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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 196x200, Vienna Sausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5212936 No.5212936[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Foods you hate

>> No.5212948

i force to myself to eat those when i'm dieting.

they're a convenient low-carb meal. tolerable when drenched in hot sauce.

>> No.5212950
File: 21 KB, 370x300, clam chowder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather be punched in the stomach or tasered than eat a bowl of clam chowder.

>> No.5212952

Surely there are better things to eat when you're trying to diet of all things.

>> No.5212963

Keto nigga.

>> No.5212967


Eggplant, how anyone can possibly enjoy the bitter, spongy, nastiest demon spawn stuff is beyond me

>> No.5212976

By cooking it right

>> No.5212984
File: 66 KB, 500x333, Crispy Baked Eggplant Fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i like this version of eggplant parmesan.

>> No.5212991
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I've hated these ever since I was a kid. Something about the slight-bitter watery stem gets to me.

>> No.5213032
File: 44 KB, 450x450, Milda_4502_tcm59-367172[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, because my mother does not know how to use it.
also creme fraiche for the same reason.
i want to leave

>> No.5213033

I love vienna sausage.

>> No.5213039

Goat cheese
Fake vanilla, i.e. the shit on children's muesli bars
Hollondaise - can't be the only one
Those fucking child marketed sausages stuffed with processed cheese
Anything ridiculously spicy like authentic Phall
Black tea, though I greatly enjoy it unsweetened with literally only 1-2tsp milk. idek. maybe me and my country folk are just drinking shit tea.

>> No.5213044

Sweet pickles

>> No.5213062


> Hollondaise - can't be the only one

I was honestly starting to think I was the only one.

>> No.5213077

Soy milk makes me wanna vomit. It's like a drinking mucous-y backwash.

>> No.5213085


You're not the only one, I can't stand light sauces in general.

>> No.5213102

I don't like the taste and it feels like my teeth are getting coated in acid.

>> No.5213103


>> No.5213113

The food I hate the most is crybaby squeamtard picky eaters who ruin every gathering and make going out to restaurants pure hell.

>> No.5213115

You have no idea how much I detest caramel. First and last time I had one of those little caramel candies I almost vomitted it was so disgusting. I gagged a little, spit it out and rinsed my mouth for like 2 minutes to try and get the taste out. Ended up having to get a coke just to get some other taste in my mother, it was just so gross.

>> No.5213117

Onions, garlic, olives, cilantro, beans, tofu, pickles, bacon, lamb

>> No.5213121

That's not a food

>> No.5213125

You lie or you're underageb&

>> No.5213140

Are those those shitty sausages that taste like burned plastic?

>> No.5213155

Are you me? Also mayonnaise and vinegar

>> No.5213161

i am a straight up 5 year old when it comes to eating olives, just flat out refuse, i hate them a lot

i dont like sour cream or almonds but i will eat them as ingredients

those are the only 3 i can think of

>> No.5213166

Nope. I do love nattou though, go figure..

>> No.5213186
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>mfw nuts
They just feel weird when I bite them and they taste bad.

>> No.5213188

Like wet hotdogs

>> No.5213194

only reasonable post ITT

but to be honest I'll eat fucking anything as long as it probably won't kill me.

>> No.5213198

>not OP's post

>> No.5213203

sweet pickles are far worse than Vienna sausages if you ask me

>> No.5213217

Squeamish people are weak.
You have no will.
Shitty genes.
You need to die off.

>> No.5213240

That's not what your mom said last night.

>> No.5213248

The only thing I've been introduced to in a long time that I didn't like was eating at Chipotle. The chips and burrito tasted like sawdust and the salsa was like water.

>> No.5213303
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It's funny because Coke is caramel flavoured

>> No.5213316

it isnt though
its caramel coloured, maybe thats what youre thinking of

>> No.5213322

not that guy, but sugar=caramel
coke is like 99+1% sugar so it kind of is. just heavily masked by the carbonated water and generous chinese chemical additions

>> No.5213326

caramel is sugar thats undergone a very specific process called caramelisation

it has a pretty distinct taste that coca cola doesnt have

>> No.5213382

I fucking hate mayo, mushrooms and brussell sprouts.

>> No.5213406


OP your doing it all wrong !


