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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5162865 No.5162865[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ask an unemployed baker anything!!

pics - some stuff from home


>> No.5162869
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Crumb - same dough, but a mini-baguette

>> No.5162868

How did you lose your job?

>> No.5162870

Why are you unemployed?

>> No.5162874

Are you short of dough now you aren't working?

>> No.5162880

I moved to a new state, took a few months off and am now back looking,

any questions, if I don't know I'll look it up, or find out where to tell you to look it up.

>> No.5162886


I don't know if it's an old saying or not, but as far as money goes, there ain't no dough in bread.

>> No.5162894
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A few years ago when bacon was reaching it's trendy peak, I made Maple Glazed Bacon Croissants.

These three strips I added brown sugar and baked, then soaked the candied bacon in the maple syrup. Yes, it was overkill.

>> No.5162901
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dabs of candied bacon bits....mmmm, dabs.

>> No.5162907
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Rolled up

>> No.5162918
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>> No.5162928

Move to Australia.
There's a fortune in it here

>> No.5162930
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crumb shots

>> No.5162939
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>> No.5162937

Did you get fired for being a baking stoner?

>> No.5162943


Are you receiving government benefits?

>> No.5162950

I recently downloaded "The Bread Baker's Apprentice" but haven't read it yet.
Is it good or a waste of time?

>> No.5162953
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I've either worked in places that drug screened, or where everyone else smoked way more than I did, or were alcoholic.

so, no.

so, no.

>> No.5162956

It's not worth its weight in flour.

>> No.5162963

Do you make good donuts?

Why can't I say no to donuts?

>> No.5162965

is it worth my time/effort to try and make my own croissants?

>> No.5162968


No, I'm lucky my wife has a good job and we saved for me to unemployed for a few months.


It's a really good place to start. Peter Reinhart is one of the big names in book/bread world - BBA is a solid text.

Actually his first book - Brother Junipers Bread Book was the first bread book I got.

>> No.5162971

I want to date a qt baker girl who works at a bakery.

How do?

>> No.5162980

Thanks. The only bread I made so far was a really tasty soda bread and I'd love to learn how to make other good breads.

>> No.5162993

>drug screening kitchen staff

Only in fine dining, MAYBE.

>> No.5162999


I haven't tried, and just to drop the only doughnut anecdote I have....I've worked with a few people who worked full-time on doughnuts, guys who were baking in various spots for 30 years or so...and they hated it. Lots of work, lots of oil, one of the worst baking related jobs there is.

Not my words, but what a few people said.


That's really up to you, there is a good chance they won't work out, and that's after you put in a good amount of work making so for some people that is completely discouraging, other people will be motivated.

I personally think it's worth the time and effort, but I like doing this kind of stuff.

>> No.5163012

i'm up for it and can deal with a few failures, trouble is my oven is a bit dodgy. is an inconsistent temperature gonna severely hamper my attempts? also what is your best baking achievement?

>> No.5163021

Can you post your basic baguette recipe? I'm mostly interested in your hydration level and how long you let your mixer knead it.

>> No.5163024


I never said that, the post is pretty clear in expressing that I've worked in places that do, and places that don't. Drug screens are not common in this industry. Drug and alcohol use is.

Ask her out

>> No.5163039

I'm an unemployed baker too!

I feel so lazy since I'm not working right now. I skip a lot and do bodyweight exercises so i don't feel like a useless blob


one of my exes was a cute shopgirl :3 no real longevity in that situation tho

>> No.5163126


Yeah heat being consistent is one of the rules of thumb.

For a croissant, I prefer a higher temp, up to 425, but I've been where they baked them at 375. If your oven can maintain a high temp for about 20 minutes, you should be good.

I don't have a set baguette recipe - but the mini-baguette pic of mine I posted up top is at least 73% hydration - maybe up to 77%...I had notes kept seperate from the pics but lost them, but I know it's between those two percentages. The dough was also bulked for about 6 hours, shaped, and retarded for 12 more.

A standard formula is 100% flour, 60% water, 2% yeast, 2% salt. From there you can adjust more water, if you want to use a poolish or not, etc.

How high you can take the hydration has more to do with the flour you are using than anything else.

As far as mixing times, that will also depend on your mixer. One place I was at had Hobarts, the 160 quart. That only had high and low as speeds, and they would go 3 minutes low, 6 minutes high - those batches ranging from 150-400 pounds.

