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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5208974 No.5208974[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's unfair they charge you by the item's weight when you buy vegetables. Broccolis always have this thick stem on them in the store, and I end up having to pay for that even though it is no longer necessary and I just have to cut it off and throw it away when I get home. But unless you just by the frozen florets separate you have no choice, they rope you into paying extra for this garbage part of the vegetable.

>> No.5208985

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

I used to really dislike the broccoli stems but then I peeled them a little bit like a carrot after separating them from the tops.

then I cook them with everything, and depending on how it comes out, they can be really soft and crisp. sometimes I like them.

you gotta get used to them like green beans.

>> No.5208986

Sharpie in pooper

>> No.5208990

You can eat it you know? peel it, dice it up and throw it in a stirfry.
Hell I eat it raw alot of the time.

>> No.5208992

you made that dumb tomato thread didn't you

>> No.5208995

why cant you eat it? really? i eat it all the time. vitamins and shit i presume, fills you up too

>> No.5208999
File: 95 KB, 640x480, 1320700133709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating broccoli stems

>> No.5209001

I use the stems in Soups, Stir-Frys , and Broccoli salads at work and noone complains. Stop being wasteful.
Babbies first /Ck/ thread.

>> No.5209002


I don't like it, it's too fibrous for me and hurts my stomach. I just want the florets because they cook better and have a better texture.

>> No.5209035

>Throwing away the best part.

>> No.5209047

Just cook the stems longer if they're too hard for you, nincompoops.

>> No.5209057

>I only want to buy the front half of this car so you should cut it in half and give me half price

>> No.5209060

Except half a car doesn't work. Half a broccoli is still edible.

>> No.5209081

If they started only selling the top part you'd still be paying the same, they'd have to adjust the price because the farmer can't just grow the top part.
I don't even get how OP can be that stupid. When you grow the plant you grow the whole thing regardless of what part you sell.
A harvest of 100 pieces of broccoli will yield 100 stems and 100 tops.
If you were only paying for 100 tops you'd still be paying for the 100 stems that were grown and harvested. The farmers, only selling the tops, would have to charge more per kilo to the farmers for their crop because the cost of producing broccoli would be the same, but the yield would go down.
Can OP even into economics? You're paying for the stem whether you like it or not.

>> No.5209084

more per kilo to the supermarkets*

>> No.5209085

If not for my trying not to be wasteful, I would throw the florettes out and just eat stems. I don't know about that tree trunk portion, but I would cut it right where it starts to branch. Chop up the stems, boil a bit, then saute in some oil using these indian seeds I got (not sure what they are). Finish it off with some turmeric and salt. Not the prettiest dish, but sure does taste good with some roti.

>> No.5209092

Half a couch.

>> No.5209097

You can still sit comfortably on half a couch.

>> No.5209099

Yes but nobody's going to fucking buy a couch that's been sawed in half.

>> No.5209102

Half of a front wheel drive car could be made to work.

>> No.5209109

Sure, if you added a third wheel.

Otherwise it would be a hilarious car-accident waiting to happen.

>> No.5209110

>I would throw the florettes out and just eat stems
Ditto. I don't eat broccoli because I dislike their texture.

>> No.5209114

My store usually sells just the head, no stem. But when I buy with stem, peel, shred in food processor, boom- broccoli slaw

>> No.5209119


/o/ here, FWD is shit.

>> No.5209121

It would actually be less stable with a single third wheel then dragging back around. Trust me, I've tried both.

>> No.5209132

Dragging the ass end of the vehicle really isn't safe, and two wheels not in-line is unstable as fuck.

>> No.5209139

Safe and fun are mutually exclusive.

>> No.5209148

Asparagus is the worst fucking offender.

>> No.5209149


big turbo, rice rocket master race here...suck it /o/.

also, stem eater.

>> No.5209151

I made a thread about eggs

>> No.5209161

You're either lying or your turbo is on a 90s 1.7l shitbox that barely pushes 140 HP without it.