2 cans (4 ounces each) canned Vienna sausages (about 14)
1 can (15 ounces) chili con carne
hot dog buns
shredded Cheddar cheese
chopped onion

Heat chili in saucepan and Vienna sausages on grate over glowing coals. Place 2 or 3 sausages in a long hot dog bun; spoon 1/4 to 1/3 cup heated chili over sausages.

Top with shredded cheese or chopped onion.

Makes 6 to 7 sandwiches.

>> No.5213410
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you haven't had Ivar's then! its the best clam chowder period!

>> No.5213419

Celery. I absolutely loathe the taste of Celery.

>> No.5213497

American "Cheese"
Nacho "Cheese"
Peas and Green Beans, although I love split pea soup.

>> No.5213653

Portabella mushrooms, cucumber, diced tomatos kind of funny because I like salsa but I do not care for tomatoes on my sandwich.

>> No.5213726

Just about anything from Kraft, General Mills, Kellog, Post, and the like. Because I like food made from ingredients I can recognize, and taste like something I can recognize.

I don't want to eat the Human Chow. I don't want the cheap, mass produced, dumbed-down versions of foods I'd otherwise like. Let the poor and/or ignorant eat that, but it's not for me.

>> No.5213752

tuna in a can (as in tuna salad
same with salmon in a can

I like whole salmon and tuna on like sushi but that canned bullshit smells terrible

now fresh tuna grilled..mmmm

ooh or fresh salmon grilled

>> No.5213757

pretty much what you said except I love rice cereals

>> No.5213810

It's fucking disgusting America-tier over-decadent garbage. I agree with you 100%.

>Goat cheese
You have gone too far.

>> No.5213906
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Slice the eggplant, lightly sprinkle it with salt (both sides), wait up to 5 minutes, soak up juices that came out - done! It won't be bitter any more. You can then fry that fucker on olive oil, add some chopped peppers, tomatoes, garlic - delicious!

To answer OPs question: I like everything, if properly cooked.

>> No.5213914

I've never tasted Hollandaise sauce but as far as i can tell it's just mayonnaise made from butter instead of oil, i don't understand how that could possibly taste bad?

>> No.5213945

Sugar OH i am just a card!

>> No.5213955

It tastes fine, but after a few bites you feel ready to have a stroke.

>> No.5213960

>I am a fat murikan

>> No.5214568
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What part of "I don't like eggplant" confused you?

>> No.5214603

>people on 4chan saying that others shouldn't pass on their genes

If anything sterilizing everyone on 4chan would do more good than bad. Well, not like anyone here's ever going to have kids though.

>> No.5214610 [DELETED] 

*tips fedora*

>> No.5214611

Nice logic

>> No.5214653

If you make it yourself its pretty tasty but most commercial caramel is gross because real caramel contains fresh butter and cream which are not exactly shelf stable. It has taken me years to learn that not all caramel is gross.

>> No.5214684

I can't stand things that people smother on their food to essentially dumb it down.

Sour cream
Kraft singles

>gagging rn thinking about it

>> No.5214705

cloves, fennel, and anise when they're a predominant flavor
black licorice

peanuts/tree nuts (I'm severely allergic)

>> No.5214707

>gagging rn thinking about it
if you really are then you have some serious mental issues
just because they're "pleb" doesn't make them disgusting

>> No.5214727

I guess you hate French cuisine, then.

>> No.5214740

Ever hear of hyperbole, anon?

No, I just genuinely don't like them on my food.

>> No.5214771

It is if you're determined.

>> No.5215155

I can't stand celery. Raw, with peanut butter and raisins, cooked, whatever. If its cooked into a dish I'll usually try to pick around it.

Everyone says celery doenst have a taste, but it does. And it is an awful one.

>> No.5215167

>tuna in a can
I really canned tuna
trick is to not get the shit in oil/brine, because that's fucking stupid and basically a deliberately unhealthy & disgusting selection
it's one of the best fitness foods and personally I find it delicious. not everyone can afford/wants to buy high quality seafood.

your opinion is your opinion though - not sure if it depends on the inner liquid but either way it's cool

>> No.5215198

Agreed, eggplants are Satan's Big Purple Dildos.

>> No.5215202
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Seriously, fuck these things.

>> No.5215204
File: 138 KB, 1600x1066, Stuffed Eggplant-6966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

egg plants are delicious though. especially pan fried. a chinese joint near my work also makes this awesome egg plant dim sum

>> No.5215205
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>> No.5215209

No. No, they are not delicious. They are foul, disgusting, slimy purple and white torture devices from the pits of rat-carcass-infested Hades.