>> No.5163136


Yeah, been hitting the gym regularly now.

>> No.5163141

Post your fav bread recipes


Im a gril

>> No.5163146
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I'm from Denmark and kind of new on /ck/. But I'm constantly surprised by the shit quality bread that's posted here. (Not your stuff of course) White as snow, factory packed perfect square loathes of shit . Often times as the bread in otherwise good looking sandwiches.

Most food in Denmark is expensive and boring. But bread her is great, and judging form the posts, American bread is an atrocity.

Do you not have a lot of bakeries? Or do Americans just not care that much about bread?

these are from a "good looking food" thread, and the bread looks like wheat cardboard.


>> No.5163148

Fuck off eurotrash

>> No.5163152


that's not bread it's a granola bar

>> No.5163155
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You're talking about the long-shelf-life, factory made supermarket bread. There's PLENTY of bakeries everywhere in this country that make great breads. Pic related, that's my favorite local bakery (by local, I mean it's half a mile from my house). There's let's see....at least six or seven bakeries within a 7 mile radius of my house, and dozens and dozens more further towards the city (I live in a suburb). I used to live in a small town of 8,000 and we had 6 bakeries within a three mille strip of downtown.

>> No.5163168

Sure, and we have factory bread here as well. I just can't imagine anyone preparing a nice meal, and serve it with white sponges on the side.

>> No.5163174

Most Americans don't care much about their bread at all. Pre-sliced stuff made in factories and shipped across the country is what most people get. There are local bakeries in most towns, though, and people who like good bread know where to go to get it.

>> No.5163177


Americans have no taste... they don't give a shit about bread. They honestly have no fucking idea about what real bread is.

There are specialized bakeries for the hipsters or foreigners (i only eat Russian breads).... but the 95% of bakeries are just inside the supermarket and they only have 3 things - French Baguette, that wonderbread bullshit (except fresh baked), and maybe a Whole-Wheat wonderbread bullshit.

It's mainly a cultural difference here. Americans have no taste when it comes to most foods - its all too greasy and over load and always "improving" shit in the wrong direction.

all the veggies here taste like nothing. Tomatoes are like styrofoam. You have to go to fancy whole foods or farmers markets just to get some veggies that have flavor.

>> No.5163192

Well, there's no accounting for taste, no matter where people are from. There will always be people who choose to eat crap food. I myself haven't had a piece of that type of white, flavorless bread since I was in grade school, because unfortunately that's the type of bread schools serve here.
My usual breads that I buy regularly are sourdough, whole rye, pumpernickel, and breads that are heavy with nuts and seeds. The nut and seed breads I especially like for breakfast.

>> No.5163193


You're not completely wrong, Wonder Bread was a staple and became part of the culture here, but all those pics are of of deli breads and hot dog buns. They are only really meant to be place holders for the meat inside them.

San Francisco and New York get most of the attention when it comes to bread and pastry in the US, but just about every city has somewhere that is making bread the right way.

How bout you pick a kind of bread you want to a new recipe for.

>> No.5163219

>They are only really meant to be place holders for the meat inside them.

But that's crazy, why even have the bread then.

>> No.5163225


Have you ever sandwiched anon?

>> No.5163229


>> No.5163237

Yeah of course, and just like I didn't fill it with shit, I wouldn't wrap it in it either. The bread makes up a pretty substantial part of a sandwich, so why use poor bread.

>> No.5163240

I keep shying away from making bread... it's probably in my head and that "you'll fuck it up" anxiety will likely go away once I start trying..

At some point I want to try making picture related.. They are baguettine with figs and cheddar cheese in them...

>> No.5163243

Cheap hotdog buns in particular are a unique experience. The combination of juicy saltiness from the hotdog, sharp acidity of cheap yellow mustard and a squishy, sweet bun of cheap bread is actually remarkably good. Especially if you're at a baseball game on a sunny day drinking a root beer. That's actually an iconic childhood experience for many of us.

It may not be good bread, but it's suited to certain things.

>> No.5163252
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forgot the picture

>> No.5163254
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Why are you unemployed? Retired? Taking a Break? Changing companies? Shop/factory closed?

>> No.5163261


look at these amerifats trying to justify an absense of taste/culture...