>> No.5209184

fuck that shit i force myself to choke down the woody part
fiber bro

>> No.5209187

You can choke down my woody part

>> No.5209196

enjoy getting stuck in shit.

>> No.5209203

OP, you could just stop being picky.

Slice the stem horizontally, similar to how you would slice a carrot.

Steam with everything else.

Yes, it's slightly tougher. You can peel it if you really want to, or you can get over it.

>> No.5209218

>Getting suck

Enjoy not drifting, no donuts, never being able to have more than 200 HP, understeer, poor weight balance, poor handling, poor braking, and torque steer.

But I guess FWD is better if you have the driving capabilities of a blind, 80 year old Vietnamese woman in snow.

>> No.5209225


>> No.5209229

Driving is purely for function. Don't think you're ahead of the curve with your "tastefully" riced fuckbucket.

>> No.5209268

Roughly 0% of that post made any sense

>> No.5209272

My civic handles fine, can do donuts, brakes perfectly well too.

>> No.5209282

One thing I hate about buying steaks is paying for the fat. I cut it off anyways, just give me the lean stuff.

>> No.5209288

>having to do donuts in reverse

For however well you think your handling is, RWD handles better.

>> No.5209290

Not what I saw during this last snow storm.
Also you can do regular donuts with FWD.

>> No.5209298

I'm that one asshole who was drifting around every corner and going twice the speed of FWD econoboxes.

Driver skill can easily make up for subpar handling in snow.

>> No.5209312

You just said RWD drive had better handling and now you're saying its subpar.

>> No.5209318

It's subpar for bad drivers on snow.

You can't just omit parts of a post like that.

>> No.5209322

I'll omit every damn thing you say.

Look at me go!

>> No.5209326

You were implying it had better handling in everything earlier.
>implying you have to have RWD to be a good driver.

>> No.5209330

But if you omitted my whole post then that would include the second sentence, so how could you even be responding to it?

Atheists - 153
Vegetarians - 0

I said handling, not handling in every possible aspect. Honestly you could drift around a corner in RTWD whereas in FWD you'd just end up smashing into a tree.

>> No.5209334

Drift around a corner in RWD on snow*

>> No.5209337

>If they started only selling the top part you'd still be paying the same
Where I live they sell just the tops for between 75 and 99 cents a pound. If you don't like the stems you don't have to buy them. Shit's not expensive, yo.

>> No.5209359

>ctrl f. 'crown'. 0 results
this fucking thread...

>> No.5209366


So buy pre-cut broccoli in bags.

>> No.5209367

They're called florets you britfag huckle chuckle

>> No.5209368

I find the stem to be better than the top actually.

>> No.5209371

I'm in Canada, they're called crowns here

>> No.5209382

I just cut the stems in half and steam them until they're soft enough that I can scrape the inside out with my teeth like an artichoke. It's like a solid slab of delicious broccoli flavor.

>> No.5209386

Compost it. Then use compost to grow more food.

>> No.5209395

crowns are the whole thing, flouretes are the individual pieces

>> No.5209442


do you srs'ly think your shitpost adds anything to the conversation rummy?

>> No.5209450


double suck it, 2.5L with 34psi boost pushing 784 fwhp,

>> No.5209460

My grocery store charges me for broccoli by the piece

>> No.5209472

Mine too. And anybody who doesn't use the stem is retarded. Just go at it with a peeler like a carrot and cut off the bottom 1/2" and what you've got is tender enough to eat in salad and more than able to be used in soups/cooking.

>> No.5209473


Do you eat the core of Apples?

Or do you think they should cut out the core before selling it?

How about Bananas or Oranges? Do you eat the peels? Do you think they should be sold already peeled?

>> No.5209475

I let my guinea pig have the stems. We have broccoli 3 times a week, she loves it.

