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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5180752 No.5180752[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My wife is a few weeks pregnant and has pretty bad morning sickness. She has some every day. Sometimes she's feeling better by dinner, some days she has trouble keeping anything at all down. The only two things that she's consistently had no trouble keeping down are blue gatorade and mint tea with honey.

The problem is that she's been steadily losing weight, which her OBGYN doesn't want to see happen. She's just having trouble keeping enough calories down to maintain her weight though.

Anyone got tips on food for pregnant women? Things that won't trigger morning sickness? Especially things that are somewhat healthy but high in calories.

>> No.5180754

in the morning she should eat ginger biscuits, they'll help with the nausea

>> No.5180760

Don't know if she's tried those. I think she tried ginger ale and some other stuff with ginger and it didn't help much, but I'll suggest them.

>> No.5180765

Really, anything thgat she can see herself eating she should eat. I suppose you guys have already tried the soup route?
When my best friend got pregnant all she could keep down for the first bit was chips and salsa, and chicken soup.

>> No.5180779

Thalidomide completely stops morning sickness.

>> No.5180789
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I hope she's taking at least an oil supplement and prenatal vitamin if she can't eat food.
These are the crucial times of development.
Is she getting an adequate amount of exercise or is she too tired from lack of food?
What's a typical day's worth of food for her if she does eat breakfast/lunch/dinner?
Here are nice mild and nutritious foods.
Vanilla almond milk mixed with a few tablespoons of chia seeds overnight for a delicious pudding.
almond butter and jam on toast
cream of wheat or cream of rice
Chinese chicken and rice soup, ginger is a nice flavor to add
plain mashed potatoes

Oh God I want to be a Mommy so badly ;__;

>> No.5180804

Gatorade is good, also ginger ale if she can handle it. Peppermints, or any hard candy will also help with the nausea. For calories, you can try those Ensure shakes. The morning sickness will go away when she hits her 2nd trimester, so don't worry too much.

>> No.5180809

Did you type that with your flippers?

>> No.5180810

Yeah, she's taking prenatal vitamins. She's not exercising much, she's too tired.

>> No.5180819

Tell us what she normally eats when she can keep foods down.
Maybe she should try different new foods.

>> No.5180825

nilla cookie wafers
try to stay away from dairy, it can make an upset stomach worse

>> No.5180829

A normal day she'll have some toast with butter and jelly or a bowl of cereal and milk and a cup of coffee for breakfast.

Lunch is usually a lunch meat sandwich or leftovers and some fruit or veggies and a can of diet pop.

Dinner is the biggest meal of the day, and varies a lot.

>> No.5180839

Sounds like she has a lot of anxiety, could be guilt.
You should make sure that is your baby she's carrying.
Turns out a solid 5 percent of the population has the wrong dad on the birth certificate.

>> No.5180842

>Sounds like she has a lot of anxiety, could be guilt.

What makes you think it's anxiety?

>> No.5180848

What should be a mild morning sickness can be greatly exacerbated by guilt associated stress.

>> No.5180860

That was just a troll.

If she can drink tea, she can drink shakes. You need to think about variety. Buy delectable treats that tempt, from breakfast breads with nuts and maple, to fruit filled croissants. Toast should be whole grain-fruity-nutty if it's all she can keep down. Stir fruit jam into the oatmeal. Stir an egg yolk into the hot grits. Try soups, pureed simple things like butternut squash, or cream of chicken. Things that are heavy or spiced, will last longer in the stomach.

You haven't mentioned it, but maybe you could try sea sickness armbands/acupressure. Saline sinus rinse/sprays for alleviating any pressure in there. Elevate the head a while before getting out of bed in the morning. Try all the tricks to steady the inner ear and baby the nausea from coming on.

>> No.5180861

Ignore the trolls please.

