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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 797 KB, 1566x2226, Orange_juice_1_edit1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5180391 No.5180391[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Juice is, nutritionally, not much better than soda. How did U.S. consumers come to believe that oranges, in any form, were an important part of a healthy diet?

>Here’s a taste experiment for the adventurous and historically inclined drinker: Boil some orange juice, place it in a can, and leave it on a shelf for several weeks. This is what most people knew as orange juice in the 1920’s. In lieu of pricey fresh-squeezed, average Americans enjoyed what the latest preservation technology offered: canned juice, which was essentially boiled to death. Unsurprisingly, its flavor was…somewhat lacking.

>Most commercial orange juice is so heavily processed that it would be undrinkable if not for the addition of something called flavor packs. This is the latest technological innovation in the industry’s perpetual quest to mimic the simplicity of fresh juice. Oils and essences are extracted from the oranges and then sold to a flavor manufacturer who concocts a carefully composed flavor pack customized to the company’s flavor specifications. The juice, which has been patiently sitting in storage sometimes for more than a year, is then pumped with these packs to restore its aroma and taste, which by this point have been thoroughly annihilated. You’re welcome.


>> No.5180417

But I drink juice not from concentrate without any added ingredients.

>> No.5180424


Still sugary as fuck. What brand?

>> No.5180432

>buy oranges
>press into glass
Enjoy your orange juice that contains as much sugar as oranges would.

>> No.5180433

This is why I only drink ground up meat

>> No.5180436

I drink orange juice because I like the taste.
Come at me, bro.

>> No.5180437

Is there a best kind of juicer or fruit squeezer to buy?

I really like making my own juice (apple cider, orange juice, berry drinks, etc) but I have to do it with my blender and then strain the pulp. It's an enormous fucking hassle.

>> No.5180443
File: 58 KB, 800x567, 149-Orangenpresse-neu-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this good enough?

>> No.5180445

Nah. Fuck hand reamers. I've used them before, they're equally as much work for, honestly, less juice.

>> No.5180447

Electric juicer. Some food processors have an attachment for them.

Simply. Depends on the season though.

>> No.5180450

the pulp is the healthy part

>> No.5180451 [DELETED] 

>fruit is no longer healthy

Once you unhealthy omnivore fags learn of the benefits an exclusively meat diet you will not go back to your old unhealthy ways.

>> No.5180473


Here in Europe we make table sugar from beets.

Oh sugar must be healthy because beets are vegetables.

Doesn't work like that honey. Parts do not equal the whole, but fortunately we get the opposite as well. So apples are healthy even though the seeds contain a small amount of cyanide.

>> No.5180500 [DELETED] 

>here in Europe

Oh, I was wondering why you sounded like such a bitch-boy. Thanks for confirming my suspicion.

>> No.5180512

>losing the argument
>switches to personal attacks

>> No.5180524 [DELETED] 

>every discussion is an argument
Oh Europoors, you and your constant need for confrontation. No wonder you got yourself into 2 world wars and needed us to bail you out of them. Just chill and stop acting like a queer.

>> No.5180521

>table sugar from beets
Maybe where you're from. Where I'm from, it's cane.

>> No.5180530
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Where you're from is not Europe I guess then.

>> No.5180532
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>Who is Dr. Phillip Phillips

>> No.5180535 [DELETED] 
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But sugar is healthy you mongoloid fuck

>> No.5180540

>an exchange of ideas
>an exchange of opposing ideas
If we disagree it is an argument. Nothing to do with confrontation. I do not need to chill, I am not heated.

>> No.5180547 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 500x481, 1390784919975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Correct stance on issue stated
>some faggot (you) bitches
>your opinion is disregarded
>this constitutes an argument

Time to stop posting.

>> No.5180553

no u

>> No.5180560

Nope. I'm from Europe. We import cane sugar because we're not some poor, former Soviet shithole. We call it "white sugar" or "refined sugar" while unrefined is, oddly enough, called "cane sugar," even though they're both made from cane. Kind of like how in the US, they have "white bread" and "wheat bread" even though they're both made from wheat.

Just Eastern Europeans and the French are such faggots about this stuff. The west (other than France) generally either
a) doesn't care/think/is ambivalent about the US
b) s'ok with the US
c) likes the US but also likes making fun of it and/or its tourists

Eastern Europeans can't afford to leave their goat-fucking villages so they only have their local media as representations of what the US is like and we all know how absolute shit their media is. They act like Soviet-style communism is still a thing and the Cold War is still going on.