If you don't eat it, you could compost with it. I really don't see what else you could do. Course I did see on a show where a guy peeled bananas and picked the stems off cherries before buying them, since he considered it inedible extra weight. Might try that?

>> No.5209493

>do you think they should cut out the core before selling it?

Now that's just being silly. You can't remove the core since it's on the inside. The outer stem of the broccoli is very easy to remove, and should be.

>> No.5209503

If you pay by weight, just cut off the stem before bagging and weighing it to pay less.

>> No.5209504

OP's a moron but that's a really bad comparison.

>> No.5209511

>not eating the apple core
Stay pleb faggot

>> No.5209513

How do you peel a banana and then go to purchase it? You just put the sticky fruit on the conveyor belt and then immediately rush to eat it right after you pay before it browns?

>> No.5209514

This. You can go around bragging about how you just ingested cyanide and watch the fun.

>> No.5209521

>implying that the crown is better than the stem
Nigger the stem is the best part.

>> No.5209527

a) you're vandalizing a product you haven't yet paid for

b) you'd probably have the store call the police on you for using a weapon in public

>> No.5209530

>living in britbongistan

>> No.5209534

Hide a dremel in your sleeve.

>> No.5209535

Stupid little nigger. You make soup with broccoli stems.

Dumb fucking niggers.

>> No.5209538

at muh kroger they charge 99 cents for a large crown, with stem chopped off, or some higher outrageous price for a smaller crown with the stem. what the shit

>tfw the stem is the best part

>> No.5209544


You could argue it though. You can't be expected to eat the banana peel or the pineapple top right?

>> No.5209553

Because most people actually use the stem you picky faggot.

>> No.5209559

So many stemfags in this thread. You guys do realize if the bristles are the "fruit", the stem is the trunk, ie, the bark of the plant and should be thrown away and turned into mulch. You should only eat it if you're desperate and cannot have the "fruit" for some reason. It's the same as eating the apple core - you don't eat it when the rest of the fruit is freely available to you.

>> No.5209565

How does no one here mention making soup with the broccoli stem? After you blend it just strain it to get rid of residual fiber?

>> No.5209597

I love this thread because it makes me hate my job.
I work prep at a restaurant and we get whole broccoli, and then just cut the florets off for sides and throw the stems away.

>> No.5209605

Shut the fuck up and buy a sti faggots

>> No.5209606

save the stems for yourself. make stock and/or soup.

>> No.5209616


Lel, most restaurants do...

I guess it depends on your menu... If you have several stir fry dishes or something they could be used. On a specials board (brocolli soup) but you will be prepping it so often you will have to waste some as you can't always run the same specials.

tldr: not really practical for use in restaurants...

>> No.5209624

I just break the stems off of vegetables while I'm in the supermarket and leave it in the waste tray at the bottom.

I get coriander/parsley practically free because I'm just paying for the weight of the leaves.

>> No.5209639


AWD = Always wanting dick..

Buy a civic you fucking fag

>> No.5209712

You're doing God's work, anon :)

>> No.5209824

You! I thought you'd died from your herbal estrogen supplements or whatever

>> No.5209837

i like to slice the stems up into matchsticks and add them to salad, stir fry, slaws, etc.

>> No.5209852

shit thread op

>> No.5209934

you also pay for the organs when you buy fish
or the bones when you buy meat
you're fucking dumb

>> No.5209955


>> No.5209993


what a fucking scam

>> No.5209996

what's funny, if you buy pre-cut broccoli, you will still pay more, because you are now paying also for the fact it's cut.

just like peanuts without shells are much more expensive even considering the weight difference

>> No.5210014

I just snap it off.

Problem solved.

>> No.5210034
File: 35 KB, 341x480, for your colon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i eat the tough peel on broccoli stalks. i just shred it into a pulpy mass.

i know what i'm chewing what's essentially wood: just really tough cellulose.

but i want that inside my body. i'm of the believe the fiber is good for you.

