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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 365 KB, 2000x1333, dinner91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5128646 No.5128646[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

dinner /ck/ you?

>> No.5128672

What sort of dressing is that?

>> No.5128675

balsamico is my gues

>> No.5128692

yeah prolly that, at least the consistency seems to be that of vinegar

>> No.5128722

yeh its a balsamic/evoo dressing with finely chopped anchovies, crushed garlic, and 1/2 tsp of sugar.

>> No.5128724


homemade burritos shit was cash, dick is still hard from the pleasure

>> No.5128733
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There was also a green salad after this (mixed greens with vinaigrette). Oh, and that's Bercy butter on the steak. The rest is self explanitory.

>> No.5128743

> balsamico
eeeeyyy luigii go fuck yourselfo spaghettio carbonare you pretentious prick.

>> No.5128922

Where's that chipped shun knife?
Why isn't it fixed yet?

>> No.5128949
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>no sauce or ketchup on fries or steak

enjoy that dry piece of shit

>> No.5128966

Meat plus tofu? why?

>> No.5128974

Because tofu doesn't only exist to be a meat substitute.

>> No.5129006

i do enjoy fries without any kind of sauce. also without salt.

>> No.5129016
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>this casual
>never heard of mapo tofu

>> No.5129024

Ha ha. The best tofu dishes have meat in them. It's only in the West where tofu is considered a meat "substitute".

>> No.5129026

>It's only in the West where tofu is considered a meat "substitute"
Yeah, because there aren't any vegetarian Buddhists in Asia.

>> No.5129077
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what happened to this knife?

>> No.5129083

Hold on, isn't this just some type of sheep/goat cheese?
Looks like a greek salad to me

>> No.5129088

Unless OP is totally mental it's cheese.

>> No.5129107

You're a disgusting faggot.
Those fries didn't need any fucking ketchup, there were plenty of meat juices (which mingled with the Bercy butter) if I had wanted to dip the fries in something. And the mere mention of putting fucking ketchup on that juicy, delicious steak makes me want to give you a fucking smack down. Piss the fuck off.

>> No.5129121

There are, but tofu is just another ingredient like a vegetable, and often cooked with meats because of it's flavour absorbent properties. Yes soy products are used for meat substitutes but tofu itself is not viewed in the 'for vegetarians only' sort of way.

>> No.5129123

He probably meant sauce with the steak and ketchup with the fries.

>> No.5129138
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Either way, they needed neither.

>> No.5129212
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Chicken with mustard honey dipping sauce and salad. I eat big portions which is why I'm fat.

>> No.5129225

That salad looks delicious.

I would eat/10 pretty much every dinner posted so far.

>> No.5129227

I had a few slices of a Caprese pizza yesterday. Today, leftovers.

>> No.5129239

You're just bitter because your liberal guards don't give you any ketchup on your filet mignon prison food.

Crinkly chips. You are a man of class and integrity. I salute you, fine sir.

>> No.5129240
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>i'm fat
>big portions
who cares?
your food looks great enjoy your life m8

>> No.5129250

Thank you, kind sir. If only I had a wife and children for whom to cook my life would be complete.

>> No.5129266

But you have us

[sentimental-track plays followed by Jerry springer clapping]

>> No.5129274
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food > people
Well im ripped and go to the gym 4 times a week
have a wife ,no kids though
but I still hate people
food wins sorry

>> No.5129290

That's why I give myself a reality check every now and then. Most likely my wife would be complaining about my obsession with food, go on a diet to spite me and she'd spoil my kids, who would become picky eaters.

>> No.5129404

The food people cook on /ck/ is so.. uninspiring. ;__;
Everything doesn't have to be meat and potatoes.

I am not mad
I am just sad
that the food you eat
is only uninspiring meat

>> No.5129429

Just a sandwich, a cheese sandwich and cooked meat and a hot egg and a crescent of crisps and a side clump of cress

>> No.5129435

Well what would you like to see?

