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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 452 KB, 1367x1359, 1389585494938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5147977 No.5147977[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I missed out on the tinned fish thread the other day. I am finally caught up on bills and plan to eat well and am getting groceries to last a few weeks. Tinned fish is an item I'm interested in.

So /ck/, sardines or anchovies? Which taste better? What type of oil is best? Or is tomato sauce better? What do these fish taste well with? I plan on trying with pic related, avocados on some bread.

Open to any suggestions. I'm also going to be gathering the supplies to make corned beef.

>> No.5147987

Sardines. Good luck eating anchovies straight up. As for what they're packed in, I like tomato sauce or hot sauce, but I suggest you get a variety and decide for yourself.

>> No.5147996

So sardines are the ones you can eat the bones of because they're so soft?

>> No.5147998



Depending on what you're doing, for guests, I do like skinless and boneless.

Olive oil is great for packing, I drain the oil, you can do soy bean oil or water too, but I avoid tomato sauce.

Honestly, if you're starting out, buy a few different brands and sauces, $10 and you try them all. Go with what you like for what you are having.

>> No.5148002
File: 59 KB, 340x226, reubild_485262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for oil or water for healthyness sake, skip the tomato sauce. Add some lemon, pepper, sour pickles (or if you insist for chemical sauce) remoulade if you want the extra taste.

Want canned fishy perfection? Try the Bukling (smoked hering). Eat it with bread or as a sidedish with rice.

>> No.5148003


Yes, same with canned salmon.


I don't do boneless or skinned for myself, but you can. Then find somewhere on the internet to buy what you like.

>> No.5148005

Pretty much any tinned fish you can eat with bones.

Anchovies belong in ceaser salad and on pizza - and if you pack them yourself you can add them to a lot of other things.

Sardines are edible without anything, but a common way to eat them is on crackers with some mustard between the fish and the cracker. I prefer whole grain mustard with mine.

>> No.5148006



>> No.5148008


Agreed, herring is great.

>> No.5148009
File: 86 KB, 588x441, 1391020210655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Oscar or Matiz Gallego are some brands worth giving a try.

>> No.5148010


Agreed, you can find them tinned with mustard as well, but I'd rather buy water or oil and use my own mustard.

>> No.5148017

OP here, thanks for all the fast replies.

I am a complete beginner when it comes to this. Is there anything else to balance my palate while eating this? Any type of cracker or cheese even? I have no clue what goes good with it and I never really buy crackers or different cheeses.

>> No.5148021

Mackerel. Don't go for pleb-tier sardines.

>> No.5148022

I prefer not the ones tinned with the mustard though. It just tastes grainy and dry. I usually get them in water or packed with jalapenos. King Oscar is my favorite brand, but by far the most expensive.

>> No.5148023


It really is personal taste. I think the last thread suggested Portuguese sardines blah blah blah, as for crackers, I like sesame, I like cheddar, I like mustard and spices. Sardines aren't that strong/overpowering to me, use a cracker you like. I like the picture with avocado, haven't done that, will try. I also haven't done cheese.

I just open sardine tin, have a bite or two, feed my dog as well (for the omega's). It's a nice snack.

>> No.5148026

Beer is my favorite thing in the world with sardines. I usually just get some kind of ale to go with them.

>> No.5148030


I don't like tinned sardines, I like vacuum packed, refrigerated mackerel, but why does anyone buy it tinned, when the refrigerated stuff is the same price?

>> No.5148035


Where are you? I've seen the tinned online, and I really want to try the jalapenos, but they're nowhere here but the interwebs.

I love the idea of tinned mustard, but I don't like them as much. I think beachfront, ocean something, idk, has a louisianna hot. I'll just use my own hot sauce as well.

>> No.5148039


I live in Indiana, NEVER have I ever seen vacuum packed/refrigerated. Unless at an Asian market, and I'll venture there, but there is nothing less Asian than Indiana, so I tread lightly there.

>> No.5148044
File: 105 KB, 758x396, tigg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You will need:
-2 cans of tuna (in water)
-2 eggs
-75g fresh cream cheese (1 spoon and half)
-5g tomato paste (1 teaspoon)
-Herbs for condiment (1 spoon)
-salt, pepper and margarine
1. Drain the tuna and squish it with your hands to remove the excess of liquid. Put it in a bowl.

