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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 166 KB, 1372x1059, pizza fork knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5135071 No.5135071[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, apparently there's some sort of stigma attached to eating pizza with a fork and a knife? When did that happen?

>> No.5135080

when Jewyork started making flat-ass fake pizza with zero taste or class in an attempt to make it into a high volume low quality McPizza street food,

>> No.5135081

When they invented pizza.

It's fucking PIZZA.

>> No.5135083

When people started to think it was funny to pretend to hold strong beliefs about things that really no one cares about.

Seriously, I couldn't care less about how you eat your pizza.

>> No.5135084

Blame John Stewart.

>> No.5135091

Stop trying to stir up shit, retard. It's been a nice morning so far

>> No.5135095


Have people actually been shitposting about this? What the fuck did I miss?

>> No.5135096

Because the crust is there to hold you stupid fuck.

>> No.5135107

>I learn about regional differences from bad jokes on late night TV

I feel sorry for you

>> No.5135110


That's like saying you should eat a T-Bone with your hand because the bone is there to hold.

A good pizza's crust will not be hard enough to not just bend under the weight of the toppings. If it can, either your crust is total shit or the cook was really fucking cheap with toppings, especially cheese.

>> No.5135113

That's a retarded comparison.
The crust is literally put there to hold with your hand the bone in a T-bone isn't.
Jesus you're a fucking dumb shit.

>> No.5135117
File: 79 KB, 500x375, 45454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pizza isn't some kind of Cornish pansy-faggot and the damn crust isn't a fucking handle. I'd like to see your low breed ass try to eat this without a fork and knife

>> No.5135119

It's nothing like that you fucking mong. A steak is 100% meat, pizza has a breading. Do you eat your fucking sandwiches with a knife and fork?

How fucking dense can you be?

>> No.5135121


The crust is there as a surface to hold the toppings. If your pizza is especially shitty, it'll certainly work as a makeshift plate.

>> No.5135122



greeting fellow chifag, I completely agree.

>> No.5135123

That looks disgusting as fuck.

>> No.5135125


I eat sandwiches with a knife and fork if they're covered in gravy, as an example.

>> No.5135128


Not even a chifag, just a french canadian who doesn't get all his pizzas from Pizza Hut and Domino's or "5$ A PIZZA" places.


That's what a good pizza looks like. A fuckton of cheese, toppings everywhere, thick sauce. The guy who posted that is a man of taste.

>> No.5135129
File: 850 KB, 2000x1331, makes bitchz wet .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shut your whore mouth

>> No.5135133


>> No.5135135

Why are New Yorkers and Chicagofags so autistic? As an outsider I'd like to try both types, they both look tasty to me.

>> No.5135136
File: 236 KB, 348x321, good pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is what some tasty pizza should look like.

>> No.5135138

>french canadian

Vous pénis sucer faux, putain de chicago prétendant. Je pourrais être d'accord avec votre philosophie de pizza mais je ne vais pas tolérer votre froggy faggotry.

>> No.5135140
File: 153 KB, 980x420, realpizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is real pizza that'sfucking tomato sauce on bread

>> No.5135141

Did I ask if you ate sandwiches covered in gravy with a fork/knife?

>> No.5135145


That made no sense whatsoever.

>> No.5135146

Pic unrelated

>> No.5135147


Chicagofags more than New Yorkers. In New York we have a wide variety of pizza, it's not all just grimaldi's and difara. I eat neapolitan just as much as I eat new york style. Chicago has little to be proud of so they tend to be loudmouthed about stuff that doesn't really register on anyone's radar outside chicago, like italian beef and deep dish pizza.

>> No.5135149


You asked me if I ate sandwiches with a fork and a knife. I explained to you that if sandwiches are messy enough, I'll do it.

There is no such thing as a good pizza which can be eaten with your hands without making a fucking mess.

>> No.5135155


clairement que vous n'avez même pas parler français, vous coq soufflant lâche

>> No.5135157

Chicago pls go

>> No.5135151

It just makes no sense to me, I guess. It's like comparing apples and oranges, both places are bound to be different. The rivalry just goes way over any head.

>> No.5135158
File: 79 KB, 630x623, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking thread sure brought all the trolls out

>> No.5135159

I've been finding myself doing this more and more. Especially with places that have a mini pizza cutter instead of a knife.

