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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 72 KB, 594x401, panera-cares-594px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5214128 No.5214128[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so i just recently found out that there's one of those panera's for poor people a couple blocks from my work. apparently you can get any entree for $2.
i'm not gonna say i'm well off but i'm definitely not hurting for money.

how much of a scumbag would i be if i started going there in my shirt and tie and getting a $2 lunch every day?
i guess they typically run on donations


>> No.5214135
File: 134 KB, 778x1018, 1386950490735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any entree for $2
>donation based

>> No.5214134

Do it, and do it with a smile whenever anyone gives you looks

>> No.5214144

I wouldn't be able to do it if I knew I wasn't hurting for cash. While I'm all for cheap eating, I couldn't do it on someone else's dime. The same argument is sort of like food stamps (I don't want to divert the thread, so just take it like it is.) People don't like paying for other people that have no problem affording their own stuff. I've been on food stamps before and as soon as I was able to afford food again on my own, I got off of them immediately.

No judgments here, anon. If it doesn't bother you, then by all means. I think you're at least having second thoughts since you came here to ask. If you do at least go once, do let us know how it is.

>> No.5214164

>panera's for poor people
>run on donations
I'm fucking dying
how is this actually a thing

>> No.5214172

>This nonprofit concept was designed to make the “Panera” experience accessible to everyone regardless of their means. Panera Cares Cafes do not have prices. Instead, we provide suggested donation amounts to help customers understand what it will take for us to operate these cafes and be self-sufficient. In the end, it is up to the customer to decide what to contribute into our donation bins. Those without any means to contribute have the option of donating an hour of their time to volunteering in our cafes in exchange for a meal. In the end, our non-profit cafes can only survive if our communities support its mission and one another.

Whoa, this is actually pretty cool. I'd patronize one if it were near me, though I'd pay the suggested amount or more to support it.

>> No.5214187

I've never heard of anything like this. I'd go there and pay full menu price.

>> No.5214199
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 14676656776878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"panera experience"

>> No.5214203

>eating food made by poor street savages

>> No.5214247

There's one here in Chicago. My college friend she did it when she was short on cash. Paid back by doing dishes.

>> No.5214248

1000 times this
i won't go to mcd's because of the dirty ass employees and and they're actually a couple steps up from junkies and homeless people

>> No.5214257


I doubt they have the random off-the-streeters handling food, since that would be a massive liability. I'm sure it's just dishes, bussing tables, etc.

>> No.5214372

yeah but even the off chance that there's a "hey tyrone, could you run in the back and get me another loaf of bread" is too much

>> No.5214430

pretty good idea. They seem to be marketing it just the right way to also appeal to the hipster/alternative crowd.

>> No.5214955

>Poor people spending $2 a meal

It's not a real charity, so why feel guilty?

>> No.5214966


so you just didn't read into it and decided to comment anyways, then?

>> No.5214992

Full retard confirmed

>> No.5215000

>T-they wont fuck with my food
If they see a person well off coming in repeatedly and take advantage, I wouldnt be surprised if they used the oldest ingreds or slightly less sanitary methods. I'm not saying spit in the food but 'oh forgot to put on gloves' or let me pick out my nail discretly while making ur sandwich

>> No.5215002

I've never heard this before. Seems interesting, hope it actually survives.

>> No.5215056

>the “Panera” experience
So poor people can eat the same shit food you're selling to middle-class suburbanitews while trying so hard to convince them Fast Casual isn't just ghetto fast food with a higher price tag and a little pretense?

That's some full circle shit.

And this is masquerading as some kind of do-goodery?! Fuck, I'd rather find my local Gurdwara, get a free meal there and make a donation if I had the scratch to do so. The food would be better, and free from any ethical quandary.

Because when you think about it, it's not worth having even the slightest concern over shit food like Panera when the Sikhs feed people better food for free as part of their religion.

>> No.5215070

>being upset about this
Are you really mad because your mom refused to move her porcelain doll collection from the spare bedroom and you have to start keeping your fedora collection in the garage where the humidity will cause them to degrade?

>> No.5215076
File: 48 KB, 466x464, 1392863057665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying?

>> No.5215087

I wouldn't do it plus this thread is going to go into /pol/ mode soon.

>> No.5215088

If they are such bleeding heart crybaby liberals that they wanna give their money away then they deserve to have people take advantage of them. And as a poorfag I would be happy to see some well dressed person going in their and fucking over the fake ass owners who have never experienced real poverty

>> No.5215086

Well, I'm convinced.

