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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5210150 No.5210150 [Reply] [Original]

Stealing food from work. Are any of you guilty of it?

I work at a catering business, and my boss and I are the only ones who work there. I started taking a little but of stuff... At most, I steal every two weeks or so-- I take a bag (6 pieces of frozen chicken breasts) and maybe some (3pc) pizza dough. I get paid a little over minimum wage, and I'm fucking poor. The last time I bought chicken breasts was like... 3 months ago.

I'm starting to feel bad about this. Plz tell me im not the only 1

>> No.5210171

I used to just steal a days worth of food from the fast food joint I worked at, nothing wrong with it unless you get caught.

>> No.5210182

Everyone at my work "steals" food. IT's just stuff we're technically not supposed to take, but no one cares. People will grab a few strips of bacon after it comes out of the oven, snack on some chips during slow periods, etc.

>> No.5210184

Oh my. You are so precious. I feel bad for you that you feel bad about this.

>> No.5210193

inb4 OP gets arrested

>> No.5210194 [DELETED] 

I would never steal from work but I steal from grocery stores all the time. I have been got a couple times but I just feign surprise that an item wasn't scanned.

>> No.5210213

I don't ever steal anything that would be missed at work.

I don't steal anything else though unless you count digital entertainment.

>> No.5210214 [DELETED] 

>I don't steal anything else though unless you count digital entertainment.
That's stealing.

>> No.5210218

>fuck up in the slightest way
>thief is now on your resume forever
>impossible to land good job
It's not worth it mang

>> No.5210219

>only you and boss working there
>boss repeatedly finds missing inventory
>hmmmm i wonder who's responsible

>> No.5210237

This is what I'm worried about.

She doesn't really take inventory. She just asks me what are we low on so she knows what to order for the next truck. I also portion out 70% of the stuff in the store, and I have never seen her count it. I know she counts the beef she portions out, so I never take any of those.

>> No.5210238

Not really, I use to help myself to as many packs of saltine crackers when I got chili. But then they issued a new rule of only two cracker packs per person. One of my coworkers was fired for stealing a hard boiled egg. She tried hiding it in a cup.

>> No.5210248

Used to take bags of soup home,any desert or lasagne leftover when i was working in the dish pit. I took home a fuck ton of ziti / rig and tomato sauce they where throwing out and made some baked ziti.

>> No.5210249

Recently I've been going to the supermarket and loading up one of the small bags that they have that you can fill with pastries, like $3 each. The bag is only the size of an A4 piece of paper so I full it with like 3 pastries and walk to the other side of the store and eat them in the aisles.

>> No.5210257

Considering there are exactly two people working and you are one of them, don't you feel stealing is a bit more personal than stealing from a supermarket or 100 employee business? You are pulling the money right out of your bosses's business and by the sound of it she's probably not the richest person in US of A.

>> No.5210261
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I used to work at Coca Cola as a "route salesman", basically a truck delivery driver that makes a base wage $200 a week plus commission which was 68 cents a case. This was back in 1997.

There are three kinds of routes: Cold Drink (filling vending machines.¢ ), Bottle and Can (convenience stores, liquor, small retail stores. $$), and Bulk (Pallets of product to the big retail chains.$$$)

As a new driver, I was assigned to the most time and labor intensive type of route to make commission from, which was the Cold Drink Route.

The hours were however long it took you to complete your route, which on a quick seamless day from start to finish may take around 8-9 hours if you hustle. I averaged around 9-10 hours a day, but some days would be out as long as twelve, but not as often.

I would service an average of 100 machines a day for 5 days a week. From the single machines at a small business, to over a dozen per schools, tons at universities and dorms.

It was robotic, mindless, and tedious work day in and day out. I was starting to resent how much I was making in this dead end job, and started to get depressed as an young 19 year old guy facing the rest of his life...

(To be continued)

>> No.5210265

Thanks I needed to hear this. I also kept this in mind :[ I will just ask her if I can take home a meal every month or so.

>> No.5210266

tbh, most bosses in small business are very interested in keeping loyal employees happy. i'm sure she'd probably have no issue with it.

>> No.5210271

yeah definitely. she's offered me some stuff to take home. i've asked her on two separate occasions if i could buy something (50% off price), and she's let me have it for free.

;_; oh god feels bad man.

>> No.5210277
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To cut this post a lot shorter than it already is...

I started skimming money from the machines. Only a couple of dollars per machine. I had to collect the money from each machine, and each machine had it's own separate banker's bag, placed in a small dropsafe in the truck and at the end of the day, I would deposit all the bank bags into a bigger dropsafe at the warehouse to be processed the next morning.

I figured if I had to collect the money, and put it in a bag, and it was already in my hands, what would be the difference. Collect $60 snag a buck. Collect $100+ snag 2 bucks. At the end of the day I had an average of $200 in singles in fat wad in my right front pocket.

I didn't mean to steal $1000 a week, it just happened to turn out that way. I mean It didn't feel like as if I stole $1000 a week all at once, because it was a buck here, a couple of bucks there throughout my whole day.

Well one thing was for sure, I wasn't depressed anymore. Lol!

After awhile, $1000 in ones start to accumulate. I knew that I wasn't going to just walk into a bank and just deposit it into my checking account.

So, I started spending it. Fill my car with gas, paid in singles. Grocery store? Paid in singles. I'd go through the drive-thru of any fast food place on the way home from work and order whatever I wanted without a care in the world.

I even paid my rent in ones, which luckily the land lord lived downstairs from me in a duplex. He thought it was odd, but I told him I worked as a bartender in the city on weekends.

>> No.5210293


>coming up $1000 short every week

Bullshit, no fucking way you didn't get caught.

>> No.5210295

holy shit. did you ever get caught?

>> No.5210322
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I like to go out to the bars on weekend nights. Bought all my friends drinks and tipped bartenders and servers very well.

My weekly paycheck would be deposited straight away, and would rarely be withdrawn unless I had to pay for something I bought online, or my car loan, insurance, registration etc.

When I would go away on vacation for a week, I'd bring around $5000 in ones to spend and buy souvenirs and gifts for all my friends and family.