>> No.5135161


It's an imagined rivalry, like linux vs. windows. No one who is serious about food actually thinks they're in the same category

>> No.5135164


WTF papa john's

>> No.5135167
File: 28 KB, 400x300, PizzaHut5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bullshit. It's exactly what a perfect pizza should look like. Look at that cheese. Look at all the topping both under and over it. Look at that crust. And having tried pizza from that place, the picture doesn't do justice to the sauce.

What, you think THIS is pizza? A thin hard crust with an even thinner layer of cheese, sauce and toppings, slathered in grease? It's pizza in the same way that what Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus do is music.

>> No.5135169

>That's what a good pizza looks like. A fuckton of cheese, toppings everywhere, thick sauce.

>actually thinking that this is what makes a good pizza

>> No.5135172


If only.

>> No.5135173


Never tried Papa John's, we don't have that chain over here.

>> No.5135174


jewyork get in my oven

>> No.5135178


It's not, but it's certainly a part of it. A piece of carboard with a thin film of sauce, so little cheese it can barely cover the whole bread and a few toppings sprinkled here and there will never be a pizza.

>> No.5135179


sorry plastic cheese dominoes no insult intended

>> No.5135181
File: 91 KB, 640x932, 1358067272107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I flip the pizza over and eat it crust up. Like God intended.

>> No.5135185
File: 56 KB, 508x381, 666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back the truck up...real pizza coming through

>> No.5135188


As tasty as it looks, I'm fairly certain I'd be tasting it twice.

>> No.5135190

The horror....

>> No.5135192
File: 63 KB, 400x301, stuffed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


clearly this fggt is talking about chicago style, stuffed deep dish with crust on both sides.

>> No.5135194

Chicago pizza is seriously not a pizza. It's a casserole.

>> No.5135195

So, who puts pineapples on their pizza?

>> No.5135199


Hawaiians? they call it "my ia wanna lay'ya"

>> No.5135201


You eat it upside down so the cheese and sauce touch your tongue first instead of the bread.

>> No.5135206
File: 2.00 MB, 460x306, nope_girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Nope, there's no canned mushroom soup

>> No.5135208


I put the pizza on my pineapple.

>> No.5135213


pig disgusting

>> No.5135216
File: 1.05 MB, 2700x1809, Supreme_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5135218

Too much cheese, undercooked cheese, grease has pooled and dough is still uncooked in the middle

>> No.5135224


Can we all agree that Pizza Hut, Domino's and Papa John's make shitty pizza?

>> No.5135229

I enjoy stuffed crust, I'm not going to lie.

>> No.5135237


That is the one and only saving grace of Pizza Hut.

>> No.5135250
File: 62 KB, 400x267, dominospizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a thing for Domino's thin crust. I can't explain it. It calls to me.

>> No.5135252

where's the tomato?

>> No.5135253


Domino's is great at everything BUT pizza. Their bread is great, their chicken is great, their fucking volcano chocolate cakes are great... But their pizza is god awful. I just don't get it.

>> No.5135257


Trust me, if you were to cut into it or take a bite, you'd see it. There's just so much cheese on that pizza that when you cut it while it's still hot, it quickly just melts into the place and covers the cut.

>> No.5135266

They should be, turning those bloody fat cakes to actual pizza's.

>> No.5135280

There is a very big difference between that, and "a fuckton of cheese, toppings everywhere, thick sauce".

The key is good quality ingredients in reasonable quantity, not just covering it in a "fuckton of cheese"

>> No.5135305
File: 54 KB, 423x281, Deep-Dish-Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do you even understand what pizza is?

>> No.5135375


I always eat pizza with a knife and fork.

>> No.5135395
File: 33 KB, 580x435, 1369095880167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying deep dish isn't just a toilet of sub-par "pasta sauce"

>> No.5135397


You take two T-bones (after eating the steak) and you can double wield those motherfuckers in your hands with the pointy end sticking between your forefinger and middle finger and the crossbar "T" in your palm and you can rekt some shit up.

No motherfucker is gonna come at you while you're double wielding T-bone bones. Of course he might be using a big hambone for a club but you should still have the edge on him because you've put points into double wielding.