>> No.5215092

>And as a poorfag

>> No.5215096

Excellent contribution to the thread. I am looking forward to reading more of your insightful comments.

>> No.5215100

How much do you make a year?

>> No.5215101

>Are you really mad
Not at all. I just have trouble with the idea of serving more shitty food to poor people under the guise of good corporate citizenship, when that same organization serves shitty food to wealthier food to middle class rubes by offering a side of pretense.

It's the worst of both worlds trying to present itself as something good, but it's all bad.

I'm not mad because I'd never eat that shit.

But I think it's unscrupulous corporate behavior, and felt the need to point that out. That is all.

>> No.5215111

>I just have trouble with the idea of serving more shitty food to poor people under the guise of good corporate citizenship, when that same organization serves shitty food to wealthier food to middle class rubes by offering a side of pretense.
I'm not sure how this troubles you. Consumers choose to support the establishment. Companies use marketing to increase brand awareness and loyalty. What is unscrupulous about any of this?

>> No.5215122



>> No.5215125

I don't know where you "ALL OR NOTHING" people exist IRL, but you seem to be common on the internet.

>> No.5215132

>I'm not sure how this troubles you.
Simply personally offended by the portrayal of the food vs the reality of it, because I made the mistake of eating there a couple times.

Chipotle pisses me off for the same reason. You get me to give you a chance because you tell me you're somehow better than fast food, then I get there, and you're just pretentious, overpriced fast food.

So my opinion of your business is "fuck you".

Not that hard to understand, is it?

What shocks me is how many people actually eat at such places. I'm trying to figure out how much is laziness, and how much is simply not giving a shit.

>> No.5215133


it's probably the guy who drives 4 or 5 hours all over town multiple times per month just to avoid patronizing whole foods

>> No.5215143

>mfw I still can't afford this

>> No.5215148

You sound like a self-entitled dingbat with parent issues.

>I was COERCED by the MEDIA into PATRONIZING an OVERPRICED and PRETENTIOUS burrito fast food place.

You stand in a line and tell them what to slop on your burrito while they hand it to you wrapped in paper. What the fuck made you think it was anything but fast food?

Are you such a sap you don't understand marketing vs. reality?

lol hilarious

>> No.5215175


*twirls cape*

>> No.5215193

>Are you such a sap you don't understand marketing vs. reality?
Not at all. I just judge businesses by my own experiences with them. To me Panera seems like it's trying to be McDonald's for insecure middle class people. That's gross. So I think Panera is gross. Of course their marketing is gross, too. So they're double gross.

>> No.5215197

>That's gross. So I think Panera is gross. Of course their marketing is gross, too. So they're double gross.
Not sure if really immature and inarticulate fedora or fat, bearded 15-year-old girl.

>> No.5215221

Dude Panera's fine. Expensive but fast. Not healthy but mostly fresh. Also they have soups which fast food joints don't. I love soup.

>> No.5215226

Howzabout I put it like this:

>selling shit food based on class insecurity
Clever, but I'll talk shit about you, because it's still shit food
>setting up a not for profit to give poor people the experience of your shit food while reinforcing the idea it represents some kind of class divide?
Now you're just being a dick about it. Yeah, market research shows you it's going to work, but how the fuck do you sleep at night?

>> No.5215714

> To me Panera seems like it's trying to be McDonald's for insecure middle class people

Yes, all those cool middle class people lining up to eat their trendy avocado sandwiches. I wish they'd be more secure and eat McDonald's like they're supposed to.

>> No.5215729

There's something in Denver called SAME Cafe and CAFE 180 where you can pay whatever the fuck you want. I've been meaning to check it out.

>> No.5215791

A local place in my city has the same payment set up. I go there all the time and usually give them at least a five. The business depends on people who can afford it to recoup losses from people who can't afford it. I'm happy to pay what I can because places like this do good (used to be broke as a joke and couldn't afford food).

I don't think anyone would stab you for not paying, but it's kind of a jerk move.

>> No.5215835
File: 113 KB, 625x355, 1391966212116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my people will never be taken seriously because of these pieces of filth

>> No.5216161

make 80k-100k a year
( job + 2 rental house )

got a place just like the op say near my job and
each day im eating for 1$
( remove my suits and put a lame t-shirt+ park my car far away )

the food not bad and ready in under 1 min my reason ? would not have time to go eat at a quality restaurant anyway !!
( usualy wait 10-15 min at some of my favorite )

what you guy think? mad ?
for my defense im paying enough taxes and shit for all the poor guy who eat there and im not fealing bad !!