>> No.5129440
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>pack of ramen
>some sprite:zero
>mfw lurking this board for 4 years now and still don't know the first step to learning how to cook

>> No.5129447

Everyone likes a good steak now and then. That doesn't mean it's all we eat.

>> No.5129455
File: 1.14 MB, 250x188, wiggawiggawaaaah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good sir, that's why dating is a thing. You learn about a person by dating them, if they're marriage material you put a ring on it, if not then treat them like a respectable human being and dump them softly and do your best to remain friends. Mature people stuff. Emotionally stable people stuff.

>> No.5129461

Yes, I am too much of an island, an island with tasty food, but an island all the same.

>> No.5129471


Something that isn't just meat and potatoes accompanied by peas and gravy. Don't get me wrong, I like that kind of cooking, but even that, you can spice up.

Instead of baking potatoes, take potatoes, carrots and parsnip, cut it into 3x3 mm thick an 5 cm long rods, fry in oil and butter, season with sesame seeds and salt, make a pure out of the peas or something, and cook the steak to perfection, slice it up thinly, brush it lightly with shoyu (japanese soy sauce) mixed with ginger and chili. < I just made that up, I have no idea if it would taste good, but it's what I want to see on this board.

Just imagine something, experiment with ingredients, mix different cuisines. Take a traditional American dish and cook it in a French way with French seasoning or something. Like what I mentioned above, I sort of described a Swedish everyday staple, and thought what if I wanted to make this more "classy" in a japanese way.

>> No.5129478


Me too! I LOVE MEAT. But just.. store bought fries and a steak?

>> No.5129499

Did you even read the OP? It's a "dinner, /ck/, you?" thread. Not a recipe thread. People are supposed to post what they had for dinner. No everyone has time or inclination to come with something magical every night. I post recipe threads occasionally on here, and when I do, it's for something unusual or interesting, but I don't make food like that every single day. /ck/ isn't a foodgawker blog, it's just people talking about food in different ways. Perhaps you are on the wrong site for what you are looking for.

>> No.5129506


yo, isn't /ck/ under the "creative" part of 4chan? i'd say that implies that one could expect a certain level of creativity on the board.

i get your point, but i get the other dudes as well

>> No.5129526

If we could only post threads on here that involved creative, well made recipes, there would be no one here but a small handful of people, and it would without a doubt be the slowest board ever created.

>> No.5129528


the most zen board ever ^^

>> No.5129530
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Making awesome roast potatoes is better than making soggy fried starchy vegetables. Peas are never better when whole. A steak is only cut up in restaurants that value presentation over flavour. I don't do japanese food and if you want that kind stuff on the board I suggest you contribute it yourself.

>> No.5129533

There would be no reason for it to exist.

>> No.5129633

I bet if you reach out to someone, no matter how scary it is, and offer to share your great cooking skills with them they'd openly accept you.

If you're afraid of doing so because of judgement and self consciousness how are you going to get any better at socializing or dating? You have to tackle it like a project, you know? When you "screw up" or feel awkward asses the situation and modify your behavior until it stops being awkward.

You seem like a really nice person and I want badly for you to succeed.

>> No.5129690

Why, thank you.

>> No.5129703

please, just please, cook the fucking bistec!!!! You Dirty E-Coli Motherfucker

>> No.5130176
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I sent the Shun to Japan for replacement. They said it's delayed because the factory shuts down over the new year period. Should get it back soon.

Agreed. But then, a good steak and salad is nice every once in awhile. And I did get creative with the salad, adding diced dill pickles, pickled onion, pepperoncini, anchovie, rocket.

>> No.5130493
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/ck/, I'm having a hard time choosing what to eat tonight (and none of it is healthy fyi):
>Chili Mac (chili + noodles)
>Microwave Pizza
>Microwave Curry
I don't want to leave my house tonight (too cold and I just took a shower) and this is basically all I have left.

>> No.5130521

put chili mac or curry on pizza and post pics and review

>> No.5130525

stupid pleb detected

>> No.5130534
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If I had no sense of dignity I might (but I bet the curry and chili might mix well together).