>> No.5210036


>> No.5210039

place where i buy we pay by weight. i usually take a knife with me and cut off the parts i dont want.

>> No.5210102

>not using the stem

well,¨if you dont like it why dont you remove it before weighting it?

>> No.5210109

>organs when you buy fish
dafuq who doesn't buy their fish gutted?
>the bones when you buy meat
use them for stock you pleb

>> No.5210114


that's why i only buy frozen broccoli, no stems

>> No.5210123





>> No.5210125

do you eat some grapes before you weight them too, hobo?

>> No.5210144

As I said in another thread bitching about the same thing, broccoli stems are great. Just take a peeler to it to remove the roughest outer layers, like peeling a carrot, then it's ready for use.
Shred it and use it in salad (or if you're American, slaw). The shreds are also good in stir-fries.
Buy a metric fucktonne of broccoli and separate the florets from the stalks. I dislike the florets, actually (though I'll eat them still), but they're good for making broccoli soup (steam in stock or broth until just soft, then blitz smooth and pour over a pan of chopped, caramelised onion) and as pie filling amongst a few other things.

>> No.5210148

The stems, though, peel-then-shred as before but place the shreds into a plastic produce bag from the veg section of your grocery.
Salt them generously and toss them about with your hands with enough salt so that they feel a little gritty.
Squeeze excess air from the bag and twist it shut, folding the mouth of the bag under the weight of the broccoli shreds.
Place the bag into the sink and let it sit undisturbed until the salt has leeched enough water from the shreds that they are entirely submerged in their own liquids, 1-3 hours.
Drain, retaining the liquid and setting it apart.
Wash, rinse, drain and dry the shreds and place them into a bowl.
Toss the shreds with lots of fresh-cracked peppercorn, garlic cloves sliced into not-too-thin pieces from root-end to stem-end and laurels.
Wet your hands with the broccoli liquids, grab a handful of shreds and pack into a jar.
Repeat until the jar is full, adding just enough broccoli juice mixed with plain water 1:1 until shreds are entirely submerged.
Cover the jar with a piece of kitchen paper held in place over the mouth with an elastic band.
Allow to sit at room temperature up to three weeks, tasting every few days and checking for mould that may form on top; if it does, no big. Just discard the top layer and add white vinegar to resubmerge.
Once they're sour enough, place into the fridge, still with the kitchen paper over the jar's mouth, and allow to sit a month more, then remove the kitchen paper and lid the jar properly.
Enjoy your sauerkraut-like broccoli stalk pickle.

>> No.5210157

Just take a knife into the store, cut the large stem portion off.

>> No.5210158


Reminds me of the video of the black girl who is super cheap. She picks the grapes off of the stems before she buys them, so she won't pay for the weight of the stems. When she boils vegetables, she saves and reuses the water. And she even peels bananas, leaves the peel, and just pays for the fruit.

>> No.5210167


You can buy broccoli crowns in most produce departments. I've seen the guy putting them out. He literally takes regular broccoli, cuts the stem off and puts it on the produce shelf.

>> No.5210169

>not using that part
Why would you waste it

>> No.5210173

Good idea yo

>> No.5210197

is this her?

>> No.5210225

>super cheap.
That's an undestatement. Considering the price she's gaining less than an dollar per month that way. And reusing boiling water? now that's just nasty.

>> No.5210243


nigga the centre of the stem is like its fucking bone marrow it's delicious and smooth

>> No.5210267

lrn2biology plz

>> No.5210281

You can make an easy pesto sort of thing from the stalks of broccoli or kale. Just dice them up, blanch, and throw in a food processor with some seeds/nuts, garlic, olive oil, maybe some tahini, whatever. Great for a summer pasta. Why waste what you can turn into another meal?
DO NOT add brassica pieces when you are making vegetable stock.

>> No.5210299

Since we're on eating parts of plants that are considered undesirable, does anyone else like their spinach with the stems left on? Everyone I know likes to pull the stems of.

