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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5156245 No.5156245 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't they make "dog food" for humans?

One kind of food that you could eat for the rest of your life that is scientifically made to be the optimal food for human consumption?

Imagine how healthy people would be if we ate something like that most of the time.

>> No.5156250

Unpeeled potatoes and milk.

>> No.5156255


I like eating potatos. Particularly, I like eating them unpeeled and microwaved.

Are they really that good for you?

>> No.5156258

Asian poverty cuisine

>> No.5156261
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Yeah, they're called MREs. The new ones aren't that bad. The ones we had in the late 80s were quite literally heated dogfood with gravy

>tfw trying to shit them out

>> No.5156263

>dad is in army
>comes back from his tour of Iraq
>brought me a fortnight's worth of MRE's to eat
>one whole week into eating nothing but MRE's, have to shit so bad it's like an anal apocalypse has set course for my butthole
>stopped eating MRE's for a week, been over 120 hours since I last shit
>mother and father are concerned
>I ask for laxatives, I desperately need them at this point
>dad goes out and buys me an enema
>so fucking pissed, don't understand how to use it
>decide it's time
>go into the big family bathroom, lock the door
>sit down, spread my cheeks with my hands and push
>it's not coming out
>it's like a fucking Howitzer shell trapped between the headspace of a plumbing pipe already sewn shut with fecal matter
>this becomes a life or death situation
>begin clawing my butthole apart in a desperate attempt to break the massive turd into segments
>at this point my asshole has stretched to the size of a pickle jar lid, the turd has still not met its time to come
>my hands are soon covered in blood, shed from my virgin asshole
>I begin crying and swearing at the enormous turd stuck in my ass
>almost as if though a dam has burst
>my anus literally turns into a wormhole bringing forth a cacophony of Lovecraftian horrors from beyond the veil of human understanding
>with the force of ten million explosions, what could only be described as warm, liquid bloody fecal matter sprays all over my hands, legs, toilet and back
>I lie devastated in a pool of liquid shit with the bathroom door locked
>the smell is unbearable
>dad literally kicks down the door and drags me out
>hospitalized for almost half a month due to my ass left in unrecognizable condition
>spend my time shellshocked, feeling like a victim of the most violent rape ever known to man

>> No.5156265

isn't that what cereal is

>> No.5156267


What are some examples of this?

Back when I was in middle school I had a Filipino friend and whenever I went to their house it always smelled really funky. I can't explain the smell, but I think they ate a lot fresh rice, fish, and put weird sauces on them for flavor.

I'd really like to know some more really "frugal healthy" food, I think they had it right.

>> No.5156269
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Sup /k/omrade?

>> No.5156272
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>> No.5156275


I think these would be too sugary to have every day for the rest of your life.

>> No.5156278

ensure will keep your ass alive indefinitely, just ask any gitmo prisoner.

>> No.5156284

noodles and rice 3 meals a dat
some Asian coutries tend to add crazy spices, others have it plain.
green vegetables like leeks, green onions and bok choi are what they often add I think. pumpkin too. beef and chicken are the standard meats.
Indian poor food is actually pretty cool though.

anyway it's incredibly habitual, similar to pet food.

>> No.5156294
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> that is scientifically made to be the optimal food for human consumption?

If you think any dog food is made for optimal nutrition, you're naive. Pet food is about using up the waste products of human food production and adding vitamin supplements that will keep the pet alive for a reasonable amount of time. If you want optimal nutrition, you have the give the animal a natural diet of what it was designed to eat, not chicken by-product with corn and rice added for filler and a bunch of supplements which we know from many studies are not the optimal source of most nutrients and in many cases can actually be bad for health

But to answer your question, it's because food and the human body is too complex to be reduced to kibble.

>> No.5156293

Ensure is designed to keep you from dying of malnutrition.

You really shouldn't be living off the stuff.
It's not cheap, either.

I don't see why you couldn't live off of a decent protein shake for every meal with a couple multivitamins on the side.

