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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5174956 No.5174956[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is veganism the future of food?

>> No.5174964

b-b-but honey is good

>> No.5174980

>no ass to speak of
sounds about right.

>> No.5174983

Translation, from left to right

>> No.5174987

Nah. Synthetic meat products and increased meat prices are.

Another part of the future of food is the skyrocketing prices across the globe, especially through speculation, profiteering and engineered shortages. A return to a class divide better visible at the dinner table, if you will, engineered by the noble class of the Land of the Free.

>> No.5174992


First Euroshitpost about America: 4 posts from the green flag.

A new land speed record; bravo.

>> No.5175003

One on the right is definitely not a vegan, and no, it isn't the future.

>> No.5175025

Hidden because I see all the vegan trolls are out today.

>> No.5175034

>Another part of the future of food is the skyrocketing prices across the globe, especially through speculation, profiteering and engineered shortages. A return to a class divide better visible at the dinner table, if you will, engineered by the noble class of the Land of the Free.
Are you wearing a tinfoil hat?

>> No.5175047

>all pasty, shapeless blobs
Vegan bitches are truly the worst.

>> No.5175076

You do realize investors have been buying and stockpiling or even destroying basic crops for decades now? Or if you want an easier example, just look at the subsidies flooded into basically worthless corn, intentionally aimed to keep from farmers moving to crops that could lower local and global basic sustenance prices.

>> No.5175088


>> No.5175101

>implying it's possible to farm without hurting animals, ever.

vegans are ignorant city folk, and their diets are only currently possible due to international trade and pretending bland food is healthy and delicious

>> No.5175137

fuck off and die, you and your soy based crap.

>> No.5175133
File: 114 KB, 754x653, 1391737787773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw none of them have shapely asses

>> No.5175155

Most long-term vegans probably eat less soy than you.

>> No.5175156

The basic constituents of a conspiracy are secrecy and illegality. Food profiteering is legal, completely public, and considered a normal way of increasing profits. There's nothing conspiratorial in this, it's just due process.

It's still wrong and dangerous, of course.

>> No.5175159

actually no, this isn't a conspiracy, conspiracies are hidden from the general public, this, like tax loopholes are not hidden. corn is subsidised to an absurd ammount in america, this makes it profitable to produce it for farmers looking for state support, because they don't have to worry about selling it, the government is gaurenteed to pick up the bill, the result is more corn than we know what to do with, leading to corn syrup in everything, biodisel, corn starch everywhere and in everything, corn fed animals. we use corn for just about anything you could imagine corn could be used for and more. monoculture is bad but profitable, and all these food companies want the government picking up part of the bill when they by crops, they chose corn.

>> No.5175163



>> No.5175171

hey, i got a nice ass, mate. come at me

>> No.5175178

I'll cum at you ;)

>> No.5175193

vegan guy here. i prefer vegetarian women. Same thing as female atheists--if a woman goes to the effort to become and identify as a vegan she'll probably be a ball buster. Vegetarian women on the other hand are pretty nice and not ~too~ smart, which is a plus.

>> No.5175198
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Someone is bitter. :^)

>> No.5175199

okay ;-P

>> No.5175204
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>> No.5175228

What the actual fuck are you talking about

>> No.5175243
File: 58 KB, 633x758, notsohappydude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so angry. u need a hug big guy

>> No.5175247
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The short answer is yes. It's more economical, better for the environment, better for healthcare, and in general our gastrointestinal systems are slowly moving in that direction.

The long answer is don't stop eating what you love, because it won't happen in your lifetime, it's nothing to get excited about, and it's foolish to flip out over from either side.

>> No.5175285

>more economical

we let the majority of our cattle graze on lands that aren't suitable for even growing asparagus, hint- Asparagus could grow on mars, that's how desolate some regions on earth are but cows can survive on it

most of the grains fed to cattle aren't fit for human consumption

>better for the environment

if we were to switch to all vegan we would need a FUCKLOAD more farmland, where do you think said land is going to come from?

>better for healthcare

no its not, quit lying

>baseless lies about our GIT

again quit lying about shit you know nothing about

>> No.5175291

> better for healthcare,

Not really, the modern push for low fat foods has caused people to consume more subsidized grains used as sweeteners, causing heart disease rates to skyrocket.


>> No.5175312



>> No.5175327

I like the part where they all have shitty tattoos and pancake asses

>> No.5175334



That song is about you.

>> No.5175357
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>> No.5175388

It has nothing to do with veganism. White girls are just like that.

>> No.5175416


No. NO. FUCK you. These girls are vegan, AND they have shitty tattoos and pancake asses. What I'm now going to do is ignore all the girls with shitty tattoos and non-pancake asses who AREN'T vegan, and only apply my hate to these ones that ARE vegans.

Jesus FUCKING christ I hate vegans so god damn much.

>> No.5175437

im a white girl with a nice round ass and i eat meat everyday, fuck you vegan nigger

>> No.5175443

The one on the right would have a decent butt if she didn't make it lumpy with super tight panties. Also parading your beliefs like that makes someone repulsive to me.
And the future is lab meat, regardless of your views.

