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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5171673 No.5171673 [Reply] [Original]

>Burgers are reported to be on the menu of three quarters of all restaurants in France and represent half of all sandwiches sold


How does that freedom taste?

>> No.5171686

Feels great

>> No.5171688

While I love burgers, I find it sad that American style food is taking over in countries with a rich food heritage of it's own. When I travel outside the US, I don't want to eat the same food I can get here, I want to experience other cuisines.

>> No.5171692
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This is the price of being the best country in the world, #1 in almost every category (apart from education, who needs that really).

Just bask in the freedom anon

>> No.5171693

>How does that freedom taste?
The poor muslims in France are evidently Lovin' It.

>> No.5171725

We are making them our bada-da-da-bitches

>> No.5171743

can't wait for the french government to come out with some regulatory shit that bans burgers in an attempt to preserve their dying food culture.

>> No.5171768

People aren't going to stop eating good shit from their own countries. Well, unless the skills or means used to produce stuff become lost, but thats not to do with americanisation.

>> No.5171776

>still believing that pic was taken on the moon

so naive

>> No.5171806

Not surprising really though. Everyone wants to emulate the country that leads the world in pretty much every category.
Including education, actually- almost all the best universities in the world are American.

>> No.5171836

Eurotrash detected

>> No.5171861

>still believing that the Russians wouldn't have called us out on it in a New york minute if it was fake

>> No.5171881

>Polls taken in various locations have shown that between 6% and 20% of Americans surveyed believe that the manned landings were faked, rising to 28% in Russia.

>> No.5171889

Are you speaking in jest unaware of the Toubon law or are you saying so knowingly?

For those unaware, in 1994, France passed legislation to "protect" the language, culture and cuisine of France, denying the existence of regional or minority languages spoken in France and French territories. In Occitan (and other Oil languages of southern France, particularly in the southwest), this is called "la vergonha" ("the embarrassment" or "shame") because it makes all other languages besides French illegal for use on broadcast and cable/satellite television in France and all broadcast music on any given station in France must be at the very least 40% French. Furthermore, Toubon laws are used to suppress non-French-speaking peoples indigenous to the area such as the aforementioned Oil-speakers, the Bretons (Celtic/Gaelic-speakers) and the Alsatians (Germanic-speakers). The law is used, also, to 'protect' foreign influence on French culture, designating films "unFrench" and therefore ineligible for play in French cinemas or television.

And people talk shit on the US. The US only hopes it could pass laws like this without opposition. Fuck France.

>> No.5171912

American style is best style though if other countries offer a better product it would been popular

>> No.5171920

>And people talk shit on the US. The US only hopes it could pass laws like this without opposition. Fuck France.
You just said the US hopes it could pass laws like this. France did. What's the problem?


>> No.5171930

I live in Quebec and they have language laws here. They are also passing legislation preventing government employees from wearing religious symbols besides the crucifix (kippahs, burkas, turbans, star of david, whatever).

People are upset, yet it is only because Quebec is doing it. Those same people would love it if that law was passed in their province.

I support it 100%. If the guise of nationalism is used to keep out muslims then go Quebec!

>> No.5171931

6% and 20% of know-nothing civilians making a judgement call they are not fit to make

Yep, sounds like America.

>> No.5171940

fucking 5 star post right there

>> No.5171944

Pew last surveyed Americans about their beliefs in evolution in 2009, and found that the proportion of believers and non-believers has not changed. Sixty percent of Americans say they believe that humans and other animals have evolved over time. Thirty-three percent say there is no such thing as evolution.

In 2009, 54 percent of Republicans believed in evolution, compared with 43 percent today. Democrats have not shifted their views, with about 67 percent saying they believed in evolution in both years. Independents are similar to Democrats, with 65 percent saying they believe in evolution. Their views have also been stable since 2009.

>> No.5171951

>implying there isn't a percentage of know-nothings in every country

yup sounds like an inferiority complex

>> No.5171953

I believe in evolution, but I also believe we were created.


>> No.5171954

The know-nothings in our country win elections so be grateful.

>> No.5171957

That's still more rational than rejecting the theory of evolution outright and saying we were created from nothing.

>> No.5171962

>we were created from nothing.
technically, we were. Even from the evolutionary standpoint. The main difference is one took billions of years while the other was told in a story that took 6 days

>> No.5171964

nigga we're made from stars

>> No.5172061

The US has antidiscrimination legislation and freedom of expression. France lacks both.

>> No.5172149

>The main difference is one took billions of years while the other was told in a story that took 6 days
I would consider that a minor difference in the comparison of creationism and most abiogenesis theories.

>> No.5172154

>US has antidiscrimination legislation
lol sounds like it is working pretty well

>freedom of expression
Try criticizing Israel.

>> No.5172164
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>nigga we're made from stars

>> No.5172179


there's different reasons for eating different things.

People in countries other than America don't go out to eat. They cook and eat at home.

