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5198188 No.5198188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw i've got fatter than ever eating only sushi for the last 6 months


i've been eating 20 pieces a meal three times a day, that is almost 4000 calories a day spent only on sushi


>> No.5198191
File: 5 KB, 601x695, 1352967823283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 pieces

>> No.5198196


Somene is going to be like 'OP what kind of sushi was it' and he's going to show us a picture of tempura shrimp slathered with with eel sauce, onion crunchies, cream cheese and jap mayo

Different types of sushi have different things in them, you dumb shit. And there's no reason to eat that much unless you were a porkass to begin with

>> No.5198199

Not my fault you don't know what portion control is you fat sack of shit.

>> No.5198201

even if OP showed the healthiest sushi available, eating that much of it would still most likely lead to weight gain.

that said, OP is almost certainly a troll. so there's that.

>> No.5198202


no it was mostly the regular california makis

>> No.5198203

There is no such thing as "healthy food".
There is a thing called "moderation" however.

>> No.5198210

>20 pieces
A party tray for 4 people in my area is 40 California rolls. You're fat as fatass OP.

>> No.5198211

I know he is, but this is a good troll post and sometimes I like to give credit where credit is due.

>> No.5198214

Those are fucking huge. 20 of them per meal and that three times a day? Are you fucking crazy? I couldn't eat 20 regular maki per meal.

>> No.5198216


20 pieces a meal is fine quantity, def not too much

>> No.5198218

This, a regular sushi meal is 8-12 piece.
I can not get fat by eating a big mac a day.
Oh, my bad, you are a troll.

>> No.5198219
File: 6 KB, 200x252, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 pieces?

>> No.5198221

its KILO-calories you tard
why do people keep doing this

>> No.5198226


Veggie Party Tray $54.00
66 pieces.
Serves 10-17 for appetizers
Seaweed Salad
18 Pcs of Avocado Roll
12 Pcs of Cucumber Roll (Inside out with sesame seeds)
12 Pcs of Spinach & Carrot Roll (Inside out with sesame seeds)
12 Pcs of Red Bell & Asparagus Roll
12 Pcs of Sweet Potato Roll (Inside out)

All Cooked Sushi Tray $46.00
60 pieces.
Serves 10-15 for appetizers
12 Pcs of Avocado Roll
12 Pcs of Ebi Ten Roll
12 Pcs of California Roll
12 Pcs of Crab Salad Roll
12 Pcs of California Roll (Inside out with sesame seeds)

The Raw Deal Sushi Roll Tray $54.00
60 pieces.
Serves 10-15 for appetizers
12 Pcs of Tuna Roll
12 Pcs of Yellowtail Roll
18 Pcs of Spicy Tuna Roll
18 Pcs of Salmon Roll (Inside out with sesame seeds)

What do you notice?

>> No.5198231

How the fuck do you not realize over the course of 6 months you are gaining weight? You do not just wake up one day and suddenly realize you put on 50 lbs. After the first 10 lbs you should've taken the hint. It only takes like 3500 calories to turn into 1 lb of fat, you should've put 2+2 together after the first week.

>> No.5198234


OP here

at first i was also drinking alot of coke so i thought it was because of that

after that i gave up coke but the weight kept coming, now i realize it was because of fucking sushi

>> No.5198236

it is fairly healthy, that's just a lot.
probably the equivalent of around 5 salad sandwiches every day.

>> No.5198237

it's not because of sushi. it's because you're self indulgent and don't understand portion control.

>> No.5198238

are you literally retarded? If so, I'm sorry.
But how the fuck do you even eat 4000 calories of rice a day and not notice?

>> No.5198239

OP here

should i switch only to sashimi or is it also a scam like sushi? i don't want to eat sashimi for 6 months and figure out one slice of sashimi has 50 calories

however that would not be sustainable because i would probably need like 300 slices a day to keep hunger away and that amount of raw fish would kill me
also it would be too expensive but i am willing to give it a go

>> No.5198240

Yeah the Coke really didn't help either. If it's JUST sushi, as in raw fish on a slab of rice, it shouldn't be a lot of calories. But then again a couple bite-size pieces of fish isn't very filling, so I can understand why you'd need to have 20. I used to get those giant 40 piece sushis at Costco and a friend and I would polish them off in one sitting. Good stuff.

>> No.5198241

How about you just eat less, move more?

>> No.5198243


if i moved more i could eat whatever the fuck i wanted to, that's the point of eating healthy food - not having to work out that much

>> No.5198245

oh fuck, 20 pieces per meal.. three meals per day..
jesus christ OP, how do you even manage to eat that much? let alone not consider that it might not be the best for weight management. carbs are pretty filling.