>> No.5180570


But anon, that wasn't funny, clever, interesting, or even worth reading. Why did you post it?

>> No.5180579 [DELETED] 

Oh thanks for clearing that up. No hard feelings my likely distantly related brother.

Back to the topic of the thread, if they boil the juice then add the remainder back into more juice to flavor it, aren't we just drinking the equivalent of "more" juice? Regardless,I usually just have a cup every other morning. Is that bad?

>> No.5180596
File: 424 KB, 1600x960, Sugarbeetoutput.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should say that you import it though and not answer "Here in Europe we make table sugar from beets." with "Where I'm from, it's cane." implying that this is what you make sugar from.
Also everything but Norway is now a former Soviet shithole.

>> No.5180617

In my house, we only drink fresh squeezed orange juice, or orange juice from the farmer's market, which is also fresh squeezed right in front of you. Problem solved. No one should be drinking juice all the time, though. You're still drinking the equivalent of several pieces of fruit per serving. Moderation, as usual, is key.

>> No.5180619 [DELETED] 

Maybe you should stop being a buttmad inbred Slav. Have you considered that?

>hurr durr yoorup duznt jooz kayn shoogur cuz yoorup duznt import fings

This is why literally everyone hates Slavs. Americans hate Slavs. Western Europeans hate Slavs (except Poles and Slovenes; we're divided on how to view Czechs and Croats, though). Half-educated know-nothing know-it-alls from piss-poor shitholes no one cares about going on and on about things they know nothing about. Get the fuck out of my country and go back to whatever turnip-eating shitshow you came from. And take Greece with you. We've had enough of them, too.

>> No.5180639

I never said I don't drink/eat the pulp. I just don't like my juice to be all pulp.

Usually if I make apple cider or orange juice, I save the pulp and put in breads or muffins I make.

>> No.5180646 [DELETED] 


Maybe you should stop being a buttmad inbred Slav. Have you considered that?

>hurr durr yoorup duznt jooz kayn shoogur cuz yoorup duznt import fings

This is why literally everyone hates Slavs. Americans hate Slavs. Western Europeans hate Slavs (except Poles and Slovenes; we're divided on how to view Czechs and Croats, though). Half-educated know-nothing know-it-alls from piss-poor shitholes no one cares about going on and on about things they know nothing about. Get the fuck out of my country and go back to whatever turnip-eating shitshow you came from. And take Greece with you. We've had enough of them, too.

>> No.5180649

I'm German. Your reading comprehension is sad.

>> No.5181109

If the use by date is more than a couple of days(usually 3 months to a year), you got ripped off.

>> No.5181112

But it's within 6 months

>> No.5181137

/fit/ taught me long ago not to drink juice, that it was just water and sugar with flavor, i.e., soda, just without the fizz. Considering a full glass is about 100 Calories it's in a way worse than soda, because at least soda comes in Diet form with no Calories. The only conceivable reason to drink orange juice is "muh vitamin C's" which you can just get through your solid food or in pill form if you are that desperate.

>> No.5181169

Wow, what a disappointment. The Atlantic usually isn't full of crap. This is a crap article, OP. Pay attention to the science of "boiled to death" and equate that to pasteurization, and why we do it. It's not difficult to understand, but in order to get the farm to the table, some foods spoil, and are therefore processed in a way to continue to make them safe and edible. Maybe you live in modern society and fresh citrus is flown around the world from climates that grow it, to those that want it. But, that wasn't always so easy. No matter, we don't live in those times. But, we still do pasteurize foods. There is good reason to not consume unpasteurized milk, fruit juice and cheese if you have health conditions, so though you might want to think eating an fresh orange helps you curb your hunger from the fiber, or pressing it yourself is better, superior to frozen, it may or may not be ideal.

You got tricked by the food police. Don't be ignorant. Years ago people drank juice in little juice glasses, 4 ounces, so they could equate a serving to a piece of fruit. There's no reason you couldn't return to that. But if you think fresh squeezed juice is all flavor packed, or that fruit oils aren't delicious, and even more delicious when separated from the pith, which can bitter a whole batch, then you're the kind of the audience this author wanted to scare.

