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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5170040 No.5170040 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw someone tells me they dont like onions

what is the most pleb food related thing someone has said to you?

>> No.5170044

>what is the most pleb food related thing someone has said to you?

that they enjoy fast food

>> No.5170045

>I don't like olives

>> No.5170047

Onions are very strong with very specific texture.

How can you not understand someone not enjoying them?

They are fundamental for cooking, fuck up your life, and are the natural sweetener for so many foods.

I can't stand these things though, and every other food intolerance i have i plan to get over.

Onions i really just can't stand though.

Any other food i will buck up and eat.

>> No.5170051
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>I only make spaghetti sauce from scratch

they think they sound smart but I cringe when I hear it

>> No.5170052

I just cook with a shittonne of garlic and chilli and use other spices to make food tasty & 1/8-1 teaspoon of sugar in almost everything

>> No.5170053
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>> No.5170058

That they didn't like tomato.

They liked ketchup though.

I didn't even

>> No.5170061
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>> No.5170063


It's funny because you probably eat them all the time and don't even know it.

>> No.5170069

yeah i don't mind this, and i pick around them and tolerate the flavour.

But when i realise i'm eating them my mind just nopes the fuck out of there, i don't know why.

>> No.5170081


Your parents fucked up. It's not your fault, but you get to live with the results. Life is sometimes shitty that way. 4chan is here to remind you that there are usually people who have it worse.

>> No.5170089
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but my whole family eats onions :, ( and they're good cooks.

>> No.5170099

"warm tomatoes"

i love this person, but damn

>tfw onion allergy
life is suffering

>> No.5170155

My boyfriend doesn't like onions, mushrooms, avocado, any kind of seafood, eggplant, the list goes on.

I can be a little picky too I guess. I don't like most seafood and I hate pickled Korean side dishes. And sushi. God I don't understand sushi. I gag instantly.

>> No.5170172

Damn anon I know that feel. I was having a shitty week but this post shed some light on things.

Thanks anon

>> No.5170185

>hate thread begins
>/ck/ dispenses hugs

love u guys

>> No.5170187

>i didn't like this beer
>it was too dark

>> No.5170192

i hate cucumbers but enjoy pickles, such is life

>> No.5170197

"Foods with gluten taste bad anyway"

>> No.5170201 [DELETED] 

>I only drink domestic beer

>> No.5170210

>what is the most pleb food related thing someone has said to you?

The plebiest food-related thing is probably people who get all worked up over what other people like or don't like to eat.

>> No.5170214

you are a child. The same as every other picky eater.

>> No.5170216

Maybe you need to take the dick out of your mouth first.

>> No.5170267

Are you guys retarded or is this a /ck/ meme?

>> No.5170298
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>meet brother of friend of friend
>he's a chef
>doesn't like tomatoes
>favorite food is nachos

>> No.5170303

Jesus, you both have the palates of toddlers

>> No.5170306

That's alright anon, but you didn't have to make a poem about it.

>> No.5170308

I fucking love onions but I can't eat them too much or my breath gets bad.

>> No.5170340

>I'm not usually into yoghurt, but I just really love this kind of authentic, Greek style, creamy one.
- my chubby, pretends-to-be-healthy mom expressing her feelings on some overpriced, commercially packaged supermarket shit marketed at people exactly like her.

>> No.5170343

Holy fuck it's yoko ono, go enjoy that shit mr train man! I hope you derail at flavortown!

>> No.5170346

I eat raw onions like apples when i'm not in public
step up yo game

>> No.5170348

my brother doesn't like Subway, WTF?
What is there not to love about Subway?

>> No.5170354

>what is the most pleb food related thing someone has said to you?

I don't know. I don't waste my time concerning about someone else's food issue.

You should stop taking things personally, op.

>> No.5170358

In NYC it's all owned by hajis and indians and each of those places have a stench about them. They're vile and disgusting... guess you have to see for yourself. But that's not my problem, my opinion is that they're vile and disgusting, even the stench of them turns my stomach, not as much as a starbucks, but almost as much.

I don't make excuses, I think subway places are vile... Blimpie back in the day was a LOT better.

Blimpie Best for the win!

>> No.5170366
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>I don't like tomatoes
>I don't like cheese
>I don't like pies

>> No.5170370

You gotta be careful with Blimpie's nowadays. Some shop do the Subways thing where the cold cuts and cheese were pre-cut.

Part of Blimpie's appeal was seeing the cold cuts being freshly cut.

>> No.5170374

oh god oh god
>maybe dairy and gluten free is the way to go!
public education pls
i don't mind fat people, but the ignorant loudmouth ones with no self-control really need to be shouted at.

>> No.5170376

>being this anal about your made-to-order sandwich

just get a banh mi at your local viet place

>> No.5170377

P-post pics of mom?

>> No.5170378
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I love those minced and dehydrated onions McDonald's uses on their burgers.

The dehydration and rehydration process does something magical to their texture and flavor.

>> No.5170379

>Blimpie back in the day was a LOT better.

maybe you were just a little kid and didn't know any better

>> No.5170380

Since it's franchised it's extremely hit-or-miss.

Went to one and the guy handled money with the same gloves he was making food with.

Went to another and it was impossible to get a sandwich made because nobody spoke a word of English.

>> No.5170383

Are you me?
What I find way more surprising than someone not liking onions is someone not liking tomatoes. It's a surprisingly large group of people.

>> No.5170384

the latter two could have been euphamisms for "I care how I look but it sounds vain if I say so"
and like half the people I know don't like tomatoes, though personally I think they're an acquired/not being a potatoes-only fatass thing.

>> No.5170385

That they love salsa but hate chunks of tomatoes

>> No.5170392

No, the girl really hates cheese and pies. Like, any kind of cheese or any kind of pie. It really bugs me off. A fucking sugar pie is not an apple pie is not a pear pie, etc. How the fuck could you just outright say "I don't like pies" ? What the fuck is wrong with people ?

Then again most of the girls I know have shit tastes for some reason. I'm used to just shrugging it off and cooking whatever the fuck I like anyways.

>> No.5170400
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Sandwich "artists" should be required to pass some kind of test before they can make subs for people
or at least be required to speak and understand english in an english speaking country

there's a new girl at my subway and she can barely get the vegetables on the sub, she practically tosses them on there. Only redeeming quality is that she's one of the few people who works at those restaurants who understand what "a little bit of [blank]" means

>> No.5170411

>being this pretentious

Don't concern yourself with my issues, anon. Go use your hipster food stamps to go buy yourself viet groceries to make a shitty sandwich.

>> No.5170412

I invented my own, please feel free to copy me...

I make some nice Indnonesion curry, good stuff, with beef and potatoes, then proceed to put that on hot dog buns. I call it a Deng Dog, that's because I'm aweseome and am good at this stuff.

