don't even know who you're talking to anymore. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.5222419

> Everything here costs like 2x as much.
awe yeah.... like you know the fucking prices in Los Angeles, the overpriced organic capital of the world. Take your ass back to chicago and drown in a pizza pie you cock. You're just trying to save face now, and I won't let you have it.

> calm down and think before you post.
I was the calm one, faggot! I was talking to someone else when you butted in and started talking shit in this post:

>>5222323 "fuck you. seriously".
That was uncalled for. Why did you start this? You're a bad person. You should calm down before you post.

> You don't even know who you're talking to anymore.
I thought it was the other guy,... then who the fuck are you? some random fool that just pops into an argument to make a comment? Shut your fucking mouth, noone is talking to you.

Fucking kids these days. Man. If you tried to butt into an argument i was having with another man, I would knock you the fuck out. Wtf kinda shit is that?

>> No.5222428

>all this butthurt

This is really just entertaining now. Please, write us another paragraph on how you're winning arguments on the internet while being super calm.

>> No.5222441


First of all, I am winning arguments by default because my opponents seem to have no reading comprehension or debate skills. Who would win in a 1 on 1 gladiatorial match between multiple American Gladiatorial Association Champion Rico Constantino and a bar of soap? Furthermore, my arguments are sound and correct while the rebuffs are weak and full of fallacy. Also, If I wasn't calm I would SMASH THIS FUCKING keyboard into the part of the screen that contains your post number. I would TEAR THE WIRES OUT OF MY COMPUTER and SUFFOCATE myself with them, only to look in the mirror and revel in what I would do to you if I ever catch you in RL. But here I am just enjoying a beer and chit-chatting with some friends. Cool, calm, and collected.

>> No.5222443
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>I am winning
>internet argument
>I am winning

>> No.5222444
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You are a fucking riot man

>> No.5222446
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buy some cheap seasonings and dried herbs... having those really help make something decent when you're running low on food. pick up some potatoes too, as there's so many delicious things you can make with them.

when i was poor i used to live off pancakes (just buy the box of pancake mix where you just add water) and campbells tomato soup. it satisfied me at the time, but i refuse to eat either now that i'm making good money.

>> No.5222448

Holy shit, is somebody screencapping this guy? This is great.

>> No.5222453
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>> No.5222634

but...but he was talking about 2 lb bags

>> No.5222647

get some hummus. Can't go wrong with hummus.

>> No.5222661

1lb or 2 lb?

>> No.5222663

/ck/ needs a sticky then for all the "i've never cooked for myself so i came to /ck/" lurkers

>> No.5222674

get whatever stuff is on sale

>> No.5222721


> clearance meat bin

It's deer season, dude.

>> No.5222742


4 dollars or 5?