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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5172080 No.5172080[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, my girlfriend is perfect.

She just has one fucking annoying problem, she doesn't eat any solid vegetable or fruit, and that also make it so annoying for me to cook.

What could I prepare her that wouldn't involve vegetables (and also to train myself in cooking)?
I'm not so good of a cook, even thought I can make all of the basics italian foods.
Pic related, our favorite food.

>> No.5172085 [DELETED] 

Oh boy, this thread again






>> No.5172090

btw I'm a boy

>> No.5172095


I'm not even from this board

I don't actually know what you're talking about.

>> No.5172093

I got banned for that comment a week ago.

>> No.5172092

Tell her to grow the fuck up.

>> No.5172096

Holy shit dude, are you me? My girlfriend is the same way. I'm trying to push her into vegetables because I'm not into her slowly killing herself with the junk food she always prefers.

usually what I do is I cook meat-centic foods. Irish Corned Beef is a good example. you just need to throw a slab of meat and a small bed of cabbage and let it boil for an hour or two.

>> No.5172100

Stop dating such a childish person. Job done.

>> No.5172122

Maybe if you faggots stopped shacking up with wildebeasts you wouldn't have this problem

>> No.5172123
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Is she six fucking years old?

>> No.5172384
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>She just has one fucking annoying problem, she doesn't eat any solid vegetable or fruit, and that also make it so annoying for me to cook.

Imam Bayildi and eggs poached over vegetable stew. Neither of these is solid anymore.

>> No.5172404

just cook with vegetables/fruit, if she has a problem she can pick them out.
also got to be a troll.

>> No.5172432

where do you people find these picky eaters? Christ. Spoiled children.

>> No.5172433

I get banned for it pretty frequently but anything to stop these threads.

>> No.5172440

My brother had a girlfriend like that. She was addicted to bingo and stole some of his cash to "play" bingo and got really upset when he wouldn't drive her to play bingo on xmas when her car was fucked. He took her camping once, and while he hiked she went into town to play bingo. They split after she got impregnated by someone else. She was trying to get pregnant as fast as possible. Don't date someone who doesn't eat real food unless you want to marry a ranch dressing blob and become one yourself.

>> No.5172462


>Get her stoned before
>Cover the food in sauce like gravy on roasts and cheese in cauliflower

To be frank vegetables taste awful as a child because you're still growing and your tastebuds haven't developed properly yet, she probably doesn't realise they taste good now

>Cooking with fruit


>> No.5173259

I had a boyfriend exactly like that. Counts the lettuce in his fast food hamburger as vegetables. Told him he was the poster boy for diabetes, couldn't see it coming even if everyone else did. Now, bam, several years later he's been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and hypertension all under the age of 30. Shackled to the pharmacy for the rest of his life. Now he's changed his tune and is actually going vegan to save his life. (7 days and counting)

>> No.5173275

How is Hypotension relevant to lack of vegetation in your diet?

>> No.5173277

this sounds like some wise advice

>> No.5173281

His semen will taste better. (´・ω・`)

>> No.5173285

>vegetables taste good
vegetables taste bad, but you can become accustomed to the taste
like smoking a cigarette, you have to do it a lot before you actually enjoy it

>> No.5173287

>has an annoying problem

yeah no, fag

>> No.5173291

are you fucking retarded

>> No.5173354


>> No.5173357

An eating disorder this severe?? Mental problems. Guaranteed this person has some disorder, diagnosed or undiagnosed. Buyer beware.

>> No.5173358

she is 1000% perfectly superb and wonderful, aside from this horrible flaw that only awful people have

>> No.5173360

If she is sweet, smart, funny, likes anal, and has a banging body I wouldn't give a fuck what her eating habits are.

>> No.5173361
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>comparing vegetables cigarettes

>> No.5173372

op your gf has the dietary restrictions of a prepubescent autistic child
she could be a lovely person, but this is really not something you should support. no adults should be this fucking petty, especially over healthy fruit and vegetables.

>> No.5173378

if you don't think that she can handle being told to act like an adult or you simply just don't have the balls to tell her just use a food processor and just stew shit down she wont be able to tell the difference. I have done this for a long time with my little sis to get her to eat veggies but the big difference is that she is fucking six and your gf is retarded

>> No.5173393

oh god please b b8 or american

>> No.5173410

>solid vegetable or fruit
Well, puree soups are a very easy starting point. Just get used to using a stick blender, I guess. Tomato and chevre soup, carrot and fennel with honey and tarragon soup, sweet potato and ginger soup... test a recipe or two out on her, then move on to semi-solids to test the waters - include some firmer content in the soup, et cetera. With her consent, of course, since it isn't generally recommended to go into a relationship with the intent of "fixing" your partner as much as living together with them.

But eh, then again, I shouldn't be telling you what to do with her either. Durf.

>> No.5173444

No, I don't see the correlation at all. Enlighten me?

>> No.5173458

>Not making sacrifices to be with the one you love

Do you even love her? Just stop making stuff with veggies and fruits it's not that hard.