To help combat nausea, I'd suggest removing the butter, cow's milk and coffee from breakfast.
Substitute coconut or olive oil (surprisingly tasty) for butter, almond milk for milk, and decaf or just tea instead of coffee.
Dairy and stimulants can cause nausea.
Perhaps a pre cooked protein like chicken or fish on a cold salad would be appealing and lower in salt, versus high sodium lunch meat.
Diet soda is not nice for babbies, have a cup of juice in it's place.
These substitutions may help her to ward off gestational diabeetus and hypertension later in pregnancy.
Tell us about dinner?
I hope this helps you to have a healthy baby.

>> No.5180863

He's saying that you're wife cheated on you and the baby isn't yours.

>> No.5180864


>> No.5180865

>Diet soda is not nice for babbies,
I heard it can also cause upset stomach. So consider than OP. Switch to regular soda. Why is she drinking diet if she needs to gain weight anyway?

>> No.5180866

>a solid 5 percent
Wow, that's not even 1/3 of the black American population. Solid indeed.

>> No.5180873

9 days from delivery here. It might get better, it might not. I ate a 6 oz steak, a sweet potato, and 4 rolls all day yesterday and havent eaten today. Even if she isnt gaining, the baby will. The human body sacrafices itself for the baby. Salad and fruit were the easiest thing for me to eat. Zofran or phenegren are good too. She should talk to her doc.

>> No.5180891

It's not just the minority populations my racist friend. That statistic varies very little across all demographics.

>> No.5180898

try simple foods like warm toast with lots of peanut butter, or simply butter. Make a homemade chicken soup, or make some smoothies. Add peanut butter, flax, yogurt or something to the smoothie for healthy fats and calories.

>> No.5180899

>Drinking diet soda and coffee
Op she really shouldn't be having caffeine, it can cross through the placenta.
If she "must" have her coffee, make sure it's no more than 150 mg – 300 mg of caffeine a day. That includes what's in the tea

>> No.5180907

I wish /b/ would get the fuck out of here already.

>> No.5180909

If my theory is correct, op has got a lot more than his wife's caffeine intake to worry about.

>> No.5180913

the key is no more than 250 mg. i drank soda with both pregnancies and my children are fine. honestly, you get so worn out with pregnancy that you need the caffeine sometimes.

>> No.5180915

No shit retard, I got that part.

>> No.5180917

To clear up confusion, what I posted was the things she'd normally eat before the morning sickness started. She's not drinking pop any more, and she definitely avoids dairy, that sets her off badly.

>> No.5180922

Peanut Butter
Ice Cream

all nicely digestible if you're feeling ill, though as a male i've never experienced pregnancy sickness so I can't be sure any of these will work.

>> No.5180931

Even though it's statistically more likely for problems to occur after 250 mg, we should still try to limit the caffeine use as much as possible, because problems can still occur, even if it's just lower birth weight.

>> No.5180933

Hey. My mom was like that, she dipped down from 120 to 105 pounds but was still healthy and so was I. Apparently this is genetic in my family so it may be in hers as well. Maybe someone in her family will have tips for her.
Things that helped my mother were water melon, congee, pomegranate juice, cranberry juice, and plain soda crackers. Bitter things tends to help with nausea so try those. Something gradual like popsicles with whole fruit can work but it may still be winter where you live.

>> No.5180934

I think it is silly to look for some magical elixir of chocolate and bacon when it's pretty clear that a few therapy sessions to clear the air would be a lot more benefit.

>> No.5181000

Yes, I get it, my wife is a cheating whore, no one fucking cares.

>> No.5181009

She's avoiding caffeine for the most part. A cup of tea every once in awhile, but no coffee or caffeinated pop.

>> No.5181015

Okay, sounds like you guys are doing a good job!

>> No.5181018

Just to respond to a couple of these.

She doesn't like the taste of peanuts, so she doesn't eat peanut butter anyway. I'm trying to convince her to eat some peanuts even though she doesn't like them since it's supposed to lower the child's risk of a peanut allergy.