2.Throw the eggs, cheese, tomato paste, herbs and S&P according to your taste. Knead the whole mass and form some burgers with it (you should have enough to do six)

3.Heat some margarine (1 spoon) in the hot pan, roast gently your burgers from both sides until they have a nice crispy colour.

4.Serve with a salad and good apettite!
Cheap, easy to make and healthy. Enjoy.

>> No.5148048

Depends on a few things.
For Mediterranean foods:
If you live in the US, get olive-oil-packed sardines. Regardless of supplier, olive-oil-packed sardines are all fairly similar in quality (7½/10, maybe?). They're pretty good. As for anchovy, brined anchovy and salted anchovy are difficult to find in the US. Oil-packed anchovies are more common, as is anchovy paste. Oiled-packed anchovies vary considerably in quality from packer to packer. Anchovy paste tastes awful. Brined anchovy has no middle ground, being either very good or sour crap. Salted is always good, an easy 8/10 at least but is very, very difficult to find for some reason.

For Asian foods:
Varies culture to culture. In Korean cooking, brined anchovy fry are used a lot. The quality is good, but has a very, very strong flavour, completely dissimilar from Mediterranean brined anchovies. In southeast Asia, sardines are better. Japanese cuisine seldom uses processed sardines or anchovies. Fresh sardines are skewered and cooked over open flame, though. I don't know what China does, but it's probably wasteful and ecologically damaging.

>> No.5148053

I just put them in a bowl, sprinkle them with a bit of squeezed lemon jewce, add chopped onions and a spoonful of butter, whisk with fork and spread on toast or some good wholegrain bread. Simple and delish, although you smell like fish and onions afterwards.

>> No.5148081

>Cheap, easy to make
And tastes like shit

Never understood recipes like this and yeah, I've tried it. Lettuce, onion, pickles, tomato, capers all make tuna taste pretty good. Just eat it like that and make the eggs something better instead of the shittiest binder for the shittiest "burger" ever.
And margarine, wtf

>> No.5148090

Sardines and anchovies are not comparable at all. They taste completely different. I love both of them for different reasons. Do try some anchovies. They are awesome on thin "margherita" style pizzas if you know what I mean and also on ciabatta. Just know that a tiny bit goes a really long way. They are really really salty. Goes well with tomato as well.

>> No.5148099
File: 167 KB, 653x490, IMG_0910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic Related

I Worked There Made them ereyday

>> No.5148114

>all these retards thinking there is a difference between sardines and anchovies

protip there ist. they are the same

>> No.5148118

I'd give you a score but I think you're actually serious

>> No.5148123

the term sardine is so open ended;.

master chef ramsey told me so

>> No.5148132

Sardines are in the Clupeidae family.
Anchovies are in the Engraulidae family.
You're a fucking retard.

>> No.5148133

Just in case someone chooses to believe you, which the shouldn't since they'll be missing out on good food experiences

>> No.5148137 [DELETED] 

did u know my great-great-great-great-great-great(repeat about 1000 more times) grandfather was a fish?

cause he was



u dumb butthole

>> No.5148144

"fish" is not a taxonomic term.
You're still a fucking retard.

>> No.5148152


>hurr durr this red wine isn't just red white wine

you guys are so fucking picky

>> No.5148156

Words have meanings. You using them wrong makes you... wait for it...
a fucking retard.

>> No.5148158

who the fuck is this retard?

>> No.5148161

semantics is what I call it

pointless AT BEST.

I ventured too far from my homeboard of /r9k/ excccuuuse me

>> No.5148163

well you should probably head back, they're missing you!

>> No.5148164

>semantics is what I call it
>the meanings of words and phrases in a particular context
But that's wrong, you fucking retard. There is no context here, you're just wrong. With each and every post you make.

>> No.5148168

Taxonomy and phylogeny aren't semantics. Nomenclature may be, but that doesn't presume the negative connotation you are attaching to the word, "semantics".

