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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5166443 No.5166443 [Reply] [Original]

Is it gay if I'm a dude and bake cakes?

>> No.5166451

You do know how many cooks and chefs, even in the pastry field, are male right?

>> No.5166461

I'm a male baker, though I don't do desserts.

A friend of mine once told me that baking was actually the "manliest" form of cooking, since it's so easy to fuck something up and you have to be confident in your recipes, as random changes and substitutions can ruin everything.

I think masculinity paradigms are fucking dumb, but it was a neat little though.

>> No.5166469

>even in the pastry field
Gay ones, yes.

>> No.5166476

only if you fuck other dudes at any point before, after, and during the baking of said cakes. Or unironically have a t-shirt that says "I like to bake cakes and give head"

>> No.5166482

Op here, I know yeah, there are a lot of male chefs (and with that arguably comes baking), but what if I take it up as a hobby or something. Not just in general, but as a hobby. Does that make me less masculine??

>> No.5166492

Since when is feeding yourself masculine? I've gotta find that quote from Churchill berating troops for considering sewing, cooking, and cleaning women's work; but not being able to figure it out themselves.

>> No.5166504

You mean since when is feeding your self feminine?

>> No.5166501

>Does that make me less masculine??

Who gives a shit? If this is a legitimate problem for you then you have issues that stretch far beyond baking.

>> No.5166510

Yep. Baking cakes has been scientifically proven to increase estrogen levels

>> No.5166512
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Also, wanna see it when it's done? I will deliver.

>> No.5166514

>giving a shit

No, but seriously, baking doesn't make you "unmanly." Bitches love that shit.

>> No.5166516

No, only sandwiches are a food item that must always be prepared by a female, at least in the US.

>> No.5166520

I made that bitch a cake. Bitches love cake.

They really do.

>> No.5166528

doesn't that make you french

>> No.5166531
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>> No.5166534

This. Not only that but repeated exposure to the baking process (you know that nice fresh bread smell) reduces a chemical that tells your body to make more testosterone.

>> No.5166592

You're a faggot if you don't like eating fresh cake unless if you're OP.

>> No.5166593

Chicks dig cakes. Seriously, make some fancy looking cake and you'll be drowning in pussy.

Now if you were making cupcakes, that's kind of prissy. I'd say don't do that. When it comes to cakes bigger is better, stick with the full size.

>> No.5166617

no you want something in between cup cake and full sized cake size. this way your cake gets used up faster thus letting you bake more often for the ladies

>> No.5166774

Do you suck dicks?

>> No.5166793
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Grills love my vegan cupcakes. When I make this one, I put chocolate leaves on top. There's three more layers beneath the frosting.

Sheet cake is the worst cake.

>> No.5166798

Your cake looks pretty mediocre.
Needs more decor and tiers.

Would not suck your dick for that.

>> No.5166807

When I was 13, I would come home, bake a 9 inch cake, eat the whole thing, and sleep for 12 hours.

>> No.5166806

At least you're not baking pies like an old granny.

>> No.5166822

you're gay if you like penis

>> No.5166836
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...that's incredibly depressing

>> No.5166839

using off the shelf frosting makes you gay and also a shithead

>> No.5166840



>> No.5166897

It was after playing starcraft all night and being too lazy to pack a lunch. I still sleep 12 hours sometimes, but without the whole cake.

>> No.5166899

What about futa

>> No.5166924

Do you wear a frilly apron and sing in a high voice while you do it?

Do you cry when your cake turns out wrong?

Do you spend a lot of time discussing what kind of flowers you're going to make out of icing?

Do you bake cakes, at least in part, to get pussy?


>I think masculinity paradigms are fucking dumb

what a fag

>> No.5166997

I'm getting better that was my second cake.

>> No.5167012


Remember the butter is not supposed to be too soft, like about 65 degrees. Worth knowing this. It's no fun having a cake fail and not understanding what you did wrong.

>> No.5167025

Gayer than traps, less gay than homosex.

>> No.5167125
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You're gay if you haven't baked a souffle
>yfw bitches be all over your dick when you pull dat souffle outta da oven

>> No.5167277

No. Self-sufficiency is the most masculine thing possible. Being able to make food for yourself is part of self-sufficiency.

>> No.5167287

Real Men spend at least an hour's pay on something they could make in 20 minutes :^)

>> No.5167415

Real shit, I agree 100%!

>> No.5167799
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I'm better at baking than cooking.
Chicks love desserts.

>> No.5167802
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that's-a nice-a tiramisu

>> No.5167819

is that sponge fingers in cream

>> No.5167829

That isn't baking tho

>> No.5167849

That one isn't, but it can be. I make my vegan ladyfingers from scratch.

>> No.5167864
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Yeah, what the other guy said. Not that one but I do bake.


>> No.5167935

i also bake, just prep'ed some pretzel dough
they should come out alright using this great dough recipy i found, it just needed some ajustments to fit what i needed ( man does it use a shit load of fat though)

>> No.5168002

>A friend of mine once told me that baking was actually the "manliest" form of cooking, since it's so easy to fuck something up and you have to be confident in your recipes, as random changes and substitutions can ruin everything.