>> No.5175445

Prove it, in the same position as them.

>> No.5175448

Wouldn't that be a little difficult without hanging a camera from a ceiling fan?

>> No.5175449

>I'm fat.
FTFY :^)

>> No.5175450


same here, I have no ass pics though and I don't really want to shitpost on /ck/ or I'd take one

>> No.5175454

Cameras have timers. If you weren't a dum carnist nerfherder, you'd know that. :^)

>> No.5175457

Umm pls post pic

>> No.5175463

It's not shitposting, it's highly relevant to the thread.

You're making an argument with a picture.

>> No.5175466

Do self-timers make cameras float above you, you dense fucking cunt?

>> No.5175467

skinny no ass white vegan detected

>> No.5175468

A sample size of 1 is not an argument.

>> No.5175480

I'm not a vegetarian but I have an eggplant, beetroot, broccoli and a capsicum that I need to use before they go rotten, anyone got a recipe to use them up?

>> No.5175484

It's not even secret though. It's general knowledge and it's completely legal. Profiteering on food and stockpiling/destruction of crops happens all the time to produce better profits.

>> No.5175487

Get the fuck out of here with those smileys. What are you 12? I was taking about the camera being a good 8 feet above someone. We know what a timer is you condescending cunt.

>> No.5175490

I'd just slice and roast them, and maybe eat the capsicum raw.

>> No.5175494 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 515x800, shitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the sign isn't clear, oh well

what am I doing with my life

>> No.5175495

Are you new here? That's le epic may-may shitposting face. :^)

>> No.5175498

>leggings with nothing on top
Are you a toddler?

>> No.5175499

Just make ratatooey.

>> No.5175500

Yes. I think we'll see an increase in the already present shift away from eating animal products over the next several decades. It's definitely the way to go- better for the environment, better able to feed the increasing population, more humane, healthier. As more people realize this and the people who were brought up eating meat start to get old/die off we'll see a bigger shift but it's already starting, vegan products have exploded in popularity over recent years.

>> No.5175501

other white chick here, girl you cant even see your ass you look like a board, get on your tummy and phone camera that shit

>> No.5175508


what in the world are you talking about are you talking about? I'm wearing gray pants and a dark blue shirt.

>> No.5175513


Nice job taking a mirror picture so the words you wrote turn out backwards, dumbass

>> No.5175516

Saved to fapfolder :^ )

>> No.5175519


I had no where to place the camera to take a clear picture. It wasn't visible anyway or I'd have bothered swapping the picture.

This was stupid anyway, I don't know why I ever even open these threads. Apparently they drive me to insanity.

>> No.5175527

That's why I get bothered every time I see it.

>> No.5175528

>jamming your ass out

>> No.5175532

Post more pics

>> No.5175534


>them backwards letters

Typical non-vegan. Why are non-vegans such idiots? Get it together, non-vegans. This woman represents all of you.

>> No.5175536

My atrophied gaymer ass is rounder than yours. I need to get out more, but I haven't found snow-proof shoes I like. FiveFingers get soggy in snow.

>> No.5175547

yep, "round" = fat

>> No.5175572


are you blind? their hips look rotated forward if anything

>> No.5175591

Now post without pants. For science.

>> No.5175597

>For science

>> No.5175603

I just came to see butt : (

>> No.5175611 [DELETED] 
File: 384 KB, 1600x1200, 5DsJU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a vegan ass from reddit

>> No.5175609


please be in london

>> No.5175619

T-that's commodifying women! Vegan feminist demisexual militant atheist here.

>> No.5175624

whoa pics of my bf's ass

>> No.5175635

hnnnnnnnnnnng I'd give up meat anyday to put my meat in that ass

>> No.5175653

That's a dude.

Not that I'm complaining.

>> No.5175674 [DELETED] 
File: 372 KB, 1600x1200, WNJbv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5175696

Oh hey.


>> No.5175704

That's what they look like outside of porn.

>> No.5175714


The future of food?

You mean the diet of the future?

Not necessarily, but I generally like being vegan.

>> No.5175720


No one's saying that at all. You're sounding pretty insecure over there.

>> No.5175724

I don't care for it.

>> No.5175725

I'd take the middle one. You guys?

>> No.5175729

Nope, that's vat grown custom meats where you can choose exactly how fatty or tender you want the meat to be.

>> No.5175736
File: 21 KB, 280x280, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wut

>> No.5175739

None, they all have tattoos.

>> No.5175744

>cute butt
You're gonna have to fight me

>> No.5175747

I know it sucks that they can't be buried in a Jewish cemetery, but try to forget that for a bit...

>> No.5175754


#1 has shape and #3 isn't fat. you have distorted standards.

but hey, you won't believe me.

>> No.5175757

you're being a cunt is what

>> No.5175761

If you aren't already a robot, I think you would like these guys.

>> No.5175765

Please don't use gendered slurs. :-)

>> No.5175767

They're all generic tattoos, that's the thing.