>> No.5215222

Clam/potato/ham chowder.
Coke from a bottle.
Anything with artificial sweeteners.

>> No.5215235

Motherfucker, those are delicious.
I hope you get raped by niggers

>> No.5215256

Anything that is excessively hot. So much that it doesn't matter how good it tastes, it hurts, so why bother?

>> No.5215273

I'm going to take an unending amount of shit for this, but... tomatoes. I like the cooked flavor in certain foods but I fucking detest the texture and the taste of of them raw.

>> No.5215620

Circus Peanuts need to be banned as unsafe and befouled products due to the fact that they suck more than jet engines.

>> No.5215671

fried calamari
anything spicy
rare steak
all wine and beer
all seafood (except fish sticks)
all chinese food
expensive cheese
grilled/baked poultry
pizza with toppings
eggs (unless scrambled, well done)
bread with seeds all over it
different kinds of lettuce - not the regular kind

>> No.5215672

eat bacon for christs sake

or real sausage

or anything but vienna sausages

>> No.5215680
File: 21 KB, 460x276, Sauerkraut-in-bowl-010[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smell makes me vomit

>> No.5215685

what the fuck do you eat

>> No.5215688
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>> No.5215692
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I ate too many of these one time and puked. I can't even see or smell them without getting queasy...

>> No.5215700
File: 66 KB, 375x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foul and disgusting

>> No.5215740

OH DEAR GOD. FUCK THOSE THINGS.... Thinking of the pic makes me wanna barf my coffee... god call, but DAMN, WHO EVER THOUGH THOSE were a good idea
you can taste them in your nose

>> No.5215745

I don't get it. How do these differ from normal peanuts?

>> No.5215788

Thank god you don't know. Those are Elephant peanuts son. Or CIRCUS peanuts - don't know if i can post a link here, but i swear i just found on the straight dope "does anyone actually like Circus Peanuts"

>> No.5215790


The fuck is wrong with you

>> No.5215795


>I'm a big fat faggot who cannot control himself

>> No.5215796

The fuck can you not like okra...
Fried or just steamed I can eat a bag of those fuckers
lemme guess "eww they're slimy"
well so if a vagina. guess you are gay

>> No.5215798
File: 18 KB, 600x320, heyyou!george_mcfly-BTTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey leave that nigga alone... its not his fault he aint a bag of pure shit... he though they were real peanuts I guess... thats nasty fucking things should be banned

>> No.5215804

just one word, Mousakka

>> No.5215878
File: 14 KB, 251x226, 1266672339680s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I think we are agreed then. Eggplants and Circus Peanuts are henceforth Permanently Banned from /ck/ !!!

The people have spoken, any requests to reinstate either to active status have been denied. Please wait 30 days to resubmit for further dental.

>> No.5215880

If you roast the eggplant in small chunks doused in olive oil + salt for a good 45 minutes before adding it to the Moussaka it really makes the whole affair a lot better.

>> No.5215881


You're literally gay

>> No.5215893
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>> No.5215894

You picky little twats think you are edgy and discerning but you are actually just a bunch of weaklings. You are loathed in silence by all you dine with.
No one likes you.

>> No.5215912

I want Reddit to leave.

>> No.5215949

I want /pol/ to leave. Sings *you can't always get what you want*

>> No.5215957


Except Hollandaise is from the Netherlands (Or possibly the French, depending on which history book you read), not America.

I will reserve judgement on Hollandaise, because I've never ordered eggs benedict, or any other dish with Hollandaise on it from a restaurant that I could actually trust to make a proper Hollandaise sauce, and not just use a shitty approximation from a jar.

The stuff I've tried has been ultra rich, and kind of flat tasting though.

>> No.5215964

The secret is adding lemon zest. Really brightens things up. Good hollandaise should be rich but also noticeably sour from the lemon juice as well, which is why it notoriously breaks easily as a sauce.

>> No.5215968


> I hate all food that actually tastes like something.

why are you even here?

>> No.5215971


Looks like a big bowl of lumpy semen to me. Maybe you're the one who's gay?

>> No.5215979

Butter/margarine, mayonnaise, baked beans, poorly cooked fish, whole milk, jam, mashed potato

>> No.5215982
File: 85 KB, 500x500, menofgaygen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, now I'm hard.