>> No.5181190

>. We import cane sugar because we're not some poor, former Soviet shithole. We call it "white sugar" or "refined sugar" while unrefined is, oddly enough, called "cane sugar," even though they're both made from cane. Kind of like how in the US, they have "white bread" and "wheat bread" even though they're both made from wheat.
You have issues with language, I think.
wheat bread is short for "whole wheat" bread. White bread means it came from wheat flour which was bleached/enriched flour. There is a big difference between 100% whole grain bread nutritionally from bread which contains some whole grain wheat, but also flavor. Since there are differences, it's fine to differentiate between them, duh.

Importing sugar is usually a sign that you don't actually manufacture that item in your own country, which can have a lot to do with not being a tropical climate. Sugarcane doesn't grow just anywhere. Sugar is sugar is sugar, if you leave any flavor component out of it, like molasses from cane. Beet sugar and white sugar from cane are the most processed, and the least flavorful, so whatever, you get what you can get. Demerara is the coarser candylike slightly brown sugar which you know is delicious sugar cane flavor. But, just saying it's from cane is to let you know it's not from beets or some other source, which should be a less expensive source and therefore reflected in the price, ie so you don't get ripped off.

>> No.5181199

It's a common misconception that the only reason to not eat whole foods vs vitamins is something simple like calories. Outside of the recommended daily allowance of certain vitamins, there are trace amounts of various minerals, enzymes, fiber, and micronutrients that you should consume in their natural fresh form that you can't get in a pill. I do agree that juice calories should be counted, if you are cutting calories, but you shouldn't vilify juice so outright like that. When you are battling hunger and satiety, or don't calorie count, it's a good thing to bring awareness of what you put in your mouth. But, it's not that simple as it being bad for you. If you have diabetes, you might want to regulate your consumption to give you some evenly digested sugars, slower number spikes, however.

>> No.5181239

>white bread and wheat bread are both made from wheat
>NUH UH! NUH UH! White bread is made from wheat flour that is bleached! Wheat bread is made from whole grain wheat flour!
>doesn't realise that he just confirmed the statement he had a problem with in the first place to be correct
>goes on to talk about some shit that has nothing to do with the statement he's failing to contradict
In your country, likely America, cane sugar = white sugar. In my country, what translates into English as "cane sugar" is what America calls "demerara sugar." It's made from whole cane IE analogous to American "wheat bread." What's called "white sugar" in my country is made from refined cane and is therefore analogous to American "white bread."

>> No.5181481


Wheat bread is commonly actually just recolored white bread. It's only whole wheat if it actually says whole wheat.

>> No.5181504

While an interesting point. I would like to see if orange juice does contain more trace minerals than water.

As for diabetics, they should avoid all juices completely. if they want an orange in their diet, they should eat an orange with all of it's fibery goodness. The only benefits to juice is that you can consume it faster, consume more of it, and metabolize it faster. I cannot think of a situation where those three things would be beneficial to a type 2 diabetic. Perhaps a type 1, who's glucose level has fallen too far.

>> No.5183610

>Everyone is presumed to be overweight and calories are evil
I hate this world

>> No.5183621

>Wheat bread is commonly actually just recolored white bread. It's only whole wheat if it actually says whole wheat.
No. Wheat bread is not recolored, lol. It contains some portion of unbleached wheat, whole grain or not, and any amount. Whole wheat is the same thing, no indication of how much is whole grain vs processed flour. No laws, either. In the bread world, what recipe is used for bread is entirely preference for taste, which varies. If you attempting to eat entirely unprocessed food, and all whole grain, you'd get a bread most similar to that moist german rye. There has to be a blend of ingredients to give you bread that you recognize as bread.

>> No.5183638

better to say trace nutrients. Phytonutrients, like lycopene, a carotenoid, aren't really on the RDA or FDA packaging. Flavonols, phenols, flavonoids, anthrocyanins, and limonin....are precursors to enzymes that do a host of good things in a body. Though juice is missing a lot of the fiber, pulpy juice does contain the pectin, that soluble fiber that promotes lower cholesterol by sticking to fats in the GI tract and moving them through. If you want to compare juice to water, the pH is a consideration. From neutral to acidic, there's some bladder and kidney health associated with pH. There's also some of the bitter compounds from the pith and peels (which people typically don't eat when eating whole fruit), that makes it into juice.

Moral of the story, don't jump to conclusions.

