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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5167328 No.5167328[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this video might change your understanding of those natural labels on foods.


its time to stop being a victim of deception.

Just needed to tell my bros at /ck/


>> No.5167379

I'm not stupid enough to buy something because it says natural. I simply look at the ingredients.

>> No.5167384

Natural is neither good or bad

>> No.5167388

Where could I buy a part of a honeycomb? honey and all

>> No.5167386
File: 71 KB, 480x480, good-foods[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry there is nothing natural about a box of cereal

>> No.5167396

usually in glass jars man, even at walmart

>> No.5167397

farmers market

>> No.5167398


farmer's markets. I have a jar I bought last week.

holy shit it's so tasty but damn is it sweet.

honeycomb and black coffee go together my fellow anon

>> No.5167419


>> No.5167654

Honey resists microbial spoilage because of a very low water activity value and antimicrobial compounds (methylglyoxal, H202, defensin-1). But primarily its low WA and high acidity.

Ghee also resists spoilage because of a low water activity.

>> No.5167692

that dude was great

>> No.5167716
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ughhhh honeycombs

they taste as fuckmazing as they look but plain honey always gives me a stomachache

>> No.5167719

are you claiming that wax + sugary syrup is sweeter than sugary syrup

>> No.5168042

however, I can get organic oats and flax seed etc. and make my own cereal + organic soymilk....

I love making my own cereal.

>> No.5168069

Even if the food isn't processed, unprocessed and "natural" food isn't automatically healthy

>> No.5168073


What's healthy about sugar gel and cow fat?

>> No.5168093

Even though i've heard many companies put some kind of ingredient in their food to pay less (taxes?) over it, later on this stuff is removed but there was one case in spain where ~500 people died because of this.

>> No.5168166

except I rarely buy into organic hype with most foods. Let me know when they lower the prices.
It's not worth the price to me.
I do like cut oats, though.
Also creamed farina and cocoa.

>> No.5168282

Unnecessary bullshit to raise prices. If you care about all natural food, raise your own.

>> No.5168343

Natural, organic twinkies are just better for you. That's science.

>> No.5168405

That sugary syrup is 10x healthier than any other kind of sugary syrup

But only if it's 100% pure and raw.

>> No.5168462

The problem is false advertising. Your anti ageing cream "with over 100 copyrighted ingredients" isn't better than your "natural" food.
Internet Explorer 11 isn't better than IE 7. Remember when FireFox 2 came out, they made a big deal about it. The 3 is in the fucking Guiness book of records. Now I use FF TWENTY SEVEN just because retards will think it's more advanced than IE just 11.

So yeah, there are regulation on the organic label (and "label rouge" (red label) for poultry in France). Thank you nanny state.
France banned the "good for your health" (butter contains omega 3) ad, and "unlimited" for internet and phone service providers.

>> No.5168475

>whine about nanny states and "natural" things
>be completely clueless about technology and the world in general

As expected.

>> No.5168487

tfw when my parents raised real human beans and tomatoes

>> No.5169216

soy milk - when did soy plants grow mammry glands?

bean juice not milk.

>> No.5169230

In other news, sky found to be blue. More at 11.

>> No.5169240

>black coffee

do you know what black coffee means?

>> No.5169247

>uses IE and Firefox

You probably have Opera installed too "just in case". Oh man my sides.

>> No.5169250

Maybe he's eating them separately, at the same meal. You don't know, anon.

>> No.5169260

>much browser splurge
>being this much misinformed
Oh my sides.

>> No.5169263

not that anon, but for my work I have to visit a lot of different county websites as well as specialty program websites, some which run programs that only work on either IE or something like Firefox. I keep both installed for that reason.

I know I know
>having a job

>> No.5169271

Cyanide is natural, doesn't mean it's good for you.

>> No.5169596

I know what you mean, but you have to find the right stores. places like publix I have been to for example, are CRIMINALLY overpricing all their organic foods, its like they want to trick people into thinking that THAT is really how much organic food costs. lots of stores are trying to ride the organic hype train to money town by tricking people into paying disgusting amounts of money for small amounts of organic food.

you have to find the right places, and then you will be shocked how truly reasonable the prices for organic food really are.

organic food isn't simply about avoiding genetically modified food (which I am not completely against, but monsanto does it WAY wrong) and in addition they drench all the fruits and vegetables in LOADS of poison. round up ready crops, "glyphosate?" and many other horrible things.

organic avoids that, so your basically eating healthy real food without poison, which should be the standard everywhere.