>> No.5198247

please don't be serious
i beg you

>> No.5198248


it's 20 fucking bites, not like i ate an elephant

>> No.5198257

Might wanna check your blood mercury and other metal levels, OP.

>> No.5198259



sushi is made of raw and not canned fish you fucking retard

>> No.5198261

OP is rich. I suggest we kidnap him and ransom him so we may procure more lentils, beans, and rice.

>> No.5198267


Do you think merceru in fish comes from the cans?

>> No.5198272

LOL oh lord this guy

>> No.5198273

Also OP is troll.

>> No.5198275

How about, umm, working out or something?

>> No.5198324

it's funny how there's so much bitching about white rice but relatively little bitching about sushi, which is a ball of white rice dressed in syrup with some fish on the top.

>> No.5198326

>people giving the guy shit for eating 20 pieces of sushi

babies pls go.
We get it you can't eat its okay I have a few friends like this who can barely finish a two egg omlette

>> No.5198355


because so does the FDA

everyone knows what it means

deal with it

>> No.5198359

>sweet potato roll
I want.

>> No.5198363

You can also just capitalize the C, but then unknowledgeable people think you're weird.

>> No.5198365


u can eat fruit all day and be fat as fuck and gaining weight you stupid cunt, calories are calories

>> No.5198366

Just on the off chance that this isn't a bait. OP, do you have a mental problem?

>> No.5198368

But sushi isn't healthy, anon. I'm not sure why you think that american versions of asian quisine would be healthy... Maybe you are just pretending to be dumb.

>> No.5198369
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>> No.5198410

Be quiet Europe, we all know what calorie means, don't get your knickers twisted over this.

>> No.5198415

Why do you have to eat sushi anyway?

>> No.5198424

any normal piece of sushi is like 25-30 calories

maybe 40 for a california/philadelphia roll

you're a lying faggot OP

>> No.5198428


>onion crunchies

absolutely adorable

>> No.5198430

I've never seen anyone have more than 12 rolls at once. OP is a glutton.

>> No.5198445

>10 plates of sushi a meal
>3 times a day

jesus christ, I'm a decent-sized man and I only exceed 8 plates if I'm feeling unusually peckish, and that's for dinner

you are retarded and irresponsible, don't blame us for your problem dickfence

>> No.5198459

i can't even eat 15 pieces without feeling sick... wats wrong with you?

>> No.5198463


>u can eat fruit all day and be fat as fuck and gaining weight

Actually you can't, it's impossible to get fat eating just fruit. In fact that's a big part of the fruitarian lifestyle, eating way more calories than you need and still losing weight. It works for a multitude of reasons, the most easily explained being that your body can't absorb so much of the fructose at once and so you shit a lot of it out

>> No.5198466

Saturating your blood with fructose and stressing the fuck out of your insulin-system sure seems healthy to me.

>> No.5198468
File: 8 KB, 211x193, 1262444284020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>fructose being trapped in your blood when you're not eating large amounts of fat with it
>fructose causing insulin problems

No sir. A fruit-based diet is our genetic history, we came from fruit-eating apes, we're well adapted to survive on it.

>> No.5198469


we aren't adapted to eating excessive amounts of anything.

>> No.5198471

We also came from aquatic creatures, so why don't you try to go breath water and tell me how that goes?

>> No.5198472

Contemporary fruit cultivars have much higher sugar content.

>> No.5198474

eating that much sweetened rice didn't ring a bell for you? It's not the fish, it's the rice + sugar that did the job, +avocado and mayo if you are that sort of person that only gets spicy california

>> No.5198475

>we came from fruit-eating apes
we also come from dirt eating rodents and mud filtering fishes to, yet that diet doesn't work that well on us

>> No.5198476


Let me rephrase; we still ARE apes, and fruits have been considered some of the healthiest things to eat throughout all human history. There's no such thing as "an excessive amount" of fruit


>> No.5198480

No. We're simians, but not apes. Two different things.

>> No.5198484


They're not exclusive


>The simians (infraorder Simiiformes, Anthropoidea) are the "higher primates" familiar to most people: the Old World monkeys and apes, including humans


>Hominidae consists of orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and humans.[1][2] Alternatively, the hominidae family are collectively described as the great apes

>> No.5198491

We don't live in rainforests anymore. Unless you do, a fruit-based diet requires tons of shipping of foreign fruits and is even more unsustainable than vegans claim animal husbandry is.

>> No.5198495

eat sashimi, you uninhabited skull.

>> No.5198497


Has nothing to do with what we're talking about

>> No.5198500

Yes, it does. Don't recommend a fruit based diet. It may work for a few people, but it won't work for all of us.

>> No.5198501

I bet the type of Sushi he was eating was the American, California roll type. Shit is loaded with fat.
Good though.