I wasn't a gambler, otherwise I'd go to an Indian casino and play slots. I just figured that it would take forever to play $1000 in ones into a machine. With my luck, I'd end up winning even more cash, which was the opposite of what I was trying to do, which was to get rid of the rapidly accumulating amount of cash at my house.

I was a dollar store "millionaire". I was rich, but I couldn't buy what I really wanted without raising any eyebrows. I wanted a nice sports car, a fast motorcycle, you know... Toys!

I wanted my own house, a condo, even a nicer apartment, but what was I going to do?

I did have a lot of nice clothes, just not as nice as I would like because it was really uncomfortable to pay for $200 dollars in ones for a pair of shoes.

I could buy books, and I got into building model cars which was kinda meh...

To be continued...

(I have to meet my sister and my nephew and niece for lunch... Perhaps after lunch, take them on a shopping spree at Dollar General. Huehuehue!)

>> No.5210338

aren't you worried that you'll be caught by staff/cctv?

>> No.5210343
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Ok, real quick because I gotta run. if there's any questions or comments, i'll relply back if this is still up when I get back. Later...

From what I've heard from the drivers in my section that did it and were there longer than me, $1-$5 isn't shit because Coke takes their cut and cuts a check for the rest to who ever leases the machines after all expenses are paid. Essentially everyone gets their money, just not as much as they should.

So Joe's Fixit Shop got a check for $100 this month instead of like $105. BFD...

No, I threw out my back and worked through it for a couple more years before I got burned out and just quit. Never heard a thing since.

>> No.5210349

I would be too afraid o do something like this.

I am black and I do not want a criminal record.

>> No.5210388

lol crackers are like 3 cents a packet what kind of cheap motherfuckers are you working for?

>> No.5210402

worked in 2 supermarkets and at a restaurant.

First place I was a cashier turned stock worker. Used to take candy bars every once in a blue moon. After being there for over a year and being denied a raise and seeing non english speaking fat fucks getting promoted it pissed me off. Mostly because they would come to me with their problems. When friends or their relatives would come through my aisle I would only scan half the items. I was really good at this, because of it winded up boning my friends older cousin after Thanksgiving cause I gave her like 200 or so off of one order.
When I get sent to work in stock I would steal those yogurts with m&ms in them and nesquik. When the store was slow I would steal pizza and microwave it in the back. Oh didnt mention it but the stores had fake cameras that didnt actually work and few workers seemed to know. One time my ex-coworker/friend pulled up in the loading dock with his truck and I gave him like 10 of those coke can fridge pack boxes. One time me and another guy realized they left the booze section unlocked and we stole a box of iceberg vodka and hid it behind a truck and picked it up later at night.
Would also go there when I wasnt working and pick up a 32pack of redbull and just walk out with it through the back. Id wave at the deli ladies on my way. Did this quite a lot. Never got fired but I just walked out one day when I got fed up with the job (i worked at another supermarket at the same time where they treated me like a human).

At this second supermarket I worked in the produce section and mostly just ate fruit whenever I wanted but it was encouraged by the managers to be more informed. Would also get free donuts and pastries that they would throw out which we werent allowed to but fuck it. If people left items that werent from our section on top of our shit wed take it back and split it. Other than that not much because like I said, they treated me fairly. Restaurant I just made extra food whenever

>> No.5210409

>nothing wrong with it unless you get caught

>I don't feel bad about doing crimes, just getting caught

>> No.5210413

Law and morality are not the same concept, didn't you know? Do you feel about about crimes simply because you might get caught?

>> No.5210414

if its a small business or a mom and pop kind of place then i would feel bad, from what i understand they don't really make that much money

people got caught where i worked and were all immediately fired, but that was like 5% of the people actually stealing

sadly they began to enforce bag checks when entering exiting the building after someone was caught with ~40lb frozen chicken breast and a few bags of waffle fries

>> No.5210444

not food related, but I used to steal clothes from a clothing store I used to work at.

Every Wednesday I was alone in the shop and there were no security cameras, so it was easy as hell.
no regrets

>> No.5210445

How much free Coke did you drink, anon?

>> No.5210450


Well if there's only you and your boss it's kinda stupid, unless your boss is stupid.

>> No.5210451

When I had a high school job working at Arby's, I would sneak curly fries and chicken tenders, but that's about it.

Later on, when I got to retail management level, I realized how internal shrink hurt the bottom line and could cost people their jobs. So I feel a bit bad about it. Especially because Arby's is a franchise chain, so I wasn't just sticking it to some faceless corporation, but something that a local business-owner had put time and money into.

>> No.5210457

I work at a supermarket. could be fired and have my employment records fucked if I did.
different scenario if you're working with non commercial food obviously.

>> No.5210458

Eating/drinking while in the store isn't an issue. They can't do anything to you, because you can just say you were hungry/thirsty now and will pay for it when you checkout.

>> No.5210529

Dude why didn't you invest that money

If I had change like that I'd maybe buy a few bounce houses, maybe rent them idk

>> No.5210533

When I worked at BK, we'd cook a batch of chicken fries for the warming tray. We would grab a few out of the tray as we walked by, so by the time anyone actually ordered some, they'd be gone. Management got pretty pissed when they figured out why we were constantly running out of chicken fries despite not selling very many.

>> No.5210534

Depends on circumstances. Do you take the bag with you or toss it somewhere? In my state they can still arrest and charge you with shoplifting just for eating a grape to test the bunch. I knew a girl who would steal donuts like that and she was eventually caught when she just walked out without buying shit one day.

>> No.5210535

I don't know what laws are like where you live but I know that in Germany a woman got fired for eating in store. And "I would totally have payed later" is a very bad excuse along the lines of what a real thief would say.

>> No.5210540

>work at a grocery store
>we have to pull all the stuff that expires tomorrow from the shelf and throw it away
>'throw away' some into my grocery bag some nights
>technically not supposed to
>nobody gives a fuck

So yeah, all the time.

>> No.5210556

all of my lol.