I suspect that you and yours willl enjoy as well.


>> No.5170431

Maybe, but I think not. Subway was just getting started around that time too, and so was the infulx of hajis and muslims to the USA. I always liked Blimpie more, it's not racist, I just don't like the stench of being in a Subway place vs a Blimpies. The Blimpies doesn't leave me smelling of foreigners who want to blow us up.

Just sayin.

>> No.5170446

Then it's probably pie pastry she doesn't like

>> No.5170454

I actually know a guy who doesn't like pie and really, REALLY doesn't like cheesecake.

Apparently his birthday was on Thanksgiving and he still expected to be taken out for dinner instead of enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with his family. So he went out to Denny's and got what he wanted.

True story.

>> No.5170480

*his parents took him out to Denny's

I'm not sure whether to laugh or shake my head.

>> No.5170491

Kill him now, any American that doesn't like both Apple Pie and Key Lime Pie is a trechourous scumbag that should clearly be killed on sight.

What are you people, fucking stupid and sucking up to rag and dotheads?

>> No.5170507


I didn't like for a long time - if she don't like cheese though she's fucking weird.


That's a possibility - pie crusts are hard to do right, most store bought ones are shit - I didn't like pie until I finally had a really good one and then got it. Then I realized I really like just about any pie when I was high so that really allowed me try things out.

>> No.5171173

I know I am a pleb for not liking cheese, but i am Japanese and it hurts my stomach to eat.

>> No.5171174

The one food I can't eat is mushrooms. I just find their texture and taste really disgusting. Over the past year, I've gotten over my hatred of onions. I fucking love onions now.

>> No.5171176

It's been a few years since I've eaten any onion/garlic/alliums. Except for when some faux meat was accidentally shipped with some stuff from veganessentials.com last year and I ate some of it and couldn't finish it because it was like the catshit meat old people eat. It made my headphones smell funny. My stamina is much improved without onions thinning my blood.

>> No.5171178


Reminder for the plebs of /ck/ to fuck off to /b/ or 420chan.

>> No.5171208

Fatasses probably ask for "a little bit of cheese" and complain if they don't get a heaping, steaming shitpile.

>> No.5171230

Some fool I met said that he did a lot of psychedelic mushrooms back in the day and often brewed them into a tea. So he tells me now he can't stand the taste of either mushrooms or tea. Pleb

>> No.5171253

>I don't eat fish

Really? "Fish"? Fucking seriously?

>> No.5171264


Careful, last time I complained about that I actually got a 3 day ban.

>> No.5171317

> i like mexican food

people are kidding when they say this, right?

>> No.5171323

>>mfw someone tells me they dont like onions

See, this is fucking weird to me.

Someone says they don't like chocolate, or french fries for something else that children do like, and we say they just don't like those things. It's a quirk of there sense of taste, people are allowed to not like certain foods.

But as soon as somone says they don't like tomato, or onions or something it's obviously a case of them being a picky eater.

I don't like pickles, and ask that there be no pickles on my burgers and the like. My friends think I'm being picky, but I honestly just don't enjoy the taste of pickles.

>> No.5171324


> i dont like all pickles because i dont like dill pickles

what? there are several kinds other than dill.

>> No.5171328

I've honestly tried a bunch of different types of pickles. I have a policy of trying anything at least twice.

It's just not my cup of tea. I don't like cucumber that much as it is, having it soak in brine does nothing to make me like it more.

>> No.5171333

Do you like this food?
Have you tried this food?

Wat da fug

>> No.5171345
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>I hate tomatoes except if it's ketchup or pasta sauce but if the sauce has big tomato chunks in it then I won't eat it

>> No.5171349

>sister hates pickles so much that she actually vomited when she accidentally ate one

>> No.5171362

I don't like raw onions, or things with a strong onion taste.

In a curry where it will add to the dish, but not taste oniony, that's fine.

I don't like onions in a gravy though.

>> No.5171365

>i hate relish
>i had mustard

>> No.5171367

i work for a catering company and a chick who orders refuses to have onions in her food. we asked her why (to see if it's allergies), and she just said she doesn't want her husband's breath to stink...

>> No.5171374

My girlfriend is the fucking worst at this shit. She has the following problems...

>Cannot tolerate tomatoes in anything at all whatsoever no matter how much I try to force her to have an open mind. (excluding tomato based sauces or ketchup)
>Asks for grilled onions in her burger and doesn't accept onions in any other food. (I finely chopped onions into my spaghetti sauce and she picked them out of her spaghetti one at a time)
>Doesn't like mushrooms on/in anything but pizza or omelets.
> Doesn't like when food has a hint of sweetness in it. (She hates most BBQ sauces for this reason)
>Doesn't want to try anything new and refuses food that looks foreign to her. She'll say "I don't like it" without even taking one bite.
>If she gets a bad impression of a new kind of food that she HAS taken one bite from, she will never eat it again for as long as she lives. I try to tell her that you can't judge from one tiny bite.
> She won't eat peas, cherry tomatoes, oysters, sardines, cottage cheese, Swiss cheese, cheese curd, etc etc the list goes on.
>Hasn't tried half the stuff I just mention.
>If it's new to her, you will likely have to force her to eat it.

I love to cook, so we've had a lot of heated moments to say the least. I've told her she has a disorder of some kind.

>> No.5171384

dump that bitch

>> No.5171393

Stop enabling her and shove a tomato & mushroom bake down that bitch's throat

>> No.5171404

Man I hate my nieces fucking palate. I mean I know shes like 9 but when I watch her, I just can't imagine eating that way. I remember being her age and dying to eat "adult" foods like mustard, hot stuff, and putting sage on shit.
>can't eat spicy foods
>no mustard
>no garlic
>no pepper
>doesn't like any food before trying it such as lentil soup, fish soup
>always forces me to make a meal even though there are day old leftovers

Children suck. Ban them.

>> No.5171406

I don't like onions. They have an awful texture and serving them anything less than extremely fine is top pleb.

>> No.5171419

I had a friend that ate a raw onion because she was so hungry. That girl could not control her night hungers.

>> No.5171420


naw, you're just a shitty human being.

>> No.5171437
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>'I don't like soup'

>> No.5171446

guy at my work insists that. he says it's "archaic" but i think he may just be taking the piss

>> No.5171448

I hate when people get all upset about how "bitter" vegetables are and how they will absolutely die if forced to eat them.

Christ, it's probably been 15 years since your mom FORCED you to eat a single bite of broccoli covered in cheese, and you cried yourself to sleep over the injustice of it. I know you ain't tried it since.

Grow up, plebs, it's the year of our lord 2014. Vegetables are delicious.

