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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 304 KB, 1536x1039, EU_SHARK_FINNING_BAN_facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5147599 No.5147599[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Exhibit A: Shark fin soup.
Why do people eat this? It's putting sharks on the brink of extinction, has no flavor, rubber texture, costs hundreds of dollars per bowl.

>> No.5147602


because, alpha

>> No.5147603

Because orientals

>> No.5147609

Bonars or so they think, they have little chinky dicks so have to have an excuse to get one up, eating a shark fin because it's expensive will do that.

>> No.5147610

culture. Same reason people still eat corn.

>> No.5147615

Because fuck sharks that's why!

>> No.5147618

"Sometimes that shark, he looks right into you. Right into your eyes. You know the thing about a shark, he's got... lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eye."

>> No.5147620

Great comparison, champ.

>> No.5147628

>rubber texture

That is the point, actually. Asians love that chewy texture. Same reason why they pay out the ass for swallow's nest, sea cucumber, and abalone. It's all about that texture.

>> No.5147634

Because if we eat all the sharks then we will have more fishes for ourselves to eat

>> No.5147654

Abalone and sea cucumber have flavour. Sea cucumber is ghastly but abalone is delicious. I've never had bird's nest so I can't say, but I understand it's more slimy/thick than rubbery/chewy. Oh, and abalone isn't chewy at all. It's got the texture of clam. You know... because it's a clam.

>> No.5147664


i wish chinks would go extinct

>> No.5147688


that's not true, when you remove the alpha predator the lower species become weak and diseased; over feeding on the lowest members of the food chain unchecked until extinct leading to their own population collapse. It's kind of like merica'

>> No.5147708

How about that maggot-larvae cheese that is a delicacy in Sicily?

>> No.5147717

Sardegna. It's not generally available on the mainland nor in Sicily.

>> No.5147722

It is, corn has no really value compared to other cereals, it requires as much water as rice for less edible/inedible ratio. + lots of pesticide and other chemicals to even grow at all. It's a shit product people still want because of it's social presence.

>> No.5147724

>It's got the texture of clam. You know... because it's a clam.
But it's not.

>> No.5147731

>i wish chinks would go extinct
Endangered species slaughtering that goes on in China is despicable. But the beef industry in America is horrendous too, and is responsible for just as many, if not more, species extinctions due to the deforestation for cattle. 80% of the deforestation in the Amazon rainforest, for example, is for beef production.

So every time we order a hamburger or eat a steak, we're not so much less horrible than people eating shark fin soup.

>> No.5147733
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all them poor corns killed for their kernels , so sad !

>> No.5147747

Herp. Did I really type 'clam?' And twice, even. Derp. Meant "snail." It's basically a whelk. I cook whelks and cockles the same way as I cook clams, so I must've been thinking "clam" when I meant "snail," sorry.

>> No.5147754

This. Humans are seriously so fucking stupid.

>> No.5147758
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>> No.5147763

Gordon Ramsey actually did a whole thing on shark fin soup, and tried a bowl himself from a very prestigious chinese restaurant.

More than the ecology, he was offended that people would willingly spend hundreds of dollars on a bowl of soup that tasted of nothing and had the texture of a slimy tire.

>> No.5147767

By that logic people should never eat caviar and truffle as well, better lick some salt and pour soe gardening dirt in your plate after all.

>> No.5147770

Caviar is farmed. Truffle collecting doesn't really affect the species population. What's your point? Other than revealing you've never had either.

>> No.5147771

Cockles are a type of landish clam. They're harvested from tide basins at low-tide. They're pretty tasty. Their shells are often crushed and used as ground-cover to discourage weeds in garden beds.

>> No.5147776


He doesn't even give a shit, he only did the show because one of his bastard children likes sharks but more so to get a paid vacation to boost the ratings of his other shitty shows.