>> No.5210560

Does an employer really have the right to be mad at you for stealing food, if they aren't paying you enough to feed yourself in the first place?

>> No.5210563

Do not shit where you eat, you fucking pleb.

>> No.5210565 [DELETED] 


>> No.5210566
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>> No.5210569

Nothing from the business itself, just some colleagues' lunches

>> No.5210596

this is best advice.

But generally speaking, fuck America's slave wage system. Steal fucking everything you can. Living poor is a difficult thing to do.

>> No.5210600

Fast food jobs when I was a teenager, I ate food all the time. One of my managers would skim a twenty off of the till to get us all lunch from another fast food joint down the road because he knew we were sick of our food. Another job I had was at an tourist trap ice cream parlor that was dead on weekdays.

We were technically allowed one item free item per shift, but the owner's brother who'd manage some shifts didn't give a fuck and I'd eat ice cream and read the books from the giftshop all day.

Latest foodservice job I had was at a casino, and you couldn't get away with anything. Actually, you probably could, but there was a lot of peer pressure from the idiots who actually believed that the surveillance department was constantly monitoring the single camera in our shitty little kitchen. And a lot of snitches that would do anything to make a good impression in hopes of getting a full-time position.

>> No.5210604

I worked at a gas station for a few years and would occasionally make a sandwich for myself at night while I was making the others.
This eventually evolved into me eating the occasional burger from the deli.
Then small packs of donuts.
The reasoning in my head was
"I've worked for this goddamn place 3 years and only got one raise for a fucking dime. I've worked holidays. Overtime. Even my days off. Fuck it. I earned this shit."

>> No.5210608

You threw out your back placing bottles into a machine?

>> No.5210617

I work at a small cafe/deli. i steal food all the time - only because each week I have to throw out so much of it. I remember one weekend I must have throw out over 30 croissants

>> No.5210620

I'm working at a Walmart where the security people watch the employees more than the customers.
We've got people walking out with literally thousands of dollars of merchandise stuffed in a cart, and the AP lady does nothing but sit on her fat fucking ass and drink coffee in her little room.

But god fucking forbid one of us open something without paying.

One of my co-workers is this obese, older lady who's sweet and cheerfull as hell, but she started having asthma trouble and was parched from standing 6 hours on her feet without a drink or break. She went to my drink cabinet thing and got a water, and opened it for a drink. As she was waddling up my line to pay for it, within 30 goddamn seconds the AP bitch was there, getting shitty and telling her she should pay for things before opening them.
I'll never hit a woman, but I wanted to punch that fucking bitch so hard right then

>> No.5210627

>what is a background check

>> No.5210635

My fucking sides

>> No.5210646


>> No.5210656

He said he did about 500 a week.

>> No.5210671

Security watches the employees at the casino more than the customers too, but they're a hell of a lot more concerned with cashiers and dealers pocketing benjamins than somebody throwing together a cheeseburger and "forging" to pay for it. The guys who collect money from the slot machines have to wear pocketless jumpsuits, FFS, even though the cash is in locked cassettes.

Wal-Mart blows, too. Forgot I mentioned I used to work there. I just worked back in the deli and not on the floor. Got away with munching on stuff that was going to go into the waste bin anyway, but I didn't have the balls to take anything out of the store.

>> No.5210678

A background check is only going to include the fact that you worked there and for how long. The same info a potentional employer is only allowed to ask previous ones. I've never been fired but I've worked twice as many jobs than are on my resume and I've never been asked about jobs not listed on the resume.

>> No.5210683

he's talking about getting arrested, which is a standard question during a background check

>> No.5210685

He said nothing about getting arrested. And they don't ask you about getting arrested, they ask if you have been charged with a felony.

>> No.5210688

*convicted of

>> No.5210700


Oh yeah. As long as it's not a felony he should be fine, just don't list it on your resume

>> No.5210719

I was wrong, then

Cheers and thanks for the info

>> No.5210766

I volunteered in a gift shop in high school weekly. I took a few candy bars every week for my hours of service.

When I interned in a large company office, I'd take a few pens or a simple notebook or binder every now and then.
Everyone does this.

>> No.5210790

>Everyone does this.

No, not everyone. It's really not to your benefit to think like that.

>> No.5210848

Reminds me of the food drive Wal-Mart workers created because they get paid so little.
In a land of excess exploitation and excess waste, nobody should feel bad for stealing food.

>> No.5210871

Why didn't you convert some of those singles into fives, tens, and twenties? Just go to a bank that's out of your way and that's not a branch of the one that has your accounts.

>> No.5210893
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Everyone eats pretty well around our kitchen. The only time I feel like Im stealing is when I take oysters.

>> No.5210895

He didn't want to create a paper trail. The IRS would be interested in just where he got that extra income without any reasonable explanation to justify it.

He played it smart. He didn't touch any of his "official" money in his account and only used it to pay off bills and other stuff that requires a paper trail. All the stuff that's under the radar like gas, food, clothes, etc. were with cash.

The only thing he'd have to worry about is if he got audited. This is the same sort of problem that embezzlers and drug dealers have to deal with in disposing their ill-gotten gains and consuming it wisely.

>> No.5210901


Where I live, Amscot does this without asking questions and I do it with hundreds of dollars sometimes

>> No.5210927

Same casinofag that was already posting in the thread here, and I agree.

Both casinos and banks are covered by the same law and they don't have to report shit to the government until your transaction hits $10,000 per day. They obviously cooperate with said government regulations, but don't they won't waste time going above and beyond the call of duty.

>> No.5210930

>hundreds of dollars sometimes
That's attracting a little too much attention.

Though fortunately, very few people would raise eyebrows at someone asking to convert 50 singles to five 10's or 2 20's and 2 5's or whatnot. It's the inverse of what somebody with a ton of illicit cash (usually in large bills) has to do. It's highly doubtful that anyone would suspect anything so long as you keep it to a low amount and don't always go there.

>> No.5210941

>Work at a pet store
>have tried one of every type of dog treat
>some are actually not half bad
I guess that counts as stealing, right?