>> No.5215992
File: 8 KB, 82x126, 1266480424712s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, never been to reddit in my life. Take your demon spawn eggplants and stuff em up your tailpipe as you waddle on out of this thread.

>> No.5215993

I don't even consider that food. Seriously.

>> No.5216015

>every fucking hamburger here in Oz has them like hummus to a kebab. Fucking wet soggy vinegar staining raw potato.

>> No.5216045

Eggplant is awesome.
The best sandwich's have eggplant that is grilled.

>> No.5216111

It's not a burger without beetroot and pineapple.

>> No.5216147
File: 22 KB, 400x267, no. just horrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking raw celery. Why is this shit tolerated? It's ok in a vegetable soup after it has been cooked. But fucking hell...raw? Utterly and completely disgusting.

>> No.5216192

suggestion noted, thans anon.

>> No.5216195

>hasn't had glorious ants on a log

>> No.5216208

>ants on a log
sounds fucking horrible, but what is it?
If it gets me over my hatred of raw watery stringsticks, I'll be in your debt.

>> No.5216267

A quick google search tells me it is a popular snack consisting of celery, peanut butter and raising.
I quite like celery but that sounds revolting

>> No.5216306

Your hipsterness can be smelled from four threads over.

>> No.5216320

It's disgusting on its own but as soon as you dip it in any sauce the taste gets neutralized and becomes quite pleasant.

>> No.5216324
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mfw I wonder if it'd be cool to work there because of their giant devil logo on that packaging, then remember its a processed meat product

>> No.5216351

I really like livers, hearts (chicken hearts ftw!) and kidneys but i fuckin hate brains.

>> No.5216365

candy corn
mac & "cheese"
anything boiled

>> No.5216416

Steak with blood oozing out of it.

>> No.5216422

Mentioning blood and steak together should be a bannable offense. It's always either a troll, or a fucking retard who doesn't understand food, slaughtering process, and high-school level anatomy.

>> No.5216477

>>Goat Cheese
>>Sausages stuffed with processed cheese.

I love that shit.

My hated food though?
The juice and the fruit. Hate the flavor, hate the pulp, hate how gelatin like it is.

>> No.5216482

After a bit of thinking, I'll eat anything that is prepared properly EXCEPT for weird meats or seafood.

>any mussel of any kind
>extremely large carnivorous fish
>ANY carnivorous land animal in general

Like why do people eat these things?

>> No.5216496

Does mommy still cut the crust off of your PB&Js?

I'm kidding, but I will agree that fried calamari and wine are trash.

>> No.5216503

Best post ITT that isn't mine.

>> No.5216506

and the biggest bitch award goes to

>> No.5216516

Which one of those monstrosities do you eat?

>> No.5216532

it's like you're not even a 4chan user

>> No.5216535

seafood other than fried scallops

>> No.5216537

>>any mussel of any kind
>>extremely large carnivorous fish
>>ANY carnivorous land animal in general

Because they are tasty

>> No.5216542

Fuck you, you tasteless shit

>> No.5216547

btw I've had all of them except
Jellyfish (want to try) & dog (I could never eat a dog since I had a cockerspanieli that saved my life when I was 9 "Best friend ever" would never eat a cat ether but all other animals are fair game)

Didn't care for shark but my sister loves it.

>> No.5216550
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Cauliflower smells and tastes like someone farted in your mouth

>> No.5216551

I hate everything about celery, especially how fucking difficult it is to chew and the stringiness

Shit-tier whole food right here

>> No.5216561

What's it like being a tasteless plonker?

>> No.5216584


They say you eat with your eyes first and I cannot be bothered to eat something with suction cups.

I do, however, want to hear your dog story.

>> No.5216754


Buffalo sauce. Its like someone tried to make a sauce, it tasted like shit, and they decided it was cool anyways because "man up its kinda spicy."

>> No.5216762


I don't even think I dislike the taste but cauliflower is, as far as I can think of right now, the only vegetable I don't like because the texture is funky to me. Yet I love broccoli.

>> No.5216777

I'm not really a fan of cauliflower or broccoli but i don't find the taste offensive, just really bland.
The only veg that i actively dislike is turnip (swede? ...the yellow one) it's just too damn bitter

>> No.5216793

Nigga put some garlic powder and a pinch of cayenne in the hollandaise. I didn't like it until I tried flavouring it, and I'm never looking back.