>> No.5148179

I didn't think /ck/ would attack me, I thought they would be smarter, as cooking is more of a feminine task, therefore the cooks themselves should be more feminine and agure less.

buts all bickering. men bickering like old bitches. blah blah
I dont see race. WE ALL THE RAINBOW
fucking righteous it is. RIGHTEOUS

>> No.5148183

>cooking is more of a feminine task
2/10, I replied.

>> No.5148185

it is OBJECTIVELY a feminine task as hunting and gathering is masculine

deal with it.

females stay at home and raise babbies because men cant raise babbies

>> No.5148189
File: 87 KB, 588x437, foghorn what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is OBJECTIVELY a feminine task

>> No.5148196

Thanks for having a trip, it makes it easy to filter you.

Bye bye.

>> No.5148198

>not trying to prove me wrong, or counter point
>posts a stupid fucking chicen
>not even a fried chicken
>we're on ck aruging about this shit

just stop.

>> No.5148202

>not trying to prove me wrong, or counter point
>proving a baseless assertion wrong

>> No.5148206

im gonna choke u with my dirty tampon and stick ma finger in ur butt hole fagger'

But seriously.. It's alright for men to be feminine. There is nothing wrong with it. NOTHING. Be yourself man. I'm not judging, its rather nice to have more effeminate men .

machismo is bullshit

>> No.5148211



>> No.5148213

jesus christ this fucking site with these motherfucking retards

>> No.5148215

aaaaand filtered.

>> No.5148235

well. The retards can't be trusted to hunt and gather.

so in the kitchen they go

>> No.5148284

Sardines are disgusting. I tried to give some to my cat as a treat and he wouldn't touch it. I almost puked when i opened it. Fucking spines and intestines everywhere.

>> No.5148300

Waifu, why you gotta autism up every thread?

>> No.5148304

Why the fuck are you here.

>> No.5148306 [DELETED] 

fish fish fish imma fish imma fish ><> <><




the autism it leaks

>> No.5148311

Don't reply to him just do your part and let the mods do the rest.

>> No.5148317

Just keep reporting him.

>> No.5148322

lol leaks.

like leeks.

we're on ck talking about leeks

i made funny

ok but seriously im done, ill go away, i cant be banned from this board because my future marriage depeds on how good i cook

>> No.5148331

Your future marriage to me? c:

>> No.5148403
File: 97 KB, 546x950, mackerel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's really common in Britain

>> No.5149764

That is one thing I do have plenty of. Tap Room 21 Amber Ale is delicious. I have a thing for honey brews.

>> No.5149802
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manchild detected, you're an enormous rampant faggot son. Cunt.

>> No.5150307

Okay, so this thread got completely sidetracked with shitposting.

So, what sort of cheeses pair best with sardines and crackers? Is there anything else that pairs well with them on crackers?

>> No.5150378

I haven't seen this bitch for ages, since I stopped lurking /r9k/. I wonder if anon ever did happen to get a hold of a tit shot of hers.

>> No.5150479


Horseradish cheddar bruv, all the way.

>> No.5150509

Cheese doesn't go with fish, you don't need it

>> No.5150518

"Italian" americans from new jersey in charge of pretending to know about food

>> No.5150531 [DELETED] 

No cheese with fish for the most part.

Id pair it with creme fraiche and dill

>> No.5150584

Asiago goes pretty nicely with fish IMO. Give it a try, your milage may vary.

>> No.5152094
File: 56 KB, 300x214, boquerones-en-vinagre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boquerones (spanish style anchovies) are fucking god tier. In good olive oil with parsley over crispy toast = my favorite tapas.

Pic entirely related

>> No.5152173
File: 51 KB, 500x333, img-1334[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't know shit

>> No.5153650

I was so surprised at the quality of this. It tasted much better than expected, and has become a pantry staple for salads and such.

>> No.5153651

That's really delicious, I like the spicy version of that too.

>> No.5153696

I love octopus but have never bought it tinned. If I buy it and it's awful, may I sever your legs as recompense?

>> No.5153769

Not him, but it is awful to the fresh or even frozen thing. I don't know what they are raving about, it's like saying canned chicken is a staple and it's really delicious.

>> No.5153774

Never had canned chicken before, either, but I do like tinned tuna. Is tinned octopus to fresh as tinned tuna is to fresh? Or is it like Spam is to proper ham? Because Spam is kinda gross.