>> No.5183645

There are no unhealthy foods, just unhealthy diets

>> No.5183650

>juice sold in stores
>natural fresh form

good try

>> No.5183679
File: 1.99 MB, 320x362, 1391087746016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Floridian
>mfw fresh squeezed OJ from local county growers available 3/4ths of the year
>mfw 75f and sunny with a cool breeze right now
>mfw I wear shorts and flip flops to work

>> No.5183697

>yfw 15 bucks to leave miami

>> No.5183780
File: 76 KB, 600x450, absolutelydisgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5183862

Where are you from?

>> No.5183924

Your work must be real high end, high pay.

>> No.5183937

pro-tip: if you have a professional career, clothing only matters when you are meeting clients.

Not something you'd understand considering you probably wear a uniform with a nametag to work.

>> No.5183991

That's just not true Anon. I work in IT, I have barely any client contact but if I work a the office, I do not wear flip flops or shorts as a simple form of decency for my coworkers who might not be interested in seeing my hairy toes and knobbly knees. Maybe the mentality in Florida is different due to constantly high temperatures though, you tell me.

>> No.5184049

Every job I have had in the tech industry (dev here) has allowed me to wear sandals and shorts to work for the most part. Meeting clients means slacks and at the most casual a polo, but more often a shirt and optional tie.

>> No.5184056

There is no face

>> No.5184058

come to straya cunt we do our business in budgie smugglers

>> No.5184065

Different weather and culture I suppose. It's just not what we do in Germany unless you do manual labor (better no flip flops then though), entertainment or arts.

>> No.5184068

Culture sure, but I am based in Wisconsin so I do not get Florida weather.

>> No.5184069

>Maybe the mentality in Florida is different due to constantly high temperatures though, you tell me.
In Florida, a deck shoe and mid-length shorts, and a seriously nice polo shirt or silk or linen Tommy Bahama short sleeve or guayabera is more the classier humid-hot weather solution. There are high end flip flops, Tevas, or some leather options with great arch support and comfort, but for the most part closed toe is more the norm if you're classy. You don't wear athletic clothing to the office unless you don't have clients who are athletes.

>> No.5184076
File: 84 KB, 500x590, 1367795381022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where I'm from, it's corn.

>> No.5184098

>No. Wheat bread is not recolored, lol.


>> No.5184143 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 394x480, 1392063094649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's in a way worse than soda, because at least soda comes in Diet form
>worse than Diet soda

>> No.5184156
File: 79 KB, 394x480, 1392063311196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fit/ taught me
>it's in a way worse than soda, because at least soda comes in Diet form
>worse than Diet soda

>> No.5184190


>Juice is, nutritionally, not much better than soda.


>> No.5184196

Diet is what you eat. What you eat is food. I still agree with your point, though.

>> No.5184199
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>this has got to be bullshit
guess i'll stop drinking the stuff

>> No.5184201

wtf is even going on there

>> No.5184205

Provide credible peer-reviewed sources showing diet sodas are detrimental to human health.

>> No.5184212
File: 21 KB, 460x276, Dick-Cheney-010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Provide credible peer-reviewed sources showing diet sodas are less detrimental to human health than natural fruit juice, if you're the one making this claim.

>> No.5184215

I didn't make the claim. But it seems to be common to act like diet soda is poison, despite any evidence.

>> No.5184218

If I can provide you with peer-reviewed studies showing that soda is detrimental to human health would you concede that diet soda has to be more so than fruit juice?

>> No.5184219

>would you concede that diet soda has to be more so than fruit juice?
I never made this statement anywhere in this thread.

>> No.5184224

>ITT: no one knows shit about science

>> No.5184232


>> No.5184234

>it seems to be common to act like
That's why it's called common sense. Fortunately, you still have the option to keep buying your artificially sweetened brown fluid and I can continue to drink nature's pussy juice from my tinfoil cup.

>> No.5184235

There is nothing wrong with juice in moderation. Of course, I am talking about actual juice, not incredibly processed, concentrated and reconstituted, sugar-added, kinds.

Juice has plenty of minerals, vitamins, and good phytochemicals. Yes, it has sugar, but so what? Sugar is not bad for you in moderate amounts, it is good for you!

In the same way I would not sit down and eat 9 oranges, 5 apples, 1 lb raspberries, etc I wouldn't drink a gallon of juice a day.

To suggest juice is bad is simply stupid.