>> No.5216805

Tomatoes I like stuff made from them like sauces and chili, but plain tomatoes just aren't my thing. Also Jello. The texture just feels wrong in my mouth.

>> No.5216806

But it's French/Belgian you fucking idiot.

>> No.5216819

Might as well kill yourself.

>> No.5216824

Oh god this

And to add to that list:
Any kind of processed "cheese"
..I can't think of anything else right now but yeah I've always hated ranch/mayonnaise/sour cream and it was the reason I was such a picky eater as a child. I live in murka where everyone drenches their salads in 20 cups of ranch, and for the longest time I never tried salad, because I was under the impression that "salad" was just a synonym for "ranch soup". I also stayed away from mexican food for the longest time because of sour cream and nacho cheese. Little did I know that actual mexican food can be really good when it's made right and not smothered in shitty condiments.

>> No.5216837

but it makes it sound delicious to me

>> No.5216847

I actually love the taste of raw celery but the texture is admittedly really unpleasant. It's like strings and water weight coated in wax.

>> No.5216844

Because normal humans like things that taste good and expand their pallettes?

>> No.5216858

Fuck you
I'm eating a bacon sandwich slathered with ketchup right now and it's delicious

>> No.5216883
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I don't know why I don't like cucumbers, and I can't understand why anyone does. It's like, I know they taste mostly like water, but I can't stand them. I try them on sandwiches, with dip, with salt.
The only way I can tolerate eating them, is if they're pickles.

>> No.5216894

Nattou smells really bad and it's hard to eat but it's kinda good. Wouldn't be my first choice though.

>> No.5216899

I hate all that stuff too.

>> No.5216911

Agreed. I told my Uncle when I was little they were the nastiest thing I ever tasted and he said I was exaggerating.
They're still the nastiest thing I ever tasted and he's dead.

>> No.5216916

Yes, mushrooms are fucking gross.
It's not an animal.
It's not an plant.
Fuck that shit.

>> No.5216917

rot in hell

>> No.5216921

Peanutbutter and celery is the shit.

>> No.5216924

I can imagine it is,
but raisins?

>> No.5216927

sugar is not caramel you dumbass, it's sugar that has been caramelized

>> No.5216932

I personally like raisins, it just gives a sweet taste to it, to balance it out,
you know. They're good with or without them.

>> No.5216961

Lel no, a skinny little 6 year old girl then actually who didn't get sweets much so portion control = wut?

>> No.5216968

They are big marshmallow type candy treats

>> No.5217123

The idea is extremely gross admittedly, but they are delicious.

Even poorly prepared mushrooms are good.

>> No.5217239

Miracle Whip

>> No.5217287
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Fuck, I hate bok choy. Every time I order a dish that has bok choy in it, I pick it all out like a child.

>> No.5217291

That one asshole friend who takes forever to order so the server has to come back like 50 times and then he inevitably complains about whatever the fuck he ordered anyway so why the fuck even bother.
Fuck you Chris, you're a grown ass man.

>> No.5217300

Sour cream
Anything with Velveeta
Cherry tomatoes (regular tomatoes are fine)

>> No.5217301

You just don't know how to cook it.

>> No.5217303

That's your cooking mate.

>> No.5217457

Gonna guess fish sticks, well done scrambled eggs and "regular lettuce" whateverthefuck that is.

>> No.5217475


>tinned hotdog sausages

Why would anyone eat this shit

>> No.5217491

Silverbeet, spinach or any wilted green leaf.
Got force-fed it as a child and now I retch even thinking about it

>> No.5217507

Crabsticks, a.k.a. surimi
I don't object to its existence but it's not going anywhere near my mouth

>> No.5217510

This. And any kind of melon fruit. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.5217539
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>> No.5217553

Hard boiled egg
Deviled egg

>> No.5217555

Organ meat from any animal

>> No.5217609
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You legitimately sound just like my best m8
He doesn't eat shit and it hurts me every time I eat out with him, I'm trying to get him to eat more different foods cos we're going overseas together and I want to try all kinds of stuff and he'll still be searching for white bread and ham he's that bad

>> No.5217615

All seafood.

>> No.5217625
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Cauliflower, YUK AND YUK!