>> No.5153804

>fresh as tinned tuna is to fresh?
I would say something close to that (assuming we aren't talking about high-quality tinned tuna and talking about the generic big brand type). But I'd say tinned octopus is a decent bit worse in that kind of scale, at least the Goya tin is.

>> No.5153828

What's high quality and low quality tinned tuna for you? I mostly buy solid tuna in olive oil.

>> No.5153843

This is going to be a never ending cycle of trying to determine quality over the net.

Go ahead and try the Goya tin. Just don't get your hopes up is all I'm saying.

>> No.5154106

>/ck/ has an actual discussion over a recipe.
>Tripfags come in and ruin it.
Tripcodes: Not even once.

>> No.5154148

Is Alton Brown's sardine recommendation a good starter for getting into sardines?

And what brands are best? Is it possible to buy sardines without the fucking bones and spines? I don't really mind the scales

>> No.5154151

Forgot the recipe

>> No.5154152
File: 405 KB, 1255x942, tinned sardines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I have a tripcode and just decided not to use it this thread, but it definitely got derailed.

So I bought some of these today, but now I'm scared to eat them. I bought whole grain crackers. Did I fuck up?!

>> No.5154186
File: 542 KB, 1920x1080, alton brown brisling avocado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought ingredients for this today. I plan on trying it soon, but I'm a bit nervous. Plus, my avocados still need to ripen a bit more.

Here is a screenshot from the episode, Live and Let Diet. He uses brisling, which is one type of sardine.

>> No.5155771

I am very adventurous with food, but have not yet been able to bring myself to try canned anchovies or sardines. I love canned herring, though.

>> No.5156061

>but have not yet been able to bring myself to try canned anchovies or sardines
>I love canned herring, though.

I don't understand people like you,

>> No.5156121

Go for cheap smoked sardines in oil, drain and eat out of tin or mixed with anything. The tomato/olive/mustard/hotsauce sardines can be easily made with kitchen commodities, unlike the fish-bacon that is lightly smoked.

Anchovies are SUPER salty, like "eating a straight tin is difficult" salty. More for cooking or adding to things.

>> No.5156201

no they're fine
I eat them all the time (i.e. once every two weeks or so) and they're good. Why would you be scared?

>> No.5156231

So are there ANY brands of brisling that aren't smoked? I don't really dig the heavy smokiness with the vinaigrette that goes on em

>> No.5156273

smoked oysters are amazing. i like to just pop open the tin, grab a fork and go to town. so good.

>> No.5156812

I just got some king oscar sardines today, fried them in a pan, ate with a light drizzle of soy sauce, get that skin crispy.

>> No.5157091

Sardines paced in olive oil can be eaten as is, but taste better with a dash of lemon juice and vinegar based hot sauce to cut through the richness.

Anchovies shouldn't be eaten on their own unless they are fresh or cured in vinegar (boquerones).

>> No.5157107

This is a good recipe.

>> No.5157113
File: 159 KB, 1000x1000, basedsardine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lemon sauce totally neutralizes any unpleasant flavor.
If you are a canned fish skeptic/noob this is a nice soft intro to canned fish.
So moist

>> No.5157145

or you can just, you know, squeeze half of a lemon on any other brand

>> No.5157154

this is a lemon sauce, not simply lemon juice.

>> No.5157233

This is a long shot but maybe someone knows the answer
For something like sardines in olive oil, does the nutrition label include the olive oil? Obviously I'm not going to drink the oil out of the can, but I feel like they have to include it. Just curious.

>> No.5158894
File: 42 KB, 640x339, kippers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kippers worth trying? i noticed they are in fillets instead of the whole fish... looks kind of gross.. reminds me of anchovies...

>> No.5158929

They are worth trying. They're smoked, not salty like anchovies. The first time I tried them, I thought they were like bacon flavored sardines.

>> No.5159240

I love canned sardines and anchovies but hate kippers for some reason...

PROTIP: put some jalapenos on some anchovies on a piece of foil in the oven... lets them get crispy and discard the japs... yummy

>> No.5159286


Kippers are awesome. God damn I love kippers

>> No.5159396

> japs
fucking scum of the earth, beaners right off the bus write better English than you

>> No.5159961
File: 116 KB, 932x342, P1010508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're malaysian and we do this

>> No.5159987

Hey /ck/ how does this make you feel? Is this good or bad?