>> No.5210315

>dad used to make me throw the stem away when I was a kid
>one day went to a chinese restaurant, noticed they use broccoli stem
>start using it
>dad bitches at me
>I tell him to gtfo of my kitchen

>it's too fibrous for me and hurts my stomach.

Do you fall over when the wind blows? Does a slight chill send you to the hospital with pneumonia? Grow a pair. Christ, it's never bothered me at all.

>> No.5210345


>peeling it

I bet you guys also peel cucumbers and carrots.

>> No.5210362

Why no brassica in veg stock?

>> No.5210385

>I tell him to gtfo of my kitchen

then your dad shed a tear in secret for raising a faggot.

>> No.5210474

>foods that are a scam
Anything made with processed soy

>> No.5210612


They do, in those little plastic tubs. It's even pre-cut into cute little bite sized cubes.

>> No.5210619

>break off stem
>leave it there
>just pay for the florets

I'm not going to pay for shit I'm not going to eat, fuck you.

>> No.5210649

My local Kroger store sells just broccoli crowns that have had the bulk of the stems already cut off. A bit cheaper than the other stuff, too.

>> No.5211247

emmm no i dont eat grapes regularly. but i do weight, say, 3 tomatoes, acquire the barcode and add an extra couple of them.

>> No.5211256

weee, shoplifting is FUN

>> No.5211263

>saying what everyone has already said

Stem is fucking fantastic. Stir fry that shit until its soft....fucking bomb. Probably better than the flowers itself.

Don't be wasteful, OP. Jesus.

>> No.5211278


When the fuck did /o/ migrate to /ck/? Keep my beloved boards apart!

>> No.5211305
File: 6 KB, 259x188, 1349375204643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5214030

I always carry a folding fruit knife for just this problem. Trim all my veg down over the stall before taking it to the cash desk.

Cauliflower is another bog offender - I always floret mine into a bag before weighing.

>> No.5215856

I can eat the gristle and skin from steak too, but I don't want to.

At least my butcher has the decency to trim that shit off before he weighs it and charges me.

>> No.5215873

beats having /k/ and /pol/ around all the time. Half these threads are like "cooking for Libertarians who REALLY love guns"

>> No.5215877

Why does anyone think this matters?

If the "inedible" parts are removed first then they simply charge a higher weight per pound. Same reason why bone-in meat is cheaper than boneless.

Sure the grocery store could buy broccoli from a farm, pay someone to trim the stems and throw them away. But then they have to raise their price to cover the loss from the trimmings, not to mention the wages of the people doing it.

>> No.5216017

I guess for you artichokes are a scam too.
>looking for saving money on vegetables
What are you, a poor vegan?

>> No.5216035

I'd rather pay a higher price for just the florets if I knew the stems would be composted.
That's the only reason I don't know. My compost heap needs more greens

>> No.5216053

How can you eat raw broccoli?

Whenever I do it tastes super spicy

>> No.5216067

dip it in hummus

>> No.5216073

Even then, my tongue burns and gets super itchy.

>> No.5216515

They shouldn't have to pay farmers anything extra. The guy who harvests it can easily make the cut 3 inches higher. He's cutting it off the main stem either way, so what's it matter in terms of paying him where he cuts it?

>> No.5216517

i thought i was cheap
you are ridiculous, op

>> No.5216522

The stupid in this thread.......it burns.

>> No.5217346


Are you retarded?

That isn't what he meant when he said "cover the loss from the trimmings".

>> No.5217355

Or you could just make something above a minimum wage shit job so that it doesn't matter. It's fucking broccoli you tard!
If you can't afford to buy a brocco head then you more to worry about then the price of broccoli.

>> No.5217382

>What is business 101

This shit should be common sense

>> No.5217578

Good luck finding a way to buy a whole live lobster without the inedible "shell crap".

