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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 323 KB, 634x1500, surimi_cheese_sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5160591 No.5160591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you guise. i love you so much. what do you think of my original recipe? it's a surimi cheese sandwich. ORIGINAL CONTENT guarantee. just devised it and made the pic ^^

i think it's simple, yet ingenious.


>> No.5160606

Looks great, you should add it to the booru.

>> No.5160617

dude, ive been eating these for a week now, just thought of it while playing with the surimi in my mouth <3 its a really simple open-plan sandwich that tastes good!
i dont really post here often, whats a booru?
i love you. ^_^

>> No.5160627


The booru is where we store infographics, but most of them aren't nearly as good as yours.


>> No.5160639

im right on it!

what i find really surprising, that while i had a revelation of unrolling surimi (while playing with it in my mouth), not many ppl thought of it!

just try googling for unrolled surimi! almost no results.

think of the uncharted land of new culinary possibilitities! ily, okay? :3

>> No.5160652

aww, you need an account to upload to booru T^T i cant be bothered. can someone who already has an account upload my vertical there? ^^ (once you do it we can get high on chemicals and cuddle)

>> No.5160650
File: 60 KB, 316x609, um.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ily, okay? :3


>> No.5160660

Wow. It takes an out-of-the-box thinker to come up with such wizardry... Too bad drugs ate half of your brain, man.

>> No.5160670

so can you upload it for me ? ^^ no booru account.

thanks ^3^ a thin film os surimi is very tender. very tasty. waht else couls we do with it?

>> No.5160694


No, I don't have one either.

>> No.5160704
File: 86 KB, 364x532, 1389584475543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having a filthy cat near your food preparation area
>such heresy

>> No.5160706

aww. well, i dunno if that many people really eat surimi. do you? have you ever thought of unrolling it? because man, really there is like ONE picture of unrolled surimi on gogle image search. im feeling so smart ^_^ we should go out celebrate yay~~ *raves* we should totally hype it man, and some boorru account holder is bound to show up. im kinda having a tickertape parade in my head right now. ^_^ *hugs*

>> No.5160724

well, i choose the pic with a cat in it on purpose, i believe internet is very much in favor of cats. and the world need to know about unrolling surimis. also, my cat is healthy and clean, and has a birth certificate. furthermore, i always clean my food desk before making food, he only jumped on it after i started documenting my efforts (i was to distracted to chase him away ^^') - and he just SMELLED the surimi. he doesnt like it. didnt actually touch with tongue or sth. and last - but not least - you cant catch germs from looking into a picture~~~! so, please refrain yourself from a pointelss hatespeech and criticising my hygiene (which is more than apt i assure you). i was making the food for myself, not you :P T^T judge the recipe on its merit, not your prejudices and paranoias ~~ with love, cheers.

>> No.5160726

So its a woman. Or a confused man.

>> No.5160734

>i was making the food for myself, not you :P T^T judge the recipe on its merit, not your prejudices and paranoias
Unacceptable, I jsut tried it, on a whole wheat bread it tastes like shit. Cheese used was swiss and real New Zealand butter and surimi from a jap shop.

I dont like it so I have every right to deride it.

>> No.5160738

1. i dont really subscribe to the social construct of gender.
2. judging someone to be a woman by use of emoticons is misogynist. and a sign of intolerant mind.
3. EMOticons, are meant to convey EMOtions. they are not designed to correspond with your sexual inadequacies.
4. being misogynist, AND calling a cheerful male 'confused' sure proves you have a lot of complexes.

still, ily.

>> No.5160744

youre speaking of your personal tastes, not merit :P i dont like many things, but i never deride them. if your objections are limited to deriding and dislike, it makes you a h8r, not a partner in doscourse ^_^

>> No.5160751

>i dont really subscribe to the social construct of gender
OH you are a moron. Sorry, I didnt realise that you live in a dreamworld inyour head that you impose on others because of your inability to cope with reality.
>judging someone to be a woman by use of emoticons is misogynist. and a sign of intolerant mind.
Good,if being myself makesme a mysoginist so be it,I rather be something I am than deny it for a social status.
>EMOticons, are meant to convey EMOtions. they are not designed to correspond with your sexual inadequacies.
Unfortunately your sexual inadequacies are too influentialy on your definistion of Emoticons, your can convey emotions through words too,but intelligence doesnt seem to be a major factor in your minimalist self centered outlook on life.
>being misogynist, AND calling a cheerful male 'confused' sure proves you have a lot of complexes.
By complex if you mean complex thought, then yes. And your inability to identify and accept the sexual binary proves that you are the one confused trying to bend defenitions to fit a personal view. That is the ultimate complex.

>> No.5160752


Annoying as you might be to some, you have a certain clarity of argument... Cheers, mate.

