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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5153026 No.5153026 [Reply] [Original]

新年快樂, /ck/!

Happy Chinese New Years! How are you guys celebrating chinese new years?

>> No.5153034

By going to a chinese restaurant and getting drunk as fuck.

>> No.5153037

Beware of gutter oil

>> No.5153051

Don't forget to wear new clothes and/or something red

>> No.5153065

Visiting family, getting fat and drunk off our asses.

>> No.5153433

Usually we all go to our grandmum's but this year she went out of town to escape us lol. So this year mum is cooking dinner and fried a fish for good luck and put out a bunch of little new year treats. So begins another year of monotony.

or to take a shower. If you've forgotten, you're fucked!

>> No.5154216

Home made Chinese food. Fish, Duck, and all the good sides. Almond Jello for desert. Had some turnip cake, Chinese Style Sausage, and aloe juice this morning. Not to mention all the Chinese candies we pick up at 99 Ranch market.

>> No.5154221

My neighbours are setting off crackers. I live in a heavily ethnically Chinese neighbourhood, but most are Indonesian nationals.

>> No.5154898


sounds good!

im going to a chinatown here in melbourne to watch lion dancing and a parade. Yesterday there was a troupe going all throughout the city dancing in front of businesses

I kind of vaguely mentioned wanting a cook a new year's dinner for my friends while one of them was putting on a BURNS SUPPER (haggis is rly good)

i dunno tho, me and my gf don't have a big table and we'd have to eat on the floor, but i wanna cook a big dinner. Maybe i can just do it next weekend lol

>> No.5154906

Our nuclear family ate boiled pork dumplings and prawn dumplings and dumpling soup (our non-nuclear family are either in China or in other countries) and belched chivey belches and we're going to go out on Sunday for dinner.

>> No.5154998

>tfw Vietnamese and my family is in a Buddhist sect that doesn't eat meat for Tet


>> No.5155045

I got a coupon for a free drink from Panda Express.
Does turning that in count as celebrating?

>> No.5155113

Eating dim sum with immediate family on Saturday. Bringing white boyfriend who's never had dim sum. I'm was disappointed that my aunt won't be coming (she's the family matriarch) but meh.

>> No.5155136 [DELETED] 

I'm curious, are western-chinese aware of how the chinese government is manipulating patriotism to create a population of drone factory workers that so fervently defend the same government that commits countless attrocities against them?

It seems like chinese have such an unhealthy desire to be seen as "world-class" that they completely ignore the fact they are living in a dystopian hellhole.

>> No.5155412

As a Western-Chinese, I feel like Westerners aren't aware enough of the problems in China. From my perspective, it doesn't seem like the 'Chinese' have an unhealthy desire to be seen as 'world-class', only the Chinese government / Chinese officials, and their manipulation of media overall lets Westerners feel that they are. Even though they are often aware of human right issues in China, it's rarely in the forefront of their conversation. When they acknowledge I'm Chinese, they often like to ask or talk about the strength of China as a powerful economy, rather than human rights abuses which I find I'm obliged to remind them of. When I speak to the Chinese who were born and lived there, I feel that those in their fifties or so are disillusioned from the cultural revolution, when I talk to the youth, they always seem very angry, and when I talk to the older generation, say in their 70s, they still talk in fear.

>> No.5155417

Um, since western Chinese are in.. the west, I'd assume they know. Besides, even Chinese people in China knows this. Ever heard of Chinese netizens?

Sage for unrelated to thread.

>> No.5155708


No one fucking cares. No one fucking cares in China. Chinese New Years is a time where everyone stops worrying and just has a good time with friends and family.

>> No.5155756 [DELETED] 

>they often like to ask or talk about the strength of China as a powerful economy, rather than human rights abuses

Yeh this has been my experience also, although I am european.
I find the whole situation extremely frustrating which is why I asked in this thread. I have encounted many chinese nationals who will arrogantly boast of China's economy with no comprehension of socio-political values such as quality of life, human-rights, wealth distribution or even democracy.
It would be so easy for China's people to change this and actually build a great country instead of letting the CPC turn it into a dystopian nightmare.

thanks for your snide reply but I dont think you really understood the point of my post.

>Sage for unrelated
oh the irony

>> No.5155763

Take it to /pol/. We're talking about CNY food here.

>> No.5155767

im going to take acid in a park

>> No.5155777
File: 195 KB, 800x600, food of the fucking gods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SGfag here. Had steamboat with the grandparents this year.

I got $258 in my Hong Baos from assorted relatives who I don't know, and am currently enjoying slices of roast pork. Could be worse.

This things will probably kill you faster than cigarettes but fuck they're addictive.

>> No.5155778 [DELETED] 

oh ok. You enjoy your dimsums and mooncakes while your brethren are snatched off the streets, imprisoned, and harvested for their body organs.

>> No.5155787 [DELETED] 

Actually when a topic is as confronting and morally reprehensible as human rights in China then it deserves to be spammed in every social forum until something is actually done.
Maybe you should remove your head from your anus and actually practise some social responsibility?

>> No.5155806
File: 717 KB, 1272x702, britta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, troll finally detected. No one can be this much pic related.

>> No.5155839 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 263x490, beg-263x490-custom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> attack someone who is trying to improve the quality of life in China
wow they sure have you well trained. pic related.

>> No.5155855

Why the fuck do I care? I have my own problems.

>mfw money sent home has always been sent one-way. But now that there is great economic prosperity I don't see any cash for a new 780 Ti

My "brethren" can take care of themselves.