>> No.5171451

I was like this until I went to a local thai place and got a veggie stir fry with beef
I have never looked back
It was weird learning vegetables come in a stage other than 'cooked to bland mush'

>> No.5171459

Friend of mine picks out most of the veggies in a salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, etc) and just dips pieces of the iceberg lettuce in a separate dish of dressing. She always wants to split a meal but we can never agree on what to eat since she's so picky.

>> No.5171460

I used to be a private chef for a sorority house. About 40 girls got 3 meals a day set out on warming tables family style
This one girl who was fairly high up in the ranks of the sorority said she was allergic to onions & most of what the girls wanted to eat was Italian food
Well onions are one of the main ingredients to almost every Italian dish
So all year the other chef & I are figuring out work arounds for every dish to substitute out onions
Last week of the school year the bitch says "oh, I'm not actually allergic. I even like the flavor of onions but it's the texture I hate."
Almost choked her on the spot

>> No.5171462
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>"I don't like butter"
>"I don't eat eggplant/zucchini"
>"I don't like Indian food"
>"I love Easy Mac"
>tfw these were all said by my boyfriend

I smother everything in butter, regularly cook with eggplants and zucchinis, love Indian food, and never had Easy Mac in my life until I tried some with him for the first time and gagged. I guess it's my own fault for going out with an uncultured Australian while I have Mediterranean and Germanic roots and a family that would regularly take me and my brother out to different restaurants.

>> No.5171465

9/10 anyone who is 'allergic' to onions is a fat liar

I had a guy from work who claimed to be allergic to onions, ate at every potluck and never once was sick despite onions in almost every dish served

meanwhile the chick who never spoke up got violently ill and needed paramedics was silently allergic to chicken and ate some potatoes without knowing there was chicken in it

onion allergies are fake as fuck

>> No.5171469

>that feel when your significant other goes out of the way to find you things without any milk after discovering your allergy

It makes cooking around his odd food preferences worth it. Like, no onions that aren't thoroughly caramelized, no green vegetables, no pork that isn't loin and nothing spicier than a small amount of black pepper

>> No.5171477

At least you can sort of justify you having to cook things like that for him. I just have to put up with a baby that eats the way he does because he had a mum that would never push him to eat other foods.

Good on them though for going out of their way to get food with no milk in it. I'm allergic to most nuts, but I can imagine how hard a milk allergy would be from all the things with hidden milk solids in them.

>> No.5171478

I know adults who don't eat any vegetables at all, save for some lettuce maybe. What the fuck man.

>> No.5171482

I don't know how or why any of you date these picky shits. You can tell if someone is a picky eater they're really fucked up and most of the time they act like entitled spoiled children. Picky eaters are the scum of the earth.

>> No.5171483

"I don't like the taste of meat."

I have a friend who grew up on mac and cheese, and to this day just about everything he eats is a carb and cheese. Pasta with cheese, garlic bread and cheese, nachos and cheese. He can count on his two hands how many times in his life he has tried chicken or beef. He's never had a hamburger. He likes pulled pork, though. It's a rare exception, he pretty much doesn't like anything, and the things he likes are really bland.

>> No.5171485

I didn't realise he was such a picky shit at the time and it was too far into the relationship when I found out. I love him and it's not like I'm going to break up with him over food, but I do plan on cooking food for him and having him at least try it before deciding he doesn't like it. I know for a fact I'm a better cook than his mum, so it shouldn't be too hard.

I can only hope I can show him how fucking weird it is that he'll eat eggs on toast with no butter or salt though.

>> No.5171486

Cucumber has nothing to do with pickle, just saying.
>I don't like spices.

>> No.5171488

I hope you meant the taste of pickles, because pickles are pickled cucumbers.

>> No.5171491
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>my friend's gf will literally gag if she sees onions
>mfw i cook with onions all the time and she eats everything and says it's so good

i hate her fucking guts so i don't mind cooking with onions and not telling her. she's the kind of person, that, if you had no idea she didn't like onions, she'd yell at you for cooking with onions and call the dish fucking disgusting because it has onions. i hope she gets into a car accident.

>> No.5171492

in the end it's simpler to just buy 'vegan' items to avoid any possible confusion with milk solids

Nut allergies would be the end of me, I love peanut curries too much

Luckily he'll try almost any 'meat' other than dark pork so I can get him to try lamb/buffalo/elk and whatever else I can find at the local butcher.
Just vegetables make him literally gag as soon as he feels the texture in his mouth. And mushrooms.... I forgot the mushrooms.

>> No.5171496

>dude cooks his steaks on a grill until they're medium-well to well-done
>suggest he sear them on a cast-iron and finish them in the oven to rare
>"An oven? That's women's work."
I don't care if he was joking or not, that was fucking infuriating.
Speaking of women, he cooks like my mom.
I fucking hate construction workers.

>> No.5171499

Luckily I'm only allergic to walnuts, cashews, and pistachios, so that's a bit better at least since I fucking love peanut everything. But, having a Greek family = constant exposure to desserts with walnuts in them, so that kinda sucks (especially being Greek but never having tried baklava).

Oh yeah, I forgot mentioning my boyfriend's hatred for mushrooms. My 100 year old grandpa also refuses to eat mushrooms claiming that they're all poisonous, even though his wife will eat button mushrooms raw.

>> No.5171501
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You can pickle anything. File name related.

>> No.5171504

Not a fan of big chunks of onion. The manner in which they are served is key for me, really fine.

>> No.5171508
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Really? We grow both of them in the garden, they taste, look and grow wildly different from each other. I was pretty sure that they were a different species. The more you know I guess.

>> No.5171520

If he's willing to try shit he can't be that bad.

I love to cook and I think I would go insane if I had to spend the rest of my life with someone who wont eat 90% of what I make.
I mean, I can understand not liking a thing or two, that's pretty normal. But when you're a babby that only eats shit like easy mac or chicken nuggets or any other stereotypical children's food, and refuse to even give anything else a try, something is wrong.

>> No.5171572

I hate raw tomatos. They make me gag.

>> No.5171641


pansies. they can't enjoy the bitterness or body. same with people who don't like dark chocolate

>> No.5171650

It speaks a lot about yourself when you consider masculinity to be intertwined with an enjoyment of bitter foods.

And I enjoy cacao nibs, coffee, strong beer, radicchio, etc.

>> No.5171664

children taste flavours differently, deal with it. What's spicy for you is unbearably hot for them, just accept that, hold back intense flavours, but encourage them to try new stuff.

>> No.5171669


the problem isn't masculinity, it's the inability to enjoy other flavor spectrums beside sweet, savory, or salty.

>> No.5171672
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>cooked to bland mush
don't you dare insult my delicous mush

>> No.5171677

My girlfriend doesn't drink water unless it is stupid cold.
>I don't like the taste
Are you shitting me.

>> No.5171691

Do you live in a fracking state or what the hell is wrong with the water?

But I know the feeling. A girl I know absolutely refuses to drink anything but brand-name bottled water, she says it's healthier, although our tap water has less germs and more minerals (yes, I checked).