>> No.5160753

wa;ts your cat's name? ^^

>> No.5160763

in this case personal taste is merit. It maybe beneficial to identify that disagreement isnt repression, it is criticism and calling someone a hater however idiotically it is worded only shows the capacity of you to be a victim. You are likely a piceses or virgo. Either way discourse can involve a sharp disagreement in tastes and backgrounds, your inability to identify this particular facet of an argument leaves me sad to speak to you.

>> No.5160764


There it is OP, there's your home run. I'm happy to have helped.

>> No.5160765

The level of insanity needed to samefag to pick up your self esteem is pathetic. Stand toe to toe and prove your worth.

>> No.5160772
File: 302 KB, 740x2056, 1361162529444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5160774

OH you are a moron. Sorry, I didnt realise that you live in a dreamworld inyour head that you impose on others because of your inability to cope with reality.
>i understand gender as binary. it blows my mind to expand the concept, solely because im typical, and cant cope with that which is not. why dont i resort to ad personam?

Good,if being myself makesme a mysoginist so be it,I rather be something I am than deny it for a social status.
>im a mysoginist, cheer me for that. i have no idea what 'social status' means.

Unfortunately your sexual inadequacies are too influentialy on your definistion of Emoticons, your can convey emotions through words too,but intelligence doesnt seem to be a major factor in your minimalist self centered outlook on life.
>you say i have inadequcies?? NO U. (also youre selfcentered)

By complex if you mean complex thought, then yes. And your inability to identify and accept the sexual binary proves that you are the one confused trying to bend defenitions to fit a personal view. That is the ultimate complex.
>again, i have no idea about gender. why dont i try to come off as intellectual to cover my ignorance? will work on 90% of populace. close enuff.

learn2socialscience, m8. i cant blame you though, i understand the factors that lead people to blow off steam online from the safety of the basement :P i really think you ought to be helped, but not by individual so adversarial, close-minded, and negative as you. more by ones like me. ^^ cheers mate.

>> No.5160784

Sammy ^_^

“Inside every sane person there's a madman struggling to get out," said the shopkeeper. "That's what I've always thought. No one goes mad quicker than a totally sane person.” Pratchett

also, youre wrong about samefagging :)

>> No.5160787

>implying "it blows my mind to expand the concept, solely because im typical, and cant cope with that which is not"isnt an ad personam argument
>im a mysoginist, cheer me for that. i have no idea what 'social status' means.
Adding your own ideas based on prejudice like 'cheer for me' to alter the argument to fit your narrative.
>you say i have inadequcies?? NO U. (also youre selfcentered)
Making bait statements and failing to properly answer when given a legitamate reply only proves your immaturity.

>again, i have no idea about gender. why dont i try to come off as intellectual to cover my ignorance? will work on 90% of populace. close enuff.
You probably think gender which is determined at conception is a social construct. The Liberals have truly made you a delusional fool.
>learn2socialscience, m8.
You mean Cultural Marxism
>i understand the factors that lead people to blow off steam online from the safety of the basement
I dont have a basement, I live in a house that I pay rent for by working.

>i really think you ought to be helped, but not by individual so adversarial, close-minded, and negative as you. more by ones like me. ^^ cheers mate.

Indicate your opponent as a inferior and place yourself as a morally superior individual on the basis of self-delusional nonesense

I would never presume that because I am more interested in debating people than forcing them to change their opinion with such shaming tactics to prevalent in socialist circles.

>> No.5160792

>also, youre wrong about samefagging :)
then you are wrong about being right
A throwaway line from a pratchett novel doesnt explain the human condition, unfortunately for you it is an enigma that is ever unfolding like the expanding universe. But something are for certain.

>> No.5160795

>literally cook nearby a cat

enjoy your brain parasites.

>> No.5160798

quite simply, im a socialist, democrat, and a pluralist. i believe in diversity, respect, and peace.

you come off as a capitalist happy to be living in artificially simple plastic world of corporatocracy. and it is you who believes that your 'superior' white male conservative morals influence reality, not me who tries to impose anything on anyone.

enjoy the suburbs, there is no escape.

>> No.5160805
File: 33 KB, 400x266, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5160809



Have fun.

>> No.5160817

well, i think most of you guise are haters and all! im very unhappy now that i choose this place for sharing my ingenious recipe :/ im going now, because i refuse to subscribe to your negativism. enjoy unrolled surimi you guise. i love you in spite of all that happened, i wish good and happy lives upon all of you :) 'everytime you raise your voice i see the greener grass' ;)

>> No.5160824

OP please become a trip ily<3

>> No.5160829

>and it is you who believes that your 'superior' white male conservative morals influence reality

And there you have it.

I am not a dirty cum skin snow nigger. I am not white but I have the intelligence and decency to see and understand this ridiculous charade you call im a socialist, democrat, and a pluralist which is basically a morally degrading political ideology based on feelings, not on rationality and reality, but on subjective expression, not on value, but simple expression.

Utterly insane and utlimately destructive, all societies which have rotted to oblivion have followed the same pattern as the west is heading to now.