>> No.5210942

Exactly. If I had 1000 bucks in singles, all you have to do is keep 200 of it in 1 bills while the rest you quietly and slowly change for larger bills.

Go to a supermarket when it's kinda slow and do some shopping. After you pay for your groceries, ask the cashier if you get 20 or 30 bucks in 5's, 10's, or 20's. Any retail store would love to get tons of singles. Plus they wouldn't be suspicious that you're giving them counterfeit bills because nobody would do that for a single. Just say you've got a lot of singles left over from highway toll cash or something.

Just be sure you do it far from your home and never go to the same place twice if you can help it.

>> No.5211041

Yeah.. I used to be a cleaner for a private school
Living buy myself and broke as fuck
We would get free bottles of milk for our break room, just go into the chiller and grab one

Totally stole one as I didn't have any food for the week, still feel guilty
The next day or so they asked us vaguely about it, I know they knew

>> No.5211077

No but when I ran a pizza place I cleaned them out for around $30k in cash to feed my junk addiction.

Place closed a few years ago.

>off scott free

>> No.5211084

Well it depends on the size/health of the business but generally a catering business wont even notice a bag of chicken and some pizza dough go missing. Dont feel bad. All that shit can get written off on tax anyway.

disclaimer: I'm a logistics manager for my family's catering business.

>> No.5211191

I worked at a Wendy's in high school and used to skim off cash all the time. When I worked as drive thru cashier, I was able to apply the senior discount (10% I think) after the receipt was already printed. So I'd ring customers up for the senior discount, then do the math in my head and give them the change and receipt for the regular price. At the end of the shift I'd mentally tally up the total difference and was able to take a few twenties out of the till without fucking up the books.

I currently work at the commissary/warehouse for a small, family owned gourmet food business with 3 retail stores. Inventory is done far less frequently than it's supposed to, and even when it is done the numbers are always fucked up and nobody knows why. I don't think there's much theft at my workplace, but in the past few months I've worked there I've stolen hundreds of dollars worth of cheese and salamis and nobody's ever said a thing. It helps that I'm the last one to leave and lock up the place, so there's nobody to watch me.

>> No.5211239
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Ok, I'm back.

You would have to understand the risk, and odds of getting caught. For me the risk and odds were so low, that It didn't worry me while committing the crime.

It worried me more figuring out ways to get rid of it, while at the same time I kept bringing more home 5 days a week.

One of the perks of the job... A cold drink at every stop. Lol!

When I first started there, I trained with an older guy. He'd say, "You get paid $200 + commission a week, and all the free soda you can drink!"

That job ruined me, because it irks me to this day each every time I have to pay for a soda.

Investing money for my future wasn't even a concept in my 19 year-old mind.

>>5210895 This to a certain degree, but you're giving me way too much credit.

Looking back, It just wasn't going to happen at the time. I was caught up in a vicious cycle of bringing it home and getting rid of it.

You have to understand what a thousand one-dollar bills look like. Stacked neatly, it nearly fills up a small shoebox.

I was already in possession of stolen cash, there was no way I was walking into a bank to make a deposit with it too.

Cases of cans and bottles just don't magically unload themselves and fly to and into the vending machines. I'd be lucky to even be able to drive right up to a machine.

Also I'm sure you've seen the delivery trucks before. They don't exactly back up to a loading dock and you just roll out a stack at a time. That means you usually have to pull them up over curbs, a few steps, maybe even a couple of flights of stairs if there's no elevator.

For maximum efficiency and conservation of time that mean full stacks on your dolly for each trip back to the truck.

It's not much the strain, but the repetitious nature of the job.

This. Thanks for explaining.

(To be continued, because comment is too long)

>> No.5211277
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As I stated before, I was just a 19 year old kid at the time, not Don Corleone.


It wasn't even a thought and if it was, I really didn't have much time to waste figuring how I was going to launder cash.

I had to be at work at seven in the morning and usually didn't get home until 5 or 6 in the evening. On the weekends I usually partied late and slept in on mornings, did laundry, go shopping, hang out with friends.

Some weekends I would just do nothing, but eat and sleep, watch TV, play video games... whatever I wanted.. Rest up for Monday to roll around.

>> No.5211347

>using your superpowers for crime
Your brothers need you

>> No.5211369

shit yeah. i work at jimmy john's and eat off the line and make sandwiches all the time.

depends on who's managing, though.

>> No.5211393

>It helps that I'm the last one to leave and lock up the place, so there's nobody to watch me.

that makes you a prime suspect, silly.

but really, stealing from a family owned business? i can understand wendy's, but damn. how do you not feel guilty?

>> No.5211857


Just take home already cooked leftovers... I'm sure there are some, and I'm sure your boss isn't שָּׂטָן himself, so live it up. And once a month? Nah, b, strike whenever the opportunity presents itself.

>> No.5211916


camera in the kitchen
> camera in the kitchen
camera in the KITCHEN?



>> No.5211934

Be on drugs, head chef/friend gets fired I quit, then come back when new sous chef is there during busy rush to get my knives and clean out my things. Pack my things, add 2 gallons top shelf olive oil, several pounds of. I'll spices, 3 bottle of white truffle oil, large block of grana padana 3 boxes of risotto rice, and 10 16 ounce dry aged ribeyes! No fucks were given, nor was it noticed

>> No.5211967

> work upick farm
> free shit left and right
> veggies potatoes tomatoes kale spinach ooh bitch
> sweet and tart cherries
> peaches, nigga, peaches
> apples and apple cider and apple butter
> venison
> chickens (u-slaughter kek) and egs
> pears
> hot peppers and sauce
> raspberries and blackberries
> pumpkins squash gourds
> farm family breakfast fo free at 7 am err day
> make time and a half min wage
> still steal from the till

I miss working there...

>> No.5212032

You should have pretended you were a stripper.

>> No.5212051

I used to eat a shit-ton of ice cream when I worked at a soft-serve place. We were technically only allowed one item per shift, but really the owners didn't care so long as you didn't use the primo toppings like pecans. I used to fill "fresh" (just opened) cones with vanilla and peanuts. Shit was great.