She spends like a buck a day on water that has to be bottled, carried throug half of europe and is just an inferior waste of ressources.

Why refuse women to be rational?

>> No.5171695

>Why refuse women to be rational?
Why DO women refuse to be rational?

Sorry, english very diffucult language

>> No.5171710

I live in BC. Water is the best you're going to find.
My stepdad is the same though, seems to think drinking the water causes cancer.
>The same person who chugs bottled water despite the fact that it is literally bottled tap water from around here lel
I have literally been through the water treatment plant here with my dad, and I saw how the water was treated.
>hurr muh chlorine taste
They add next to zero chlorine as it is blasted with UV after going through several filtration processes.

>> No.5171734

When I made pasta and a girl didn't want the bolognese I made, or even the olive oil and freshly grated pecorino romano. "Olive oil is flavorless and slimy and that cheese will be too melty. I'll use the blue bonnet (poorest of poor people margering) and kraft parmesan instead."

I should leave her.

>> No.5171735

“it just has too much flavor"

>> No.5171738

I would kill if I heard this.

>> No.5171745


life is too short to date plebs, anon

>> No.5171750

All of my rage. All of it.
I'd slap a bitch.

>> No.5171756

I still do that and the taste of sweet green tea gives you this strange feeling, like you're about to start tripping but never will. I hate hate hate the taste of magic mushrooms but the tea is tasty so I don't know what he was doing wrong.

>> No.5171758

Pickles are vile.

>> No.5171759


>> No.5171764

Make them watch this.

>> No.5171765
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>mfw I cook dinner and my 24 year old friend starts trying to SHELL his GREEN BEANS

"aren't u sposed to take the beans out? ive never had these fuckin things"

>> No.5171766

I don't understand why people think shrooms taste bad.
It's like eating grass, it's dry and tasteless, I eat them raw and have never thrown them up or anything.

>> No.5171767


If you hate pickles it means you hate pickled things. It means you hate:
>pickled okra
>pickled eggs
>pickled artichoke hearts
>pickled jalapenos
>pickled sausage
>pickled cherry tomatoes
>pickled pickles


>> No.5171769

>pickled sausage
Where can I get this

>> No.5171771

>cleaner than tap water
>muh purity
It literally fucking comes from the fucking tap, holy shit.
There is actually a bottled water plant here in BC, and they draw it from the local water supply.

>> No.5171772

I know. I'm wasting away.

>> No.5171774

East Europe.

>> No.5171775

someone who thought banana bread wouldn't work because there was no egg, and was surprised when it turned out just fine. do you even bake?

I think it's dumb when people add commercial yeast to their sourdough bread "for a little boost". Either be a little patient or don't use sourdough, you're fucking it up.

>> No.5171777

That's what the video says...

>> No.5171780


the South

>> No.5171783

They're just extremely bitter to me. It's not a taste I've found anywhere else and I've eaten some strange stuff. I do have friends that love the taste though, say it's part of the experience. To me they taste like extremely strong, extremely bitter shiitake(sp) mushrooms which I already dislike. Though I live in the SE so we may be eating different species of mushrooms.

>> No.5171793

Yeah I watched it through, everything I already knew.
I wish people wouldn't buy into the bottled water thing.

>> No.5171799

The species I ate where what a friend got off silk road
He said something about her being the number 1 seller on there, so I assumed they were pretty good.
I know I felt it, I felt that shit HARD.

>> No.5171804
File: 7 KB, 251x189, 1391374137013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ex would not eat cooked carrots in ANYTHING.
I'd make a nice stew and he'd practically have a meltdown if there was cooked carrots in it. He'd get a bowl of stew and put an empty bowl beside it, and then meticulously pick out anything that resembled a cooked carrot. When he was done, he'd dump it all back into the pot so after a few meals I'd have a Crock-Pot full of nothing but cooked carrots. He claimed he didn't like "the texture".

>> No.5171809

Elementary school ruined cooked carrots for me until my early twenties. Now I love them but the ones they served us scarred me bad.

>> No.5171812

My girlfriend does the same. She mistakes swede for carrots in the stew too just to be safe. Weird thing is that she fucking loves roasted carrots.

PS get your tits out.

>> No.5171814

maybe you should take that same dick and insert it rectally

>> No.5171816
File: 37 KB, 1024x768, canned_water_chestnut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said to someone that I hated water chestnuts and I meant it.

I can eat anything, but the texture of water chestnuts to me me is just too weird. I always pick them out of stir-fries.

>> No.5171830

Stuff from the tin is tasteless shit. Every have the fresh one?

>> No.5171840

both of you must be children.

>> No.5171847

I hated them when I was young, but I love them now. When I'm cooking with them, I'll pop whole ones in my mouth while I cook. Water chestnuts wrapped in bacon and broiled with a little soy sauce or sweet and sour glaze are a delicious appetizer.

>> No.5171849

I agree. I really just do not like them.

>> No.5171866

le EPIC comeback, you fine sir XDD. i'm going 2 post dis on reddit right now bro!11 :p

>> No.5171888

>I don't like vegetables unless they're tomatoes

>> No.5171890

>lentil soup
>fish soup

even a 9 year old knows she's above peasant 'food'

>> No.5171897

>I don't like croissants.

>> No.5171902

8/10 for making me google your retardation

>> No.5171911

lol that's hilarious you had to Google that

>> No.5171921

his response was too serious and i didnt know if science pushed the finally frontier on pickles

>> No.5171943

Thanks, highest score I ever got.
But now I wonder what a salad with the small unpickled kind of cucumbers tastes like.

>> No.5171961

My sister is the worst pleb i know
>"allergic" to onion (when i cook for her i use do mix it just to watch her eat it)
>doesn't like berries or jam
>doesnt like tomatoes, exept ketchup
>doesn't like fruit
>doesn't like mushrooms
>doesn't like vegetables, exept spinach and cucumber (not pickles)
>doesn't like juice or soda
But the worst thing is, this is why i can't fucking stand her
>only eat meat if it is well done/cremated

>> No.5171992


>doesn't like juice and soda

>implying juice and soda drinkers are the plebbest of all

>> No.5171998
File: 499 KB, 356x176, a9OzmPp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just feel sorry for you

>> No.5172014
File: 33 KB, 412x327, 1366192344516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Offer to make dinner for my sister while our parents are away
>"So uh, what do you want to eat?"
>"I don't know."
>I think about what we've got in the fridge/freezers
>"What about salmon fillets and green beans?"
>She makes a fake gagging noise and pretends to vomit, then rolls her eyes
>She's 24
>"What about... Chicken breasts and roast potatoes?"
>Does the exact same thing
>"Well shit, fine, I'll cook for myself."

>> No.5172042


>> No.5172064

Bigger appetite tomorrow.