You'll just laugh at the poor fag who takes roundsteak bones and puts them on his fingers for a cheap knuckleduster, too.

>> No.5135404

>There is no such thing as a good pizza which can be eaten with your hands without making a fucking mess.

u wot?
>hold crust
>eat pizza while continuing to hold crust
>eat crust
it's not that hard pal

>> No.5135405

That piece of cardboard and cheese looks pretty bad.

>> No.5135418
File: 90 KB, 750x325, impellizzeris-pizza1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this earlier.

How did I do, /ck/?

>> No.5135421


You're not missing anything. It's for drooling poor fags made with cardboard crust and rubber cheese.

>> No.5135424
File: 257 KB, 960x720, 6815037532_4641629634_b_d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating poutine-pizza


>> No.5135425

But still, 5/10 can't see anything but cheese

>> No.5135437

Dude, how are you patient enough to explain yourself like that, yet still haven't realized he isn't even reading your posts and just wants someone to shout about pizza at?

>> No.5135445


did you just add a bunch of shit to a tombstone?

>> No.5135447


i.i read his post, but I still don't understand

>> No.5135450


>> No.5135476

Judging from the picture you posted, you sure don't.

>> No.5135482

It's a fucking mess.

>> No.5135496
File: 584 KB, 648x558, burger-king-party-set[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5135541

Onion rigns are pretty good.

>> No.5135552
File: 44 KB, 300x300, 1380390023393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not having your really gay asian sex slave feed you mouth-to-mouth as he plays with your nipples

>> No.5135615

If you're already that much of a raging faggot you may as well just use the knife and fork.

>> No.5135639

if you can't eat a slice of pizza with your bare hands without making a mess, you put way too much cheese and sauce on it.

>> No.5135642
File: 18 KB, 450x450, ohsnap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh snap!

>> No.5135651

>people get grossed out when you make a mess
>laugh when you eat pizza with a knife and fork to not gross them out

Check yourselves. There is no way to eat pizza with your hands in a clean way.

>> No.5135656

Um you could not be a fucking slob.

>> No.5135698


Pizza never had class. It's poor people food made with leftover ingredients.

>> No.5135957

Not in the fucking 21st century you spastic twat.

>> No.5135979

Now it's fast food

>> No.5136005

hold the crust? unless you got some sort of stuffed crust or cheesy crust thing I dont see how you can make a mess that way

ive never really thought of pizza as a messy thing

>> No.5136015

Bring the two crust ends together, eat folded slice
Fork and knife

14/88 God save the deep dish master race.

>> No.5136021

>When did that happen?

>> No.5136030

can i get a hot dog crust whaaaaa

>> No.5136033

Am I falling for a ruse or are there actually messy fucks in this thread who can't do something as simple as eat pizza without destroying their shirt?

>> No.5136035

double standards. may aswell eat burgers and sandwiches with for and knife.

>> No.5136036

Nigga why would you ever eat pizza with a fork?

>> No.5136040

What the fuck is that?

>> No.5136048
File: 35 KB, 224x207, plebface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares.

Delete the thread.

>> No.5136477

I take my shirt off before I eat pizza. Disaster avoided.

>> No.5136500

>implying that is even pizza

I've taken shits that looked more impressive than that slop.

>> No.5136508

I eat pizza with a knife and fork occasionally, but that's because I'm slightly OCD when it comes to getting shit on my hands because I always assume I'm going to accidentally rub it in my eyes.

>> No.5136518

From the looks of it, there could be somewhere in that mass of shit, and no one would know one way or another.

>> No.5136524
File: 271 KB, 1031x900, realpizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back dah fuck up,
Actual, real pizza moving in,

>> No.5136546

Is that some sort of savory cake?

>> No.5136674

It's like eating a hot dog with a fork and knife. It's like eating an ice cream cone with a fork and knife. It's like eating tater tots with a fork and knife.

>> No.5136686

You would need a fucking ladle to eat that.

>> No.5136712

i loled, I was about to post the same reply

>> No.5136944

Yes, sometimes.

I eat pizza and other finger foods with utensils when wearing nice clothing, because I work hard for the things I own and I want them to last a long time without looking like I've dropped fucking pizza all over them.