I also skimmed shit from a drycleaners I worked at, because fuck minimum wage and fuck everyone who worked there. Our till was based off of receipts so I'd just find one worth around $20, then take that exactly out of the cash drawer and pocket it and the receipt.

>> No.5212132

When I worked at Wendy's no nugget was safe. Also liked to snatch up meat from the grill when I was working that area. Actually once conspired to steal a case of meat for a "cookout" with friends, but glad I didn't. They kept pretty tight inventory and I would have gotten pinched. Also how the fuck would we cook those patties on a conventional grill?

>> No.5212155


I take candy sometimes from my work but I do it openly and my boss doesn't give a fuck as long as I'm not stealing heaps of it.

>> No.5212403

I used to work at a shitty chain supermarket, 0 cameras in the entire store, took everything I could, god I miss it

>> No.5212927

I . . . I confess, /ck/. Twenty years ago I took some god-tier mechanical pencils from work. I hope the statue of limitations has worn out so that the NSA doesn't hunt me down and drone me.

>> No.5212941

>fired for stealing a hard boiled egg
How butthurt do you have to be? A confrontation, coupled with a slap to the wrist or a shaming in front of the other worker if you are so fucking serious about this should have been the most he your boss needed to do.

>> No.5213238

>fuck being paid minimum wage doing thus job that I applied for and accepted

>> No.5213250

It's expected and accounted for that you do that if you're paid minimum wage.

>> No.5213252

Mom and teacher said I'm special and my liberal arts degree in negro studies proves it.
Now gimmie six figures or I will kick and scream some more.

>> No.5213260

>romney and paul said I'm special and my white skin proves it
>if I don't get what I want I'm going to complain about affirmative action some more

>> No.5213263

When I worked at an amusement park I would take one of those big as your face cookies home every night. I figured I deserved it, being yelled at all day by dirty white trash that wanted their chicken fried up immediately and nigs who came to the park to scam free shit. By the end of the summer I was taking all the tip jar money and giving all my coworkers cookies too. I don't feel bad.

>> No.5213269

>>romney and paul said I'm special and my white skin proves it
I don't need them to tell me that. All I have to do is look at history and who civilized and modernized the world.
Sorry I hit so close to home for you though, I was just generalizing. Still friends?

>> No.5213279
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>look at history and who civilized and modernized the world

You may not have much, but you still have your race. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.5213302

>only you and your boss work there
>boss will eventually check stock and realize shit is missing

Do you not see the problem with this?

>> No.5213346
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You too.

>> No.5214651

She doesn't necessarily check "stock." She only checks what we are low on. I don't take cans of anything. Again, I take one or two things like every two weeks...

Also read a lot of these posts! Anyone else have any stories? They're quite amusing

>> No.5214770

Hey anon, did coke wise up to this sort of thing? It seems like a hell of a way to make good cash if you play it smart like you did.

>> No.5214868

Do you have any evidence of this? I know in retail the cost of theft is factored into the price but I've never heard of the employer expecting employees to steal and some how accounting for that.

>> No.5214873

I used to steal donuts, hot dogs, and sandwiches from my old gas station job. I love gas station food. I don't even care.

>> No.5215377

>be sample guy at costco
>at the end of day have to throw out all unused food
>take that shit home

I usually take whatever my bag allows me too without getting caught. It's such a disgusting waste of money just tossing food away when people out their are starving.

>> No.5215447

Of course I avoid the staff and cctv, but I'm not that scared of getting caught on camera, think about how many hours and hours of footage would get recorded. I don't do it every day so no one has recognized me, I've been thinking of going there at like 7am when they open so I get like 10 pastries :3

>> No.5215461
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My friend became assistant manager of a local fancy pants restaurant that did catering. Whever he did inventory after an invent, he'd mark some leftovers as consumed and keep them.

MFW we just drank a bottle of champagne he got this way while playing DnD last weekend

>> No.5215464

What is DnD like, anon? I've never even thought about it, is it next level nerd shit?

>> No.5215466

When I worked at Wendy's I would pocket any coupons I thought I would enjoy and then go to another Wendy's to redeem them. I still have like a dozen free chili cheese fry and free frostie coupons sitting in my car.

Now I work at a dry cleaning place and regularly find $1s and $5s in suits and pants pockets, which I also keep.

youre not the only one, OP

>> No.5215472

Not unless you play with social retards. Honestly, the game gets a bad rep due to pop culture. It's really just about telling a good story and laughing it up with your friends. It's an extremely social game that requires good communication skills.

>> No.5215474

>that requires good communication skills.

Please elaborate further my friend.

>> No.5215476

you're constantly interacting with the other players, rather you're trying to get information, or even in combat. For example, if you're planning on casting a ranged spell, you should probably make sure your ally isn't in the way, because it you fumble your roll, you just might kill them.

>> No.5215478

>because it you fumble your roll, you just might kill them.

lel okay nerd.

>> No.5215480

is...this supposed to be insulting?


>> No.5215482

Most pathetic post of the day award, right here

>> No.5215483

I used to play competitive tf2
this sound kind of like the bullshit people would spout about their top notch communication and team play, when all it actually means is saying "i'm going right, where are you anon?" and "i killed a gu-oh shit i'm down"

>> No.5215486

Top notch communication can occur, but only between individuals players that know each other so well that they're practically reading each others' minds already. The game is usually just really chaotic. Friends you've played with for an hour or more a day for months on end though can really make a difference.

>> No.5215488

If you do that in DnD you either get fucked, or fuck everyone else.

>> No.5215492

>got fondled by a dnd playing kiddie diddler
>projecting insecurities on others who enjoy having fun

>> No.5215497

Just gonna leave this here...


>> No.5215500

that's how tf2 is too. if you're playing with dudes you know well and can have a laugh with, fun ensues and that leads to everyone being talkative and working together.
what i was trying to say is that claiming exceptional communication skills is really pretentious and makes everything seem so serious and tactical. no fun allowed etc.
idk though, only games with a comp scene I know anything at all about are tf2, ql, dota 2 and cs:s/go

>> No.5215515

>I was taking all the tip jar money
As opposed to? You didn't work for one of those jew owners that actually kept the tips, did you?