You are the cause. When the west burns in the future, you will be the cause. When men and women starve and die you will be the cause.

The cycle must continue, but till then live in your world where you criticize capitalism, yet reap its rewards, where you hate it but love its products, where you deride it only to depend on it for your livelyhood however false it is.

>> No.5160830


>> No.5160858

Oh boy, here we go. An orthodox muslim. (But a White Wannabe). Creepy and antisocial.

>> No.5160871
File: 34 KB, 242x201, 32432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.5160885
File: 53 KB, 750x600, Butthurt_U2uber_by_invadertoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5160892

I am not a dirty mudslime,I fucking hate muslims.

>> No.5160899
File: 15 KB, 290x294, 43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fug

>> No.5160915

Rather clearly, this belongs in a cryptozoology thread on /x].

>> No.5160926

are you saying aya yukkuri aren't real?

>> No.5160927
File: 143 KB, 305x1100, 1391389491696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you calling the OP an animal?

>> No.5160935


>> No.5160964

^^ meow

>> No.5160966
File: 603 KB, 750x1200, 41346421_p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazrin is a mouse.

>> No.5160975

>I live in a house
>I dont have a basement
lol what a shitty house you must be poor

>> No.5160978
File: 41 KB, 496x600, 1323579269746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5160990

OP what board do you normally post on?

>> No.5161009


>> No.5161020

Not in the US you twat, there are other countries around the world and havinga basement in earthquake prone areas isnt smart you retard.

>> No.5161022

you type in a manner uncommon to these part which has me curious

>> No.5161028

i dont normally post on 4chan ^_^ i only come here rarely. im not very tech savvy, and i enjoy outdoors a lot. in fact /ck/ i visit most often, then /x/, then /hm/ an /y/ and then /fit/ and /trv/, but rarely post. btw this muslim conservative hater guy creeps me out i feel anxious now :< ily hough, im not playing into negativism! yay for happy.

>> No.5161037

If you're going to troll then can you at least try to be consistent? Not even the most braindead of libtards would be so blatantly racist and ignorant just after spouting on about equality.

>> No.5161042

'muslim' is not a race, u hater.... also this really is the very last time im honoring you with any kind of response. plsease leave my thread, youre too agressive. bye-bye. pls take care and stay safe.

>> No.5161048

is your name ashley by any chance

>> No.5161049

>'muslim' is not a race
it's not and it's so fucking stupid how much hate they get. No other mental illness gets so much hate so why do muslims?

>> No.5161054

nope ^_^ i dont know who ashley is, i really visit 4chan like once a wwek, and with a specific purpose, like, porn, travel advice, laughing at tinfoilhats. or sharing a surimi revelation. whos ashley?:p

>> No.5161055

muslum is pretty much the brown race if you ask anyone

very few white people actually become mudslims

>> No.5161058

It's a religion deeply embedded into an ethnicity, and by generalising them the way you're doing you are more or less being racist. I mean really, if you started bullying and stereotyping romanji travellers for disagreeing with you you wouldn't use "GYPSY ISN'T A RACE YOU CREEP" as an excuse to get away with it, would you? So why do it with muslims? Fucking bigot.

>> No.5161062

that looks fucking disgusting

>> No.5161073

May suffering and anguish attend all the rest of your days, which I hope to be very few in number. Seriously, you're more obnoxious than Epic Meal Time.

>> No.5161074

I thought we were friends.
I liked your cat.
But now you have to say that.

>> No.5161082
File: 42 KB, 500x521, 1846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight :) i wish you all nice dreams. i wish you either sleep in the arms of the one you love, or if you dont have such person, i wish you dream about them <3 and may you wake up in a world free of hate, religion, fascism, and conformism. never fear reason, never reject love, and always experiment! you might unroll that surimi one day. <3 see you tomorrow you guise ^_^ ily all.

>> No.5161085

So I can’t be a braindead emote-spamming faggot? That’s great news!

>> No.5161098

0/10, try again. This is as obvious as Katy teh penguin of doom copypasta.

>> No.5162017

This thread made me laugh so much :D

>> No.5162043

>with cheese

yeh fuck you too

>> No.5163587

Wow! I never knew you could do that with Surimi...

>> No.5163623

Stop samefagging.

>> No.5163629


Unrolled surimi.
Much ingenuity.
Such deconstructed.
Very gourmet grilled cheese.

I love ^_^

>> No.5163932

why is their so much butter it looks like you used like half a stick

>> No.5163958

>much x
>such y

>> No.5164024


>> No.5164051


That looks disgusting OP.

>> No.5164139
File: 95 KB, 540x625, vomreaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking cold unrolled fishsticks and cheese? Urgh. No offence but that's vile.

>> No.5164891

Tell me hes trolling. Idiot!

>> No.5164918

>hate the ones they can't be
I hate fat people, I'm more than capable of being fat, I was chubby for a year in high school until a mate pointed out that I'd been putting on weight and I started slimming down.

>> No.5166052