>> No.5137106
File: 13 KB, 500x237, scissors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So - am I weird? Pic related.

>> No.5137114

My friend cuts frozen pizzas with those orange handled office scissors, I'm hardly autistic but it drives me insane. He has a pizza cutter but doesn't use it.

>> No.5137117

I cut the slices normally with a pizza cutter. I cut my slice up into bites with scissors.

>> No.5137120

You're retarded.

>> No.5137126

I just use kitchen sheers. I'm not sure I know what you mean by
>those orange handled office scissors

>> No.5137127

>not eating your snickers with a fork and knife

>> No.5137135
File: 4 KB, 320x152, scissors orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those orange handled office scissors

>> No.5137249

>I learn about food and how to cook properly from an anime image board on the internet

I feel sorry for you

>> No.5137267

>>5137135 >>5137114
That's a bit strange but it's practical unlike a pizza cutter. The only place that should have a pizza cutter is a pizza place. Otherwise it's a 1 use tool that's awkward to clean and usualyl doesn't do as good a job as a knife.

>> No.5137278

>implying it's not good on raw dough

>> No.5137290


It's great for pasta and dumplings too. Especially if you're autistic about knife care and don't want to bother your precious steel kittens

>> No.5138298

Scissors are the superior pizza cutting tool.

>> No.5138300

I have a friend that does this.

He also cuts large chip bags in half when they are almost finished so that he doesn't have to stick his arm in the bag. I've adopted this trick.

>> No.5138309

>not dumping the chips into a large bowl and eating them with chopsticks

Greasy filthy fingertips detected. Enjoy your shared germ bag.

>> No.5138317

I wash my hands after and am not worried about the normal skin microbiota.

>> No.5138332

>eating chips with chopsticks

you sound like the most anally retentive person ever

>> No.5138334

>washing my hands is hard

>> No.5138511

>What the fuck is that?
Chicago-style quiche. For some reason, they think it's a pizza. Or maybe they're just master-grade trolling the rest of the USA.

>> No.5138531


don't listen to these fggts, that looks delicious

>> No.5138537

>implying you leave the desk to go wash your hands
>implying you don't smear all that gunky shit on your clothing.

>> No.5138541


lolno, it's like everything else, merica' just takes what the rest of the world has and makes it better

>> No.5138545

i can google translate too, shitbeard

>> No.5138580

kebec pls go

go eat at chez Ashton svp

>> No.5138872
File: 126 KB, 800x600, pizza-cartoccio1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you all in this thread it's like none of you have ever opened a real italian cookbook
Fucking eurospics call a pizza everything from a flat napolitana to deep covered pie things, the only thing that's common to them all and that distinguishes them from other pastries is that the dough does not have egg or grease in it, fuck in italy a fucking calzone is just a pizza
I think that all pizza should be eaten like in naples, single serving, folded in quarters and stuffed in a wax paper like a sandwich.
pick fucking related

>> No.5138904

>does not have egg or grease in it, fuck in italy a fucking calzone is just a pizza
>I think that all pizza should be eaten like in naples, single serving, folded in quarters and stuffed in a wax paper like a sandwich.
>pick fucking relate

Your autism is showing.

>> No.5139252

Pizza etiquette goes far beyond your silly decadent Chicago vs New York revolting pizza conflict.

>> No.5140206

I use knife and fork because I don't want to ruin my clothes. That and I have terrible teeth genetics. I have to be very careful with how I bite.

If not for these factors I would definitely eat it "properly".

>> No.5141561

>Not understanding that the sauce has to be put on top because the cheese would burn

>> No.5141759
File: 45 KB, 250x250, 1390097525842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons posting all these quiches in a pizza thread

>> No.5141784

Look at this jew.

>> No.5141808

holy shit im going to go do this

>> No.5141882

It'd be pretty easy to make too.

>> No.5141901

I don't know. The key to poutine is eating it right away, otherwise the fries get soggy. Probably would have to put the gravy on after it comes out of the oven.

>> No.5141996

Brother, think outside the box! You could make the entire crust out of like a giant potato pancake.

>> No.5142011

That's quiche, negro.

>> No.5143997
File: 4 KB, 144x144, 42533523434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what where their topping on?

>> No.5144552

I thought I was the only one. I love dominos thin crust.