>> No.5147781
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>landish clam

>> No.5147790

I'm not a fan of caviar but I rather enjoy the types of truffles I've had. Caviar tastes of salty, fishy moss but truffles just... taste of truffles. It's not a flavour I can quite explain.
Neither of them are necessarily bad ecologically. I recall reading an article that Italy produces the best aquaculture-produced caviar in the world and that this farming causes no issue. The same article also mentioned Italian aquaculturists hired in the US and Canada were developing methods to reproduce similar results using North American plated fish in farmed fisheries. This was... 2008 or so? I don't know if the trials in NA were successful because I never looked deep into it since I kinda dislike caviar to begin with.

>> No.5147793

Having never tasted either I couldn't really tell you. Some mushrooms are really delicious, so Truffle could actually be worth tonsamoney, although I doubt it's worth as much as people pay for it.

You're gonna have to sell me on salted fish eggs.

>> No.5147803

>It's putting sharks on the brink of extinction,
Get real, faggot.

>> No.5147825


I'm sure you're a world renowned marine biologist with a specialization in species wide population decline who just took some time out from their long term ocean based study to shitpost on /ck/.

>> No.5147847

>Neither of them are necessarily bad ecologically.

sorry but aquaculture will not save the beluga.

>> No.5147849

Not all truffles are expensive. The common truffle we eat is 'summer truffle.' They're like 10-15€/kg (about $6.20-$9.30/lb). More expensive than common bisporus mushrooms ("regular" or "supermarket" mushrooms are all the same species, just at different ages), but not prohibitively costly. Other truffles are fucktardedly 'spensive, though and those are the ones that I would say are just not worth the price.

>> No.5147854

Called Ormers where I grew up and most people would beat the shit out of them with a hammer before cooking them. Delicious in a stew or casserole but there's fairly strict rules on gathering them nowadays.


>> No.5147856

>implying all caviar is made from beluga
There's a reason that when it's beluga caviar, people fucking call it "beluga caviar," and not just "caviar," fuckwit.

>> No.5147858

I don't have to be any of those those things to tell you sharks are not "on the brink of extinction" but you sure as hell do to suggest something as outlandish and ridiculous as that.

>> No.5147870


So, you're basically saying that the world would be a better place if we relied on broscience and the uneducated and misinformed opinions of drolling autistics?

>> No.5147878

Considering that's exactly what you're using now, yes, I think it would.

>> No.5147881

This is a pretty classic case of projecting going on right here.

>> No.5147884

I agree, it's one thing for you to say a stupid thing but then acting stupid as well? Trolling is an lost art.

>> No.5147886


>simply minds can't understand sarcasm

>> No.5147888

>simply minds
Swing and a miss.

>> No.5147892

I'm not even the person you're arguing with. Try again, sport.

>> No.5147897


First result on google:


>> No.5147902
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this confuses The Bourdain

>> No.5147910

Chinese are still a status obsessed culture. 70 years gommunism actually made it worse. Now you have hundreds of millions of newly middle class chinese with money to burn. So they want to eat and be seen eating things that were traditionally rich people's food.

>> No.5147920

So its like niggers and Heineken?

>> No.5147925


>> No.5147951

Why don't foreign cultures just act normal jeez

>> No.5148032

that and corn has a fucking awesome texture, especially when I shit it out

>> No.5148045


Well, I've had a little drink about an hour ago...

>> No.5148057


naw bro, check this out...

Kale almost always gives me massive watery continuous shits with mostly soft undigested leaves but when I eat it with corn it's like I have an anal machine gun.

>> No.5148113

Not the guy you're talking to. You're an idiot.

>> No.5148130
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Non-vegans eat some weird-ass food

>> No.5148131
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Jellied eels I guess

>> No.5148143

wow only time i've ever seen this song on 4chan how old are you?

>> No.5148146

Because Asians are all literal scum.

>> No.5148151

oh nvm just found out it was in jaws.

>> No.5148167

Absolutely delicious. Tasty little maggots go pop. Nom nom.

>> No.5148181

>casu marzu

not even twice

>> No.5148188

I have to eat Casu Marzu and Balut (chick fetus in the eggshell from Indonesia) at least one time in my life. Just to kill the curiosity.

A fresh Durian or eel would also be nice

>> No.5148194

Little eels have a slight fishy taste, its nothing to write home about

>> No.5148209

Philippines. If they eat it in Indo, I don't know, but the word 'balut' is Filipino, not Indo.
It's sold at every Pinoy grocery in my area.

>> No.5148361

Are there any weird vegan foods? It does seem that all the bizarre foods are either insects, strange animal parts or byproducts, etc.

>> No.5148371
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>have never heard of casu marzu
>look it up

>> No.5148376


Marmite/Vegemite is vegan if I recall correctly.

>> No.5148385

>implying vegemite isn't dead yeast
>implying a significant portion of the flavor doesn't come from yeast by-products

>> No.5148386


What are you trying to say?

>> No.5148388

I think he means they are animals. But they are fungi.

>> No.5148389

A vegan wouldn't eat something made by Kraft to begin with, likely.

>> No.5148394

fuck sharks

>> No.5148396


Kraft owns the company that makes Boca Burgers though

>> No.5148400


Because chinks and japs are basically like monkeys and don't know any better.

>> No.5148410


Except that caviar is genuinely delicious (bad for the sturgeons though), and truffles are one of the best tasting things on earth. They taste like snatch, in a nice way.

>> No.5148420


Somebody already mentioned durian - I think that a fruit that smells like abandoned socks and rot is pretty weird, but that's vegan.

>> No.5148427

Because Sardinians are disgusting and not even Italians consider them Italian.

"Let's eat garbage fly shit that's been left in the sun instead of just eating regular, healthy cheese."

>> No.5148429


It may be the only naturally occuring one too. That's just what the fruit is like, nobody prepared it that way. All this other food is people doing weird shit like burying an egg underground in sulfur and piss for 10 years and then eating it, letting fish guts rot in a jar next to a volcano, or letting flies lay their eggs in a wheel of cheese and then eating what the maggots leave behind. That's some pre-meditated disgustiation

>> No.5148431
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>healthy cheese

>> No.5148435

Healthier than diseased maggot cheese at least.

>> No.5148436

>That's some pre-meditated disgustiation

I strongly suspect that it comes out of the fact that at some point in history, some poor bastard said "hey, this cheese is full of maggots" and some other poor bastard said "we eat it or we starve".

It's not a weird food at all, but I've always had admiration for the first guy who ate yoghurt, again likely based on the fact that the milk he was saving had gone to shit and there was nothing else.

Everything's weird to somebody - I had a student from Japan once who thought that eating fries with macdonalds was fucking bizarre because potatoes+bread was like a rice sandwich to him.

>> No.5148442
File: 45 KB, 480x430, tunaoshizushi480[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> I had a student from Japan once who thought that eating fries with macdonalds was fucking bizarre because potatoes+bread was like a rice sandwich to him.

At McDonalds, the bread is just bread and the french fries are more oil than potato. It's the classic carb + fat combo

Googling "rice sandwich" gives me images of rice being used as bread, with sandwich fillings in the middle

>> No.5148449

This. People on this board are so fucking stupid.

>> No.5148456

Go away and stop shitposting image macros.

"Durrrrrrr cheese not be healthy because I say so hurrrrrrrr"

>> No.5148465

>At McDonalds, the bread is just bread and the french fries are more oil than potato. It's the classic carb + fat combo

Wut? tell my former student that, not me. I think his name was Sakurai or something similar. His girlfriend was called Rae Sugimoto, and I only remember that because she was stunningly good looking and I don't usually fancy japanese girls.

I'm not the one who has problems eating burgers 'n' fries.

I also know people in Europe who find the british idea of a "chip butty" utterly bizarre. I was asked specifically once at a company in Holland about my predecessor, who was also British, and my colleagues were all like "so, your predecessor put fries in a sandwich and told us that every british person does it, IS THIS TRUE? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?"

Everything's weird if people don't do it where you grew up.

>> No.5148466

>french fries are more oil than potato

Have you ever made fries? They don't absorb that much fat. Most things you deep fry retain very little oil.

>> No.5148468

they really should get aback to making truffle farms.
but no WW2 had to fuck that up.

>> No.5148495


I'm talking McDonalds fries. That golden outer layer is heavily saturated with oil

>> No.5148502

>google how to make rice sandwichs because that looks good as fuck and tuna and rice is fucking delicious
>get this http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Rice-Sandwiches

>> No.5148504

There are many truffle plantations, they are just risky ventures and truffles collected in the wild easily support the current market demand.

>> No.5148510

>get this http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Rice-Sandwiches


>> No.5148511

You've never had eel? Nearly every single sushi place I've ever been to has had eel on the menu.

>> No.5148528


It's the best thing as well. My wife has been disgusted with me more than once when I order "just a couple more" unagi nigiri even though I've already eaten half my body weight in eel.

It's fantastic smoked as well, better than smoked salmon by about 10 million times.

I thought everyone ate eel - it's common all over europe, the far east, australasia. King of fishies, I think.

Also, if we don't eat eel, it may go extinct, so it's enviro-friendly to nom some.

>> No.5148537

>Also, if we don't eat eel, it may go extinct
Wait what? Last I heard, eel populations were in severe danger because the Japanese love them so much.

>> No.5148561


> if we don't eat eel, it may go extinct

How does that work?

>> No.5148563

>If billions of humans eat a species it will help the species not go extinct rather than drastically decrease its population size and drive it to extinction.
Did you really just type that?

>> No.5148592

Uh yes uh I uh eat it because uh motha and fatha told me uh that uh my uh micro penis would uh become a big uh micro penis

>> No.5148605

I believe what that guy is trying to say is it's because they might have a fish farm for em or something I don't know if they do and they probably don't knowing japs. It's like modern cattle I think.

>> No.5148621

They do farm them, but they gather the baby eels from the wild so it's just as bad as fishing wild eels.

>> No.5148626


One of the problems affecting eels is the disturbing of their rivers and whatnot so that when they try to go back to wherever they go to breed (nobody knows anything at all about eel breeding because they're so mysterious and shy) they can't make it. In N. Europe, hydro-electric faciilities and dams etc. have really fucked the eels so they can't get away.

The farmers of eels move millions of elvers across the artificial barriers so that they can breed, then they collect the returners to farm them and fatten them up. There's a pretty strong argument for eating eels as a way of preserving them - if the market dies, the eels may well die also.

>because the Japanese love them so much

That was a different kind of eel, which is seriously endangered now. Japs tend to eat european eel these days, even though they say it's not so good.

There's also a massive black market in eels, with Chinese guys descending on farms in the USA and Europe and doing all kinds of shady nonsense to get elvers back to china for fattening. Glass eels sell for more per kilo than platinum.

It's a fascinating trade, tbh. Lots of stuff going on with eels.


is a really interesting book, if you find that kind of book interesting.

>> No.5148645

>We have to farm them to keep them from going extinct
This argument is always used to justify eating X food, and it's always ridiculous. How about let's not mindlessly destroy animal habitats, pollute the shit out of their environment, and other actions that drive them into extinction?

It's like justifying keeping animals we've decimated in the wild in zoos being a good thing because it saves the species from extinction. Personally, I would rather be extinct than just inbred in a concrete cage.

>> No.5148652


What if they moved the eels across the artificial barriers so that they could breed, and then also didn't eat them?

>> No.5148679

That would make too much sense.

>> No.5148694
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Rappie Pie is the dumbest thing

I'd rather jsut have chicken and potatoes, but when I visit my parents for christmas of course they insist on cooking both at once for no reason other than to give a weird texture to the potatoes

>> No.5148703

Hundreds of dollars per bowl.

Nope. Maybe at the highest end.

>> No.5148706

I had shark steak a bunch of times, it was pretty good, fuck those gooks throwing away nice meat.

>> No.5148725
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This shit.
As OP said, shark fin soup.
Bear vomit.
Dead baby mice wine.
And loads of other fucked up shit, all from Asia.
What the fuck is wrong with Asia?

>> No.5148732

Virgin Boy Egg. Look it up.

>> No.5148736

People eat cows/pigs/chickens because MUH CULTURE.

>> No.5148738


dude...it's not we wouldn't blow chunks at your

>double downs
>party pizza
>chili cheese burritos
>doritos consomme
>animal fries
>ketchup on everything

what the fucks wrong with westerners?

>> No.5148745

Fuck off, why the fuck would you eat a fruit that smells like rotting flesh and bear vomit? What the fuck is that?

>> No.5148749


Nigga, you ever have truffle? That shit is actually delicious as fuck

>> No.5148754
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Just because your only experience with fruit is from the check out isle or a can of fizzy sugar, that's not what actual fruit tastes like.

>> No.5148755

Why exactly do you think it's shitty? Just becuase it's foreign and exotic?

>> No.5148765

Like other forms of food that are made from the body parts of big, scary animals, it might be rooted in alternative medicine. It might be the same thing with shark fin soup as with rhino horn powder, or tiger steaks, etc.

>> No.5148768

PETA pls go

>> No.5148772

To his credit, Durians do taste like ass and the only reason people eat them is because it's an acquired taste. They are creamy as fuck though which is nice.

I've never had fresh Durian though, I once bought a whole frozen one and had to let it thaw out. Made me gag.

>> No.5148788

taste like onion pudding

>> No.5148792

Because eels don't move across barriers on their own. What might incentivize someone to do it in the first place?

>> No.5148793

I just watched the Doritos Consomme video. Im forever scarred.

>> No.5148801


>> No.5148811

Right, so this is a Chinese thing mostly, and there are several factors here.

One is that a lot of Chinese people are noveau riche. They lack sophistication and want the most obviously showy status symbols they can find. Just like rap artists who buy bigass diamond chains and throw low-tier brand names (Gucci) into their verses.

Combine their unsophisticated displays of wealth with the Maoist belief that empathy for animals is a sign of weakness, and you get shark fin soup.

I lived in Beijing for a while, and I sincerely hope China gets hit by a meteor. They're the least human people I have ever had to deal with in my entire life.

Even Kenya and Ghana were more hospitable than China.

This isn't an Asian problem. Japan and Korea are lovely, and the brief time I've spend in the SEA countries has been pleasant. China is easily the worst country in the world.

>> No.5148866

I still don't get how people don't realize homo sapien is an animal.

>> No.5148886


>Personally, I would rather be extinct than just inbred in a concrete cage.

anthropomorphisation of animals is the worst crime you can commit against them. Eels don't give a fuck what you think.

>> No.5148888

True, a lot of western food can be gross, but if you think about it, it's the volume of shit we pile on top of itself that's disgusting, not the actual food items themselves. We just go way overboard on things that would be okay in smaller portions.
Slice of bacon - okay
Burger - okay
Quadruple burger smothered in cheese, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise and slices of bacon - pretty damn disgusting
See what I mean?
But eating fruits that smell like gym socks and crusty anus is gross no matter the volume.

>> No.5148890

Not him but I can't stand any jellied meats. They all make me want to vomit.

>> No.5148912


Chinese people don't have a lot of empathy for that particular animal either.

I also lived in China for a couple of years and a couple of the things I saw will stay with me:

a stall on the market that sold live frogs, and when a customer came to buy some, the stallholder would just cut their heads off with a pair of blunt looking scissors. The heads were laying under the stall, and a chinese friend joked that you could tell the frogs were fresh because the eyes on the heads were still blinking.

The other thing was a restaurant where they served some fucked up dish that involved putting small live fish into boiling oil, and sometimes the fish jumped out on contact with the oil. The thing that turned my stomach wasn't actually that, but that when one jumped out and landed on the floor, a really pretty waitress was just stamping on them to kill them. I dunno why that was so upsetting to me, but I still see that girl stamping fish like it weren't no thing in my mind's eye sometimes.

>Japan and Korea are lovely,

Living sushi and live octopus eating are pretty fucking filthy too. Ikizukuri makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.

Some of the things I saw in Asia made me honestly believe that two atom bombs and all that napalm weren't enough, America pussied out before the job was done.

I honestly have a hard time thinking of Chinese (and to some extent Japanese) as human in the way I am, it's like there's some kind of deep philosophical divide that makes them as foreign to me as a chimp.

>> No.5149092

Holy fuck!!! You mean to say that Oranges don't taste like Sunkist?
"Muh freedums dun been violated!"

>> No.5149129

>I still don't get how people don't realize homo sapien is an animal.
Because if we consider ourselves an animal it has a lot of moral implications for our treatment of other animals.

It's the same as how historically colonial white people thought of "inferior races" as being less evolved humans, and spent tons of funds on trying to scientifically prove blacks and other races were not as evolved.

>> No.5149147

>Some of the things I saw in Asia made me honestly believe that two atom bombs and all that napalm weren't enough, America pussied out before the job was done.
I've always been really offended that there's a certain brainwashing that encouraged people to believe we're monsters for using a new weapon merely twice on a country that delighted in rape, torture, and infanticide more than any other belligerent.

Nevermind the firebombings, clearly that new thing that likely prevented WW3 is evil for it's destructive potential.

>> No.5149153

As though America and other Western nations don't do tons of fucked up things as well.

>> No.5149159

>Nevermind the firebombings
>As though America and other Western nations don't do tons of fucked up things as well.
Glad to see you comply?

>> No.5149165
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>> No.5149213

>Shitty foods people eat cause mah culture
Pretty much any meat imo.

>> No.5149224

damn if only they had a window to future america, they wouldn't have spent all that money on pseudosciences.


>> No.5149234
File: 139 KB, 640x480, Ayran,_Istanbul,_Turkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ayran is a cold yogurt beverage mixed with salt
>Turkish MacDonald´s sell Ayran

How disgusting and low can you get? No offense, Turk/Caucasusfags. But keep your jizz smoothies away from me.

>> No.5149267


>same reason people still eat corn.

Popcorn is delicious, Cornbread is delicious, buttery corn on the cob is delicious, corn muffins are delicious, corn chips are delicious, corn meal is delicious, grits are fucking tasty, corn tortillas are pretty good too, that corn hard taco shell is delicious.

the list goes on man.... no, I wasnt paid by big corn.

>> No.5149296

Is it bad that I think the mcdonalds logo makes it look disgusting more than anything?

>> No.5149304



what the fuck. Pretty sure you meant sturgeon, belugas aren't fucking fishes.

>> No.5149311


har har

>> No.5149320

Eating shark fin soup cures diseases and give you temporary regenerative powers. Also imbues your spirit with the animal.

>> No.5149342


I also tell other Chinese people that this fad against shark fin is simply typical Western racism and should be ignored.

>> No.5149374

Just like banning Foie Gras is Sntisemitism.

>> No.5149375
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136 posts and I haven´t read a single complain about eating bugs (beisdes the fly maggots in kazu marzu). Kind of impressed.

>> No.5149422

It's the other way around. You don't eat them because of MAH CULTURE. Dat high quality protein, no fat, cheap to breed and simple to cook.

>> No.5149536

Bugs aren't a delicacy anywhere though. Them being a food source is a fact of life.

>> No.5149659

Bugs have a lot smaller carbon footprint than cows, pigs, or chickens, too. Though they still aren't as sustainable as plant-based foods.

>> No.5149714
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ants ass taste like "nutty" bacon
is not too bad

silk larvae in the other hand....fuck you korea

>> No.5149719

>Century egg
I've had it. Not as bad as you would think

>> No.5149728
File: 155 KB, 800x600, eating-insects-in-Thailand-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yummy yummy for your tummy!
Looks like scorpians and earth worms.

Think of the French though who eat orlotans and snails.

>> No.5149732
File: 1.95 MB, 829x1385, ZEEEEEEEET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carpe diem

>> No.5149734


>> No.5149821

Yep, it's all subjective. Eggs are a chicken's period, which is disgusting when you think about it.

>> No.5149829

Yeah, and some of the air we breathe is the waste product of plants.

>> No.5149849

Not waste in the sense of feces, though. A chicken's period is an actual period.

>> No.5149854

Was trying to imply that these things should be thought of on a case by case basis. Fish eggs are "fish periods", after all. The reason you're saying a little bit of food matter for a potential for what could be more meat is disgusting is because of human periods, right?

>> No.5149857
File: 2.57 MB, 4000x3000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5149859

The spiders arses are filled with eggs, literally filled with yellow spider caviar.

Mmmmmmmmmmmm roey

>> No.5149943

Only eaten because muh sooo rich.
otherwise, it's just shit food

>> No.5149953

fuck yeah best fish ever. I'm amazed how people are grossed out. It's just a long, delicious fish. People act like its a snake with shit for flesh and goat semen for blood.

>> No.5149961

>very prestigious chinese restaurant.
Didn't he just go to a random Chinese restaurant in London..? Prestigious.. HA! Also fuck ramsey, he rants about how cruel it is for the sharks then goes and rave about how he loves to use foie gras. Fucking hypocrite.

>> No.5149963

>not eating black "people" to ween yourself off of higher animals like pigs

>> No.5149968


>> No.5149970
File: 44 KB, 533x400, lutefisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had it myself, but lutefisk is famous among Norwegian-Americans as "I dare ya to taste this."

>> No.5150212

>eating boiled fish


>> No.5150270

Somehow I just can't bring myself to feel bad about eating a nice tasty eel.

>> No.5150274

Lutefisk is so much more than "boiled fish"

>> No.5150337

Surstromming is worse.

>> No.5150344

if this nigga dont shut the fuck up.

>> No.5150351

You're missing the point. Geese and ducks aren't in danger of becoming extinct.

>> No.5150359

Isn't a lot of food from the south outright gross?

>> No.5150368

Would he equally bitch about someone eating salmon?

>> No.5150372

Durian isn't half bad.

Fuck you all.

>> No.5150379

Force feeding a goose until it dies from diabetes then eating its liver

>> No.5150382

>foie gras

pick one.
If you had even the slightest education on duck anatomy and migration habits you would know that it one doesn`t hurt the duck and two that its based on artificially recreating something that ducks do TO THEMSELVES when migrating

>> No.5150466

I was unaware wild ducks had access to food tubes that they force down their throats when migrating.

>> No.5150473

>it dies from diabetes
That's peta level of uneducated.

>> No.5150476

Please watch Food Inc.
Corn exists in 95% of all your petty wall-mart products.

>> No.5150482

Dear diary.

Today online I had a brush with the worlds most boring poster. Apart from stating the bleeding obvious whilst engaging in a pointlessness of communication so banal I tasted bile in the back of my throat, I realised that the anons shitposting was so fecal that I stood up from my keyboard and gave myself an enema so as not to even be associated on any level with anons unbearable shittiness.

>> No.5150484

>bottled water
>Gta 5 for PC
Checkmate antimaizefag

>> No.5150491

>Corn exists in 95% of all your petty wall-mart products.

That's because of the corn lobby, not the actual usefulness of corn. HFCS is shit and can be replaced by any other shit for better result but since teh state subsidize it like crazy it's artificially cheaper to use it than healthier, more available products.

>> No.5150492

Talking alone and claim your own victory doesn't erase your blunder and uneducated argument.

>> No.5150501

And claiming another's words as mine doesn't erase yours.

>> No.5150501,1 [INTERNAL] 

feel great