>> No.5172067
File: 783 KB, 1500x1796, 1379634956007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask gf if she wants some soup I made
>says yes
>give some to gf
>there are a couple thin-sliced pieces of carrot in it
>says she doesn't like carrots

>> No.5172073

Only eats:
Meatballs, no onions or spice besides pepper
Fried chicken fillet, only pepper as spice
Blandest stock soup, only meatballs, spice with... pepper
Fries but only the crispy outside, nothing that tastes of potato.

Oh and every sort of cake and sweet candy.

Can't even eat unflavoured vitamins, I wonder if malnutrition of obesity will kill her first.

>> No.5172075

gf is same way

maybe its a woman thing

>> No.5172077

>Hating chicken breast and roast potatoes
What does she even eat?

>> No.5172079

>next to zero chlorine

I'll give a damn when it IS zero.

>> No.5172089

Too much cheese on my noodle-omelet.

That's about it, otherwise folks seem fine with what I cook.

>> No.5172137


Just had spaghetti last night and I made the marinara sauce from scratch.. I usually only make it from scratch. You cringing faggot?

>> No.5172138

>muh chlorine

>> No.5172142


Grow a fucking pair of balls and learn to like that food you child.

>> No.5172170

Chemistry major here. It's impossible to guarantee 100% that any chemical is completely removed once it has been introduced. It's possible to reduce the concentration to the point of the chemical in question being effectively gone, but to go from some concentration to zero is impossible.

>> No.5172215


and you are browsing /ck/??

>> No.5172216

So i'm a fa/tg/uy, one day a few years ago, I decide to bring a apple cobbler to the session (after checking with the DM to make sure it was cool for me to cook it at his place). I thought everyone would love it because apple cobbler is fucking delicious. I bring it down after it's finished only to hear from everyone but the DM:

>I don't like warm fruit.

Five fucking people are refusing fresh cooked apple cobbler, with the excuse "warm fruit".

>> No.5172224
File: 104 KB, 231x200, 1376464676389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White or whole wheat bread?
>Normal please

>> No.5172238
File: 35 KB, 393x500, 1368113847280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be waiter
>customer tells me they have onion allergy
>order a prime rib
>pleb cooks only cook the prime rib to about rare then dip it ino au jus to heat it up and "cook" it to higher temp orders
>mfw i tell customer this and explain our au jus is made using a buttfuckton of onions mixed with beef and other veg.
>mfw he says thats fine

>> No.5172241

this. the taste of a mcdonalds burger is directly proportional to the amount of those onions on it

the pickles help too, but they're not a deal breaker.

>> No.5172280

but they failed to make you used to them as a kid

>> No.5172289

>make flour tortillas at home
>make a fuckton
>step brother asks me what they are
>tell him flour tortillas
>he eats a couple
>later has another and tells me thanks for the pancake
>just burst out laughing at him
Sometimes being family members with a bunch of gringos is hilarious.

>> No.5172292

People who use allergies as an excuse for not liking something are the biggest faggots.

Especially onions and tomato "allergies", I completely disregard those because if you really do have one you should have died the first time your parents took you the mcdonalds.

>> No.5172305


I can see the reasoning behind it though. If you're spending money on prime rib but don't particularly want onions on it, it might add emphasis to the waiter so you don't have to get it sent back or eat a $30+ dollar meal that you didn't enjoy.

>> No.5172320

>spaghetti are bad, i can't eat them because of their shape

>> No.5172326
File: 111 KB, 815x1176, kkkchinesefood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I don't eat Chinese food

Just all Chinese food. This is the kind of statement that makes me lose respect for someone. Fucking picky eaters.

>> No.5172327

>fuck up your life

If you think twice about eating onions because of halitosis then something's wrong in your life, anny

>> No.5172333

>only the crispy outside, nothing that tastes of potato

dude, you have some explaining to do

>> No.5172342


please I just couldn't take any more exepts

>> No.5172351

yeah the rest fot he world does too, they're creating millions of tonnes more trash than any other country

>> No.5172376

holy shit, hell exists

>> No.5172407

Be honest here, how fat is he?

>> No.5172417
File: 21 KB, 589x375, 1277052492859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wont drink water whose bond angle is not certified at 104.45 degress

>> No.5172423
File: 197 KB, 488x319, FUCKEVERYTHING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Sister has jewish husband
> His family visits, we go to a restaurant together
> Jewish mother asks waitress for plain noodles for their children
> "they are very picky lol"
> Waitress brings food
> Cook apparently drizzled some parsley over the noodles so that it looks less like a joke
> Kids wrinkle up their noses
> "ewww what's that green stuff ewwww moooom"
> Mom picks the parsley off the noodles

> Kids are hesistant, then carefully eat some noodles that haven't been touched by the herbs

pic related

>> No.5172427

>Sister has jewish husband
Feels bad bro.

>> No.5172428

they're missing out so much

>> No.5172429
File: 30 KB, 300x435, jaredsubwayjew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They are a tasteless people.

>> No.5172438

Don't feed her for a week. That ought to fix things.

>> No.5172441

Good juice isn't pleb. Supermarket syrup is pleb, but properly produced apple juice can have an incredible amount of complexity.

>> No.5172444

the fuck?

>> No.5172455

My cousin refuses to eat cheese. Hes not lactose intolerant, he just refuses to eat cheese. He doesnt even eat cheese pizza or pasta with alfredo sauce.

>> No.5172467

God I hate when I tell people that I don't like onions and they flip the fuck out live everyone in this thread.
I'm not allergic and I'm fine with eating cooked onions. But something about raw fucking onions is just not my thing. They leave a bad taste in my mouth and I hate it.

>> No.5172479


I know the feeling. I adore cooking but for some reason I keep attracting fussy eaters with mommy issues. The last person I dated literally wouldn't eat anything other than cheese and tomato pizza, plain cheeseburgers, fries, onion rings and the boneless banquet from KFC.

The mind boggles.

>> No.5172489


>all those samefag replies

>> No.5172493

>don't like raw tomatoes, water chestnuts, beansprouts and liquorice
>only meat I really hated was duck despite trying it on numerous occasions and in various forms i.e. duck l'orange, hoisin duck, duck with plum sauce etc.
>stodgy food like pies is a bit meh because my stomach can't take it too well but fine on the odd occasion

I think that's all I have. Don't really understand fussy eaters who won't at least try something a handful of times before deciding they don't like it. Unless it's something like balut, because I completely understand why someone might not want to eat a partially formed foetus.

>> No.5172499

>Don't really understand fussy eaters who won't at least try something a handful of times before deciding they don't like it.
>Unless it's something I find gross, then it is a different matter
Congrats, you are as bad as them.

>> No.5172505

Right? I think they're being just as childish as the people they're talking about.

>> No.5172509

stop being obtuse.

