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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5182587 No.5182587[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5182740

I don't even have a microwave available to me, consider yourself lucky.

>> No.5182758

Nice floor and electric stove.

>> No.5182789

>not texture or detail
>not visible on the box in the picture

Yeah go fuck yourself.

>> No.5182959

OP here. It's cheap fake wood (not sure what it's called). Came with the apartment.

>> No.5183328

I used to eat them but I stopped.
Excellent source of fat calories and salt

Not that I'm a health nut, still eat fried chicken and ramen noodles

>> No.5183374

You are aware it cost less to buy the grounded meat, a tin of vegetables and making some dehydrated mashed potatoes than buy that prepared version, right? why would you do that? I can understand frozen dinners for things that are long and hard to do, but overcooked meat and vegetables? come on.

>> No.5183380

I like the wear ready meals give on my soul. Preparing meals properly just doesn't give the same sense of my own betrayal unto myself.

>> No.5183404
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>> No.5183422

>Actually buying these
>Actually expecting them not to be total shit

>> No.5183439

they exist so you don't have to prepare anything. how does one not understand the concept of a frozen tv dinner?

>> No.5183440
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>> No.5183447


Ok, what if instead of using a blanket you used a braid of electric eals to warm yourself in your sleep with harsh electric shocks?

Whats so hard to understand about that??

>> No.5183462
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Oh no you fucking didn't

>> No.5183463

>they exist so you don't have to prepare anything.
putting 2 patties and a can of vegetables in the microware is literally the same effort, except both healtier and cheaper.

>> No.5183474
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>not eating amy's organic

we got a nigglywiggly over here

>> No.5183477

>mediterranean style recipe
>serving suggestion
You could have prevented this

>> No.5183491

I don't even eat frozen dinners, but I've looked at them as I've gone by in the frozen isle, and Amy's just seems ridiculously expensive for what you get. I stopped and looked at their frozen vegan mac and cheese (I have an allergy to dairy, so anything dairy free catches my eye), and it was $4.69 for a 10 oz. package. That seems pretty overpriced. But, like I said, I've never tried any of their food, so IDK if it's good enough to justify the price or not, but I can't see how.

>> No.5183538

there burittos are great but everything else is too overpriced, anyway if you care that much about eating healthy and organic and shit you shouldn't be eating microwave meals.

>> No.5183556
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OP here. Do you just throw a patty on a plate or in a Tupperware container when you microwave it?

>> No.5183573

>can of vegetables in the microware
Can will make your microwave go bonkers.

>> No.5183574



>> No.5183580
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>these are the people that read the instructions on the shampoo bottle

>> No.5183637

Shampoo is the biggest scam perpetrated on the shopping public since buying things was invented.

>> No.5183648


I disagree. Dryer sheets are worse.

>> No.5183651

wat, why

>> No.5183653

Hungry man... dat ass
Such deception...

>> No.5183685

Hell you say. What's wrong with dryer sheets?

>> No.5183717


They do absolutely nothing (except smell), yet they've somehow gotten people hooked on thinking they need to buy them for every load of laundry.

Next time you do laundry skip the dryer sheet. Notice that it was exactly the same as before, except perhaps for the lack of artificial "spring clean" scent or someshit.

>> No.5183720

...but the scent is the entire reason people buy them in the first place

$1 for about 50 loads of laundry is worthwhile if someone likes the scent

>> No.5183750
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>it's real

>> No.5183772

amy's organic is probably one of the healthiest frozen meals out there but they're also ridiculously exspensive. They also use the same seasoning in a lot of their stuff, I've noticed. I used to eat them when I was starting out vegetarian and didn't know how to feed myself.

>> No.5183777

they're also supposed to help cut down on the static. . . scentless dryer sheets exist

>> No.5183842

>they do absolutely nothing except make your clothes smell out of this world

>> No.5183863
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OP here.

I'm not making it up.

>> No.5183929

I buy hungry man dinners for my father because he's single and doesn't have a wife to cook for him.

>> No.5183957

The sodium will preserve him and assist in living for many years to come.

>> No.5184370


Oh, this product upsets the statist food police?

I'll take five.

>> No.5184386


> 530 calories

That's surprisingly low. I was thinking 4 digits.

>> No.5184388

>hungry man
>450 g of food

what is this?

>> No.5184635

I think it was 600 calories. Will look when I get home. (OP here)

>> No.5184668

Eh. Are there healthier frozen meals?

>> No.5184708

> yet they've somehow gotten people hooked on thinking they need to buy them for every load of laundry.

Sometimes my wife forgets to put the dryer sheet in and I notice every time. My button down long sleeve shirts cling to my back and sweaters make a crackly static sound when you put it on and by the end of the day, its coated with lint and funk because static attracts/holds it.

>> No.5184808

I'd eat it.

I don't get why people knock this stuff so bad. It gives you protiens. Veggies. Carbs. It's pretty balanced considering what else you could eat.

But it's like anything else. Do you eat fastfood everyday? (you shouldn't if you do) For a once in awhile meal, its great.

Not everyday meal though, no.

>> No.5184827

>I don't get why people knock this stuff so bad.

It tastes horrible, it's loaded with preservatives, and it's actually quite costly for what you get. I could see grabbing one if you were in a big rush or you had some kind of emergency, but I have no idea why you would call it "great", even sometimes. What on earth do you eat that this looks "great" by comparison?

>> No.5185289
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OPerator here.

Grilled beef patty is a little worse for you than the Salisbury steak

>> No.5185295
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more pic b/c why not

>> No.5185333

show cooking time and receipt so we can tell you what superior food you could have had for the same amount of time and money as your soyburgers and fake mash

>> No.5185344

>Next time you do laundry skip the dryer sheet. Notice that it was exactly the same as before

Except, of course, for the incredibly noticeable increase in static. If I wash a sweater without a dryer sheet, it crackles so bad afterwards that it can pretty much light up the room.

>> No.5185355

>1440mg sodium

>> No.5185356

veneer. It's called veneer.

>> No.5185641
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Pic related. I always use a toaster oven because it is easier. The microwave instructions are way too much work.

Thanks for the info. Learn something new every day.

>> No.5185726

Fucking tofu in the 'beef' patty

>> No.5185743

I'm pretty sure that is normal for meat patties. Don't most recipes call for that?