>> No.5184241

>That's why it's called common sense.
People used to believe lead was medicine, uranium dentures were fine, and taking x-rays of your feet to make sure your shoes fit was a great idea.

>> No.5184242


>I would not sit down and eat 9 oranges, 5 apples, 1 lb raspberries,

You gotta fruit up, bro.


>> No.5184245

Where I'm from, we invaded countries to have slaves make it for us...
It tastes good.

>> No.5184260

None of those are about being too careful about something but rather about being not careful enough. You'd had a point if you advised against drinking soda due to inconclusive data on its safety.

>> No.5184268

>You'd had a point if you advised against drinking soda due to inconclusive data on its safety.
Do you think aspartame has been inadequately tested? It is consumed by millions upon millions of people annually in large amounts to no ill effect.

That alone should tell you something.

>> No.5184275

If you believe that your post here makes even less sense >>5184241 and you're just trying to throw words at some Anon to win da fight.

>> No.5184281

So you have no evidence that diet soda is bad for you? That's what I thought.

>> No.5184288
File: 91 KB, 428x545, diet-soda-too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great idea ≠ common sense

Also, like a lot of people today think it's a great idea that drinking more soda with sugar substitutes will help make them less of landwhales and cure their diasugarbeets.

>> No.5184297

Dude, I'm not even that person. But you are contradicting yourself again. There was no evidence against x-raying for fun either. What are you arguing now? Being super careful or not?

>> No.5184302

>It is consumed by millions upon millions of people annually in large amounts to no ill effect
is what they used to say about tobacco

You're safe, no one lies to you.

>> No.5184312

>a lot of people today think it's a great idea that drinking more soda with sugar substitutes will help make them less of landwhales and cure their diasugarbeets.
Drinking something devoid of calories versus sugar water can help people lose weight. Are you dense?

I don't think anyone believes diet soda has curative properties. Most people who drink it either do so for the taste or as an alternative to sugary soda.

I bet you think people who have a Big Mac and a diet coke are retarded, because they should just go all the way and have 50 grams of sugar and a few more hundred calories on top of the meal.

>> No.5184314

>that feel when local independent grocery store makes and bottles their own fresh squeezed orange and grapefruit juice
>that feel when most plebs will never taste this nectar of the gods

>> No.5184330


I used to live near a store that did this, it was addictive. The difference between that and something like Simply Orange was surprising.

>> No.5184332
File: 383 KB, 628x428, Bison_Barf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do so for the taste

>> No.5184335

>is what they used to say about tobacco
Yet they couldn't hide mounting epidemiological evidence.

There is no diet soda-induced epidemic and no studies suggesting risk with the moderate consumption of such drinks.

You have no basis for evidence but think repeating, "it's common sense" and implying you have any deeper insight means anything.

Yes, tobacco is unhealthy and the industry was actively hiding such evidence. This is why we have federal regulations and testing, along with third party research.

>> No.5184337

Diet Coke is the second most popular pop.

>> No.5184360
File: 22 KB, 402x400, 1360622431600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Katy Perry is the second most popular pop artist.

>> No.5184364
File: 78 KB, 333x500, katy perr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katy Perry is hot as faaaaawk.

>> No.5184378

>I bet you think people who have a Big Mac and a diet coke are retarded
Yes, they shouldn't be eating any of that shit. Especially if they're concerned with their health and/or weight. But that's just, like, my opnion, man.

>> No.5184606


>>Most commercial orange juice is so heavily processed that it would be undrinkable if not for the addition of something called flavor packs. This is the latest technological innovation in the industry’s perpetual quest to mimic the simplicity of fresh juice. Oils and essences are extracted from the oranges and then sold to a flavor manufacturer who concocts a carefully composed flavor pack customized to the company’s flavor specifications. The juice, which has been patiently sitting in storage sometimes for more than a year, is then pumped with these packs to restore its aroma and taste, which by this point have been thoroughly annihilated.

this is stupid as fuck

the whole point of flavour packs is to reintroduce the flavours lost to pasteurisation, how is that a bad thing

i hate these fucking articles

orange juice is better than soda, similar caloric density but still better nutritionally

stop letting these stupid websites rule your life

>> No.5184610

>the whole point of flavour packs is to reintroduce the flavours lost to pasteurisation, how is that a bad thing

Enjoy your juice that has to have vitamin C re-introduced. Wonder where all the other nutrients went?