The only ones I approve of are small, inconspicuous marks that represent your passion

An overdesigned flower on your fucking leg doesn't represent shit, other than the fact that you're uninspired and lacking in attention.

>> No.5175771

what'd i miss

>> No.5175773


why are you vegans so hostile

you know this is why everyone hates you right?

>> No.5175782

When will Minnesota have an entirely vegan restaurant that isn't raw bullshit?

>> No.5175787

A trannys ass and a sloppy vag

>> No.5175788

I'm not big on people telling me to fuck myself

>> No.5175790

Vegans are so fucking skinny fat.

>> No.5175791


>> No.5175793

They were both taken in the same room, so it was most likely the cis woman's ass.

>> No.5175796

>A trannys ass and a sloppy vag
Virg detected

>> No.5175797


I feel like this is relevant.

>> No.5175802


Immortal Tech is ill......

>> No.5175803


then blame the vegans who won't shut the fuck up to people who don't care about their agenda, that's why people hate you as a group

I have some friends who are vegans and who I get along with fine, I still feel like I hate most vegans because I have such a sour taste in my mouth from people I don't even know spouting their fucking mouth off about shit I don't care about

>> No.5175804

Ugly person detected.

>> No.5175806


lol. I don't eat pork, not cos Im a muslim, I just dont like it, but i will fuck a bird up.

>> No.5175807

That is not a particularly "sloppy" vulva, John Ruskin.

>> No.5175811

Because I know what a woman's ass and vagina look like?

>> No.5175812

Sociological study shows that, with regards to a radical social movement, having both radical and conservative groups involved is the most effective way to progress the movement.

>> No.5175813

Yes, your standards seem low like an ugly persons.

Even a permavirgin who hasn't left his room in 9 years still knows what an ass and vagina looks like.

>> No.5175815

>that's why people hate you as a group

there is no valid excuse for hating people as a group. making sweeping generalizations is always foolish, especially based on the outspoken ones, because they're the ones you're going to notice anyway.

>> No.5175818
File: 27 KB, 292x301, 1231231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEW STUDY SHOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5175819

>Yes, your standards seem low like an ugly persons.
uh okay?

I feel like I'm talking to a 12 year old who brags about the woman they think is hot being hotter than the woman their friend thinks is hot.

>> No.5175821

You're probably fat too.
Let's see that gut.

>> No.5175822
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I'll just leave this here. When you assholes decide to appreciate real food, you can come sit at the grown-up table.

>> No.5175823

But how else can I rationalize my inconsistent behavior? ;_;

>> No.5175828

I really don't care about how you feel about me or vegans as a group. Nothing a vegan has ever said to you will be as offensive or profane as what it is you actually do and support by eating meat.

Oh, and you're still a cunt, bb

>> No.5175830


I know, that's why I said that I had friends who are vegans. But the vocal minority is still capable of giving you a bad impression of a group, even if rationally you can accept that those people do not necessarily make up the majority of that group.

>> No.5175831

>cutting meat at the table
That's vulgar.

>> No.5175833

true in my experience too
if you're not eating any healthy fats commonly obtained from meat/dairy, then your body may well start storing all it can of shitty trans/saturated fats unless you're running a perpetual energy deficit.
could be wrong though. i'm just going by speculation and the idea behind KETO.

>> No.5175834

Mmm Asparagus

Makes your piss mad reek though

>> No.5175835

>Nothing a vegan has ever said to you will be as offensive or profane as what it is you actually do and support by eating meat

This is a great example of why people don't like vegans. Stop working your personal beliefs in as much as fucking possible, just lay the fuck off. A lot of people I know have no idea what my political affiliations are, my religious ideology, whether or not I eat meat, because I don't bring it up unless it's relevant and it's actually almost never relevant in normal conversations.

>> No.5175841

>tfw on keto for dat dere cut
Fuck vegans, I need muh meat.

>> No.5175842


well, we are still capable of thought and choice. we can decide to embrace either the bad impression as an impulse, or we can decide to embrace logic. that's why i said that there was no excuse--we can't someone else for swaying our internal selves in any direction.

>> No.5175843

I just like how he explains it. I was a vegan for a while because everything I like that was animal based had too much cholesterol and I was approaching 300. People would give me shit because of militant vegans and I always had to explain why.

Now I just eat chicken, fish, cheese, and the occasional bacon. It's really hard to get protein as a vegan and tofu our beans gets old.

>> No.5175847


we can't blame someone else*

>> No.5175849


Trump someone into loving you?

Well done. I hope you asphyxiate in methane gas.

>> No.5175852

Just because it's foolish didn't make it an invalid reason. People will still generalize and assholes of the group are why. I mean look at how afraid of Muslims many Americans are when all the ones I know are pretty bro status. Though if I had to make a generalisation about Muslims it's that they all love jalapeno bagels.

>> No.5175854

I think it will become more and more common as the population grows, simply because it takes fewer resources to produce the same number of calories of vegetation as it does meat.

>> No.5175855

>It's really hard to get protein as a vegan
That's bullshit. Nearly anything that isn't refined sugar, oil, contemporary fruit cultivars, or tapioca will provide the bare minimum as long as caloric needs are met and more than one thing is eaten.

