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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 379x337, ramen[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5133094 No.5133094[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ ive been eating nothing but ramen noodles and PB&J's for over a month.

What are some good poor people alternatives to these items for sustenance.

also how bad is it to have this kind of diet?

>> No.5133098
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x3400, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this last night. already changed my life.

>> No.5133106


you think if i could afford eggs and fresh veggies i would be eating fucking ramen?

im dirt poor son,



>> No.5133125

>has internet and computer

>> No.5133133


yea i have a shitty 4:3 laptop from 10 years ago, also its 2014 and you need a computer to survive in the job force.

i am also getting about 0.5mb/s stealing my neighbors wifi.

any other questions you fuck

>> No.5133154

Are you able to afford potatoes? If so, you could cook them in a lot of ways. There should also be some other vegetables and roots that are available at low prices, but it might depend on where you live.

>> No.5133156

eat a dog you ungrateful shit

>> No.5133198


the fuck do i want "roots" for?

why dont i just go chew on the tree in my yard also.

>> No.5133205
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>> No.5133229

don't waste your money on jelly, it's nutritionally moot. use bananas instead.

also pasta is cheaper, healthier and more versatile than ramen.

1 pack of ramen:
>20 cents

1 box of pasta:
>1 dollar


you get 425g of food (counting the salt packet...which is nutritionally moot) for $1 with ramen, and 454g of food for $1 with pasta. i've seen the same amount of pasta for less, too, depends where you look.

canned tomatos are pretty cheap (cheapest i've seen is 50 cents a can, that's usually 454g of food) and a quick and easy way to make plain pasta more appetizing.

salt and pepper, ketchup, mustard, mayo, relish, hot sauce and more are free if you're willing to scavenge convenience stores (don't keep going back to the same one though or they'll get pissed off) or deli departments of grocery stores.

rice is very affordable, versatile, and easy to cook.

also, you might want to try the food bank.

>> No.5133236

It's 75¢/lb at Aldi. 2lb box of pasta for $1.49. Om nom nom.

>> No.5133238


thanks for all of this anon. but i dont have a stove. just a microwave.

also are you saying that I should make peanut butter and banana sandwiches?

>> No.5133246


Yeah, well I could buy a bottle of oil (48oz) for 1.99 and that's about 12,000 calories or .18 cents a day to meet my daily recommended calories, beat that with your box of pasta and canned bullshit.

>> No.5133264


really?? how come you don't have a stove? you said you had a job, so how are you living like this? even my shittiest apartment had a stove.

and yes, yes i am.


calories aren't everything. you need carbohydrates and need to actually feel full to function properly...

>> No.5133273


im living in a communal shit hole where the stove is broken

only place i can afford rent with my current pay

>america 2014, fuck this gay earth

>> No.5133279


alright, buy a 5lb bag of sugar for .99 it's like 8800 calories and pure carbs...that's only like 23 cents a day. I guess you could do half oil and half sugar for a balance diet for around 21 cents a day.

>> No.5133294


man, that sucks. hope things look up for you soon.

have you tried looking into homeless shelters, though? they provide hot meals and you could save up some money for a while.


yeah... try that for a year and come back and tell us how you feel.

>> No.5133300

> leaving the home before you're ready
> blame your shortcomings on some nebulous entity you attach the name America to
Yeah, I'm sure it's the country's fault you live in a shithole

>> No.5133306


Dude, you'd be totally fine if you just added in some modified, enriched rice with the sugar and oil...but not that expensive Uncle tom's shit I mean the expired Chinese stuff at the dollar store. Also, you're really blowing the budget with all these health concerns.

>> No.5133308


wow, you haven't even met the person and you already know his situation! amazing.

>> No.5133310


leaving what home faggot? ive been on my own since i was 15. not by choice.

its people like you who keep the powers that be on top.

>> No.5133314

>Assuming everyone has a home to leave.
>Assuming massive debt for perfectly reasonable things like health issues or sudden death is not real.

>> No.5133320

dry beans and rice. There is a reason the rest of this poor planet eats it, cheaper than dog shit. easy to prep. better nutrients than your fucking ramen

>> No.5133326


>people don't believe it is, like it be but, it do

get over it.