>> No.5184633


>OP posts an article with no opinion of his included
>you assume he is "letting these stupid websites rule [his] life"

Why do you jump to stupid conclusions, anon?

>> No.5184634

>promotes lower cholesterol.
>binds to cholesterol in GI tract

But fructose with low amounts of fiber has been shown to increase inflammation in the arteries, which promotes the bodies production of cholesterol. Even if we ignore that dietary cholesterol has little effect on serum cholesterol I would say cholesterol is a wash.

>> No.5184636

>Most commercial orange juice is so heavily processed that it would be undrinkable if not for the addition of something called flavor packs. This is the latest technological innovation in the industry’s perpetual quest to mimic the simplicity of fresh juice. Oils and essences are extracted from the oranges and then sold to a flavor manufacturer who concocts a carefully composed flavor pack customized to the company’s flavor specifications. The juice, which has been patiently sitting in storage sometimes for more than a year, is then pumped with these packs to restore its aroma and taste, which by this point have been thoroughly annihilated. You’re welcome.
This sounds awesome, and makes me appreciate how great technology is

I will never understand why this sort of thing upsets liberals

>> No.5184641

1 8oz serving of orange juice contains the calories of about 3 oranges.
a gallon would be the equivalent of about 50 oranges

>> No.5184697


>Wonder where all the other nutrients went?

who the fuck cares, fresh orange juice is hardly fucking soylent, it's stored in a deoxygenated environment that does a pretty fucking good job of preserving it and then they reintroduce essential oils back into it that make it taste good. these are things that make the manufacturing process more consistent and preserve shelf-life, which is a fucking good thing. if you want fresh juice drink fresh juice but don't bitch and moan about fucking flavour packs because they are a GOOD FUCKING THING

>> No.5184743
File: 79 KB, 230x330, 1392077067409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you take your flavor packs and shove them up your asshole.

>> No.5184754

I wasn't actually listing the ingredients in a gallon of juice.

>> No.5184757

>how great technology is
It is flavoring. That's it.

>> No.5184764

i dont mind orange juice but id rather just eat an actual orange most of the time

>> No.5184765

>This sounds awesome, and makes me appreciate how great technology is
It went from storing juice frozen to storing it in tanks and having to add aromatics to the juice to give it a semblance of its former taste.

Yeah, what a great technological advancement. I bet you like truffle oil too lol

>> No.5184769

Enjoy not getting the fibery wonder of eating an orange and instead just getting the orange's acidic sugar water

>> No.5184777

>Enjoy your orange juice that contains as much sugar as oranges would.
Not everyone is terrified of sugar or thinks nutrition only consists of carbs, protein, fat, and calories.

>> No.5184788


oh god yet another fucker complaining about truffle oil

truffle oil is delicious, it's not as good as an actual fucking truffle but little is. it's comparable to vanilla essence, which is also good. cunt celebrity chefs diss on truffle oil because they live in a bubble.

there is no fucking way you can paint the reintroduction of aromatics to mass-marketed juice as a bad thing and get away with it. this is juice that has to be made and stored in enormous quantities to satisfy demand, if you don't like it, don't drink it but don't complain about a considerable improvement to the product just because you're a luddite.

>> No.5184790

>truffle oil is delicious

Stopped reading. Thanks for putting that in the beginning of that post, I didn't have to wade through the rest of your shit.

>> No.5184795

The only people that use this term are those that politicize science and technology and know little about either one.

>> No.5184796


ok mr bourdain

have fun forming pointless prejudices just because your celebrity buddies told you to

>> No.5184797

Only white truffle oil is heresy. There are other kinds of course, and butters.

>> No.5184802


i think if this board has taught me anything it's that food technology is a political issue and that glib social commentators like you don't help that problem.

>> No.5184805

I know far more about mycology than you every will. This includes the cultivation, collection, and preparation of edible fungi.

You probably consider Velveeta an adequate cheese substitute.

>> No.5184809

>pointless prejudices
Do you think one aromatic compound sufficiently encompasses the complex profile of a truffle?

>> No.5184812


>> No.5184829


>sufficiently encompasses the complex profile of a truffle?


but i still think it tastes good

and i think the rampant snobbery about it is incredibly annoying


hey good job there buddy

p.s: i've never tried velveeta but it's probably delicious too

there's a difference between processed food accurately mimicking another one and simply tasting good

>> No.5184833


what do you mean?