>> No.5175856

I would pound the one on the right into oblivion

>> No.5175858

IT is stigmatized dog shit actually
i eat meat, but being vegan/vege is so obviously not just "a dietary choice".
meat eaters overlook the fact that they're eating an animal that used to be alive and have a functional brain, because it tastes good and is bodily fuel. some people can't do that, or don't want to.
others just want some attention.

I totally agree with the idea that nobody should be forcing their personal and only subjectively moral decisions on others though.

>> No.5175862

lol, you're such a hypocrite. Not only is it entirely relevant to the conversation, but somehow you manage to distinguish your own personal beliefs about vegans (no one asked you) and my opinion on meat eating.
>working your personal beliefs in as much as fucking possible, just lay the fuck off.
You're in a thread about veganism. You just sound like a whiny cunt who doesn't want to hear something contrary to her own beliefs. Go somewhere else.

>> No.5175863

I'd pound all three. I'd go ass-to-ass-to-ass.

>> No.5175867



back and forth


>> No.5175869


>if you're not eating any healthy fats commonly obtained from meat/dairy
>>healthy fats obtained from meat/dairy

Go away, Paleo Phil. Saturated fat is not healthy. Healthy fats come from healthy foods, like nuts and seeds. Hell, a cup of oatmeal has 12 grams of fat.

>> No.5175870

I think he was talking about brotein

>> No.5175871


Don't you like to go bone-deep?

>> No.5175877

>Saturated fat is not healthy.


>> No.5175878

Plant protein isolates work well enough and don't cost any more when purchased in bulk.

>> No.5175879

if you're obtaining all your protein from solid food as a vegan then you're either eating unnecessary micro nutrients in overdrive, or are a skeleton.
you best be eating a whole lotta nuts n oats

>> No.5175894

no, i mean i think he likes drinking cum

>> No.5175896

An average ejaculation contains only 150 milligrams of protein.

>> No.5175897

mono-saturated is, I believe. saturated seems perfectly fine too. it's not really a health thing though, I'm just talking about fat storage. skinnyfat is often perfectly healthy.

>> No.5175899

You find that out in your lab?

>> No.5175903


>skinnyfat is often perfectly healthy

skinnyfat means that you have a high body fat percentage, but do not have a high weight

that is inherently indicative of an unhealthy lifestyle

>> No.5175915


>tfw barely ejaculate enough to fill a shot glass


>> No.5175918

Try having someone massage your prostate.

>> No.5175923

haha so funny a forgot to laugh wrekt

>> No.5175926


that's normal, you probably watch too much porn

>> No.5175927

>high bodyfat percentage
not really, skinnyfat to me is like 14-18%BF(healthy, and definitely not inherently indicative of a sedentary/junk food life) on a non-stocky body. a lot of healthy people fit this. anything above ~20% to me is just fat.
going by dudes here. I think around 25% is where most women start to look podgy.

>> No.5175928

I was getting enough, I was just saying it's hard to do without getting sick off certain foods.

>> No.5175934

Does it really feel that good

I mean taking a nice shit feels amazing, does it feel like that

>> No.5175940


well you have your own personal definition and that's neat, but just look at the term


it means you are skinny, yet fat

if you think skinnyfat is 14-18% bodyfat on a woman then you're fucking insane

>> No.5175943


>implying skinnyfat is actual medical terminology

it's open to interpretation

>> No.5175950
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Your argument about economics is a strawman. A much more vegetarian diet would require a great deal more intake of soy, not asparagus. I'm not even sure why you brought up asparagus. The fact is animals eat a lot of the food humans could be eating. The resources-in to resources-out of raising an animal and then eating it costs much more than it yields.

It's well-documented that vegetarian lifestyles are healthier. This is especially revealed in a comparison of eastern, heavily vegetarian lifestyles compared to western omnivorous ones when contrasted with vegetarian diets of westerners compared to other westerners.

Once again, it boils down to the resources-in to resources-out of raising animals being worse for the environment, on top of the additional problem of methane contributing to global warming.

The fallacy you use is assuming that vegetarian/veganism means people eat more sweetener. But actually, the link to overconsumption of sugar is to poverty, not a vegetarian lifestyle.

I'm not sure why you all are so defensive. I'm not even a vegetarian. I just acknowledge that it has fewer problems globally than a vegetarian diet and that the world is heading in that direction. It doesn't mean I have to stop eating meat right now.

>> No.5175957


Getting plowed can feel good under certain circumstances. No homo.

>> No.5175961

Try sticking your finger in your ass next time you jerk off.

>> No.5175962

Do vegans eat bugs?

>> No.5175966

>A much more vegetarian diet would require a great deal more intake of soy
That's wrong. I'm vegan and hardly eat any soy. I'm not trying to avoid it. I just mostly buy ingredients. Tofu is pretty good though.

>> No.5175968

It's sad that you don't know about this or think it is a hidden fact/conspiracy.

>> No.5175969

vegans have no future.

>> No.5175970

Can vegans eat carnivorous plants?