>> No.5133330


the fuck language is that quote in

>> No.5133343
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>> No.5133399
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Where I live, a jar of Jelly is about 3.50$
A bunch of bananas is 0.69$.
Assuming you would use 1 banana a sandwich, about 5 to a bunch, it would cost you 4.14$ for a month of one sandwich per day. If you use a jar of jelly a month, this is nutritionally superior and hardly more expensive.

Go to immigrunt stores and look at their produce. Cabbage and onions are cheap, limes and lemons 3/1$ and some stores bag up some of the less fresh/attractive specimens and sell them at "clearance price". These stores also sell offal and other less expensive meats. Also, hey,cheap good ramen while you're there.

>> No.5133423

Now this is a good thread. No stove,cheap ass food.
Banana and peanut butter sandwich, to start.

>> No.5133480


and to finish?

>> No.5133515

Just drink bleach, OP.

>> No.5133519


nigger fuck you nigger, fuck you nigger

>> No.5133532


You can dress up ramen with some spinach, just put the wet spinach in a hot pan and stir it down when you're @2:45 of ramen cooking time. Boom. Gourment variation. Spinach is cheap.

>> No.5133538
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>wet spinach

so appetizing when you put it this way.

>> No.5133546

>Not putting wet spinach in the same category as caviar and oysters
doode... mætjes.

>> No.5133558


Does that make you feel better about being human trash?

>> No.5133563


im posting ironically (or at least thats what i tell myself)


>> No.5133604

I just bought a 10 pounds of rice for like 5 bucks. Cheaper and better than ramen.

>> No.5133614
File: 283 KB, 1600x1067, quesadilla1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy some cheap flour tortillas, some cheese. make cheese quesadillas....cheap and tasty, especially if you have some salsa, hot sauce, or even leftover taco bell sauce laying around.

>> No.5133648



Definitely potatoes or pasta. Microwave them till steaming and u can put your knife through it without resistance, can serve it with pretty much any filling.

>> No.5133651

Refried beans
Spinach or lettuce
Cheese (if you have it)
Hot sauce (if you have it)

>> No.5135854

OP.. ive been in the same situation for a long time... How stable a person are you? Probably not much as it comes with the territory, lack of patience hope etc. Most whole foods will drive you fucking insane and be more trouble than theyre worth.. Try living off rice and lentils, you cant do much with them for cheap, just salt.. you will want to rip your head off, it literally will depress you and give you more problems.. Most advice givers here dont consider this shit.. Here is some satisfying cheap shit that i adapted towrds:
Ramen (it isnt that bad for you)
Potatoes seasoned with cheap margerine and salt
bulk popcvorn kernels in a popcorn popper
peanut butter
all that stuff is actually not bad at all nutritionally, esp if you arent eating much of it. And if youre poor as you claim and care that much about nutrition, something is wrong.. you have worse things to worry about. You arent going to get diabetes before a mange lifestyle ruins you. Its not like strictly rice and beans is going to be much different.
You can take a multi vitamin

Yeah they are depraved, impoverished, in turmoil and agony.. they are not just some frugal content assholes casually enjoying nothing but rice and beans. Reminds me of the CLUELESS flamer i saw on out that said being homeless was like camping.. he had never seen 10 minutes of homelessness and was probably 10.

>> No.5137034

I've been fairly strapped for cash before, perhaps not as much as OP. My go to meal bases were pasta and potatoes. Pasta with some oil/butter and cheap garlic powder and salt is better than ramen to me. Eggs are usually the cheapest protein that you can get. Dumpster diving may be worth looking into for you, OP, if there aren't any discount grocers nearby. Pasta doesn't really go bad unless it's infested, eggs are good practically forever, and bruised greens are usually OK on the inside.

>> No.5137038

Also, OP, could you qualify for SNAP? You sound like you could pretty easily.

>> No.5137130

Buy a 50lb bag of rice, and a gallon of hot sauce. Shouldn't cost more than $25, and will last you quite a while. Also, you can probably find a hot plate/electric skillet/electric stove for a dollar or two at a thrift store.