>> No.5160037
File: 301 KB, 1600x1200, can-mackerel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were you, I'd recommend mackerel in oil. It's very high in omega 3 and filling. I ate shitloads of it when I was in the British Army as it's quite cheap, can eat straight from the tin, easily carried etc. The rations they gave us were shit and we'd all stock up on tinned fish before a deployment. I still eat it regularly even though it's years since I left the army. I wouldn't advise you to eat anchovies too much as the tinned variety is very salty. They're good as a flavour enhancer though. Sardines are fine, but I prefer tinned mackerel - it's somehow 'meatier' and to my taste has a more solid texture.

That's a very healthy and filling meal in your pic. Good luck.

>> No.5160107

I now realize I have never had any of these fish products ever, except generic canned tuna. I never even see them but I haven't exactly been looking for them.

>> No.5160124

Salty tinned fish are something I'm trying to avoid. I'm certainly not trying to introduce any more sodium into my diet. And thanks for the suggestion on the mackerel, next time I'm at the store I'll be sure to get me some. Do you have any recommendations for other food items that pair well with it? Any staples, or do you just eat it straight from the tin?

>> No.5160215

I enjoy tinned mackerel with toasted brown bread with lots of seeds in it. It goes well with some mustard and grated black pepper for a bit of a kick. It's not very salty, if you're trying to keep your salt levels down. Straight from the tin is good too. It also is wonderful in fishcakes. Here's a few ideas. Cheap and very healthy.


I hope this helps you.

>> No.5160241

I have it in french bread with lots of black pepper and lemon juice. I suppose you could pair it with slices of tomato too.

>> No.5160260
File: 30 KB, 440x400, fishcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my fishcake recipe:

peel and boil some potatoes
mash the potatoes with a little butter
add a bit of lemon juice and chopped parsley
flake in the tinned fish
form into patties
crack an egg and stir with fork
dip patties into egg
coat patties in breadcrumbs
fry on both sides
serve with salad

easy, tasty, cheap and healthy

>> No.5160271

I usually use leftover salmon/trout or smoked fish for my fishcakes.

I do pretty much the same thing, but I never peel potatoes and like to use a mixer to make them really light and fluffy.

>> No.5161709
File: 345 KB, 1258x941, brisling avocado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm pretty hungry and thought I'd go ahead and man up and make this. Here are the ingredients.

>> No.5161711
File: 413 KB, 1254x943, brisling avocado2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used half the amount as the recipe called before because I only have one tin of brisling. Here's everything in this mix. I used about half the oil that was in the tin, reserving the rest for later.

>1 tablespoons finely chopped parsley leaves, divided
>1/2 tablespoon sherry vinegar
>1/4 teaspoon lemon zest, reserve the lemon and cut into 4 wedges
>Freshly ground black pepper

Mix it all together.

>> No.5161712
File: 273 KB, 1255x941, brisling avocado3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add the brisling to the mixture you just made. Stir around as gently as possible, it may be difficult to avoid breaking them up. See the oil that you are supposed to SAVE? Keep it, don't throw it away on accident.

>> No.5161715
File: 395 KB, 1256x942, brisling avocado4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... mix it real good.

>> No.5161717
File: 277 KB, 1255x940, taters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh-oh! qt3.14gf starts a new job today. I meant to make her potatoes for lunch. Guess I'll make enough for breakfast too.

>> No.5161719
File: 370 KB, 1257x942, taters2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>few dashes Herbs de Provence
>few dashes garlic powder
>two dashes onion powder
>salt and pepper
>mix in leftover parsley
>cover in olive oil and mix all together

into the oven at 400F degrees they go.

>> No.5161723

And now we wait. Should be done in less than 30 minutes.

>> No.5161770

Does anyone know if avocado and sardines taste any different/better if put under a broiler? I allocated three slices of French bread. I figure I can toast at least one to find out how it tastes, but I thought I would ask you all for opinions, advice and experience first.

Will be done soon!

>> No.5161774
File: 416 KB, 1256x943, taters3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside. No complaints.

