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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 600x700, keep-calm-and-become-a-foodie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5160419 No.5160419[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you take a pic of food you make or food you eat when out and post them up on social media?

>> No.5160429

Fuck no. That's some IRL cancer shit.

So is considering yourself a "foodie"

>> No.5160434
File: 128 KB, 512x384, _49G4JS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if I make it myself and even then I only post it to ck sometimes. Usually text the pics to friends if it's good like a nice loaf of bread or pizza.
Making pasta for the game and buying an unreasonable account of hot wings.

>> No.5160447

I think it's only defendable if you're doing an online recipe, for a book, or if you have some food related blog or something. Otherwise, you're just fishing for compliments or to showboat, and you're scum.

>> No.5160456

no, but it doesn't bother me when people do. that's how personal interests work.
I like to take pictures of interesting local food when i'm overseas just to keep for memorabilia and to show anyone who's interested

>> No.5160475

I like to snap something as a quick reminder sometimes
I post some of those on /CK/ from time to time
>I'm the real cancer
some people like to discuss food, sometimes including things they've made
if I post anything on 4chan, I'm sure as hell not looking for compliments, but there are times when interesting discussion comes out

>> No.5160505

Posting your images on an anonymous message board is completely different. You're clearly not looking for direct cred.

>> No.5160506

only when I'm trying something new, to show it to my mom

>> No.5160541

I take pics of the food I make, then use it to compare if I ever make the dish again.
Do I upload it for others to see? No.

>> No.5160562

I do, maybe once every couple of weeks. Usually just various breads, pizzas, or anything else I made from scratch. People have reacted positively, so it doesn't really bother me if some neckbeard on 4chan thinks I'm "scum."

>> No.5160577

I sometimes snapchat pictures of food, don't really archive them though.

>> No.5160593

I'm hardly a neckbeard, but you are scum, because you're a petty little bitch who's fishing for flattery, because you did some menial task that most other people simply don't have the time for, and want some sort of ego inflating justification.

>> No.5160599

Only if it will elicit specific reaction from some of the people I know (like seal merguez poutine, let's say).

Otherwise the food I photograph is what I'm cooking and it either ends up on my blog or here as cook-along threads.

>> No.5160604
File: 17 KB, 320x240, 1391382633354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're a petty little bitch who's fishing for flattery, because you did some menial task that most other people simply don't have the time for, and want some sort of ego inflating justification.

Lol, okay dude. I don't know how you got that out of the whole three sentences I'm posting, but whatever. I'll take your retarded rambling into consideration next time I post up a delicious sourdough loaf on facebook.

>> No.5160601

Where the fuck do you buy seal?

>> No.5160607

muh nigguh

i take pics to go back on my computer and remember the recipes ive doen before for refence or remembering techniques etc

just looking at a picture of food i made 2 years can bring back lots of information on how i made it, what went in it, what technique is best etc

>> No.5160620

You won't genuinely take it into consideration, because you're blinded by your own egotistical scummery, you accumulative lump of flotsam and jetsam.

>> No.5160622
File: 79 KB, 720x960, seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Canada. While not available in all grocery store, it's not impossible to get. This plate in particular was in a restaurant called "Au ciquième pêché". Picture related. (they also swapped teh fries for gnocci, if you are wondering)

>> No.5160623
File: 4 KB, 126x126, fred astaire smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You won't genuinely take it into consideration

Whoa boys, we've got a thinker here.

>> No.5160629

tabarnak! why would you eat such cute animals ;_;
(what do they taste like?)

>> No.5160633

Le great meme usage xDDDD!!

>> No.5160645

They are delicious. And since the population is actually too high and a danger to the fish stocks, I really don't feel bad about eating them. And contrary to popular images, it's not the babies that get hunted.

Prepared wrong they taste like fish gone bad and salt. Prepared right they taste... a bit like a salty/peppery venison type meat? No "sapinage" taste like deer or moose, but not as gamey as lamb. I really like it. And if you are in Montréal during the seal hunting season that restaurant usually has at least one plate with seal. (their menu changes per season)

>> No.5160661



>> No.5160666

forgive my second language lack of precision? What words would you use to describe the specific taste of lamb meat?

>> No.5160672

>prepared wrong
In what ways? Overcooking, bad butchery, or not using complimentary ingredients? Most of what I've seen with seal meat leaves it raw, seared, or smoked. I've never had the opportunity or gone out of my way to try it, but I would like to sometime.