>> No.5215516

I've always avoided competitions. I helped distribute the Guinsoo Dota on WC3, and got banned for my efforts by that faglord before it was taken over for him. Fuck that backstabbing college prick.

Communication was actually pretty important in Dota, but only to the extinct of quickly being able to type or ping.

>> No.5215546
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>Work in a huge mall
>I'm the last person out aside from night guards
>Hop the counter to any of the 50 smoothie places and make myself smoothies
I take churros and whatever shit they leave out too
Cinnabun leaves so much stuff I can stuff fucking bags of it

>> No.5215550

Aren't there cameras though?

>> No.5215553
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>Mfw I get caught stealing all the time and get off with fake names and a warning not to do it again
>"Is this the first time you've stolen?"
>"Yes sir I'm so sorry It won't happen again"

>> No.5215554

Not any anywhere
Its crazy
The punchline is that I have to carry fucking sacks of money all over but all I take is churros and smoothies

>> No.5216071

Im a manager for a night shift fast (ish) food (whataburger).

We get 50% off, which is nice. However, if an employee does well that night, i will "cover" their meal.

By that, i say or imply im going to pay for it. I dont.

Thats about it.

>> No.5216077

How would you react if you found out an employee was stealing patties or fries to take home?

>> No.5216085

Depends how much.

We had a dumbfuck manager stealing entire cases of meat.

I have one employee take waste meat and fries home for her dogs.

Ahh, that reminds me. Some cunt 3 years ago tried to blackmail me. "hur hurr i saw you eat so ima do what i want, if you dont let me ill call HR on you".

Faggot didnt realize im one of the most well liked manager because im about results, and thats it (dont care about phones, dont care about books, reading, hell, even games, as long as you do your work, and dont piss off the customers, and get orders out fast, i just dont care.)

Entire crew turned on him. Investigations were had (my only one) He was fired within the week.

>> No.5216087

I would steal crates of MREs constantly

>> No.5216103

You sound like a based manager.

Would be loyal to and work hard for/10

>> No.5216112

I dont know, i have to do some scummy things, but its more a numbers thing. Gotta keep "labor" (income to employee hours worked ratio) low.

This normally leads to me having to send people home early, and thats never fun.

I do keep it clear though, and explain why i am doing what im doing. My hour cut heirarcy is highschoolers first, then those in college, then those living on their own, then people with kids.

It sucks but thats life.

Whataburger is actually pretty good. 13 dollars an hour, 40-50 hours a week, monthly 300ish dollar bonus's, health/dental, sick/vacation pay,

All and all, not bad for a college job.

>> No.5216128

Besides sending people home early, what are some other "scummy" things you do

>> No.5216140

Prop open the door to the office when we are dead, turn on the computer, and browse 4chan on my phone.

They already know to call me if i need help, but i honestly dont have to really clean anything, or work unless they need me, and i dont really do much but manage.

So i feel lazy when i do that.

I rationalize it by telling myself that i did their job for 3ish years before becoming a TL, then a manager, so i have been there done that, AND its honestly not that bad, AND i have to stay late because manager paperwork shift changes, AND i let them on their phones no problem.

Yes, i make alot of excues to myself to browse 4chan. But i always get my work done, and so does my crew, and they know (and they have) to ask me for help if they need it.

Uhhhh, thats about it. The only person i really fired was a Team Leader under me that decided it would be a good idea to cuss out and throw a hat at one of my employee's.

>he tried to get unemployment afterwords
>Company would not pay, contested the charges, and a state of texas work board said no.

Felt A LITTLE bad, but he was a fucktard.

Ok, thats all lol

>> No.5216145

>arguing about morality
>while stealing

>> No.5216165

Dude you don't even seem like you're doing anything bad or scummish.

Even with your hour cut thing, you prioritize people with children, AND you let people do what they want as long as they get results. It seems like you care about your people, thats something most managers wouldnt do.

Fuck I wish I worked for more people like you instead of hyper aggressive, pushy, arrogant assholes.

>> No.5216182

The only thing I've ever "stolen" from work was about 3 pounds of 00

>> No.5216209

this is annoying. I worked my ass off when I moved out of state from my parents at some chain grocery, and would get bitched at for the smallest shit. I would work 4am morning shifts as a bakery clerk, and when the assistant manager comes in at 12pm, she always had something to bitch about. She constantly compared me to another coworker who was in her 40s with two kids doing a better job than me. No shit: she's worked there longer, she has a kids to take care of and working at a grocery as an adult. Shouldn't she be bettering herself to take care of her kids (getting a better education?). Needless to say, I quit after another bakery clerk coworker of mine stopped showing up.

Another thing is that I had a friend who was about to be promoted (he's only 20), but some bitch of a coworker came up with some sob story about how she needed the promotion more to take care of her kids. Who currr. Why can't people realize to NOT have kids if they can't afford it?

>> No.5216237

>Why can't people realize to NOT have kids if they can't afford it?
for the same reason why half the chucklefucks on /ck/ are on food stamps.

there are seriously many possibilities in the US to better your life even if you were born into a dirt poor family. it takes complete lack of effort and drive to be a fuckwad with kids working a minimum wage job that requires no skills or education.

>> No.5216250

Yep. The assist. Manager treated me as if I didn't work hard because I'm young; I was even saving $ to go back to school during that time.

>> No.5216259
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>there are seriously many possibilities in the US to better your life even if you were born into a dirt poor family.


>> No.5216265

>reading some shitty rant by a sjw fuckwad
i don't think so, tim.

if you have absolutely nothing going for you then enlist in the military. you'll get paid and have housing and food provided to you. if you're not a fuckwad you'll also go for a MOS that will prepare you for a career as a civilian.

of course it's easier to just collect obamabux.

>> No.5216270

America has some of the worst management in history right now. It's a bunch of middle-aged brown-nosers that do nothing but sit in their office and browse the internet and play solitaire while hourly employees do their managers' jobs. The people who work the hardest and always show up are the ones held responsible when shit goes wrong, but the slackers that hide and do things wrong or nothing at all never get in trouble because they stay out of sight. And the people who get promoted are those that break company policy and get buddy-buddy with the bosses outside of work.