>> No.5217643

if you go overseas together i think it will work out unless he's really just a shitstain of a person. when i was in college i studied abroad in shanghai with a kid (21) who, no joke, refused to eat anything except for hot dogs, fries, and fried chicken. so i was in shanghai with this kid, apparently he spent the first 12 hours frantically figuring out how to get to american style joints and locating KFCs (thankfully for him kfc was all over), he refused to eat anywhere else and would be late to class because he needed to go an hour out of his way to get fries so he could eat.

anyway i started hanging out with the kid and he would ask what lettuce was and whether or not it was good when he followed me out to eat. eventually i got him to eat stinky tofu just on the premise of trying this really absurd snack and proving he could; he wasn't a prick, just an absurdly picky eater, so he did, and his tastes expanded slowly after that, week by week as i got him to try more snack foods and eventually took him out to restaurants of all kinds all over shanghai. by the end of the trip he ate fuckin' everything and we would go out to eat drunken shrimp together because everyone else thought it was weird. turned out to be one of the most adventurous eaters i know thanks to his desire to overcome his pickyness

>> No.5217650

the smell of bacon is pretty much like satan's anal grease to me. i can't stand it.

>> No.5217651

bell peppers
pretty much all meats except salmon

>> No.5217675

oyster mushrooms
potatoes (i like purple potatoes or the occasional fries)
ice burg lettuce
glazed carrots
caramelized onions
marmite (vegemite 4 life m8)
most sweet & savory flavor combinations

>> No.5217726
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>> No.5217779

But those are delicious!

>> No.5217780

Salisbury steak.

>> No.5217789

Cooked mushrooms



silver beet

sweet potato


anything made from offal

>> No.5218016
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These are just bizarre and disgusting to me.

>> No.5218050
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I will eat just about anything you throw at me. Be it eel to fried oreos.

Except one thing. One thing in this world that will make me want to just chumba wumba all over the floor. It is Satan spawn in of itself.


>> No.5218054

haha you have inferior taste buds

>> No.5218055


>> No.5218206

I have to agree. The smell alone is like ass.

>> No.5218220

Only pickles. I can't stand them, the look, the taste, oh GOD THE SMELL MAKE IT GO AWAY it just lingers and when you're in a movie theatre and someone is chomping away and that smell just sits there the whole movie UGH. Just the idea of pickles or pickled things is disgusting. Fermented obscure vegetables? What? WHY? Thats about it though, I'll eat absolutely anything. Except pickles.

>> No.5218226

You literally have a genetic birth defect.

>> No.5218229
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and the weird juice shit gets all stuck to your fingers and that sour scent creeps into your soul, trying to steal it away, steal your soul away into pickle hell, and even when you wash your hands it's still there, attempting to merge it's pickle being with yours in a sick attempt at acceptance and I REFUSE TO ACCEPT YOU, PICKLES, I REFUSE

>> No.5218252

Sriracha. I hate the taste, but I hate how everyone makes such a big deal out of fucking hot sauce more.

>> No.5218259

You're a shit.

>> No.5218553

I for one love pickles, only polish sour pickles tho. On hot summerdays I drink liters of that juice their preserved in. Guess you grow up with it, none of my friends like pickles the way I do and I was presented pickles as a little kid visiting my grandma in poland.

>> No.5218570

I like every thing I've eaten except zucchini. What the fuck is wrong with that stuff.

>> No.5218620

yes she did i remember

>> No.5218776

are you a brit?

>> No.5218787


r u me

>> No.5218792

>Fish sticks
I doubt it

Also, that post is obvious bait

>> No.5218814

>Any meat that has citrus on it
>Potato bigger than steak fries
>Sweet potato, Red potato
>Water chestnuts, cashews, macadamia nuts
>Goat cheese, feta, gorgonzola, blue, mozzarella by itself
>Mixed/baby greens. Shit is sour and literally looks like i plucked it from my back yard
>Oh i forgot ricotta too

I'm sure there's more

>> No.5218824
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Blood sausage. I know it's not really rational, coagulated blood is not especially unhealthy, but I can't get over it. Also, pork liver sausage.

>> No.5218826


oh yeah i forgot

>italian sausage, especially when it has cartilage pieces in it


>> No.5218837

What a little bitch

>> No.5218848

I am an extremely non-fussy eater, but I tend not to like Mexican food. The spices smell like armpits - I realised this when opening a bag of some kinda Tex-Mex flavoured Doritos and it just smelled like BO. I will eat it if it's served to me though, although that applies to pretty much anything.

>> No.5218876

90% of the bitching in this thread seems like its down to either poor quality or poor preparation.