>> No.5175971

Post a picture of your gut.

>> No.5175972

But it's dirty there

>> No.5175977

Not intentionally. There may be some in my chocolate.

>> No.5175982

read the last part you moron
like the other guy said, it's very clearly not a strict term. it's all down to personal standards and visual appearance.

>> No.5175983

I do it when I rub one out in the shower. Also gets my butthole nice and clean.

>> No.5175986

>>5175971 gut
>>5175972 dirty
>>5175977 chocolate

Are we on the same topic?

>> No.5175989

>The resources-in to resources-out of raising an animal and then eating it costs much more than it yields.

Animals also eat foods that humans cannot digest and also foods which are not fit for human consumption. Such a comparison is not valid because we humans and animals are not eating the same foods.

>It's well-documented that vegetarian lifestyles are healthier.

That's not what the article you linked to says at all. It has been proven that the typical western diet is often unhealthy because it contains too much processed meat. There are other studies which have shown that consuming large amounts of red meat increase one's risk of dying from colon cancer (note: not the risk of getting it, just the severity of it), and so on. however, the problem with *excess* consumption is not the same as consumption in moderation. There are no significant health issues associated with eating meat in moderation. It's the excess that's the real problem--and in fact, that problem exists with nearly any food. When someone eats kale or broccoli in excess amounts the health issues are serious too:
Excesses affect any diet. Unfortunately in the west we tend to eat too much processed meat and to little veggies.

>> No.5175993

/fit/ here. Skinnyfat just means low muscle mass on a skinny person. They would have a high body fat for their weight. If they don't, we call that a hungry skeleton.

>> No.5175995

Yes, insects can wander into fermenting chocolate. I like to have it unsweetened and with chilis, like the Maya.

>> No.5176010


>Such a comparison is not valid because we humans and animals are not eating the same foods.

The vast majority of the food they eat is the same food we would eat. They supplement their diets with filler material, but we do definitely feed a lot of edible grain to them and use a lot of land to grow it.

>> No.5176017

Much of that grain is varieties not approved for human consumption, but edible grain could grow on most of the same land, and only a fraction would be needed because biomass transfer efficiency.

>> No.5176022


I'm not going to sit here and argue with you about the minutiae of specific studies. I'm not especially here to change the mind of a die-hard defensive, butthurt carnivore who somehow feels threatened when people go vegetarian.

Instead, here you go. Here's another study. There's tons of them out there if you go looking for them. For a little while I did a bunch of research on the subject because I was considering going veggie. The evidence was overwhelmingly for a vegetarian lifestyle. In the end, I am just really lazy and it's too much work to change my lifestyle if I don't have to.

>> No.5176029

Not to mention the instances where feed crops could be used to plant food we would eat, AND that much of the "food not fit for human consumption" has other uses in other industries like biofuel, textiles, and medicine.

>> No.5176037


Well I mean yeah, but.... but it's not gonna taste like cheeseburgers....

>> No.5176046

approximately half of all food produced in the US is thrown away, so... why should we give a fuck?

>> No.5176058
File: 159 KB, 608x467, 1391824580683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heavily subsidized industrialized agriculture
>dependent on monoculture crops and petroleum sourced fertilizers
>literally flooding the market with unhealthy vegetable oils and sugars, causing massive health problems
>sustainable and efficient

>> No.5176060


>Fuck all of medical science, I watched a comedy documentary called Fat Head and now I know more than every doctor living today!

>> No.5176066

saturated fat is a dietary requirement you knob

>> No.5176077

>saturated fat is a dietary requirement you knob

>> No.5176079


>> No.5176083

>a meta analysis proves something
lol no

>> No.5176088
File: 67 KB, 247x248, ahaha...ahhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



That's the meat equivalent of linking to a Christian science blog.

>> No.5176104


>> No.5176108


>> No.5176110

You need better sources bro.

>> No.5176113

Wow, what a great vague source with an obvious bias.

>> No.5176115


That blog takes something credible, the word of Harvard Nutrition, which states "we told people to eat less fat and they ate more junk food instead" and that saturated fat IS bad, then the article goes off on its own unscientific tangent about how Harvard was wrong despite citing them originally to prove their own point. I think you see "fitnessmagazine.com" and think it's some authority on nutrition rather than being mainly about exercise

>> No.5176118


>> No.5176127

nothing more needs to be said

>> No.5176132


>"saturated fat isn't bad for you, says random doctor"

Well how about world-famous doctor Caldwell Esselstyn who clinically proved you could reverse heart disease by putting patients on a plant-based diet very high in complex carbohydrates and very low in fat? You don't see peoples artherosclerosis get better when you feed them more bacon

>> No.5176151

>Conclusions: A meta-analysis of prospective epidemiologic studies showed that there is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of CHD or CVD. More data are needed to elucidate whether CVD risks are likely to be influenced by the specific nutrients used to replace saturated fat.


>> No.5176166


>> No.5176176

Isn't plant saturated fat like coconut oil processed differently then animal fat?