She can't eat much dairy at all right now, that almost always makes her queasy.

She can eat most fruits except on the really bad days.

Not sure if she's tried eggs or oats, I'll suggest those.

>> No.5181022

No one is saying that anon.
Let's just make sure to dot all our Ts and cross all our Is.

>> No.5181026

Unfortunately her mom passed away a couple years ago, so she can't talk to her about it. Her older sister doesn't have any kids.

She's talked to her grandma, but her grandma never had a day of morning sickness with 8 kids, so she's not much help.

I'll suggest watermelon, she normally likes that a lot, but it might be hard to find right now. Not sure where we'd find congee, but it sounds similar to grits or cream of wheat, so I can suggest those.

>> No.5181041


>No one is saying that anon.

Someone is.


I'm not concerned about my wife's fidelity or whether the baby is mine. I trust my wife and I've had no indications that she might be cheating.

>> No.5181059

Does she have aunts or cousins?
Try to pack in the calories and nutrients when you can. Like someone else suggested try Ensure. Also some nutrition/protein bars maybe?

>> No.5181074

>I'll suggest watermelon, she normally likes that a lot, but it might be hard to find right now. Not sure where we'd find congee, but it sounds similar to grits or cream of wheat, so I can suggest those.
I adore cold watermelon in the morning. I cube it largely, cover in a big bowel, and it lasts longer than when you cut it smaller. It's also good in the blender with a bit of sugar, and squeeze of lime. A homemade mexican punch, aqua fria. chia seeds are nice too, someone mentioned that. It makes a drink thick and has a lot of nutrition and fiber.

Consider horchata, a soothing rice drink. Avena is one latino brand you can buy in a powder at the grocery. Oatmeal is my go to raw stomach food, to heal a bout of reflux, if I have had a couple days of alcohol or aspirin irritation.

>> No.5181078

She has a lot of aunts, but she's not ready to announce it to everyone yet, so she hasn't told them. None of her cousins have kids.

>> No.5181085

Congee is basically a rice porridge. It can be as plain as you'd like it to be or you can add various meats, broths, vegetables, beans, etc to add in some nutrients.

>> No.5181098
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>cover in a big bowel

>> No.5181104

Just ignore the trolls, please.

>> No.5181107
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>cover it in a bowel

>> No.5181282

Just make her a jewsy steak with sautéed mushroom and onion in sherry op.
She will scarf it right down.

>> No.5181334 [DELETED] 
File: 323 KB, 600x300, two guns for this one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't have babies
>see this thread
I get this feel plenty, but I certainly wasn't expecting it from 4chan

>> No.5181357

The thumbnail makes it looks like there are two polar bears on either side of the animu character.

>> No.5181359

Semen cures morning sickness srs

>> No.5181363 [DELETED] 

are you on acid?
>hey look over there, two women fucking a polar bear

>> No.5181373

>on acid
>two women fucking a polar bear
No. Two polar bears on either side of the animu character. I would assume the character is s'posed to be female, but you can never be sure with these Chinese cartoons.
And I've never done acid.

>> No.5181377
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Wow maybe OP should have put up a trigger warning, faggot

cannot unsee bears

>> No.5181389
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>asking 4chan dietary advice for pregnant women

Don't trust these faggots unless you want pic related. You've got a doctor, ask them.

>> No.5181396

This isn't really a food, but for morning sickness they sell ginger gum at the pharmacy. It's the BEST THING EVER for morning sickness (or if you feel really nauseous for another reason). I've had really bad food poisoning, nothing would help - no tea, no drugs, nothing helped. I chewed two tablets of this stuff and it fixed the problem immediately.

So yeah, ginger. Hell I bet after eating a meal and chewing the gum afterwards would help to keep it down.

Pick up a pack for her, and I hope her pregnancy goes well! Congratulations. uwu

>> No.5181412

Pyridoxine and ondansetron.
That is all.