I think I'll do chili tonight since it's so cold out. Nice weather for some warm chili.

>> No.5130604

Boiled some black eye peas, added two cans (yes canned) white corn, and frozen chopped collards. Simmered until greens were tender. Added about 12 oz diced ham (frozen since Christmas dinner),some texas pete. Simmered an hour more until liquid reduced. Enjoying with some dark bread and butter, and a few beers (ok 4). not bad.

>> No.5130629

Some kinda crappy store bought gnocchi with some localish fra diavolo sauce that is actually pretty good.

Been snacking on some salami as well. I was pretty tired today and didn't want to put any effort into cooking tonight.

>> No.5130648
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Very simple, utilitarian meal. Some raw kale, toast, and fried lean ground beef and mushrooms.

>> No.5130652

raw kale?

You got balls buddy. I like raw veggies but kale, nah. I do live it because it holds up so well and still feels robust even when cooked. I made some curried yellow peas and lentils with kale and red pepper. The kale still holds up. It's great for adding texture to stuff like that.

>> No.5130658
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Not dinner, bit I also had this disgusting thing earlier today. Porridge with rolled oats, chocolate soy milk, bananas, and almonds.

Just start already. I've only been at it for two or three weeks, much easier than I thought it'd be.

Sounds good, might try it out some time. Thanks anon.

>> No.5130667

My first thought, but I hesitated to provoke a shitstorm on a nice thread. I like meat and I like tofu.I guess it's ok. No worse than steak and sliced tomatoes with sliced mozzarella. Just would not occur/appeal to me. Like a baked potato topped with pasta.But then, I dislike bacon on burgers. WHAT !!!? BLASPHEMY! Prepare the fires to burn this heretic!

>> No.5130669
File: 2.24 MB, 3264x2448, 2014-01-23 18.07.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this and some fettucini

should have eaten some vegetables too but eh

>> No.5130680

Why would you do your best to stay friends if you don't like the person? You're bot forced to be friends with every woman you meet

>> No.5130687
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آب گوشت

Iranian stew of meat chunks, beans, potatoes, and tomatoes and/or their juice.

Sometimes served mashed, which is how my family eats it. very comforting

Pic related is how we eat it. The stock is drained and served along side the mashed solids

>> No.5130716
File: 667 KB, 1920x1080, Dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me: Fish finger sarnies with cheese and ketchup.
Watching an old Law & Order: CI epsiode and had lemon flavoured greek yoghurt for pudds.

>> No.5130727

>Just start already. I've only been at it for two or three weeks, much easier than I thought it'd be.

not him but I want to learn as well. Why is there no sticky here?

>> No.5130749

>Why is there no sticky here?

because stickies shit up the board

>> No.5130752
File: 6 KB, 262x93, Capture11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easy to learn how to cooks: just Google a recipe you want to make.

However, I think a sticky that provides a guide to what to have in your kitchen, good websites to follow, good starter's cookbooks, etc. would be a good addition to this board.

If you're interested, anon, here are some cooking related sites I keep in my RSS reader.

>> No.5130754

thanks anon. I'm trying to eat healthy and starting with boneless chicken breast. I have no oven or stove. Just a fairly large hotplate stove thing my roomate has.

>> No.5130761

Also I'd appreciate it if you guys could recommend some more stuff to add in my feed.

That's good! Learning to cook gives you a much greater degree of control over your diet, making it much easier to eat healthy. Pretty much why I started learning to cook too.

>> No.5130773

I don't have a picture, but it didn't look special anyway.
A hotpot of minced beef with onions, carrots, mushrooms and beans, topped with thinly sliced potato and roasted.
Pretty delicious, and enough food for three day's dinners.

>> No.5130777

Take mine.

>> No.5130792
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You guys, if you want to learn how to cook, then just watch the big channels on Youtube like Chef John or the episodes of Good Eats by Alton Brown. Gordon Ramsey also has some cooking vids on Youtube.