"oh yeahhh... we uhh love fake bread cause we grew up on it"

SHUTTTUP. Take your wonderbread, slice a big thick slice of SPAM, and put a Kraft Single on top... and you got yourself The Patriot, the All-American sandwich.

disgusting americans. You know what they put in their sandwiches? Iceberg lettuce! ICEBERG LETTUCE! Rolph wouldn't even feed that to his goats.

>> No.5163265
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>Americans have no taste... they don't give a shit about bread. They honestly have no fucking idea about what real bread is.

>> No.5163271

How poor are you, eurofuck?

>> No.5163272


>> No.5163274


It's not as hard as it seems, anon. Just give it a shot.

>> No.5163277


I live in LA, dipshit. Surrounded by other fucktards with no taste.

>> No.5163286

Why does it make you so angry? If you have good taste that should usually be enough for you.

>> No.5163288

yeah, probably. I have some weird hang-ups/anxiety. It's mostly under control for most of the daily life things but tends to flare up when I'm cooking. Which is weird, cooking, most of the time, is a relaxing hobby... Anyways, took me years to get the balls to make pie from scratch... I kept fearing they wouldn't be as good as my aunt's and shits...

But it turns out I make a killer apple pie.

>> No.5163298


what? that makes no fucking sense. obviously i want others around me to be like minded, so i can communicate with them and socialize, without having to cringe or call someone a faggot.

>> No.5163301

Holy shit, I can smell your scarf wearing non-conformity from over here.

>> No.5163306


and this shit, too. the insane rate of ad-homonem in every single comment you idiots ever make.

Do you have any defense to the bakery thing? NO... so you're gonna say some stupid shit about me....

>> No.5163305

Sounds like you'd be the faggot in a conversation.

>> No.5163308

You're telling me you can't find anyone in LA who is like minded with you? Because wanting all others to be like minded isn't very realistic.

>> No.5163321

>cringing over fucking bread choices
Oh JESUS FUCK my sides, you fucking faggot

Im sure there are plenty of people who have good tastes in bread near you, it's probably just that none of them want to associate with a smelly neckbeard elitist

>> No.5163324

Your "argument" is irrelevant to me. I buy all my bread from a local bakery. It's just that ridiculous sense of superiority you have over bread that make you an enormous faggot.

>> No.5163325

My apple pie always a shit

Give me your recipe please :)

>> No.5163335

Alright OP, I have been baking my own bread recently. Doing pretty well.
So I wanted to go 100% whole grain. Taste is great but the bread comes out gummy. I have tried cooking it longer but to no avail.
What am I doing wrong?

>> No.5163337

I'll make a separate thread to leave this one being bread :-)

>> No.5163364

here you go >>5163353

>> No.5163365


you're still not making any sense. you asked why i care, i am trying to explain to you that you faggots are ruining the world I inhabit.... so things around me are getting gayer... thats why i dont like it.

maybe instead of a gay ass starbucks it would be a dry aged beef store or a brewery. fuck starbucks.

>> No.5163381

The world is getting gayer because you continue to exist in it. You're the faggot.
And I didn't ask why you care.

>> No.5163408

Maybe if you don't want to be called a faggot you shouldn't be such a gigantic faggot.

>> No.5163474


So that leads you to generalize about all Americans? Truly, you are simple folk.

>> No.5164625

do you have solar gauntlets?

>> No.5164628
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>> No.5164646
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Americans can't eat hard bread because they have dental problems from having sugary drinks all day every day. The chloramine in their tap water gives it an unpleasant taste, so they buy bottled water from a factory with a reverse osmosis system. But the plastic bottle leeches into the plastic and makes it taste bad, so they need sugar and shit to cover up that. They can't get their own RO systems because TVs don't instruct them to do so.

>> No.5164659

How do I find one of these bakeries where a small boule doesn't cost $6?

>> No.5164814

Why do you keep spamming this?

>> No.5164827

>that fucking hair

no wonder your unemployed you unsanitary retard

>> No.5164832

#rekt :^)

>> No.5166926
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I just started working a bakery job at a major grocery chain bakery, which I know is useless, but how do I break into the industry and become a baker at a REAL bakery? Do I have to get a degree or certificate in baking/pastry arts or is that unnecessary? How did you get into the industry? How would you recommend I improve my skills?