Unless it's some kind of special occasion, in which case they do want to go to a nice restaraunt. But when you go out to an ice restaraunt, even in Paris you'll eventually want to go to an Italian or Spanish restaraunt. I mean, what is the point of overpaying for something you can probably cook at home?

OR... there is that emergency fast food stop. If you juts came back from another surrender, you don't have to cook, so you order fast food.

Burgers are just super convenient, but in Europe a ground beef patty is like a meatball... so it makes sense why American style burgers would be getting popular everywhere.

When I was in Israel.... for a 10 day birthright trip... the purpose of which was to show off all the great things about Israel and get you to stay there...

We had our Shabat dinners, dressed up fancy, etc. Then we had our Kosher meals at the hotel.

But twice a day during the tour we would stop at non other than McDonalds and I'd order a cheeseburger (gotta ask otherwise they make it a hamburger, damn jews)

So you see... it's not American food that's taking over, its just the all-purpose hamburger.

You don't see meatloaf, pork rinds, kraft slices, or Fruit cake taking over, do you? Cause that shit sucks.

>> No.5172194
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oy vey much too long did not read it was like another shoah it felt like 6 million words

>> No.5172204

Burgers can be made quite elegantly, and they're fairly cheap to make. Sounds great. Don't get the whole "ruining my country's rich food history" thing

>> No.5172324

back to /pol/ you go

>> No.5172334

Their ears are pointy too?


>> No.5172483

>While I love burgers, I find it sad that American style food is taking over in countries with a rich food heritage of it's own.

What I find sad is their burgers probably taste like cheap imitations compared to real US angus beef burgers. I didn't bother to read the article, but I'm assuming they are not only using local cattle instead of authentic Texas raised, but I would imagine many restaurants try to make their version 'unique' by adding something that we would not even consider adding to a burger. Japan does that kind of stuff all the time when they import our food If I were to go to a foreign country and order a burger, I'd be a little apprehensive and certainly wouldn't expect one to taste like one "at home".

>> No.5172490

>real US angus beef
>local cattle instead of authentic Texas raised
I see the marketing has worked on you.

>> No.5172492

>During the later part of 2003 and the early part of 2004, the American fast food industry assisted in a public relations campaign to promote the supposedly superior quality of beef produced from Angus cattle (“Angus beef”). Back Yard Burger was the first such large scale product sold in the US, dating back to 2002.[18] Angus burgers are also menu items for chains such as Hardee's and Canadian-based Harvey's. Beginning in 2006, McDonalds began testing hamburgers made with Angus beef at a number of its restaurants in several regions in the US; the company said that customer response to the burgers was positive[19] and began selling the burger at all US locations in July 2009.[20] At the same time, McDonald's Australia also began selling two variants of the burger, the Grand Angus and the Mighty Angus, using Australian-bred Angus, in their outlets.[21]

>The American Angus Association set up the "Certified Angus Beef" brand in 1978. The goal of this brand was to promote the idea that Angus beef was of higher quality than beef from other breeds of cattle. Cattle are eligible for "Certified Angus Beef" evaluation if they are at least 51% black and exhibit Angus influence, which include black Simmental cattle and crossbreds.

>> No.5172495


You do realize the entire post was mocking european food 'culture', right?

>> No.5172498

No it wasn't, I was completely serious. When I buy steaks I always choose angus over the other types because they really do taste better.

>> No.5172513

>When I buy steaks I always choose angus over the other types because they really do taste better.
It's a marketing ploy bro, nothing more.

>> No.5172532

Dude. I come from a cattle ranching family (in Texas). Let me let you in on a little secret, the label "Certified Black Angus" means NOTHING. Black Angus cattle are a British breed. And while there are people who raise purebred black angus cattle here, it's most for bulls for breeding, not meat. ANY cattle that has even a tiny bit of black angus in it can be labeled as black angus in the US. All the steer or cow has to be is black. Most meat label angus isn't angus but in name and color only. You would be hard pressed here to find real, 100% black angus meat. Also, British Shorthorn cattle have a better flavor, IMO. In the US, we also have a habit of butchering cattle too young, but that's also a problem of factory farming. Cattle should be grass fed (with hay and supplements in the winter), and allowed to grow longer for more complex flavor. Most of our cattle breeds in the US come from Britain, with a few exceptions, like Brahma and Charolais. But only a tough motherfucker would want to raise Brahma, they are mean as fuck.

>> No.5172541

B-but black cows taste better lol

>> No.5172542


>> No.5172698

There's no law disallowing you from criticising Israel or saying that you fucking hate kikes. You can do it all day. You can publish a book titled "How Israel Became Filled With Money-Grubbing Hook-Nosed Cheapskates" and the only ramifications of that will be social. There is no legal issue here. You won't be brought to court for it.
There is a law, however, saying that you're not allowed to broadcast anything in France in any language other than French nor promote the use of a minority language. See the difference?

Freedom of expression means you're free to say things I disagree with with no legal consequence. Doesn't mean I can't think you're a fuck for saying something like "You know... in my opinion, we NEED another world war. Pass the salt."