>> No.5172511

You must like everything equally, have no preferences, and consume whatever is in reach.

>> No.5172514


I meant for the ethical reasons, moron. There's a reason why "free range" products are suddenly all over the shelves despite the fact everyone was happy to eat caged hens/eggs before. Some people meant be morally opposed to eating a foetus in its egg, just like they might be opposed to eating a chicken that's been sitting in its own shit all day.

>> No.5172520

But that is exactly what you said.

>> No.5172522


*Might be opposed.

Where the fuck did "meant" come from? I need to stop writing essays while on 4chan.

>> No.5172524

>I meant for the ethical reasons, moron
You didn't mention that at all. Why would a partially-formed fetus be unethical versus eating a fully-developed adult?

Quit moving the goalposts.

>> No.5172531


It's the way people perceive things. There was a whole ethical issue about balut, either on Cracked or "Why Would You Eat That," because balut was essentially eating an abortion. It's a natural reaction; some people are just opposed to eating young animals/foetuses as they would be to infanticide. They impose human characteristics on the animals, which is why they get upset over things like caged livestock the moment they're aware of it.

I didn't move the goal posts mate, I thought it was very obvious that balut had the whole ethical thing behind it so I apologise for not making myself clear at the beginning.

>> No.5172815
File: 49 KB, 400x505, eatshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like wine because ALL WINE is (pick several)
>>gives me a headache when I drink four bottles on an empty stomach
No you shit for brains, you're objectively fucking wrong.
>this wine is ok but it needs a little age
No, you guido douche, you only drink chianti classico riserva and think that's how all wine tastes
>wine from region X is the best
>wine made from varietal X is best
>white wine is for women
>sweet wine is cheap wine
>thinking chablis is a kind of wine from california
>confusing rose with white zinfandel
>confusing white zinfandel and red zinfandel
>confusing fizzy wine in general with champagne
>expensive wine is just cheap wine with a fancy label
>sherry is gross
>port is gross
>fucking viognier everywhere
>people shitting on chardonnay
>people shitting on cool climate wines
>people shitting on hot climate wines
>people whose cellars are nothing but napa cabs and super tuscans
>people who read wine spectator

When you have a thought about wine, and you feel like opening your mouth, shut your mouth and think of something unrelated to say instead. Thanks in advance.

>> No.5172846

I love you.

>> No.5172848

>ctr+f 'seal'
>no one bitching about 'sealing in the juices'
>do the same for salt making water boil faster
>still nothing

i'm amazed

>> No.5172849

what did you think of the movie 'sideways'

>> No.5172860

>allergic to capsaicin
>people think im fucking joking and put chilli in my fucking food
>i end up in the emergency room
>have to put up with people saying shit like "im allergic to onions because i dont like the texture :("

>> No.5172861


No opinion, haven't watched

>> No.5172896

I shit you not, had a nigga say to me "I don't like soup."

like....what? what does that even mean?

>> No.5172950
File: 112 KB, 224x220, 1390789671943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like -fill in blank-

>Have you ever actually tried it?

>No, but I know I won't like it

>> No.5173001

Sorry, your memes can't save you from being considered a piece of shit.

>> No.5173004

I cook with tons of onions. Probably too many onions. I put them in everything.

That said, I really do not like raw onion. Am I pleb, /ck/?

>> No.5173013
File: 419 KB, 640x480, !!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my roommate is bizarre. he eats rice + some kind of fried vegetable every day - literally every day. he's indian, see. he commented to me once how all the food i make is so creative and looks so good, and i said why doesn't he try to learn how to make something else and cooking is fun. he said he doesn't have time to learn and regrettably only knows how to make rice and then told me - get this - he doesn't even like rice! he eats it every goddam day!

>> No.5173025

Yes you fuck.

Go sprinkle some red onions on your already-onionified chili now.

>> No.5173033

I made chili for dinner. Dallas, is that you?

>> No.5173035

That's sad. You should show him /ck/. We could help him!

>> No.5173041

>We could help him!

Have you seen the cast iron threads?


>> No.5173058

No, I've just been monitoring you for a few months now. I recommend clearing your house of any electronics containing child pornography within the next two or three days.

>> No.5173063

But I don't have any, Mr. NSA!

>> No.5173073

Enjoy your v&

>> No.5173079

This picture perfectly replicates me in the shower, except with my hand on my shlong

>> No.5173090

So you jack it to the thought of burnt gook lolis?

>> No.5173114

My ex-coworker told me her family hated when she would put onions in the food. So she pureed some onions and hid it in the freezer.

>> No.5173115

I actually think they taste sort of good.

>> No.5173124

are their pickles dehydrated too?

>> No.5173126
File: 83 KB, 403x285, 1391743460543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>only eat meat if it is well done

>> No.5173127

>it's cheaper to buy $3 of mcdonalds everyday

jesus christ nearly smacked a bitch

>> No.5173131

>no artificial colours or flavours
in my country this makes ice-cream and chocolate "yoghurt" healthy.
>30% of national adult population considered obese

>> No.5173414

>"you have your coffee without sugar & milk? that's weird"
>you don't flip you're eggs? that's weird"
uncultured swine.

>> No.5173447

Basically OP. People who despise tomatos and onions. What the fuck is wrong with you?

also olives.
and blue cheese.
And people who hate pickles a lot. HOW??!

>> No.5173463

>blue cheese
dude these things are strong and unique as fuck how can you claim to not empathize in the slightest
you sound like an all-knowledgeable, self-proclaimed "foodie"

>> No.5173467

My pickle was dehydrated after ur mom got done sucking it

>> No.5173468
File: 663 KB, 1269x881, fastfoodfight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sandwich "artists"

When I go to a Subway, I normally tell the person behind the counter to pick a sub for me and make ALL the decisions. I don't say "you're the sandwich artist" but I think it really loud.

Getting them to make the decisions takes some persuading. I hear some leadership schools use similar techniques. I just do it because I like adventures and I'm not afraid. I put a few bucks in the tip jar, and I assure them I will pay and won't complain no matter what.

Usually I get something fairly boring and normal, but good enough. I like sandwiches, so that's fine.

Sometimes the person behind the counter's eyes will light up and they'll get creative.

Those people are awesome and I love them.

>> No.5173481

ronald looks so rad in this

>> No.5173495
File: 389 KB, 1200x797, Yakitori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look up a recipe and make them yourself. Pickling's easy and damn near idiot-proof.

I pickle eggs in cheap balsamic. Boil the balsamic, pour it into a mason jar already filled with hard boiled eggs, seal it solidly and let it cool, eat it after six weeks or more (the longer the better)

You can put spices in with the eggs if you like. With balsamic vinegar I often don't bother, but most people pickle with hot spices or with sweet stuff and beets for color. Those people frequently switch to balsamic after trying my eggs.