>> No.5218880

Well I just googled them as I haven't heard of them before (Britfag). Due to the artificial banana flavouring they sound like what we call foam bananas (often come with foam shrimp). I really like them, although I do love artificial banana taste. Banana milkshake is best milkshake

>> No.5218902

I had this the other day eating raw cabbage. I usually fry it, then read on the label that it's good for salads so I crunched a bit off..

>oh yeah it's kinda mild and sweet
>oh wait no
>farts in my mouth
>farts in my mouth

Fried it with bacon as usual and all was well again

>> No.5218914

That story gives me hope for those in this thread.

>> No.5218920

anon speaks the truth


>> No.5218960

Why are these not called hotdogs like most sausages in ye olde 'murrica? I could never tell the difference. Oh yeah! That's because the hot dog is actually the bun + the sausage. Sorry, my bad.

>> No.5219097

Fucking nut roast

>> No.5219169

no replies to this pointing out
> just to get some other taste in my mother
> some other taste in my mother

4chan your loosing your touch.

>> No.5219180
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still not as bad as this shit.

not thinking Celry and Peanut butter is God tier snack. Da fuq is wrong with you

>> No.5219187
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Pic related
Boiled eggs
Ox tails
Peanuts and nuts in general
Potato Salad(I remember hating it as a kid but for some reason I feel like I'd like it if i tried it again.
Cole Slaw
What are you talking about? Hot dogs are the sausage you silly billy. And Vienna sausages taste nothing like hotdogs.

>> No.5221055

Those canned mini hotdogs are great for cooking on a stick over a camp fire.

>> No.5221177


I've had jellyfish at a Vietnamese place. Really good in the salady thing I had. Crunchy without being rubbery.

Tastes like nothing though, it's just there for texture.

>> No.5221301
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It looks, smells, and tastes disgusting. I don't know how my boyfriend voluntarily takes wheatgrass shots. Just the smell alone makes me gag. I had to hold my nose when I took a shot.

>> No.5221319

You should drop your boyfriend and call me. I probably wont treat you the best and will still hook up with other girls on the side but you can tag along with me as i travel the world in my jet.



>> No.5221330

Wheatgrass has been proven to be complete bullshit

>> No.5221333

I mean a lot of those things are questionable. I can understand not liking olives, mushrooms, celery, red potatoes, macadamias, water chestnuts, all the cheeses and baby greens - even though I like most of those.
But fucking cashews?

>> No.5221341
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Any sort of ham that doesn't come naturally from a loaf.

>> No.5221343



>> No.5221501


"Treat them rough and you ll get the muff".

nice one

>> No.5221533

I am not a picky eater but these I tried to like but simple couldn't, arugula, avocado, horseradish in any form. Fuck horseradish.

>> No.5221534


I things that taste slightly of onion, but biting into a chunk just makes me gag.

>> No.5221574
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This shit is 10x worse than vienna sausages

>> No.5221598

>No indication of what animal the meat came from
>"food product"
I'd rather starve.

>> No.5221603

Mechanically separated chicken, pork skin, partially defatted cooked pork fatty tissue, partially defatted cooked beef fatty tissue, vinegar, less than 2% of: salt, spices, sugar, flavorings, sodium erythorbate and sodium nitrite.

>> No.5221610

Low quality sausages (walls, richmonds etc.)
Sweet chilli fad
Cream cheese

>> No.5221634

This, and it makes me feel bad. I'm extremely selective if I do eat onions. I'm not a douche and if someone serves me onions, I'll eat them for the most part, but at home if anything is cooked with a lot of onion, I'll pick it out. I want to like it, but for some reason the taste and texture just makes me want to retch.

>> No.5221675

It's just like smooth and creamy deviled ham with extra salt added.

>> No.5221681
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Can't stand those things at all
- zucchini
- aubergines
- fried eggs
- many cheeses like e.g. gorgonzola

>> No.5221684

Got people to seriously respond

>> No.5221697

Mayo and ranch.

>> No.5221722

>all these fucking picky eaters

the only things i kinda dislike are pickles, olives, and mayo, but is still eat them occasionally.

i work for a "michelin bib gourmand" restaurant and one of our co-owners is so god damn picky it drives everyone crazy. he doesnt like anything bold tasting. only drinks very boring wines, almost always orders a chicken dish because its usually the least offensive thing on the menu to him. at times our chef has had to personally make him a grilled cheese sandwich since nothing else appeals to him. when he comes in for our prix fixe menus he always says "do i really have to eat this?" when confronted with our more experimental dishes. the guy makes me cringe, but he thinks he's a total foodie.