I am not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5169610
File: 82 KB, 800x600, 23453425345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually a very controversial topic in relation to vitamin b17 in apricot seeds as well as apple seeds and many other fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, containing small amounts of naturally occurring cyanide.

many say that in small amounts this can fight cancer, and in larger amounts that it will obviously hurt someone or make them die.

you need to search it on the internet to see the massive fights people have over this, and the several people who swear it has saved them from cancer where chemo has failed...

in addition you should also search "foods that have b17" and "foods that contain cyanide"

to educate yourself about something you probably didn't know about.

some things I would say are best with common sense, a strong sense of logic, and personal moderation, for example I like vitamin b17, but I don't want too much.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything. (continuing)

>> No.5169614
File: 137 KB, 960x867, 3565643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

however, some things I refuse completely, like high fructose corn syrup.

fructose itself isn't a bad thing in my opinion because in nature many fruits are loaded with this stuff, and so is honey and agave nectar, but those things are usually a complete sugar.

high fructose corn syrup usually comes from a bad place to begin with, for example genetically modified corn from monsanto loaded with harsh chemicals and pesticides. and then its treated with even more harsh chemicals (inb4 water is a chemical, that agrumentative point is invalid as the context is discombobulated into manipulatively derailing the point without actual basis, as well as the fact that there are many different good and bad chemicals in subjectivity to the human body, and even the good ones are taken in moderation) so after the corn syrup being treated with chemicals (again) they add even more terrible stuff to neutralize its pH which at the point of finishing its crazy journey it is sold to companies to use it as a cheap sweetener in drinks and foods. at this point its a very incomplete sugar that poisons the liver, causing all kinds of insulin issues and unhealthy fat buildup of bad fats sometimes around the liver.(not necessarily weight gain).
i do however believe (but never tried any of) that Organic corn sugar that has not been processed could likely be relatively safe and healthy in moderation.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5169616

it isn't really expensive, bad companies want to give the illusion that it is more expensive, they want to say "it costs us so much money to label our packages with a sticker that says "this is gmo" on it.

in reality they just want to keep everyone dependent on them.

for example, look up monsanto roundup crop dependancy on farmers.

>> No.5169618

better, sure. how much better? probably not better than eating some sugar, flour, and cream.

but at least not worst hopefully.

the point is that people should have the right to real food that was grown without poison.

when someone buys and apple, it should simply be an apple, whatever an apple naturally contains etc.

>ingredients: apple, poison, hue, hue hue.

>> No.5169620

>IE 11
>not notably better than 7

>> No.5169633

flax is chock full of phytoestrogens, enjoy your bitch tits and mood swings. Chia is a perfectly fine substitute.

>> No.5169647

it really depends on what is right for you.

some people eat a soy bean and go UGHHHHHH I HAVE TITS WHOOOAAAAAA

and some people can eat flax and soy and not feel any effects. everyone is different, and I love both chia and flax.

if you are worried about phytoestrogens you could try eating bee pollen (don't touch if you are allergic to bees or bee related things) as well as kelp, because it helps the body not become sick with too many phytoestrogens.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5169684

You misunderstood me. I only use FF and just try to keep it updated.
The thing I was saying is that the version number is pure bullshit. Like you can count in 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, etc, or count in 7, 8, 9, 27, 28 ('cause why not jump numbers), etc. just to look better, in a similar way of "all natural".
I know that there are norms and conventions about naming your program. FF don't respect them, sooo

>> No.5169693

you're a dumbass if he dips it in the coffee and eats it that way the coffee's still black.
>if you dip pizzelles in your coffee it's still considered black
>if you dip anything in your coffee it doesn't change the fact the coffee you are drinking is black

>> No.5169699

all natural means nothing

it is not a regulated term

i'm a RD and people who know this will sometimes try to "impress" me or something by showing their "healthy" food choices, which frequently are just snack foods like chips that say "all natural" on the bag. It's really awkward because I don't want to be an ass about it.

>> No.5169934

Posting an infographic from Natural News.

>> No.5170021

so what? I don't even know anything about natural news, its just an interesting image.

>> No.5170041

>doesn't know water is a chemical

>> No.5170056

>its just an interesting image.

What's interesting about it when it's obviously propaganda? What I'm wondering is why you failed to detect it as bullshit within about one or two seconds of looking at it. It's sort of like an adult still believing in the Easter bunny...it shows that your ability to separate sound facts from the bullshit is broken.

Tell me, are you interested in investments? I'll make you a great deal on the Brooklyn bridge. Oh, and this great waterfront resort in Arizona....

>> No.5170060


Not that guy, but... calm down. Wow.

>> No.5170072
File: 23 KB, 300x380, beaver.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all natural flavor

>the exudate from the castor sacs of the mature North American Beaver and the European Beaver
>Both male and female beavers possess a pair of castor sacs and a pair of anal glands located in two cavities under the skin between the pelvis and the base of the tail. Castor sacs are a type of scent gland.

>Today, it is used as a tincture in some perfumes and as a food additive.