>> No.5217838


>> No.5217847

>A harvest of 100 pieces of broccoli will yield 100 stems and 100 tops.
might wanna check that math there bill nye

>> No.5217859

Nigga are you retarded?

>> No.5217926

This made me ill

Her condo would be lovely if she wasn't so obsessive

>this is why you're single

>> No.5217931

> Doesn't eat the stem on broccoli
> Doesn't eat the crust on pizza
> Cuts off ALL the fat on a steak
> Doesn't suck out the insides on a crawdad

You're not wrong OP, but you're a huge faggot.

>> No.5217932

He said tops, not florets you dipshit.

>> No.5217943
File: 35 KB, 400x400, grapefruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's unfair they charge you by the item's weight when you buy fruit. Grapefruit always have this thick skin on them in the store, and I end up having to pay for that even though it is no longer necessary and I just have to eat around it and throw it away when I get home. But unless you just by the frozen wedges separate you have no choice, they rope you into paying extra for this garbage part of the fruit.

>> No.5217977

Just peel them in store, they charge by weight and some other people that just want the zest will come by and purchase the skins.

>> No.5217978

Jesus you are like that nigger peeling bananas

>> No.5217998

Chicken wings from most bars/wing places are the biggest scam. You order a wing, and they only bring you half of one. That ain't right.

>> No.5218017

Did someone post that video of teh cheap black woman who peels bananas before buying them?

>> No.5218021

>buy a rotisserie chicken from the deli
>half of it is literally bones
>I can't eat this

>> No.5218035

make stock you silly goose

>> No.5218049

That's why you buy mechanically separated chicken, to save money.

>> No.5218193

Melons are sold at a solid per-object price most of the time anyway regardless of size, aren't they? Like 4-6 dollars a melon.

>> No.5218195

Peel the stem. If you get rid of all the fibrous stuff, it's like celery without the long fibers. It's actually pretty tasty with a crunchy texture.

>> No.5218221

>4 - 6 bucks for one melon

The fuck

>> No.5218240


Holy shit /pol/ would go nuts over this.


>> No.5218269

>standing up to your father

>> No.5218276

Eh, woman was cheap as shit and unhygenic with her family. Other black commentators were like 'what in the fuck'

>> No.5218365

>they rope you into paying extra for this garbage part of the vegetable

Its either buy it like that at X dollars a kilo or buy it without that bit at 2X dollars a kilo.

>> No.5218400

This thread should be archived!

>> No.5218860

>how do I into skinless, boneless chicken breasts.

The very fact this product exists proves that broccoli should be florets only. No skin, no bone, no stalks.

>> No.5219688

Exactly. It's the same reason they cultivated seedless watermelons and sell pre-boned fish. People are getting tired of all these junk components of their food.

>> No.5219691

boneless skinless chicken breast also costs more than bone in chicken breast with skin. so you still wouldn't be saving any money if broccoli did the same, they would just raise the price.

plenty of people use that part.

>> No.5219698

>plenty of people use that part.

People also used to use pig bladders for condoms. Civilization has evolved and we can do better now. If you bought a pig to roast you wouldn't still want the bladder attached would you? It's junk, just like the bones. I'm sure 99% of people aren't saving them to brew their own broth, not when we have boxed broth that is more convenient to use.

>> No.5219700

>we can do better now
let me rephrase what i said- people use that part by choice.

>bones are junk
you really don't know very much about food, do you?

>> No.5219715

I know plenty of food, and if I'm not making broth, I don't own a dog, and I'm not making a new modern art sculpture then I don't need the bones.

>> No.5219722

meat on/near the bone is more flavorful, you pleb.

>> No.5219728

>bone-in breast is more flavourful than boneless thigh!

>> No.5219737

That's a myth. If there even is a difference it's probably due to how it was cooked, since you treat a boned chicken differently than a boneless.

>> No.5219746 [DELETED] 

Is it gluten free?