>> No.5173515

I fucked a girl from OKC who didn't like olives.

>> No.5173521


get it

>> No.5173533
File: 145 KB, 1280x818, cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I traveled with a friend to Mainland US to visit his family of super poor people who have managed to claw their way to middle class.

...so perhaps they have an excuse.

We're stuck eating at Red Lobster. Ah well.

The nine (or fourteen or something) year old daughter of one of the ladies has the kitchen make her up chicken nuggets.

She doesn't eat anything but chicken nuggets and hasn't for more than five years. She'll just go hungry if they're not available.

...if that bitch were my daughter, she'd starve to death or learn to eat

>> No.5173534

I dont understand people who dont like tomatoes

>> No.5173535

the most pleb thing any one said about food would be me
>I don't eat raw fruit , it has to be processed/prepared in some way
exceptions are some berries and melons and pineapple

>> No.5173554

cant do them; just cant fucking do them.

>> No.5173578

I dont enjoy eggs.
Boiled, fried, scrambled, poached, omelette, quiche, bacon and egg pie.... Ive tried them all and gagged
If I'm offered them I will try to eat most of it but end up drowning it hotsauce or ketchup.

Don't mind egg fried rice so thats something I guess.....

>> No.5173621
File: 22 KB, 210x350, tonys seasoning-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not liking spicy food, for a definition of "spicy" that includes any amount of hot pepper whatsoever. I made my family a dish with pic related and wound up having to eat it all by myself over the course of the week.

>> No.5173684

It could just be too rich for them. I had a burger with gorgonzola cheese and a balsamic bacon and onion reduction on it and while it was pretty damn delicious I could only eat a few bites at a time before it got to be too much flavor at once.

My mother is so affected by spicy foods that she can't take pepper in anything. Not peppers, just sprinkled pepper.

>> No.5174276

Set and setting, friend. Brewed too strong and drank it in a downright no-good mindset or physical setting, tripped nuts and met himself in a dark light, I reckon. You can put on your best bib and tucker, but if'fin you ain't right on the inside, or if your surroundings don't sit quite right with you, you really don't have a chance on this green earth at guessing what them things're gonna throw at you.

nb off topic

>> No.5174320

When someone says they're allergic to anything they don't like.

>I can't eat that, it has green peppers in it, I'm allergic to peppers
>Inundates every inch of plate in black pepper

>> No.5174497

>"I don't like potatoes"
>Likes mashed potatoes, liberty fries, sautéed potatoes with garlic and thyme...

>A girls who sucks dicks like Sasha Grey and dreams of gargling on cum in a bukkake.
>3 am, we are hungry from fucking like maniacs.
>Let's see what you have in your kitchen
>OK, I can cook pasta with tomato sauce with onions, herbs, and tune fish
No, I don't like tuna
>But you'll barely taste it...
>Brother in law arrives, we cooks in a restaurant
I can make tuna fish and mayonaise

>> No.5174512

With spice it's not about disliking the taste but rather the taste inducing heat receptors making your mouth feel like it's burning. It's something you got used to by forcing yourself to ignore the heat and the taste buds going numb from it. It's a bit like going in a "what is the most pleb clothing related thing someone has said to you" and complaining people don't want to wear corsets.

>> No.5174521
File: 2.28 MB, 320x240, 1391216357673.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend from work who will only order light beer at the pub because he "wants to watch his calories"
>still eats all the greasy, deep-fried pub food

>> No.5174526

cheesecake was one of my first words
this guy has my permission to hang himself
cheesecake is love
cheesecake can make a funeral a night to remember
Every time my sisters said cheesecake in front of me I would smile when i was small( i still do).
there is no excuse

>> No.5174533

why people simply don't compress them into capsules (e.g cigarette paper) and swallow them is beyond me, truffles on the other hand are very palatable

>> No.5174633

any fucking baby who starts complaining about tomatoes or onions

>> No.5174641

>those people who won't eat any vegetables
>those people who won't eat anything even slightly spicy

>> No.5174654

I can understand he spicy issue because some people just can't handle it, some can get really annoying heartburn from it.

>> No.5174659

no they don't they're just lying faggots

>> No.5174663

wow you're edgy, kiddo

>> No.5174683

I hate that word.

Authentic doesn't make something good.

>> No.5174689

Probably the worst offender is my step-dad, who loves fried chicken, but refuses to season it in any way. Just chicken dredged in flour. Which is...fine, I guess, but he overcooks it every time. So the result is basically just tough, dry chicken cloaked in crunchy, burnt flour.

He went on a childish tirade and outright refused to eat fried chicken that I had made once, because I had dared to put parsley and seasonings in the breading. He wouldn't even eat the side dishes, and instead went and got potted meat and crackers, and said it was better than eating any of that "goddamned green bullshit".

>> No.5174697

because tomatoes and onion are base ingredients that these shitfucks eat on a regular basis without noticing it

>> No.5174715

I get heartburn from cookies

>> No.5174722

what if me made faking allergies a felony?

>> No.5174737

true american hero.

>> No.5174755

Yeah, he sounds like a real catch.

>> No.5174827

Yeah, he's approaching 50 and has smoked a pack a day since he was 14. I figured out after watching him salt pizza slices that his sense of taste/smell probably went years ago.

>> No.5174842

I had a customer tell me one time that she was allergic to mayonnaise. I left the kitchen and went to her table to ask her what in mayo she was allergic to and she said "I don't know! I'm just allergic to it!"

>> No.5174873

I don't like beans
My boyfriend doesn't like peas

they're both a texture thing (although he also hates the taste)

I'm pretty proud though, his mom never cooked for him, so when I made him dinner he was trying a lot of things for the first time, and he is willing to try everything!

>> No.5174955


Shit, this sounds like my step-dad. He's not quite that bad, but he once refused to eat a beef stew my mother made because she had used beef stock that was made with vegetables that weren't potatoes.

>> No.5175112


... Peppers and peppercorn are not the same thing.

>> No.5175142

My dad doesn't like onions because his dad used to bite into them like an apple.

>> No.5175154
File: 74 KB, 420x440, tumblr_m7rvqwAYbY1qc0x3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same plant.

>> No.5175173
File: 437 KB, 659x488, 1391385830935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I'm in the shower, I like to turn the water up so its just a little painful and pretend a girl ate me.
I usually get all the fear of death and smallness at night time when I sleep.

>> No.5175186

Well ain't that some shit.

>> No.5175252

>Do you live in a fracking state

Stop with this nonsense.

>> No.5175344

I hate pickles. When I was little my family and I went to Wendy's and they put pickles on my burger, but my dad made me eat it anyways. I spent half an hour gagging and crying and when I finished, I went to tell my dad and threw up all over him lol. Bastard deserved it.

Also, fuck captcha. It took six fucking times to post this.