>> No.5184890

I mean I wasn't the one that brought politics into the discussion of technology/science.

>rampant snobbery
It has nothing to do with snobbery and everything to do with taste and quality. You evidently revel in eating anything under the guise of not being a "librul elitist".

>> No.5184891
File: 7 KB, 191x234, happyblush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a difference between processed food accurately mimicking another one and simply tasting good


>> No.5184894

I don't get how fruit juice is unhealthier than eating a fruit. So if I eat an apple , it's okay. But if I put the apple in a juicer, then it's suddenly not okay?

>> No.5184902


>I mean I wasn't the one that brought politics into the discussion of technology/science.

well, nor was i, but i wasn't accusing you of that. i am a pretty left wing dude and as a britfag i wouldn't go around calling people liberal, that's just gauche american bullshit.

>It has nothing to do with snobbery and everything to do with taste and quality.

i've already said these things are delicious. i like eating delicious things.

>> No.5184909


>But if I put the apple in a juicer, then it's suddenly not okay?

it's still ok, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, but the ratio of calories to micronutrient density will be negatively affected. if you put the apple in a blender and drank everything including the pulp, anyone who told you it's less healthy would be a cunt.

>> No.5184944

Fructose can only be digested by the liver. Too much fructose in your system at once hurts your liver.

Fiber in fruit makes the fructose time delayed. So it releases slowly at a rate your liver can handle.

Juicing removes fiber from the fruit. Also the lack of fiber can make it easy to over consume fruit. a pint like they would serve you at ihop, will be as much sugar as 6 oranges. Try eating 6 oranges. You will be very full. Drink 6 oranges, and you will be ready to eat pancakes.

Combining the large consumption of fruit in juice form, you also have the risk of rising blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels cause an increased release of insulin. Too much insulin in your system will increase the rate your body stores excess sugars as fats. At the same time high insulin levels increase the risk that your body will become insulin resistant, which is the beginnings of diabetes.

>> No.5184949


These are two different devices which operate differently.

>> No.5185485
File: 30 KB, 480x357, th (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been drinking a bottle of pic related every day for a week. should i stop? it has been helping me to go to the bathroom since i tend to get constipated. I also drink 32oz or more of water each day so that also helps.

>> No.5185497

>caring this much about other people's opinions when it is obviously helping you

cmon man.

>> No.5185508

Sooo, most days I have a single glass of grapefruit juice in the morning instead of a solid breakfast.

Am I slowly killing myself with sugary liquid poison?

>> No.5185513

Don't care. It has potassium to quench my thirst.

>> No.5185533

Normally I would say no, but they found formaldehyde in that shit. Google it

>> No.5185540

>Most commercial orange juice is so heavily processed that it would be undrinkable if not for the addition of something called flavor packs
>heavy processed

It hurts my feelings that people think this means anything.

>> No.5185552

You have to admit a lot of heavily processed foods are shit tier quality.

>> No.5185553

I know but i have heard that it is better to eat the fruit rather than to drink it but this stuff is so good.

>> No.5185554
File: 190 KB, 1002x918, hp3A-2-3qt-jar-package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a Galaxy-class blender and make your own.

>> No.5185563

I feel sick....

>> No.5185564
File: 153 KB, 800x585, Juicepicasso1Lcopybest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this shit legit? It sure tastes legit.

>> No.5185565

No, I don't, because "heavily processed" is so fucking broad that it's meaningless.
"Processed" is a term for ignorant people that can't/don't even try to interpret nutritional information.
I bet you buy cookware that locks in your food's goodness too.

>> No.5185570

>Being able to make a nekkid whenever I feel like
I don't have that sort of self-control, anon.
I'd probably drink more home made nekkid sludge than water.

>> No.5185578

lol you are seriously misguided.

>> No.5185584

Guide me then.
Explain to me the meaning of what I believe to be a bullshit media food cliche.

>> No.5185585

That's a pretty penny. too poor though. guess till then i have to eat fruit.

>> No.5185591

Guys check this out.

So many Pepsi products.

>> No.5185592

Back home we usually drank fresh juice made by roadside vendors. Shit was cash. Add rock salt to your home-made juice to really lift the flavour.

>> No.5185609

What the best cherry juice concentrate I can get on Amazon? I have a reverse osmosis system, so I don't need to be wasting money on reconstituted cherry juice.