>> No.5176182


Do you have the full text for that study? I'd like to know if the diets higher in saturated fat had higher "all-cause mortality," because that study, while not necessarily saying saturated fat isn't unhealthy, goes against every other study we have


>> No.5176183
File: 178 KB, 500x1966, how science reporting works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cure heart disease
Either pic related or the "doctor" is a fucking quack.

>> No.5176187


Better, but still not good. The original study used to claim coconut oil as a healthy source of fat for example replaced butter in peoples' diets with coconut oil, and their LDL went down. When you give coconut oil to already healthy people, their LDL goes up like with any other saturated fat.

>> No.5176219

Mah nigga. >>5175797

>> No.5176231

none of these studies controlled for sugar intake, which has just been determined to be a HUGE risk factor for heart disease.

>> No.5176234

I do imagine veganism is the future, but will probably take a couple hundred years for social progress to reach that state.

>> No.5176240


Even asian countries that eat white rice as 90% of their meals have lower rates of cardiovascular disease than western countries, modern or traditional.

>> No.5176266

they don't have massive agricultural interests shitting up the food supply with highly processed and unhealthy plant derived oil and sugars.

>> No.5176273


Nobody would argue refined junk food and oils are good for you (though there's definitely a huge lobby for olive oil), but this doesn't mean saturated fats are healthy or neutral, just that two things happen to be bad for us. What this means is, eat legumes, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

>> No.5176286

>though there's definitely a huge lobby for olive oil
I don't have any evidence for this but definitely feel this is the case. I just can't imagine why so many people go out of their way to call olive oil healthy. Sure it may be better than corn oil but in general it would be better to reduce oil intake overall rather than drizzle foods already prepared in oil with more oil.

>> No.5176300
File: 16 KB, 333x211, prologue1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw most olive oil sold is fake or adulterated with cheaper oil by the mafia

>> No.5176319

I almost fell for this shit the other day.
> go to buy olive oil
> checking prices
> oddly cheap
> check closer
> "olive oil" then in really tiny letters under it with canola oil blend
Fuck you
> finally find olive oil on bottom shelf
> nothing nigger than a quart

Goddamnit Texas.

>> No.5176324

>no ass
>still has fat legs
kill self any time

>> No.5176335

I also imagine we'll all be transdolphins by then. Nothing says anti-progress like reticent females.

>> No.5176351

>Among vegetarians who had followed their current diet for <5 y, mortality was significantly higher than that in nonvegetarians from lung cancer, other causes, and all causes. The higher mortality from lung cancer was based on only 9 deaths, but that from all other causes and from all causes was based on 123 and 218 deaths, respectively, and was observed in all 5 studies. We thought that the higher mortality rate might have been due to residual confounding among former smokers or to a recent change in diet in an attempt to alleviate ill health, but neither restricting the analysis to subjects who had never smoked nor exclusion of deaths during the first 3 y of follow-up lowered the mortality. We are therefore unable to explain this finding.

>> No.5176361

How about some vegetarian recipes instead of this lame old argument.

>> No.5176425

anyone wanna throw me some studies that show eating fish instead of beef/pork is better for my health?

>> No.5176427

No, because fish is gross.

>> No.5176428

not really

>> No.5176436


fuck you and get out of my face


but i want a good excuse to eat lots of fish

>> No.5176453

My doctor told me to do this simply because of cholesterol. Also just look at how /fit/ Japanese people are with a pretty basic diet of fish, seaweed, whale penis, rice, shellfish, and squid. /fit/might be a good place to ask that too. No homo.

>> No.5176459


The omega-3 content of fish is a big advantage over chicken and beef, but the problem with fish these days is they tend collect a lot of toxic things we don't want in our bodies, like mercury. I've never seen a reputable health website say to eat fish every day, but to spread it out as much as you can to avoid accumulating toxic build-up.

>> No.5176611


Saturated fats are extremely healthy. Particularly lauric acids.

>> No.5176617


Most of the "risks" about fish containing mercury are not because the fish actually have increased amounts of mercury, but because there is a theoretical increase in the amount of mercury in the oceans and different bodies of water.

>> No.5176796

Mercury buildup in fish is a real issue, not just theoretical.

>> No.5176825


So why does science not demonstrate this? Why is it that the theories you read on pro-meat blogs say this, but every health organization doesn't?

>> No.5177080

how often so you type nigger for it to autocorrect to that?

>> No.5177111

>ITT: vegans act like they're better than everyone even though the computer they type on and the clothes they wear were made by wage slaves in third world countries

>> No.5177115

>insecure people actually believe this

>> No.5177191

Hey, vegans are the ones in denial about the social and environmental problems their lifestyle causes, to a much worse degree than anyone else.

>> No.5177201

Homestly I thought 1 and 3 were thin guys until I noticed their bikini strig and bra strap

>> No.5177205

You watch too much porn and Hollywood movies.

I figured Americans would be used to stocky, less-curvy women IRL.

>> No.5177207

it is. it must be. the current western diet is totally unsustainable. which explains why veganism has been declared the future of food to bill gates, al gore, etc.

>> No.5177251

I thought they were all guys from the thumbnail. I was disappointed. :(

>> No.5177419

Those are some sad asses.