Going from being a base level employee to be a manager is either hard because of this fact, or undesirable in many locations because real managers make less per hour than many union workers.

>> No.5216273


>refuses to read based on baseless assumptions
>"hurr just join the military they'll take anyone"

Didn't know you were a troll. Carry on, I guess.

>> No.5216284


I agree, this is a huge problem. Place I work now has an awesome as fuck general manager. If someone calls out or something he'll be right there on the line with the rest of us, busting ass. It shows in the bottom line, too. People like working for him because he's not a dick. Place has only been open a couple years and is already making a profit.

Of course, it probably helps that he's part owner.

>> No.5216298

This is true. My father is a consultant who specializes in teaching companies how to make software teams work more efficiently, and you wouldn't believe the shit he has to fight against every day.

>> No.5216311

except it's not a baseless assumption, if it was you wouldn't be as butthurt. sjw always love bitching about shit they know nothing about.

i came from a working class family that immigrated to the US with virtually nothing to their name. yet i'm not on welfare or food stamps. the military is just one of the easiest ways to get out of poverty as long as you're not a junkie, criminal, or obese, i.e. a piece of shit.

>> No.5216333

Lol, you're pretty cool anon

>> No.5216354

I worked security at a bar for a while (while it was closed) and I'd just drink their beer, eat their snacks and play on my PSP all through my shifts. Only oversight was a supervisor occasionally coming to check that I was present and awake and nothing else

>> No.5216356
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I'm in the same boat.
Living by myself in my tiny, cozy little apartment.
No debt, no stress, no worries.
I make a buck above minimum wage, but I can still afford rent, bills, internet and food without any government assistance. Constantly neck deep in vidya and the warm glow of my computer monitors.

Living on your own isn't hard at all as long as you're not retarded with your money, and spend more than you have like society says you're supposed to do.
I guess I had the advantage of growing up in a dirt poor family, where we had to really pinch our pennies and make shit stretch.

>> No.5216367

I used to do that senior discount trick if the register was short. Sometimes if we were short by a lot ($20 or more) we'd take entire orders in our head and never even put it into the computer

>> No.5216370


What happens if you get injured?

>> No.5216374

>sjw always love bitching about shit they know nothing about.

What you mean to say is, "this person may offer a different viewpoint than mine, so I'll just ignore it."

Also, the military doesn't take just anyone anymore. It's not the 60s.

>> No.5216380

I drink the coke. I eat 2-3 granola bars a day. I eat what people bring to share.

To make up for it, I make things on platters and bring them in.

>> No.5216384

My work forced Obamacare on everyone.
It tacked on $18 per paycheck, but its enough to cover me if I lose a leg or fuck up my hand or shit like that.
Also a contingency of vacation days and a little nestegg saved up will help cushion the blow.
It'll fucking suck if i'm layed out on my back for a month, but it won't ruin me.

>> No.5216383
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the NSA have noted your behaviour

>> No.5216389

>getting arrested for stealing food from your min wage job
all my lels

>> No.5216393


>> No.5216497

>Coffee shop
>Pastries and sandwhiches are "technically" supposed to be thrown out.
>take them home.

I "suppose" that counts, even if the company has already written those items off as a loss. No one gives too much a crap. Main reason we don't take food home is because of health concerns. Company doesn't want to be held liable if you eat something old and get sick.

Otherwise, we get 30% off food, and free drinks while we work.

>> No.5216519

You can get in a ton of trouble for this. Stop now. Once you're legal age and get caught for this they flip a table.

>> No.5216531
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Sure thing, officer.

>> No.5216575

Nigger I'm trying to help you.

>> No.5216681


I agree with this wholeheartedly. Why do people with kids get preferential treatment? The best job you can get is fast food and you think you can support a kid? That mistake was on you and you should pay for it, not get ahead with it.

>b-b-but muh chillens gotta eat
>boo fucking hoo

Chances are, those neglected kids will live a life of crime anyways.

>> No.5216727

Whataburger fag here.

TLDR: Kids shouldnt suffer becuase their parents suck.

When i cut a highschooler/live at home colldge student, i only minorly inconvenience one person. People who live on their own, i hurt one person.

When i cut a single mom, i hurt two people, one of which is 100% innocent.

Also, im a manager, its fuckin magic i dont gotta explain shit get the fuck out. :^)

>> No.5216770

> work starts out good, interesting people, get to learn and try new things, working hard
> manager is cool guy, enthusiastic, makes me enthusiastic too
> then he leaves and a new manager comes
> rules and expectations abruptly change
> everyone is come down on for not doing this or that thing by new manager who wants to work their way up the ladder
> managers also have managers who have managers, and they all manage us lowly retail workers
> not only do managers change every few months, but ever manager has different expectations and even though we outnumber them 25 to 1, somehow they are unable to communicate the most basic of things to each other
> so when we do what one manager wants, another manager will see it, get mad thinking we did it on our own, blame us, make us change it back
> first manager comes and asks why we didn't do the thing
> we tell them about manager 2
> both managers make it seem like it's all our fault even tell us we should have told them better that manager 1 or 2 said something different
> work becomes a bore
> work becomes a chore
> more stressful than it's worth
> managers are more people who don't give a shit and just don't want people giving them shit than people who enjoy their jobs
> good managers are once in a blue moon on a leap year
> being a good employee is not rewarded, in fact, one coworker who once stocked at night, who worked 3x faster than others, was denied a transfer to a diff department because he worked so well, but they wouldn't give him a raise he deserved or even the full amount of his yearly raise
> came down on him harder than the slacker employees for not doing something as fast/well when it rarely happened

>> No.5216796

> eventually I learn to do what the others do as well.... get away with not working whenever it's possible
> steal time by spending 30mins in the bathroom every day
> taking the long way around to do things
> running into more customers because as frustrated as they get, they can't tell me off for helping customers
> used to be able to munch on a bite of pineapple from leftovers we cut up or half bad pineapples that had to be tossed, or pineapples we were coring that were half bad, as well as try out new products so we could tell the customers about them
> told we would have to buy them to try them, told off for not knowing what an item was like if we didn't buy it
> more and more shit piled up, turned me from an eager, productive worker into someone who knew how to calculate how much work was worth my actual pay
> once they started moving me around to other departments because they hired too many people in produce and were short other places, and were doing it to all the younger employees too, giving preferential treatment, I had enough

Walmart taught me that on the base level, everyone is just looking out for their own interests, and the only way to survive in that world and not get lost in depression and despair from being used day in and day out is to become conniving and calculating while trying to hold onto shreds of hope and humanity.