>It is often referenced simply as a "natural flavoring" in products' lists of ingredients. While it is mainly used in both foods and beverages as part of a substitute vanilla flavour, it is less commonly used as a part of a raspberry or strawberry flavoring.


>> No.5170082


Sounds tasty.

Did you know that alcohol is yeast piss and the carbonation in beer or champagne is their farts?

Did you know that cheese and yogurt are bacteria cultures? That fruits are the reproductive organs of plants? That honey is insect vomit?

>lots of foods are gross, get over it.

>> No.5170120

Ill try anything that taistes good, natural or whatever the fuck is edible.

Going on OP's picture choise I love honey but I cant have too much of it before I get some wicked ass headakes, probibly being so god damn pure sugar it is or whatever. Im not alergic just..weird ass headakes.

>> No.5170122

Probably gluten related.

>> No.5170294
File: 52 KB, 178x190, paise the lord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing beaver anus glands to yeast and fruit

>> No.5171106


This guy.

>> No.5171114

>everything is a chemical therefore no chemicals can be bad

faulty reasoning general

This is what Monsanto shills actually believe.

you could argue that natural foods are full of natural chemicals, and you might be right.
however, it doesn't mean that people should eat soap and drink blinker fluid.
when people say "ewwww! chemicals in my food!" they usually mean additives like yellow 5, high fructose corn syrup, and other nasty junk that they don't want to be eating. water may very well be a chemical, drink too little, you die of dehydration. drink too much, hyperwaterpoisoning electrolytes or something = death.
is walking into the woods and getting bit by a snake, a natural experience?
there are many good and bad natural things, but my point is that people usually mean this:
>I want a banana 100% natural with no chemicals

what they mean:

>no bells
>no whistles
>no tricks
>no trucks

its like salted butter, alot of people just want to buy butter, but then they realize some jerk put extra salt in it, so they stop buying that brand, and buy another brand that stuck to the pure values of what real plain simple pure natural butter should be.

that is what people are doing right now. people are ceasing to buy things they don't like, and buying things that they DO like. understand?

its silly to make the assumption that just because some uneducated people get scared when they see "sodium" on the label, that all people who avoid additives or "muh chemicals" in the foods they eat, that ALL people are stupid morons who are afraid of silly things. by making this assumption, you are implying that all people who want to make decisions about the way they eat, are simply too stupid to have the right to say "I wont eat this because I don't trust it" you know what? if people don't like something they have the right to avoid it.

I wont eat high fructose corn syrup, and you shouldn't care.

I am NOT a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5171138

What are you talking about.


>> No.5171139

Not yeast. Yeast PISS. It's bacteria poop.
I agree that one's pretty dumb.
>not acknowledging honey being insect vomit or yogurt and cheese being mold cultures
So you're acknowledging that those two are pretty nasty when you think about it?

>> No.5171252

I don't like gross things, but some things are not gross to me and some things are gross to me. It really depends.

>> No.5171500

>Not yeast. Yeast PISS. It's bacteria poop.
Yeast aren't bacteria.

>> No.5171503

>So you're acknowledging that those two are pretty nasty when you think about it?
Why are they nasty? Why do you think plants and animals are alright but when you go outside those kingdoms it gets "pretty nasty"?

>> No.5171990

>2 Early versions
>3 Rapid release
They decided to go from 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 3.5, 3.6 (that's logical, just a small update), and 4.
Then they went all crazy to get a higher number than other browser. It was purely political to count like that for each small update, it should be FF 3.5.3 instead of FF 27.
It was already counting quite fast at the start. VLC is about the same age and only 2.1.2 and I used the beta 0.something for years, it was perfect already.

There is an antivirus that started with a name like Anti-Crap 9. Just because it sounded better than Norton 2 and Avast 3. It's the same as "all natural", shitty advertisement crap.

>> No.5172157


If you eat meat and dairy, you have no reason to find this gross

>> No.5172213

Pretty sure he's referring to it being vomit or shit. Cow vomit and shit are pretty nasty too.

>> No.5172278

>anal sounds like a dirty word and has something to do with feces
>therefore consuming anything related to the anus is somehow disgusting

>> No.5173847
File: 109 KB, 496x475, 3452543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start thread about natural food discussion
>turns into internet explorer vs firefox and buttholes

i love /ck/

>> No.5173867

You need to update your shit yo.

>> No.5173926

I like to read the ingredients on my food

>> No.5173997

>200% natural
Damn, how hard did I lose

>> No.5174425

Oh, true. It's still only 2.1.3

>> No.5174461

updated video!


>> No.5174492
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>>nature is perfect, all you need is nature, nature will never hurt you unlike those evil corporations and their artifical stuff
this is exactly the kind of retardation I've come to expect from retarded vegans and naturopaths. I wish all these people would go live in the wild away from "unnatural" influences like the internet and school.

>> No.5174496

put it on toast.