>> No.5155860

>improving quality of life in China by posting on a food board

You're as bad as PETA fags

>> No.5155884

>someone who is trying to improve the quality of life in China
How is he doing this?

By your logic, people making fun of America are helping us by pointing out our flaws.

>> No.5155886

Human rights and democracy are Western conceptions that are not as idealistic as you may think. For instance, why does the West consistently fail in trying to build foreign aid programs in Africa, whereas the Chinese have been so successful in channeling money INTO that continent and producing real improvements in infrastructure? (Before you say it, raw minerals extraction is only a small fragment of the whole picture in Chinese FDI). Also, if you want to see a real dystopian nightmare, go to Detroit.

>> No.5155917

...because China works with the existing powers regardless of how brutal or unethical they are. Chinese methodology is based on old American tactics. If that doesn't tell you anything I'm sorry thanks for playing.

>> No.5155930 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 570x238, khk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignores lack of fundamental human rights
>wheres mah 780 ti
I couldn't give a better example of the chinese psyche if I tried. Thanks.

>You're as bad as PETA fags
I would agree that helping the Chinese improve their society and helping animals- have many parallels.

>> No.5155938 [DELETED] 

>Human rights are Western conceptions


>> No.5155940

Okay give me your battle plan. How do we save all the Chinese in China? What army? Who foots the bills?

>> No.5155942

I don't know man, viet vegetarian stuff is not too bad. Mi chai (vegetarian egg noodle soup) is nice once in while and the imitation meat stuff with rice is pretty good.

>> No.5155949 [DELETED] 

well, just like every other social adjustment in human history, you start by discussing it. Hence my posts in this thread.

Do you know what the best way of subjugating such social interaction and possible action? You make people think they dont care. You distract them with stupid shit like 780ti's.

>> No.5155980

It must comfort people in China that some white boy out there is concerned about their lack of democracy. Nothing short of major armed intervention (WW3) is going to change things over there. When you want China to change something and they ask "You and whose army?" they are dead serious.

>> No.5155981


Shut the fuck up. You ARE NOT going to make any difference on a FOOD board. Your little sense of activism is as effective as people changing their profile pics on facebook: absolutely useless. If you want to make some active change, go to fucking China and do something about it. If you're not. shut the fuck up and stop shitting up this thread

>> No.5155987

Please tell me you are aware of the media bias in your own country.

I'm not saying China is a great place and I want to live there, but you have to understand that there is a lot of incentive to make you afraid of China while simultaneously supporting their economy.

>> No.5156010 [DELETED] 


what a defeatist attitude. No wonder the CPC walks all over you like dirt.
I suggest you pick up a history book because if the CPC was overthrown by a revolt it probably wouldnt even rank in the top 5 of social revolutionary feats.

>> No.5156011

>Americunt celebritards harping on China over Tibet for well over a decade

Hows that going?

>> No.5156015

What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.5156024

>mfw there is simply no reason to revolt because there is currently a capitalist feast going on over there.

I don't blame them. Secure your own wealth and when things finally start going south that's when you bring this stuff up. It's all in the timing.


>Tibet will never be free because of they executed 5000 Han Chinese as part of a failed uprising in 1957

>> No.5156128

welp. chinese new years is almost over and this thread was probably ruined by fucking aussies from /pol/. Happy Chinese New Years, guys. Now go to temple and pray tomorrow.

>> No.5156133

Going to my shitty grandparent's house.

>> No.5156136

>want to live there
all dat smog

anywhere untouched by smog is extremely rural.

>> No.5156268

Lol when you meet Americans do you remind them that their government murders hundreds of thousands of people in the middle East and how their compatriots often murder Sikhs because Americans are too dumb to differentiate Sikhs from Muslims? No right? Who the fuck wants to talk about the fucked up things that their governments are doing?

>> No.5157230

Yeah, it's not that bad. I just can't have the more delicious stuff.

>> No.5157268

Not him but yes, only if they're in uniform.

>> No.5157281

>people in this thread saying China is good

I lived in fucking Beijing for three years, and it's hell on earth. I sincerely hope a comet smashes into China and kills them all.

Mainland Chinese are subhuman. HK/Taiwanese are decent, so are ABCs.

I developed an immune disorder from exposure to the pollution/chemical waste in the air and water in Beijing, so yes, I'm mad.

>> No.5157313

FBCs in general are pretty okay, not just the ones born in America/Ausfailia.

>> No.5157351

Yep yep... Me too a water park... Fuck the polar vortex

>> No.5157364

Fuck your dig on Detroit. The only reason the Chinese are helping those poor little Africans is that it's kind of like your Tibetan land grab. It's not benevolence it's quas-imperialism.

>> No.5157374


This. Mainland Chinese are one small step above monkeys. Even my family, which were all born in Hong kong, make fun of how rude and barbaric mainland Chinese people are. Everyone in asia also hates them because they're the most rude tourists

>> No.5157390

drinking, masturbating and eating canned chili

>> No.5157472

Hong Kong people are generally polite and culturally aware. I'd say the same for most Taiwanese people. But Mainlanders, good fucking god.

Even the tribal people I met in Kenya had better manners than Mainlanders. They aren't just disgusting and unsanitary, they're also rude and willing to lie/cheat/steal for absolutely everything.

>> No.5157480

Even the old people are shitty there. http://bloom.bg/mUjXHR

>> No.5157482

>now you know why my family left 40 years ago

>> No.5157492


I also want to point out that Mainlanders are the first to get butt frustrated and calls out everything as Western bias when you criticize anything remotely Chinese.