>> No.5175355
File: 72 KB, 383x511, worstsongugliestguitar (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Gag and cry for an hour over a few pickle slices on a burger

Hate to break it to you, but you were just a horrible child. A couple pickle slices on a burger are hardly perceptible. Your parents probably still resent you.

>> No.5175550
File: 39 KB, 232x174, end me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grandma doesn't like tomatoes
>won't eat food if tomato touched it
>won't eat food even if tomato touched the plate, even if it didn't touch the rest of the food

>> No.5176874
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>liberty fries

Saying this is still a thing?


>> No.5176910

mushrooms, avocado and eggplant are gross

>> No.5176923

raw tomatoes are disgusting, deal w/ it

>> No.5177128

>Picky Eater Thread
Fuck yes! I love you /ck/!

>Cooks at work all higher positions than me with years of experience
>dont like tomatoes
>the patisserie cook only eats chicken and rice or spaghetti completely plain
>another doesn't eat fish
>hates peanut taste but will eat nutella

Jesus Christ, i don't know how they got to where they are today. I've recently getting over my slight distaste of Coriander leaves simply because it is god tier in an Asian style tomato sauce.
I will eat and try anything no matter how bland or spicy or delicious or stage of cooked-ness.

>the look on my coworkers face when they see me chow down unbaked pastry dough off cuts.
I just shrug and grin. I'm not stupid though, I mean I'm not gonna to ahead and eat food off the floor or large quantities of raw fish.

>anon that isnt cooked yet
It's amazing what spending years in asian countries as a small child does to your immune system and palate, especially when you move back to western Europe and see people bitching about spicyness and food poisoning.

>> No.5177134

>not tasting the dough/batter every time you're baking something

>> No.5177138

>mfw someone tells me they dont like onions

>what is the most pleb food related thing someone has said to you?

That's it

>> No.5177221
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I used to work in a cheese shop.
>Do you have any low-fat cheese?
>We don't carry any low-fat cheeses, but our goat cheeses tend to be lower in fat than our others.
>Oh, I don't like goat cheese.
>Well, how about the Fromage de Meaux then? It's a French cow's milk cheese, a lot like a Brie but much more deep and gamy. It's also our lowest-fat cheese. Would you like a taste?
>Give them a taste
>No, this is much too strong.
Then they just end up getting a triple-cream. So much for low-fat.
>What do you recommend in the way of sharp cheddar?
> I really like the Old Quebec 7-year. It's a very sharp cow's milk cheddar from Canada. Would you like a taste?
>They taste it and make a sour face
>Oh no, this is much too strong.
>Well, how about the Old Quebec 4-year? It's the same cheese, just younger.
>They taste it
>It's still to strong for them.
>They just end up getting a triple-cream.
So much for sharp.

>> No.5177229

I'm going to open a triple cream cheese shop

>> No.5177246

I like triple-cream, but it's fucking annoying when people come in asking for a certain type of cheese, get scared when they realize that it's more complex than kraft singles or 6-month "sharp" cheddar from the grocery store and then take comfort in a soft, fatty triple-cream.

>> No.5177264

I can see this. There are lots of cheese shops for the tourists where I live. I've seen many wrinkled noses and back-tracking when I've gone in those places.

I only had cheese that was too much for me once, and that was a tiny place in Quebec. It was so pungent and acrid I could barely swallow it.

>> No.5177265

> ever since i was a kid if I bite into onions I nearly puke and lose appetite
> nowadays just try swallowing them if they're large enough and I didn't expect them

so sorry /ck/

>> No.5177310

I do agree it can be jarring to taste something stronger than you expect. But just because something is unexpected doesn't make it bad.
At the shop, we had a cheese from Belgium that had been washed in beer. It was my first washed-rind cheese and the strength of it, combined with the flavors of hops and malt, knocked me on my ass. It came to be one of my favorites, though.

>> No.5177322

Go back to 4chan

>> No.5177328
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>MFW someone tells ME they don't like onions

Oh god, my roommate's girlfriend says that onions will make her throw up but that she's not allergic to them.

So I caramelized onions into a paste and hid them in dishes I served to them and she was fine.

I hate picky eaters.

>> No.5177330

Yeah, but some cheeses can be genuinely bad, like that stuff from that roadside place in Quebec.

>> No.5177335

Well no shit
People can have vomiting reactions because of textures, you know.

>> No.5177365

Oh so sweated onions are awful but sweated peppers are fine? I refuse to believe that somebody can get to the point of vomiting from such simple textures without having some serious fucking childhood trauma, and even then that it is something they could overcome if they weren't so picky.

>> No.5177377

Chocolate is used mostly as a raw flavor. Something either tastes chocolatey or it doesn't.

Onion isn't used as a raw flavor. You don't see someone say "This tastes like onion" to almost any dish that uses onion. Onion is a complementary flavor and is used in half of everything that's ever been made.

>> No.5177397
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>Lovingly whip up some pizza sauce, made with onions, garlic, some olive oil and a few other spices
>Gently apply it to my pizza dough
>Lovingly layer it with fresh mozzarella
>Top with the finest sausage pepperoni
>Bring out to friends
>"Oh hey is that pizza? Sorry, I don't like warm fruit."
>Another friend chimes in "I really don't like onions, and I saw you put those in the sauce, so I can't eat that either!"
>Third friend chimes in "Cheese is really gross, I can't stand the texture!"
>Fourth friend times in "I'm allergic to bread, is that non gluten bread?"

>> No.5177449

As a guy with a former eating disorder, it doesn't have to be rational - the mind forms responses by association regardless of logic. It's entirely possible for onions to set you off while peppers are fine.
For instance, spaghetti was guaranteed to induce vomiting. Tagliatelle of the same brand? Absolutely fine. This shit doesn't always make sense. Pickiness has nothing to do with it, I promise.

>> No.5177454
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That's hilarious.
Did you eat the pizza all by yourself

>> No.5177489

Former eating disorder you say? So this is something that people can, and should, get help with, right?

>> No.5177840

Sometimes I purposefully use ingredients I know my girlfriend hates just to rub it in her dumb ass no-taste bud face when she says how delicious it is.

The most recent being:
>Ask her if she wants soup for dinner
"If they'res going to be potatoes in it, just make sure no sweet potatoes!"
>Buy the three best sweet potatoes I can find (white kinds, not the orange kind)
>Make everything else (chicken, veggies, etc)
>She sees the potato in it and asks me if it's sweet ones
"No no, of course not"
>When the soup is all plated up and everything she takes a bite
"Wow, this is so delicious! The potatoes are great, what did you do to them?!"
"They're sweet potatoes"
>She doesn't even say anything and just keeps eating
>Still doesn't eat half the veggies

Idiot, learn to get some taste.

>> No.5177930
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>I'm vegetarian

hippie plebs don't know what they're missing