>> No.5216168

most americans don't make 80-100k a year. The average 4chan user doesn't have a college education and tends to be a young male with a high school education so I'd guess their income, if not just from their parents is dramatically lower than that on average. No shame in not being wealthy.

>> No.5216175

Yeah you're an asshole. If you can afford to pay more, you should. You're taking from charity, pretty much the same as what a welfare cheat does.

>> No.5216180

>proud of being a cheapskate


>> No.5216186

2000$ for a whole house each months
6 rental 4 1/2 at 600$ each months /usualy full
= 5600 $.... now do X12 = ??
keep in mind the taxe for the house = -1200$ year and some other stuft = -2000$ for everything.

= around 70 000$ from there....now you want add my job?

sorry pals my story was true
what you think of me eating for 1$ a day now?

>> No.5216191

>hey guys what do you think of me doing this?
you are the most unsubtle troll i've ever seen

>> No.5216197

troll are usualy lying for get people mad.
im not lying but the result wanted was kinda the same, im a troll ?

>> No.5216202

you don't have to lie to be a troll, when you say something for the purpose of agitating others you are a troll

>> No.5216207
File: 191 KB, 456x426, 1368909661561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what you guy think? mad ?
I think you should learn english and not use google translate before you post on 4chan Paco.

>> No.5216218

im from south korea ( curently canada now )
hum im talking and can write in:

my french and korean are my best, english not my worst but plz man, you can talk 5 langage you? come back for tell me your grade school insult after okay??

my english langage mostly needed in my work on the phone and nothing else so not much practice.

>> No.5216231


>> No.5216246

>im from south korea ( curently canada now )
what a surprise

>> No.5216256

racism prick?

>> No.5216263

i knew you were asian when you showed your pride in being a cheapass

>> No.5216269

this guy is hilarious

>> No.5216297

Let me guess, you're also a south korean special operations sniper with over 300 confirmed kills?

>> No.5216300

If they're selling something for $2, I see no reason for feeling guilty about simply accepting their offer.

>> No.5216314
File: 358 KB, 502x419, gv0yY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all those credentials, you'd think that you would be able afford a decent meal and not be a complete jew and scam charities.

>> No.5217233

If it runs on donations, pay $6.

>> No.5218524


ching chong nip nong

>> No.5218555

That's weird
Every time I go to Panera I usually spend about $10-$15

>> No.5219224

You type like a 50-something.
Do what you want. Panera isn't gr8, m8. 10 bux for a hot pocket isn't how I want to roll.

>> No.5219265

Then don't. Why do you know the prices at a fuck company like panera in the first place?

If I think a company sucks then I don't patronize them enough to know their pricing.

Why? Because if they suck then I don't care about them!

>> No.5219300


How did you find your way here? This is the board where we confuse fast casual with fine dining and complain that Chain X is worse than a Michelin one star place we've never actually been to.

>> No.5219304

Do they sell gluten free?

>> No.5219307 [DELETED] 

Is it gluten free?

>> No.5219309

fuck off nigger

>> No.5219313

is it gluten free?

>> No.5219322

But anon, Chipotle and Panera are actually really good. Heck, where I'm from they have incredible reviews through word of mouth alone, and tons of people line up to get summa that not-quite authentic but still pretty good mexican food. As a business, they are booming.

>> No.5219330

Might be nice just to serve others.

>> No.5219647

Tyrone is not available only Jamal and Shaniqua.

>> No.5219647,1 [INTERNAL] 

Half of you on this thread are morons and need to burn. The other half.. well idk....

Panera Cares, a non-profit, sit under the Panera Bread Foundation. With a Cares Community Cafe there are a couple ways you can contribute. We ask that if you can leave the full value of your meal that you do so and that will help sustain the cafe. If you leave anything above the value of the meal it will help feed someone else, and if you yourself are struggling then you can volunteer an hour in exchange for meal, drink, couple of pastries, and loaves of bread.

The next person to compare Panera (in general) to fast-food (and McDonalds specifically) will be hunted and shot.

Panera actually has food safety and operational standards that McDonalds never will be able to touch. Panera is NOT "fast-food", it's wholesome food fast. In the dining world it is categorized as "fast casual".

Learn restaurant categorization, morons.