>> No.5177435

No of course not, vegans just happen to let everyone around them know about there "superior" diet.

Annoying cunt's.

>> No.5177437

Post a pic of your gut.

>> No.5177442


>> No.5177480


the girl who posted her ass wasn't fat, why do you assume people who who eat meat or dislike vegans are fat?

>> No.5177492

For the millionth time, no.
Stop making these threads.

>> No.5177517
File: 18 KB, 200x199, 1332258705731s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's even more annoying?
animal abuse

>> No.5177570

I'm sorry that your mom was a cow.

>> No.5177613

Damn I love vegan girls. Now if only someone combined vegan girls + body sushi.

>> No.5177624

Food has a timeline?

>> No.5177835

Every time I fill out a captcha.

>> No.5178153


>mfw they all have bad skin

also I thought the two on either side of "vegan gal" were dudes until I noticed the bikini straps

>> No.5178157


>mfw the only vegan I know looks like he's been in Auschwitz

and he has tattoos, is that part of the vegan uniform or something?

>> No.5178196


Science DOES demonstrate that saturated fat is healthy. I'm a damn med student who got a bio chem degree from the UF school of agriculture with a minor in nutrition.

You nay sayers are lame. You guys usually only have a HS level understanding of the sciences, yet you go around with your heads up your rear ends thinking everyone who has a different view from you is a crackpot even though the people you oppose have far more education and knowledge than you do on the subject. Yeesh




Tholstrup T, Marckmann P, Jespersen J, Sandstrom B. Fat high in stearic acid favorably affects blood lipids and factor VII coagulant activity in comparison with fats high in palmitic acid or high in myristic and lauric acids. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 59:371-377;1994.

Prior IA, Davidson F, Salmond CE, Czochanska Z. Cholesterol, coconuts, and diet on Polynesian atolls: a natural experiment: the Pukapuka and Tokelau Island studies. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 34:1552-1561;1981.

Mendis S, Wissler RW, Bridenstine RT, Podbielski FJ. The effects of replacing coconut oil with corn oil on human serum lipid profiles and platelet derived factors active in atherogenesis. Nutrition Reports International 40:No.4;Oct.1989.

Isaacs CE, Litov RE, Marie P, Thormar H. Addition of lipases to infant formulas produces antiviral and antibacterial activity. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 3:304-308;1992.

>> No.5178240

>3 skinny fat, flat-assed girls

I hope veganism isn't the future.

>> No.5178251

>this quote proves me right!

>> No.5178306



>> No.5178321

I could go on Google Scholar and find 30 year old studies that agree with my perspective too.

>> No.5178327

>4-week study
> lauric acid gives a more favorable serum lipoprotein pattern than consumption of partially hydrogenated soybean oil rich in trans-fatty acids

lol shocking

>> No.5178328

Good lord if I wanted to hear a middle aged man slur his speech while talking about food I'll just listen to my uncle after he's been drinking.

>> No.5178375

>/ck/ is grossed out by skinny girls
America. Land of the obese.

>> No.5178376

>America. Land of the obese.

>> No.5178415

>No indication that the poster is American
>No indication that the girls in the OP image aren't American
>Irrelevant third-worlders desperate to bring up America whenever the slightest chance presents itself
Feels good to be an American.

>> No.5178419

I have no idea what you're talking about. I am American. A reverse search on that image shows that the girls are Israeli. Not surprising, as animal rights is huge there.

>> No.5180386
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Are feet the future of porn?

>> No.5180470

The focus is on their asses, why are you looking at their feet?

>> No.5180475

I'd distract myself with caring about shitty fucking animals too to forget the shame of building my country on top of the death, ruin and suffering of a whole people.

>> No.5180492

Those shoes look too big for her.

>> No.5180493

I've scrolled by this thread multiple times not reading anything, but I wanted to see what "three girls" some co/ck/ was grossed out by. Fuck man, I seriously thought OP's picture was three dudes. Saw the asses, didn't notice the bikini tops.

>> No.5180499

“Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they’re only animals.”
― Theodor W. Adorno

>> No.5180508

Relevance being my Israeli friend?

>> No.5180515

they are a bit posteriorally deficient

>> No.5180516

Oh, I see you thought with suffering and people I was referring to the Holocaust. I meant the Palestines though.

>> No.5180529

>posteriorally deficient
I'll take skinny girls with normal asses over a fat ass anyway, personally.

>> No.5180548

But these girls are just that, girls. They do not have the developed gluteus maximuses of post adolescent women.

>> No.5180561

More like Auschwitz began when the Nazis preferred animals over human beings. Fanatical Hindus don't condemn Muslims to a position below cows, but the other way around.

>> No.5180569

More like Auschwitz has literally nothing to do with animals.

>> No.5180589

Then tell the vegans to stop describing the dairy industry thusly.

>> No.5180595

Actually, it's a pretty good comparison. Only difference is the species. There are a number of Holocaust survivors that became animal rights activists because they made the connection.