>> No.5156310
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>> No.5156316

that's pretty healthy
/fit/ would be all over it

>> No.5156324

I believe a human can survive just on human breast milk

>> No.5156328


Potatoes and a dairy like milk or cream covers the basics that a human needs to survive. It won't be interesting, but it will be enough. Potatoes have fiber, some vitamins and minerals. They even have vitamin C. The dairy has complete proteins and some other shit.

>> No.5156332

impressive, you must be a hit at partys

>> No.5156339

maybe if all you do is lay there and shit your pants

>> No.5156344

Don't they already make some paste that they feed the niggers in Africa with?

>> No.5156345

that diet is terrible.

>> No.5156353

nigga there are tons of "artificial food replacements" out there

Soylent: how I stopped eating for 30 days:

This is just a mixture of different stuff like maltodextrin, whey protein, glucose and all the minerals and vitamins you need for sustenance.

>> No.5156372
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>> No.5156375


For such a smart guy, he's a fucking retard calling it "Soylent." Everybody is going to make the "Soylent Green" connection and think negatively on it no matter how good it is.

>> No.5156383

I can't stop laughing at you

>> No.5156391

he basicly made one of those stupid diet milkshakes, nobody would care if it wasn't for the edgy name.

>> No.5156411
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There is, they use it in prisons. Turns out humans don't like eating the same thing all the time. Pic related.

Really, the "soylent" stuff goes too far, since he tries to isolate every chemical humans need instead of just making a blend of natural ingredients.

>> No.5156422

>natural ingredients

Isn't that more expensive than just using isolates?

>> No.5156423

Autism Chow?

>> No.5156425

In Dr Douglas N. Graham's book, The 80-10-10 Diet, he describes one particular type of food using almost all of the same language as you have.

>One kind of food that you could eat for the rest of your life
>optimal food for human consumption

Excerpt from the book:
Nutritionally, fruit comes closer to satisfying all of our needs (including, of course, our desire for delicious soul-exalting fare) than any other food, as meat does for a carnivore. Fruits are replete with the nutrients our bodies the proportions that we need them. Yes, some vegetables and other foods may have "more" of a particular nutrient or class of nutrients, but fruits tend to contain the types and quantities of nutrients our bodies. More does not mean better.

>> No.5156427

Not if you don't care about quality. More processing is expensive than less processing, it's just that processed foods use all the shitty stuff as their starting point. I didn't mean like organic, I just meant making it out of actual food.

>> No.5156502

Tell that to the jews who died of nutrition starvation in the ghettos. their diet of potatoes and bread gave them fuel, but that is not all a human needs to survive on.

>> No.5156534

>0 ASA, 0 EPA, 0 DHA

What part of 'essential' didn't you understand?

>> No.5156542

or do I mean ALA. fuck it

>> No.5156549

I am very excited for this. If you have the ability to adjust macro nutrients for your fitness goals it would be amazing.

>> No.5156767

>science diet

Might want to check out the ingredient list there, mate.

>> No.5156778

idk if someone else said it but peanut butter, granola, water,

>> No.5156791
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>Why don't they make "dog food" for humans?

Why are you implying they don't?

>> No.5156799

Makes you hungry all day if you don't overeat and get fat? Explains a lot about dogs.

>> No.5156808

>scientifically made to be the optimal food for human consumption

>> No.5156837

Only the first few years.
After that you have to be white.

>> No.5156849

>implying the shit food in OP's pic is any better for animals than Mcdonald's is for humans

>> No.5156859
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>> No.5156872

MREs are quite literally the worst thing you can eat. Have you even looked at the ingredients? There's shit that definitely has no place being in there, like artificial dyes. And the other "enriched" ingredients? Yeah, because I really want metal waste filaments in my food.

But, I guess compared to dry pet food, MREs are pretty close, in that regard.

>> No.5157424

>jews who died of nutrition starvation in the ghettos.

Pretty sure the Jews had more problems than just food. Also

>Potatoes AND Dairy