>> No.5160681

No, you had it right. Lamb is gamey. Considering the poster said "dafug", indicates that they're not exactly the brightest bulb in the box.

>> No.5160684

I take a picture sometimes but I don't upload it to social media or 4chan

In fact I don't even have a facebook

>> No.5160686

The meat needs to disgorge, then can be cooked as one would a steak, generally speaking.. But it needs to soak (preferably in milk) for a while to remove the salt/fish taste. Unless you are aiming -specifically- for that taste then the other ingredients need to be picked accordingly.

>> No.5160695

here, if you read French they have a lot of recipes for seal...


>> No.5160714

I've once taken a picture of a steak that I wanted to upload on here, but never did so because I feared the backlash.

>> No.5160716

I do remember reading about soaking it in milk. Is buttermilk preferred or not when doing so?
My French is crude, but translators are getting pretty good. Bookmarked

>> No.5160723

What breed are you eating, and at what age was it slaughtered? Blackbellies aren't gamy at all. A lot of lamb from New Zealand comes in gamy flavour. In US, they also slaughter the lambs too late for proper taste, because they're a barbaric nation.

Either that, or the people who cooked it never knew how to trim fat off of it.

>> No.5160729

you want real milk... the fat content helps but no need for cream or anything like that.

Strangely enough, New-Zealand lamb is cheaper here then the local stuff. So I pretty much equate that taste with lamb as a shortcut. sand I -like- the gamey taste, I never said it was a bad thing.

>> No.5161155

Thread started as question about general faggotry, quickly became thread about lamb breed and slaughter practices, and seal recipes.

>> No.5161807

It's only acceptable if you are fucking with someone and you want to show them what you put in their food after they've eaten it.

Otherwise, you are a shitdick.

>> No.5161814

I don't post them on "social media", but I have taken and shared pictures of things I cook or bake.

On a scale of 1 to Hitler, how damned am I

>> No.5161817

my area is just recently falling into the 'yelp review' stage of restaurant cultivation

I do sometimes take picture of food/menus to upload online so people can see what they're in for before they show up.
I like to think I have helped my local thai place become popular enough to stay in business.

>> No.5161818



>> No.5162050
File: 1.60 MB, 2044x2304, Aquaculture&Farming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the time.

>> No.5162054


>Eating sunfish

Confirmed pleb

>> No.5162058

This is what "sunfish" look like,


>> No.5162060


>> No.5162062
File: 612 KB, 1600x1200, 1384816728258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Otherwise, you're just fishing for compliments or to showboat, and you're scum.


>> No.5162075


i want that guy back :(

i enjoyed his nightly pics.

>> No.5162083

>being proud of anything in that picture

>> No.5162087



leads to

>including bluegill

>> No.5162085

He always came off as a creepy neckbeard though.

>> No.5162089

uh not really

one of my friends uploaded a video of me making a king prawn talk to my little sister at a restaurant but thats it really

>> No.5162090

You sound bitter and confused because not only this but he makes your vagina tingle.
Be a big girl and deal with it

>> No.5162101

and you come off as a naturally stupid, self-entitled, falsely pretentious utter bitch cunt.

typical bitch behavior.
"i dont like his contribution because I would probably find him sexually unattractive, and he is therefore not mate material for me, therefore I have only contempt and disregard for him, and he disgusts me because I think of every man in terms of whether I want their penis in me or not".

Fucking bitch.

>> No.5162108

learn yous a book


This amount of, "fucken told!" is what results when you are a pleb and use laymen names to describe things.

>> No.5162109

My brother does take pics of food occasionally and some videos of prepping food
He's a chef though and I don't think he shares them on internet.

>> No.5162110
File: 310 KB, 1600x1200, 1384810001822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He never replied to hardly anything though. He was probably some chick anyway. I mean, "Steel Magnolias"? Not even gay men watch it.

>> No.5162114

That's pretty cool
That fucking knife though
Also, if you took some time and put effort to presentation it would be thousand times better.

>> No.5162113

that meal alone would make me suck a dick
let alone the plateware

>> No.5162134
File: 55 KB, 400x533, 1391441887280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you take a pic of food you make

>or food you eat when out

>and post them up on social media?
well, I show some of them to people sometimes, though very rarely, and only if they ask or if it's something special like a bear face cake or whatever. Not stupid crap like LOL I MADE SPAGHETTI GUYZ CHECK THIS OUT

>> No.5162155

ahahahah good pic

>> No.5162172

Easily the greatest troll I've ever seen on this site. I miss him so much.