>> No.5180622

>pretty good comparison
Except the Nazis weren't using the Jews in anyway. They were just gassing them off. It's a horrible comparison and every major Jewish group wants the activists to stop making that comparison and to issue an apology.

>> No.5180627

Is in-vitro meat vegan?

>> No.5180651

So... which is it? A poor comparison or a good one? Can't have it both ways, you know.

>> No.5180661

>Eating meat correlates directly to racism

>If you eat meat you are supporting slavery

>Slavery of people is completely alright, i mean it like only happens in africa or something, slaving animals is way wrong and neanderthal like

>> No.5180683

>Except the Nazis weren't using the Jews in anyway.
Not true. Plenty of concentration camps involved forced labor. They were basically slaves up until the moment they were killed.

>> No.5180695

What is the Final Solution?

>> No.5180736

>They were basically slaves up until the moment they were killed.

Ridiculous. The Jews lie and lie about WWII. It wasn't about the Jews. But they exaggerated MAH SIX TRILLION into a state of their own, a "Jewish Homeland"... of course, most of the Jews infesting the planet remained exactly where they were...

>> No.5180776

wanna be honest? I'm old and very unlikely to see 2050 much less 2075 or 3000 .Hopefully I will be there(maybe not sxactly here) yeah, I care for the environment much.some.a little?ask me in 50 years .It's kinda up to you and your kids next generation .try not ti fu um mess it up as we have.

>> No.5180965


>> No.5181020

He's right tho. Jews were just one part of many people targeted yet they make it all about them.

>> No.5181038

We shouldn't ignore the suffering of all the other people groups, agreed.

>> No.5181498


I hope so

>> No.5181512 [DELETED] 

my favorite part is the gays, who were carted out of the death camps and thrown in prison for being faggots, yet nobody ever remembers that portion of MUH SIX TRILLION
especially delicious when jew morals stemming from being conquered by greeks are what made people hate gays in the first place.


>> No.5181527

>from being conquered by greeks
>are what made people hate gays in the first place
Why do you even pretend to know what you're talking about. I can't even verbalize how dumb you are

>> No.5181550

What are you talking about? Six trillion people? You must be getting million and trillion mixed up. 6 trillion people is more than the total amount of humans that has ever existed on Earth.

>> No.5181558

He is slightly less dumb than you.

>> No.5181603
File: 191 KB, 800x1143, toriko-4780245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the future of food.

>> No.5181671

That means I don't have to think about eating anymore. Give me an IV with the perfect amount of calories, water and nutrients in it while I sleep. Then I can just go about my day freely and I won't have to deal with all the bullshit of health food and weight loss and being tricked by ten different industries at once.

>> No.5181679

Why the fuck are you on this board?

Also, nutritionally complete liquid diets already exist and have done for a while. Just calculate how much you need per day for your body mass and it's all sorted.

>> No.5181692

Because I love to eat and cook and discuss and look at food, but I recognize how absolutely unnecessary it is.

>> No.5181722
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>> No.5181738

Thanks for reminding me of the awful vegetable shits you take every morning

>> No.5181755

I have one solid shit every day or two, with very little residue. If a vegan is having messy shits, it's probably from carrageenan which should be avoided by everyone.

>> No.5181760

>water gives me volcano shits

I thought ck told you to see a doctor about that

>> No.5181832

Uh, what? Vegans and vegetarians, as a diet, have the best bowel movements due to high fiber content. Most omnivores get less than 50% the DV of fiber.

>> No.5181852

why are carnivores so defensive
smells like insecurity in here

>> No.5181857

What? As a carnivore, I go once every three days. It comes out quick, it comes out clean. I only wipe to double check.

>> No.5181875
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>> No.5181871

>mfw people don't realize veganism is about minimizing your animal product intake
sometimes i'll eat chicken/dairy because i work in food service and if they're going to throw it out i'd rather not waste it otherwise i'm going against what i stand for.
it's impossible to be 100% vegan unless you live in a cabin you built in the woods and eat vegetables that were grown with 100% earth dirt. which is why i say it's about minimization.
i don't like preaching about veganism but everyone should at least research what they're putting in their bodies and the process it goes through.
no one's going to read this comment anyways but thought i'd get that out there.

>> No.5181876


I could use more efficient poos.

>> No.5181885

>I could use more efficient poos.
Eat more plants. Don't have to go vegan to have blissful poops, but if your diet is mostly meat, dairy, and sweets then you're screwed. Should be more like 80% vegan foods, 20% meats and dairy.

>> No.5181886
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You can click the superscript numerals to see primary sources. If you want plant milk without carrageenan, Silk Almond (and only their almond) is made without it. So is Trader Joe's almond beverage. You could also make your own. Sometimes I buy this unfortified and excessively sweetened soy milk because I like the taste. I don't like soy milk that doesn't taste like soy.

>> No.5181889

>Implying sweets aren't vegan

>> No.5181895

If you eat six ounces of chocolate daily, you'll have messy poops instead of a squeaky clean rectum.

>> No.5182149

I think you could eat that much chocolate if you have extra bran. It would still be unhealthy in other ways.

>> No.5182487