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of baking because of this, it's way too autismal and doesn't leave room for spontaneous experimentation. Only thing I'll bake usually is cookies and sweetbreads.

>> No.5168010

Isn't sweetbread usually fried?

>> No.5168030
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here they are, they haven't proofed yet

>> No.5168036

this is my frist time making these thing, so im still perfecting my technique
>inb4 2 of them are monsters

>> No.5168039

Maybe, I'm probably using the term wrong, mainly stuff like banana, zuccini, and corn bread. I don't mind baking that sort of stuff and those are usually tolerant recipes for tweaking here and there.

>> No.5168050

Hey OP, I don't know about other people but I think baking is sexy as fuck for any gender.
>Using your arm muscles to knead dough
>Mixing batter with your arm power (without a stand mixer)
>Waking up to dat smell of freshly baked bread that your gf/bf just made.

Personally, a guy who bakes is a plus for me. Extra points if he's secure enough in his masculinity not to worry about whether baking is gay or not.

>> No.5168119
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Bro I bake cakes, pies, brownies, whatever the fuck i wanna all the time. I'll stick that shit in the oven and go pump some iron while it's baking.

If you seriously feel less masculine baking a cake then you have security issues. And if anyone gives you shit about it, then don't let them eat your delicious treats. Luckily I've never had this problem; everyone loves my stuff especially my pies and I'm always sharing them.

>> No.5168141

You sound really gay.

>> No.5168155

fucking exactly, if some dude starts going" lol your a dude baking" Bake the fuck out of a brownie/cake/whatever and give them to everyone around you but him.

Bitches don't even know my secrets.
P.S. Its water

>> No.5168177

Do you have sex with men?
>if yes you're gay

Do you form romantic relationships with men?
>if yes you're gay

Cake has nothing to do with being gay.
>but if it did it would be worth it for the cake

>> No.5168179

>Is it gay if I'm a dude and bake cakes?

No, but it's gay if you bake cakes and then make threads asking if that's gay.


>> No.5168184

Nope, that'd make you a baker.

>> No.5168381

i dunno will baking a cake cause you to start craving cock?

>> No.5168384

Cake only has one C, and no O.

>> No.5168388

Not because of baking. No, you're gay because you're a pointless little faggot.

>> No.5168411

>is it gay if i prepare food that i need to keep living


>> No.5168417

>"Sweetbreads or ris are culinary names for the thymus or the pancreas especially of the calf and lamb. Various other glands used as food may also be called "sweetbreads", including the parotid gland, the sublingual glands, and testicles."

I believe this is what they were referring to.
The more you know, etc etc/

>> No.5168427

>Self-sufficiency is the most masculine thing possible

This, exactly this.
While it's also worth noting that you're a total faglord if you buy into machisimo bullshit (beards, bacon, PUA shit), pretty much any form of self-sufficiency or knowledge is gonna be a good thing. I feel like that goes for males and females alike.

Because really, who wants to date someone who can't take care of themselves and then some?

So go out and bake cakes, cook foods, learn some DIY shit. It only makes you a better person.
Just don't be cocky.

>> No.5168430

No, because you now have a vagina where your micropenis used to be. You're a perfectly straight woman.

>> No.5168513

are these cantucci? i bought them once and they are so delicious, but have like some much sugar

>> No.5168559

It's not gay only if you wrap your cake in a checkered napkin and bring it too work, then you eat it after you fell a giant oak.

>> No.5168623

Only if you suck dicks and take it in the shitter while it's baking.

>> No.5169353

OP is probably a troll.. But gay dude here, I don't bake or give a fuck about fashion design. Pretty much a bro, except I prefer to fuck dudes. Obviously not all gay guys are girly..

>> No.5170495

Guys op here, I kinda meant to ask something more along the eyes of "in societies eyes is it unusual to be a man and bake" I know that that wasn't at all what I said, so my bad, but yeah? I meant it more as a request for your observation, not your opinion on the observation , but again my bad I was drunk when I made the post.

>> No.5170500



>> No.5170503


i'm afraid so... please report to your nearest gay enclave for some hot gay sex within 3 business days.

>> No.5170519

Anyone who has a problem with it is not worth knowing.

>> No.5170534

One thing has nothing to do with the other. Bake cakes and do it well! It's apprecieated, that doesn't male someone a flamboyant homo. Look at my mother, she was a professional doing that down in Miami, when white people were there.

She wasn't a homosexual.

>> No.5170537

My grandfather was a "master chef" in the army because his immigrant parents taught him how to boil water.

>> No.5170565

You caring if other people think that makes you gay makes you gay

>> No.5170694
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Didn't know they have a different name, but yes they are biscottis
I made them thick the first time, but sliced it thin after a few times baking because I like them that way. They are addictive as hell, finishing them in one or two days.

>> No.5170703
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If baking cakes is gay, then I'm a proud faggot.

>> No.5170945
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>When I was 13, I would come home, bake a 9 inch cake, fuck the whole thing, and sleep for 12 hours.

top kek, fixed. btw. i love making cakes. i dont think men are gay who can do that. (you know how many bitches will fuck you for some cream cheese chocolate layered orange flavored cake?)

>> No.5170996
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