>> No.5162180

I hope he still lurks. That was the only time I actually thought about 4chan outside of being on the computer and made a point to be on /ck/ to see his post come up.

Knife guy, Rage guy, and all those people getting so genuinely upset... good times. He made /ck/ a great place for some time.

>> No.5162224

I take pictures of dishes I make to post on /ck/ if they're relevant. I don't make "Rate my dinner" threads, since that is pure cancer.

>> No.5162233
File: 131 KB, 1120x840, DSCN3014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only to show people stuff, like my doughless pizza™

>> No.5162301

>>dat numbered and no doubt catalogued VHS tape collection

these pics are so gold. everyday, something new and bizarrely weird.

>> No.5162311

yeah, but I kinda have to for my job (food critic), so people follow me just to see these food pictures and shiz

>> No.5162315

>job (food critic)

How do I make stuffing my face for free and then spouting shit my job? Inside connections?

>> No.5162328

Doing it for free for a long ass time. And I guess being an alright writer helps. So does knowing a bunch about food.

It's pretty sweet.

>> No.5162345

Yo hommie! that shits more pimped out then using sliced zucchini as s crust!

>> No.5162361


I cant tell if you are agreeing with me or dumb enough to think that you're right.

>Lepomis is a genus of freshwater fish in the sunfish family, Centrarchidae



>> No.5162370
File: 112 KB, 960x717, chillidog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only take pics of my own food and only if it looks really delicious to me(i'm not a photographer though as you will see..)

i post them on facebook along with all my other photos every once in a while

here's my first ever chillidog

>> No.5162373

>[hotdogging intensifies]

>> No.5162376

There is not being a photographer and then there's Parkinson.

>> No.5162381

My girlfriend does this for some reason. Completely incapable of taking a photo without vibrating the camera around.

It baffles me. She can write and feed herself without spazzing out, why does a camera cause this?

>> No.5162385
File: 16 KB, 308x410, asfgsfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do not own a camera, all my photos are with my phone and this particular photo was taken with one hand, this photo of a pancake turned out ok i guess.

>> No.5162388

because she is so insecure of herself that the very notion of something giving her excess attention (the taking of the photo (am i doing this right? is it really good enough to take a pic of? everyone is looking at me taking this photo! i hate people that take photos of food but here i am doing it!)) makes her nervous and want to get it over with as quickly as possible.

>> No.5162394

Well, I do give her a really hard time for it.

>> No.5162410
File: 369 KB, 960x1432, muh sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I ever post pictures of is the sushi I make because it always impresses the bitches

>> No.5162413

brah you should make your own pickled mackerel, it's not that hard and can be done over a day

>> No.5162416


I like how you plated that as if, you weren't going to eat it all alone.

>> No.5162427

If I'd been alone I definitely would have eaten it all, but I actually made it for my parents for their anniversary, I hardly get to see them anymore.

>> No.5162703


Yeah I dont mind taking a photo of things as reference to remember what they do look like. or uploading food on a site like this.

But shitting up fb and stuff with everything you eat when going out is annoying. we get it, youre so 'cultured', youre out being seen at trendy places etc

Only acceptable when its a part of your travel album

>> No.5162732 [DELETED] 
File: 714 KB, 800x577, Nick Wooster Tatoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are tattoos /fa/ or /fa/d?

>> No.5162842
File: 256 KB, 1334x720, 1386520277263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The capslock rage guy made me lol. He was always livid.

>> No.5162863

Not those guys, but I've never had lamb meat. I've had all forms of deer meat though. What we call "gamey" here is strongest found in male deer meat during the rutting season. The least and even none is found in young does and yearlings. Older goats can also have that flavor while the younger ones don't. I've never eaten a squirrel that didn't taste gamey and I don't like eating them.

If you've had those and know what they taste like, does a similar flavor correspond to that in lamb's meat?

>> No.5162908

no. quite a sweet meat and not all 'gamey' like deer. never tried squirrel and don't plan on it tbh

>> No.5162973

I see. Squirrel meat is only really liked by most people who like dark meat really well. It can be like duck meat and chicken legs only the flavor is different obviously.