The first thing you should start with is teaching yourself to make a good sauce from some roux. A good sauce can make even the most bland of foods taste awesome.

>> No.5130799

>no ketchup on the fries that look RAW

just awful

>> No.5130808

Beer-battered Scottish-style fish and ships, cole slaw, pickled beets and fried mushrooms, a bottle of Sam Adams Winter Lager, and a slice of pumpkin cheesecake.

>> No.5130906

I made a stir-fry with firm tofu, celery, mushrooms, and green onions. I've only done a handful of stir-fries before so I made a lazy sauce out of Sriracha, soy sauce, and garlic, and fried it in a very small amount of sesame oil.

>> No.5130927

at least massage the kale with some kosher salt, man

>> No.5130929

Currently waiting on my stew to thicken. Venison stew over rice with fresh bread.

I'll post a pic when its done

>> No.5130940
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Chickpea pancakes, cheese inside.

>> No.5130941

I made a stew with 1/2 bag of 15 bean mix, slow cooked first for two hours, water discarded, 1 can of chicken broth, 1 can of whole tomatoes with juice, 12" of beef ribs, 3 crushed garlic cloves, 5 whole peppercorns, 2 tsp parsley, 1.5 tsp thyme, chopped small onion and 2 celery chopped, slow cooked another 4 hours, added a bit of rice vinegar and salt near the end, for taste. Shredded the meat and discarded the bones.
Made with it, first time making dinner rolls. I have a bread machine so the hard part was done for me. I thought they were nice and fluffy but could have been a little more salty and sweet.

>> No.5130973

No pics but I boiled a chicken breast with a blend of taco spices for an hour, shredded it, and mixed it with lentils and sharp cheddar nd more taco seasoning, drizzled with jalapeno hot sauce, and put it on a soft tortilla for a mediocre taco.

Reduced the broth down to 1.5 cups and will make soup or something out of it tomorrow.

>> No.5131001

>for a mediocre taco.

No shit it was.

Next time, forget the boiling. Pan fry the chicken breast. High heat at first, about 2 min on each side to brown it. Then lower the heat to cook through (or finish in the oven). Browning = maillard reactions = flavor. You don't get that when you boil meat. Slice it up with a knife before putting it in the taco.

>>Reduced the broth down to 1.5 cups and will make soup or something out of it tomorrow.

Hell yes!

>> No.5131022
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Looks like shit and it's hardly enough food to qualify as dinner but whatever. It's got a lot of protein and healthy fats.

Some olive oil, a third of an onion, a can of sardines, four eggs, and parsley. Added to the pan in that order. Next time I'll probably add a little hot sauce.

>> No.5131028
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Made steak, pic related. Disregard the faggot steaks on the right, they wanted them well done.


>> No.5131032
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Had a side of broccoli and bourbon

>> No.5131036
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In the process of cooking. If you're curious it's called Thit Kho

>> No.5133548

Chinese take-put night at work, I think this was supposed to be chow mein....

If I'm not dead in the morning from eating it I also have some rice they gave me.

>> No.5133556
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>> No.5133564
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Minestrone with leftover vegetables, potatoes and some delicious Würschtl. Pretty full now... Haven't opened the mead yet.

>> No.5133824
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Fuckin shiiiiiit

>> No.5133840
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Where you in the "If you are eating, you must post now." thread a few days back?

>> No.5133880

thats prestine man

>> No.5133889
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x2560, 20140122_195727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post my steak dinner last night cause steak seems to be the theme around here

>> No.5133905
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Maybe, but I think I remember you from the "Cabbage wat do" thread

>> No.5133909


I was the one that asked if that was pork sung in that thread.

>> No.5133910

What is this exactly m8?

>> No.5133916

>not posting the inside of the steak
>gray on the outside

nigga pls

>> No.5133917

Oh, I didn't reply because I didn't understand what pork sung is. Just googled it and found out. It is katsuobushi, and I think it is a pretty critical ingredient.


>> No.5133920

Thanks m8