>> No.5219747


I boil the broccoli stems/"trees" in water until they're soft as can be then put melted cheese on top of it and make cheesy-broccoli soup.

So good.

>> No.5219788

Enjoy spinning your wheels in the snow

>> No.5219815

but they have to ship the stem, which is like 30% of the mass of the broc. they should just cut it off and use it for feed.

>> No.5219816


go back to your queen you crown-jockeying canadafag

>> No.5219830

The stem is actually my favorite part of the broc... I peel them and dip them into ranch dressing.

>> No.5220321

Just do what she does:

remove the shit you dont want, they're not making you pay for that shit, you only do because you're too beta

>> No.5222594
File: 32 KB, 412x350, 43534543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking retarded, you can easily use that.

>> No.5224852
File: 35 KB, 460x276, Purple-sprouting-broccoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a calabrese. See pic for broccoli.

On topic. Why are courgettes (zuchini) so fucking expensive in the shops? It's a piece of piss to grow, and the plants just keep on producing all summer long.

>> No.5224882

>Just do what she does:
What? Boil my lasange in the fucking dishwasher? Fuck right off, pal!!!

>> No.5224889

I agree, I like to cut up the broccoli so that it includes the stem, just steam it/stir fry it/whatever.

but you do need knife skills.

>> No.5224912

>use it for broccoli soup
>cut in strips, blanch and stir fry with oyster sauce
>broccoli chips
>cut into matchsticks, use in salad

It's not a scam just because you don't know how to use it.

>> No.5225087

Am I right in saying that courgettes and cucumbers are just about the same goddamn thing?
I mean, why do I have to pay twice as much for a courgette compared to a cucumber.

>> No.5225091
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>> No.5225615

It's the time drying cucumbers in the sun to convert them into zucchini that adds the dollars.

>> No.5225670

>not bringing a knife when you go grocery shopping to cut out the extra

>> No.5225699

totally depends on how your using them

>> No.5225702

nah, still munching on flax seeds in my cereal and roasting up my own homemade organic pizza

>> No.5225738

Where are you from? I'm assuming euro as you say courgette. Northeast murica here. In the summer, during peak season. I could get them at $0.19/lb. Too bad I fucking hate zucchini.

Also, yes, they shit out baby zucchini's like nothing, so why don't you grow your own?

>> No.5225767

my rule is: if the stem is long enough to snap off with my hands, then i will snap off the stem with my hands.

>> No.5225794

I think you mean pickles, or am I being rused? Cucumbers are a fruit and zucchini are a squash. It's obvious they're not the same based on the skin color and texture alone.

>> No.5225796

>or am I being rused?

Do you really think the sun has anything to do with pickling?

>> No.5225804

>implying squashes aren't also fruits

>> No.5225805

No, but I assume he confused it with stuff like making sun-dried tomatoes. Obviously you use vinegar for pickles, but whatever.

>> No.5225810
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biggest scam produce:

avocado (gigantic heavy stone in the middle)
onions (useless outer layers)
watermelon (should be free, its like 99% water)

>> No.5225817


>> No.5225818

>watermelon (should be free, its like 99% water)

That applies to all produce.

>> No.5225821

Cucumbers and Zucchini are completely different form one another. You can't convert a cucumber into a zucchini

>> No.5225833 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 1280x851, cranberrysauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /ck/,
What to do with leftover cranberry sauce? That stuff is delicious, and its homemade (picture semi-related, stock photo), so it would be a shame to throw it away.

Any recipes/suggestions/etc.
What do you do?

Thank you very much.

>> No.5225835

Errr, missclicked. Sry for shitting your tread.
Please ignore.

>> No.5225910

if its so easy to grow (which I do know it is and I'm not trying to say it isn't), why dont you just grow some yourself? Probably just low demand in your area.

>> No.5225979


>> No.5228548

>throwing away brocolli stem
how much of a pleb can you be? Just dice it up, throw it in the pan early, and let it get nice and soft. They're ust as nutritious as the florets.