>> No.5181448

Just a few weeks ago I ran into the girl I lost my virginity to and she was ~8 months pregnant. She was telling me that when she first got morning sickness the only food she could keep down was broth and saltines. She also propositioned me for sex even though she had a wedding ring so she could be a lying whore.

>> No.5181456

How do you best counteract the constipation?

>> No.5181472

Most people do not even know!

I have been having an affair with a married woman for over two years. She got pregnant (not mine) but we never stopped having sex.
Still do.
Her breast milk tastes so sweet it seems like it has splenda in it.

>> No.5181488

Human breast milk is most similar in taste and nutrition to ass's milk. I grew up on ass's milk. It was a common thing to give infants, toddlers and preschoolers in Italy and Switzerland. Well, it was common up until the late 80s. I remember it was sweeter than cow's milk.

>> No.5181524

This is why Europe is fucked. You animals feed santorum to babies!

>> No.5181535

Meant 'ass' as in 'asino' IE one half of a mule. I think you call them "donkeys" in the US, unless that's a different animal and I'm mistaken.

>> No.5181545

you mean donkey's milk?

>> No.5181551

If I was pregnant I think I'd be eating a lot of fatty steaks, deviled eggs, and pickles

>> No.5181562

I do not know this word donkey

>> No.5181564

similar somewhat to a mule

>> No.5181580

Yes ! A god tier chuck eye!
She will gobble it straight away!

>> No.5181581

when it comes to a pregnant woman, there is no standard in how one feels as relates to food. Even the same woman will have very different pregnancies.
Feel for you OP, Dad of two here that dealt with two problem plauged pregnancies. My wife would gag at certain words or sounds even. The human brain with crazy hormones is a very tricky thing.

>> No.5181583

Like a burro?

>> No.5181613


>> No.5181628

We are drifting way off topic here guys.
Let's stick to trying to come up with tempting snacks for OPs queasy promiscuous wife.circle

>> No.5181682

OP had sex, made a baby, is set on being a good dad and not incest

He is truly the hero 4chan deserves

>> No.5181782

not to mention is married to the woman he impregnated

10/10 op you did ok

>> No.5181951

>He is truly the hero 4chan deserves
only if he posts his wife's tits before and after they get bigger

you know... for science...

>> No.5182023

Op, you're wife should not be eating lunch meat while pregnant

>> No.5182061

I'd say to try pickles and ice cream, but I've never been pregnant, so... try anything that is safe for the babby.

>> No.5182074

Just please do not take babby to restaurants or theaters.

>> No.5182109


>> No.5182113

didnt have terrible morning sickness but was generally not hungry in the morning. heres what worked for me

>pint of milk
>big squeeze of honey
blend and drink, wait 20-30 minutes before eating meal. also works for hangover queasiness too

>> No.5182146

I jerk off to pictures of pregnant women.

>> No.5182148

>My wife is a few weeks pregnant

You dun double goofed.

>> No.5182294

gtfo normalfag breeder

>> No.5182307

only if you eat it from the father of the kid. thought about this idea when i was puking, but the act of blowing him would hit my gag reflex...

>> No.5182319

this. things that sound awesome to one person sound disgusting to another. i'm honestly trying not to vomit at some of the suggestions in this thread (while i realize that they may be perfect for another person) if she has prenatal vitamins (that she can keep down, if she can't PreNexa, a brand of prescription prenatals, is awesome and smells like vanilla) then there is no big problem, especially in the first few weeks. the caloric intake isn't a big deal until the baby is having to gain real weight. i was 28 weeks before i gained 4 lbs with this pregnancy. my high risk OB and my regular OB both said there is no issue as long as the baby is growing properly

>> No.5182321

I think this works because of the potassium.
OP tell your wife to keep some dry soda crackers beside her bed and get her to eat them before she gets up and moves around. Also if her morning sickness is gone by night get her to eat more high cal meals at night.