>> No.5221727

How can you call people out for being picky eaters then assert that you don't like mayo?
You are an asshole

>> No.5221740

mayo is pleb tier white shit designed to cover up more interesting flavors.

adding mayo to something is like adding water to wine

>> No.5221749
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I hate the fact I hate tomatoes. My life would be so much easier if I liked them.

>> No.5221814

>swiss cheese
>blue cheese
>pickled eggs (possibly my least favorite food of all time)
>raw tomatoes anywhere other than sandwiches
>brussel's sprouts

>> No.5221895

thats because they're from a can. Go get some real tamales that are wrapped in corn husks from your average Mexican store. might change your perspective

>> No.5221907
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Probably gonna get a lot of shit for this.

>> No.5221912

Okra but I'm pretty sure that's cause I've never had it properly cooked. Only times I've had it it was the most bitter thing I've ever tasted.

>> No.5221923

Most bacon tastes like shit.

>> No.5221924

I can understand this actually. Especially if the bacon you've had is shitty and overcooked.
Really salty/dry bacon is fucking awful.

>> No.5221963

Cheese (fresh cheese is okay though, but normal cheese just smells like dirty socks to me...)
Sour cream, and all sour dairy in general
Raw celery
Most fish (except for salmon and tuna, I love these)

>> No.5222300

fun fact: the bacteria that makes your feet smell is the SAME as the bacteria that makes cheese smell

>> No.5222494

I second this.
I can't eat bacon or ham, it just makes me gag.
Although I tolerate it, if it's used in some kind of sauce or stew.

>> No.5222538

They taste like artificially flavored banana Styrofoam. I remember wanting them as a child, then immediately regretting begging for them. I'd rather rip my dick off and eat it if left with no alternative but to eat a lifetime supply of these on a desert island.

>> No.5222549

so, you like asparagus and Circus Peanuts?

>> No.5222578
File: 115 KB, 580x345, TM_FF_JELLO_FI_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Jello Salad"
It was the worst thing I've even had in my life that was supposed to be good. In fact, it's one of my friend's favorite dishes her mom makes.
Inside lime Jello it had:

>Green Olives
>Shredded Carrots
>Shredded Cheese
>Sliced Radishes
>Bits of ham
>AND Mayo mixed into the Jello

Fucking WHAT

>> No.5222586

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.5222842
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This and all pizza fast food places are the worst cancer.

>> No.5222849
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>> No.5222859
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Mayonnaise, fucking disgusting

>> No.5222876
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>mfw my dad orders a whopper with nothing but extra mayo on it

>> No.5222877


i love vienna sausages. we used to call them hunter's sausages and ate them when going camping. Stick one of those on a stick and stick it over a fire - on some burnt bread. Yum.

Russians don't have smores :(

>> No.5222882


It's not bitter at all. I love eggplant. It's nutty, smooth, a little crunchy when you hit the seeds. It tastes like tripe if tripe was a vegetable (delicious)

>> No.5222889


> Those fucking child marketed sausages stuffed with processed cheese

OH GAWD! Someone started a thread on /ck/ the other day about them! disgusting!

goat cheese is bomb though, you're weird. im sure you've had it before, too if you had any soft cheese.

>> No.5222893

Not only does that make my trypophobia act up, but it makes me sick thinking about someone ingesting intestines

>> No.5222925
File: 56 KB, 500x375, mmmmenuda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


picky eater! tripe is the most delicious thing known to man.

menudo in the pic

>> No.5222950

It might be.. But I've only had it in a sandwich with ricotta cheese. So bad.

>> No.5222960

Bitter? What?

>> No.5223003


eeeeew! wtf! tripe and ricotta cheese in a sandwich? that doesn't sound good!

Tripe needs to be in a sauce.

i was in another thread on /ck/ and we learned that certain people are predisposed to taste bitterness in some things, like brussel sprouts, cilantro, eggplant, etc.

Cilantro tastes like soap to some people as well

>> No.5223011

The fuck. None of those things are bitter and cilantro just tastes like freshness. Weird.

>> No.5223030


yeah, i know. i grew up on that shit, i don't suffer from the disease.

Here is the picky eaters thread: >>5221230

and here's the cilantro thing: