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5122515 No.5122515[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A shitstorm is going on right now as Japan has trapped and is slaughtering hundreds of bottlenose dolphins. Would you eat them?

- Dolphins are incredibly intelligent mammals with complex emotions, and their own languages and cultures.
- Dolphin meat is high in poisonous mercury.
- It tastes like shit


>> No.5122518

why are these yellow niggers killing dolphins again?

>> No.5122519


- Ridding the seas of serial rapists

>> No.5122521
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I'm actually planning to go to Japan at some point just so I can try dolphin.

>> No.5122525

yes, i'd try it

>> No.5122533

>implying it was not consensual

>> No.5122547

It has more to do with corrupt politics than anything. Very few Japanese consume dolphin, or whale meat, and so the demand is actually quite low. However, the fishing industry uses the practice to get millions in government money. Japan gave 30 million dollars from their tsunami relief fund to whale hunting, for example.

>> No.5122558

>Dolphins are incredibly intelligent mammals with complex emotions, and their own languages and cultures.
I don't see how this is an issue. As long as it's not human it can be meat.
>Dolphin meat is high in poisonous mercury.
So is tuna, swordfish, bluefish
>It tastes like shit
I guess that would be the kicker. Does it really taste like shit? People will tell you eggplant or mushrooms taste like shit, but they're wrong. People will tell you Chicago pizza is delicious, but they're wrong, too. I feel like I'd have to make my own decision on dolphin.

It would be good to have as an anecdote, especially for situations when I find myself in the company of "concerned" people, and the conversation is lagging. In a room where many would like the spiritual experience of swimming with the dolphins it would be fun to be able to say I know what they taste like.

Same reason I want to try dog. I know so many dog lovers it's tiresome. I want to be that guy they know who actually eaten one.

Because I have a very immature sense of humor, and other people's shitstorms are comedy for me.

>> No.5122570

>Dolphins are incredibly intelligent mammals with complex emotions, and their own languages and cultures.
explain why is this a con without using morality.

>> No.5122578

I would try it at least once if not twice if offered to me. But isn't Mahi-Mahi considered a dolphin? We all eat Mahi-Mahi.

>> No.5122582

>People will tell you Chicago pizza is delicious, but they're wrong,

Im glad Im not a faggot that grew up in or around NYC/Chicago so that I can appreciate all types of pizza like a normal person

>> No.5122583


Mahi-Mahi is a fish, proper dolphins are mammals. They names can get confused because the name of the Mahi Mahi in Portugese is Dorado, aka "dolphin fish", but they are completely different animals.

>> No.5122585

I don't think dolphinfish and dolphins.

>> No.5122587

>I can appreciate all types of pizza
Go have a slice in Montreal, and you'll take that back.

>> No.5122591

>As long as it's not human it can be meat.
Why draw the lines at humans? A kid kicking my seat at a movie theatre deserves to be fried more than a dolphin that never did shit to me.

>> No.5122593

That's what I thought too, but a co-worker at lunch was going on about how Mahi-Mahi were considered dolphins and I wasn't sure how the culinary world viewed it. I always thought of it as a pretty mild fish.

>> No.5122600

>> how Mahi-Mahi were considered dolphins

Sounds like the name in Portugese just confused him. They are totally different animals. Mahi-Mahi have gills and a vertical tail like other fish, real dolphins have lungs and breathe air. They have a horizontal tail fluke like other cetaceans (whales, etc.)

In fact in my culinary experience most places make it quite clear they are different since many people might be offended at the idea of eating a dolphin but are OK with eating a fish.

>> No.5122602

>Why draw the lines at humans?
Too risky to eat your own kind. Bad brain diseases often follow, because prions.

I do find it interesting how we seem to have little problems eating land mammals, aside from the few we keep as pets, but consider sea mammals off limits.

Why is that?

>> No.5122608

- Dolphins kill for fun
- They trap others and rape them for fun
- If they had magnesium torches their official doctrine would be KILL MAIM BURN

>> No.5122610


>> No.5122624
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>> No.5122642

>Why is that?
Because we don't think about these things logically. We romanticize dolphins, yet consider animals like pigs food despite the fact that pigs are also one of the most intelligent species on Earth, and are smarter than human children according to multiple studies.

For the record, I won't eat any animal with a well developed central nervous system.

>> No.5122646

>Dolphins kill for fun
>They trap others and rape them for fun

So do most animals, including us.

>> No.5122651

>why can't they just be normal like us, and slaughter cows and chickens?

>> No.5122662

>implying cows and chickens are anywhere near the danger level

>> No.5122677
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>implying they aren't

>> No.5122679

>Because we don't think about these things logically.
We actually do. We hide the slaughter away where no one can see it. Most people wouldn't eat modern industrial meat if they could actually see the conditions under which the animals lived and died. The mistake the Japanese are making is having the slaughter in the open air where people can see it.

But I get it. It's kind of a fuck you to the rest of the world. And they're kind of right. Who are we to tell them what to do when our hands are equally covered in blood.

For the record, I'll eat any animal other than human, but I eat a vegan diet most of the time because reasons.

>> No.5122680

I need to rewatch that episode, because I'm clearly missing something

>> No.5122691

I saw a lady who was packing sausages from really well raised pigs say 'I don't mind packing up animals I know were raised really well. I just mind it when it comes to the trotter because I recognize their feet from when we feed them.' I kind went aww but they are still pigs and they are no where near as smart as dolphins. I'll still eat happy pig meat but not factory farm pig and I'll pass on dolphin. I would feel terrible eating sea rapists.

>> No.5122697

Exactly what I was thinking when I saw that pic.

>> No.5122698

>I'll still eat happy pig meat
The happy pig is a lie

>> No.5122700

ahahah it's such a good one!

>> No.5122705

>implying a dolphin wouldn't drag you down to its rape cave and have its way with your corpse repeatedly if given the chance

>> No.5122706

>not sticking your dick in it's blowhole

>> No.5122726

tell me someone has the panel from Crossed

>> No.5122735

They showed the pigs. They looked pretty damn happy to me. They were from a country estate that sells the pork products to maintain a national trust home.

>> No.5122750


Let`s play devils advocate here.

>Ddolphins are incredibly intelligent mammals with complex emotions, and their own languages and cultures.

From a moral point of view, a dolphin has not any more worth as a living being than a pig. If you eat pig meat but condemn eating dolphin on a moral basis you are a hypocrite.

>Dolphin meat is high in poisonous mercury.

Which is only suspected after the results of a single study. Furthermore, the mecury level is not high enough to cause serious health risks, even if ingested at a regular basis (as was made clear in the study.

>It tastes like shit.

So I take it you have tried dolphin meat?

In conclusion, yes, I would try dolphin meat if offered, simply for culinarian motives. And if the Japanese want to kill dolphins, they are free to do in their own homeland as far as I am concerned. I strongly dislike it when people try to force their own cultural values upon others.

>> No.5122752

Only way happy meat would be possible is if the animal were raised in nice conditions with a good life, then euthanized painlessly. Unless you raise the animal yourself, that isn't going to happen. Putting factory farmed pork aside, even locally raised pigs still ends up in the same place: a slaughterhouse. Failure rates for incapacitating animals is very high at practically all slaughterhouses, so that a lot of the pigs will be butchered while still semi-conscious. Not exactly a recipe for a happy pig.

>> No.5122758

Pros for eating humans:
-Humans kill and rape for fun
-They torture each other
-Engage in massive wars and genocides

Can't use some asshole behaviors in a species to condemn the species as a whole. Animals are individuals, just like we are.

>> No.5122761


The next time I get accosted in the street by the perpetually concerned, asking me to sign a petition to ban tasty food, I can raise it as argument against her.

(It usually is a her, and I frequently see them protesting foie gras)

>> No.5122766

>Which is only suspected after the results of a single study.
There have been several studies on this topic. The 2003 paper found total mercury levels in dolphin exceeded the Japanese government's permitted level by 160 times.

Or how about another publication from 2002:

>The provisional permitted level of T–Hg in marine foods set by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare is 0.4 μg/g, and the provisional permitted weekly intake (PTWI) set by WHO is 5 μg/kg bw/week. The maximal T–Hg detected in boiled liver (1980 μg/g) exceeds the permitted level by approximately 5000 times and the consumption of only 0.15 g of liver exceeds the PTWI of 60 kg of body weight of the consumer, suggesting the possibility of an acute intoxication by T–Hg even after a single consumption of the product.

>> No.5122771

>Or how about another publication from 2002:

What about the meat? The liver of cold-water animals is known to be toxic in general. It doesn't surprise me that the liver contains a lot of mercury. Let's hear about the rest of the meat.

>> No.5122772

You forgot something: human meat is easily digestible with the best nutrition among meats.

>> No.5122777


Cows and chickens are dumb as shit. Have you ever looked into a cow's eyes? I have because I grew up on a farm. There's nothing there. Nothing.

>> No.5122779

This is a lie my wife and sister want to believe as well. I'll give you that the meat is probably better than CAFO meat because the pig's lives were closer to the lives they're bred for. They are fed better, get exercise and live in a much less stressful environment. I'd even consider that the meat could be healthier because of this.

But when those pigs are loaded on the truck, driven screaming down the highway to the slaughterhouse then killed I guarantee you they're NOT happy. No matter how happily they're raised the last few hours of their lives are lived in absolute terror.

>> No.5122780

Japanese people are very found of eating "guts" and this paper focused on organ meat.

Use Google Scholar to search for publications.

I'm not sure why you are surprised, it is a long-lived apex predator in the ocean near an industrialized coastline. Obviously the fish is bioaccumulating lots of mercury.

>> No.5122778

>human meat is easily digestible with the best nutrition among meats.

[citation needed]

>> No.5122784


The pigs don't know where they're going or what awaits them. They're not driven "screaming down the highway".

>> No.5122789

>still not getting it

>> No.5122794

Animals that have never been in a truck typically don't like being tightly loaded into one and driven down a highway. It is very stressful for them.

I'm not sure how common a practice it is now, but people used to take sledgehammers to the pigs' snouts so they wouldn't fight or kill one another during transportation to the slaughterhouse.

And yes, they know exactly what is going on when they are close to the slaughterhouse. They smell the blood and freak the fuck out.

>> No.5122797

Prions was transmitted via cannibalism but isn't caused by it.

>> No.5122799

>Have you ever looked into a cow's eyes? I have because I grew up on a farm. There's nothing there. Nothing.
Nope, you didn't grow up on a farm. I have and seen cows playing, protecting their young and one another, etc.

Just because they don't have human emotions doesn't mean they are "dumb as shit". I feel like I'm talking to an edgy 15 year old right now.

>> No.5122803

>Prions was
>Prions... isn't

>> No.5122806

This is true. My sister had her happy pig illusion shattered when she drove past the happy pigs from her local farm being driven to the slaughterhouse. They were not at all happy. They were screaming.

>> No.5122809

That's not true for all slaughter just sadly a big amount of them.


>> No.5122811


Sorry you disagree, but I did and they are. I'm not saying you should be able to treat them however you like but I don't see their deaths for human sustenance as a great loss.

>I have and seen cows playing, protecting their young and one another, etc.

What a naive Disney vision of the world you must have.

>> No.5122813

was in the case of kuru
is in always

>> No.5122825

You claim to have lived on a farm and never seen calves playing with each other and their mothers or have the mother get pissed off when you get too close to their offspring?

I've never met a farmer who raised cattle for beef or dairy and thought the cows were "stupid as fuck" and had no affinity towards them.

Yeah, sure buddy, you must have grown up around cows all the time. However, we aren't talking about the Wal-Mart variety.

>> No.5122841 [DELETED] 

>deaths for human sustenance
Nobody needs to eat animals for sustenance, though. It's just a matter of what foods we put in our grocery cart or order from a menu. Can easily get sustenance from other food groups.

>> No.5122843

I grew up with chickens and long horns. The longhorns are amazingly intelligent, protective, and playful. The mother would not let anyone near her young and it was fun to watch the calves run around and chase each other. They'd let out long and usually emphatic calls when they'd see anyone coming down the driveway and they'd wonder over to the fence to check everyone out. They were gentle and you can see a deep soul when you look at them in their eyes. They are far from stupid.

Hell even the chicken's are smarter than people give them credit for. Yeah, they can be really dumb. But a couple of them my mom and sister raised inside the house before moving them back outdoors with the others (usually to keep them alive while they are small) but they all became house birds while indoors and got along great with the cats and dogs.

>> No.5122848

So you'd eat these things just to get a rise out of people? You sure are one edgy prick.
Good thing something gave it's life for that purpose.

>> No.5122858

Another Anon joining in to agree with you. I never lived on a farm, but have friends and family who did. No one I know ever called cows stupid. They call chickens stupid, but will admit that even the stupid chickens manage to set up a social hierarchy that includes sentries who watch for danger and alert the others with alarm calls.

>> No.5122860

I had a bunch of hens and after a while I noticed very different personalities in each bird. Some were more bold or curious, had different traits and quirks, etc. than others.

I think only (mostly urban) people who have no experience with an animal can feel correct when they say, "durrrr ____ are fucking stupid".

I could take these people in a forest and they would just see trees and plants, yet I could identify every tree, fern, shrub, and herbaceous plant and many of the fungi, insects, and bryophytes. I could also tell them about the ecology of these organisms and show them things they would be completely ignorant about.

My point being only ignorant people make wide-sweeping strong statements about things they have no experience or knowledge of. And it shows (e.g.: anon claiming to be a farmer and that "cows are dumb as fuck"). No farmer would say this. Maybe the son of a farmer glued to his XBox who bitches about being on a farm and doesn't work...

>> No.5122865

>I could also tell them about the ecology of these organisms and show them things they would be completely ignorant about.

Bet you're a real thrill at parties

>> No.5122870

>- Dolphins are incredibly intelligent mammals with complex emotions, and their own languages and cultures.

Lol. People who use this as an excuse not to eat something are fucking scum.

>> No.5122874

I usually am in a different mindset when I am at a party versus going on a hike or leading a foray.

But yes, many of my friends are into the same things as I am, so conversations invariably involve these topics.

>> No.5122880

Watch that edge bro! You eat hamburgers without giving a fuck, stay outta your way!!!

>> No.5122891

>waaaaa Cows can't talk or make friends with each other so I'll eat them but Dolphins can so I wont.

Nice hypocrisy, bro.

>> No.5122904

>Maybe the son of a farmer glued to his XBox who bitches about being on a farm and doesn't work...
THIS! My parents put me to work. Sure I'd get a little bit of time with the genesis or the NES before bed, but I'd spend entire summers earning dosh and bailing hay.

>> No.5122906



>> No.5122909

I think the biggest reason i'm not okay with killing whales and dolphins is because it's not sustainable. We kill cows, chickens, and pigs because we raise them for food. There is no chance of us hunting them to extinction. Dolphins and whales on the other hand, can go away. Overfishing is already happening. You can thank the Japanese for that one.

>> No.5122918

Sure, why not? It's not as though they consider the feelings of baby porpoises they kill for fun.

>> No.5122955


You are a hypocrite and don't want to admit it

>> No.5122957

On that note, the cows/chickens/pigs that we use in agriculture never existed in the wild

>> No.5122986

This topic is leaving me a huge moral dilemma at the moment because I agree that the dolphin slaughter is horrendous yet am okay with eating farmed meat. I'm conflicted because, well, it should be obvious why.

I definitely wouldn't eat dolphin meat, not only from a moral standing but also from a health standpoint, they bioaccumulate heavy metals like fuck so there's that.

>> No.5123000

They loaded the pigs on to the back of a straw filled truck and none screamed and the lady who raised them said bye to them. Two days later she was packing them in sausage form. They were fine. They weren't a screamin' down the highway. They have no idea where the hell they are going.

>> No.5123006

>- It tastes like shit
this is the only things that matters
if it's true, then no, I wouldn't

>> No.5123015

Statistically, a high number of farm animals suffer broken bones and other injuries in the process of being shipped to slaughter. Depending on location, they can undergo long exposure to freezing/burning temperatures in the trucks as well. Killing for profit is never a happy process.

>> No.5123030

Thats because they are factory farmed animals and they are loaded into the back of a semi with a driver who doesn't have a vested interest in the animal's well being. They were safer than dogs that ride in the back of trucks in the country jeeze. These particular animals were FINE and were driven down a country road to an abattoir. Why is it so hard to believe that some people care about the animals they raise for food?

>> No.5123112

>So you'd eat these things just to get a rise out of people?
Why not. After all, eating meat is eating meat. If you're going to enjoy the taste of animal death on your dinner plate why not try what's available?

Especially when you don't see the ethical difference between eating cows, pigs and chickens versus dolphins, dogs and cats.

It's not just being an edgy prick; it's making a show about not embracing a double standard many take for granted.

And I have no ethical issue with this because I eat so little meat it doesn't fucking matter. If you only have it once a week or so why not make it interesting?

>> No.5123114



Dolphins are probably delicious
Dolphins are plentiful
Japanese know how to cook good seafood.
Probably cheap.

what is the problem. I would love to try some dolphin. Probably tastes a bit like pork.

>> No.5123123


Cows are mammals doofus.

>> No.5123158

>Why is it so hard to believe that some people care about the animals they raise for food?
I'm the guy with the "screaming down the highway" quote, and I only mentioned it because my sister saw her happy pigs going to be slaughtered in that condition.

Of course there are farmers who care about their animals, and treat them well. I've met a number of them, and paid a premium to eat the meat from their animals.

I have a tougher time believing that the guys who work at slaughterhouses give a fuck.

>> No.5123172

My father is a vet but worked as an inspector in a plant for a few years.

Let's just say, his diet is pretty much vegetarian since then. And it wasn't just the terrible way they treated the animals, it was the meat "quality" issues.

He actually got in trouble for failing too much meat.

>> No.5123208


>He actually got in trouble for failing too much meat.

he was probably a nutty germiphobe

>> No.5123213

Oh god, I remember when I was a kid, my family was taking a road trip up to Davis, CA from Los Angeles. We took the 5 heading north. I still remember seeing the what seemed like 5 miles of this slaughter farm. The smell was awful and it was pretty horrifying. But as an older brother I made it a living hell for my little sister at the time. She was a vegetarian for a good 6 months after that. But hey, I did what any responsible 10 year old older brother would do.

>> No.5123216

Over population is not a uniquely japanese or even asian problem, resources are limited, and if you don't care about cows being hunted to extinction what about the top soil used to feed and grow us and them? that shit doesn't grow on trees idiot, we're using it up at an unsestainable rate, maybe not oil quick, but fast enough that people bitching about "how in 2050 there will be more people so we shouldn't eat meat" are protesting an irrelevant development when by that point plants will be just as fubared.

>> No.5123217

No, he didn't like seeing sick animals or contaminated meat enter the food supply.

>> No.5123254
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it was what seemed like miles and miles of pic related

>> No.5123275

you are literally eating exactly what your body is made out of, it has everything you need in all the right amounts

>> No.5123281
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>it has everything you need in all the right amounts

>> No.5123284

Holy shit talk about pseudoscience.

Barring the whole micro-nutrients issue and the fact that you won't be eating a little from each part of the person, people are loaded with toxins from their shit diet. It would be like eating a city-rat or pigeon.

>> No.5123292

Which is somehow better than a few hundred dolphins getting slaughtered in Japan?

This kind of double standard is exactly why I'd eat dolphin. Because it's no more horrific than most American beef.

>> No.5123315

No, I like dolphins and their meat isn't very healthy i heard.

>> No.5123319

It depends, I don't eat beef that has been raised like that. I buy my meats from butchers and meat shops that sell local, organic, grass fed beef and meats that have never been given hormones or anti-biotics.

Just as I would not want to eat dolphins that have been caught in a massive slaughter.

That said, I have no real aversion against trying anything. I would try Dolphin if prepared for me or offered to me. I won't go out of my way to get it though.

We also raise beef for slaughter. What is happening in Japan is a mass slaughter of wild dolphins.

>> No.5123443

Western factory farming is way worse than dolphin slaughtering. Meat production is one of the leading causes of global warming, pollution, deforestation, and resulting species extinction.

>> No.5123457

The slaughterhouse comes to my folks farm for animal processing. No trucks needed. He even parks the work trailer out of view of the animals if someone asks him to.

>> No.5123463

the irony is that since japanese don't want the dolphin meat they sell it caned as tuna fish.

>> No.5123467

150 million cattle is slaughtered in a year in the US. I don't see anybody objecting this.

>> No.5123468

do your really want to taste mammal meat which have eaten chinese polluted and japanese radiated fish?

>> No.5123472


trol detect..

>> No.5123478


>> No.5123491

Because they are also raised.

>> No.5123493

Not sure if I'd eat dolphin, but I have had minke whale before, and I thought that was delicious. The only reason I'd be weary is that I'm ignorant about the water quality where these dolphins lived and health implications. But if I did some research I'd make a better decision later, but it doesn't matter to me now since I wouldn't have access to that meat anyway.

>> No.5123496

>We also raise beef for slaughter. What is happening in Japan is a mass slaughter of wild dolphins.
I don't get this distinction. Hunting or fishing are somehow ethically different than raising livestock for slaughter? I never bought into the idea that intentions allow the same actions to be OK in some situations, and not in others. Slaughter is slaughter. If you eat meat you're either OK with it, or you're a hypocrite.

>> No.5123514

Probably concerns about preservation of the species or some gay shit like that.

>> No.5123520

That's the kind of truth most folks don't want to face.

>> No.5123534


I'd try it, but I'd try pretty much anything... I'd eat human if it was cooked well enough to ensure no zombie mutagens.

>> No.5123543

My point is that we aren't damaging the ecosystem by destroying a necessary creature in the wild. Our environment could live on with beef cattle. I don't know how the ocean would fare without an entire species such as dolphin or even a depleted species.

Again, I don't buy meat that isn't ethically raised so why would I change my opinion on seafood?

I have no objections to trying Dolphin, I may be opposed to how it was caught. Just as I would be with beef or chicken or any other living creature. Hell, even with fruits and vegetables. I don't want tomatoes grown in sand from Florida or from some mutated chemically engineered seed.

>> No.5123595

>Our environment could live on with beef cattle.
So eating beef is only ethical if it's done on small scale farms that don't lead to the destruction of the environment? In that case it's only ethical for the rich to eat beef, because beef raised that way is one hell of a luxury food.

>how the ocean would fare without an entire species such as dolphin or even a depleted species.
So fishing and hunting are not ethical? There goes your wild caught salmon.

I don't get this. I do think we've done lots of environmental damage by making meat so cheap the poor can afford it. And boy do they eat a fuckton of it, because they don't know any better.

So I'm with you in thinking cheap meat is wrong. It ought to be a luxury food.

But fishing shouldn't be an issue, because if it's well managed it's no different from farming. In fact, a well managed fishery is probably less environmentally damaging than farming.

Bottle nosed dolphins are not at risk for extinction, so why not fish them, too?

>> No.5123609

>because beef raised that way is one hell of a luxury food.
Really, the fresh cuts of steak that I get from my local butcher is cheaper than the shit I see at Wal-Mart or any other local grocery store by almost 50%.

Fishing and hunting are ethical, but netting and rounding up ever last deer in an entire surrounding area would not be.

>> No.5123626

>So fishing and hunting are not ethical? There goes your wild caught salmon.

How on earth can you compare the slaughter of dolphins to ethical hunting. I could understand fishing and catching dolphins, but I'm not really cool with a mass slaughter. It's so far from ethical hunting and fishing.

>> No.5123658
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Why do people think the ecosystem is some fragile web waiting to collapse at any moment? You have no idea how nature works. Life is like a fucking disease. If you wiped out 50% of the species right now it would just keep going and not give a fuck.

>> No.5123667

ITT Vegans

>> No.5123669

>How on earth can you compare the slaughter of dolphins to ethical hunting

What's functionally different between a group of fishermen killing 200 dolphins versus 200 fishermen catching and killing one dolphin each? or 200 hunters shooting one deer each?

>> No.5123670

It's unethical to harvest 200 fishermen unless you are 200 hunters.

>> No.5123673

>Life is like a fucking disease. If you wiped out 50% of the species right now it would just keep going and not give a fuck.
being this ignorant

>> No.5123684
File: 59 KB, 679x516, Argument_Pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess where you are

>> No.5123685

top fuckin lel

>> No.5123695

>So fishing and hunting are not ethical?
I grew up in a redneck town where everyone was a hunter. The average IQ was also below that of someone with down's syndrome.

>> No.5123704

Of all species that have existed on Earth, 99.9 percent are now extinct.

I guess I'll give you a 2/10 for a response.

>> No.5123712
File: 37 KB, 429x630, the-cove-poster1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys should watch the cove is a documentary that talks about this. And it talks about many thing i didnt know about this issue
>-The japs believe the dolphins are eating all the fish so they see them as a plague(Like rats)
>-The give elementary school kids dolphin meat without the parents approval.
>-No one in japan knows about this problem.

>> No.5123715

Can almost smell the edgy neckbeard through my screen

>> No.5123720

>don't know any better

because it's hearty and delicious. ftfy

>> No.5123768
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>> No.5123792

sorry you are fucking retarded. I study zoology at university and wiping out 50% of life on this planet would drastically fuck up our ecosystem, taking a single predator or prey or even a plant out of a jungle can cause numerous species to go extinct, many species have large impacts on their environment even in comparison to their small numbers or size (there's a word for them but can't seem to recall it right now) If 50% of specis were wiped out I could guarantee humans wouldn't survive and either species would have to drastically evolve or they would go extinct. If we wiped out 50% of species all life as we knew it would disappear/change. The largest extinction only lost the world 57% of families (and thats after the original loss included, we would be looking closer to 90% as predators which relied on them would die out, preys would over populate killing of other animals by competing and over harnessing their food etc) and that extinction set vertebrates back 30 million years and completely changed the way the planet functioned afterwards. FFS man, how stable do you think the earth is, it's a constantly moving tapestry that can be altered by a single death
Yes, 99.9% are now extinct, which happened over numerous extinction events and did not happen all at once. Our planet and the life on it had time to adapt and evolve to form different life that was able to survive with the loss of previous species

>> No.5123795

i meant 'death of a species' at the end

>> No.5123835


> it's a constantly moving tapestry that can be altered by a single death

shitty sci fi fan detected

>> No.5123841

'moving tapestry' is a saying you do realise. And I enjoy some sci fi but surprisingly I'm not a big fan. Now rom coms I love

>> No.5123848


i was talking more about the one death.

in humanity that might work if you kill hitler or let kennedy live or something....

but in the natural ecosystem nothing will happen if you kill the main dolphin or lion or whatever the fuck.

one death is that butterfly effect bullshit from time traveling movies... one death doesnt do anything in t he billions of years and billions of mutations and variations that it actually takes to make something evolve/change/alter.

>> No.5123852

If you read my next comment i meant 'one death of a species'. I meant a whole species extinction in a specific habitat.

>> No.5123878

>It's not just being an edgy prick; it's making a show about not embracing a double standard many take for granted.

>> No.5123907

>- Dolphins are incredibly intelligent mammals with complex emotions, and their own languages and cultures.

>> No.5123945

Japan has very few dolphin dish restaurants.
You should go to Korea.

>> No.5123957


>> No.5124009

Is eating concentrated evil good for you?

>> No.5124043

If dolphins are so damn intelligent with their advanced communications why don't they tell each other to stay the fuck away from Japan?

>> No.5124114

>first mention of this in the thread

The bloody Japanese are just protecting their fishing stock. It's a huge commercial interest for them as they control the worlds fisheries.

I think the Japanese government view dolphins like how European farmers view wolves.

There has been a massive surge in wolf numbers recently, and in some places they're protected.


Wolves and Dolphins are pretty close on the 'lets not kill them because they're so badass' scale too.

The difference is wolves will attack farmed animals, whereas dolphins are doing it in the wild.

Humans are the ones encroaching on the wolves and dolphins territory though.

People in Europe have been culling wolf populations for centuries.

Overfishing is a serious issue and should be part of the dolphin discussion.

I don't understand how the Japanese get away with 'cultural fishing' to justify what they do.

This is how it's always reported, how has the media not caught on to their true intent?

There's big money and 'corruption' in it, as mentioned, and keeping fish number up is why.

>> No.5124238

Thanks for the tip anon.

>> No.5124256
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>> No.5124759

>The bloody Japanese are just protecting their fishing stock.
The world's fisheries are all collapsing due to over-exploitation by humans, not because of dolphins. If we stopped trying to feed 7 billion people a high meat diet we wouldn't have these issues.

>> No.5124885
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>> No.5124892

I'd eat the fuck out of some dolphin. Why would I have regrets? Shit son, I'd eat anything that tasted good.

>> No.5124898

A bit of googling turned up the fact that the Peruvians call the sea's drugged-up infanticidal murderer-rapist necrophiliacs 'sea pork.' Further googling, though, suggests that they don't taste like pork - apparently it's like liver, with a beefy texture.

Sounds pretty tasty to me. I'd like to look a dolphin in its deep, soulful eyes, feeling our deep kinship as I slit its throat, whispering, "I know you'd do this to me too, and that's why I love you."

>> No.5124910

I have no problem eating any sort of animal. I'd be hesitant to to eat cat or dog, since I have have them as pets, and monkeys due to prion/ebola/marburg shit. Also sharks, because I shark fish constantly at my beach house and I have immense respect for them, but if you wanna eat them that's fine.

So fuck yeah I would eat a dolphin. Unless you're a vegan, you're a complete hypocrite if you eat meat but judge others for eating another animal.

>> No.5124932
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That looks pretty tasty.

>> No.5124976

I'm a Microbio major and I think you're a fucking twat.
"A constantly moving tapestry that can be altered by a single death?" Go the fuck back to basic bio and stop jerking yourself off to bad sci-fi or hippie bullshit.

>> No.5125002

That kind of black and white thinking is not very well thought out. Creating absolute truths without backing it up is not furthering your argument. Not all animals are created equal, some are numerous with robust and healthy populations while others will suffer a major blow to their genetic variation by removing a member.

The japanese are not just killing dolphins, they're killing whales like sperm whales, sei whales, and fin whales. The last two are also endangered species so it makes no sense to kill them for human consumption.

Maybe if your last sentence specified dolphins instead of just any animal you would have a better point. Even then, the methods used for hunting these creatures is quite brutal and if someone feels they have a moral obligation to only eat the meat of animals that were raised and slaughtered in a way that matches their ethical beliefs how is it hypocritical for them to abstain from eating dolphins? I think you're too caught up in the idea of someone trying to force their opinion on you. Who said you should never eat dolphin meat? Most people have only said that they themselves wouldn't.

>> No.5125069

>reading comprehension
Not that guy but he clearly said if you judge others for eating dolphin while eating meat then you're a hypocrite. Bottlenose dolphins are not endangered at all, and while I agree their methods of slaughter are brutal, doesn't make an argument against eating dolphins, just improving their method of killing.

>> No.5125331

yes, I would like to eat dolphin so much that i convince myself that the pink meat in tuna cans is dolphin meat and tastes better
I'm not even trolling

>> No.5125456

I would not eat dolphin. I'm not a pussy about meat either, this whole process just seems unnecessarily cruel to me.

>> No.5125460

Except it does make exactly that argument. Unless the methods of slaughter are improved they won't eat it. It's not hypocritical.

>> No.5125489

I'll eat 'em.
Fuck 'em, no animal is safe from my fork.

>> No.5125500

Crueller than how we treat other mammals? No.

>> No.5125505

Anything not endangered is a go in my book.

Humans are not endangered

>> No.5125517


>> No.5125518

eat my black asshole u weeaboo chinese cartoon posting motherfucker

>> No.5125520


>> No.5125526


>> No.5125548

>Microbio major
>Thinks you can wipe out half the species on the planet and it's no big deal
Sorry, bachelor's degrees you buy off eBay don't count.

>> No.5128824

Look at the fucking Permian. MOST of life was wiped out, not just 50%, and although it had one hell of a recovery period, it still bounced back.
>fucking captcha

>> No.5128837

in a protected area these out in the wild these killer whales used to pull fisher mens boats out to see every day and then back to shore when they whales seen the fisher men start rowing the whales would grab ahold of a rope and pull the boat. the whales accepted man as a friend until one day some whalers showed up and slaughtered one of the whales on the beach. the whales stopped helping the locals.

>> No.5128839

>Look at the fucking Permian.
>dat argument

o god we have a wikipedia smart expert there, run for your life.

>> No.5128844

pros: they are vicious rapists and we need to get rid of rapists

>> No.5128889

I think you are missing the point. People aren't worried that life won't survive on this planet, they are worried about themselves and their future generations.

Yes, we all know bacteria and fungi will survive and something will come of them. This isn't being disputed.

>> No.5128909

Buddy of mine is a bit of a hunter/gatherer type

One day when he was out in boat he was shotting at some tern (sea bird, pretty tasty). Accidentally hit at god damned dolphin. Brought the boat over to it, dead as dead could be. Called fisheries resources to see if he had done anything horribly illegal. Apparently dolphins are so uncommon this far north that it does not really have anything on the books for if you kill one. Fuck it, he eats the damn thing. Said it was kinda fatty, but once you got to the core muscles it was really tight.

>> No.5129025

the mammal or the fish?

>> No.5130605

>Complex emotions
>Own languages
>and cultures
[Citation Needed]

>> No.5130640
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>Japanese getting rid of rapists

Oh the ironing.

>> No.5131755

Far better than this SHIT.


>> No.5131775


>> No.5131781

It's no worse than canucks bludgeoning baby seals

>> No.5131793

stoned homer is stoned

>> No.5131859

Not enough pictures, did not read.

>> No.5131989

[Ability to do a 10 second Google search needed]

>> No.5132360

>Unless you're a vegan, you're a complete hypocrite if you eat meat but judge others for eating another animal.

This. I wouldn't eat dolphin, cat, or dog, but I wouldn't judge those people differently that people eating pork or beef.

>> No.5132376

hiroshima and nagasaki was a good idea

sushi is overated

anime is low brow entertainment for the emotioally stunted

green tea tastes like piss

sumo wrestler are big babbys in diapers

>> No.5132407
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>"humane slaughter"

>> No.5132431

People who mindlessly shit on Japan are just as bad the ones who mindlessly praise Japan

>> No.5132488

A dolphin once saved me and my family from muggers.

>> No.5133137


but how? niggers can't swim

>> No.5133174

We do the world a service by keeping their numbers down. And it's a quick and painless death. One hit with a pickaxe to the head.

>> No.5133185
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>wow anon, you're so cool!

>> No.5133224

Slow boards are neat. This thread outlasted the dolphins.

>> No.5133650

>Same reason I want to try dog. I know so many dog lovers it's tiresome. I want to be that guy they know who actually eaten one.

What about those dog lovers who also wouldn't mind eating dog? What then, anon?

Never mind, I'll tell you: then, you're fucked. That's what then.

>> No.5133657

Cons for eating humans:
- sets a precedent that it's okay to kill and eat one another. Next thing you know you'll be someone's dinner.

We draw the line at humans because not doing so would be like putting fifty bullets in the head of society. Having rules like "don't eat other people" is really fucking useful if we want to live in a world where we don't have to continuously fight off people who want to kill us.

>> No.5133677

Presumably the difference is that in the first case, the rest of the 200 fishermen who aren't in the group that killed 200 dolphins, are free to go and start their own little groups, and each kill 200 dolphins. Meaning in total you have far more dolphins being killed than you would otherwise, which may well fuck over the ecosystem.

'Slaughter' is definitely a dumb way to phrase it, but I get the guy's point. It's just about sheer numbers is all.

>> No.5133731


The cons are that dolphins are sentient animals, and relatively highly intelligent.

Its a matter of being able to appreciate the ell being of those other than yourself. There doesn't have to be reciprocity.


The japanese and everyone else for that matter should be relying primarily on farm-raised stock because depleting fisheries is going to cause the ocean ecosystem to collapse.
They're also hunting endangered whale species with cover support from their government.

They're very clearly not protecting anything but their bottom line.


Its a double standard but that can't be used as a justification.
Congratulations, you're not a hypocrite, and another species has been added to the menu. Good work, what's really important is how you feel about yourself, not limiting the number of sentient creatures you approve of slaughtering.

Its amazing the intellectual acrobatics some people will do to avoid admitting when they're wrong.

Sorry, but east asian cultures seem to be handicapped with respect to appreciating the suffering of other sentient creatures. Of course, western culture is only a shade better in this respect. There are many very good east asians but in general they need reform here.

>> No.5133787

You're still not making an argument for not eating dolphins. And bottlenose dolphins are not endangered, they're probably one of the most prolific out of the Delphinidae family out there. 200 dolphins a year is nothing compared to the billions of animals raised and eaten every year.

>> No.5133804

> You're still not making an argument for not eating dolphins. And bottlenose dolphins are not endangered, they're probably one of the most prolific out of the Delphinidae family out there. 200 dolphins a year is nothing compared to the billions of animals raised and eaten every year.

So its Ok because it happens to other animals?
Its not OK whether it happens to pigs or dolphins, unless you can regulate that only those died of natural causes are used (lol).
Citing a double standard doesn't make it any more acceptable. You're providing the meat industry with the opportunity to grow into a new market. Its a step backward to accept another intelligent and sentient species as food.

>> No.5133842
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>> No.5133849

It's okay if the animal is tasty. You haven't tried dolphin, so don't tell me it's wrong.

>> No.5134042

I'd eat it if it was free.
I'd try it if it was cheap.
I'd keep eating it if it was tasty.

>> No.5134053

So you missed the whole part about dolphins bioaccumulating mercury and other toxins throughout this thread?

>> No.5134065

That's an argument against eating dolphins for health. It's not an argument against eating dolphins.

>> No.5136019

Not wanting deadly mercury poisoning is a pretty good reason not to eat an animal.

>> No.5136046


You must eat dolphin on the regular, because only someone with mercury poisoning would say something this stupid.

>> No.5136054

>Japan does stupid shit because "muh curtaru"

More at 11.

>> No.5136058

>Mahi-Mahi is a fish, proper dolphins are mammals. They names can get confused because the name of the Mahi Mahi in Portugese is Dorado, aka "dolphin fish", but they are completely different animals.

Mahi-mahi is the hawaiian name, something restaurants adopted on menus because they were sick of ignorant diners asking the big question about if the restaurant was serving flipper tonight. This practice caught on. Consequently, there is an entire generation of ignoramuses who equate the name mahimahi as the name for dolphin. There are two types of dolphin. a delicious fish and also a mammal, similar and sometimes equal to porpoises. It's fine to call any animal by the latin scientific name, if you want, but fish have a lot of notorious local names, mainly because fisherman can be uneducated and call it what their fathers called it and so on. Names vary sidely.

But, dolphinfish was a Canadian manufactured name for the dolphin, and someone at some point added it to an official scientific listing not even 15 years ago. It's stupid. You should find it stupid too, but it's apparently official now.

In the meantime, go ahead and call either "dolphin" because it's correct. You don't need to be politically correct if you are simply correct in the first place. We don't call the trigger fish numunumunukunukuapua'a, do we? No need to call the dolphin as mahimahi, either. If you aren't a Hawaiian or ordering off a menu in Hawaii, that is. Dolphin would work there too, btw.

>> No.5136060

How quickly everyone forgets that a US military person inspired Japan to even whale/dolphin hunt in the first place, post WWII.

"They'll be great for food", he said... "Won't have to worry about finding meat now," he said... how quickly we forget.

"General Douglas MacArthur encouraged the surrendered Japan to continue whaling in order to provide a cheap source of meat to starving people (and millions of dollars in oil for the USA and Europe).[34][35] The Japanese whaling industry quickly recovered as MacArthur authorized two tankers, converted into factory ships (Hashidate Maru and Nisshin Maru), with whale catchers to once again take blue whales, fins, humpbacks and sperm whales in the Antarctic and elsewhere.[34]" (wiki)

>> No.5136063

Poor people ate dogs and rats during the Great Depression because they were starving. Doesn't mean they continued the practice after the Depression ended.

>> No.5136075

But both of those animals are rather tiny. And probably have inconsequential amounts of meat.

Frankly, I'm not defending whaling: I'm just gonna point out that until pretty damn recent history, no one understood the true effects of overfishing. Or the intelligence level of these animals.

>> No.5136080

>Dolphins are incredibly intelligent mammals with complex emotions, and their own languages and cultures.
Not a real con...

>Dolphin meat is high in poisonous mercury.
Eat EDTA...

>It tastes like shit
I don't think so, most people say it tastes like pig.

Pros: it's meat.

>> No.5136093

Don't also forget that Japan attacked the US in the first place because we were blockading their access to food. We took a side with our ally at the time against Japan....and their starvation began with inability to trade freely by sea.

>Poor people ate dogs and rats during the Great Depression because they were starving. Doesn't mean they continued the practice after the Depression ended.
This. And horsemeat saved starving Europe until the Pope frowned upon it, and it went out of practice, and it's the actual reason some protestant acceptance formed, as whole countries left Rome in favor of a splinter church which didn't forbade horsemeat.

>> No.5136098

People still eat horse meat.

>> No.5136109
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>dolphin slaughter thread
>neckbeards complaining about WW2 again

Can we give this shit a rest? That shit was like 100 years ago. If you want to shoot brown people, lose some weight and try to get accepted into the Army. You might actually have a chance.

>> No.5136132

>Dolphin meat is high in poisonous mercury.
>Eat EDTA..
lol no

>> No.5136133

>muh curtaru
Please tell me this wasn't an attempt at saying "culture" in a Japanese accent.

>> No.5136140

dolphin meat only has one con and it's the deadly levels of mercury.

Were it not for the mercury, I would be interested in trying it at least once, and if I enjoyed it I would have no reservations over eating it regularly.

pigs are incredibly intelligent mammals too, and we eat them without a second thought, so I don't see how that's a drawback.

>> No.5136157

>Mahi-Mahi is a fish, proper dolphins are mammals. They names can get confused because the name of the Mahi Mahi in Portugese is Dorado, aka "dolphin fish",
"Portuguese". "Dourado". And it means "golden". "Dolphin fish" would be "peixe golfinho".

If you eat margarine, you're already eating it.

>> No.5136161

>If you eat margarine
Why would you think this? I'm not a housewife in the 1980's.

>> No.5136168

Margarine? EDTA.
White bottle "mayo"? EDTA.
Yoghurt? EDTA.

>> No.5136175

Sorry, not everyone eats shitty quality processed foods.

And if you think consuming EDTA to counteract eating mercury-rich dolphin meat makes sense you are just retarded.

But I think you are probably a typical undergrad smartass who eats fast food and thinks he is an apex predator. Real edgy bro, real edgy.

Why are you even on /ck/? Waiting for the newest fast food thread?

>> No.5136188

>Sorry, not everyone eats shitty quality processed foods.
If you don't eat those things, my guess are that you
1. Produce everything at home. How did you get internet in your farm, redneck?
2. Eat just ramen and eggs and bacon. Then you're most probably food illiterate (as most /ck/).

By the way, EDTA is in those things to sequester calcium, not to counteract poisoning. But it happens to counteract mercury poisoning too.

>> No.5136195

That's a funny way to troll people. Call it dolphin fish instead of mahi-mahi at restaurants and watch how offended people get.

>> No.5136205

where in montreal?

>> No.5136206

>But I think

>you are probably a typical undergrad smartass who eats fast food and thinks he is an apex predator. Real edgy bro, real edgy.
Also wrong. Last time I ate fast food was six years ago or so.

Try again.

>> No.5136226

>pigs are incredibly intelligent mammals too, and we eat them without a second thought, so I don't see how that's a drawback.
Factory farming pigs is inhumane, but just because we do one messed up thing for food doesn't mean we should make it a free for all and go start farming apes for big macs and making dolphin fillets.

>> No.5136240

>Call it dolphin fish
Just call it dolphin, not dolphin fish, it's dolphin It's correct without the disclaimer. If they're confused, it is time they were enlightened. What's offensive? You aren't swapping mammal for it.

>> No.5136290

>vegetarian/vegan detected
>opinion discarded

Seriously, though. Industrialized slaughter houses are necessary to keep up with demand, and as nice as it would be for every farm raised pig to have a little twin-sized bed in a green meadow on a tropical island, it's just not practical.

>> No.5136327

looks like a school massacre, the overgrown man caught wanking depleted over the freshly stiffed meat

>> No.5136328

Then you're saying we should treat pigs more humanely? Then you're not against eating dolphin, you're just against the inhumane method of their slaughter. Why not just petition the fishermen to kill them more swiftly?

>> No.5136421

>Why not just petition the fishermen to kill them more swiftly?
While you're at it petition the American meat corporations like Tyson to treat livestock more nicely. Problem is money is the only bottom line for these industries, and better conditions and lives for animals = less money for the industry.

>> No.5136693

Why are they hunting dolphins on a sea of kool-aid?

>> No.5137318

Dolphin blood: Secret ingredient in Kool-Aid. Now you know how the Kool-Aid man gets his powers.

>> No.5137539

>highly intelligent
sure is 1970's in here. Most of the claims that they were intelligent come from the fact they they have large brains; its a shame that 70% or so of that brain is just padding in insulation. As for the languages and what not; proof? monkeys have complex hierarchy and understand the concept of money as well as communication...when has a dolphin ever shown signs of this with out being lead or trained?

>> No.5137547

because humans are factory's designed to house STD's and other illnesses.

>> No.5137713

I wouldn't say monkey understand the concept of money when all we did was teach them. You can also teach corvids how to use money. I don't know if it has been tried with dolphins but it's a pretty simple reward thing not unsimilar to how dogs obey command because they get rewarded.

>> No.5138381

>with out being lead or trained?
You mean like how humans are worthless without being taught by society? How to tie your own shoes, how to read and write, we're taught everything. Or we piggyback off the knowledge that has slowly been accumulated through thousands of years.

Ask yourself: What have you, personally, learned or contributed to mankind that wasn't based on the knowledge or work of others? Less than even a dolphin, likely.

>> No.5138393

STD's what?

>> No.5138426

>when has a dolphin ever shown signs of this with out being lead or trained?

Do you actually think that humans would "understand the concept of money as well as communication" without being lead or trained, you worthless piece of shit?

>> No.5138463

>A kid kicking my seat at a movie theatre deserves to be fried

Move to another seat. It's always hilarious when animal rights activists display their true savagery to their own kind.

>> No.5138487

I ate whale sashimi when I was in japan. It's fucking nasty and I imagine dolphin is too. It should be outlawed for that reason alone.

>> No.5138502

Wanting to eat doughebag children = animal activist?


>> No.5138515

Who cares? Their just fish.

>> No.5138931

>People who don't know the difference between "their" and "they are"
Sorry, dolphins are higher up than you on evolutionary chain. I don't suggest going to Japan, you might get eaten.

>> No.5138934

>hook, line, and sinker

>> No.5139106
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I go back and forth to Tokyo for work. Dolphin is fun to try, wouldn't bother eating it again - fatty and honestly no redeeming taste to it. Tried it just so I could say I did.

>> No.5139129

>contributes in savage killing just to tell people about it
>wonders why single

>> No.5139165

Meh, I'd try it.

Probably wouldn't eat a lot of it cuz of the mercury.

We kill cows, pigs, and chickens by the millions and possibly billions, I'm not gonna cry over some dolphins

>> No.5139166
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>People will tell you Chicago pizza is delicious, but they're wrong, too.

Chicago pizza is good.

>> No.5139172

>possibly billions
America alone kills 10 billion farm animals annually. Kinda' disgusting when you think about it the scale of it.

>> No.5139175
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>> No.5139176

It's disgusting when you think of the waste of that meat and, subsequently, the lives.

If people didn't throw out or waste so much food that number could be 5 billion.

>> No.5139177

> Kinda disgusting
Not really

>> No.5139239


Dolphins are not endangered and the Whales the Japanese hunt are actually a threat to eco-systems

>> No.5139251

>the Whales the Japanese hunt are actually a threat to eco-systems
lol no

>> No.5139384

Pretty sure fishermen that are overfishing the fuck out of the oceans, so much that the entire world's fisheries are set to collapse in the next 30 years, are way more of a threat to ecosystem.

Roast fisherman anyone?

>> No.5140107

wow whales a threat to the eco system?

lmao you captain one of those whale ships dont you?

>> No.5140141

>People will tell you eggplant or mushrooms taste like shit, but they're wrong

I've tried over a dozen recipes, and I've still never been able to transmute eggplant into edible food.

I'm even using locally-grown fresh eggplant.

What the hell do I have to DO to make eggplant taste good?

>> No.5140154

It isnt possible.

>> No.5140166

a) ratatouille is famous for a reason

b)babaganoush ditto

c) fritters
slice them 1/4" thick, batter them with egg and seasoned breadcrumbs, fry in VERY HOT olive oil

and bake off in a 375f oven for 15 minutes after ward. if they are not crispy, light, buttery soft inside and orgamsic, kill yourself, you can not cook.
d) the holy of holies, eggplant parm:

for god tier, perform as above, then layer the eggplant 2 deep in a glass dish, covering each slice with a 1/16" slice mozzerella cheese and plenty of grated parmesan and covering all in homemade red sauce. top with more moz, parm and fresh basil sprigs and oil, ala pizza, and bake off for about 35-45 minutes at 375 or until bubbling and browning.

if you that doesn't turn you on to eggplant, suicide is always an option.

>> No.5140168

>People will tell you Chicago pizza is delicious, but they're wrong, too


>> No.5140175

No it's true, you have to keep fur seal population down for the same reason In Canada. Fat shits eat everything so there's nothing left for people and economy.

>> No.5140178

Fuck Dolphins. They get to live their entire lives as free animals and only have to go through a few seconds of suckiness in order to get their delicious meat on our plate. What is the issue?

>errrrrmehhhgerdddd I see the BLOOD in the water where tehy are KILLED. DOLPHIN HUNTING IS INHUMANE!@

>> No.5140582

The Japanese stab them repeatedly until they die from shock and blood loss. There is not even an attempt at giving them a quick, painless death.

>> No.5140593

>He actually believes that

That would ruin A LOT of meat.

>> No.5140611

>Caring about how dolphins are killed in JAPAN

People never stop finding something to bitch about.

>> No.5140651

E-mail your suggestions to the fishermen of Taiji. There is video documentation of their killing methods, which they try extremely hard to hide from the public. Watch The Cove

>> No.5140688
File: 165 KB, 359x258, MOYUFACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your gaijin domain is blocked from sending mail to glorious nippon

>> No.5140702

You're a fucking idiot. Cows and chickens are dumbfuck worthless animals that we breed just eat.

>> No.5140705

Go ahead and eat humans then, retard. No ones stopping you

>> No.5140708

except the police

>> No.5140724

They don't stop you, they just catch you afterwards

>> No.5140727

Unless you eat them

>> No.5140732

The doughnuts make their flesh too sugary.

>> No.5140846

fukishima is leaking hundreds of tones of radiated water every day since 2011.
therefore dolphins would be toxic to eat, along with any other fish sorround japan or east of japan. READ NIGGERS

>> No.5140850


They'd be toxic anyways. They have huge levels of mercury in them thanks to coal burning.

>> No.5141440

>Dolphins swim around minding their own business
>Legal to brutally kill and eat
>Humans are mostly assholes
>You'll go to jail for life and get butt-raped if you eat them.

Double standards guys.

>> No.5141446
File: 201 KB, 1500x1154, loving-mother-cow-and-calf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly you've never spent any time with cows or chickens. They are both clever animals with individual personalities and emotions. Cows are especially awesome. Check out a video of them jumping for joy after being rescued from a dairy farm.


>> No.5141843

Chickens are absolute retards. If you let them out, they'd be too stupid to run away. As for cows, they wouldn't even exist anymore if we didn't eat them.

>> No.5141869

The levels of radiation in them is negligible.


>> No.5141873

Lel, there even was one chicken surviving his head almost entirely chopped off, it's behaviour didn't even change.

Chicken sure is stupid.

>> No.5141935


But yes, some animals are so damned dumb they function hours after death for no reason. I've literally beheaded, gutted, skinned, taken the fore-arms off of, and then stuffed frogs with a delicious pork and peanut mix. The horrifically non-living food entity will sometimes roll over, sit up straight, and attempt to jump (forearm is missing, it fails).

>> No.5141950

>Chickens are absolute retards
No way. Chickens are badasses. Extremely courageous animals too, no idea how chicken came to meat coward.

>> No.5141953

Explain why you think chickens are courageous badasses.

>> No.5141956
File: 613 KB, 120x113, nasty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I've literally beheaded, gutted, skinned, taken the fore-arms off of, and then stuffed frogs with a delicious pork and peanut mix. The horrifically non-living food entity will sometimes roll over, sit up straight, and attempt to jump (forearm is missing, it fails).

And you want to eat that shit?

>> No.5141959

LOL just like a tree

>> No.5141963


>but I don't see their deaths for human sustenance as a great loss.

If only their deaths were actually for human sustenance. There's a million better options for food, cows are bred and slaughtered mostly just to make fat people fatter.

>> No.5142084

Have you never been around a male chicken? They will protect their own to the death. Could be a T-Rex attacking, doesn't matter, the chicken will try their best to fuck that dinosaur up.

I respect that level of bravery and self-sacrifice for their loved ones.

>> No.5142147

I fucking hate dolphins hate their guts they rape en do incest and they are not to be trusted just like jews and furthermore they have a lot of mercury in their meat because they are high in the food chain. >Would fucking love to kill them but not eat them.

>> No.5142156

Dolphins are cruel animals. They had it coming.

>> No.5142173

...so you would love to kill people too?

>> No.5142179

I'm Faroese. I've eaten pilot whale plenty of times. People claim it tastes similar to dolphin. Whale is delicious, so I don't see why not.

>> No.5142183

I'm always down for trying new foods. It's crazy to think that such a large majority of the meat we eat is just chicken, beef, and pork. And then there are the slightly less omnipresent stuff like turkey, lamb, and all the various seafood.

But there's so much "exotic" (at least for my stereotypical american tastes) stuff I haven't eaten. Ostrich, alligator, turtle, goat, whatever. I'd eat the shit out of these fuckers if given the chance. Same goes for dolphin.

>> No.5142189

Damn that looks like the perfect time to kill one, those endorphins, that euforia! I'd really like to eat a happy cow like one of them.
Fuck dolphins fuck them in the blowhole, but as you know some glorious anons are already murdering dolphins in the gulf of mexico

>> No.5142190
File: 43 KB, 480x640, deadinside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this ?

>> No.5142191

I wonder if dinosaurs tasted like poultry, given their relation to each other.

>> No.5142246

Dolphin is great. Used to have it all the time as a kid in Jamaica. When my ex and I went to Japan for a year for work I had it lots there too. On a side note, down at Rocky Point in Jamaica where we used to get it lots of Jap tourists whichwas fun. Most of the tourist stuff is on the north coast so if they made it to Rpcky in Clarndon then they mae that trip specifically.

>> No.5142366

Can you describe the flavor/smell/texture?

>> No.5142540

>I'm Faroese.
Are those the tards who kill whales as a rites of passage?

>> No.5142545

There is something there. It is aware that it feels dead inside.

>> No.5142558

I have already eaten dolphin
it's nothing to write home about, think fishy old stringy goose
so, I wouldn't eat them because they taste like meh wrapped in cardboard and dunked in fish oil
did I mention I hate their taste?
they can be sentient all they want, IDGAF until the day one of them shows at the embassy and demands to be registered as a citizen
THEN I will care about their "rights"

>> No.5142855

No one can really be this stupid.

...please tell me no one is actually this stupid.

>> No.5142880

If you're happy to leave them alone in the wild, in full knowledge that all of them will eventually be savaged by sharks, starve to death, gangraped by other dolphins, and so forth, then I don't really see how you can complain about people eating them.

>> No.5142889


>> No.5142923


>> No.5143013

I hope you don't believe that silly chain mail, and actually realize that the Faroese don't hunt for a rite of passage. They eat that meat, and anyone can hunt, not just teenage males.

>> No.5143056

Doesn't really make it any better. They're still senselessly and brutally killing whales.

>> No.5143212

Same thing is true for eating cows, pigs, and chickens. All of it is senseless and brutal...but it was less than 100 years ago that people thought it was fun to go around lynching others, so might be a few centuries too early for people to treat other species decently. Vegans are ahead of their time.

>> No.5143244

And what are you going to do when animals don't treat each other decently? Are you going to keep all predators away from their prey and feed them artificial meat to keep them alive?

>> No.5143476

That's impractical. Lots of horrible things go on in the wild, no question about it, but a lion doesn't have the choice between eating a zebra or going with some Indian food instead. We do, and can easily choose food options that involve less suffering, and less damage to the environment.

>> No.5143586
File: 113 KB, 614x476, dolphin rape cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont really get why people like dolphins so much in the first place

>> No.5143622


Animals partake in cannibalism and rape. Does this justify eating your fellow man and raping any woman you fancy? The argument of "well those other guys are doing it, so I wanna do it too" isn't a very adult way of looking at things.

>> No.5143628

This is why we should destroy dolphins. We have a blood libel against them.

>> No.5143704

>It tastes like shit

Wow, so not biased OP.

Because of you I now want to throw a live dolphin on coals,and have have a dolphin roast.