>> No.5198507

Kinda hungry now. Like the hippo. Nom nom nom.

>> No.5198512

Huh. Learn something new every day. I knew we were relative of greater apes, but not that the term 'ape' applies to humans, too.
I'm wrong about that simian comment, then.
Still doesn't change the fact that a high-fruit diet isn't the best for human beings. It leads to protein–energy malnutrition, anæmia, sideropenia and pancreatic shutdown, I think. I don't think there are m/any fruits high in protein or iron. The pancreas is the organ that is most involved in the breakdown and absorption of fructose and over-loading it can cause it to go into overdrive and breakdown, like overclocking a PC for too long.

>> No.5198518

You can overindulge in "healthy" food, you dumb sack of shit.

>> No.5198548

Calories are calories no matter if it's healthy or not, and a normal serving of sushi is like 6 pieces so that's only 360 calories and if as you say eating nothing but that it comes to 1080 calories a day for three meals of 6 pieces of sushi.

Also all of that rice jeez

>> No.5198556

>Calories are calories
A Calorie is 1000 calories.

>> No.5198568

there is such a thing called healthy food and there is also a thing called moderation.

>> No.5198650

>That's the point of eating healthy food - not having to work out that much
>That's the point of eating healthy food - not having to work out that much
>That's the point of eating healthy food - not having to work out that much

>> No.5198666

>Hey guys. I just learnt in my chemistry class that Calorie with a big C is equal to 1000 calories with a little c!

Kill yourself.

>> No.5198670

But I learned it a decade ago. :^)

>> No.5198683

Pretty much this. Last year I weighed 65 pounds more than I do now. My vices were cheese, beer, fast food and pizza. In my weight loss journey I didn't give up a single one of those. I just had less of them.

Portion control is king.

>> No.5198688

>less beer
Rather be chunky

>> No.5198743

Why dont you try sashimi and exercise ou fat fuck.

>> No.5198749


A normal person would indulge for one meal then eat less later in the day. OP just keeps eating.

>> No.5198763

hahahahahaha hilarious thread OP


Great Saturday post!!!

>> No.5198789

They can't finish it because eggs are disgusting.

>> No.5198801

>muh social excuse at manliness!

>> No.5198806

>being so fat you have to excuse other people excess and insult people with some sort of egg related fanfic to feel better about yourself

lard pls.

>> No.5198809

>Let me rephrase; we still ARE apes
It literally doesn't mean anything, as there are plenty of species close to each others that have different diets.

>> No.5198812

Not really, there are foods that you can eat even without moderation that will never be bad for you except maybe giving you the shits from the sheer volume you would eat by being without moderation.

>> No.5198813

>i've been eating 20 pieces a meal three times a day
jesus christ you're an idiot.

>> No.5198818

you're also far

>> No.5198824

you're so dumb it's painful. you can lose weight eating butter. You're just fat and bitter.

>> No.5198847

i'm 183 cm x 66 kg the last time i had 58 pieces of sushi and half ananas

>> No.5198864
File: 320 KB, 487x247, 20 rolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 20 rolls. Look at this. Does this seem like the proper amount of food for a meal you are gonna have three times a day?

>> No.5198866

So Calories actually are calories. Thanks.

>> No.5198869

No, a Calorie is a thousand calories.

>> No.5198870

Who the fuck told you 60 pieces of meat and rice per day was healthy?

>> No.5198872

what is the black garnish that the two rolls on the right have?

>> No.5198876

Semen from a black guy

>> No.5198878

This holy shit. You would be perfectly fine eating 4-5 for lunch or breakfast.

>> No.5198880

The poster Xed them out because otherwise, it'd be more than twenty pieces pictured. It's not a garnish.

>> No.5198881

vanilla beans

>> No.5198891

So Calories are calories, but 1000x as many. I got ya.

>> No.5198893

This >>5198881
California roll de la vanille

>> No.5198896

>Mfw I get around people who think calorie count is all that matters when it comes to your diet
>"Man no I checked its totally okay to eat Mcdonalds every day as long as I stick to da solid 2000 bruh"

>> No.5198920

but that's true
plus mcdonalds has a pretty good macro spread, or if you want to you can take out the bread and do keto
educate yourself, angry whale.

>> No.5198931

>Guy advocating Mcdonalds diet calling other people whales

>> No.5198937

>whale thinking the law of thermodynamics doesn't apply to her

>> No.5198987

dat double QPC for bulkan. 750 cals - 48P/43F/42C

>> No.5199010

Do you not move from the computer all day whilst you stuff your fat face with sushi and watch japanese anime?

>> No.5199015

>watching Japanese anime
That's pleb tier. I only watch superior Chechen anime. You've probably never heard of them.