>> No.5228563

>misspelling broccoli
How much of a pleb are you?

>> No.5228569

when it comes to spelling, I'd rate my pleb level at 5/10.

>> No.5228586

The English language is the pleb here. Not the users. It's the stupidest major language currently in use.

>> No.5228651

Ben Franklin called for a reform of the language using a few new letters to replace many of the nonsensical digraphs in use throughout the English language and a phonetic spelling system. English written in Franklin Phonetic Alphabet greatly resembled Dutch at a glance but was near instantly understood to a native English speaker. The letter 'eng' for the NG digraph entered into the International Phonetic Alphabet directly from the FPA.
Sadly, it never caught on, mostly because Franklin had never finalised it and broke many of his own rules in correspondences he had with others using the FPA.

>> No.5228808

But there's nothing wrong with English spelling. Once you learn it it makes perfect sense. Just sound out the words Hooked on Phonics style.

>> No.5228847

fonnix iz a greyt sistum, i agree. it werks veree wel. evreething in inglish iz speld funnetikly. yor kurrekt. its not that tuff at awl. it iz purfikt az iz. absolootlee. no problimz heer at awl. nowp. nun wutso evver. i am not at awl laffing at yoo, uvv kors.

>> No.5228859

>Butt therz nuththing rong with Inglish spelling. Wunts yoo lurn it it mayx purfikt sents. Jusst sownd owt the werdz Hookt on fonnix stail.

>> No.5228888
File: 228 KB, 1600x1067, broccoli-stem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone on the last broccoli stem thread said pic related is actually the best part of broccoli.

>> No.5228897

It beats some of the Asian languages where you need to learn thousands of characters which represent individual words.

>> No.5228922


Those thousands of characters are broken down into smaller "syllables", which means that the reader can usually infer meaning through context.

>> No.5228935

Meaning maybe, but not pronunciation. And even if you can maybe guess at it, it's still not as accurate as using roman letters which leave no doubt.

>> No.5228941

it is good, just peel/shave the outer layer and enjoy.

>> No.5228964

>some of the Asian languages
Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about. Only two major languages do this today: Chinese and Japanese, both using Han logograms. And one need only learn 213 radicals for Han logograms.
Thai, Burmese, Lao, Khmer, Korean, Hindi, Tibetan etc use sorts of alphabets. Mongolian uses an alphabet outright (Cyrillic). Malaysian, Vietnamese, Indonesian, the various languages of the Philippines etc all use the Latin alphabet, same as English. The difference is, they do so with far greater efficacy than English does. Most Asian languages use an alphabet of some sort. A few use syllabaries (most notably, Japanese and Taiwanese-Chinese).

>> No.5228987

>Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about.
I do.

I chose to put "some Asian languages" instead of Chinese and Japanese, so I didn't look like a weeb.

gb2>>>/jp/ you pedantic fuck.

>> No.5228999

No you don't, lol. You got schooled and now you're angry. It's almost cute. Go QQ elsewhere, you uneducated fuck.

>> No.5229011

>need to learn thousands of characters
>really only need to learn 213
>i totes know what i'm talking about, f'rlz, i swear!!!
lol. umad?

>> No.5229056

If you think you only need to learn 213 characters to fully function in Japan or China then I offer you the best of luck in life.

>> No.5229067

/ck/ - cars and languages

>> No.5231723

lolnope. The best bit is the florets.

every almost empty tray at the supermarker has dozens of snapped off stalks. If that was the best bit, it would have a ton of heads with the stalk missing.

>> No.5231731

lol you don't know things

>> No.5232184

Or it's something a lot of people don't know about because they don't know how to prepare it right

>> No.5232280
File: 33 KB, 460x464, 1378464400328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is so full of shit. Every supermarket in the known world sells fresh broccoli heads with or without the stems.

>> No.5232304

The Safeway here doesn't. It's stems or nothing.