I've nearly graduated college and I'm afraid of working in a non retail environment because I don't want it to turn out that the entire world is just one giant Walmart...

I stole small things from the store, usually food. And employees would help each other out like filling deli trays for workers more full than trays for customers.I cant even shop there now because I hate what it represents and does to people so much. Buut if someone left money in the self checkout I'd always turn it in to customer service.

>> No.5216803

You're punishing one person for the mistakes of another either way. I say the parent should be punished somehow for then hurting someone with their decisions, but hopefully karma will work its way around on that.

I certainly don't want to suffer because some girl felt she wasn't getting enough parental attention and got knocked up by getting attention from sex. I was good, I didn't get knocked up and I didn't have the best home life growing up.

>> No.5216804

employees should be judged on merit... not on their ineptitude in using birth control in their private life

fuck you pinko scum

>> No.5216820

I get free food from work all the time so I don't have to. I work for a nice catering company and I recently started working with an affiliated restaurant. We have to eat everything on the menu before we start serving so I had the entire menu in like 4 days, I have two shelves in my fridge full of pasta and burgers and club sandwiches. They do full plates to try it so you can see how everything comes and so you feel better about making minimum wage during training while everyone else is pulling $15-$20 an hr in tips. The catering company lets us take home ANYTHING that is left over besides liquor. We even take home full bottles of wine on most events.

Have I thought about stealing stuff from the restaurant? Occasionally... but then I think HMMM I can just tell my boss 'I am hungry' and get half the shit on the menu for free. Just get a better job man.

>> No.5216823


It's a fucking fast food burger joint you prick.

>> No.5216897


Shit happens, if you dont like it, thats tough.

Im not going to fuck a kid.for the mistakes of their parent.

Got a problem with it? To bad scubtub, get the fuck out. :^3

>> No.5216946

I recently learned how to alter the prices of items in my chain supermarket. It's possible to set certain times for an item to be discounted, so I editted €10 bottles of sake to be €1 for 5 minutes after I finished working and bought a bunch of them at one of the stupid cashiers that wouldn't notice.

>> No.5217001

work has catered breakfasts and subsidized catered lunches (2bux for a chef-made meal in the arboretum/dining hall)
I don't have to steal

>> No.5217186

Im 10x more interested in the manager stories than the stealing ones

More manager stories please

>> No.5217261

I use to work at a convenience store. When the local drunks would come in to buy a 12 pack or case of beer with cash I would scan the beer, but instead of processing it I would clear it from the system and open the till with the key left in it real fast. They wouldn't even notice . I'd put their money in the register and give them change back, then later I would pocket the cash from the beer. Would do it couple times per shift get 20-40 bucks of cash.

>> No.5217514


What city do you live in? Just curious.

>> No.5218181

Work in sub shop while going to school, steal a large sub everyday

>> No.5218281
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>but hopefully karma will work

Great argument, bro.

>> No.5218805
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Fuck it, I'll post a few

>First job was at an amusement park selling ride photos
>Had a method of stealing $100+ every day through an error in the computer system
>Kept that job for 2 summers, stole almost every day, never got caught

>Next job was a punk-ass at Wendy's, couldn't really steal but witnessed co-workers almost get fired for selling their friends 6 or 7 nuggets instead of the standard $1 5 nuggets
>Hated that job, left as fast as I could

>Couple years later get a job at an ice cream joint
>Aloud to eat no more than $5 worth of product every day
>Make at least 2 monstrous sundaes for myself each shift, and bring something home for later too

>Last job was a prep cook at a mid-tier restaurant
>Normal shit, other cooks and I would munch bacon, fries, tempura green beans, whatever else we thought the higher-ups wouldn't notice/care about
>Sometimes one of the line cooks would order some pizzas for the kitchen staff
>I make it my mission to ensure that I get an unfairly large portion of the pizza because fuck everybody else
>End up getting laid off from that place, wish I had done more shit to fuck them over
>Remember keycode to dry storage, might go back as a guest when it's really busy and see what I can discretely pilfer

>> No.5218843

NO! If I were to steal anything from any place of work then it would reflect badly upon me and then I wouldn't be given the levels of access that I have into their computer systems.

I used to work for a publishing company that would get free samples of all kinds of stuff and it would be left around for folk to take. Including beer. That's not stealing.

I used to work for a supermarket chain, all you had to was ask if you wanted something and done. There's no reason to steal and destroy trust.

I'm not an obamanoid, I've never desired to steal, and I've been homeless, but never stole anything from anyone to get out of it. And out of it I am.

>> No.5218966

>Work for a catering company
>So much food getting wasted

Fuck it, I just eat them or take it home. We're so strict about how the food looks that the waste isn't properly managed.

>Bake an entire mousse cake out of a sheet tray
>Cut into 72 squares
>Some pieces are still good, but can't serve because of reasons like corner pieces, or one piece is a millimeter thinner, or that the chocolate cracked
>Employer forces us to throw them away
>One lady sets them aside in the fridge and feeds it to the staff instead during lunch
>Supervisor finds out one day
>She gets dangerously close to getting fired for it
>Literally cannot think of a reason why they would make such a big deal about feeding edible scrap pieces of cake to the staff

>> No.5219021

>I'm not an obamanoid, I've never desired to steal, and I've been homeless, but never stole anything from anyone to get out of it. And out of it I am.
>And out of it I am.