>> No.5186038

>and the USA don't have proper labeling laws
>USA don't have proper
>USA don't have
>USA don't
How am I'm supposed to take an article about nutrition seriously when it looks like it was written by a 7th grader with bad grammar? If you're going to post something on a blog for the world to read is it too much trouble to atleast proofread it first? It's a shame because the article is pretty informative but something like that is completely offputting and reflects poorly on the writer and the topic at hand.

>> No.5186141

>Adding salt to juice
You know what you're talking about, cheers.

>> No.5186145


>the USA don't have
>the United States of America don't have
>multiple entities do not have

It sounds weird, but it's not incorrect.

>> No.5186158
File: 20 KB, 422x347, 1322329349743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How am I'm supposed to take an article about nutrition seriously when it looks like it was written by a 7th grader with bad grammar?
>How am I'm

>> No.5186181

>Not drinking nudie
Fucking plebs
I bet you eat cage eggs faggots

>> No.5186182
File: 218 KB, 500x374, yablewit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha I'm such a retard. That's beyond irony. I won't even try to make an excuse.
"the United States don't" makes sense, but United States of America is one entity. You wouldn't say the European Union don't allow GMO foods. Whatever, I was just being a dick anyway. It was written by a young girl with good intentions. At least she's trying, instead of shitting up an image board with criticism. But 'cmon,
>because she recognize the problem

>> No.5186249

wtf, I'm sorry dude but your education in English language is SHOCKINGLY poor... I'm not going to call you stupid but really... I can only suggest you look it up on google or something.

>> No.5186256

Made an error and overstatement when I said "shockingly". It's not that bad so I apologise. The reason is that you have to fine the most appropriate person. (1st, 2nd, 3rd. singular? plural?)

When I say "The USA"
Is the closest thing, "I, we." "You, you (same in plural in English)." or "He/she, they."

Probably "They" and "The USA" are the most similar. As such, you'd say "They do not," and not "They does not".

That's the reasoning in linguistic terms and a totally understandable mistake.

>> No.5186265

Not sure if the offer still stands, but a lot of people were getting money from the company for mislabeling. All you had to do was sign up to a big website and the company had to compensate you for lying in marketing.

>> No.5186269

Buy oranges, and squeeze your own. You'll drink less juice this way, which is fine, you shouldn't be drinking juice all day. It tastes a lot better, too.

>> No.5186288

>all them persimmons

enjoy that persimmon stone

>> No.5186294

or you could eat the oranges, as much as you want cause the fruit flesh actually reduce your appetite, as opposed to juice.

>> No.5186313

The fuck are you on about? It's not they, moron. They would be Americans. United States of America IS A country, one. IT is a country, not they is a country. English is obviously not even your native language so wtf are you trying to give lessons to?

>inb4 United Statians

>> No.5186369

Drunk frenchfag here.
The sugar in stores, whatever colour and form they are, are from cane grown in our "overseas departments and territories" (kinda like a colony.)

It's a lesser known fact that a lot of unlabelled sugar (like the one you'd find in orange juice) comes from beet (also locally grown, obviously.) I guess it's cheaper.

Now I have no idea of the content in glucose, fructose, vitamins and nutriments of these two sugar. Corn sounds like crap, but still have no documentation.

I learned about corn syrup on 4chan or somewhere American. I know it does exist here (my favourite bar, "The Bang", use it to make fake blood for Halloween. They keep it edible since their parties tend to end-up kinda in orgies.), but never saw it in stores. When I talk about it to friends, they are all "you are wrong, you can't make sugar from corn."

>> No.5186395

I want to play Tropico. I will do that if the boss cancels work because of temperature and their inability to drive on black ice.

>> No.5186515

There are two tests to see if you are drinking too much juice.
Test 1. Are you gaining weight? If yes you might have added too much juice to your diet.
Test 2. Is your blood glucose level higher than before, or is it spiking higher than before. Or after spiking does it drop lower than resting levels? If yes you might be drinking too much juice.

Every person is different, there is no hard limit to juice consumption

>> No.5186524

99.5% similar
I just mentioned that sugar came from beets, because people don't eat cane whole, and I wanted to make a comparative contrast between whole healthy and refined bad.

>> No.5186666


what a terrible fucking article

>> No.5186682

Why are liberals so afraid of technology?