>> No.5161777

That reminds me, didn't Jamie Oliver write a book about tinfoil recipes, he'd make his wife? Just tasty food wrapped in tinfoil she'd just have to throw in the oven for a specified amount of time when she wanted dinner and he was at work.

>> No.5161789
File: 400 KB, 1256x942, brisling avocado5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread time. Toast your bread for a few minutes... however you like it. I toasted mine at 450F for 5 minutes with half of the brisling oil and some butter rubbed on.

>> No.5161790
File: 454 KB, 1259x941, brisling avocado6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mash the avocado, apply it to your toasted bread. Pretty easy.

>> No.5161794
File: 294 KB, 1257x942, brisling avocado7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put your brislings or other sardines on top. Mash it into the avocado a bit so it won't fall off. The, squeeze some lemon juice on it.

>> No.5161796
File: 404 KB, 1255x942, brisling avocado8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tossed on some extra parsley and a very small pinch of coarse Kosher salt for some crunchy texture. Yum. Really good! Next time I plan to toast my bread a bit longer so it has a better crunch, otherwise a delicious and nutritious treat. For never having had them before, very good for first time. And, it's easy to make.

>> No.5161800

I love canned fish, I just wish it wasn't so expensive. What's really good though is those spanish canned octopus things. If you ever get those then definitely get the garlic ones and just squeeze some lemon on there.

>> No.5161836
File: 334 KB, 1257x941, guacamole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I had half of an avocado leftover. Not one to let it go to waste, I mashed it up, added a dash of salt and pepper and cilantro, then a squeeze of lime juice. Mixed it up, and bam, "guacamole". Tastes good.

>> No.5162438

bump for deliciousness

>> No.5162447

I love King Oscar's brisling. It's very tasty.

>> No.5162448

I really want to do something with tuna that is good for lifting, but I have no idea

>> No.5162563

I would imagine the recipe used in this thread for sardines would work just as well with tuna.

>> No.5162940

agreed, king oscar is probably the easiest brand to find that tastes the best. pretty much every wal-mart and kroger has them

>> No.5163927

Hm, I made a sardine melt with my Panini press for lunch today. Not bad, but it's not the prettiest thing to look at either. I was an idiot for buying the sardines in water instead of olive oil. Next time I'll do that, use sharp cheddar or even a slice of pepperjack instead of Murifat cheese, and maybe take out the bones before hand. I know that those are edible and soft (and I think that's where most of the nutrients are at), but I'm not a huge fan of it. Maybe I could sprinkle some gruyere on top and bottom of the press for a pretty cheese lace work. I should definitely lightly salt the fish. I haven't had sardines in a long time that I forgot that they're pretty plain compared to tuna.

>> No.5163937

Ah, my family are from Laos. I've had it like that too. I can kind of taste the tangy tomato sauce in my mouth already.

>> No.5163943

Aw man, this thread made me want to pick up some sardines.

On another note, does anyone like canned oysters? I tried some and just couldn't finish them. They just weren't...good.

>> No.5164154

Thanks for reminding me OP that I have two tins of Portuguese tinned in oil sardines and some lemons in the kitchen. I'm going to eat well today.

>> No.5164159

>planning to eat well
>wants to get tinned fish

Are you a hobo?

>> No.5164215

Matiz Gallego is a good sardine brand.

I usually make a sandwich with toasted bread, raw onions, smoke paprika, and salt & pepper.

>> No.5164592

I didn't remove the bones from mine. In all honesty, I had forgotten about them being there. I didn't even notice them once, and I ate the whole tin.

>> No.5165119
File: 1.05 MB, 1815x1210, canned-crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because this thread is on the topic of tinned seafood, I thought I would chime in and see if anyone has any good recipes for canned crab meat?

I think I tasted it once, cold, when I was a youngster. Obviously didn't like it at the time, but I've grown to appreciate crab since then. Unfortunately, I live in a landlocked state and the access to crab legs I do have is very poor in quality. I know because I've overpaid for them, frozen, many times.

Are there any recipes where canned crab meat shines? Sounds like it could be good to mix with macaroni and cheese... but I don't want to sound pleb.

>> No.5165310

bumping for interest in canned crab. I've never tried it before but it looks good and I'm pretty sure it's at my local stores. and mac n cheese does sound really good with it.