>> No.5182324

not a problem unless they are directly from the deli and even then, as long as they are heated to piping hot first, there is no problem. even if she got some bad lunch meat, its not as huge of a risk as people try to make you think.

>> No.5182328

My girlfriend and I were roleplaying me impregnating her (bad day for cumming inside and all that stuff). Turns out we'd fucked up two weeks before, and I'd actually gotten her pregnant. Ended up having to get an abortion, which was hell on her, and me to some small extent. Now we're doing it again. It's hot as shit and, frankly, even better now that we know we both work.

Anyway, good luck with your retarded wife, OP.

>> No.5182363

Wait you are perving out on making a babby?
You twisted fucks. I bet you going all missionary on her.

>> No.5182834

kill yourself

>> No.5182883

I heard that Weed is a good reliever of morning sickness.

>> No.5182942
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Here in America it's generally considered bad for a pregnant woman to have caffeine. Caffeine is a drug. There are tons of babies who are born with caffeine addictions.
I'm not trying to be a prick, but maybe, just to err on the side of caution, she should cut the coffee, tea, and soda out of her diet.

>> No.5182950


>I'm not trying to be a prick

How to succeed without trying?

>> No.5183167

gingerale and other ginger related things have such an insanely small amount of actual ginger in them. instead, have her eat some ginger with honey on it.

also make ginger tea.

hot water + ginger + honey.

be careful to not get burned

I am NOT a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5185610

So what happened here? Did we fix this chick or what?

>> No.5185630

I'm not a doctor and all that bullshit.

Use ginger and turmeric root. Extremely powerful for settling stomachs among other things. They are also extremely powerful anti-inflammatory agents.

Fresh Ginger and turmeric root is the best. Either make her tonics (grated ginger and turmeric simmered in water for 15-30 min then strained) every day or make a ginger tincture and a turmeric tincture,

Use powder only as a last resort, it sucks.

Trust me, ginger and turmeric are extremely powerful, even holy ingredients. They will work.

>> No.5186050

morning sickness is an evolutionary trait to avoid parasites which predates cooking. As such, she should avoid meat and eggs. In cultures where these are not common, morning sickness is unheard of. Google it for more specific information because I'm sleepy and it'll help you more than I can.

>> No.5186104


Ive also heard about this, too. Credibility might be questionable, but I read somewhere online that a mother experiences morning sickness at its worst peak when she eats foods like meat, since her body is paranoid that it hold parasites harmful to the baby.

>> No.5186537

>implying that they even bother to take a guess at the father's name

>> No.5186586

It goes away at the twelve week mark and then she'll be a cow.

Also, she should swallow a lot of semen to prevent pre-eclampsia. The father's semen specifically, not just random semen.

>> No.5186590

That sounds like hippie bullshit.

>> No.5186593

You sound like a retard.

>> No.5186610

Go pedal your alt medicine mumbo jumbo somewhere else.

>> No.5186618

Pickles and peanut butter. My wife used to eat this constantly throughout both her pregnancies.

>> No.5187360

uwotm8? i've had it throughout my pregnancy, and a first time mom won't even be showing at 12 weeks... i swear i will never understand people coming to 4chan for health advice.

>> No.5187375

I didn't start showing with my first until around the 20 week mark and even then it wasn't noticeable through clothing til about 24.
Shitfuck kids these days.

>> No.5189673

>i've had it throughout my pregnancy
You're an exception. It usually goes away around week twelve. And who cares when you started "showing"? Most women look like the People of Walmart by the time they reach full term.


>> No.5189916

Did op ever figure out whose babby it is?

>> No.5189931

every single pregnancy is different to a pretty startling degree. my wife had pretty quick morning sickness (3 weeks tops) and never had any ridiculous cravings other than oranges. mostly i believe that most women just use being pregnant as an excuse to indulge in overeating, but that may just be my good luck rubbing off on me.