>> No.5165341

>discard the japs

making fish and killing japanese? count me in.

>> No.5165700

bump for canned seafood goodness

>> No.5165752

Man, stuff like this makes me appreciate growing up in Daytona. I ate so many fresh crabs in so many ways, and I never got tired of it.
It's funny because other relatives or friends hate eating crabs since they don't know how to shell them, they think it's too much work. Their loss.

Anyways though, canned crab actually sounds delicious for some reason, I've never had crab with mac n cheese before, but knowing the taste of crab you can't go wrong. So long as you find a way to make the crab taste stand out in the mac n cheese, you should be golden.

Really you could probably use that however you want, eating it on crackers to adding it in casseroles all sounds good to me, sorry I can't think of any real recipes though. But crab is generally easier to work with than most other seafoods.

>> No.5165766

I would wager anything like crab cakes would be decent with them. Something were crab is a primary ingredient but not the only focus of the dish.

mac and cheese sounds good, but you'd have to incorporate something that pairs with it (Old Bay seasoning comes to mind)

>> No.5165786

>Old Bay mac and cheese

That sounds fantastic.
Goddamn I want to get my hands on some canned crab now.

>> No.5166511

How the fuck are little fishy heads and eyeballs less gross than no little fishy heads and eyeballs?

>> No.5166537

I'm terrified of sardines, anchovies and the like. Something about those little cans creeps me out, and I also can't help but think "potential botulism" every time I see them. Damn it.

>> No.5166649
File: 306 KB, 957x1600, Petri_kippers_2_LidledIn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got me the first can of kippers in my life, ever. How should I prepare and eat this stuff? It's "Petri" brand kippers in vegetable oil, which is Lidl house brand, so I'm not expecting much, but it's still my first contact with canned smoked fish, so I want to make it as smooth as possible.

>> No.5166651

Steam it and each with toast and a poached egg.

>> No.5166674
File: 301 KB, 800x700, hina cat fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah. That sounds perfect.

>> No.5166685
File: 292 KB, 1600x1200, voileipäkakku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that shit's kawaii as hell. A squadron of little herring caravels. Noted, written down, will be made for the next party.

I wonder how smörgåstorta with pickled fish would turn out.

>> No.5166740
File: 587 KB, 1835x1847, brisling avocado sandwiches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I maed an savables recipoo.

>> No.5166752


Thank you for sharing.
It looks very good and I'm going to try it some time this week.

>> No.5166762

That's just what I needed.

>> No.5166783

Oh cool! Thanks for that. If I knew how to create verticals effectively and quickly, I would probably do that for all of my recipes. Who knows how much OC has gone to waste...

I was really nervous about trying them to. When I see food that *looks* delicious, I want to taste it being delicious. Not bland or bitter or anything negative. The recipe I used worked out great with brislings, I'm sure it would work great with kippers too. Though don't quote me on that.

>> No.5167473

All right, then. It's settled. Tomorrow, I will be in town and I plan on getting a tin of crab meat. I'm not sure if I will make macaroni and cheese with it, but that certainly sounds really good right now. I'm thinking of what else would pair well with that dish.

The real question is, do I go with a cheapo box of Velveeta? Or do I go balls-to-the-wall and make it from scratch? I've tried many times, but honestly I can never quite make it as good as I want. Those Velveeta hacks are just off the chain with its simplicity and deliciousness. If anyone wants to suggest some mac and cheese recipes that they KNOW work, please do, and I'll happily try to recreate it tomorrow.

>> No.5168548

bumping for good measure

>> No.5169095

Just an update, I got the crab meat, but I won't be cooking this until later on.

>> No.5169110

Make bechamel, whisk in cheese. Taste and make sure it's a little thin but flavorful. Mix with almost-done pasta. Then bake together until thick and done.

>> No.5169161

Main problem I have is figuring out how much bechamel to use compared to the amount of pasta being used.

>> No.5169411

Better too much sauce than not enough. You can always save the extra bechamel for other uses.

>> No.5169475

True dat. I might give it a try home-made then, since it's been awhile for me since I've made homemade mac n cheese.

>> No.5169724

I love kippers!

>> No.5169800

I've been trying to get into Sardines on and off for like 3 years, and always bought them when the Bumblebee or some other brand was $10/10 at the local grocery store. It was never that tasty, I usually forced myself to eat it.

Then I tried King Oscar Brisling Sardines. My whole quality of life has been significantly improved ever since

>> No.5169967

Dude if you can, get the ones in lemon & black peppercorn. "Tasty seafood snacks"
Eat them on hot toast with melted butter.

>> No.5169970
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>> No.5170108
File: 74 KB, 432x324, 6GorillionLoaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men can't into cooking


>> No.5170167

You should get tinned red salmon, in the uk its 4.50 a tin so its not exactly bank breaking.
>Pull the salmon apart discarding the skin and bones and place in a bowl.
>Cut up an onion into small pieces.
>put a Tbls of flour, an egg and a generous helping of whatever spices/ seasonsings you have around into the bowl with the salmon
>Mix in the onion
>Heat a dash of olive oil in a frying pan on high heat
>Form party/burger shapes with the salmon/onion mix
>Place in hot pan
>approx 50 seconds each side, or uEnjoysufficiently brown and firm

>> No.5170396

Are you high?

>> No.5171473

>4.50 a tin
Like, 4.50 pounds a tin? Because that's ridiculously overpriced.

>> No.5171585


chef here,

precook pasta (maybe 95 % of al dente)

heat oil in pan to just below smoking point, blister cherry tomatoes, add your crab, confit garlic, herbs, chilli, and a LOT of butter. flip it around for a little bit (basically to take the chill of the fridge out of the crab meat)

blanch pasta to bring back to temp, dump in pan, sea salt, crack pepper, flip, flip flip

add a cube of butter, serve

theres a bit of playing around with the level of heat delivery too, and obviously the ratios are going to be to personal taste, but ive found 200g pasta, 100g crab, 7-9 cherry toms makes a very appealing serve that fills.

also, cos the crab is tinned, i can make 15 bucks a plate instead of 3 hahaha

>> No.5171590


>> No.5171871

Wow, thanks, this is very informative. I don't have any cherry tomatoes, but this still sounds really good. And healthier than macaroni and cheese. I plan on making my corned beef tonight (for those interested, >>5153711 ), but some variation of this involving crab meat will be made this week.

>> No.5171960
File: 463 KB, 2048x1152, 1391713846724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh amidoinitrite?

>> No.5171997

What cheeses are you using?

>> No.5172646

Is that tartar sauce on there? The cheeses look like cheddar and provolone?

>> No.5172715
File: 19 KB, 170x296, smokedmackerel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best thing that has ever come out of a can.
I could literally eat it everyday.

>> No.5172725


>> No.5172737
File: 73 KB, 600x438, russian tinned herring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5172740


No tartar just grey poupon hot mustard. Longhorn cheddar and pepper jack.

>> No.5172784


this a billion times over.

>> No.5172798
File: 195 KB, 399x369, 10637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it looked like pepper jack, but I was hoping it wasn't. It's all right sometimes, but I generally don't like it, especially if it has jalapenos in it. For some reason, I just dislike the taste of pickled jalapenos in anything. Just distracts me from the flavor I should be tasting more of.

The mustard sounds like a good idea though, I'll have to put some on mine next time.

>> No.5172813


Its just so damn expensive and the only place I can get it around here is Publix.

>> No.5172888

For tinned I always go for straight on salted crackers with maybe a drop of hotsauce or diced red onion

However I get fresh sardies/mackerel/kippers once a week/fortnight which I recommend everyone tries.

Kippers are probably one of the lesser known breakfast items us britbongs eat.

>> No.5172899

I actually thought about dicing up a red onion I had in the fridge from pic earlier. Pretty good?

>> No.5172907


It goes without saying but if you like raw onion it is a nice addition,

>> No.5172914

Yea I'm ridiculed by my family for being able to eat slices of red onion with only salt & pepper.

fuk them.....

>> No.5172925
File: 120 KB, 614x409, 13092_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic semi related, minus the fennel and parsely.

>> No.5174871

bumping for crab mac n cheese

>> No.5176670

so i just tried this today, i gotta say the fish are really nice when broiled. they get this crispy skin that's really good. on a sandwich. mmm little fishy heads and eyes.